An historical review of Mohammed and Islam, as formerly taught in Universities from the Library of Universal History, by Israel Scott Clare, ©1897, vol.4, p1362   



June 6, 2015


 This is how the history of Mohammed was formerly taught in universities, but this type of accuracy has long since fallen from use.  As common knowledge has been forgotten, or better hidden, I'll place this here for the benefit of those seeking truth.

 vol.4, p1362, pertinent excerpts [with added comments in green brackets]:


Mohammed’s ight from Mecca to Yatreb—which occurred in the summer of A. D. 622—is called the Hegira, and is the point from which the Mohammedans reckon time, as the Christian nations do from the birth of Christ; though this computation was not introduced until some years after the Prophet’s death.

     The Mohammedan era truly begins with the Hegira. Mohammed entered Yatreb in triumph, being enthusiastically welcomed by his followers, who now regarded him as a sovereign, as well as an apostle and prophet. He changed the name of Yatreb to Medinet al Nabi, “The City of the Prophet,” or Medina, “The City,” as it is still called.

    Mohammed’s fortunes now arose, but his character degenerated. He had borne adversity and opposition with sublime faith and patience, but was not able to bear prosperity so well. Previous to that time he had been a prophet and apostle, teaching God’s truth to those who would accept it, and commending himself to every man’s conscience by the manifestation of that truth. He now became a politician—the head of a party, contriving expedients for its success. Hitherto, truth was his only weapon; thenceforth, force constituted his chief means. He no longer sought to convince his antagonists, but endeavored to force their submission by the terror of his power. The tone of his revelations changed, adapting themselves to his necessities; and he claimed inspiration for every action, even for taking an additional wife.

   Thus Mohammed yielded to the temptation which Christ resisted. Up to the Hegira the Prophet of Mecca might also truthfully have said: “My kingdom is not of this world.” But after that date the sword was to serve him as his most faithful servant in building up Islam. His ends were the same as before. His object was still to establish the worship of the one true and living God. But his means thereafter were of the earth, earthy. He no longer contented himself with the arts of persuasion, but assumed a tone of command. He declared that the period of long suffering and patience was past, and that his mission and that of every Moslem was to propagate the dominion of Islam by the sword. The duty of all Mussulmans was to destroy the temples of the indels, to overthrow the idols, and to pursue the unbelievers to the remotest quarters of the world.

      Said Mohammed: “The sword is the key of heaven and of hell. A drop of blood shed in the cause of Allah, a night spent in arms, is of more avail than two months of fasting and prayer. Whoever dies in battle, his sins are forgiven.” This promise, with the assurance that every man’s death is decreed (p.1363→) by Fate, made the Moslems boldly face death in battle. They were assured that no man could die until the appointed moment. Until that moment arrived, he was safe from the enemy’s darts; but when it did arrive, he would drop dead in his own house or expire in his bed, if not on the battle-field. It is no wonder that under such teaching the soldiers of Islam have ever been distinguished for their reckless bravery.

Mohammed did not only promise the glories of Paradise as the reward of the valor of his followers, but the riches of this world were also to be divided among them. Thus the new religion attracted the wandering Bedouins of the Arabian desert, not so much from the sublime dogma which it inculcated of the unity and spirituality of God, as from the sanction which it gave to pillage, and the rights it conferred on the conquerors over the wealth, women and slaves of the conquered.

[and this doctrine continues today, especially evidenced by Islamic State soldiers' rape and sex trafficking crimes.]

.  .  .

Islam promised to be a noble religion when Mohammed started out in his career. He accepted all the essential truths of Judaism. He recognized Moses and Jesus as true teachers. He taught that there was one universal religion, the substance of which was faith in one universal Supreme Being, submission to His will, trust in His providence, and good-will to His creatures. The only worship which God required were prayer and alms.

Mohammed, who had exhibited such great qualities as a prophet and a religious teacher, now also displayed the characteristics of the warrior and the statesman. He had finally obtained a position at Medina whence he was able to act on the Arabs with other forces than those of eloquence and sentiment. And now the man who for forty years had been a simple citizen and led a quiet family life-—-who for thirteen years afterward had been a despised and persecuted but patient teacher of the Unity of God -—passed the last ten years of his wonderful career in raising and organizing a fanatical army of warriors, destined to conquer half the civilized world. The simple, earnest zeal of the original believers in Islam raised up a power which then took the sword and conquered with it.

[note that the Arabs were originally opposed to Islam and were forced into submission by Mohammed's military.] 

[This "power and authority" suddenly available to Mohammed agrees with the above historical observation: " Thus Mohammed yielded to the temptation which Christ resisted." This refers to the temptations of Christ by Satan, where Satan offered Christ the authority over the "total-inhabited-earth".  A point to consider here is that Satan had and has this authority over the "total-inhabited-earth", but that is limited in scripture to the Roman Empire territory of the time. Satan, and Islam, do not have this authority over the United States, or other areas outside the ancient Roman Empire.  Therefore, we may kick their ass on our turf, with God's help.  However, the USA is not currently seeking God's help.]

Mohammedanism was a powerful religious movement founded on the sincerest con-(p.1364→)viction, but gradually turned aside, and used for ambitious objects and temporal triumphs. Mohammed himself led the way in thus diverting his religion from divine objects to purely human ones. He is perhaps the greatest illustration of the vast multitude of noble souls who have sought high ends by low means. Mohammed, who had hitherto always been so kind-hearted and affectionate, was now capable of the greatest cruelty toward those who resisted his purpose. This tendency manifested itself in his treatment of the Jews. He hoped to form an alliance with them against the idolators. He had acknowledged the divine authority of the Jewish religion, and appealed to the Hebrew Scriptures to prove the truth of his own mission. He conformed to the Jewish ritual and customs, and made Jerusalem his Kibla, toward which he turned in prayer five times a day. He therefore expected that the Jews would receive him as a prophet, but they refused to do so. He then gradually departed from their customs, changed his Kibla to Mecca, and finally denounced the Jews as obstinate unbelievers. . . .

 (p.1365→)The Jews became special objects of his enmity. A Jewess who had written verses against Mohammed was assassinated by a Moslem, and the Prophet praised the murderer for the deed in the public mosque. Another aged Jew was murdered by order of Mohammed for the same offense. A quarrel between some Jews and Moslems induced Mohammed to attack the Jewish tribe.   ...

All these facts are derived from contemporaneous Mussulman [Muslim] historians, who glorify their Prophet for these acts. The worst of this class of actions on the part of Mohammed was the deliberate execution of seven or eight hundred Jewish prisoners, who had surrendered at discretion, and the sale of their wives and children into slavery. Mohammed selected the most beautiful one of these women for his concubine. About this time Mohammed began multiplying wives and receiving revelations permitting him to do so beyond the usual limit of his law. He added one after another to his harem, until he had ten wives, besides his slaves. He made presents of three beautiful female slaves taken in war, one to his father-in-law, and one to each of his two sons-in-law. ...

Mohammed rapidly became the most powerful prince in Arabia. His followers accepted his words as the inspired oracles of God. They had such veneration for him that a hair which fell from his head, and the water in which he had washed, were preserved in the belief that they contained some divine virtue. The faith of his followers was confirmed by the revelations which he professed to receive from Allah, through the medium of the archangel Gabriel, and which he communicated orally to those around him.

 (p.1366→) In the meantime Mohammed continued his hostilities against the Jews and the neighboring Arab tribes. At the capture of the fortress of Khaibar, a Jewess placed a poisoned shoulder of mutton upon his table to test his claims as God's Apostle. Mohammed ate only a mouthful, but this was sufficient to plant the seeds of a fatal disease in his constitution. [finally, Mohammed concocts a reason to bellyache about the Jews!] Every moment added to the numbers of the Moslem sect. Ten thousand Bedouin Arabs joined Mohammed’s army, and the opening of the gates of Mecca to the Prophet and his followers was the final consummation of the triumph of Islam. In A. D. 629 Abu Sofian surrendered the keys of the holy city of Arabia to Mohammed, who made his tri- umphal entrance with unparalleled magnifi- cence. He did homage to the national faith by worshiping in the Kaaba; and his presence produced such an effect that many of his former enemies, the chief guardian of the idolatrous sanctuary among them, de- clared themselves his disciples. [note: the Meccan idolaters "converted" to Islam when they saw Mohammed worshipping their pagan god. Mohammed is clearly seen here as an idolater.]

...The Kaaba was purified by Mohammed's orders; all traces of idolatry being removed from this national sanctuary, except the celebrated Black Stone, an acrolite venerated by the Arabs from an unknown age, the reverence for which was so deeply fixed in their hearts that it was not easily eradicated. The Meccans embraced Islam, and a perpetual law prohibited any unbeliever from entering the holy city. Ambassadors now flocked from all sides to congratulate the new temporal and spiritual ruler. For the few remaining years of his life Mohammed may be considered the ruling sovereign of Arabia, and three years after the submission of Mecca he effected the complete subjugation of the entire desert peninsula.

[note: just as Constantine "converted" pagans to Christianity, and so the popes also do as pontifex maximus, Mohammed likewise "converted" the idolaters to Islam, i.e. in name only. And thus both Roman Catholicism and Islam remain as idolatry today. The Muslims still worship this black stone today.]

[See Discourse 8, p20 and map on p20a, for God's promise to Abraham and Isaac (not Ishmael, Genesis35:9-12) and read the Genesis Apocryphon (of the Dead Sea Scrolls) to learn about Abram's walk around the land given to him by God, which includes the entire Saudi Arabian Peninsula.]

 (p.1367→)Various arrangements were made to consolidate the strength of the infant monarchy. Officers were appointed to collect the ecclesiastical revenues, and the opprobrious name of tribute was exchanged for that of alms, or oblalion, for the service of religion. Mohammed assumed great state in his household. His camp included all his wives, who rode on camels and were inclosed within pavilions of embroidered silk. He was followed by a vast number of victims for sacrifice, crowned with garlands of flowers. Every spot where he halted and said his prayers became consecrated; and the manner in which he conducted the various religious rites, from cutting his hair and nails to the solemn act of casting stones at the devil, is still faithfully followed by the Moslems.

[note: This explains what is happening in all the videos today's Islamic State publishes:  The victims of today's Islamic beheadings are being offered as sacrifices to the pagan god Allah, just as Mohammed did. Islam is Satanic.]

Mohammed was now in the sixty-third year of his age. His physical vigor had perceptibly declined during four years; but he still performed the duties of a king, a general and an apostle. Finally he was seized with a fever, attended by occasional delirium. Finding his condition critical, he caused himself to be conveyed to the mansion of his favorite wife, Ayesha. He expressed to her his belief that his disease had its origin in the poisoned mutton set before him by the Jewess at Khaibar. [note: Mohammed died belly-aching about the Jews.]

To be continued...



Other helpful links:

Muslims take note: JESUS CAN SAVE YOU

Muhammad, Satan, and Muhammad’s Prophetic Call




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