(a) Passover Haggadah (for Christians)
5th digression Afikomen eaten
"he which comes after"
"He Came."
Possibly another translation could be "It is finished", which agrees with "he (or that) which comes after".
We compare:
Jn.19:30 When therefore the Jesus took the sour-wine he-said: It-has-been-and-still-is-finished; and having reclined the head he-gave-over the spirit.
It’s a perfect tense in the Greek and means "It-has-been-and-still-is-finished".
As it is said to represent the Korban Pesach, and is the last item allowed to be eaten at the Passover meal, the Afikomen thus indeed says; "It is finished."
Tetelestai has also been found on ancient receipts to have the meaning " PAID IN FULL".
Note that "He Came" is derived from the Greek word ἐπίκωμον epikomon in the Seder that is transliterated into the Hebrew as "אפיקומן" and into English as "Afikomen". "It is finished" and "Paid in full" are derived from the Greek word
The Afikomen, temporarily hidden in plain sight, is again present and partaken of once more by Israel. Because the Passover sacrifice could be offered only in Jerusalem, something of the mystique of the Passover lamb became attached to the Afikomen. Among Sephardic Jews, when the Afikomen is eaten, they say the words, "In memory of the Passover lamb". The sages tell us that the Afikomen should be the last morsel of food eaten at the Seder and that its taste should linger in our mouths. It was perhaps during this place in the Seder that Yeshua took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying... "This is my body the (one) in-behalf-of YOU; this YOU-be-doing with-reference-to my remembrance."
I Corinthians 11:23
For I myself-took-along from the Lord, what also
I-gave-over to-YOU, that the Lord Jesus in the night in-which
he-was-being-given-over he-took bread
v24 And having-given-thanks
he-broke-(it)-in-pieces and said: This is my body the (one) in-behalf-of YOU;
this YOU-be-doing with-reference-to my remembrance.
v25 In-the-same-way also the cup after tak(ing)-supper,
saying: This cup is the new-quality covenant in my blood; this YOU-be-doing
as-often-as YOU-might-be-drinking, with-reference-to my remembrance.
v26 For as-often-as YOU-might-be-eating this bread and YOU-might-be-drinking
this cup, YOU-are-proclaiming the death of-the Lord, until of-which
Hebrews 10:19
Having therefore brothers, boldness-of-speech with-reference-to the entering-in of-the holy-ones in the blood of-Jesus,v20 Which (entering-in) he-dedicated for-us (a) way recently-slain and living, through the veil, this is his flesh,
Tonight, all over the world Jews are breaking, wrapping & burying, then "raising up" this cherished piece of matza and saying "It is finished." And then they drink the third cup of Passover, the Cup of Redemption. Both portray the Messiah!
This is an amazing thing to participate in!
Ephesians 1:7 In whom we-are-having the redemption-back through his blood, the forgiveness of-the offences according-to the riches of his favor,
9:28: Thus also the
Messiah, once having-been-offered with-reference-to bring(ing)-up sins of-many,
out-of (a) second (time) he-will-be-seen separate-from sin by-the (ones)
waiting-anxiously (for) him with-reference-to salvation.
Just as the "hidden" Afikomen may be seen to depict that Jesus is hidden from Jews at the Passover Seder (Romans 11:8-10), so too the "finding" of the Afikomen represents a future revelation to, repentance of, and salvation for those same Jews:
Zechariah 12:10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplication; and they shall look unto me whom they have pierced; and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his first-born.
Romans 11:26 And thus all Israel will-be-saved, according-as it-has-been-and-still-is-written: The (one) delivering will-be-present out-of Sion, he-will-turn-back impiety from Jacob.
v27 And this (is) the covenant from me to-them, at-the-time-that I-might-remove-for-myself their sins.
Psalm 134:1-3 A Song of Ascents.
Behold, bless ye Jehovah, all ye servants of Jehovah,
That by night stand in the house of Jehovah.
Lift up your hands to the sanctuary, And bless ye Jehovah.
Jehovah bless thee out of Zion; Even he that made heaven and earth.
Related reading, Hebrews chapters 9 & 10.
See more on "tetelestai" at
New classical fragments and other Greek and Latin pp 78, 79 https://archive.org/stream/newclassicalfrag00gren#page/n0/mode/1up
(a) Passover Haggadah (for Christians)
http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Passover-Haggadah-for Christians-Homepage.htm
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