T h e    C o t o p a x i a n  


Cotopaxi, Colorado. At the foot of the Blood of Christ (Sangre de Cristo) Mountains.

Panoramic photograph of Cotopaxi Colorado  -  c1904

Note: this photo was taken from "Orilee's hill" - from the north looking south...

A News Scroll


links I like

accompanied by: green gleans


have a ton of updates to post since july '21, The people that have ears to hear have likely already heard.

1Cor.13:8 "or knowledge, it shall be rendered inactive"


[scroll down for "News?" or click for CURRENT EVENTS]


Coronavirus page


2020 Election & Voter Fraud page


Vaccine Info page


 Democrat/NWO attack on Second Amendment Rights





There is nothing new under the sun.  Everything is Vanity.  Ecclesiastes 1:2,9

But then, graciously, we read "A greater than Solomon is here" (Matthew 12:42), in reference to Jesus Christ.

may you live in interesting times 

Old scrolls

2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

Frequently Asked Questions (and Answers) about Linking


Last update:  04/15/2024 07:41 PM

World Clock

Older links may be dead.  That's how things go.

Local News Commentary Intermission Cotopaxi Weather Things You Should Know

Cotopaxi History Page - with photo gallery


First things First


The 2024 Passover begins at sunset on Monday, April 22.

Again this year, 2024, for our Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and all Jewish friends I am inserting at the beginning of our Haggadah something old for them to read anew as they search out Scriptural Gems hidden from them by Rabbinical Judaism: Isaiah 53, with Isaiah 6:5. There's been no physical Temple or Sanctuary since 70 A.D. Talmud @Yoma tells us that for 40 years before the Temple's destruction, that little crimson strap didn't turn white, showing that the period sacrifices were ineffectual. Thus since 70 A.D. till today there is no more temple sacrifice, no thus more forgiveness of sin via the Mosaic Covenant and Levitical priesthood as prescribed by the Torah. So what happened around 30A.D. (70-40=30) at Passover? The crucifixion of Yeshua! And over 500 witnesses in the New Testament/Brit Chadashah writings (apparently all Jewish writers, by the way) still testify that he stood again out of the dead. And the Messiah Yeshua is readily seen through the Hebrew Scriptures if you are sincerely looking...may we all have clear vision!


Passover Homepage/Preface/Index:


(a) Passover Haggadah  2024 (for Christians) Homepage 



with some digressions...



 (a) Passover Haggadah 2024 (for Christians) printer friendly version  (PDF - 7 mb)


last edits April 15, 2024



 Hopefully this Haggadah does not encourage anyone trusting in Jesus to attempt to go back under the Sinai covenant/law.  A lot of "Messianics" and/or Christians get confused, and worry about their "place".  Isaiah 56 tells us that God brings foreigners to His Holy Mountain ALSO (rephrased: YHVH - Jehovah brings Gentiles with Him.  This is hopeful!   YHVH brings Gentiles with Him!   God says he WILL set Israel above all nations (Deut.28:1-2).  So we see that the nations that call on YHVH have a future supporting (*underneath) role towards Israel.  This is also hopeful.

*We keep in mind "to the Jew first, and to the Greek" and Jesus' explanations of the greatest and the least (Matt. 5:19; Mark 9:34,35; Mark 10:42-25).


We have dropped the egg, and should perhaps drop the shankbone, although the shankbone remains a good teaching witness to our Jewish brothers.  We are keeping in mind that in Messiah Jesus charity/love has primacy, and that one of the purposes of Gentile Christians is to witness to Jews about their Messiah Yeshua. 


 some may wish to incorporate a few blessings from our Shabbat Sidur. The discussion therein regarding the Bread and Wine should provide helpful background to understanding them in the Passover Seder...

Jesus broke bread, but he likely didn't light ceremonial candles...

edits will continue..


Church History: How Passover became Easter (short version) new!



NEW LINK! Sept 29, 2020 

A Consistent Translation

By Ralph Holmes Mount


Introduction and Preface to A Consistent Translation


Introduction to The Teaching Dictionary (Sept 13)





Index of available teachings by Ralph Holmes Mount  NEW ADDITIONS






a bible notes page

Torah | Torah

(this page touches details of that which is the background of all "news")

The overtone here: Hear! (Sh'ma) "Messianic Hebrew Rooters"


  Weekly portion/Parashat  index page

There is nothing new under the sun. 

Image from near the Purgatory River, southern Colorado;  petroglyph or hieroglyph that is apparently related to a Semitic Aleph:

↑ This redefines "Native American".


This redefines "Native Chinese"






Try These:





Pamela Geller does important work of tracking Islamic terror:






Before the News Rants:


The Khazarian Lie Of the Nachbah Losers (my daily kvetch) Jan 9, 2016

So then those that claim the Jews are "Khazars", and by this mean to imply they are thus not true Jews, and that the Nation State of Israel is the "synagogue of Satan", these, that say this, then actually define that the "true Jew" MUST then be truly ethnically Jewish, and in that, they rule out the possibility of the scripture referring to a Gentile Christian as the "true Jew". Get that?

One obvious lie is the line of thinking that somehow the "Khazars", meaning the Jews that are labeled as such, have this lineage that has survived, yet also thinks that Jews of another lineage from the same period, from other areas of the Diaspora - say Persian Jews for instance - could not survive into the today day.

The end result of their claim is that there are really no ethnic Jews, and that the Jew's of today are not God's chosen people, and therefore there is no justification for the State of Israel, and in these things they say that God is a liar. This is blasphemy.




"The Kapo Caper"

The Surreal George Soros Movie


What a Beast. Defining: "Not all Israel are Israel".

It is not anti-Semitic to point out the George Soros was a Capo Jew during the Holocaust.

Financial Times names George Soros 'Person of the Year,' (washington times) Dec 20, 2018

This reflects the real anti-Semitism...

not only for his achievements but for “the values he represents”


Here's a good idea:

ICE Should Deport George Soros as a Nazi Collaborator (frontpage) Feb 24, 2020





New: Coronavirus Information Page







There's so much false vaccine hype that I'm making a separate

Vaccine Education Page

last updated 2/23/2020


A timely reminder:
Doctors Are the Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.
Cause 250,000 Deaths Every Year

Just sayin'.

Study Suggests Medical Errors Now Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. (Johns Hopkins Medicine)  Mar 3, 2016
Just sayin'.



Sayin' it again in a reality check context:

According to the CDC, as of April 25, 2019, "The last measles death in the United States occurred in 2015".
source: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/downloads/measlesdataandstatsslideset.pdf

A study by Johns Hopkins Medicine, dated March 3, 2016. states
"Analyzing medical death rate data over an eight-year period, Johns Hopkins patient safety experts have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error in the U.S".
source: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/study_suggests_medical_errors_now_third_leading_cause_of_death_in_the_us

So therefore the FACTS OF THE MATTER are that, measles have CAUSED NO DEATHS in the last three years,

while in the same time period Doctors and nurses have CAUSED MORE THAN 750,000 DEATHS.





As a matter of fact:

* There are only two genders. You are either born with a X and Y (male) or X and X (female). You're biological make up, not opinions, defines gender.

 Israeli Research Reveals that Men Are Men and Women Are Women  (cbn news)  May 13, 2017

 Gender confusion is mental, not physical or biological. God made male and female and no amount of protestation will change the natural created order.

Source article: http://lc.org/PDFs/Attachments2PRsLAs/050917Study_showing_6500_gene_variances_2017_compressed.pdf


* There are mutants.

* Definition of Mutation: a relatively permanent change in hereditary material that involves either a change in chromosome structure or number (as in translocation, deletion, duplication, or polyploidy) or a change in the nucleotide sequence of a gene's codons (as in frameshift or missense errors) and that occurs either in germ cells or in somatic cells but with only those in germ cells being capable of perpetuation by sexual reproduction



* What is a gene mutation and how do mutations occur?



* 46,XX testicular disorder of sex development




Genesis 1: 27 And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Genesis 2:21 And Jehovah God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof: 22 and the rib, which Jehovah God had taken from the man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 23 And the man said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.




The god of this world

Click on photo to open enlargement in new window

Psalm 96:5 LXX For all the gods of the nations are demons [δαιμόνια daimonia, “little-demons”], but The LORD made the heavens.

Work is progressing on a page with more information related to these things...

for now:

So the USA has a statue of George Washington, a copy of and early Zeus statue, which was initially placed in the U.S. Capitol building’s rotunda, which rotunda design was based on Greek Pantheon.  The USA has the Zeus eagle as its national mascot.  And names its military missiles “Nike”, “Titan”, and moon lander “Apollo”. And has a huge stature of the Roman goddess Liberty/Libertas, who, with the Zeus eagles, also appears on the American Gold Eagle gold bullion coin. The world continues to have Olympic Games. The mottos on US money are from ancient pagan prayers to Jupiter and also direct quotes of the Delphic Oracle. And on and on.

I think it is reasonable to question if the USA (1776 & on) was ever a Christian nation.


No worries in this little understood Merciful Truth:  Matthew 17:26b “So in fact, the sons are free.”

Matthew 17:24 But (as) they (were) having-come into Capernaum the-(ones) taking the didrachmas came-near to-the Peter and said, Is YOUR teacher not paying the didrachmas?

v25 He-is-saying, Yea.  And when he-went-in into the house the Jesus went-first-before him saying, What is-it-seeming to-you Simon? The kings of-the earth, from whom are-they-taking taxes or poll-tax?  From their sons, or from the-(ones) belonging-to-another?

v26 The Peter is-saying to-him, From the-(ones) belonging-to-anotherThe Jesus was-stating to-him, So-in-fact the sons are free. (taxation is theft)

v27 But in-order-that we-might not entrap them, having-proceeded into the sea you-cast (a) fishhook, and the first fish having-ascended you-lift-up, and having-opened its mouth you-will-find (a)

stater; *having-taken that you-give to-them instead-of me and you.


(Rendering unto Caesar the things of Caesar: The fish represents the pagan god Dagon. In the world, Taxation is theft, having found the world's money, we ---* having-taken--- it, use it to satisfy the world's demands.

For all things belong to YHWH, God of Abraham, Isaac,& Jacob/Israel. 


* having-taken -this likely isn't (or - is no longer due to today's hard-hearted "Christians") speaking of theft or in similarity to a welfare case in the USA today. On the other hand, it did happen...Jesus and Peter paid their tax from money "belonging to another".  Jesus of course would have had the ability to return lost or stolen money. So that's a bit of an enigma. Our USA money says "Federal Reserve Note" and then they bore the inscription and image of Caesar. Jesus told the "hypocrites" to "give back the things of Caesar to Caesar" (Matt.22:16-21), indicating that money belonged to Caesar. Jesus also told Caesar's agent Pilot that he had no authority that had not been given him from above (Jn.19:11). In other words, all things belong to Jesus/YHVH, the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob/Israel.  Indeed, the sons of the Kingdom of Heaven are free.



It seems few are free in this age, but most are enslaved.

 Not for the love of God, but rather for the love of money.

Money is a strange thing:

Who Prints Money in the United States? (the balance)  Feb 22,  2020

An interesting read between the lines of blah!
....blah blah and blah....
The Fed buys Treasuries and other securities from banks and replaces them with credit. All central banks have this unique ability to create credit out of thin air. That’s just like printing money.
...blah blah blah....
What happens to the dollars? They vanish. In other words, they go back into thin air where the Fed got them in the first place.
...blah blah blah....
The Fed decides how much money gets made.
...blah blah blah....

Article conclusion: "Technically, the Treasury must pay the Fed back one day. Until then, the Fed has given the federal government more money to spend".


Be careful of what you hope on...

See also "Differences Between Capitalism and Socialism" on this page...




God said He would destroy all the nations where Israel has been scattered.

Jeremiah 30:11 "For I am with thee, saith Jehovah, to save thee: for I will make a full end of all the nations whither I have scattered thee, but I will not make a full end of thee; but I will correct thee in measure, and will in no wise leave thee unpunished."


Does that include the USA?

Have Jews been dispersed throughout the USA? 





Of course 5G is bad!
Bees, Butterflies and Wildlife: Research on Electromagnetic Fields and the Environment





2020 News Links


Coronavirus News



Bottom lines:

A manufactured virus & resultant pandemic shuts down the world in six weeks,

paving the way for more woes: eventual replacement digital currency, mandatory vaccines, digital control/tracking.


We've graciously been given a time to reflect on God.

Instead, many are clamoring to get back to the false money-god worship system.


Luke 8:14 But the-(one) having-fallen into the thorn-plants, these-are the-(ones) having-heard and proceeding, they-are-being-thoroughly-choked by anxieties and riches and pleasures of-the means-of-living, and they-are not bringing-to-a-finish.


Change my mind? Ha.


Video: Trump Doublespeak:

Donald Trump announces his Middle East peace plan (youtube)  Jan 28, 2020

17:20 "Jerusalem will remain Israel's undivided capital"
22:19 "this map will more than double the Palestinian territory and provide a Palestinian capital in Eastern Jerusalem where America will proudly open and an Embassy"


And the next thing you know

First Coronavirus Death USA (komo news)  Feb 29, 2020

KING COUNTY, Wash. -- A man in King County is the first to die from the coronavirus in the U.S.

But a later report:

First US coronavirus death was weeks earlier than previously thought — and in a different state  (the blaze)  Apr 22,  2020

What do we know? The Santa Clara County medical examiner's office announced that two people who had COVID-19 died at home, one on Feb. 9 and one on Feb. 17. Previously, the earliest known coronavirus death was reported as Feb. 29 in Kirkland, Washington.

CDC and local data suggests coronavirus was likely in the area back in December.

So about December 2019, I would imagine, Trump got this idea to divide Jerusalem…and then the USA got coronavirus?



What God says about the nations dividing the land of Israel:

Zechariah 2:1 Then I lifted up my eyes and saw a man with a measuring line in his hand.
2 “Where are you going?” I asked. “To measure Jerusalem,” he replied, “and to determine its width and length.”
3 Then the angel who was speaking with me went out, and another angel came out to meet him
4 and said to him, “Run and tell that young man: ‘Jerusalem will be a city without walls because of the multitude of men and livestock within it.
5 For I will be a wall of fire around it, declares the LORD, and I will be the glory within it.’ ”
6 “Get up! Get up! Flee from the land of the north,” declares the LORD, “for I have scattered you like the four winds of heaven,” declares the LORD.
7 “Get up, O Zion! Escape, you who dwell with the Daughter of Babylon!”
8 For this is what the LORD of Hosts says: “After His Glory has sent Me against the nations that have plundered you—for whoever touches you touches the apple of His eye—
9 I will surely wave My hand over them, so that they will become plunder for their own servants. Then you will know that the LORD of Hosts has sent Me.”
10 “Shout for joy and be glad, O Daughter of Zion, for I am coming to dwell among you,” declares the LORD.

11“On that day many nations will join themselves to the LORD, and they will become My people. I will dwell among you, and you will know that the LORD of Hosts has sent Me to you.
12 And the LORD will take possession of Judah as His portion in the Holy Land, and He will once again choose Jerusalem.

13 Be silent before the LORD, all people, for He has roused Himself from His holy dwelling.”

Joel 3:2 I will gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will execute judgment upon them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations: and they have parted my land,

The key statement that we want to examine in Romans 13:1 is “no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.”





Don't  take  this  wrong, Trump has, in a sense, been a welcome reprieve.

But he's not the Messiah. And neither was Obama.

And Biden? That's elder abuse.



Elections 2020


In June, Trump said “The elections are Rigged,” then what?  (geller report)  Dec 8,  2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 22, 2020

Question 1: why did Trump say that? What was his goal?
Question 2: what could he do to prevent this fraud from happening, or if he couldn’t prevent it from happening?
Question 3: This is where I don’t want to go because it’s pure speculation, and I am not in the speculation business, but you can: what did he do?




Will They Really Get Away With It?  (gatestone)  Oct 27,  2020

No, no one "gets away" with anything:

2 Corinthians 5:10 "For it-is-essential the us all to-be-manifested in-front of-the rostrum of-the Messiah, in-order-that each-one  might-obtain-for-himself the-things through the body toward what-things he-practised.  whether good or worthless".



There are possibly other men/candidates of better character:





However, President Trump has enough good going for him to deserve a second term.

Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVyP4qeJAmM


Another example of a good reason to vote for Trump:
Trump endorses permanent daylight saving time (iheart.com) Mar 12, 2019
Good idea for North America.
People get up early in the morning, ever running 5 minutes late, go to work/school, don't spend a lot of time/energy heating & lighting their house.
Longer light in the evenings equates to less lighting/heating/energy use when folks are home.



The best example: Trump's nomination of at least potentially conservative/constitutionalist leaning judges.


Going against the grain, my dad voted for Perot in the early '90s.

Now many of the same grain are pleased as punch that Trump got rid of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that Perot famously opposed.

And most of them don't understand that Trump replaced it with another NWO plan, called the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)

So, a day after the House Democrats impeach Trump, they vote for "his" USMCA! Yes, in a sense, it's one party...two-in-one...A.K.A. "bipartisan"

bipartisan bī-pär′tĭ-zən, -sən ---adj. Of, consisting of, or supported by members of two parties, especially two major political parties.


Anyway, dad's vote wasn't "lost" on Perot.

With clean conscience, a vote for either Donald Trump, Tom Hoefling, or Don Blankenship could be made this year,

without "loss" of vote.


It's critically important that we can exercise free will in our elections...


The thing is, we don't know the hearts of men. People can change as power corrupts.

If the saying "power corrupts" is true, then all who come into power will be corrupted.

Noteworthy, perhaps, no one has told me I must vote for Tom Hoefling or Don Blankenship...

The mob that says "vote this way" has a certain power...thus the mob is corrupt...

That's Laodicia - "people's opinions"










There was so much evidence, I had to make a separate page:









No Fraud Here:
That racist Trump:
Trump Won Highest Share of Non-White Vote of Any Republican Since 1960, Exit Polls Show (national review)  Nov 4, 2020



Mexico’s President Still Refuses to Recognize Biden Win
(legal insurrection)  Nov 26,  2020
President Obrador has held out so far despite mounting media criticism and pressure from the U.S. Democrats. As the world congratulates Biden, “Mexico’s president opts to wait,” the LA Times noted earlier this month. “Critics call it a diplomatic blunder,” the daily commented.

haha. time will tell.




Kamala Harris Birther Conspiracy Theory Originates with NEWSWEEK.  (newsweek)  Aug 12, 2020
Trump made a comment in August about a Newsweek report about Harris potentially not being qualified to be VP due to her birth place. So he didn't -start- the Harris/birther conversation. But perhaps he took the bait. I think this is the source article - by Newsweek - in which they have since added a long disclaimer, but the original content remains below that.




Remember when...
President Obama Full Speech on Donald Trump Win

Yeah, well...
Now we know that while Obama said nice things, he and Biden were treasonously interfering with the incoming Trump administration.



They could all use some class...





Changing Demographics Aren’t Giving Democrats The Permanent Majority They Assumed (daily wire)  Nov 13, 2020




Prayers for President Trump’s Re-election at Tomb of Patriarchs Ahead of Elections (geller report)  Nov 2, 2020
"People the world over are praying for the salvation of the free world – Trump."
Pamela Geller is Jewish, so she's got those prescribed "Jesus blinder" glasses ( review Romans ch.11)..
For his part, and to his credit, Trump is rightly not having it:

Trump on Not Being Most Famous Person in World: "They Said, 'Who’s More Famous?' I Said, 'Jesus Christ!'"
(cns news)  Oct 15,  2020

Trump apparently at least has read about Herod not giving the glory to God.




Democrats Say AT&T, Comcast and Disney Decide Presidential Elections (daily wire)  Nov 15, 2020
When Democrats claim that CNN’s call of the presidential election is somehow binding, what they’re really saying is that AT&T should have the right to pick presidents favorable to it.
That’s not democracy. It’s oligarchy.




Paul Weston: This Coup D'Etat Could Lead to U.S. Civil War  (news)  Nov 11, 2020



Guess what?! am suing the “Fact-Checkers”(Candace Owens)  Nov 13, 2020





as of Nov 15th,
Gambling Sites Still Haven’t Called 2020 Election For Biden, Leaving $600 Million In Limbo (dailywire)  Nov 15, 2020
“We still have not graded a winner”



How the election impacted Colorado real estate taxes (cobiz mag)  Nov 17, 2020

Taxes are going up 164% in Denver County
"At some point, the large property taxes will begin to impact property values as borrowers will need even more income to qualify for a loan (taxes and insurance are included in the mortgage payment calculation).
Income is not rising nearly as fast as real estate appreciation and taxes so less will be able to afford the house.
Note, the tax increases will not only impact property owners, anyone who pays rent will also see higher rents as the tax increases flow through to residential as well."




*Saving Private Biden
The press standard for 2020: No tough questions for the former vice president. (wall street journal)  Oct 26,  2020
Biden 'is really struggling, not in politics, in life' (Sky News Australia)  Oct 27,  2020




I missed the debate. Fact check results indicates that Biden's lips were moving.
Joe Biden Told 32 Lies In 96 Minutes Last Night. Here They Are. (the hayride)  Oct 23, 2020




Firmly standing on their knees, with some mighty threats:
GOP senators, led by Cruz, to object to Electoral College certification, demand emergency audit (foxnews)  Jan 2, 2021

The lawmakers call for an electoral commission to be established to audit results.
A group of GOP senators led by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, will object to the Jan. 6 certification of the presidential election results next week unless there is an emergency 10-day audit of the results by an electoral commission.


Here’s the List of GOP Senators Who Will Oppose Electoral College Results (geller report)  Jan 3, 2021

I get a sense that they are not serious, but rather just huffing and puffing milk bubbles for their constituency:

 "By any measure, the ALLEGATIONS of fraud and irregularities in the 2020 election exceed any in our lifetimes".

But perhaps enough of a fuss to make a deal with their democrat colleagues:

Related: Let's make a deal time:
Pelosi Says She Will Seat Republican Amid Contested Election (conservative brief)  Jan 2, 2021


RINO Sen. Kelly Loeffler reverses course, drops objection to Biden electors after Capitol stormed by Antifa and misled Billy-Bobs. (news) Jan 6,  2021
She was not alone, as was planned.




The Rural Way  (news)  Nov 24, 2020









1 Corinthians 13:3 "And if I-might-morsel-out all my goods, and if I-might-give-over my body in-order-that I-might-be-burned, but I-might not be-having charity, I-am-being-profited not-one-thing."







APRIL 2021



UNBELIEVABLE! Rabbi spreads a malicious lie against Eitan, Moti and ONE FOR ISRAEL!!
Apr 6, 2021




Ashli Babbitt’s Manner of Death During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach Ruled a Homicide by DC Medical Examiner’s Office (epoch times) Apr 7, 2021

Truth aside, DOJ closes case without charging officer that shot Babbit.

BLM HYPOCRISY: Analyzing The Ashli Babbitt Shooting  (Matt Walsh) Apr 15, 2021





Biden's Faults

Gestapo vaccine propaganda
unconstitutional and illegal.

Biden Targets “White Conservatives” and Evangelicals for COVID Shots
(new american) Apr 6, 2021


Inflation Scare: Producer Price Index Surges Much Higher Than Expected (breitbart) Apr 9, 2021

Welcome to Biden’s America, Where the Poor Pay More
(breitbart)  Apr 9, 2021




What I've been saying for years: Pollard was betrayed by the Israeli government.
'The guard told me I have to leave the embassy' (israel national news)  Apr 9, 2021
After he was discovered by the FBI, Pollard sought asylum in the Israeli embassy, but was ultimately forced to leave the premises.
“The guard told me: ‘I’m sorry, but they’re saying in Jerusalem that you need to go out and come back in from the main gate.’ I told him: ‘I won’t make to the main gate. There are 20 FBI agents waiting outside. Do you know what they’ll do to me? He said back: ‘I’m sorry, but you have to leave.’”
Pollard blamed Rafi Eitan and his Israeli handlers for his capture






MARCH 2021





Bumbling Biden: Biden accidentally calls his VP 'President Harris' (sky news) Mar 19, 2021

Biden has likely not mentally deteriorated much since the 2020 presidential campaign began.

No, Biden is basically the same mentally unfit man, suffering elder abuse from his wife, his running mate, and the Democrat party. The election was stolen.





Because Democrats don't believe in God, they have no true morals:
UNHINGED Meyers: ‘Moral Necessity’ for Dems to Rig Elections
(newsbusters) Mar 19,





Biden's Faults

Joe Biden is considering “executive action” on gun control, effectively bypassing Congress to push an anti-gun rights agenda. (daily wire) Mar 23, 2021

North Korea fires off short-range missiles after warning Biden administration not to cause 'a stink'  (the blaze) Mar 23, 2021

Meanwhile Biden/Obama3 terror gun running continues
US pledges $15m. to Palestinians in first step to restoring pay for slay funding (geller report) Mar 26, 2021
This aid (from American taxpayers) will finance the Palestinian Authority “pay to slay” Jews policy. Absolutely horrible.


Oil prices SURGE under Biden (geller report) Mar 9, 2021

Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO
(geller report) Mar 24, 2021
the Government Accountability Office is launching a review to determine whether the new president broke the law by freezing the money in violation of budget rules designed to keep Congress in control of the cash flow


Biden's Border Disaster:

Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Climb Despite Reopening (breitbart) Mar 18, 2021

Arizona Border Sheriff On Border Crisis: Biden ‘Owns This,’ ‘We Had It Under Control’ Under Trump (geller report) Mar 6, 2021


Without debate, Biden has decided on complete open borders (nypost) Mar 8, 2021


It's a massive invasion:
Border Agents Catch 100K Illegals in February. Total by Year’s End Could Be 1M. Biden Aide: He Caused It  
(new american) Mar 11, 2021
Many of the illegals carry the China Virus, but the Biden Regime is releasing them into communities across the border. From there, they travel anywhere they wish.

Sociopath Joe Biden Imports the Coronavirus from Mexico (breitbart) Mar 4, 2021
To begin with, the very idea that our own president would brazenly break the law to flood our country with illegals is insane enough. The idea that our own president would flood our country with illegals during an economic recession when social services are already strained, is even more insane. But what kind of sociopath allows illegals (or anyone) into our country when they’re infected with a deadly virus reportedly responsible for the deaths of more than a half-million Americans?


Biden admin IS sending covid positive "migrants" throughout USA.
Press Sec Gets Absolutely SAVAGED By Reporter Over Border Being a “Super Spreader” (washington times) Mar 22, 2021

"Where else in the country would it be okay to have 400 people in a space for 260 during the pandemic?"
So then, apparently the pandemic is fake.


'Almost useless' COVID-19 tests on illegal migrants dropped in Texas town find 25% infected (washington times) Mar 7, 2021
“Even though they test positive, they’re going to leave the next day. They’re going to get on the bus or the airplane, and they’re gone.”
The first group that came through had 25% positivity test rate, he said.
Those migrants are now likely spread out across the country, challenging the Biden administration’s insistence that its border policies aren’t a new vector for the disease.
Harlingen is one of several cities deep in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. All of them are experiencing the new migrant surge.


Former police chief: Sorry, this isn’t a ‘crisis’. Because for the Biden administration, it was all part of the plan. (law enforcement today) Mar 22, 2021
"the current border “crisis” is not a crisis at all to the Biden administration, mainly because this is exactly what they were looking for".
"The goal is to overwhelm the welfare system to a level where it causes a financial crisis".
So at some point enough "migrants" will have been admitted to overwhelm the system, and then the Biden/Harris handlers will make a show of stopping the flow.


Biden Acknowledges Screwing Up, Will Bring Back Trump Immigration Policy (crowder) Mar 23, 2021

Can't blame Biden, he's incompetent. It's Obama's third term.
Biden In ‘Regular’ Contact With Obama To ‘Consult And Talk About A Range Of Issues’: WH Official
(daily wire) Mar 23, 2021

Obama hates Israel, so Biden seeks "palestinian" state.
Trump proved 2-state solution not the solution.
(israel national news) Mar 29, 2021


Oh yeah, the biden-harris presidency is definitely not legit:
YouTube To Remove ‘Dislike’ Feature As Biden WH Content Continues To See Likes Massively Trail Dislikes.
(national pulse) Mar 30, 2021

and so we live with FASCISM. Democrats are Fascists.
FASCISM: Facebook REMOVES video of Trump interview
(pamela geller) Mar 31, 2021


Red lipstick on a pig.
AOC should be removed from Congress.
Police Called On Blogger For Milquetoast Criticism of AOC
(crowder) Apr 10, 2021

It's about Fascists crowd control, not gun control

US House passes bill to criminalize all unlicensed private firearm transfers (the blaze) Mar 4, 2021
March 11, 2021
Calling it a 'universal background check bill' is a misnomer


New Colorado Senate Bill Establishes Government Ministry Of Truth (the federalist) Mar 9, 2021
It's not at all about truth: “The intent here is to limit what Sen. Donovan considers conservative speech.”



A New World Order

A Deleted Bill Gates Documentary Has Been Revived


@4min. please note that, like it or not, both Reagan and Trump are "in on it".



1 John 2:15 YOU-be not cherishing the world neither the (things) in the world. If someone might-be-cherishing the world, the charity of-the Father is not in him;
v16 Because every the (thing) in the world, the desire of-the flesh and the desire of-the eyes and the arrogance or-the means-of-living, is not out-of the Father, BUT it-is out-of the world.

Philippians 3:20-4:1 For our community is-existing in heavens, out-of the-place-where we-are also waiting-anxiously (a) savior Jehovah Jesus Messiah,
Who will-transfigure the body of our humbling conforming (it) to-the body of his glory, according-to the operation of him being-able also to-subject to-him(self) [the] all (things).
So-that my cherished and longed-for brothers, my joy and crown, YOU-be-standing thus firm in Jehovah, cherished (ones).*



Texas blackouts may ‘never have occurred’ had there been more coal fired electricity
(sky news) Mar 9, 2021




I pity the fuel...

TRISO stands for TRi-structural ISOtropic particle fuel. (energy.gov) Mar 5, 2021

Each TRISO particle is made up of a uranium, carbon and oxygen fuel kernel. The kernel is encapsulated by three layers of carbon- and ceramic-based materials that prevent the release of radioactive fission products.






Punch drunk Pappa Frenchy off to lovingly embrace Islam: (JPOST) Mar 5, 2021
He will say Mass at a Baghdad church, meet Iraq's top Shi'ite Muslim cleric in the southern city of Najaf and travel north to Mosul

Revelation 17:6 And I-saw the woman being-drunk out-of the blood of-the holy-ones and out-of the blood of-the witnesses of-Jesus. And having-seen her I-marveled (with) great marvel.

v16 And the ten horns which you-saw and the beast, these will-hate the prostitute, and they-will-make her having-been-made-and-still-desolate and naked, and they-will-eat her fleshes, and they-will-burn her down with fire;
v17 For the God gave into their hearts to-do his sentiment, and to-do one sentiment and to-give their kingdom to-the beast, until the words of-the God will-be-finished.






Mar 19-20 Weekly Portion  (annual cycle) for week ending on Shabbat (begins Fri 19th at sunset):


Parashah Vayikra  וַיִּקְרָא



PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Vayikra.pdf

Bible study topics






County Judge, Three Others Arrested On 150 Counts Of Voter Fraud In Texas (conservative brief) Feb 2, 2021







Mar 12-13 Weekly Portion  (annual cycle) for week ending on Shabbat (begins Fri 12th at sunset):

Double Portion Vayakhel - Pekudei


 Parashah Vayakhel - וַיַּקְהֵל

"and he assembled"

Online: http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Vayakhel

PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Vayakhel.pdf

Bible study topics

The outermost covering was likely blue in color

The boards of the Tabernacle were made standing up.

The full armor of God

Doing the Work of God and Keeping His Commandments




Parashah  Pekudei -  פְקוּדֵי

Online: http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Pekudei

PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Pekudei.pdf

Bible study topics

“He-is-carrying-off the first in-order-that the second might-stand”

Our New Covenant "offering" is our prayer, which scripture says is "incense before the Lord"







Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Shabbat (begins Fri 5th at sunset):

Mar 5-6

Ki Tisa - כִּי תִשָּׂא

"when you take"

Online: http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Ki_Tisa

 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Ki_Tisa.pdf

Bible study topics

The Sign of the Sabbath

Colossians  2:15 - καταργήσας -rendered-inactive













Feb 26-27

Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Shabbat (begins Fri 26th at sunset):
Parashah Tetzaveh - תְּצַוֶּה
"you shall command"

Online: http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Tetzaveh_
PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Tetzaveh.pdf

Bible study topics

Jesus wore the colors of the veil - Blue white purple Scarlet Blue

 “write it in their sight”

the New Covenant "cuts" both ways






Feb 19-20
Parashah Terumah - מִּשְׁפָּטִים
 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Terumah.pdf







Parashah Mishpatim - מִּשְׁפָּטִים

PDF www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Mishpatim.pdf


the best part of the Royal Gorge was the incline railway:

video from 2012:




The Left's false "oil shortage" gambit to gain total crowd control failed.

There is no oil shortage.
2020 net petroleum imports/exports turns positive for the first time in US recorded history (news) Feb 10, 2021

So now the left is using a false "man-made-climate-change" gambit to gain total crowd control.



Lithium Batteries' Dirty Secret: Manufacturing Them Leaves Massive Carbon Footprint (industry week)  Oct 16, 2018



Previously, on Biden Tells Lies:

ABC News Confirms Peter Schweizer’s Biden Exposé on Family Corruption Involving Son-in-Law Howard Krein (breitbart) Feb 9, 2021


The Unspeakable Corruption of Joe Biden (pjmedia) Oct 22 2020

Biden Family Corruption Does Matter (real clear politics) Nov 2, 2020
[To people with morals, it matters. But not to Democrats]




a Christian,  Strong's g5546  Χριστιανός Christianos

"But if as (a) Christian, let-him not be-being-ashamed, but let-him-be-glorifying the God in this name."

1 Peter 4:16

Going as far back as the year 1100AD, the word “Christianity” was spelt “Xianity.”

The X came from the Greek letter Chi, which incidentally is the first letter in the Greek word for Christ.



Does the USA give Israel 10 MILLION DOLLARS Every Day?

From answers:
The US doesn’t “give” Israel a penny. The defense aid it allocates to Israel has strings: up until the last Memorandum of Understanding, a minimum of 75% of the money allocated had to be spent on US-made defense products, with the US having refusal rights on the remaining 25% if it was to be spent on products made elsewhere. The latest MoU made that 100%, so Israel MUST buy US-made defense products with the money, even if there are better and/or cheaper competitive items. Israel may also not use any of this allocation for its own development and manufacture… so this money provides jobs for US defense industry workers.
Another “string” is that when such equipment becomes obsolete or obsolescent and the Israeli government is interested in selling it, the US has refusal rights over who can buy it. No other country receiving US aid for their militaries has these strings attached.
While Israel received cash credit (the money never leaves the US), it’s far from the largest recipient of US military aid in other ways. The only US military personnel in Israel are the Marine guards at the US Embassy and Consulates and a group of radar technicians at a US watching post somewhere in the Negev. Compare this to the cost to the US taxpayer of maintaining troops in the NATO countries, South Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. and you’ll find that Israel is pretty far down on the list of beneficiaries.

You can read this article for more information:
Myth: Israel Is the Largest Beneficiary of US Military Aid

Don't see a connection to free health care or free schooling here either:

so the USA forces Israel to buy F35............
F35 Flaw makes jet problematic for Israel

Not even off the lot, the Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter jet is turning into an even bigger lemon than first anticipated by Israeli politicians who fought the deal forced on the Jewish State with a U.S. military aid package by the White House.

.............i.e. USA forces Israel to fix F35....

Israeli F-35Is uniquely will have an overriding Israeli-built C4 program that runs “on top” of Lockheed’s operating system.

I think, as per "aid" deal, Israel can only "sell" technology to US.



"Suggested for You"


Gates is not aging well.

Bill Gates says 'all rich nations should move to 100% synthetic beef' to combat climate change  (the blaze) Feb 16, 2021
I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef. You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they're going to make it taste even better over time. Eventually, that green premium is modest enough that you can sort of change the [behavior of] people or use regulation to totally shift the demand.

At What Point Do We Realize Bill Gates Is Dangerously Insane? (news) Feb 17, 2021




All Capitols

Why US Troops in Capitol?
White House: Biden considering using executive action to push gun control agenda (the blaze)Feb 16, 2021



Proof Trump Won The 2020 Election (news) Nov 26, 2020


Worth a listen - Candace Owens
IMPORTANT: Everything you were told about the “Capitol Riot” is a lie. (candace owens) Feb 11, 2021



The Insurrection Lie II: False Reports From January 6th Continue to Unravel. (national pulse) Feb 14, 2021




Former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Says Intel Warned Antifa Might Be Among Jan. 6th Attackers (new american) Feb 23, 2021
Former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund testified before a U.S. Senate committee that intelligence warned Antifa WOULD be among the threats on January 6




Harris' 2020 campaign fail
In the twice stole election, Kamala Harris was not the choice of the people of the Democrat Party

Tulsi Gabbard Tells the Truth About Kamala Harris (video) Oct 2020


Biden too far gone mentally to talk on phone.
Kamala Harris Taking Calls With Foreign Leaders On Behalf Of Biden: Report (dailywidre) Feb 16, 2021


President Present BIDEN: "I'm happy to take questions if that's what I'm supposed to do..." ("President" Joe Biden) Mar 3, 2021


...fades to black...silent sounds of Kamala wheeling Biden to top of basement stairs...




Anti-American Biden/Harris/Democrats
Saving it for China:

Stephen Moore: Biden’s ‘Climate Change’ Policies Erase U.S. Energy Independence, Lock Down Trillions in Natural Resources (breitbar) Feb 21, 2021




Democrats' 'chilling' letter demands cable providers account for 'misinformation' and 'lies' from 'right-wing media outlets' they carry  (the blaze) Feb 23, 2021




Just how powerful is the Roman Catholic Church?
The Vatican Empire by Nino Lo Bello


Rebuilding Babylon:
Pope’s visit to Iraqi Ziggurat to unite several faiths, might hopefully garner more visitors (british herald) Feb 22, 2021




Texas windmills fail
Wall Street Journal fact checks PolitiFact and rips media who try to pin Texas energy problems on fossil fuels (washington examiner) Feb 18, 2021



Study warns solar farms could unleash unintended consequences on the environment, including global warming (the blaze) Feb 21, 2021
Large-scale solar and wind turbine farms could trigger negative affects on the climate around the world


I tried to post this on Facebook:
Climate activists are 'cowards, crooks, or clowns' playing us for fools (skynews) Feb 21, 2021

Facebook said no:
"This post can't be shared
In response to Australian government legislation, Facebook restricts the posting of news links and all posts from news Pages in Australia. Globally, the posting and sharing of news links from Australian publications is restricted."

Here's the Facebook workaround:
copy and paste the link into this website:

Then share the resultant link:
Click on S k y N e w s (top left) for wry commentary:


That's a Big 10-4!


#coronavirus #COVID-19 #chinavirus #wuhanvirus #wuhanflu #CCPVIRUS
Decorated Scientist Says Wuhan Lab Caused Pandemic, Contradicting WHO (new american) Feb 19, 2021
Wiesendanger is not just anyone; he’s a widely respected member of the scientific community. Since 1986, his work has been cited over 35,000 times. He has reviewed proposals for over 30 national and international funding agencies, has written two textbooks and written for 620 publications, and either sits on or advises 130 international conferences.

Additionally, Wiesendanger is the recipient of more than 20 awards. For example, he is an elected member of the European Academy of Sciences and has won the Hamburg Science Prize of the Hamburg Academy of Sciences.

The World Health Organization (WHO), an outfit of the United Nations, concluded last week that it is “extremely unlikely” that the virus leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China.

Yet their research is shrouded in doubt due to the fact that one of the top members on the WHO’s team investigating the origins of COVID-19, Peter Daszak, was awarded a $3.7 million grant for bat coronavirus surveillance and bat coronavirus gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).


600 facts:
German scientist: I have 600 proofs, the virus was made in a laboratory (b92) Feb 19, 2021
German nanoscientist Roland Wiesendanger claims there's evidence that coronavirus did not pass from animals to humans, but that it originated in a laboratory.



Ex-NatSec Official: Evidence For Theory That Pandemic Came From Lab ‘Far Outweighs’ Natural Outbreak (daily wire) Feb 21, 2021
one of the major things that hobbled America’s response to the pandemic was China refusing to share data and the World Health Organization “parroting misinformation about the virus.”
The World Health Organization made all sorts [of] untruthful or misinformed claims about this virus,
(news) feb , 2021
Pottinger said. “That it doesn’t spread human to human, that it’s not asymptomatic. They praised the Chinese government for shutting down domestic travel in China while simultaneously criticizing the United States for shutting down international travel, which is a morally and logically indefensible position. So the WHO has a lot to answer for.”



Auctung! Sheeple Obey!
Israeli vaccine refuseniks fear exclusion as economy reopens (ynet news) Feb 26, 2021
With over half of citizenry having received at least first vaccine, country opens up 'green pass' holders who had both doses; several activities deemed off-limits to unvaccinated,

Adjacent in my news feed:



The coronavirus miracle!

Report: Flu Has ‘Virtually Disappeared’ From U.S. (dailywire) Feb 26, 2021
“This year has been incredibly different. Probably not seen before for 100 years....Normally, there’s literally thousands of people who get influenza. On an average week in the winter, 10% of all people dying, are dying from influenza. So, this year is very remarkable.”




What about those Episcopalians?

here we find:

Episcopal Diocese of Washington
Here we find:

Forms and resources for clergy
Here we find:

Here we find:

2020 Journal and Directory

There, finally, we find some "church" doctrine:
Part V: Constitution and Canons
Constitution of the Diocese of Washington [7]
Canons of the Diocese of Washington [21]
Rules of Order [100]
Order of Business [106]
Th e “Maryland Vestry Act” [108]
Charter of the Convention of the Diocese of Washington [113]

SEC. 601. Ecclesiastical Authority.
(a) BISHOP.— Th e Bishop shall be the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese.

The members of this Church shall instruct their families, as far as they are able, in the
principles of the Christian Religion, and shall cause their children to attend the catechistical
instructions of their Rector; and as soon as they are sufficiently informed and impressed with
the importance and sacredness of their baptismal vow, they shall present them to the Rector, as
candidates for confirmation; who shall examine them, and, if satisfied of their fitness,
recommend them to the Bishop for Confirmation.
SEC. 6101. Admission to the Holy Communion.
No member of this Church, who has not previously communed, shall off er himself or herself for the reception of the Lord’s Supper, nor shall any Minister enroll any persons, as communicants of the Minister’s Congregation, until the Minister shall have conversed with such person, or persons, on the subject, or until the Minister shall be satisfi ed that they have been regular communicants, in the Minister’s own, or some other Congregation.

So actually not much for doctrine - anywhere yet.

On this page:
Here we find:

Guidelines for Reception and Confirmation for Persons Joining the Episcopal Church (pdf)

II. Reception and Confirmation
The Episcopal Church recognizes all baptized with water and in the
name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as members of the One,
Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Baptized persons who have been confirmed or received by
Bishops in communion with this church should be received, not
confirmed [Title I, Canon 17, Section 1(c)]. Bishops in communion
with this church include other Bishops of the Anglican Communion,
Bishops of churches resulting from the union of Anglicans with other
churches (the Church of Bangladesh, the Church of North India, the
Church of South India, and the Church of Pakistan), Bishops of the
Old Catholic Union of Utrecht, the Philippine Independent Church,
and the Mar Thoma Church of Malabar.

III. Transfer
"The Office of Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations has been asked how
parochial clergy should register persons from the ELCA seeking to
join the Episcopal Church. Title I, Canon 17, Section 4 details the
process by which communicants may be transferred into the
Episcopal Church. Section 4(d) of this Canon permits “any
communicant of any church in Communion with this church” be
entitled to the benefits of this Canon. Therefore members of the
ELCA, a church in communion with this church, may be transferred
into Episcopal congregations as detailed in Section 4(c) of that canon.

And I suppose that is how they go about allowing Muslims, that deny Christ as Messiah and God, to be "transferred" into the Episcopal Church. There is nothing good or Godly about them calling that which is evil, good.

Also on this page, this link:

Here we find:

FINALLY, "What We Believe" is found!
"We believe in following the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world."
Wow, that sounds great! The next sentence proves this to be a false assembly:
"We have a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to tell and exemplify God’s love for every human being; women and men serve as bishops, priests, and deacons in our church."
Next item on this page we find:
"The Bible The 39 Articles, a 1536 foundational document of Anglican theology, relates that “Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation.” The Scriptures, comprised of the Old and New Testament, as well as some apocryphal texts, were written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit."

The bible says bishops are to be the husband of one wife:
1 Timothy 3:1-7
It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do. An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle, peaceable, free from the love of money

Titus 1:5-9 For this reason I left you in Crete, that you would set in order what remains and appoint elders in every city as I directed you, namely, if any man is above reproach, the husband of one wife, having children who believe, not accused of dissipation or rebellion. For the overseer must be above reproach as God’s steward, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not addicted to wine, not pugnacious, not fond of sordid gain

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Bishops,-Qualifications

So the Bible, which the Episcopalians claim to acknowledge as inspired by the Holy Spirit, proves the Episcopalians to be a liars and false "christians".




here we find:
Here we find:
Season of Creation Care Liturgies Word Document

Anglican Church of Southern Africa's pagan "prayer" in another Jesus' name:
"God our creator, you have made us one with this earth, to tend it and bring forth fruit: may we so respect and cherish all that has life from you, that we may share in the labour of all creation to give birth to your hidden glory, through Jesus Christ. Amen."







Fake President News
Janet Yellen accepted $810,000 in speaking fees from Citadel, owner of Robinhood.  (twitter) Jan 28, 2021
Reporter: Are there any plans to recuse herself from advising the President on GameStop and Robinhood situation?
Psaki: ‘No and she’s an expert and deserves that money.’

GameStop Short Sell Firm Citadel Paid Biden’s Treasury Secretary $MILLIONS. (national pulse) Jan 28, 2021


CDC Investigation (full measure) Jan 31, 2021



January 31, 2021

FACEBOOK INSIDER LEAKS: Hours of Video of Zuckerberg & Execs Admitting They Have "Too Much Power" (project veritas) Jan 31, 2021

… FB wants to “work ... with [Biden] on some of their top priorities” … ‘Biden Issued a Number of Exec Orders…we as a company really care quite deeply about’




Biden: "I don't know what I'm signing here"

Fundamental Change: 52 Executive Orders and Actions Already Put into Place by Joe Biden (breitbart) Feb 8, 2021
As of Feb 8...

Obama 3.0
Where is Valerie Jarrett?




Instructions - how to file a comment:
Submit a comment in favor here:
The Docket Number is FD_36471
Filing type: Comment
Cynthia Brown
Chief, Section of Administration
Surface Transportation Board Office of Proceedings
395 E St., SW
Washington, DC 20423
Re: FD 36471
Dear Ms. Brown,
[Place here your comment in support, e.g. rail transport is safer than truck transport, less semi-trucks in the river, jobs, economy, potential handicap, elderly, children access to previously unavailable areas via passenger service, etc.]
/s/ Your Name
["Unless otherwise directed by the Board, e-filed documents may be signed using a scanned handwritten signature image or an “/s/” followed by the typed characters representing the name of the person signing."]
phone number



Pfizer Forecasts Roughly $15 Billion in Revenue for 2021 From COVID-19 Vaccine (epoch times) Feb 2, 2021
Pfizer, one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, was the first to get U.S. emergency use authorization for a vaccine it developed together with BioNTech in response to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic, commonly referred to as the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19.
Pfizer forecast 2021 sales of between $44.4 billion to $46.4 billion. With vaccine sales included, the sales are expected to amount to a total of between $59.4 billion and $61.4 billion, with COVID-19 vaccine sales projected to contribute nearly 25 percent.



Facebook used 'false' evidence in ad campaign against iOS 14 anti-tracking measures (imore) Feb 4, 2021

"But that evidence turns out to be false, as Facebook surely knows."



Israeli hospital claims may have found cure for COVID-19 (ynet) Feb 4, 2021
Preliminary testing shows that 29 out of 30 virus patients in serious condition that were administered the drug, dubbed EXO-CD24, once a day made a full recovery within five days; similar treatment announced by Hadassah Medical Center
The Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem also reported on a possible cure.
The hospital administered to 21 patients in critical condition who suffered from underlying conditions a drug called Allocetra. According to the doctors, 19 patients recovered within six days and were released from the hospital on average after eight days.


Alternate Site: https://www.clouthub.com/mikelindell


Trump Offered to Deploy 10,000 National Guard Troops in DC Ahead of Jan. 6: Mark Meadows (epoch times) Feb 9, 2021
“Even in January, that was a given, as many as 10,000 National Guard troops were told to be on the ready by the Secretary of Defense” Meadows said. “That was a direct order from President Trump and yet here is what we see … all kinds of blame going around but yet not a whole lot of accountability.”
“That accountability needs to rest where it ultimately should be and that’s on Capitol Hill” Meadows added.
The Pentagon and the office of Washington D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment by The Epoch Times.
Democrats allege that the president incited the violence at the Capitol in a speech he delivered near the White House on Jan 6. In his address, Trump used the words “fight like hell” in reference to his team’s legal efforts around election integrity. The Democrats allege that Trump used the words to incite his followers to commit violence.

Once again, evidence shows that the Democrats are liars.



Can't buy or sell:
In real news, in Israel, the covid-19 crowd-control testing ground:
New law would allow employers to bar unvaccinated workers (israel national news) Feb 10, 2021
Health Minister announces bill which will allow employers pressure workers to vaccinate, by preventing unvaccinated from coming to work.

And worse:
Israel plans 'Green Pass' to leisure for COVID-immune on Feb. 23 (ynet news) Feb 10, 2021
New app will allow users to access health files to prove they have had the vaccine or recovered from the virus in order to gain entry to leisure facilities; Edelstein: Israel seeing signs of outpacing variants after almost 40% of population vaccinated
"We are talking about gyms, hotels, places like that, where using the Green Pass would be both appropriate and practicable,"

Oh, and as EVER, the false save-the-children narrative:
Israel is considering whether to legally compel members of the teaching profession to have the vaccine.
"No one has the right to endanger the children of Israel,"

Springtime. The end of flu season.






Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Feb 5-6, 2021

 Shabbat (begins Fri 5th at sunset):

Parashah Yitro - יִתְרו



ONLINE:  www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Yitro
 PDF -  www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Yitro.pdf


Bible study topics

"missing" portion – Isa 7:7 – 9:4

Isaiah 9:1 - the people, AND those that dwelt in Galilee

a Light to the Gentiles

seed of Abraham now

the Ten Commandments/words

old and new skin bags, old and new wine

a child is born, a son is given






Turkey seeks to cement Iran alliance - likely related to Ezekiel 38-39: (news) Jan 20, 2021
Ankara has pivoted in the last several years to work with Russia and Iran, fueled by the Trump administration which worked closely with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
In a sign of its increasing desire to work closely with Tehran against US interests in the Middle East, Turkey hosted Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif in Ankara on Friday.
The meeting illustrated that Turkey’s recent push for Azerbaijan to fight Armenians in the Caucasus will likely end with Ankara, Moscow and Tehran cooperating in that region to carve it up into spheres of influence, like in Syria and Libya.

Fueled by the Trump administration’s having worked closely with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Ankara has pivoted in the last several years to engage with Russia and Iran.
This appears counterintuitive, because Washington wanted to work with Turkey and even gave it a greater role in Syria. But Ankara’s goal was to use the blank check it had from the Trump administration to move away from NATO into the orbit of Moscow and Tehran, in order to partition areas of the Middle East and remove the US and the EU.
While the US [that's OBIDEN]and Italy [POPE/VATICAN] appear to be slowing down arms sales to Saudi Arabia , Turkey has bought Russia’s S-400 air defense system and is moving closer to Moscow and Tehran in key deals. Turkish media also praised the “Iron Silk Road,” a new rail line to Baku and then Russia that will carry goods. Turkey is also shipping goods via rail to China,



Feb 6
IDF responds to ICC: We will continue to defend the citizens of Israel (israel national news) Feb 6, 2021
IDF responds to the decision of the International Criminal Court. 'The IDF fully supports and will continue to support its soldiers.'





January 2021


Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Jan 29-30, 2021

 Shabbat (begins Fri 29th at sunset):

Parashah Beshalach - בְּשַׁלַּח


ONLINE:  http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashat_Beshalach
 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Beshalach.pdf


Bible study topics

flash-frozen fish

The Law of the New Covenant is the Holy Spirit.

Sacrifice and Offering YOU willed not.
Darkness and Light

"redemption-back" - ἀπολυτρώσεως -apolutroseos- and "propitatory" -ἱλαστήριον -hilasterion-

That Rock was the Messiah

Teaching Dictionary - δικαίωμα dikaiōma

Commentary of Rashi

"through one just-act"

the purpose of the law






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Jan 22-23, 2021

 Shabbat (begins Fri 22nd at sunset):

Parashah Bo - בֹּא


ONLINE:  http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Bo
 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Bo.pdf


Bible study topics

νέος vs. καινός

Parashah Bo is all about Passover

“as-often-as”- once a year at Passover. Important, and a warning against not discerning this

1Corinthians 11:20 Therefore of-YOU coming-together on the same (thing) it-is not to-eat (a) lordly [κυριακον-G2960 kuriakon – adjective.] supper.

Yeshua/Jesus is the Arm of Jehovah.

This (1Cor.3:16, Jn.15:4) is the secret place of the Most High.

"This is the work of-the God, in-order-that you-might-trust with-reference-to whom that (one) dispatched."

There is a subtle, but huge difference in seeing John 14:15 as a commandment vs. a statement of fact by Yeshua.


Yes, Jesus stopped the Levitical temple service (Mk.11:16).  He initiated a New Covenant (Lu.22:20), not according to the Sinai Covenant (Jer.31:32 - Heb.8:13).  This is in effect now (2Cor.3:2-6) but national Israel has been blinded for a time (Ro.11:7-10,25,26), but Jer.31:31-34 will be fulfilled for them also - in their heart also - and then "how much more their fulness"(Ro.11:12). Yet today, Yeshua is our (believers) Sabbath rest (Heb.4:3).










obiden 3.0 and buffett and keystone pipeline
Biden Cost Montana Millions Over Keystone Ban As a Favor to His Billionaire Railroad Donor
(montana daily gazette) Jan 23, 2021

obama 2.0
November 9, 2015
Warren Buffett and the Keystone Decision
(american thinker) Nov 9, 2015



Twitter Encourages Users to Snitch on Each Other with ‘Birdwatch’ Feature
(breitbart) Jan 20, 2021



running on empty, running scared:
Flashback: Before signing 37 executive actions​ Biden said, 'We need consensus,' and dictators rule by executive orders
(the blaze) Jan 28, 2021
President Joe Biden has signed 24 executive orders and 37 presidential actions in his first week in power. However, during his campaign run, Biden contradictorily stated that democracy needs "consensus" of the people, and those who govern by executive orders are "dictators."



Biden Continues Fossil Fuel Crackdown, Plans To Suspend New Oil Drilling Permits On Federal Land
(dailywire) Jan 26, 2021
Joe Biden plans to implement a moratorium on new oil and gas leasing on federal land on Wednesday as his administration continues to crack down on fossil fuel development.
Biden is prepared to suspend issuing new drilling permits to oil companies for wells on federal land indefinitely while the Department of the Interior conducts a review of oil development’s impact on climate change, according to The Wall Street Journal.



Not a smart move. Without weapons...they were just making a statement, you know, like ANTIFA in Portland.
‘Stop the Steal’ speaker and WalkAway founder charged in Capitol riot
(sara carter) Jan 26, 2021
Without weapons...
Straka: “Wow, so they’re going to basically storm and try to get into the chamber so that they can demand that we get the investigation that we want.”



We will continue to see censorship of truth:
Christian Locked out by Twitter for telling the truth
(christian post) Jan 26, 2021
In reality, Twitter is stifling public conversation and harassing people who believe things as basic as this: in God’s sight, a biological male remains a male, even when identifying as a female.



About the Fauci Funded Flu:

Steve Hilton investigates origins of COVID-19, links to US commissioned research
(fox news) Jan 25, 2021



Report: Fauci is the highest-paid employee in the U.S. federal government
(sara carter) Jan 25, 2021



Anti-Trump Leader of Group Who Marched With BLM, Claims Group Helped Storm the Capitol
(geller report) Jan 25, 2021



Joe Biden: If I'm elected, we're going to cure cancer
(cnn) June 12, 2019




Proof Democrats are all mentally retarded:

'Biden's cognitive issues can no longer be ignored'
(sky news australia) Mar 12, 2020


Joe Biden's gaffes and funniest moments of the 2020 campaign
(the sun) Nov 3, 2020


Joe Biden's Most Awkward Gaffes Of All Time (Part 2)
(on demand news) Sept 7, 2020

Saagar Enjeti: Biden's Disastrous TV Appearance Shows He's Unfit To Lead In A Crisis
(the hill) Mar 31, 2020



Tulsi Gabbard Tells the Truth About Kamala Harris (news) Oct 24, 2020
A beautiful moment from the 2020 Democrat primary debates. Tulsi talks about Kamala's disturbing record on criminal justice reform.

The American people of the Democrat party REJECTED presidential candidate Kamala Harris.
Kamala Harris drops out of presidential race after plummeting from top tier of Democratic candidates
(cnbc) Dec 3, 2019


It seems Tulsi Gabbard would have had a good chance beat Trump, and in a landslide.
Yet the Democrat party apparatus rejected Tulsi Gabbard.

The Party leader's "problem" with Tulsi GAbbard is that she would not have been a puppet for them and Obama.

Jan 22
Does anybody really think Obama isn't running things now?

 He even admitted in a recent interview he wanted a puppet candidate so he could run things behind the scenes.



The plan for a NWO has been in operation for quite some time:
THE NEW AMERICA: Agenda 21 and the U.N. One World Government plan
(news) Feb 19, 2013



Six Former US Presidents Warn About ‘Invisible’ Shadow Government
(news punch) Jan 3, 2016


WHAT… AND WHO… Is Really Behind Antifa Groups Hijacking Protests Of George Floyd’s Death And Turning Them Into Riots?
(sky watch) Jun 2, 2020

Recall when former president Barack Obama in his final official speech as president said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protesters taking to the streets in communities around the country and on college campuses where fascist vandalism, violence, riots, and fires were being set to protest Trump’s first attempt at an immigration ban. The former “president” signaled the first of several clear messages to his army of thirty-thousand-plus agitators.

Obama’s two-term scheme (January 20, 2009–January 20, 2017) to engineer America away from its Christian and traditional moorings was not over, and no Republican successor was going to change that.
Since then, a lot has happened, and very quickly.
Obama immediately moved across town and set up bunkers just two miles from the White House, where he and his Organizing for Action (OFA) associates and their 250 offices nationwide commenced efforts to effectively function as what some in the Capital beltway have already called a “shadow government” third-term pseudo-presidency.



Killing XL Pipeline Won’t Make U.S. Greener, but Will Force Reliance on Trucks and Trains
(new american) Jan 25, 2021



Fauci brought out the fine China virus:
Steve Hilton reveals explosive evidence on COVID-19 origins and the Fauci connection
(sara carter) Jan 25, 2021




750 killed at Ethiopian Orthodox church said to contain Ark of the Covenant: report (christian post) Jan 18, 2021


Biden attacks Native Americans

‘Your Order Is A Direct Attack’: Native American Tribe Condemns Biden Administration’s Secretarial Order (news) Jan 24, 2021


President Obiden.
(news) Jan 22, 2021
Does anybody really think Obama isn't running things now? He even admitted in a recent interview he wanted a puppet candidate so he could run things behind the scenes.

Jan 22
"There is nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months."
(washington examiner) Jan 22, 2021

So instead of crushing the virus he decided to crush the economy, girls sports and immigration law instead. And get into Syrian war.



FBI functions as henchmen for the Democrats
(sara carter) Jan 22, 2021



Obiden hates Israel
Biden Appoints Former Palestinian UNRWA Official as Director of NSC Intelligence
(jewish press) Jan 24, 2021


Sadly, most people, even Roman Catholics, are ignorant concerning Roman Catholicism.

Joe Biden Denied Holy Communion
(ewtn) Dec 11, 2020

Pappa Frenchy apparently "blesses" Biden.
(marketcap) Nov 8, 2020

Some kind of satanic gesture, I suppose:

The pope and Biden have met on several occasions:
(osvnews) Jan 20, 2021
Catholic News Service January 20, 2021
as vice president, Biden attended Pope Francis’ inauguration in 2013 and the two met briefly afterward; when Pope Francis visited the United States in 2015, Biden was present for several events, but he and his wife also had a private meeting with the pope; and in 2016 the two met when Biden spoke at a Vatican meeting on regenerative medicine.




IDF Intelligence warns of vaccine-resistant Israeli coronavirus mutation  (israel national news) Jan 23, 2021
Those arriving to Israel may bring in vaccine-resistant mutation, report says.
The IDF's Military Intelligence Directorate on Saturday evening published a warning that combining mass vaccination with a spike in infections ----could---- lead to a strain of COVID-19 that will resist the vaccines currently in use.



Jan 21, Biden/Harris day one!


as Biden sleeps,
On Biden's first day, a Baghdad bombing gift to the world from the woketard Democrats. (jpost) Jan 21, 2021
The bombing was only four kilometers from the US embassy compound and occurred in an area where there have been protests over the last year and a half.
"It is a reminder of the dark days in Iraq when suicide bombings like this were routine. The rise of Islamic State led to numerous attacks like this. It is not known if this attack was an ISIS attack, but it has the hallmarks of this type of attack".
hmmm, what's different today? Oh, Day 1 of Biden/Harris.


Biden's Americans Last Policy:
Canadian Premier 'Deeply Disturbed' Biden Admin. Revoked Keystone XL Permit, Calls for Sanctions: 'Not How You Treat a Friend and Ally' 
(mrtctv) Jan 21, 2021
"Let’s be clear about what happened today," Kenney continued. "The leader of our closest ally retroactively vetoed approval for a pipeline that already exists, which is co-owned by a Canadian government, directly attacking - by far - the largest Canada/U.S. trade relationship, which is our energy industry and exports."
The premier also said that the move by the Biden administration - which was done "without even giving [Alberta, Canada] a chance formally to communicate with the new administration."
"That’s not good faith. In my books, that’s not how you treat a friend and an ally," Kenney also said.


Biden Gets Blasted for His First Official Lie/Broken Promise, Georgians Slam Him For His Betrayal  (redstate) Jan 20, 2021
Mediaite is reporting that instead of the $2000 that people believed was promised, Biden’s only cutting an additional $1400 according to his stimulus plan.


In a Completely Unexpected Development, Biden Admits His Biggest Campaign Promise Was a Lie  (redstate) Jan 22, 2021

Biden administration freezes Trump's directive to lower insulin prices  
(the blaze) Jan 23, 2021

Trump signed off on the "Access to Affordable Life-Saving Medications" rule on Dec. 23, 2020.
White House chief of staff Ron Klain sent out a memo on Wednesday (Jan 20, 2021) that directed agencies to freeze all of Trump's last-minute or "midnight regulations."

Hardly a "last minute" or "midnight" regulation. The Biden admin is going to be all big business favorable.


CBO Estimates Biden's Move to $15 Min. Wage Could Cost 3.7 Million American Jobs (mrctv.org) Jan 20, 2021
That means that the "1.3 million workers who would otherwise be employed" will eventually be jobless with a move to a $15 minimum wage.
The low end being zero should scare people, because that means that the increase in minimum wage wouldn't create many jobs, if any.




Babylon, Mystery Religion

The Whole World is Her Seat:

Vatican, Chicago Cardinal Push Back On Catholic Bishops’ Statement Warning Biden’s Agenda Would ‘Advance Moral Evils’ (dailywire) Jan 21, 2021

"the statement was spiked after intervention from the Vatican Secretariat of State, hours before it was due to be released.”




Hail to the Thief (frontpage) Jan 21, 2021
Democrats celebrate a “victory for democracy” with barbed wire, soldiers, and political terror.

The head of DC National Guard, Major General William Walker is proud to assist with a "peaceful transition to military power"? (ugetube) Jan 22, 2021

What's really going on? DOD Law of War Article XI? Belligerent government?
Just getting some exercise, I suppose.


Thousands Of National Guard Troops To Remain In D.C. Through Mid-March (daily wire) Jan 23, 2021


Man Charged In Capitol Riot Barred From Commenting About ‘Matters Related To US Govt’ Online  (dailywire) Jan 23, 2021
A federal judge has ordered a Kentucky man who allegedly stormed the U.S. Capitol earlier this month not to make any comments about the breach or the U.S. government online.
The Lexington Herald-Leader reported that “Damon Michael Beckley, who was arrested by the FBI in Cub Run last week, was released on a conditional bond, which barred him from using the internet to post about the rally or ‘the matters related to the U.S. government,’ according to court records.” The outlet also reported Beckley “was also prohibited from attending any rallies, protests or demonstration” and must be monitored by GPS.



All done with the photo op?
National Guard soldiers booted out of Capitol, forced to sleep in parking garage (the blaze) Jan 20, 2021
'We feel incredibly betrayed'



Should we pray for Biden?
Romans 1:18 - For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

Romans 2:5-6 - But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God;Who will render to every man according to his deeds:



Jennifer Laird Wallace
As the President #DonaldTrump prepares to leave the White House, I am making this post so it will show back up as a future memory on my timeline. This isn’t a political dispute. I am genuinely curious what the next 4 years will bring:

Today is the day of the Biden/Harris Inauguration.
• Gas is currently $2.45 per gallon.
• Interest rates are 2.25 percent for a 30-year mortgage.
• The stock market closed at 30829.40 though we have been fighting COVID for 11 months.
• Our GDP growth for the 3rd Qtr was 33.1 percent.
• We had the best economy ever until COVID and it is recovering well.
• We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years.
• North Korea has been under control and has not been testing any missiles.
• ISIS has not been heard from for over 3 years.
• The housing market is the strongest it has been in years.
• Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell well.
• And let’s not forget that peace deals in the Middle East were signed by 4 countries—unprecedented!
• Unemployment sits at 6.7% in spite of COVID.

#Biden takes over today, 1-20-21. Let's see how the next four years fair.
God bless America
May God Be with you all.



Microsoft's patent application for system where cryptocurrency distribution is controlled by body sensor. (patentscope) Jan 20, 2021
" A cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify whether or not the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified".



Biden seen without a mask on federal property hours after signing executive order requiring masks on federal property (sara carter) Jan 21, 2021



Beijing Biden’s Disbanding of 1776 Commission Shows Left’s Hatred for America (geller report) Jan 21, 2021

The Presidents Advisory 1776 Commission Final Report available here:

and here:



These Historians Challenge New York Times’ Dubious 1619 Project (daily signal) Dec 18 2019




They begged them to storm the capital. Then they sat back and let them in like it was a tour.

And now they need 30000 troops for protection? This is like a twilight zone episode. It’s hard to believe this is reality
WATCH: Trump supporter pleads with police to call for backup during the Capitol break-in. (geller report) Jan 20, 2021

“This is our Capitol… They’re out for blood,” the man screams


At the Capitol: What We Saw (sentinel) Jan 18, 2021


False Flag Flies Over The Capitol (sentinel) Jan 18, 2021
The recent attack on the Capitol—supposedly conducted by Trump supporters—was a “false flag” event. No one can convince me, otherwise.



Zero cases of influenza, RSV in Israel (jpost) Jan 21, 2021
Flu season in Israel usually starts in November.
JANUARY 21, 2021 20:58
We have zero positive tests for influenza or RSV,
Since we are wearing masks and have social-distancing measures, and people are staying in their homes now because of lockdown, so we have less interaction and less ways to get infected.”

Nonetheless, coronavirus has continued to spread throughout the country.
According to a report published this month by Science, US clinical labs have collected 925 positive influenza samples since the end of September 2020 until January, versus 63,975 at this point in the 2019–20 flu season.
The lack of flu patients has left beds free in the country’s internal medicine wards, which has allowed hospitals to decrease staff in those units and move them to coronavirus units
he phenomenon has also potentially broken a paradigm within the medical community that children are the first and primary transmitters of the flu and RSV.
“Most people who wear masks and social distance are adults, yet we still don’t have the illness. Maybe adults start the transmission and not the children,” Barkai suggested, explaining that children are always inoculated against the virus first. “Maybe we were incorrect.”

No "Maybe" about it.

Along with the Biden insurrection, expect to see the Flu count go up, Covid to go down.




Joe Biden - not my President (america wake up) Jan 20, 2021



Day After Inauguration - National Guard troops continue arriving to DC (freedom news) Jan 21, 2021

By all accounts, the Capitol is empty, save the National Guard "photo-op" troops. And Joe Biden & Crew.

Meanwhile, back in Portland: more riots


So: Troops at the Capitol, Antifa riots in Portland.

 One Big Show.



so listen to this, and think on unarmed Ashli Babbit's murder by alleged Capitol cop.
National Guard rules of engagement (60 Minutes) Jan 17, 2021
60 minutes
1:10 - Well it depends, if a person climbs a fence, and the person does not appear to be armed and does not pose a threat, then that person will be seized, arrested, and removed. -
-I think I would trust the NG to be less trigger happy than the cops, as the NG has better training.




Bernie Sanders more popular on Jan 21, 2021 than ever before



Yes, It Was a Stolen Election (front page) Dec 23, 2020
You’d have to be blind not to see it.

This is why you should be furious with the United States Supreme Court, that had as its duty, as its sworn responsibility … to insist that the states comply with the federal Constitution under Article II, Section 1, Clause 2, and that any changes made outside that clause, by governors, secretaries of states, by courts, federal or state, by election boards or other bureaucrats, will be deemed unconstitutional. [The Supreme Court] had a case [in Pennsylvania] … before a single vote was counted, they had a case [alleging unconstitutional changes to election laws] and they didn’t take it up….

The majority of the Supreme Court Justices are Roman Catholic. ALL Roman Catholics are subjects of the Pope.


The Pope doesn't like Trump:

The Papacy is the MAN of the lawlessness:




Revelation 17:
v1 And one out-of the seven angels namely-the (ones) having the seven pans came, and he-spoke with me saying: come-hither, I-will-point to-you the sentence of-the prostitute namely-the great (one), namely-the (one) sitting on many waters,
v2 With whom the kings of-the earth committed-prostitution, and the (ones) residing (on) the earth were-made-drunk out-of the wine of-her prostitution.

v3 And he-brought me off into (a) desolate (place) in spirit. And I-saw (a) woman sitting on (a) scarlet beast, being-loaded (with) names of-blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

v4 And the woman was having-been-and-still-cast-around (with) purple and scarlet, and having-been-and-still-gilded with-gold-objects and with-precious stone and with-pearls, having (a) cup made-with-gold in her hand being-loaded of-abominations and the unclean-things of-her prostitution,

v5 And on her forehead (a) name having-been-and-still-written, mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of-the prostitutes and of-the abominations of-the earth.

v6 And I-saw the woman being-drunk out-of the blood of-the holy-ones and out-of the blood of-the witnesses of-Jesus. And having-seen her I-marveled (with) great marvel.





January 20, 2021

Insurrection Day




Transliteration paraphroneo
Pronunciation pä-rä-fro-ne'-o (Key)
to misthink, i.e. be insane (silly):—as a fool.
to be beside one's self, out of one's senses, void of understanding, insane



Here's a fitting video for Insurrection Day 2021.
These truths are indeed self evident.
@18:30 Good point.

Oh, Facebook took it down. Can't be making fun of Chairman Biden.
It hasn't been scrubbed@youtube yet:

There's plenty more:

So anyway, I hear the "nuclear football" was transferred.



Biden/Harris, A.K.A. Already-Crooks-R-Us.
Advisor For Biden’s COVID Response Team Had Ties To Mask-Making Company
(dailywire) Jan 20, 2021




Deuteronomy 22:5 “A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God".

An abomination
On day one, Biden plans to reinstate rule allowing transgender students to use bathroom, locker room of choice  
(the blaze) Jan 19, 2021
On day one of his presidency, President-elect Joe Biden plans to reinstate Obama-era Title IX regulations ensuring that transgender students are allowed to use the bathroom or locker room that aligns with their gender identity.
The Trump administration revoked the guidance early during President Trump's tenure, arguing that Title IX prohibits discrimination based on sex, not gender identity, and that the Obama administration, by changing the rule, was attempting to rewrite the definition of "sex" in "sex-based discrimination."

Biden taps transvestite Rachel Levine as assistant Health Sec.
(jpost) Jan 19, 2021


1 Corinthians 6:9 Or are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that unjust (ones) will not inherit (the) kingdom of-God?

YOU-be not being-led-astray; neither male-prostitutes nor idolaters nor adulterers nor catamites nor homosexual-males

Transvestites/homosexuals can't think right:

Romans 1:16 For I-am not ashamed-of the good-news; for it-is (the) power of-God with-reference-to salvation to-everyone trusting, both to-Jew first and to-Greek.
v17 For justice of-God is-being-uncovered from heaven in it out-of trust with-reference-to trust, according-as it-has-been-and-still-is-written: But the just (one) will-himself-live out-of trust.
v18 For wrath of-God is-being-uncovered on all impiety and unrighteousness of-MEN, the (ones) holding-fast the truth in unrighteousness,
v19 For-the-reason-that the-thing known of-the God is manifest among them; for the God manifested (it) to-them.
v20 For the invisible-things of-him from creation of (a) world being-understood by-the things-made (are)-being-seen-clearly, both his constant power and divinity, with-reference-to their being without-defense,
v21 For-the-reason-that having-come-to-know the God they-glorified (him) not as God or gave-thanks, BUT they-were-aimless in their deliberations, and their heart without-understanding was-made-dark.
v22 Alleging to-be wise (ones)
v23 And they-changed the glory of-the imperishable God with (a) similitude of-(an)-image of-perishable MAN and of flying-things and of-four-footed-things and of-reptiles;
v24 On-this-account
the God gave them over with the desires of-their hearts with-reference-to uncleanness, their bodies to-be-being-dishonored among them.
v25 They-who exchanged the truth of-the God with the lie, and they-venerated and they-served the creation beside the (one) having-created, who is blessed with-reference-to the ages; amen.
v26 Because-of this t
he God gave them over with-reference-to passions of-dishonor; for both their females exchanged the natural use with-reference-to the (one) beside nature,
v27 And-additionally likewise also the males having-let-go the natural use of-the female were-burned-out in their relish with-reference-to one-another, males with males working-out the indecency and taking-back in themselves the recompense which was-essential of-their going-astray.
v28 And according-as they-proved not to-be-having the God in thorough-knowledge,
the God gave them over with-reference-to (an) unapproved mind, to-be-doing the-things not being-appropriate,

v29 Having-been-and-still-filled with-all unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice, replete of-envy, of-murder of-quarreling of-guile, of-malignity, whisperers,
v30 Backbiters, God-abhorrent (ones), insulters, proud (ones), arrogant (ones), inventors of-bad-things, disobedient to-parents,
v31 (Ones) without-understanding, covenant-breakers, (ones) unaffectionate, (ones) unmerciful;
v32 They-who having-come-to-know-thoroughly the just-act of-the God, that the(ones) practising the-things such-as-these are worthy of-death, not only are-they-doing them, BUT they-are also concurring with-the (ones) practising.




First Trump declassified Russia document: Christopher Steele's 2017 confessional to the FBI
(justthenews) Jan 20, 2021
Steele told FBI he leaked Russia collusion story to help Clinton and Great Britain, and was connected to his primary dossier source by former NSC staffer and impeachment witness Fiona Hill
Dossier author Christopher Steele admitted to the FBI that he leaked the Russia collusion story during the height of the 2016 election to help Hillary Clinton overcome her lingering email scandal and because he believed Donald Trump's election would be bad for U.S. relations with his home country of Britain



FBI false flag op
State Capitol Protests ‘Failed To Materialize’ Over The Weekend, Despite FBI Warnings
(dailywire) Jan 18, 2021
despite repeated warnings from the FBI that President Donald Trump’s supporters were looking to continue to demonstrate against certifying November’s presidential election results...

..Nothing happened.
“The large presence of troops and police officers across the country came after warnings from the F.B.I. that armed protests were planned in all 50 capitals and following online chatter promising demonstrations or worse in the days leading up to Wednesday’s inauguration of Joseph R. Biden Jr. as president,” the outlet noted. “The nation’s militarized streets on Sunday were a remarkable spectacle as police and National Guard officers faced off with promised right-wing protests that, at least on Sunday, were reduced to a whimper. Protesters in some states could be counted on one hand.”



Tucker Carlson: As troops swarm our capital, Democrats send clear message: We're in charge now
(news) Jan 18, 2021
The Democratic Party is using the military of the United States as a political weapon
Republicans have spent years ignoring the leftward drift of our officer corps, but we can't ignore it now. The mask is off our military leadership. The very same generals who howled at the idea of deploying American troops to stop an invasion of our southern border sent tens of thousands of soldiers with rifles to Washington purely as a show of force on behalf of the political party they support. Once they did that, they allowed Democratic politicians to degrade and politicize the military itself.



They dream of a genii

There are more troops in Washington DC than in all foreign war zones together to protect a senile old man, chosen by the media and the radical left (not really elected) to be president. It doesn't make sense. DC looks like a city under siege and there's no war. There is total silence, the news are fake, opinion or wishful thinking. Trump is still conducting foreign policy like nothing has changed.

What's going on?

Could it be Trump is part of the coup?




Useful Info on

Hardening and Tempering



Ok, now check for associations with "radical" Islam.
‘No stone unturned’: Pentagon vows to vet National Guard for extremist ties ahead of inauguration (washinton post) Jan 18, 2021
While we have no intelligence indicating an insider threat, we are leaving no stone unturned in securing the capital,”
In other words, they are witch-hunting.
Democrats are awful.


Democrats are awful stupid:

Military support for Trump at recent Army-Navy game:





Oh yeah, genii watch:





A Deleted Bill Gates Documentary Has Been Revived




Not bot, not beast: Scientists create first ever living, programmable organism
(phys.org) Jan 20, 2021






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Jan15-16, 2021

 Shabbat (begins Fri 15th at sunset):

Parashah Va'era  וָאֵרָא


ONLINE:  http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Vaera
 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Vaera.pdf


Bible study topics

 a word on The Word on The Word

The Gospels - The good news of the Messiah - are the Word/Saying of Yahweh.

we can trust Paul's Word...

The Hidden Chapter

the opinion we are to have

You in Christ. Christ in You.

the prostitute of Revelation ch17 kills both Jews and Christians

Charity Never Fails - i.e. God's charity





There's no incitement by Trump in this Save America Rally speech Jan 6, 2021



"Biden is not just bad news for Israel, he's bad news full stop."
Israel goes back to the future
(israel hayom) Jan 13, 2021
Israel was able to withstand unrelenting pressure and hostility from Washington during the Obama years. Will it be able to do the same after Biden takes office?



Is PBS an honest source of news?
BUSTED: Fired PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller Runs Away From James O'Keefe In Washington DC
(project veritas) Jan 12, 2021
The legal counsel for PBS incited people to fire-bomb the Capitol and he is not arrested. Trump makes a speech calling for peaceful action, and he gets impeached.



There's no evidence of voter fraud?
BREAKING: Raquel Rodriguez ARRESTED by Texas AG on FOUR felony charges relating to voter fraud!
(project veritas) Jan 13, 2021





Jan 20 - Biden scrubs Trump's 1776 Commission report from White House Website.

Here it is:


Orwell’s 1984 and Today
(hillsdale.edu)  Dec, 2020
December 2020 • Volume 49, Number 12
"The 1619 Project promotes the teaching that slavery, not freedom, is the defining fact of American history. President Trump’s 1776 Commission aims to restore truth and honesty to the teaching of American history. It is an initiative we must work tirelessly to carry on, regardless of whether we have a president in the White House who is on our side in the fight."

"The old word “science” comes from a Latin word meaning “to know.” The new word “technology” comes from a Greek word meaning “to make.” The transition from traditional to modern science means that we are not so much seeking to know when we study nature as seeking to make things—and ultimately, to remake nature itself. That spirit of remaking nature—including human nature—greatly emboldens both human beings and governments. Imbued with that spirit, and employing the tools of modern science, totalitarianism is a form of government that reaches farther than tyranny and attempts to control the totality of things



Trump receives Morocco's highest award for Middle East work (jpost) Jan 15, 2021
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner and Middle East envoy Avi Berkowitz received other awards for their work on the Israel-Morocco deal, which was reached in December.


The time is now when they won't stand for the truth:

University professors push Biden to create ‘misinformation commission’ to counter right-wing 'lies' (news) Jan 13, 2021


In case you are interested-
Every House Member who testified that Donald Trump "incited" a riot is guilty of violating 18 USC 1001(a)(2).
(KrisAnne Hall, JD) Jan 14, 2021
They knew or should have known it is a legal impossibility for Trump to have incited a riot. Therefore their accusation on Congressional record at an official Congressional proceeding violates federal statute subjecting them to penalties up to 5 years in prison.
All their rhetoric about "Constitution" & "rule of law" and all the while they were actively violating federal law.
To answer your questions-
1. They will continue to do it all as long as we allow them to get away with it
2. We make them accountable by getting control of our State and local governments so we can strip them of power and funding.



Capitol rioters were reportedly a minute away from reaching Mike Pence
(the blaze) Jan 15, 2021
Rioters were reportedly less than 100 feet away from Mike Pence and his family
Secret Service spokesperson Justine Whelan responded to the report, and noted that the vice president was not in danger.
"While the Secret Service does not speak specifically about the means and methods of our protective operations, Vice President Pence was secure at all times on Jan. 6," Whelan said in an email.



The Insurrection Lie. (national pulse) Jan 13, 2021
The legacy media has spent the last week repeating the lie that Trump supporters traveled to Washington D.C. last week in a coordinated attempt to overthrow the government. It’s a lie.



Twitter mum on Pelosi's 'hijacked election' charges (israel national news) Jan 13, 2021

The social media platform remains silent over Pelosi's charges of Russia's 'meddling' in '16 elections while Trump's has been banned.

Who Tweeted: ‘Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts’? (jewish press) Jan 13, 2021

Remember when Obama won 100% of the votes in certain areas? Yeah, also fraudulent.



President Trump’s list of accomplishments during his presidency (trump-patriots) Jan 14, 2021




5th Nobel Peace Prize Nomination for President Trump (express) Jan 10, 2021



Biden and Harris incite riots in Portland
CRICKETS: Portland Antifa Attacks Local Police Precinct Before Vandalizing Local Businesses (mrctv) Jan 8,  2021
A day after the riots at the Capitol, Antifa was trying to break into a police precinct in Portland while vandalizing businesses, and not a word was said about it in the media.
Overnight, a mob of antifa from Portland descended on the suburb of Tigard, where they tried to break inside the local police department. When that failed, they proceeded to smash up nearby businesses. This is the 4th antifa riot in Portland-area since NYE. pic.twitter.com/5CZUnF7774
The attacks occurred just after President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris gave speeches defending violent groups like Black Lives Matter as “peaceful protesters” who would have been treated differently had they been the ones storming the U.S. Capitol Wednesday.










 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Jan 8-9, 2021

 Shabbat (begins Fri 8th at sunset):

Parashah Shemot - שְׁמֹות


ONLINE:  http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Shemot


 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Shemot.pdf


Bible study topics

 New Testament Law: No speaking in tongues without an interpreter

How "Yeshua" became "Jesus"

Jehovah/YHVH Jesus/Yeshua is HaShem (i.e. "the name") above all names.


Physical work - tilling the soil is necessary.

Spiritual work

"women's intuition"






So did the Israelis find Mary's grave? (express) Jan 8,  2021




Garbage article, except that at the end they let slip that it was all planned.
"with what we knew was going to occur”
(dailywire) Jan 8,  2021
Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) went further, saying heads should roll.
“I think it’s pretty clear that there’s going to be a number of people who are going to be without employment very, very soon because this is an embarrassment both on behalf of the mob, and the president, and the insurrection, and the attempted coup, but also the lack of professional planning and dealing with what we knew was going to occur,”




Youtube suspends Trump account (israel national news) Jan 13, 2021
Following Twitter and Facebook, Youtube blocks president's account for at least a week, citing concerns over violence.
President Trump's Youtube account has 2.8 million subscribers around the world.

Brandon Straka, 500K-strong 'Walk Away' page banned by Facebook: 'Every member of my team!'
500,000-strong Facebook page with citizens who abandoned the Democratic Party were purged from the site this week


'It needs to stop': Candace Owens suing Facebook fact-checker 'funded by arm of Communist Party of China'
(@the blaze) Jan 10,  2021
'This is insanity. It's un-American. It's dangerous.'
In less than two weeks after announcing the lawsuit, one of Facebook's third-party fact-checkers was forced to issue a correction.

 Politifact, one of Facebook's biggest fact-checkers, had to retract a "false" rating it labeled one of Candace's posts about Joe Biden.
"Well, I'm suing a site called 'Lead Stories,"
"Who funds Lead Stories? According to their own masthead, Lead Stories is funded by Facebook and Google, along with ByteDance," Owens explained. "And what is ByteDance? It's a Beijing-based company that owns the TikTok spyware app. Our own Justice Department says the company is a 'national security threat and compromised by the Communist Party of China.'"

Californika CENSORS
California’s Internet Censorship Office is Watching What You Say
(daniel greenfield) Jan 10,  2021
What sort of speech is a government office run by Democrats trying to censor? One example of political speech successfully censored by the Office of Election Cybersecurity is a tweet that “alleged thousands of 2020 ballots were tossed out".
There's nothing that reassures voters that their elections are safe like a government office spying on anyone who says that they're not, and taking immediate steps to silence the



This scared them?


Is that a classified folder on her desk?


"On any given day, Pelosi."

"Insurrection"? No. Whoever heard of an unarmed insurrection? They waltz in without guns. A strong message.

Result? Solidification of the ONE Party, A.K.A. The Swamp, through lies and censorship.


The Insurrection Lie. (national pulse) Jan 13, 2021
The legacy media has spent the last week repeating the lie that Trump supporters travelled to Washington D.C. last week in a coordinated attempt to overthrow the government. It’s a lie.



- the photo ops were threatening?

Who else can we think of that disrespects an office with feet on the desk?


 How can Portland local cops keep ANTIFA at bay for months,

but Capitol cops can't keep out a handful of yahoos for a few minutes?

Because there were three groups:

1. Most Trump supporters appear to support law enforcement.

2. Some of these protesters appear to violently oppose law enforcement.  A.K.A. ANTIFA.

3. The beer swilling Billy-Bob fringe Trump supporters with over-inflated sense of self worth that get deluded into practicing evil.


They were never planning to take over the government.


An unarmed insurrection? That's where the President of the US is censored. Happened Jan 2021.


who shot Ashli Babbitt?

One could guess that once Pelosi's office was breached, she put out the order to shoot. Well, she IS crazy.

Or was it Chuck Schumer's private security detail?


Certainly, she got herself shot.

Certainly, she was deluded by others.

She was lifted through window by others, probably ANTIFA

And, apparently, Babbitt is a victim of the Democrat's Dialectical materialism - identify, contradict, eliminate the middle
Agitation propaganda - to get people angry, agitated and turning against each other



Murder? Certainly that scared shitless cop/guard was itching to pull the trigger.
Video of Girl Being Shot For No Reason Inside Capitol… (populist press) Jan 6,  2021
Cop all out of pepper spray? No tazer? 

The victim, Ashli Babbitt, was in the process of breaching the door though the broken window. About 25% of one leg through the window.
The executioner had the option to do a run and shove which, of course, is the correct option since her hands were visible (not a deadly threat) stabilizing herself going thorough the window. Clearly, Ashli was unarmed.

The murderer cop chose to execute her instead.

Black cop shoots unarmed white woman. Best quality video settings.

Shooter will get away with murder.




Ashli Babbitt’s Manner of Death During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach Ruled a Homicide by DC Medical Examiner’s Office (epoch times) Apr 7, 2021

Truth aside, DOJ closes case without charging officer that shot Babbit.

BLM HYPOCRISY: Analyzing The Ashli Babbitt Shooting  (Matt Walsh) Apr 15, 2021



Billy-Bobs follow Antifa (@twits) Jan 6,  2021


UNARMED Woman (Ashli Babbitt) gets shot in this video: (national file) Jan 4,  2021

Wait a minute. 3-4 cops that were guarding the door were evacuated seconds before the woman was shot. There were COPS with assault weapons behind the woman that got shot. Who else was in the shooter's line of fire? Other Cops! It appears she was shot by a panicking cop, which reflects poor training. I'm not condoning breaking and entering, but if a year of Antifa protests where buildings were burned and looted did not warrant deadly force, then neither did this. All out of pepper spray? Seems like murder.

Set the speed at .25:
.05 - the ascending assault rifle cops are never seen to engage protesters with their rifles. They obviously do not see that threat presented in the noisy protesters. A couple of protesters that are filming events are seen descending the stairs in apparent retreat.
.07 4 assault rifle cops at top of stairs
.08 grey helmet not a cop
.09 three cops on right. one with back to door, right at door, blocking access to door. They don't seem particularly worried. Certainly not in a panic.
.12 -.13 note corner
.13 security grouped along wall. 3 cops, then closest man is security or SS or other authority figure.
.14 engages conversation with entering assault rifle cop.
.14 at this time, there are 3 cops, 4 assault rifle cops, and 1 SS/security/authority figure all within a few feet of the door. Plus a number (4?) of cops inside the door. The protesters are outnumbered, and certainly out gunned. These cops on the outside were not in a panic.
Obviously, the protesters are not anticipating to be shot at.
.14 woman who was shot (seconds later @ .40) is seen. cop is present and is blocking between her and window/door she later entered.
.14 on right wall cop in black cap and cop behind him (closer to door). man on right (closest to camera) also likely security or SS (?).
.16 assault rifle cops within 6' of door
.20 SS/Security/authority figure's ID badge is seen.
.22 cops and assault team cops access what is occurring inside doors.
.22-.23 SS/Security/authority figure flinches upon seeing something occur on inside of doors.
.27-.26 SS/Security/authority figure initiates evacuation. he steps aside for 3 cops to leave first, then follows
.27-.31 These 4 are evacuated by assault rifle cops.
.32 see badges of first 2 evacuated cops
.34 see badge of 3rd evacuated cop
.36 - .39 conversation between Security/SS man and lead assault rifle cop.
.40 Security/SS man (?) evacuated. With just enough time to make it around corner (safety from line of fire) at stairwell?

Update: no, other video shows they didn't even get as far as the corner
.41 woman climbs vacated window/door after cops leave. UPDATE: She was lifted through window by others, probably ANTIFA
.42 woman (Ashli Babbitt) shot - apparently by cop on inside. He steps forward to engage her...with a bullet.

 About 25% of one leg through the window. The executioner had the option to do a run and shove which, of course, is the correct option since her hands were visible (not a deadly threat) stabilizing herself going thorough the window. Clearly, Ashli was unarmed.

The shooter APPEARS not a well trained professional...he's not being threatened with deadly force...shooting not justified...he is jerking back and forth, moving as he shoots.

If he was a pro, and felt threatened by the crowd, he would not have moved from cover to shoot. FACT. So who is the shooter???

She never expected to be shot, she was in a crowd and the police had left and were behind her and weren't stopping her from climbing through the window.
.46 Security/SS man (?) returns, first to contact shot woman. Assault rifle cop's helmet seen in lower right frame.
.50 man in blue shirt and pants obviously sees cops all around him.
.57 assault rifle cop accessing and engaging threat (i.e. the shooter cop) inside door. Second video confirms this.
1.00 assault rifle cop signals cops inside to hold fire.
1.06 Security/SS/authority figure appears to instruct assault rifle cop.
1.07 this cop subsequently taps second assault cop
1.08 Security/SS/Authority figure appears to instruct 2nd assault rifle cop.
1.09 Security/SS/Authority figure appears to instruct group of assault rifle cops.
1.10 - 1:11 Security/SS/Authority figure makes eye contact with camera
1.12 Camera view swings to ground.

2nd video angle
UNARMED shot at point blank range - footage (real chief) Jan 6,  2021







.09 Cop (?) steps forward and shoots Ashli Babbit. From his angle shooter previously saw cops evacuate other side of door.
.13 Babbit alive moving arms, legs
.15 Security/SS/Authority figure (see 1st video) returns and contacts Babbit.
.16 Babbit moves her right leg just before Security/SS/Authority figure picks her up then sets her back down. This was not helpful to gunshot in chest/neck.
.21 now ? Security/SS/Authority figure gestures to clear space around her. ?
.24 Assault rifle cop engages something/one on other side of door with weapon.
.26 same Assault rifle cop motions/communicates to person/s on other side of door, holds "stop" fist up.
.28 - .29 last assault rifle cop seen poking around corner
.31 Security/SS/Authority figure turns Babbit's head. She is bleeding from mouth.
.33 Security/SS/Authority figure appears to communicate something about woman to assault rifle cops. this is 16 seconds after he contacted her.
.45 Babbit still moving.

This shows where the COPS were at the shooting


This shows where the ANTIFA were at the shooting



Analysis of Ashli Babbit Video Suggests Coordinated Actions—Interview W. Masako Ganaha (crossroads) Jan 11,  2021
Divide and Conquer
To divide people: Dialectical materialism - identify, contradict, eliminate the middle
Agitation propaganda - to get people angry, agitated and turning against each other




Video shows new angle of Ashli Babbitt shooting. (MSN-NBC) Jan 9, 2021


Shooter a black man.
Shows obvious ANTIFA at front inciting the Billy-Bobs

Ashli Babbitt was lifted through window by others, probably ANTIFA




Here is a more complete video:


WATCH Video shows fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt in the Capitol WATCH



At one point John Sullivan, a controversial self-described liberal activist who shoots video at a range of protests and who filmed the footage on Wednesday, is heard warning an officer that additional rioters may be on their way. “We want you to go home,” he said, according to the video. “I’m recording. And there’s so many people. They’re gonna to push their way up here. Bro, I’ve seen people out there get hurt. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Sullivan provided the video to the The Post. On Jan. 14, after this story and video were published, federal authorities charged Sullivan with obstructing law enforcement, knowingly entering a restricted building and engaging in disorderly or disruptive conduct on the Capitol grounds.


With help from someone who hoisted her up, Babbitt began to step through a portion of the door where the glass had been broken out. An officer on the other side, who was wearing a suit and a surgical mask, immediately shot Babbitt in the neck.

@00.34 note the front row black clad ANTIFA instigators. Second row, still black clad but with red hats.



John/James Sullivan "reporter"

On scene (shown to be ANTIFA) "witness":

‘We weren’t hurting anybody’ - Witness describes woman’s shooting at US Capitol (eyewitness news) Jan 6, 2021


John/James Sullivan "reporter" turns out to be ANTIFA affiliated riot instigator:
FBI arrests LEFT-wing Antifa Leader John Sullivan for Inciting Riot in Capitol Siege
(geller report) Jan 14, 2021



Capitol rioter arrested for encouraging violence is an anti-Trump agitator and a Black Lives Matter supporter
(the blaze) Jan 14, 2021
James (John?) Earle Sullivan said he was there to document the protests




John Solomon & Lou Dobbs talk about BLM Capitol terrorist John Earl Sullivan  (fox/lou dobbs) Jan 14, 2021

Obamagate Uncovered: John Solomon says that sweeping declassification of Obamagate documents includes surveillance of President Trump, his campaign and Christopher Steele’s debriefing reports



Joshua Phillip Live Q&A: BLM Activist Charged for Storming Capitol; Trump Declassifies Russia-gate Documents
(crossroads) Jan 14, 2021
John Sullivan filmed
Ashli Babbitt get shot, tried to play himself off as a reporter, he was an instigator, FBI charges him
13:00 4 years of uncensored misinformation...
16:19 people were breaking into the Capitol building while Trump was still giving his speech. So he didn't instigate that. That is the basis of Trump's impeachment.
16:50 irregular group tour given Jan 5 at Capitol??
[false flag]
17:20 on report that Pelosi's laptop taken by military - so says Lt. Gen
.[ ---no proven credibility.]
18:30 CNN first to say there is a call for armed protests across country.
[FAKE NEWS false flag, no protests of note]

But have to trust CNN and FBI as they say source is internal FBI alert and not public.
21:14 +20K (growing) NG to be deployed for Biden inaugeration. +FEMA & Dept. Homeland Security deployment.
25:18 Sen. Cotton says senate lacks authority to hold Trump impeachment trial after Jan 20.
Censorship = anti-trust discussion
26:45 Pelosi rushing impeachment and trying to force Pence to invoke 25th Amendment.
29:30 Lindsey Graham - Pelosi's rushed impeachment lacks due process
No hearings, no witness, no evidence.
30:50 Census workers ordered to stop complying with Trump 2019 EO
34:27 Project Veritas video






Justice is Dead
Left-wing 'agitator' John Sullivan arrested for US Capitol riot involvement released from jail without bail
(the blaze) Jan 16, 2021





Here Are 10 TIMES Democrats Called For VIOLENCE Against Trump and Republicans Since 2016 Election Day



January 07, 2021
Facebook to ban and remove photos and videos from Capitol protest; content labeled as 'promotion of criminal activity' (the blaze) Jan 7, 2021
Several Big Tech companies censored the president on social media


Horned guy:

Jake Angeli (phoenix enigma) Jan 7,  2021

He's not Satanic, Antifa, BLM, Government plant, or a Pedophile. Unless he's a liar. Then who knows? Safe to say he's crazy.


CAUGHT POSING As Trump Supporters in D.C (victory channel) Jan 6,  2021

Facial recognition firm claims antifa infiltrated Trump protesters who stormed Capitol (washington times) Jan 4,  2021
A retired military officer told The Washington Times that the firm XRVision used its software to do facial recognition of protesters and matched two Philadelphia antifa members to two men inside the Senate.
The source provided the photo match to The Times.


Capitol Police Take Selfies With Those “Dangerous” Patriots… (populist press) Jan 6,  2021
Capitol police officer appeared to take a selfie with rioters inside the United States Capitol building Wednesday.


Obviously ANTIFA:
Pipe bomb found at headquarters of the RNC; DNC evacuated; other suspicious packages being investigated, including at US Capitol (the blaze) Jan 6,  2021



VIDEO: ANTIFA Hoodlums Being Bussed-In against MAGA Rally - With POLICE ESCORTS! (halturnerradioshow.com) Jan 4,  2021
video from a MAGA rally in Minnesota last month. In it you will see a number of small, white colored commuter-style busses, bringing in groups of ANTIFA militants to attack the MAGA rally later this week. And what else does the video show? Marked and unmarked MINNESOTA STATE POLICE VEHICLES ESCORTING THE ANTIFA BUSES!



Facebook 'indefinitely' de-platforms President Donald Trump (the blaze) Jan 7,  2021
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced that Facebook and Facebook-owned Instagram have banned President Donald Trump from using their social media platforms "indefinitely" — and certainly for at least the next two weeks.




Arturo D’Elia, former head of the IT Department of Leonardo SpA, has been charged by the public prosecutor of Naples, for technology data manipulation and implantation of viruses in the main computers of Leonardo SpA in December, 2020. D’Elia has been deposed by the presiding judge in Naples, and in sworn testimony states on for November 2020 under instruction and direction of us persons working from the US Embassy in Rome undertook the operation to switch data from the US elections of three November 2020 from significant margin of victory for Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals.






4 dead, 52 arrested, 14 police officers injured after U.S. Capitol Siege  (sara carter) Jan 7,  2021

Most certainly the FBI knew Antifa's plans to infiltrate.


RINO Sen. Kelly Loeffler reverses course, drops objection to Biden electors after Capitol stormed by Antifa and misled Billy-Bobs. (news) Jan 6,  2021
She was not alone, as was apparently planned.


Something’s Odd About Group Who Broke Into Capitol Through Windows (populist press) Jan 6, 2021




Capitol's top brass fired over Wednesday deadly siege (washington examiner) Jan 7,  2021
A large group attempted to bust their way through locked doors into the Speaker's Lobby, steps from the chamber,
when a plainclothes officer fired into the group, killing
 Ashli Babbitt, [UNARMED], 35, who was an Air Force veteran. The officer has been suspended pending an investigation.
Videos show people easily streaming into a side door of the Capitol, chatting with police. Some told the Washington Examiner that they encountered no resistance on their way into the building, where they hoped to tell lawmakers that they believed the election was stolen from President Trump.

WATCH: Capitol Police Open Doors For Protestors, They Stand Aside, Invite Them Inside. (GELLER REPORT) Jan 4,  2021
A million peaceful Trump supporters rally in Washington to stand for election integrity and a dozen people (some proven to be Antifa) manage to shut down any talk of election fraud, silence GOP Congressional dissent and tag half the country as 'insurrectionists.'



Big Tech’s crusade against conservatives continued furiously Friday night.  (newsbusters) Jan 8,  2021

Google removed the Parler app from its store and Apple threatened to do the same.
Free market advocates repeatedly told conservatives the solution to Big Tech censorship was building their own platform. Now Google has removed a free speech platform from its store, blocking millions from accessing the app.


Big tech giants Google, Microsoft and Qualcomm among top donors to Biden's Inaugural Committee (the blaze) Jan 10,  2021
Donors can be awarded a VIP package



Jan 6
Have yourself a very merry old Christmas day.
"Centuries ago, the Christmas celebration used to be held on the 6th of January.

The popular day of 25th December was not Christmas day before the Gregorian Calender was adopted."
"It was in the year 1545 that Pope Paul III was proposed to find a solution for the calendar dilemma by The Council of Trent . However, it took the scholars 40 years to come to any solution. A jesuit Astronomer named Christopher Clavius gave an acceptable plan to reform the calendar. In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII introduced further changes to the calendar and gave birth to the Gregorian calendar.

Daniel 7:25 "And he shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High; and he shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and half a time."

Don't forget, the whole world is her seat:


They bicker amongst themselves, but in reality, the whole world is her seat.

Archbishop Viganò Details “Deep Church” Involvement in the “Great Reset” (new american) Jan 5,  2021
Years ago, those who spoke of the New World Order were called conspiracy theorists. Today, all of the world’s leaders, including Bergoglio, speak with impunity about the New World Order, describing it exactly in the terms that were identified by the so-called conspiracy theorists. It is enough to read the globalists’ declarations to understand that the conspiracy exists and that they pride themselves on being its architects, to the point of admitting the need for a pandemic in order to reach their objectives of social engineering.



Ponzi vs: Pyramid Scheme: What's the Difference?

How Does a Pump and Dump Scam Work?

What Is Racketeering? 
Racketeering may also take the form of a protection racket. In a protection racket, a criminal entity may threaten to cause harm to a business or an individual's private property if the owner does not pay a fee for protection


This must classify as racketeering.
Pfizer: No guarantee vaccine will be effective without 2nd dose (israel national news) Jan 4, 2021
Creator of COVID-19 vaccine warns nations not to delay providing second dose of vaccine in order to provide more first doses.



Symptoms of Conspiracy Theory Disorder (psych central) Apr 20, 2020
Symptoms of Conspiracy Theory Disorder:

A belief in paranormal explanations for scientific phenomenon

In other words, according to the Demoncrats, if you believe in God, you have a mental disorder.


Unless you just believe in other aliens...
Nonsense news published to build a "there are aliens" narrative:
A Harvard professor professes that ALIENS visited in 2017 — and more are coming! (NYPOST)  Jan 2, 2021

COVID-19 bill includes 180-day deadline for a UFO report (sara carter)  Dec 30,  2020
3. A detailed analysis of data of the FBI, which was derived from investigations of intrusions of
unidentified aerial phenomena data over restricted United States airspace;

The FBI appears as a larger player in the construction of a New World Order.






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Jan 1-2, 2021

 Shabbat (begins Fri 1st at sunset):


Parashah Vayechi - וַיְחִי
"and he lived"

ONLINE:  www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Vayechi_

 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Vayechi.pdf


Bible study topics

God's definition of His "Two House" theology

Jesus saves, even me. And you.






December 2020



The Truth About Social Distancing  (Dr. Sam Bailey)  April 14, 2020


How Lethal Is Covid-19 (Coronavirus)? (Dr. Sam Bailey) Mar 17, 2020


What Is A Covid-19 Case? (Dr. Sam Bailey)  Dec 12, 2020



Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown
•Dec 22, 2020




Senate Investigation Finds Obama Admin Knowingly Funded al-Qaeda (yahoo news)  Dec 29,  2020












 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Dec 25-26, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 25th at sunset):

Parashah Vayigash - וַיִּגַשׁ
"and he drew near"


ONLINE:  http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Vayigash
 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Vayigash.pdf


Bible study topics

Jesus was not an Essene.

Diverted upon the legends? Stop.

head coverings while praying

Romans ch. 11

a cultivated olive tree

The Temple of Ezekiel

Thoughts regarding Paul's "Nazarite Vow"

On "lawlessness"






Asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 didn’t occur at all, study of 10 million finds (lifesitenews)  Dec 23,  2020
Only 300 asymptomatic cases in the study of nearly 10 million were discovered, and none of those tested positive for COVID-19.




Oh look, Satan:

"See, sir, from this chamber I govern not only to Paris, but to China, not only to China, but to all the world, without any one to know how I do it"
Michaelangelo Tamburini
14th Jesuit General, 1706-1739

Noteworthy: Pappa Frenchy is a Jesuit.






Oh look, Satan:
If you want to travel next year, you may need a vaccine passport  (krdo)  Dec 27,  2020
“We still don’t know if vaccinated people can transmit infection or not,” “Until that is clarified, we won’t know whether ‘passports’ will be effective.”
the rollout and adoption of vaccine passports will happen rather quickly once everything falls into place



Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, The President of the United States (President Donald J. Trump)  Dec 22,  2020




Who is the Star of Bethlehem?


The Biblical Holy Day of Sukkot



Israel on the move
The Assault on Israel’s Constitution (tablet mag)  Dec 9,  2020


More just talk from Barr
AG Barr Gives Update On Durham Probe: ‘Group of People’ Attempted To ‘Topple’ Trump Admin
(dailywire)  Dec 21,  2020



The Roots of the COVID-19 Pandemic
(jewish press)  Dec 17,  2020








 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Dec 18-19, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 18th at sunset):

Parashah Miketz - מִקֵּץ
"at the end of"

ONLINE:  http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Miketz_
 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Miketz.pdf

Bible study topics

The Vow Of the Trust Will Save

Yeshua is the true Light of the naos/sanctuary

The Apostles of Jesus remain a sign to the Old and New Covenant assemblies

Happy Hanukkah?







Historic Cotopaxi Photos





I posted the following link on Facebook, and was "fact-checked"

 The AMA Quietly Admits They Lied About Hydroxychloroquine (rush limbaugh)  Dec 15,  2020
And of course, the fact is that the American Medical Association of Quacks did in fact lie:

American Medical Association Considers Resolution on Statement Against Prescription of Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 Patients
(published reporter)  Dec 11,  2020
Liars own words:
Subject: Handbook Addendum - Supplemental Business and Information
(ama)  PUBLISHED Nov 10, 2020

Resolution: 509 (November 2020)
Page 3 of 6
Whereas, The COVID-19 pandemic is a serious medical issue, people are dying, and 1 physicians must be able to perform as sagacious prescribers; therefore be it 2
RESOLVED, That our American Medical Association rescind its statement calling for physicians 4 to stop prescribing hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine until sufficient evidence becomes 5 available to conclusively illustrate that the harm associated with use outweighs benefit early in 6 the disease course. Implying that such treatment is inappropriate contradicts AMA Policy 7 H-120.988, “Patient Access to Treatments Prescribed by Their Physicians,” that addresses off 8 label prescriptions as appropriate in the judgement of the prescribing physician (Directive to 9 Take Action); and be it further 10
RESOLVED, That our AMA rescind its joint statement with the American Pharmacists 12 Association and American Society of Health System Pharmacists, and update it with a joint 13 statement notifying patients that further studies are ongoing to clarify any potential benefit of 14 hydroxychloroquine and combination therapies for the treatment of COVID-19 (Directive to Take 15 Action); and be it further 16
RESOLVED, That our AMA reassure the patients whose physicians are prescribing 18 hydroxychloroquine and combination therapies for their early-stage COVID-19 diagnosis by 19 issuing an updated statement clarifying our support for a physician’s ability to prescribe an FDA-20 approved medication for off label use, if it is in her/his best clinical judgement, with specific 21 reference to the use of hydroxychloroquine and combination therapies for the treatment of the 22 earliest stage of COVID-19 (Directive to Take Action); and be it further 23
RESOLVED, That our AMA take the actions necessary to require local pharmacies to fill valid 25 prescriptions that are issued by physicians and consistent with AMA principles articulated in 26 AMA Policy H-120.988, “Patient Access to Treatments Prescribed by Their Physicians,” 27 including working with the American Pharmacists Association and American Society of Health 28 System Pharmacists. (Directive to Take Action)




Facebook Coronavirus ‘Fact Checker’ Worked with Wuhan Virus Lab  (breitbart)  Apr 4,  2020


China-Funded Facebook Fact-Checker Is Now Censoring Criticism Of Its Fake Fact Checks (the federalist)  Dec 7,  2020


Yeah, that's the head Facebook Fact Checker

Report: Mark Zuckerberg’s $419 Million Non-Profit Contributions ‘Improperly Influenced 2020 Presidential Election (breitbart)  Dec 11,  2020


Money From Facebook’s Zuckerberg Used to Undermine Election, Violate Law: Report (the amistad journey)  Dec 11,  2020


Guess what?! am suing the “Fact-Checkers”(Candace Owens)  Nov 13, 2020








Coronavirus: Deep State Assault on Economic Freedom  (new american)  Apr 20,  2020







The majority of the Supreme Court Justices are Roman Catholic.



We've come a long way. From Puritan Protestant origin downward to a state where the majority of the Supreme Court Justices are Roman Catholic...individually part of the vast Vatican Empire...all under the dictates of the pope. He seems not to like Trump. But there are currently three popes, (anti-pope Ratslinger and the Jesuit Black Pope), so maybe their will be some infighting...

Time to review the book: The Vatican Empire





More on the Roman Catholic Church's teaching concerning sin:

Amid COVID-19, Pro-Lifers Push to Avoid Abortive Fetal Cells in Medicine  (Christianity today)  Oct 13,  2020
Despite the ethical challenges, most still concede to using old cell lines in life-saving drugs.
"The Moderna and Pfizer candidates use no cells in the design or production instead creating the vaccine with a genetic sequencing on computers, though they use fetal cell lines in lab testing".
Pfizer goes only so far to say: "Pfizer recognizes that human embryonic stem cells may provide even greater potential due to their increased ability for self-renewal and capacity to form a wide variety of cells and tissues.
Pfizer acknowledges the sensitive issues raised by this research, and we support proper ethical safeguards that take into account both the moral issues and public sensitivities."
"As the Catholic church concluded for vaccines: Beneficiaries of the drug are not culpable in the original sin of the abortion."
Ah, those good old Roman Catholic pagans grant the right to sin. Nice!

Both Moderna and Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccines made without fetal cells  (aleteia)  Nov 18,  2020
If approved by the FDA, the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines would be the first vaccines to use mRNA technology, which does not require any cells at all.
The vaccines were developed in test tubes using chemicals (RNA) and an enzyme. According to the American Council on Science and Health, this creates mRNA molecules which can them be injected into the human body. The vaccine then prompts the individual’s own cells to produce the protein that stimulates an immune response.


So you get to pick between injecting aborted baby parts or computer generated synthetic RNA into your body.



What Connection Does Moderna’s Vaccine Have to Aborted Fetal Tissue?  (ncregister)  Nov 25,  2020
Moderna’s vaccine is not completely free of any connection to abortion, as there is evidence that the vaccines have some connection with the use of aborted fetal cells in the early stages of vaccine design.
“Neither the Pfizer nor the Moderna vaccine involved the use of cell lines that originated in fetal tissue taken from the body of an aborted baby at any level of design, development, or production,” the bishops wrote.
“They are not completely free from any connection to abortion, however, as both Pfizer and Moderna made use of a tainted cell line for one of the confirmatory lab tests of their products,” the bishops wrote, referring to the HEK-293T cell line.
The association with aborted fetal cells and these RNA vaccines is so distant that I don't think you would find a Catholic moral theologian that would say there's a problem at all,”

“There is thus a connection [to fetal tissue], but it is relatively remote,” the bishops concluded.

It's just a little sin. In this false religious system, sin is cancelled by good works.

So they have to call murder a little sin in order to allow a person to "work it out".










 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Dec 11-12, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 11th at sunset):

Vayeshev -  וַיֵּשֶׁב

"and he settled"


ONLINE:  http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Vayeshev
 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Vayeshev.pdf


Bible study topics

The Mosaic law prophesied about Jesus.

Harlots cover their face!

Understanding “Salvation is out of the Jews” (John 4:22).






Be sure to wear clown pants when you go to get vaccinated.

'You still need to wear a mask even after you get vaccinated'  (israel national news)  Dec 11,  2020
Immunologist warns that new vaccines won't end threat of spreading coronavirus to the vulnerable, says the vaccinated will still need masks.
"the vaccine’s ability to return life to normal may be limited"
the high efficacy rates reported by Pfizer and Moderna for their vaccines – both rated at over 90% effectiveness – relate only to the ability of the vaccine to prevent vaccinated individuals from developing symptomatic cases of the virus.
Vaccinated, asymptomatic people may still be able to spread the virus to others
So then, the vaccines don't work.


"Get your Covid-19 shot!" = "Bring out your dead!"

Pfizer COVID vaccine linked to life-threatening allergic reaction  (israel national news)  Dec 14,  2020
UK bans Pfizer shot for people with "significant" history of allergies.



Your Boss Can Fire You for Refusing the COVID-19 Vaccine  (newsmax)  Dec 7,  2020




Don't forget: Islam Sucks!
Christian Armenians Burn Their Homes As Muslim Azerbaijan Takes Over  (geller report)  Dec 11,  2020



An Exposition of The Prophet Zechariah
by Dr. David L. Cooper


Justice Department Launches Investigation into Another Biden Family Member  (geller report)  Dec 10,  2020
another kink in the Biden crime family WH heist. Blame the enemedia, which refused to report on this corrupt mob of seditious criminals.





I thought a pretty honest article. Good to see some thinking going on the Jewish side of things. I don’t agree with all, because the Jewish perspective is still largely blind to seeing Messiah, but at least they are now beginning to see past some of the problems of Rabbinical Judaism’s traditions:

A guide to Hanukkah for Gentiles and secular Jews  (Jewish Press)  Dec 10,  2020

Dan 8:13
Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one said unto that certain one who spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the continual burnt-offering, and the transgression that maketh desolate, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?

Dan 9:26 And after the threescore and two weeks shall the anointed one be cut off, and shall have nothing: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and even unto the end shall be war; desolations are determined.
Dan 9:27 And he shall make a firm covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease; and upon the wing of abominations shall come one that maketh desolate; and even unto the full end, and that determined, shall wrath be poured out upon the desolate.

Dan 11:31 And forces shall stand on his part, and they shall profane the sanctuary, even the fortress, and shall take away the continual burnt-offering, and they shall set up the abomination that maketh desolate.

Dan 12:11 And from the time that the continual burnt-offering shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days









 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Dec 4-5, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 4th at sunset):

Vayishlach - וַיִּשְׁלַח

"and he sent"


ONLINE:  http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Vayishlach

 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Vayishlach.pdf


Bible study topics

The Gospel

Who is your neighbor?






“You’ll Own Nothing”: UN-backed “Great Reset” Is Feudalism (new american)  Dec 5,  2020



"Black Hole"

Sangre de Cristo mountains near Cotopaxi.

These coordinates should get you in the ballpark:
Latitude: 38°22'29.10"N 105°41'1.23"W
Longitude: 105°41'1.23"W








1 Peter 4:12 Cherished (ones), be not being-astounded with-the conflagration among YOU coming-to-pass toward (a) trial to-YOU, as of (a) strange (thing) happening to-YOU,

v13 But in-so-far-as YOU-are-participating in-the sufferings of-the Messiah YOU-be-rejoicing, in-order-that YOU-might-be-rejoiced also in the uncovering of his glory exulting.


About the deep state
Alleged Pro-Trump Lawyer Lin Wood, Cautioning GOP Voters In Georgia, Has Donated, Voted For Democrats: (dailywire)  Dec 2,  2020

DOJ = Barr = the swamp?

Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud

DOJ Investigating Alleged Attempt To Bribe White House For ‘Presidential Pardon,’ 50+ Devices Seized (dailywire)  Dec 1,  2020
content: “The heavily redacted documents revealed Tuesday do not name the individuals involved or President Donald Trump,” NBC News reported. “They also do not indicate if any White House officials had knowledge of the scheme.”

Barr... just now...begins probe of obama/biden
Barr Appoints Special Counsel To Continue Criminal Investigation Into Obama-Era FBI Trump-Russia Probe (dailywire)  Dec 1,  2020

Swamp Stink/thing?
VIDEO: Here’s Why GOP Abandoned Trump And it’s Worse Than You Imagined (geller report)  Dec 2,  2020


Well, it's layered:


REPORT: Lt Gen McInerney Reports US Special Forces Attacked CIA Server Farm In Germany In Server Seizure Operation, 5 Soldiers Killed, Servers Secured
(creativedestructionmedia.com)  Nov 28,  2020

Don’t know about this, at least a good imagination:
Simon Parkes

Correction NOT the 503rd Battalion...
I meant the 305th Battalion.

Oh yeah, crazy.
So things are not always what they seem
Seems the omission of Covid19 leaves another layer, or a switch back...
Trump appears to still be supporting vaccination...

dec 5
President Donald Trump: Vaccines are on their way starting next week!
So. There's NEVER been a vaccine for a coronavirus,



 and now, in a seven month period, we have vaccines - PLURAL - available.

That's fake news right there.






 How do the leading COVID-19 vaccines differ? Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and more
November 23, 2020
The world has finally received uplifting COVID-19 news — there are at least three vaccines that appear to be at least 90 percent effective, and there are plenty of other potential immunizations in the works, too.
Wait, the common cold is a coronavirus!
NOTE: the AstraZeneca vaccine "uses a deactivated COLD VIRUS from a chimpanzee"
NOTE: the Johnson and Johnson vaccine utilizes
"a virus for the COMMON COLD that has already been 'disabled,'"

Wait, there has previously never been a coronavirus vaccine developed!

Is it fake news that coronavirus vaccines have been made?
Is it fake news that coronavirus vaccines could not previously be made?


More than 144 coronavirus vaccines are currently being developed as of 12/6/2020
Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker
Researchers are testing 58 vaccines in clinical trials on humans, and at least 86 preclinical vaccines are under active investigation in animals.

Get this: Even Cuba is developing a coronavirus vaccine now:
Cuba announces two Phase 1 trials

Oh, so then ALL the drug companies could have previously made a vaccine for the common cold, but chose not to as they make tons of money off cold remedy "medicines".

So then, the drug companies owe everyone - reparations - for loss of life, liberty, and heath.

Of course we can expect these new coronavirus vaccines to work just as well as past flu shots. That is to say, the vaccines are similar to the over the counter cold remedy "medicines"...you will still get sick...

Health is not the issue...
This is all about crowd control.

We are Live: 1984

Vaccination cards will be issued to everyone getting Covid-19 vaccine, health officials say   (krdo news)  Dec 3,  2020

Michael Flynn Tweets Petition Calling For Martial Law, National Re-Vote (mrctv)  Dec 3,  2020
“Limited Martial Law is clearly a better option than Civil War!”

So for some time I've felt that the only way "they" can implement Martial Law is to have the backing of the nation's "conservatives". And a lot of "liberals" would be onboard also, after getting a look at the fake "office of the President-Elect, because Joe Biden can't take a piss without a helping hand.  And Antifa, Covid-19, and the election fraud are the consensus building stepping stones, perhaps.

Think that vaccine will still be voluntary during Martial Law?


Mindless Zombies:

Joe Biden represents all who voted for him.  He speaks for them:

December 2, 2020
Joe Biden loses his mask.

UPDATE: Still the same April 29, 2021

‘I’m in Trouble’ — Joe Biden Loses Mask After Outdoor Campaign Speech
Apr29, 2021


December 3, 2020
‘I Was Joking Running After Him to Grab His Tail’

Biden claimed that he was getting out of the shower when his dog Major approached him with a ball.
"I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom and I grabbed the ball like this and he ran and I was joking running after him to grab his tail. And what happened was he slipped on a throw rug and I tripped on the rug he slid on"


Of course it's ridiculous to think Joe Biden will be actual President.

Biden readily admits this:

December 4, 2020

Biden: I'll develop some disease and say I have to resign.



And in all this clutter many are being prepped - or rather numbed- to accept a false messiah:

Former Head of Israel’s Space Program: The Aliens Asked Not To Be Revealed, Humanity Not Yet Ready (jewish press)  Dec 5,  2020

The UFOs have asked not to publish that they are here, humanity is not ready yet. Trump was on the verge of revealing, but the aliens in the Galactic Federation are saying: Wait, let people calm down first. They don’t want to start mass hysteria. They want to first make us sane and understanding.
They have been waiting for humanity to evolve and reach a stage where we will generally understand what space and spaceships are. There’s an agreement between the US government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to do experiments here. They, too, are researching and trying to understand the whole fabric of the universe, and they want us as helpers. There’s an underground base in the depths of Mars, where their representatives are, and also our American astronauts.


Matthew 24:37 But as-altogether the days of-the Noah, thus will-be also the presence of-the son of-the MAN.


Christians who have been paying attention know full well that "aliens" are simply the fallen angels and their demons/spirits.

Solomon said there was nothing new under the sun. So this reflects "old news"

Satan will come with all signs and wonders.  He will do things that many unlearned Christians will think only God can do.

And he will be so subtle that they may be deluded.



1 Peter 4:12 Cherished (ones), be not being-astounded with-the conflagration among YOU coming-to-pass toward (a) trial to-YOU, as of (a) strange (thing) happening to-YOU,

v13 But in-so-far-as YOU-are-participating in-the sufferings of-the Messiah YOU-be-rejoicing, in-order-that YOU-might-be-rejoiced also in the uncovering of his glory exulting.







December 4, 2017
Who will read in the future? (intellectual takeout) Dec 4,  2017

It is far easier to manipulate the emotions through video than it is through the written word. Video conveys information through something akin to osmosis, the recipient need only to open his eyes and ears for the information transfer. Reading, on the other hand, requires an active participant, it demands the recipient of information think through and imagine the arguments or story, and to digest the meaning over time.

Related commentary by John Parsons



November 2020






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Nov 27-28, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 27th at sunset):

Vayetzei - וַיֵּצֵא

"and he went out"


ONLINE:  www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Vayetzei

 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Vayetzei.pdf


Bible study topics

Translation vs. Transliteration


Μεσσίας and Χριστός


There is no lost Hebrew text

the Gospel according to the Shofar






old news

Beekeeping in North America - an exercise in White Privilege  (revolutionary war journal)  Aug 8, 2018
None seek reparations.




'We won't force vaccine; but here's what we will do' (israel national news) Nov 26,  2020
They've learned nothing. NOTHING.




So much thanks-giving for God sending the European Man.

First hand account: savages
Satan was very active in North America before European Man arrived.

Who invented scalping?







 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Nov 20-21, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 20th at sunset):

Toldot - תּוֹלְדֹת



ONLINE:  www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Toldot_

 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Toldot.pdf


Bible study topics

"redemption-back" - ἀπολυτρώσεως -apolutroseos- and "propitatory" -ἱλαστήριον -hilasterion-

The Hidden Chapter

all ten virgins slumbered and slept.

Hosea 2:23 is a dual prophecy.

Who hath and who shall ascend and or descend?






One of the safest places’: CDC Director Does Not Support Closing Schools (sara carter)  Nov 20, 2020

FACT CHECK: Mostly False. Schools are the National Disease Incubation Centers.




Paris Climate
Since America left the Paris Agreement, the US has cut our emissions, more than any other country, while China has increased its own. (dailywire)  Nov 24, 2020

This success has been bc of innovation & tech with the private sector like fracking.

“The United States saw the largest decline in energy-related CO2 emissions in 2019 on a country basis – a fall of 140 Mt, or 2.9%, to 4.8 Gt,” The International Energy Agency (IEA) reported on Tuesday. “US emissions are now down almost 1 Gt from their peak in the year 2000, the largest absolute decline by any country over that period.”


Biden wants US to rejoin Paris Climate Accord. Why? It puts America last. (news)  Nov 24, 2020
The one country making substantial progress in reducing carbon emissions is the U.S. under President Donald Trump




Oil is natural.

Why didn't crude oil petrify?

Does Oil Come From Dinosaurs?   (thoughtco)  Aug 15, 2019
"oil reserves were actually produced by microscopic bacteria, not house-sized dinosaurs"

Thomas Gold was a free-thinking physicist and astrophysicist who refused to bow to consensus.

He claimed that oil is continuously made in the earth (Abiogenic Petroleum Origin).



Which explains why

Oil wells refill.



Do most people that voted for Biden/Harris believe that crude oil comes from dinosaurs?






Jonathan Pollard

Pollard was finally arrested on November 21, 1985, at the gates of the Israeli Embassy  (news)  Nov 24, 2020

Israel wouldn't let him in.

"On November 21, 1985, he and his wife tried to gain asylum at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., but were rebuffed by the Israeli guards. FBI agents arrested him, swarming the perimeter as soon as Pollard set foot off embassy property."
The above quote from wikipedia has been altered, and now similarily says:
"On November 21, 1985, he and his wife tried to gain asylum at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D. C., but were ordered to leave by Israeli guards. FBI agents arrested Pollard as soon as he left embassy property"
"His handler, Rafi Eitan, stated in a 2014 interview that he had arranged an escape plan for Pollard. Eitan claimed that he gave Pollard a prearranged signal to leave the United States, but instead, Pollard "wandered around for three days with them following him. He had many opportunities to do what I told him and he didn't do it." Eitan claimed that he had given the order to evict Pollard from the embassy."

He'll have a place to stay in Israel, right?
Ex-Mossad *Handler Blames Pollard for Bungling '85 Escape Plan  (haaretz)  Published on 01.12.2014

Former handler says an escape plan was in place for Pollard to flee to Israel - but was aborted when he sought embassy asylum.
But instead of executing an agreed-upon escape plan, Eitan said, admitting for the first time that such a plan was in place, Pollard “went home. He wandered around for three days with them following him. He had many opportunities to do what I told him and he didn’t do it.”
Instead, Eitan said, shaking his head, Pollard “thought he and his wife would go into the embassy with two suitcases full of information and they would give him asylum.no ambassador would have given Pollard diplomatic shelter. No one.”
That was when, Eitan said, he gave the order to turn Pollard away. “I immediately said - throw him out,” he recounted, adding voluntarily: “I don’t regret it.”
In that case, as in any others, he said “I made the right decision to do what is best for the state of Israel. And anyone in that position who does otherwise would be wrong I know if I had done otherwise it would have been far worse.”
Pollard, he said, sealed his own fate when he chose his path. “The moment that this many decided to go to the embassy in the manner he chose to go there, he decided on his own that he was going to prison.”
Eitan said he took full responsibility for the decision to abandon Pollard. As for the decisions that led to his arrest, he said: “You can’t wage war without making mistakes.”
While he refused to express any feelings of guilt, his wife said otherwise. She said that when the couple built themselves a house in northern Israel years ago, she said that if Pollard was ever released from jail, she would give him a house to live in.

*Note the "*Handler" was Rafi Eitan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafi_Eitan
"in 1978, the government of Menachem Begin, the then Prime Minister of Israel, called him back to be his advisor on terrorism, as Eitan was regarded and admired as one of the most respected experts in this field. In 1981, Eitan was named head of the Defense Ministry's Lekem, the Bureau for Scientific Relations, replacing legendary Israeli spy-master Benjamin Blumberg, where he continued work on counter-terrorism. According to the British journalist, Gordon Thomas, Eitan then participated in a partnership between Israeli and U.S. intelligence during the early 1980s in selling to foreign intelligence agencies in excess of $500 million worth of licenses to a trojan horse version of the Washington, D.C.-based, Inslaw Inc.'s people-tracking software called PROMIS, in order to spy on them"

[There is another Rafael Eitan...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafael_Eitan]




Facemasks Greatly Reduced Flu Infections in Israel  (jewish press)  Nov 12, 2020

...and everywhere.

Facemasks work - or cold and flu is being reported as - coronavirus.

Noteworthy is that Big Pharma has put all their eggs in the vaccine basket, sacrificing their annual $$$ blowout with the cold and flu season.
Israel may be looking at a Winter without the flu. The major concern in the health system about a double-pandemic this winter – the “normal” flu and the new visitor coronavirus – is not materializing for the time being,
According to a Wednesday report by the Israeli Center for Disease Control (ICDC), so far there have been zero cases of influenza reported, in contrast to previous years in which the first signs and cases of influenza had already appeared by mid-November.
The Ministry of Health is calling on the Israeli public to get vaccinated despite this information,
but one may wish to consult one’s physician first.







 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Nov 13-14, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 13th at sunset):

Chayei Sarah - חַיֵּי שָׂרָה  

"life of Sarah"


ONLINE:  http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Chayei_Sarah

 PDF -  www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Chayei_Sarah.pdf


Bible study topics


Who will-indict against chosen (ones) of-God?

The-(things) impossible beside MEN (are) possible beside the God.

The death of Sarah

evidence that Keturah is not Hagar







how to download facebook archive




Family Income Rose Drastically Under Trump, Meaning His Economy Was Better Than Obama’s
 (dailywire)  Nov 13, 2020
Karl W. Smith, former vice president at the Tax Foundation and an assistant professor of economics at the University of North Carolina, used his Bloomberg opinion column just before the November election to explain how the economy improved under Trump. Of course, the column didn’t get mainstream traction prior to the election, and the media has since called the election for Joe Biden, who has promised to undo the Trump policies that made the economy so successful after decades of stagnation.
Nov 13, 2020



Islamists behead more than 50 people on a football pitch in Mozambique then chop the bodies to pieces after abducting female villagers
(daily mail)  Nov 10, 2020
Victims were killed and their bodies dismembered on an 'execution grounds'
Other villagers were caught and killed as they tried to escape the massacre
The massacre is the latest in growing wave of violence by ISIS-linked extremists



Rabbi insists: Trump will eventually win the elections
(israel national news)  Nov 11, 2020
@1:08 - The rabbi states "There are many times in our history when it looked like the end was near, and then suddenly, Yeshuah (Salvation) Hashem (YHVH), the Salvation of God appears out of nowhere."
AS when reciting Isaiah 12:2-3 @havdalah, the rabbi has -unwittingly?- proclaimed the great confession that is required by the New Covenant - "Yeshua is YHVH".

"At the end of Daniel, The angel Michial informs him that at the time of the end - which is now - many will be separated, cleansed, and purified. The wicked will be exposed, the wicked will be clueless, only the wise will understand."

Philippians 2:5 YOU-be-having this opinion in YOU which also (is) in Messiah Jesus,
v6 Who existing in form of-God considered not the being equal with-God (a thing for) seizure,
v7 BUT he-emptied himself having-taken form of (a) slave, having-become in similitude of-MEN;
v8 And having-been-found in-figure as MAN he-humbled himself having-become obedient as-far-as death, but death of-(a)-cross.
v9 and on-this-account the God exceedingly-exalted him and bestowed-a-favor to-him
the name, namely-the-one above every name,
v10 In-order-that
in the name of-Jesus every knee might-bend of-(those)-in-(the)-heavenly and of-(those)-earthly and of-(those)-subterranean,

v11 And every tongue might-acknowledge that
Jesus Messiah (is) Jehovah with-reference-to glory of-God (the) Father,

v12 So-that, my cherished (ones), according-as YOU always obeyed, not as in my presence only BUT now much more in my absence, YOU-be-working-out the salvation of-yourselves with fear and trembling;
v13 For God is the (one) operating in YOU even to-be-willing and to-be-operating in-behalf-of the well-thinking. (of God:)


In Hebrew, "HaShem" means "The Name".




WATCH: Vice President Pence Encourages Americans To Pray, Quotes Scripture During Rally (dailywire)  Nov 2, 2020
“So, pray for America,” Pence continued. “Pray for all the American people. It will make a difference.”
True, but then Pence misquotes scripture.
"If His people, who are called by His name, will humble themselves and pray, and turn, that He'll do like He's always done, in the long and storied history of this great nation: He'll hear from heaven, and heal this land. This one Nation, under God…" — @VP @Mike_Pence pic.twitter.com/LygRAInxNj
"His people" in scripture refers to Israel. 

Of course, Pence is much closer to the mark than anything the Demoncrats are projecting.





'Great day for humanity': Pfizer says COVID-19 vaccine over 90% effective _nov9
The global race for a vaccine has seen wealthier countries forge multibillion-dollar supply deals with drugmakers such as Pfizer, AstraZeneca Plc and Johnson & Johnson,

raising questions over when middle income and poorer nations will get access to inoculations whether the drug companies are just in it for the money.



Hey, here's an idea

Let's have all the politicians take the vaccine first.

If they live, the vaccine is safe.

If they die, we are safe.






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Nov 6-7, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 6th at sunset):


Vayera - וַיֵּרָא

"and He appeared"


ONLINE:  http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Vayera_

 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Vayera.pdf


Bible study topics

 about that disjunctive mark
Abraham | Abraham
Samuel | Samuel
Jacob | Jacob
Moses | Moses
Torah | Torah


The Trinity seen in the Tanach, and as taught in the Zohar

The Gospel was preached to Abraham.

the "least" and the "great"

It’s ok to eat a cheeseburger.

In the Mountain of YHVH – in the New Covenant – YHVH provides…HE appears...HE is present...






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In Colorado Wolves worth more than babies


Man (mankind) was created in the image of God.

Genesis 1:27 And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

In Colorado, the civilized man (conservatives) now has yet another good excuse to purchase a new tack-driver, as he will be called upon to offset damage to elk and deer conservation caused by the barbaric liberal hive-mindset with the reintroduction of wolves into the state (Proposition 114).  Like this man in Montana, where the wolf problem is so bad that the state allows 5 wolf tags per hunter:



The barbarians also voted to kill babies by rejecting Proposition 115.


The barbarians worship the creature instead of the Creator.

This is explained in the first chapter of the book to Romans:

Romans 1:16 For I-am not ashamed-of the good-news; for it-is (the) power of-God with-reference-to salvation to-everyone trusting, both to-Jew first and to-Greek.

v17 For justice of-God is-being-uncovered from heaven in it out-of trust with-reference-to trust, according-as it-has-been-and-still-is-written:  But the just (one) will-himself-live out-of trust.

v18 For wrath of-God is-being-uncovered on all impiety and unrighteousness of-MEN, the (ones) holding-fast the truth in unrighteousness,


Everyone understands that there is one true God:

v19 For-the-reason-that the-thing known of-the God is manifest among them; for the God manifested (it) to-them.

v20 For the invisible-things of-him from creation of (a) world being-understood by-the things-made (are)-being-seen-clearly, both his constant power and divinity, with-reference-to their being without-defense,


But many choose to give glory or thanks to God.  They invent their own gods. They are aimless, and have dark hearts.

v21 For-the-reason-that having-come-to-know the God they-glorified (him) not as God or gave-thanks, BUT they-were-aimless in their deliberations, and their heart without-understanding was-made-dark.


They were made to be stupid.  God gave them over to their stupidity. Because they rejected God, he made their hive-mind.  They cannot think right.

v22 Alleging to-be wise (ones) they-were-made-stupid,

v23 And they-changed the glory of-the imperishable God with (a) similitude of-(an)-image of-perishable MAN and of flying-things and of-four-footed-things and of-reptiles;

v24 On-this-account the God gave them over with the desires of-their hearts with-reference-to uncleanness, their bodies to-be-being-dishonored among them.


They worship the creation instead of the Creator.

v25 They-who exchanged the truth of-the God with the lie, and they-venerated and they-served the creation beside the (one) having-created, who is blessed with-reference-to the ages; amen.


The liberal (left) hive-mind “thinks” homosexuality and lesbianism is normal.

v26 Because-of this the God gave them over with-reference-to passions of-dishonor; for both their females exchanged the natural use with-reference-to the (one) beside nature,

v27 And-additionally likewise also the males having-let-go the natural use of-the female were-burned-out in their relish with-reference-to one-another, males with males working-out the indecency and taking-back in themselves the recompense which was-essential of-their going-astray.

v28 And according-as they-proved not to-be-having the God in thorough-knowledge, the God gave them over with-reference-to (an) unapproved mind, to-be-doing the-things not being-appropriate,

v29 Having-been-and-still-filled with-all unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice, replete of-envy, of-murder of-quarreling of-guile, of-malignity, whisperers,

v30 Backbiters, God-abhorrent (ones), insulters, proud (ones), arrogant (ones), inventors of-bad-things, disobedient to-parents,

v31 (Ones) without-understanding, covenant-breakers, (ones) unaffectionate, (ones) unmerciful;

v32 They-who having-come-to-know-thoroughly the just-act of-the God, that the(ones) practising the-things such-as-these are worthy of-death, not only are-they-doing them, BUT they-are also concurring with-the (ones) practising.


October 2020






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Oct 30-31, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 30th at sunset):


Lekh Lekha  לֶךְ־לְךָ


"Go forth, yourself"


ONLINE:  www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Lekh_Lekha

 PDF -  www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Lekh_Lekha.pdf

Bible study topics

מַלְכִּי־צֶדֶק  - Malkiy-Tsedeq or Melchi-zedek, Melchisedec. LXX: μελχισεδεκ.
King of Salem = King of Peace











 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Oct 23-24, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 23rd at sunset):


Noach- נֹחַ



ONLINE:  http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Noah_

 PDF -  www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Noach.pdf


Bible study topics

"As in the days of Noah"

God’s promise – No drastic climate change

YHVH can speak any language.

In the future, Gentiles are with YHVH

 "after its kind"






Will They Really Get Away With It?  (gatestone)  Oct 27,  2020

No, no one "gets away" with anything:

2 Corinthians 5:10 "For it-is-essential the us all to-be-manifested in-front of-the rostrum of-the Messiah, in-order-that each-one  might-obtain-for-himself the-things through the body toward what-things he-practised.  whether good or worthless".




THESE Are the Most Telling Failures of Socialism  (heritae.org) April 24, 2019

"Christian theology with its idea of a fixed God-given nature infuriated Marx." (news)  Oct 27,  2020
"This is the truth about socialism: It is a pseudo-religion founded in pseudo-science and enforced by political tyranny."

Venezuela is making a comeback...from socialism (amazing facts) Apr 15, 2019



HUGE TRUMP 2020 CAR PARADE: Religious Jews In New York Rally For Trump, Crowds To Converge In Marine Park [VIDEOS] (geller report)  Oct 25, 2020



What Makes Someone Jewish?
(foi.org)  Oct 23,  2020


Wolf Management in Idaho




Christian Persecution Sep/Oct 2020  (Israel My Glory magazine)
Femi Fani-Kayode, Nigeria’s former minister of culture and tourism, posted on Facebook, “What Obama, John Kerry and Hilary [sic] Clinton did to Nigeria by funding and supporting Buhari in the 2015 presidential election and helping Boko Haram in 2014/2015 was sheer wickedness, and the blood of all those killed by the Buhari administration, his Fulani herdsmen and Boko Haram over the last 5 years are [sic] on their hands.


'Muhammad illustrations threaten world peace'  (israel national news)  Oct 17, 2020
Hamas warns against further damage to dignity of 'The Prophet' that 'could lead to war between countries'.

Looks like your average Caucasian:





An historical review of Mohammed and Islam, as formerly taught in Universities from the Library of Universal History, by Israel Scott Clare, ©1897, vol.4, p1362   


Biden: Muslims Will Serve ‘At Every Level’ of His Administration (pjmedia)  Oct 17, 2020


Islam is a Satanic religion.

Three dead as woman beheaded in France, gunman killed in second incident
(reuters)  Oct 29, 2020
A knife-wielding Muslim attacker shouting “Allahu Akbar” beheaded a woman and killed two other people in a Muslim terrorist act at a church in the French city of Nice on Thursday, while a man waving a gun was shot dead by police in a separate incident.
...similar to the beheading earlier this month near Paris of teacher Samuel Paty, who had used cartoons of the false Prophet Mohammad in a civics class.






 ‘Nobody Should Be Thrown Out’: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Civil Union Laws (news)  Oct 21, 2020
“Homosexuals have a right to be a part of the family,” Francis said in “Francesco,” a new film about his life and papacy, according to Catholic News Agency. “They’re children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out, or be made miserable because of it.”
“What we have to create is a civil union law,” the pope continued. “That way they are legally covered. I stood up for that.”

Pope says Catholic Church has always been satanic:
Francis has raised eyebrows before for making comments many believed departed from millennia-old teachings of the Catholic Church regarding homosexuality, though Pope Francis was merely outlining dogma in a more public way than his predecessors. A few months into his pontificate in 2013, Francis noted that the Church makes a distinction between homosexual acts, which he maintained are sinful, and homosexual orientation, which he said is not.




Meet your (Chinese) Facebook censors (nypost)  Oct 20,  2020
their work is extremely complex, involving machine learning — teaching “computers how to learn and act without being explicitly programmed,” as the techy website DeepAI.org puts it.
When it comes to censorship on social media, that means “teaching” the Facebook code so certain content ends up at the top of your newsfeed, a feat that earns the firm’s software wizards discretionary bonuses, per the ex-insider. It also means making sure other content “shows up dead-last.”
It all makes for perhaps the most chillingly sophisticated censorship mechanism in human history. “What they don’t do is ban a specific pro-Trump hashtag,” says the ex-insider. Instead, “content that is a little too conservative, they will down-rank. You can’t tell it’s censored.”




What it takes to put out fires - actual firefighters:













Evil is washing over the world right now
(glenn beck)  Oct 19,  2020




About time.
Jewish GOP congressional candidate calls George Soros a Nazi
(jpost)  Oct 19,  2020
Eric Early, a Republican who is running for Congress in California, tweeted Sunday, “Nazi sympathizer Soros is a danger to our nation.”


Google & ccp & the democrats & republicans



The Chinese Lockdown-and-Mask Model Failed. Now Its Proponents Need Scapegoats
(daniel greenfield)  Oct 17,  2020
The rule of the experts isn’t fighting the virus. It has become the virus.



#idaho #wolfhunt
Alpha Male Killed 5 Hounds
•Mar 2, 2020
Fuzzy and warm story:




Rev.14:9 And another angel (a) third followed them saying in (a) great voice: If anyone is-worshipping the beast and its image, and he-is-taking (a) mark on his forehead or on his hand,
v10 Even he himself-will-drink out-of the wine of-the anger of-the God namely-the (wine) having-been-and-still-mingled undiluted in the cup of-his wrath, and he-will-be-tormented in fire and sulphur in-sight of-holy angels and in-sight of-the lamb.
v11 And the smoke of-their tormenting is-ascending into ages of-ages, and they-are not having rest-again of-day and of-night, the (ones) worshipping the beast and its image, and if anyone is-taking the mark of its name.
v12 Here is the perseverance of-the holy-ones, the (ones) keeping the commandments of-the God and the trust of-Jesus.

"Jesus isn’t just a super nice guy who carries little lambs on his shoulder." - Agree.

"He administers eternal punishment in hell." - Disagree with the idea that Jesus eternally administers punishment. There's one final judgement, @Rev.20:15 if you are not written in the book of life you are cast into the lake of fire (λίμνην τοῦ πυρός - not "hell", "hades", "gehenna"). "Hell" (ᾅδης hadēs) and death are cast into the lake of fire @Rev.20:13.

Rev. 21:8 But for the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, their part shall be in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone; which is the second death.

Rev.21:4 And he-will-obliterate every tear out-of their eyes, and the death will not be still, neither mourning nor clamor nor toil will not be still; because the first-things went-away.

Death, cast into the lake of fire, is no more. This has a distinct finality about it. It could logically follow that "hell" (hades) also "will not be still" (existing) in the lake of fire. That is, the lake of fire totally consumes hades and death. Aside from the fact that sinners cannot abide in the presence of YHVH (Jesus), Jesus cannot eternally "in" hades/hell, because hades/hell is consumed by the lake of fire.

Prayers for President Trump’s Re-election at Tomb of Patriarchs Ahead of Elections (geller report)  Nov 2, 2020
"People the world over are praying for the salvation of the free world – Trump."
Pamela Geller is Jewish, so she's got those prescribed "Jesus blinder" glasses.
For his part, Trump's rightly not having it.

Trump apparently at least has read about Herod not giving the glory to God.
Trump on Not Being Most Famous Person in World: "They Said, 'Who’s More Famous?' I Said, 'Jesus Christ!'"
(cns news)  Oct 15,  2020






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Oct 16-17, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 16th at sunset):


Annual Torah "cycle" begins -

Bereshit  בְּרֵאשִׁית


"In The Beginning"


ONLINE: http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashah_Bereshit

 PDF - Parashah Bereshit PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Bereshit.pdf


Bible study topics

The Days of Creation

All lives began in Adam.

  The zeal of YHVH of Hosts

Review: "redemption-back"

"the dead (ones) in Messiah" - οἱ νεκροὶ ἐν Χριστῷ
"(ones) having fallen asleep through the Jesus" - τοὺς κοιμηθέντας διὰ τοῦ Ἰησοῦ






Oct 10, 2020

Yearly Torah cycle ends...

V'Zot HaBerakhah  וְזֹאת הַבְּרָכָה

"and this blessing"

This portion is read on Simchat Torah.


ONLINE: http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#VZot_HaBerakhah_

 PDF - Parashah V'Zot HaBerakha PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/V'Zot_HaBerakha.pdf






Neo-Nazi Pleads Guilty to Plotting to Blow Up Colorado Synagogue (jewish press)  Oct 16,  2020



hydroxychloroquine and zinc
'Mortality dropped 8-fold with use of those two drugs' (israel national news)  Oct 12,  2020




Yesha Council Chairman attacks Trump and Netanyahu (israel national news)  Oct 15,  2020
Yesha Council head says US President Trump 'may have been misled, deceived; I have no idea.'
Tags: David Lahiani Trump Yesha 2020 USA Elections




Trump admin. wants US troops near Canadian border, cites coronavirus pandemic (seattlepi.com)  March 26,  2020




Over 70% of coronavirus patients wore mask, followed guidelines - CDC study (jpost)  Oct 14,  2020
It is impossible to evaluate exactly where someone contracted the virus.



Info that Twitter and Facebook banned (Yes, that's election interference):
Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad (nypost)  Oct 14,  2020
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.
The never-before-revealed meeting is mentioned in a message of appreciation that Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, allegedly sent Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015, about a year after Hunter joined the Burisma board at a reported salary of up to $50,000 a month.
“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the email reads.




In Israel

Dozens Reinfected with COVID-19, Two Strains Possible (jewish press)  Oct 13,  2020
“These findings suggest that the patient was infected by SARS-CoV-2 on two separate occasions by a genetically distinct virus. Thus, previous exposure to SARS-CoV-2 might not guarantee total immunity in all cases.”

So then, a logical conclusion would be that a vaccine would not be effective.




The Circle Is Complete: Bank of Japan Joins Fed And ECB In Preparing Rollout Of Digital Currency (activist post)  Oct 9,  2020
TOPICS:blockchainCashless AgendaCBDCcentral banksTyler Durden




"Happy Columbus Day!"

Kabbalah and Exiled Jew Columbus

Columbus was a Jew named Salvador Fernando Zarco and was among those expelled from Spain in 1492, a rare triangular Kabbalistic signet indicates.

Why ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’ Is Far Worse Than Columbus Day
(the federalist)  Oct 9,  2020

“Long before the white European knew a North American continent existed, Indians of the Northern Plains were massacring entire villages,” says George Franklin Feldman in the book “Cannibalism, Headhunting and Human Sacrifice in North America: A History Forgotten.” “And not just killed, but mutilated. Hands and feet were cut off, each body’s head was scalped, the remains were left scattered around the village, which was burned.”
Less Pocahontas and More Blood Sacrifice

When thinking of pre-Columbian America, forget what you’ve seen in the Disney movies. Think “slavery, cannibalism and mass human sacrifice.” From the Aztecs to the Iroquois, that was life among the indigenous peoples before Columbus arrived.
Happy Columbus Day!




Johnson & Johnson’s pauses study of COVID-19 vaccine
(israel national news)  Oct 13,  2020
Study of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine paused due to unexplained illness in a study participant.




The Philly Statement







CDC stats on mask wearing effect on contacting Covid19 (cdc.gov)  July  2020



Those who get SICK with COVID19:

70.6% Wear a mask ALWAYS.

3.9% NEVER wear a mask.



This CDC report also available here:


TABLE. (Continued) Characteristics of symptomatic adults ≥18 years who were outpatients in 11 academic health care facilities and who received positive and negative SARS-CoV-2 test results (N = 314)* — United States, July 1–29, 2020


Characteristic No. (%)                                                                                              P-value Case-patients (n = 154)                                              Control participants (n = 160)

Previous close contact with a person with known COVID-19 (missing = 1)


89 (57.8)

136 (85.5)



65 (42.2)

23 (14.5)

Relationship to close contact with known COVID-19 (n = 88)


33 (50.8)

5 (21.7)



9 (13.8)

4 (17.4)

Work colleague

11 (16.9)

6 (26.1)


6 (9.2)

8 (34.8)


6 (9.2)

0 (0.0)

Reported use of cloth face covering or mask 14 days before illness onset (missing = 2)


6 (3.9)

5 (3.1)



6 (3.9)

6 (3.8)


11 (7.2)

7 (4.4)


22 (14.4)

23 (14.5)


108 (70.6)

118 (74.2)





This mask might do some good







For the record:

Fauci Wauci's positive public comments on Trump (real clear politics)  Mar 23,  2020




Peaceful Patriot shot by 9news' Antifa goon in Denver (video)  Oct 10,  2020

Patriot murdered by ANTIFA in Denver (conservative brief)  Oct 10,  2020
"There were two guns recovered at the scene.”

Oct 10
"the shooter held his hands and gun (still in hands) up in the air. Police rush in, arrest the shooter "
So it was premeditated...shooter is planning for legal help.

"It was a ‘private security guard’ who was in custody."
City Of Denver: Matthew Dolloff Not Licensed To Be A Security Guard (denver.cbslocal)  Oct 11,  2020
9News identified the suspect as a security guard contracted by them for the rally.
The shooter was not a legal security guard.   9news organization hired ANTIFA thug.

Photo shows bullet faster than mace:
Photo shows mace hadn't even hit his face and gun is ALREADY at full draw. The person defending himself is the Patriot.

Photo shows there was no 9news presence:

Photo shows shooter's ANTIFA tattoos:


Security guard Matthew Dolloff shot Patriot Muster protester attended Occupy Denver rallies




9News could face criminal action for shooting death of conservative activist (colorado peak politics)  Oct 12,  2020




In Colorado

Vote NO on Amendment B





After Acquiring Noble Energy, Chevron Shuts Off the Gas to Israel, Demands Higher Prices (jewish press)  Oct 7,  2020



The Christian side of the Abraham Accords? (israel national news)  Oct 7,  2020
Blog reveals 'long-promised route to Christian aliyah'.

Might have to wait on The LORD for this?
Isaiah 56:6 Also the foreigners that join themselves to Jehovah (יְהוָה), to minister unto him, and to love the name (אֶת־שֵׁם) of Jehovah (יְהוָה), to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from profaning it, and holdeth fast my covenant; 7 even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt-offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples. 8 The Lord Jehovah (אֲדֹנָי יְהוִה), who gathereth the outcasts of Israel, saith, Yet will I gather others to him, besides his own that are gathered.



WILLIAMS: The Fight For Free Speech (daily wire)  Oct 10,  2020




Democrat vote fraud
Ohio’s Franklin County sees nearly 50K voters getting wrong absentee ballots, elections officials say (geller report)  Oct 9,  2020


DESTROYED: Tons of Trump mail-in ballot applications SHREDDED in back of tractor trailer headed for Pennsylvania (geller report)  Oct 6,  2020

New Jersey mailman arrested for allegedly dumping mail, including 99 election ballots (the blaze)  Oct 7,  2020
USPS Mail Carrier in NJ Charged With Dumping Mail, Including Ballots (epoch times)  Oct 7,  2020


Stony Brook Professor: Trump Will Be Re-elected In Landslide (patch.com)  Sept 2,  2020
Helmut Norpoth, who's correctly predicted five of the past six elections, gives President Trump a 91 percent chance of winning re-election.
President Donald Trump will defeat former Vice President Joe Biden in a landslide in the Nov. 3 election, says Stony Brook University professor and political scientist Helmut Norpoth.
Not only did Norpoth correctly predict Trump's win over Hillary Clinton in 2016, but he has correctly called five of the past six presidential elections using his "primary model," a statistical representation of U.S. presidential races based on data going back more than a century, according to the university.



Obama's high crimes
Brennan briefed Obama on HRC’s alleged plan to ‘stir up’ trouble for Trump, DNI reveals  (sara carter)  Oct 6,  2020



Well, duh. Read Genesis.
Earth grows fine gems in minutes (phys.org)  Oct 6,  2020



Stats Hold a Surprise: Lockdowns May Have Had Little Effect on COVID-19 Spread (national review)  Oct 4,  2020
Data suggest mandatory lockdowns exacted a great cost, with a questionable effect on transmission.

The ultimate lockdown goal being to prevent Trump from being reelected.







I will dwell in the shadow of your wings, LORD.

ONLINE: http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Sukkot

PDF: http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Sukkot.pdf







Trump sees approval rating increase, majority expect him to beat Biden: poll (geller report)  Oct 2,  2020

Trump, first lady experiencing 'mild symptoms' after testing positive for coronavirus (fox news)  Oct 2,  2020

So then, did Trump STOP taking Hydroxychloroquine?

What we know about Trump's experimental virus treatment (israel national news)  Oct 3,  2020
After Pres. Trump was diagnosed with COVID-19, he is reportedly received a single dose of a 'promising' experimental treatment.
According to an AP report, after contracting COVID-19, US President Trump is receiving a promising experiminetal treatment by the name of REGN-COV2.
The drug was produced by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Regeneron said the President has received a single dose of the drug, which he is receiving via IV.
The treatment is said to be in the last stages of testing. Trump is the first virus patient to receive the medicine.




News 5 Investigates: State Health Dept. hides statistics and data during COVID-19 pandemic (koaa)  Sept 22,  2020


September 2020





EPA Announces the Creation of the Office of Mountains, Deserts, and Plains (western caucus)  Sept 22,  2020




Florida doctors found a coronavirus cure that’s nearly 100% effective (br.com)  Sept 26,  2020






a Consistent Translation






Colorado’s election chief sees dead people, tells them to vote (colorado peak politics)  Sept 28,  2020

New Project Veritas video alleges ballot harvesting, cash-for-ballots operations in Ilhan Omar's district (glenn beck)  Sept 28,  2020

Minneapolis Police ‘Looking Into’ Explosive ‘Voter Fraud’ Allegations Following Project Veritas Video Involving Ilhan Omar Campaign (daily wire)  Sept 28,  2020

Affidavits Allege Texas Democrat Officials Involved In Mail-In Ballot Harvesting Scheme; Democrats Deny (daily wire)  Sept 29,  2020
Republicans allege massive fraud; Democrats dismiss as "dirty voter suppression tricks"


After Philadelphia sees voting machine controls stolen, reporter finds lax security at warehouse (fox news)  Oct 1,  2020



All eyes on Temple mount after UAE-Israel "deal" (jpost)  Sept 27,  2020




Why a vaccine won't work:

CDC says COVID-19 mutating & becoming more contagious but not more lethal (sara carter)  Sept 27,  2020

And this isn't news...from April, 2020:

Coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different strains new study finds (jerusalem post)  Apr 21,  2020
"More than 30 different mutations were detected, of which 19 were previously undiscovered."
“Sars-CoV-2 has acquired mutations capable of substantially changing its pathogenicity,”
“Drug and vaccine development, while urgent, need to take the impact of these accumulating mutations into account to avoid potential pitfalls,” the scientists said."

Biology 101: Mutations are usually bad for RNA viruses:
The distribution of fitness effects caused by single-nucleotide substitutions in an RNA virus (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)  June 1, 2004
"Functional and structural analyses (41, 42) have shown that RNA viruses have a very narrow tolerance to accumulate mutations and still be functional"






begins Sept. 15 @sunset

Yom Kippur,

Yom Kippurim ( יֹום הַכִּפֻּרִים  day the-atonements, plural, @Lev.23:27)*

"Day of Atonements"


ONLINE: www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Yom_Kippur

PDF: www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Yom_Kippur.pdf


Yom Kippur Bible Study Topics:

"for these (women) are two covenants"

About that fast

the propitiatory


The High Holidays and The Gospel




Israel is on lockdown for Yom Kippur 2020

Health Ministry Official: 12% of Subjects Test Positive for COVID-19, Israel Will Exit Lockdown at 7% (jewishpress)  Sept 22,  2020

Some 12% of Israelis tested for Coronavirus (COVID-19) returned positive, and Israel will exit the second nationwide lockdown when those numbers drop below 7%, Prof. Itamar Grotto, Deputy Director-General of the Ministry of Health, told the Knesset’s Corona Committee on Tuesday

668 patients are hospitalized in critical condition, of whom 159 are on life support.

9,227,700 = Israel's population, July 2020.  688 = 0.007239% of Israel's population

So why the lockdown?

Late Sept, 2020, Israel on Coronavirus lockdown, just in time for Yom Kippur.

Comes to mind Isaiah 26:20 "Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast."


Comes to mind Zechariah 12:10 "And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplication; and they shall look unto [f]me whom they have pierced; and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his first-born. 11 In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon. 12 And the land shall mourn, every family apart; the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart; 13 the family of the house of Levi apart, and their wives apart; the family of the Shimeites apart, and their wives apart; 14 all the families that remain, every family apart, and their wives apart."

?Not this year?, perhaps as much yet to come to pass, but perhaps a scene is set.







Abraham Accords EXPOSED (jewish press)  Sept 27,  2020

by caving to Arab demands, Israel delegitimized our moral God given rights and impeded the necessity and moral obligation to annex ALL our liberated territories, independent of “permission” from the US.







The Sabbath between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur is called Shabbat Shuvah, Sabbath of Return.

 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Sept 25-26, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 25th at sunset):


Parashat Ha'azinu - הַאֲזִינוּ

"Give ear"


ONLINE: www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashat_Haazinu

 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/HaAzinu.pdf


Bible study topics

True fasts & Sabbaths

The Antikythera Mechanism!






Can you imagine what will happen when you don't take the coming COVID19 vaccine?

Shocking moment woman is tased and arrested for not wearing a face mask at a middle school football game in Ohio
(daily mail)  Sept 24,  2020


Idaho Police Arrest Three Christians Singing Hymns During Outdoor Worship Service (faithwire)  Sept 23,  2020
Three Christians were arrested in Moscow on Wednesday evening for participating in an outdoor worship service. That’s Moscow, Idaho, by the way — not Russia.




About those “Abraham Accords”…

Article: Biblical scenes are playing out before our eyes (jpost)  Sept 20,  2020


It seems to me that a lot of times we put God in a box of our understanding of His prophecy.  The fulfillment of prophecy may not be as “neat and tidy” as we imagine.  Mostly the problems reflect a lack of reading/study/hearing the Word.


Apparently there are true and false peacemakers:

Matthew 5:9 Happy the (ones) peacemakers; because they themselves-will-be-called sons of-God.

1 Thessalonians 5:2 For YOU yourselves are-knowing-absolutely, exactly, that day of-Jehovah thus is-coming as (a) thief in night.

v3 At-the-time-that they-might-be-saying:  peace and security, then sudden ruination is-standing-by-for-itself for-them as-altogether the birth-pain to-the (woman) having in womb, and they-might not flee-out.

v4 But, brothers, YOU yourselves are not in darkness, in-order-that the day might-apprehend YOU as (a) thief;

v5 For YOU yourselves all are sons of-light and sons of-day.  We-are-not of-night nor of-darkness;

v6 So therefore let-us not be-sleeping as the others, BUT let-us-be-watching and let-us-be-being-sober.


Jeremiah 6:14 They have healed also the hurt of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
Brenton Septuagint Translation:  14 And they healed the breach of my people imperfectly, making light of it, and saying, Peace, peace, and where is peace?


In the linked article, the midrash – the Jews – put the fact that God chose Isaac behind their story/tale/lore (midrash aggadah) that Abraham didn’t love Isaac more than Ishmael.  Perhaps when the midrash was written, the Jews had more fear of Arabs than of God, so perhaps the midrash is written as appeasement to the Arabs, but also touches on future reality.

I have a note on p12 of Discourse 6 that says the promises to the arabs have been fulfilled.  God doesn’t have to keep doing things over and over, but sometimes prophecy does appear to be fulfilled more than once.

So the question is, is this “peace” real, that is, is it the final peace?  I would guess it is not the final real peace. However, the fulfillment of “peace” prophecies may include true and false peace in different areas and/or times, or they may overlap.

In Discourse 7, p37, Ralph mentions the possibility of this prophecy being yet future:

Zechariah 14:2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.



A highway project

Isaiah 19: 23 In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria; and the Egyptians shall worship with the Assyrians. 24 In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth; 25 for that Jehovah of hosts hath blessed them, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance.


In Apologetics 43, p20, Ralph said this prophecy is about to be completed.  Perhaps the so called Abraham Accords will increase to lend to this highway becoming a reality?



And there’s also quite possibly prophecy playing out to the north of Israel:

Magog Alliance Forming? - Russia, Turkey & Iran (prophecy news watch)  Aug 22,  2017


All eyes on Temple mount after UAE-Israel "deal" (jpost)  Sept 27,  2020






Sept 18-19

Yom Teruah - Day of Sounding

Yom Ha-Zikkaron - Day of Remembrance


ONLINE:  www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Rosh_Hashanah_

PDF: http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Rosh-Hashanah-YOM-TERUAH.pdf


Bible study topics

How Yom Teruah Became Rosh Hashanah


Yom T’ruah is not Rosh haShanah








AG William Barr calls coronavirus lockdowns nation's "greatest intrusion on civil liberties" besides slavery (disrn)  Sept 17,  2020
"You know, putting a national lockdown, stay at home orders, is like house arrest. Other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint, this is the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history," Barr said.




Hebrew U Close to Harnessing DNA Molecules for Disease Detection, Electronics (jewish press)  Sept 15,  2020



The signed Abraham Accords declaration
(israel national news)  Sept 16,  2020


The private diplomacy that laid groundwork for UAE/Bahrain agreements (jpost)  Sept 13,  2020

so-called private diplomacy conducted by several organizations, such as the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, the American Jewish Committee and the World Jewish Congress has also played a large role in laying the groundwork for these recent developments.






 Weekly Portions (annual cycle) for week ending on Sept 11-12, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 11th at sunset):

Parashat Nitzavim - נִצָּבִים


ONLINE: http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashat_Nitzavim
 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Nitzavim.pdf


 Bible study topics

Missing Haftarah portion:

Isaiah 61:1-9

The Forbidden Chapter!

Isaiah 63:10-19

The Cloud of Jehovah's Presence


Parashat Vayeilech - וַיֵּלֶךְ
"and he went"

ONLINE: http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashat_Vayeilech_

 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Vayeilech.pdf


 Bible study topics

Who is Jesus/Yeshua?










Never forget. Remember: Muslims did it.








Joel 3:1 For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring back the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,

vs2 I will gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will execute judgment upon them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations: and they have parted my land


Wake up! Wake up! A Palestinian state is on the way! (israel national news)  Sept 10,  2020
Sovereignty movement founders warn against advance towards Palestinian state under guise of normalization and rapprochement with Arab states


Report: President Trump will announce that Bahrain will normalize relations with Israel  (israel national news) Sept 11, 2020
Bahrain will be the second country in the Gulf to make relations with Israel official, after UAE




astrazenecea fail

US medical expert: Americans afraid to try out new vaccines (israel national news)  Sept 6,  2020
Medical expert from John Hopkins U. says Americans more skeptical about vaccines after latest prospective cure goes wrong.
Well, duh.
For these so called experts, "ethicacy data" needs to become such that gaslights people into thinking vaccines are ethical.





Oxalic acid and honey supers:

Oxalic Acid Vaporization








Researchers at UCLA and Stanford Finds Coronavirus “Ten Times Less Fatal than First Thought” (gateway pundit)  Sept 7,  2020
A study by researchers at UCLA and Stanford shows that the chances of a healthy 50-64 year-old of dying from COVID-19 after a single random contact are one in 19.1 million. Based on this it is long past time to get back to normal.




 FDA Nears Approval of Injectable Biochip Implants for COVID Detection, Linked to Computers (tapnewswire) Aug 30,  2020

A Military-Funded Biosensor Could Be the Future of Pandemic Detection
(townhall)  Sept 6,  2020
If it wins FDA approval next year, the two-part sensor could help spot new infections weeks before symptoms begin to show.



Legal group finds thousands of double voters in battleground states
(wasington times)  Sept 6,  2020






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Sept 4-5, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri4th at sunset):

Parashat Ki Tavo כִּֽי־תָבֹוא

"When you go in"


ONLINE: www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashat_Ki_Tavo

 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Ki_Tavo.pdf

 Bible study topics

 do not miss: "When you enter the land"

YHVH Yeshua is the beginning and the finish. He is not the Hebrew alphabet.

the writing that was inscribed: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN






August 2020






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Aug 28-29, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 28 st at sunset):

Parashat Ke Teitzei  - כִּֽי־תֵצֵא

"When You Go Out"


ONLINE -  http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashat_Ke_Teitzei

PDF -  www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Ke_Teitzei.pdf

 Bible study topics

Standing in the gap

Benoni/Benjamin - Gemeni






Revelation Translation and Commentary

By Ralph Mount






New Report Suggests COVID Cases were Overblown by... 90 Percent!? (louder with crowder)  Aug 31,  2020

Yes it's been fake news.

The coronavirus is used to take away your freedom, and make you wear a mask, to set the precedent for a mandatory vaccine.  The riots have been allowed to make you wish for a police state.

The frog stays in the pot as the temperature rises a degree at a time.

Here's the Shockingly Small Number of People Who Died From Only the Coronavirus (townhall)  Aug 31,  2020




California is working to take out John Macarthur 

The Pope And The Papacy (john macarthur)  Jul 22,  2020
@20min somewhat off on "priest", but self corrects in following comments.  ??



The Hebrew Roots Disaster and Wretched - Part 7



GiveSendGo.com Free Christian Crowdfunding Raise money for Kyle Rittenhouse Legal Defense



Jerusalem Post Health & Science
Acquired traits may be transmitted to future generations (jpost)  Aug 27,  2020
"The worms changed the rules by showing us that inheritance outside the genetic sequence does exist, via small RNA molecules, enabling parents to prepare their offspring for the difficulties they have encountered in their lifetime.





Human 2.0"? A Wake-Up Call To The World (Dr. Carrie Madej)  Aug 17,  2020
video's sources:

Luciferase gene-loaded CS-Qdots as self-illuminating probes for specific hepatoma imaging

Why “Operation Warp Speed” Could Be Deadly

Mandatory Vaccines is already law!

Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread

Bill Gates predicts 700,000 victims from corona vaccination

Moderna’s Mysterious Coronavirus Vaccine Delivery System

Gene Drive Files Expose Leading Role of US Military in Gene Drive Development.

‘Gene drive’ research to fight diseases can proceed cautiously, U.N. group decides

Bill Gates wants to WHAT??! Depopulation Through Vaccines and Healthcare??!

Bill Gates caught on video admitting vaccine will CHANGE our DNA FOREVER


INOVIO's COVID-19 DNA Vaccine INO-4800 Demonstrates Robust Neutralizing Antibody and T Cell Immune Responses in Preclinical Models

What you always needed to know about electroporation based DNA vaccines

AstraZeneca to be exempt from coronavirus-vaccine liability claims in most countries

20 Things You Didn’t Know About... DNA

Gene-editing, Moderna, and transhumanism


With U.S. government funding at nearly $1 billion for one company, Moderna may be too big to fail. However, this is perplexing for a company that has never produced a single vaccine.

As gene-based mRNA vaccines from Moderna are being designed and tested at warp speeds to fight Covid-19, this is also bringing the debate over transhumanism into the forefront.

Transhumanism is a type of futurist philosophy aimed at transforming the human species by means of biotechnologies. Transhumanists see disease, aging and death as undesirable and unnecessary, and aim to transform human beings into post-human species with greater capacities than those of present human beings.

The philosophy is based on secular humanism and sees human nature as an evolutionary work-in-progress with room for improvement and enhancement. However, it is more radical in that it promotes not only traditional means of improving human nature such as education and cultural refinement, but also direct application of medicine and technology to overcome basic biological limits.

Transhumanists give special attention to genetic engineering, robotics, molecular nanotechnology and artificial intelligence, and the Covid-19 pandemic is providing gene-based vaccines a chance to break through into the global health market.

Moderna and gene-editing

Currently there are various companies such as Inovio, Moderna and CanSino Biologics that are testing mRNA and DNA vaccines to counter SARS coronavirus-2 (SARS CoV-2) which causes Covid-19, but Moderna is the front runner that recently nabbed $472 million from U.S. government’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) to develop the vaccine. This is in addition to the $483 million it had already received back in April, bringing its total funding to $955 million.
With U.S. government funding at nearly $1 billion for one company, Moderna may be too big to fail. However, this is perplexing for a company that has never produced a single vaccine. According to a CNN report, Moderna was only established in 2010, has never brought a product to market, nor gotten any of its nine or so vaccine candidates approved for use by the FDA. However, it has been a long-term Pentagon contractor for biodefense, working closely with Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) on gene-editing and mRNA therapeutics.
So instead of injecting a piece of virus into a person to stimulate the immune system, the synthesized genes would be shot into the body whereby the genes are edited, deleted, added, to re-engineer human DNA to resist the disease.

A nanomaterial path forward for COVID-19 vaccine development

RNA virus vectors: Where are we and where do we need to go?
Glean: DNA vaccine can corrupt chromosomal DNA, RNA vaccine may express heterologous (derived from a different species) proteins to high levels for prolonged periods, so of course that's always good.

Opinion: This potential coronavirus vaccine could be as easy as sticking on a bandage
Of course, we never know how well a vaccine will work until it’s tested in patients

Nanorobot Hardware Architecture for Medical Defense
The use of nanobioelectronics as embedded systems is the natural pathway towards manufacturing methodology to achieve nanorobot applications out of laboratories sooner as possible

Quantum Dots Deliver Vaccines and Invisibly Encode Vaccination History in Skin
Researchers headed by a team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have created a microneedle platform using fluorescent microparticles called quantum dots (QD), which can deliver vaccines and at the same time invisibly encode vaccination history directly in the skin. The quantum dots are composed of nanocrystals, which emit near-infrared (NIR) light that can be detected by a specially equipped smartphone. Tests using the platform showed that QDs delivered to samples of human skin were still detectable after photobleaching that simulated five years of exposure sunlight,

Venomous snake fangs inspire new microneedle drug-delivery system

Scientists Propose ‘Tattoos’ To Solve Vaccination Issues


a group of MIT researchers funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation says that invisible tattoos may be the best way to deal with this tracking issue, although there are some ethical concerns with their proposed solution.

Introduction to Transfection
Broadly defined, transfection is the process of artificially introducing nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) into cells, utilizing means other than viral infection. Such introductions of foreign nucleic acid using various chemical, biological, or physical methods can result in a change of the properties of the cell
n addition, transfection can be used in various forms of bioproduction depending upon the transfection strategy. For example, delivery of reprogramming transcription factors enables the generation of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC). Stable transfection, on the other hand, provides the means for the bioproduction of various therapeutic molecules.
Vector-based systems express miRNA precursors or short hairpin RNA (shRNA) precursors that are processed by endogenous machinery to produce miRNAs or shRNAs, respectively, which then act to inhibit gene expression. These systems allow stable transfection of recombinant constructs, and can permit inducible expression of precursor molecules.
Chemically synthesized short/small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) can also be incorporated into a RISC and induce gene silencing by targeting complementary mRNA for degradation. Modifications to siRNAs help to prevent off-target effects, and also to ensure that the active strand of the dsRNA is loaded into the RISC.
Yeah baby.

Injectable Body Sensors Take Personal Chemistry to a Cell Phone Closer to Reality

The team at Profusa is developing a family of tiny biosensors composed of a tissue-like hydrogel, similar to a soft contact lens, that are painlessly placed under the skin with a single injection. Rather than being isolated from the body, the biosensors work fully integrated within the body’s tissue — without any metal device or electronics, thereby overcoming the body’s attempts to reject it. To date, the injected biosensors have functioned for as long as four years.
Smaller than a grain of rice, Profusa’s implantable biosensors can continuously measure body chemistries

Transhumanism And The Future Of Humanity: 7 Ways The World Will Change By 2030

Both wearable and implantable brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) are in development from organizations that include Elon Musk’s Neuralink, Facebook, and DARPA.
The adoption of virtual reality can play an influential role in our ability to understand perspectives other than our own at the current moment. For example, VR could be used to understand the plight of refugees, giving us the opportunity to step into their shoes, which may make us more likely to take action or donate money.

In other words, they (Facebook!) are making a combined reality of the movies "Soylent Green" and "1984".

A nanomaterial path forward for COVID-19 vaccine development
From mRNA vaccines entering clinical trials, to peptide-based vaccines and using molecular farming to scale vaccine production, the COVID-19 pandemic is pushing new and emerging nanotechnologies into the frontlines and the headlines.

Invisible Ink Could Reveal whether Kids Have Been Vaccinated
Keeping track of vaccinations remains a major challenge in the developing world, and even in many developed countries, paperwork gets lost, and parents forget whether their child is up to date. Now a group of Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers has developed a novel way to address this problem: embedding the record directly into the skin.

Biocompatible near-infrared quantum dots delivered to the skin by microneedle patches record vaccination

DoD Funding Vaccine, Therapy Delivery Device
The U.S. Department of Defense is supporting creation of a small, portable device that safely sends vaccines and therapies through the skin. The device is being developed by Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc. in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania, and funded by an $8.14 million award from DoD’s Medical CBRN Defense Consortium; CBRN stands for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear threats.

Talk about operational creep.

Facebook says this info is not true,
Moderna's website seems to say DNA Vaccines are in the works and that they do alter DNA:
RNA Vaccines White Paper - Moderna (moderna) May, 2017








Magog Alliance Forming? - Russia, Turkey & Iran (prophecy news watch)  Aug 22,  2017




Exposé: Biden/Obama gave Iran $150 billion - $300 million for each US soldier they killed  (israel national news)  Aug 24,  2020
Proof Biden knew Iran had killed 500 US soldiers 5 days before the Iran deal was passed. He knowingly desecrated their memory.



The purpose of the mask mandate is to set the precedent for a vaccine mandate.
Virginia's top health official will make it mandatory for everyone to get COVID-19 vaccine
(the blaze)  Aug 22,  2020






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Aug 21-22, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 21st at sunset):

Parashat Shoftim  שֹׁפְטִים



ONLINE - http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashat_Shoftim_(Judges)

PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Shoftim.pdf

 Bible study topics


Z'roah Adonai - "The Arm of the Lord".

Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation

@ the altar
@ the cleaning of the heart
@ Out with the old, in with the new
@ Doing God's Work
@ the exacting Greek






Saudi price for ties with Israel is Palestinian state  
(jpost)  Aug 21,  2020
Saudi Arabia's price for normalizing relations with Israel is the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Aug 14-15, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 14th at sunset):

Re'eh רְאֵה 



ONLINE - http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parshat_Reeh

 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Reeh.pdf

 Bible study topics

The Messiah is the King of Kings

"Missing" Haftarah portions






The Bidens

Tara Reade speaks out on Democratic convention, says party 'complicit' in 'gaslighting' survivors (fox news)  Aug 20,  2020

Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Exposes Joe’s Adulterous Affair, Lies, And Campaign Bribery (geller report)  Aug 18,  2020


Biden : I’m not working for you



 Joe Biden: If you're a woman, buy a shotgun!






This Jew Stands With John Kass Against Anti-Semitic Hit (real clear politics)  Aug 16,  2020



Trump's New Deal
Obviously the Palestinians were not capable of even pretending at the peace game,
So Trump/Kushner moves the goalposts and brings in UAE. Now Israeli sovereignty hinges on "legitimate" crack-pot Muslims.
Won't work. Although they may say "peace and security".

Kushner: US Won’t Approve Israeli Sovereignty ‘For Some Time’ (jewish press)  Aug 17,  2020
28 Av 5780 – August 17, 2020
Senior White House adviser and presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner said on Monday that U.S. President Donald Trump would not approve of Israel applying sovereignty to parts of Judea and Samaria in accordance with last week’s U.S.-brokered historic peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.
In the deal to normalize relations between the two Middle Eastern countries, Israel agreed to temporarily suspend its plans to apply sovereignty to parts of Judea and Samaria.
“President Trump is committed to holding them [Israel] accountable to it, and Israel has agreed with us that they will not move forward without our consent,” Kushner told reporters during a briefing. “We do not plan to give our consent for some time, as right now the focus has to be on getting this new peace agreement implemented.”
Trump may face election interference for interfering between Jews and the land of Israel.


Sure as hell isn't about peace.

Israel, UAE to boost vaccine collaboration as part of historic deal (jpost)  Aug 14,  2020
As part of Thursday’s announcement of the historic peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates brokered by the Trump Administration, the two nations will increase collaboration on a coronavirus vaccine


Apparently still a bad deal:
Shaked to Netanyahu: Show Us Your Map of Palestine (jewish press)  Aug 17,  2020




The Black History of Memorial Day (history.com)  May 15,  2020



Flu Deaths Five Times Higher Than COVID Deaths (geller report)  Aug 12,  2020




 Gender Inequality

Male-Only Military Draft Is Constitutional, Federal Appeals Court Rules (national review)  Aug 13,  2020



Cannon Hinnant (the blaze)  Aug 13,  2020
Say his name.




Lipstick on a pig:

Kamala Harris’ Wikipedia Page Scrubbed, Prosecutorial Record Wiped Out (geller report)  Aug 12,  2020

FLASHBACK: VP pick Sen. Kamala Harris: I 'believe' Biden accusers  (the blaze) Aug 12,  2020
Harris' comments followed a slew of allegations from several women, including former Democratic Nevada state lawmaker Lucy Flores, who made the first accusation in an essay in the New York Magazine.




North Carolina Hit With Biggest Earthquake In A Century (daily wire)  Aug 9,  2020



Ilhan Omar must resign: New evidence from nearly three dozen Somalis reveals a probable spree of felonies (the blaze)  Aug 10,  2020
The "open secret" is now simply open. Yet the media cowardice continues.



Take a look at those buns
Homemade Challah Pretzel Buns Recipe

Hot Cross Buns - Cakes to the Queen of Heaven?
Hot Cross buns


"So the 40 day observance of Lent is nothing more than a rebirth of the ancient season of weeping for Tammuz. "

Hot Cross Buns:
his author is apparently unaware of the Gospel in the stars, which predated pagan mythology wherein Satan creates a false system that mimics the truth.
Understand that Satan said "I will make myself like unto the Most High" (Isa.14:13-14).
2 Corinthians 11:14 "And no marvel, for the Satan is-transfiguring-himself into (an) angel of-light."
Thus the Cross predates Satan's false system.

The Pretzel: A Twisted History
(news)  July 31,  2020
"The Catholic Church played a leading role in the early history of the pretzel. In the seventh century, the church dictated stricter rules governing fasting and abstinence during Lent than it does today.
The first pretzels were baked as a soft, squishy bread, like the soft pretzels of today. Some say they were originally called “bracellae,” the Latin term for “little arms,” from which Germans later derived the word “bretzel.”"






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Aug 7-8, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 7th at sunset):

Parashat Eikev עֵקֶב

"because, on the heel of"

ONLINE: http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashat_Eikev

 PDF - Parashah Eikev PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Eikev.pdf

Bible study topics

speaking of weddings, brides and what-not

Eve was created a wife, and was never a bride






Big Mike "Michelle" Obama as Biden's VP?

I had a dream.
posted Aug 2, 2020






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on July 31-Aug 1, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 31st at sunset):

Vaetchanan   וָאֶתְחַנַּן

"And I Pleaded"

ONLINE: http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Parashat_Vaetchanan_0

 PDF - Parashah Vaetchanan PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Vaetchanan.pdf

Bible study topics

The Gospel was preached to Abraham!

The Greatest AND The Least

The Tabernacle was a parable of Messiah's body:

Boards of Tabernacle made "standing up" - represent N.T. believers

The Law of Messiah









July 2020

"religion of peace"
Taliban IED experts blown up by own bomb in a mosque in North of Afghanistan
Apparently the real God disapproves.

fall allah boom de day..


GOP Lawmaker Says DOJ Could Pursue Treason Charges Over Russia Probe Misconduct (conservative brief)  July 30,  2020
“If it’s not clear to you now, it should be abundantly clear when these indictments start coming out for individuals involved in this through the Durham probe, that … this was a politicized, weaponized FBI at the highest level that was solely trying to take down a presidential campaign and then an incumbent president once he got sworn in—and that should scare every American,”




Despite Trump tweet, election won’t be delayed — but all-mail voting poses grave dangers (fox news)  July 30  2020
Concerns that Trump has raised about mail-in voting are based on documented problems




Man's Election Interference:
Marlow: Google Has Diminished Breitbart Search Results 99.7% — Big Tech Will Do ‘Anything in Their Power’ to Get Biden Elected (breitbart)  July 29,  2020




Get ready for angelic fake news:

Miracles and Maxwell's demon  (jpost) july 23,  2020




Trump Admin pushes invisible vaccine for Covid.  (jpost)  July 31,  2020
US to launch 'overwhelming' COVID-19 vaccine campaign by November
The official cautioned that there is still uncertainty around the timing of when a vaccine will actu
ally be available.




The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It | Opinion  (newsweek)  July 23,  2020
by Harvey A. Risch, MD, PhD , Professor of Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health



Survivors appeal to Facebook to remove Holocaust denial posts (jpost)  July 29,  2020
In digital campaign, message to Zuckerberg is “Holocaust denial posts on Facebook are hate speech and must be removed!”



We Know Not What They Speak: Evangelical Wordplay Part II (jewish press)  July 26,  2020
"This author finds this to be an egregious chillul Hashem. That a strong, independent, Jewish nation tolerated the relative absence/dearth of such lifesaving equipment and relied upon evangelical handouts for them is disgraceful. It must be said that for all the wonderful charity institutions in Israel, there are still many Jews in neglected areas who have no one to turn to save the missionary organizations who are willing and able to help them."
"We need Torah leadership. The dearth of Torah leaders is tragic. Virtually no prominent person today in the Torah world addresses these issues."
My response was:
Are you implying that the prominent rabbis are guilty of desecrating the Name of God for keeping quiet (apathy?) or should their silence be seen as the sanctification of God's name (i.e. they are trusting the outcome to Hashem)?
If you are worried that evangelical charity (their kiddush Hashem via Bereshit 12:3) will change you, it seems you are guilty of chillel Hashem by either being wrong about your beliefs or for not trusting in Him.
Seems evident that the 144,000 won't be connected to anything chillul Hashem.




Election Interference: Google Purges Breitbart from Search Results (breitbart)  July 28,  2020



Cruz Says Democrats Seek to Hurt Trump Politically by Extending Lockdowns (new american)  July 27,  2020



Rep. Gaetz Files Criminal Referral Against Facebook’s Zuckerberg For False Statements (sara carter)  July 27,  2020
“Mr. Zuckerberg repeatedly and categorically denied his company engaged in bias against conservative speech, persons, policies, or politics and also denied that Facebook censored and suppressed content supportive of President Donald Trump and other conservatives.”
Once flagged by Facebook’s AI, moderators reviewed the filtered content, and adjudicated whether it qualified as removable. According to the Veritas report and undercover footage, the adjudicators were outspoken about their political bias against Republicans, and actively chose to eliminate otherwise-allowable content from the platform and from public view simply due to its political orientation. This arbitrary and capricious behavior is not done in good faith and falls outside of the express intent of §230 of the Communications Decency Act, which affords Facebook liability protection as long as the platform moderates content in “good faith.”



United Nations Orders Trump To Stand Down In Portland (conservative daily)  July 26,  2020
The United Nations delivered a formal stand down order to the Trump administration this week, ordering the President to stop Federal officers from using non-lethal force against "peaceful protesters" in Portland.
This is how the UN uses the taxd ollars we send them… Against us!
Will Antifa and BLM be given blue helmets?

Report: Russia-backed milita taking over Syrian Golan Heights (israel hayom)  July 24,  2020



Rwandan Refugee Says He Started Nantes Cathedral Fire (daily wire)  July 27,  2020

Revelation 17:15 And he-is-saying to-me: The waters which you-saw, the-place-where the prostitute is-sitting are peoples and crowds and nations and languages.
v16 And the ten horns which you-saw and the beast, these will-hate the prostitute, and they-will-make her having-been-made-and-still-desolate and naked, and they-will-eat her fleshes, and they-will-burn her down with fire;
v17 For the God gave into their hearts to-do his sentiment, and to-do one sentiment and to-give their kingdom to-the beast, until the words of-the God will-be-finished.
v18 And the woman whom you-saw is the city namely-the great (one) namely-the (one) having (a) kingdom over the kings of-the earth.
v1 After these-things I-saw another angel descending out-of the heaven, having great authority, and the earth was enlightened out-of his glory.
v2 And he-cried with (a) strong voice saying: Babylon the great fell, it-fell, and it-became (a) residence of-little-demons and (a) guard-house of-every unclean spirit and (a) guard-house of-every unclean and having-been-and-still-hated bird-of-prey,
v3 Because all the Gentiles have-drunk-and-still-drink out-of the wine of-the anger of-her prostitution, and the kings of-the earth committed-prostitution with her, and the merchants of-the earth became-rich out-of the power of-her haughtiness.
v4 And I-heard another voice out-of the heaven saying: YOU-come-out, my people, out-of her, in-order-that YOU-might not participate-with her sins, and in-order-that YOU-might not take out-of her blows.
v5 Because her sins were-united unto the heaven, and the God had-in-memory her unrighteous-acts.
v6 YOU-give-back to-her as she also gave-back, and YOU-double the (things) double according-to her works; in the cup in-which she-mingled YOU-mingle to-her double;
v7 As-much-as she-glorified her(self) and she-ran-riot, YOU-give to-her this-much tormenting and mourning; because in her heart she-is-saying, because I-am-sitting queen and I-am not (a) widow also by-no-means might-I-see mourning;
v8 Because-of this in one day her blows will-be-present, death and mourning and famine, and she-will-be-burned-down with fire; because strong (is) Jehovah the God namely-the (one) having-judged her,
v9 And the kings of-the earth will-weep and will-bewail over her, namely-the (ones) having-committed-prostitution and having-run-riot with her, at-the-time-that they-might-be-looking-at the smoke of-her conflagration,
v10 Having-stood-and-still-standing from a-distance because-of the fear of-her tormenting, saying: Woe, woe, the city namely-the great, Babylon the city namely-the strong, because in-one hour your judgement came.
v11 And the merchants of-the earth are-weeping and they-are-mourning over her, because not-one is-buying their cargo in-the-market any-more,
v12 Cargo of-gold and of-silver and of-precious stone and of-pearls and of-fine-linen and of-purple and of-silk and of-scarlet, and all thyine wood and every ivory article and every article out-of-very-precious wood and of-brass and of-iron and of-marble,
v13 And cinnamon and amomum and incenses and perfume and frankincense and wine and oil and finest-wheaten-flour and wheat and animals and sheep, and of-horses and of-wagons and of-bodies, and souls of-MEN.
v14 And the fruit-time of-the desire of-your soul went-away from you, and all the greasy-things and the brilliant-things perished from you, and by-no-means will-they-find them any-more.
v15 The merchants of-these-things, namely-the (ones) having-been-rich from her, will-stand from at-a-distance because-of the fear of-her tormenting weeping and mourning,
v16 Saying: Woe, woe, the city namely-the great (one), the (one) having-been-and still-cast-around (with) fine-linen and purple and scarlet, and having-been-and-still-gilded with gold-(objects) and precious stone and pearl,
v17 Because in-one hour this-much riches was-made desolate. And every steersman and every (one) sailing on (a) place and sailors and as-many-as are working the sea stood from at-a-distance
v18 And cried looking-at the smoke of-her conflagration saying: Who (is) like to-the city namely-to-the great (one)?
v19 And they-cast dirt on their heads and they-cried weeping and mourning, saying: Woe, woe, the city namely-the great (one), in which all the (ones) having the vessels in the sea became-rich out-of her preciousness, because in-one hour she-was-made-desolate.

v20 You-be-being-merry-for-yourself over her, heaven and the holy-ones and the apostles and the prophets, because the God judged YOUR sentence out-of her.
v21 And one strong angel lifted-up (a) stone as (a) great millstone, and he cast into the sea saying: Thus with-a-rush will Babylon the great city be-cast, and by-no-means might-it still be-found.
v22 And noise of-(ones)-who-play-the-kithara and of-musicians and of-flute-players and of-trumpeters by-no-means might still be-heard in you, and every craftsman of-every craft by-no-means might still be-found in you, and noise of-a-millstone by-no-means might still be-heard in you,
v23 And light of-a-lamp by-no-means might still appear in you, and voice of-bridegroom and of-bride by-no-means might still be-heard in you; because your merchants were the magnates of-the earth, because in your use-of-drugs all the Gentiles were-led-astray,
v24 And in her blood of-prophets and of-holy-ones was-found and of-all the (ones) having-been-and-still-slain on the earth.






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on July 24-25, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 24th at sunset):

Devarim - דְּבָרִים


ONLINE: http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Devarim
 PDF -  http://www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/Torah-Torah.htm#Devarim


Bible study topics @Devarim:
*For The Love Of God
The Real Oral Torah
The Word of God
The Vow of The Trust (The Confession) Will Save
The Law of Messiah
Lawlessness [ανομιων-anomiōn]







Anthony Johnson (colonist) (noqreort)  July 19,  2020

Sometime after 1635, Antonio and Mary gained their freedom from indenture. Antonio changed his name to Anthony Johnson.[7] He first entered the legal record as a free man when he purchased a calf in 1647.[8]

When Anthony Johnson was released from servitude, he was legally recognized as a "free Negro." He became a successful farmer. In 1651 he owned 250 acres (100 ha), and the services of five indentured servants (four white and one black).

Johnson was granted a large plot of farmland by the colonial government after he paid off his indentured contract by his labor.[9] On 24 July 1651, he acquired 250 acres (100 ha) of land under the headright system by buying the contracts of five indentured servants, one of whom was his son Richard Johnson. The headright system worked in such a way that if a man were to bring indentured servants over to America (in this particular case, Johnson brought the five servants), he was owed 50 acres a "head", or servant.[10] The land was located on the Great Naswattock Creek, which flowed into the Pungoteague River in Northampton County, Virginia.[11]. With his own indentured servants, Johnson ran his own tobacco farm. In fact, one of those servants, John Casor, would later become the first African man to be declared indentured for life.[12]



Biden Pushes For Islam to Be 'Taught More' In Public Schools (mrctv)  July 21,  2020
Biden:“[W]e all come from the same root here in terms of our fundamental beliefs.”
Yes, all those left of God have the same root - Satan.
Jesus "I am the root"
Islam: Jesus isn't God.




The Apostle Paul's instruction to Timothy:
"You-be-having (an) outline of-healthy words which you-heard of me in trust and charity, the (charity) in Messiah Jesus" - 2 Timothy 1:13

Following that lead, here's my outline:

This month's top ten PDF downloads of 371 files:


Some of top webpages (of 78 different pages on website):




Kanye West: Israel should pay African women $1 million per child (kw @FB)  July 20,  2020
Rapper Kanye West holds presidential campaign event, touts gun-touting Israeli women and suggests Israel could fund African births.

Kayne West - silly.



George Soros’s Multi-Front War Against Israel (front page mag)  July 17,  2020
How the globalist financier's desire to escape his Jewish identity fuels his Jew-hate.






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on July 17-18, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 17th at sunset):

Double Portion


ONLINE: Parashah Mattot  מַּטֹּות

PDF: Parashah Mattot PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Mattot.pdf

"Journeys of"

ONLINE:  Paashah Masei  מַסְעֵי

PDF: Parashah Masie PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Masei.pdf






The purpose of the riots
IT BEGINS: Feds In Camo Nab Suspects In Portland, Drive Off In Unmarked Cars (daily wire)  July 17,  2020
This has been a test…?
Perhaps the foolish clamor/protests/riots are by design to lead even conservatives to support martial law? To make future protest of actual tyranny impossible? Right. Why didn’t local LE stop it? Dem. Governors/Mayors force Trump to make the move, set the precedent on his watch.

DHS Chief: Democrat Leaders Told Us To Leave When We Offered To Secure Portland.  (daily wire)  July 17,  2020
 Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and Oregon Gov. Kate Brown — both Democrats — refused federal help in securing Portland after violent anarchists have rioted for 47 days straight.



Leftist Slavery Was Worse Than Southern Slavery 
(news)  July 51,  2020




Young mother shot in head for saying 'All Lives Matter' (WND)  July 12,  2020
'This killing was reported so quietly that barely anyone even noticed'



mike -
Jesus said, referring to his body, tear this sanctuary down and in 3 days I will rebuild it. He died and rose on 3rd day.
We are members of his body.
Now Torah written on heart.
Sanctuary of God is in you.
There's no more sacrifice.
Sacrifice is thanksgiving with lips - lip service is real 3rd sanctuary priestly service.





 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on July 10-11, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 10th at sunset):

Pinchas = Phinehas

"mouth of brass"

ONLINE: Parashat Pinchas - פִּינְחָס
 PDF -  Parashah Pinchas PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Pinchas.pdf

Yeshua is our Propitiatory.

The zeal of YHVH of Hosts does this





non news?
Diaspora Ministry: Switching to a 'global Jewish Strategy' (israel national news)  July 5,  2020
For the first time: The Israeli government has approved a strategic outline for securing the future of the Jewish Diaspora.
The Israeli government declared today that the Jewish People are represented by a 15-million global community—not just the seven million Jews living in Israel. It expressed the willingness to accept responsibility for the entire Jewish community, as required by Israel's Declaration of Independence and National Law. The approved outline allows for the establishment of a stable long-term strategy independent of this or any future government. "




American protestors chant 'Death to Israel' at US Day of Rage (JPost)  July 5,  2020
Pro-Palestinian 'Day of Rage' events were held in New York, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Toronto in early July.
Calls have been made to end Israel's existence at a series of rallies held across America and Canada.
Pro-Palestinian group Al-Awda held a 'Day of Rage' in Brooklyn, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami and Toronto between July 1 and 4, at which numerous calls were made for a new intifada or uprising against the State of Israel. Speakers at the events linked the Palestinian cause linked to others globally, including Black Lives Matter.

Black terrorist group ( this is not a militia, they refer to selves as "Black Nation") incite racism  (INSTAGRAM)  July 3,  2020
@ about 1:10 Min. calls everyone the 12 tribes of Israel and the KKK.
They want Texas. LOL

Heavily Armed Black Terrorist Group Swarms Stone Mountain  (todd starnses)  July 3,  2020
But let’s get real.
If this had been hundreds of armed white people marching through Stone Mountain there would have been wall-to-wall network and cable news coverage. Democrats would have accused the whites of trying to start a Civil War.
So far, there has been no national news coverage of what happened today. And the reason why is because it doesn’t fit the media’s narrative.

Marching in sort of formation. Using gun as crutch, muzzle on ground. Muzzles pointed a fellow terrorists.
March 10 feet, can't take the heat. Easy to defeat.


Brandishing firearms to stop white man driving car on public roadway.
@ about 30 sec "I'm your worst nightmare" @ again at 40 second mark: "We're your worst nightmare"
So that's obviously rehearsed, coached.

@ about 40 second mark:
"We ain't no Black Lives Matter or none of that bullshit"
@ about the 1:10 min. mark, unable to engage in intelligent discourse, walk away.








 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on July 3-4, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 3rd at sunset):

Double Portion

"decree of"

ONLINE: Parashat Chukat  חֻקַּת

Parashah Chukat PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Chukat.pdf


ONLINE: Parashat Balak בָּלָק

 Parashah Balak PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Balak.pdf





Bubba isn't biting. So this:
RACIST ANIMALS: Leftist Mob Sets Statue of An Elk Aflame, Burns it Down (geller report)  July 2,  2020





June 2020

Video Shows Driver Shot By BLM Protester In Provo Utah (news wars)  June 30,  2020

All the protesters are accessory to the crime.

Protesters are anarchist thugs.






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on June 26-27, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 26th at sunset):


ONLINE: Parashat Korach - קֹרַח
 PDF -   Parashah Korach PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Korach.pdf

Featuring The Big Kehunnah






control over the public

A good accounting of the Bill Gates of Hell (new american)  June 24,  2020

"tyranny is the preferred response" -Ties ANTIFA anarchy to Coronavirus control

In October 2019, Gates and the WEF put on Event 201 at the “Bloomberg School of Public Health” at Johns Hopkins University. The program simulated an “outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic.” The pathogen and disease “are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.” Key figures from Big Government (including China's), Big Business, and Big Pharma all participated.
In the scenario the nightmare only ends when a vaccine comes along. And naturally, tyranny is the preferred response — everything from censoring social media to autocratic control over the public were celebrated as necessary.




Along with the Epstein stinkhole, this is one big reason for the Coronavirus and Riots distractions:

Ted Cruz Blows Obamagate Wide Open: Biden and Obama ‘Personally Directed the Political Persecution’ (federalist papers)  June 26,  2020





FDA Buying Human Fetal Meat
Judicial Watch Obtains Records Showing FDA Paid for ‘Fresh and Never Frozen’ Human Fetal Parts for Use In ‘Humanized Mice’ Creation (judicial watch)  June 23,  2020



Michigan House passes bill to make employee microchips voluntary (jpost)  June 26,  2020






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on June 19-20, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 20th at sunset):

"send for yourself"

ONLINE:  Shelach Lekha  שְׁלַח־לְךָ
 PDF -   Parashah Shelach Lekha PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Shelach_Lekha.pdf





Ex-FBI General Counsel: Hillary Wasn’t Indicted Because We Thought She’d Win Presidency (conservative brief)  June 18,  2020
Twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was not indicted when she mishandled classified information because the FBI believed she was going to win the 2016 presidential election.
That’s a bombshell admission from former FBI General Counsel James Baker, who revealed that the FBI had enough evidence to indict Clinton but decided not to charge her.




Why do the Nations rage?
Boris Johnson: Israel’s Sovereignty Plan Breaches International Law (jewish press)  June 17,  2020


SCOTUS’s Transgender Ruling Firebombs The Constitution (the federalist)  June 16,  2020
The 6-3 majority included Chief Justice John Roberts, appointed by Republican President George W. Bush, and Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch, appointed by Republican President Donald Trump. These presidents promised voters their justices would uphold the rule of law and the Constitution, and were elected in significant part based on these now-broken promises.

Courts are not supposed to legislate because citizens cannot consent to legislation imposed by courts, and have no direct means for altering Supreme Court decisions like we can alter laws through our elected representatives. When courts legislate, they disenfranchise the people. They invalidate our votes, our God-given natural right to rule ourselves. By adding words to statute that Congress did not put there, and has repeatedly and explicitly refused to add, these judges are destroying our Constitution, our way of life, the people’s sovereignty, and thus our human dignity.

Religious schools and homeschooling now offer the only potential safe haven to parents who don’t want their children indoctrinated to believe it’s awesome to amputate healthy penises and breasts.






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on June 12-13, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 12th at sunset):

"When you set up"

ONLINE: Parashah Beha'alotekha  בְּהַעֲלֹֽתְךָ
 PDF -   Parashah Beha'alotekha PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Behaalotekha.pdf






Police State

Seems obvious that if the Police are "defunded", then the military police will be the only option for "Law and Order" left.

Black Officer Max Brewer recovers from being hit by Antifa on ATV (ajc.com)  June 5,  2020
Brewer was assisting with traffic control at the intersection of Marietta and Spring streets when he was hit around 10:30 p.m. Saturday during the second night of protests.

Patrick Underwood? David Dorn?

Anyway, this just showed up in my news feed, seems much related:

Shaun King makes stunning observation about Democratic Party, 'worst police brutality' (the blaze)  June 6,  2020

Democratic activist Shaun King made a shockingly honest observation about the Democratic Party
King observed, Democrats control the cities that are guilty of the "worst police brutality."
"Democrats, from top to bottom, are running the cities with the worst police brutality in America right now," King said. "We voted for them."


IMO: Of course anarchists are like agnostics, in that they don't know (understand the outcome of) what they believe.




Lybya Slave trade, courtesy of Obama and Clinton.

How Obama’s ‘Worst Mistake’ Led to the Libyan Slave Trade
(the root) Nov 30, 2017
Last year, in an interview on Fox News, Obama admitted that the overthrow of the Libyan government was the “worst mistake” of his presidency. There is an argument to be made that it’s at least in the top five. Libya has been in chaos since the 2011 U.S.-led NATO bombing campaign overthrew Muammar Qaddafi’s regime, opening the door for human rights abuses like refugee slavery.

Qaddafi may have been a nondemocratic dictator and a human rights abuser, but he was also no direct threat to the United States and was a staunch advocate for African unity and Pan-Africanism. He spoke out about anti-black racism in the Arab community and was pushing for a single African currency. Qaddafi loved black people so much, he was even working on some slow jams to spit game at international crush Condoleezza Rice. (He literally wrote a song called “Black Flower in the White House” about Rice.)

This Libyan open-market slave trade did not exist under Qaddafi, and likely would not have, given his political might and advocacy of black and African liberation. However, Qaddafi is dead, Obama is no longer in office and black people are being sold for less than you pay for a new smartphone.


What you need to know about Libya Slave Trade: (time.com)  Dec 1, 2017
Since Muammar Gaddafi, who ran the country for four decades, was ousted in 2011, the country has descended into civil war. A transitional government failed to implement rule of law in the country, which has splintered into several factions of militias, tribes, and gangs. In lawless Libya, many see the slave trade and smuggling as a lucrative industry.






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on May 22-23, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 22nd at sunset):

Naso - "take"  or  "lift up"

ONLINE:  Naso  נָשֹׂא
 PDF -   Parashah Naso PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Naso.pdf







Colorado 2020 --- another round:

Colorado Governor Polis says stay at home, unless you are a protester. (colorado peak politics)  June 2,  2020
Yet Colorado Democrats control both State Senate and House, and are sneaking a bill making vaccines mandatory in on a Sunday June 7 during a scheduled Capital protest.

School Entry Immunization



Hear This Well:




FACT:  Colorado's less than 95% vaccination rate has NOT, past or present, resulted in higher disease rates.


"Herd immunity" is a lie.





There's More to the Story of the 'Elderly' Protester Knocked Down by Buffalo Police Than You're Being Told  (pjmedia)  June 8,  2020




They don't care who the dictator is.

Hillary Clinton Says Democrats Can't Be Civil Until They're Back in Power (reason) Oct 11, 2018




ANTIFA is a foreign insurgency to overthrow the US Constitution (center for security)  June 4,  2020



Shutdowns Prevented Millions Of Coronavirus Cases, Study Says  (newsy)  June 8,  2020
An estimated 60 million coronavirus infections were prevented in the U.S.



This Could Be The Week It Happens, AG Bill Barr, John Durham Announce Indictments In Spygate Probe  (conservative brief)  June 8,  2020
That evidence, Solomon adds, makes clear that Hillary Clinton’s campaign was behind Spygate all along, and that the Russian involvement in the 2016 election cycle was part of an effort to help her, not Trump — just the opposite of what she and Democrats have been saying for four years. Sound like a familiar tactic?



De-Policing: The Handmaiden of Socialism  (american thinker)  June 8,  2020

Seems obvious that if the Police are "defunded", then the military police will be the only option for "Law and Order" left.

Black Officer Max Brewer recovers from being hit by Antifa on ATV (ajc.com)  June 5,  2020
Brewer was assisting with traffic control at the intersection of Marietta and Spring streets when he was hit around 10:30 p.m. Saturday during the second night of protests.

Patrick Underwood? David Dorn?

Anyway, this just showed up in my news feed, seems much related:

Shaun King makes stunning observation about Democratic Party, 'worst police brutality' (the blaze)  June 6,  2020

Democratic activist Shaun King made a shockingly honest observation about the Democratic Party
King observed, Democrats control the cities that are guilty of the "worst police brutality."
"Democrats, from top to bottom, are running the cities with the worst police brutality in America right now," King said. "We voted for them."

IMO: Of course anarchists are like agnostics, in that they don't know (understand the outcome of) what they believe.




 The Struggle Sessions Are Here, And They’re Not Going Away  (the federalist)  June 4,  2020
The left’s multi-decade project to teach everyone that America is irredeemably racist has led to the emergence of a new regime in American life.
The model at work here is the Chinese Cultural Revolution, with its mass “struggle sessions” in which anyone deemed insufficiently sympathetic to the proletariat, or thought to have an excessively bourgeois lifestyle, was subjected to public humiliations, paraded through the streets, assaulted, denounced, and put on display as objects of scorn. Often these struggle sessions ended in false confessions and pleas for mercy.


White Lawyer shoots passing driver at Alamosa ANTIFA anarchy


All the protesters are accessory to the crime.

Protesters are anarchist thugs.

Just go to DuckDuckGo.com and type in "anarchist thugs".



Las Vegas cop shot by ANTIFA thugs  (fox8)  June 2,  2020

Cops are kind of edgy, I suppose. Linked article provides some indicators as to why. Snip: "Police in Buffalo, New York, said an SUV broke through a police blockade at a protest and ran over a state trooper, breaking his leg and shattering his pelvis. Another trooper and a Buffalo police officer were also hit by the vehicle and treated for minor injuries."



Jesus said that lawlessness will increase,

Matthew 24:12  And because-of the lawlessness to-be-multiplied, the charity of-the many will-be-cooled.

and it is happening.
Minneapolis council president confirms it: Police will be 'dismantled' ​and replaced with a 'transformative new model of public safety' (the blaze)  June 5,  2020



Burgess Owens: Democrats Are ‘Frantic’ That The Black Vote Is Leaving Their Party (sara carter)  June 5,  2020




Immunity Passports Are a Threat to Our Privacy and Information Security (eff.org)  May 28,  2020



One of the reasons Democrats want riot/looting:
Economic destruction from riots and looting will hit minorities hardest (washington examiner)  June 2,  2020



PhD in Genetics and Molecular Biology from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem: Covid = Bioweapon (h4c blog)  June,  2020




Black Lives Matter
Black Voices Matter
Conservative black icon Candace Owens’s uncompromising video critique of George Floyd creates a firestorm (american thinker)  June 5,  2020
Everyone is pretending that this man lived a heroic lifestyle. We are embarrassing in that regard. Nobody wants to tell the truth in black America. Our biggest problem is us.
For whatever reason it has become fashionable over the last five or six years for us to turn criminals into heroes overnight. It is something I find despicable.
George Floyd was not an amazing person.



Leftists social distancing (kgw.com)  June 3,  2020



Black Families for Vaccine Choice



‘Institutional racism’ among police: Let’s look at the numbers (geller report)  June 5,  2020
10 million police arrests in US
1004 fatal police shootings
41 were of unarmed persons
19 of these unarmed were white
9 were African American
13 other – Asian / Hispanic



Rioters Drag A Black Man From His Car And Start Beating Him  (right journalismt)  May 30,  2020
We are surrounded by idiots, and they all get to vote.




Black Lives don't matter to Black Lives Matter
California Federal Protective Service Officer Killed By BLM Rioters Was Black
 (geller report)  May 31,  2020




Yeah, it's staged.
Mysterious stashes of bricks are being found near protest sites and social media users are asking where they came from
 (the blaze)  June 1,  2020
On Sunday, police confirmed the existence of such piles in Kansas City, urging residents to notify police if they discover any new stashes.

Rioters questions who is leaving pallets of bricks in the middle of riot zones

Arrest Records Show Minneapolis Mayor, Officials Wrong: Mostly Locals Arrested For Rioting
 (daily wire)  May 31,  2020
May 31st, 2020

95% of the 400 individuals arrested in Santa Monica traveled to the city, police say  (fox la)  June 1,  2020



Poll: 58 Percent of Americans Support Calling in Military to Assist Police (louder with crowder)  June 3,  2020

Protesters/rioters are just a tool to get the red, white and blue American to support military and police state.
If this plan weren't so brilliantly evil we could take a minute and laugh at the abject stupidity of the Antifa-Sympathizer-Group's participation.

Picture this.
At apparent odds is the "defund police" movement.  But it's really just part of the anarchist's plan.
But no worries, after a certain point of allowing the lawlessness to run amok (can you imagine basement dwelling millennials conflicting with, say, the military mafias in third world countries of South and Central America?), even the ASG will be supporting - increased powers for the police - with a military/police state.

Will it be the U.N.?  Hmmm, something "new" I think.



Project Veritas Goes Undercover, Exposes ANTIFA as Violent, Ruthless Fascists (ny post)  June 4,  2020



"Old Yeller" was about a good dog, gone bad dog.
More on Mattis (mark levin)  June 4,  2020


Rod Rosenstein’s admission exposed heinous plot against Trump (ny post)  June 3,  2020
And hence Democrat governors have allowed riots as a news cover.






Patrick Underwood
Black Federal Officer Patrick Underwood Shot And Killed in Oakland Riot
(breitbart)  May 31,  2020

A black federal officer, Patrick Underwood, was shot and killed in Oakland, California, Friday night as he attempted to keep the peace amid the violent riots sweeping California and the rest of the U.S. in the wake of George Floyd’s death in Minnesota.


David Dorn
Antifa pukes kill another black man.
 (the blaze)  June 2,  2020


Retired black police captain murdered by looters


UPDATE: St. Louis Police Release Images of 7 Looters who Murdered Retired Police Captain David Dorn June 5

Seven Black men kill Black man.


Max Brewer

Black Cop Struck by Protesting ATV


 Brewer was assisting with traffic control at the intersection of Marietta and Spring streets when he was hit around 10:30 p.m. Saturday during the second night of protests.




Rioters Deface ‘Glory’ Monument to Black Civil War Soldiers in Boston
 (breitbart)  June 2,  2020
The monument, which literally commemorates black lives dedicated (and sacrificed) to the struggle against slavery, was defaced with profane anti-police graffiti, as well as tributes to George Floyd, the African American man killed by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, last week.




For virtue signaling Tuesday

Central Park Five prosecutor breaks silence, says it was mistake to vacate convictions and pay off accused teens  (ny daily news)  Jul 19, 2018

Jogger Trisha Meili Probably Won't Be Watching 'When They See Us' on Netflix
(distractify)  May 2019

Central Park Five detective says Netflix series is full of ‘lies’
 (nypost)  July 29, 2019







The Media Are Lying To You About Everything, Including The Riots  (the federalist)  June 3,  2020


Americans are being subjected to an orgy of disinformation  (american thinker)  June 3,  2020

The Main Stream Media is the enemy.

In their own words:
"We outnumber them. We are legion."
Now we know.

Mark 5:1 And they-came into the other-side of-the sea, into the country of-the Gadarenes.
v2 And on-his having-gone-out out-of the vessel, immediately (a) MAN out-of the tombs with (an) unclean spirit met him,
v3 Who was-having the habitation in the tombs; and no-one was-being-able to-bind him neither with-chains,
v4 Because (that) he to-have-been-bound often with-shackles and with-chains, and the chains to-have-been-torn-asunder by him, and the shackles to-have-been-shattered, and no-one was-being-strong-enough to-subdue him.
v5 And continually night and day in the mountains and in the tombs he-was crying thoroughly-chopping himself with-stones.
v6 But having-seen the Jesus from a-distance, he-ran and he-worshipped him,
v7 And having-cried with-great noise he-said, What to-me and to-you, Jesus, son of-the God, namely-the Most-High? I-adjure you the God, you-might not torment me.
v8 For he-was-saying to-him, You-come-out, the spirit namely-the unclean, out-of the MAN.

v9 And he-was-questioning him, What name to-you? And he-answered, saying, Legion, name to-me, because we-are many.


About 2000 @MSM

v10 And he-was-entreating him many-things, in-order-that he-might not dispatch them without the country.
v11 But (a) great herd of-swine was there toward the mountains feeding-for-themselves;
v12 And all the demons entreated him, saying, You-send us into the swine, in-order-that we-might-go-in into them.
v13 And the Jesus permitted them immediately. And the spirits namely-the unclean having-come-out they-went-in into the swine; and the herd rushed down the precipice into the sea; but they-were approximately two-thousand, and they-were-being-choked in the sea.


The swine died, but not the demonic Legion, as it wasn't "their time" yet (Matthew 8:29).







May 2020






In accordance with Leviticus chapter 23,

Sunday, May 31, 2020 is Shavuot/Pentecost.




How to Avoid the Messiah  


by Zola Levitt

"The only 'days of rest' between the Feasts are the weekly Sabbaths/Saturdays."



The Mystery of the Date of Pentecost


by Thomas S. McCall






Serious Looting in Colorado
Democrat State lawmakers give themselves a raise before fleeing violent protests (colorado peak politics)  May 29,  2020




Too Many Laws: Why Police Encounters Escalate (mises.org)  July 12, 2016


Most of Facebook Censorship Board Has Ties to Leftwing Billionaire George Soros (judicial watch)  May 29,  2020




May 29
Former firefighter reduced to tears as his dream business is destroyed during Minneapolis riots
(the blaze)  May 29,  2020

So anyway, winter is over, and Antifa is back at it.


Next day verification: Minnesota leaders say arrested protesters are not local residents: 'We don't know these folks' (the blaze)  May 30,  2020
'Every single person we arrested last night, I'm told, was from out of state'



These Soros paid punks are very low IQ, apparently.
Rioters Attack Female Driver. She Drives Through Them, then Turns Back to Hit Them Again (louder with crowder)  May 29,  2020
Don't be a victim. Fight fire with fire.  Internal combustion won this one.


Again? So Trendy.

Footage shows car plowing through protest crowds in Bakersfield, California (the blaze)  May 29,  2020


Here's the pisser.  This video is obviously staged.


The Cops are waiting for instructions. 

CNN continues to not move back.

Cops do not stop CNN from filming the arrest.  Come on.

Democrats run both CNN and cops here.

These riots all seem to be in cities that the Democrats have controlled all government in for decades.


So, anyway, here's the deal,

The One Party works in tandem:

The mess of decades of democrat controlled cities "demands" military intervention.


May 30

and it unfolds:

MN Governor Points To ‘Organized Attempt To Destabilize Civil Society’; Trump: ‘We Have Our Military Ready’ (daily wire)  May 30,  2020

While Walz said the protests earlier in the week were largely peaceful, the situation on Friday evening was a “mockery of pretending” it was still about Floyd, with the governor noting that the subsequent riots contained elements of domestic terrorism, ideological extremism, and “international destabilization of how our works.”
“Whether it be New York, or Denver, or Louisville, or Las Vegas, there is no mayor in America that has the resources to push back on an organized attempt to destabilize civil society with no regard for life or property,” said the governor.
As such, Walz announced that he was fully mobilizing the Minnesota National Guard in addition to seeking “significant support” from the national guards of adjacent states.

According to NBC News, President Trump told reporters on Saturday afternoon that he’s prepared to provide military assistance in Minneapolis if asked.
“We have our military ready, willing, and able, if they ever want to call our military. We can have troops on the ground very quickly,” said Trump. “They’re using their National Guard right now, as you know.”

The National Guard is not the military that Trump is referring to.
 the Insurrection Act of 1807 would be the basis for deploying any military units.





Jordan urges international community to stop sovereignty (israel national news)  May 28,  2020
Jordanian Foreign Minister warns: An Israeli move to apply sovereignty over Judea and Samaria would institutionalize apartheid.



Pay Attention:
A Women Gets Her Contact Tracer Certificates and Tells All
May 27



News May 26, 2020
Mail carrier charged with attempted election fraud for allegedly altering mail-in ballots
Feds announced the alleged tampering on the same day President Trump warned of mail-in ballot fraud

Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America (heritage.org)  May 10,  2020






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on May 22-23, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 22nd at sunset):

Behar - "in the desert"

ONLINE:  Parashat Bamidbar - בְּמִדְבַּר
 PDF -  Parashah Bamidbar PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Bamidbar.pdf


Romans 9:1 I-am-saying truth in Messiah, I-am not lying

Habakkuk 2:4b "but the righteous shall live by his faith.(trust)"






5/23 - Chewbacca for the 2020 win?

I hope not. It looks crazy.







On "aliens"


There's ---some--- truth to their existence...

Eve was so deluded that she thought Satan, or another fallen angel, was God:
2 Corinthians 11:3 "But I-am-fearing lest by-any-means as the serpent deluded Eve in his craftiness, thus YOUR thoughts might-be-corrupted from the simplicity and the pureness (namely-that) with-reference-to Messiah".

Thus Eve stated:
Gen 4:1c "I have gotten a man, YHVH".
She apparently thought her son was the promised messiah of Genesis 3:15.

Jesus later confirms such a lineage exists:
John 8:43-45 "Because-of-what are-YOU not coming-to-know the speech namely-the mine? Because YOU-are not being-able to-be-hearing the word namely-the mine. YOU yourselves-are out-of the father namely-the slanderer [i.e. the devil/satan], and the desires of-YOUR father YOU-are-willing to-be-doing. That (one) was MAN-killer from (the) beginning, and he-has not stood-and-is-(not) standing in the truth, because truth is not in him. At-the-time-that he-might-be-speaking the lie, he-is-speaking out-of (his) own-(things); because he-is (a) liar and the father of-it. But because I myself-am-saying the truth, YOU-are not trusting in-me".

Anyway, the idea of "aliens" copulating with humans is nothing new:
Genesis 6:6 "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born unto them, 2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all that they chose. 3 And Jehovah said, My Spirit shall not strive with man for ever, for that he also is flesh: yet shall his days be a hundred and twenty years. 4 The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them: the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.
5 And Jehovah saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually".

I think this is potentially where dinosaurs originated:
1 Enoch 7:5 "And they began to sin against the birds and beasts and creeping things and the fish"

Genesis 6:12  "And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth. vs13-"And god said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth."

And we should not be surprised by an alien appearance:
Matthew 24:37  "But as-altogether the days of-the Noah, thus will-be also the presence of-the son of-the MAN".
Even if it brings fire from the sky:
2 Thessalonians 2:9 "Of-whom the presence is according-to (an) operation of-the Satan in all power and signs and wonders of-a-lie"
Revelation 13:13-14 "And it-is-doing great signs, in-order-that it-might even be-making fire to-be-descending out-of the heaven into the earth in-sight of-the MEN. And it-is-leading-astray the (ones) residing on the earth because-of the signs which it-was-given to-it to-do in-sight of-the beast, saying to-the (ones) residing on the earth to-make (an) image to-the beast, who is-having the blow of-the dagger and it-lived".

For more info on fallen angels, see the "Fallen Angels" links on this page:

BTW, Christians are not of this world:
Ephesians 2:10 For of-him we-are (a) thing-made having-been-created in Messiah Jesus on good works, to-which the God prepared-before (us?) in-order-that we-might-walk-around in them.

2 Corinthians 5:17 "So that if anyone (is) in Messiah, (he-is) (a) new-quality creation; the ancient-things went-past, behold the all-things have-become-and-still-are new-quality."

John 17:16 "They-are not out-of the world, according-as I myself-am not out-of the world".

John 18:36a "The Jesus answered, The Kingdom, namely-the (one) mine, is not out-of this world"

The times they are a changin':
Zechariah 2:13 "Be silent, all flesh, before Jehovah; for he is waked up out of his holy habitation".

In the end, Satan, hades & death lose:
Revelation 20:10 "And the slanderer, namely-the (one) leading them astray, was-cast into the lake of-the fire and sulphur, where-in-which (are) the beast and the false-prophet, and they-will-be-tormented of-day and of-night with-reference-to the ages of-the ages".
Revelation 20:14 "And the death and the Hades were-cast into the lake of-the fire. This is the death, namely-the second, the lake of-the fire".

So, we should invest wisely, and choose life:
Deuteronomy 30:19 "I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live"

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life".








JOE BIDEN & UKRAINE: Leaked phone calls PROVE the forced FIRING of man investigating Burisma, Hunter (glenn beck)  May 20,  2020
Joe Biden DID use his powers as Vice President to FORCE the firing of the former Prosecutor General in Ukraine, Viktor Shokin, who was in the midst of investigating the oil company where Hunter Biden sat on the board -- Burisma. We know this now more than EVER because of leaked phone calls between Biden and the former Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenko and we now have the audio to prove it. Thus, Biden is now the center of a CRIMINAL investigation in Ukraine.

Ukraine Judge Orders Joe Biden To Be Listed As Alleged Perpetrator Of Crime Prosecutor’s Firing (greatgameindia.com)  May 21,  2020



Did you think the US considers Jerusalem the Capital of Israel? Think again (greatgameindia.com)  May 20,  2020
The US Consulate Passport Service does not seem to realize that Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital.



Jerusalem's newest firefighters: Sheep, goats, cattle and camels (jerusalem post)  May 19,  2020
The grazing done by the livestock noticeably lowers the risk of wildfires spreading, allowing firefighters to gain control over fires more easily.



EU: We will not recognize any changes to '1967 borders' (israel national news)  May 18,  2020
EU foreign policy chief: congratulates new Israeli government but stresses EU will not accept sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.



BREAKING: Declassified Susan Rice Email Confirms Michael Flynn Was Personally Targeted In Oval Office Meeting (the federalist)  May 19,  2020
Newly declassified portions of a key Susan Rice email confirm that Michael Flynn was personally targeted during a January 5 Oval Office meeting with Obama.
May 19, 2020 By Sean Davis







 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on May 15-16, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri 15th at sunset):

Double Portion

Behar - "on the mountain"

ONLINE: Parashat Behar - בְּהַר
 PDF -  Parashah Behar PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Behar.pdf

A Look at Luke 4


Bechukotai - "in my statutes"

ONLINE:  Parashat Bechukotai - בְּחֻקֹּתַי

PDF - Parashah Bechukotai PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Bechukotai.pdf

The Gospel stands by itself.






Pompeo: US will dissolve the International Criminal Court if it continues with its illegitimate investigations and prosecutions of both the US and Israel (GELLER REPORT)  May 16,  2020
The International Criminal Court is a political body, not a judicial institution. This unfortunate reality has been confirmed yet again by the ICC Prosecutor’s attempt to assert jurisdiction over Israel, which like the United States, is not a party to the Rome Statute that created the Court.

Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court
the treaty that established the International Criminal Court (ICC).[5] It was adopted at a diplomatic conference in Rome, Italy on 17 July 1998[
On 11 April 2002, ten countries ratified the statute at the same time at a special ceremony held at the United Nations headquarters in New York City,[14] bringing the total number of signatories to sixty,
The Rome Statute is the result of multiple attempts for the creation of a supranational and international tribunal.

Ratification status
As of November 2019, 123 states[20] are parties to the Statute of the Court, including all the countries of South America, nearly all of Europe, most of Oceania and roughly half of Africa.[2] Burundi and the Philippines were member states, but later withdrew effective 27 October 2017 and 17 March 2019, respectively.[21][2] A further 31 countries[20] have signed but not ratified the Rome Statute.[2] The law of treaties obliges these states to refrain from "acts which would defeat the object and purpose" of the treaty until they declare they do not intend to become a party to the treaty.[22] Four signatory states—Israel, Sudan, the United States and Russia[23]—have informed the UN Secretary General that they no longer intend to become states parties and, as such, have no legal obligations arising from their signature of the Statute.[2][24]
Forty-one additional states[20] have neither signed nor acceded to the Rome Statute. Some of them, including China and India, are critical of the Court.[25][26] Ukraine, a non-ratifying signatory, has accepted the Court's jurisdiction for a period starting in 2013.[27]



TREASON: John Brennan Suppressed Intel Saying Russia Wanted Hillary Clinton to Win (geller report)  May 15,  2020
John Brennan, who headed the Central Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama, “also had intel saying, actually, Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win because she was a known quantity, she had been secretary of state, and Vladimir Putin’s team thought she was more malleable, while candidate Donald Trump was unpredictable.
House Intelligence Committee staff told me that after an exhaustive investigation reviewing intelligence and interviewing intelligence officers, they found that Brennan suppressed high-quality intelligence suggesting that Putin actually wanted the more predictable and malleable Clinton to win the 2016 election.




Mussaed Ahmed al-Jarrah (the blaze)  May 14,  2020

 - the name of a Saudi official suspected of directing "crucial support" to two al-Qaeda hijackers involved in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks





President Obama ordered up phony Russia Gate scandal  (nypost)  May 11,  2020





 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on May 8-9, 2020

(Shabbat begins Fri at sunset)

Acharei Mot - "after the death"

ONLINE: Parashat Emor - אֱמֹר
 PDF -  Parashah Emor PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Emor.pdf


To show the Eternal Hope of the "Old Covenant" Jew:

1 Thessalonians 4


  Joel 2:32 - "For every (one) whosoever might-call-on the name (hashem) of-Jehovah will-be-saved". - Romans 10:13






People In Hong Kong Are Becoming Ill With Rat Hepatitis For First Time Ever. No One Knows How It's Happening.  (daily wire)  May 9,  2020
A new report this week outlined an increasing virus problem in Hong Kong, which is attached to mainland China, where rat hepatitis E is jumping from rats to humans for the first time in history, and no one seems to know how it’s happening.




Part of the Israeli problem:
Benjamin Netanyahu suggests microchipping kids, slammed by experts (jerusalem post)  May 8,  2020



Cargill, Bill Gates, and PETA Partner Up to End Livestock Production (LONESOMELANDS.COM)  May 4,  2020
mmmm  good,
petri dish hamburgers



The crux of the matter is the battle  for Jerusalem.

PA organizations to fight Israeli sovereignty move (israel national news)  May 4,  2020
NGOs in the Palestinian Authority are coordinating positions on a joint move to thwart "annexation of settlements".






 Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on May 1-2, 2020

 Shabbat (begins Fri the 1st at sunset):

Double Portion

Acharei Mot - "after the death"

ONLINE: Acharei Mot  אַחֲרֵי מֹות
 PDF -  Parashah Acharei Mot PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Acharei_Mot.pdf


Kedoshim - "holy ones"

ONLINE:  Kedoshim קְדֹשִׁים

PDF - Parashah Kedoshim PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Kedoshim.pdf*




Stock Market Rebounds In April With Best Month Since 1987 (daily wire)  May 1,  2020
This is weird:
Despite the coronavirus crisis that spurred lockdowns on business across the United States, April was the best month for the stock market since January 1987 and the best April since 1938.

Christians Facing Islamic Extremists




April 2020

The Myth that Americans Were Poorly Educated before Mass Government Schooling (fee.org)  Apr 29,  2020
Early America had widespread literacy and a vibrant culture of learning.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
A seminarian was usually required to know Greek, Hebrew, Latin, French and German just to begin his studies




April 30th, 2020
Native American Artist: My Father Drew The Land O Lakes Maiden And She Isn’t A Stereotype
Land O Lakes dairy products company “retired” its iconic Native American maiden, “Mia,” who appeared on its products for half a century, potentially over concerns that the image was a “stereotype” and presented an unfair, racist portrait of the Native American community.
The son of the artist who drew Land O Lakes’ maiden says that’s simply not true. His father, a member of the Red Lake Ojibwe Nation, designed “Mia” to reflect his Native American heritage and her attire has its roots in Ojibwe history.
“With the redesign, my father made Mia’s Native American connections more specific,” his son, Robert DesJarlait, wrote in The Washington Post this week. “He changed the beadwork designs on her dress by adding floral motifs that are common in Ojibwe art. He added two points of wooded shoreline to the lake that had often been depicted in the image’s background. It was a place any Red Lake tribal citizen would recognize as the Narrows, where Lower Red Lake and Upper Red Lake meet.”

Brooklyn Chassidic Rebbe Calls for Massive Aliyah Before It’s Too Late (jewish press)  Apr 29,  2020
Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Frankel from Brooklyn, known as the Rimenover Rebbe, earlier this week issued an unequivocal order for Jews to leave their homes in the diaspora and immigrate to Israel, before a civil war breaks out in the United States.
“Today,” the Rimanover Rebbe said, “Listen to me well, dear Jews, whoever can afford to rise and ascend to the Holy Land should it as soon as possible, and this includes large parts of South America and most of Europe. The US will also become a dangerous place mired in war, and it is still too early to tell which US state will survive, but many parts will be destroyed and poisoned, and a civil war will break out within the US, and states will secede from the federal government. The US will no longer be a place of refuge, but there will be a Jewish remnant here. The Land of Israel will be the safest place to survive the war, even though there will be terrible difficulties there as well.”

He's not going...
“If I could do it myself, I would get up and immigrate to Israel and pray on its soil, but what can I do, I don’t have permission to do so – in Heaven they holding me back for the time being, to stay here in the US,” the Rimanover Rebbe said.

This likely isn't the Holy Spirit talking to him, but as with so many "God said to me" people, it's likely a demon.




Newly Declassified FISA Docs: John Kerry’s State Department Spread Russia Collusion Narrative (geller report)  Apr 27,  2020
The newly declassified sections underscore that the FBI under its disgraced former chief, James Comey, relied heavily on the Christopher Steele dossier alleging debunked Russian collision charges. The dossier was produced by Fusion GPS, which was paid for its anti-Trump work by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee.



'The food supply chain is breaking,' Tyson says as plants close (cnn)  Apr 26,  2020



Navy releases UFO documents (navair)  Apr  2020



(armageddon news)  Apr 25,  2020





Oh, this looks fun...

From the Gates of hell (Bill & Melinda)...

Microsoft ID2020 and Cryptocurrency…(h4c blog)  Apr 18,  2020


WO2020060606 - CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA (patentscope)  Mar 26,  2020


Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.


  • MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY LICENSING, LLC [US/US]; One Microsoft Way Redmond, Washington 98052-6399, US


Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Gates of Hell
Melinda Gates Commits $375 Million for Population Control, Abortion (new american)  July 19,  2017
Mrs. Gates considers herself a practicing Catholic
Mrs. Gates said she felt “optimistic” that the Catholic Church would one day change its position on contraception for the sake of women in developing countries. “We work very extensively with the Catholic Church and I’ve had many discussions with them because we have a shared mission around social justice and anti-poverty,”
Puppet masters, civil and religious.



Calling good evil:
Pastor given ankle bracelet for defying stay-at-home order continues to preach anyway (the blaze)  Apr 26,  2020

Louisiana pastor Tony Spell, who leads Life Tabernacle Church in Baton Rouge, was placed on house arrest and fitted with an ankle monitoring device last week for refusing to suspend church services amid the coronavirus crisis.
Joseph Long, Spell's attorney, said his client will continue to litigate what he characterized as an attempt by the state of Louisiana to force Spell to stop "preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to his congregation."
"Obviously, we believe this is an illegal order in violation of the Constitution, and will litigate the issue," Long said.

Calling evil good:
Satanic Muslim Call to Prayer Begins in Minneapolis (jerusalem post)  Apr 24,  2020

With the blessing of its Democrat mayor, residents of Minneapolis, Minnesota — the terror-recruiting capital of the United States — are hearing the Muslim call to prayer five times a day.
CAIR paid for the equipment to broadcast the noise, the newspaper reported, which will begin at sunrise and end at sunset.
The newspaper did not divulge CAIR’s background. The national organization has been linked to Islamic extremists and terrorists and suspected terrorists, and was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror case.

Minneapolis is the terror-recruiting capital of the United States.
A mosque began broadcasting the unsettling noise in the city’s Cedar-Riverside neighborhood yesterday for Ramadan, the Islamic holy month that will last until May 23.

But the move to exploit the pandemic and give Islam an even stronger foothold in a city built by German and Scandinavian Christians isn’t the only one of its kind. New York City will provide free halal food to that city’s Muslims for the month.





Apr 24-25, 2020Portion for week ending on Apr 24-25 Shabbat (begins Fri 24th at sunset):

Double Portion

Tazria - "she conceives"

ONLINE: Tazria  תַזְרִיעַ
 PDF -  Parashah Tazria PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Tazria.pdf


Metzora - "leper"
ONLINE:  Metzora  מְּצֹרָע

PDF - Parashah Metzora PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Metzora.pdf






Ah, photos! Missing is the earlier report's (down the scroll ↓) structure foundation, but this article has photo of -one- of the rock cairns that marked the route. OF note, the cairns were NOT built on snow and ice, which proves this route was once dry.
So then, if global warming is caused by man and cow farts, as today's global warming alarmists project, what caused their warming in that period?
Ice melt reveals climate change bunk
(news.artnet)  Apr 21,  2020
see photo with caption: "An archaeologist with one of the stone cairns marking the mountain pass at Lendbreen. The light-colored rocks in the background were covered with snow and ice until recently. Photo by James Barrett, University of Cambridge."

source article:
secrets of the ice (jerusalem post)  Apr 16,  2020
"The lost mountain pass at Lendbreen is an incredible archaeological site. It has yielded hundreds of finds from ancient travelers, including clothing, dead packhorses and remains of sleds from the period AD 300-1500. It also has preserved cairns marking the route, and even a stone-built shelter in the pass area."
"The route crossing Lendbreen seems to have worked in an opposite way to mountain passes in the Alps and in the Himalayas. In these mountains, passes were often closed during climatic cold periods due to glacier advances. In contrast, the route crossing Lendbreen would only have allowed horses to pass during periods with snow covering the rough ground."

Comment: So given that the cairns "led" to the ice pack trail, things were lost as they crossed the ice pack/snow field. Now it melts, and things are found. There's still snow/ice, so we may see the mountain now in similar view as the Viking travelers. So their world temps when they lost items were similar to our world temps as we find them.

Were they worried about worried about the warm climate, then relieved by increasing cold? Or Vice versa?
edit: This “source” article’s source article (near as I can tell):

Crossing the ice: an Iron Age to medieval mountain pass at Lendbreen, Norway (cambridge.org)  Apr 16,  2020
The evening in basecamp was filled with excitement. It was an incredible discovery, but we knew we had to act fast. Snow can arrive at any time in the high mountains, burying all the artifacts beyond our reach.

Now, as in the Viking age, there exists potential to lose things in the snow in this location. I would guess that this snowfield will continue to melt away. But I don’t know, that isn’t a prediction. Hopefully, global warming will continue long enough so that we can get to the bottom of the story. Hopefully nothing gets covered up in the process.





Elon Musk says Neuralink plans 2020 human test of brain-computer interface (cnet.com)  July 17, 2019
"A monkey has been able to control a computer with his brain," CEO Musk says of his startup's brain-machine interface.




A Mushroom Extract Might Save Bees From a Killer Virus (wired.com)  Oct 4, 2018
The mushrooms in question belong to the genera Fomes and Ganoderma, better known to fungus fans as amadou and reishi.




BREAKING: North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un In ‘Grave Danger’ After Surgery, Report Says (daily wire)  Apr 20,  2020

Heart surgery or Coronavirus?  Maybe he took too much hydroxychoroquine!

North Korea's Kim Jong Un getting treatment after heart surgery - report (jerusalem post)  Apr 21,  2020

US tries to flush out KJU
(dailywire)  Apr 20,  2020




Yom Hashoah

John Parsons @Hebrew4Christians.com
The Holocaust Remembrance Day in 2020 is on Tuesday, the 21st of April (21/4/2020).
In the Jewish calander, a holiday begins on the sunset of the previous day.



Was Thomas Massie Right? Stimulus Failures Vindicate Maligned Lawmaker
(new american)  Apr 17,  2020





Global warming is allowing Archeology to prove global warming is just a cycle.

Archeology is showing this glacier to have began ONLY about 1500 years ago.
Long-forgotten Viking mountain pass found in Norway following glacier melt (jerusalem post)  Apr 17,  2020

"Due to the warming global climate, high-elevation ice patches and glaciers have recently yielded a myriad of historical finds for archaeologists to happen upon as they finally gain access to these areas after the layers of ice once covering them gradually melted away over time."

This article appears to make some (lame) attempt to merge facts on the ground with facts in the ice. That is, the author appears unready to accept artifacts on the ground (e.g. foundation) and wants to encapsulate it in ice (i.e. the author references artifacts(1) that could have been in ice (knives) with artifacts (2) that could not have been in ice, but that were rather under the ice (shelter foundation).
(1)“Global warming is leading to the melting of mountain ice worldwide, and the finds melting out of the ice are a result of this,”
"The survey of the area surrounding the glacial highway located on the Lendbreen ice patch uncovered over 800 artifacts, 150 sets of bones and antlers, over 100 cairns (man-made stone piles) and even the foundation of a shelter made of stone."

So today, we are told that global warming is man made. What warmed the earth pre ice age?  Industrialization?? Cow farts???







Apr 17

Post Passover Discussion

Digression C    The Holy Spirit is the Law of the New Covenant.

The Law (instruction/guide) of Messiah (Rom 8:2) is the Holy Spirit.







Tech Giants Begin the Crackdown on Unapproved Sermons as Churches Are Forced Online  (caldronpool.com)  Apr 14,  2020




Pope's Queen of Heaven (Astarte/Easter) speach calls for universal income  (marketwatch)  Apr 13,  2020
‘This may be the time to consider a universal basic wage which would acknowledge and dignify the noble, essential tasks you carry out. It would ensure and concretely achieve the ideal, at once so human and so Christian, of no worker without rights.’




Obviously crude oil is NOT FOSSIL FUEL
Massive Oil Discovery in Alaska to Provide More Supply as World Economy Recovers (the new american)  Apr 13,  2020


FBI Suspected Steele Dossier Claims Were Russian Disinformation (national review)  Apr 13,  2020
Four footnotes in the Inspector General report on the FBI’s Russia investigation, which were partially declassified on Friday, indicate that the FBI suspected that portions of the Steele dossier contained Russian disinformation as early as 2017.
The Steele dossier eventually played a “central role” in the FBI’s application to the FISA court to surveil Trump campaign aide Carter Page despite its dubious origins.




Taiwan is not China
Nikki Haley calls for probe into WHO's handling of Taiwan’s coronavirus warning (taiwan news)  Apr 13,  2020
Former US ambassador to UN also warns of China’s growing influence on multilateral organizations
“They need to be investigated. Why was it when the Taiwanese told the World Health Organization on December 31 that they had evidence that this was human to human transmission...Why does it take a whole month for the world health organization to respond?” Haley said. “You want to know why that is? Because China has kept Taiwan from being a member of the world health organization.”







Apr 17-18, 2020 Weekly Portion:

ONLINE: Parashat Shemini - שְּׁמִינִי
 PDF -  www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Shemini.pdf







The Fed’s War on Savings  (TENTH AMENDMENT CENTER)  Apr 9,  2020
With the Fed slashing short-term rates to zero, the US Federal Reserve Note has been further destroyed as a method of preserving savings. (And negative nominal interest rates could be coming next.)



The Flintstones and the Jetsons intermarry:
Trump Signs Executive Order To Support Moon Mining, Tapping Asteroid Resources (daily wire)  Apr 8,  2020
But can't get ourselves to the ISS...







Apr 3-4, 2020 Weekly Portion:

ONLINE: Tzav  צַו
 PDF -  www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Tzav.pdf







Fake News:
Israeli Rabbi Says He's Already Holding Meetings With Messiah
(israel today)  Apr 1,  2020
Israel's biggest rabbis are all afraid to leave the country lest they miss Messiah's coming



DEMOCRATS LIED TO SPY: House Republicans demand hearing on FBI FISA failures and WIDESPREAD “inaccuracies"
(geller report)  Apr 1,  2020

Eclipsed by the corona crisis, the Russia hoax has blown the lid off the illegal, falsified warrants to spy on Americans. TIME FOR PROSECUTIONS.




March 2020








Ephesians Translation and Commentary (About 76mb PDF)

By R.H. Mount

With Interlinear Translation

Note: Commentary begins @ page 1A

Insert for Apologetics 37 p15 regarding the consistent treatment of Μεσσίαν and Χριστός (my comment)

New webpage - a work in progress:

Ralph Mount's Teaching Dictionary








Mar 27-28, 2020 Weekly Portion:

"and he called"
ONLINE: Vayikra  וַיִּקְרָא
 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Vayikra.pdf


John 6:28 They-said therefore to him, What might-we-be-doing, in-order-that we-might-be-working the works of-the God?


 John 6:29 The Jesus answered and said to-them, This is the work of-the God, in-order-that you-might-trust with-reference-to whom that (one) dispatched.







You are getting very sleepy...

Hush little baby. Don't say a word.

Commentary Give Me Liberty Or . . . Oh Never Mind (the washington standard)  Mar 26, 2020


 Papa's gonna buy you.

Trump and the rest of the Democrats get all the Republicans to support Giant Pork Roll.

The Resistance: The one man with principles in Congress: Representative Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) (the new american)  Mar 27, 2020
That's one man against the One Party.




Pack of Lies:
H.R.5717 - Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020
January 30, 2020
Mr. Johnson of Georgia (for himself, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Quigley, Mr. Brown of Maryland, Mr. Morelle, Ms. DeLauro, Mrs. Carolyn B. Maloney of New York, Mr. Keating, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Moulton, Ms. Pressley, Mrs. Trahan, Mr. McGovern, Mr. Danny K. Davis of Illinois, Mr. Neal, Ms. Clark of Massachusetts, and Mr. Pascrell) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committees on Energy and Commerce, and Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned
To end the epidemic of gun violence and build safer communities by strengthening Federal firearms laws and supporting gun violence research, intervention, and prevention initiatives.




Coronavirus curing Temple Mount plague??? (breaking news Israel)  Mar 21, 2020

On Sunday, the Waqf (Muslim authority) announced that the buildings reserved for exclusive Muslim use on the Temple Mount would be closed until further notice.
Jews can pray there now. And study the bible.

Of course, Jesus prayed in a garden, and he taught in the Temple. So maybe they will hear him soon.







Weekly "portion" x2

"and he assembled"

ONLINE: Parashah Vayakhel - וַיַּקְהֵל
PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Vayakhel.pdf

"accounting of"
ONLINE: Parashah Pekudei - פְקוּדֵי
PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Pekudei.pdf







The U.S. Dollar Surges Amid Coronavirus Crisis (daily wire)  Mar 20, 2020






Weekly Torah Portion

Mar 13-14, 2020

"when you take"

ONLINE:   Parashah Ki Tisa - כִּי תִשָּׂא

PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Ki_Tisa.pdf


 * "redemption-back" - ἀπολυτρώσεωςapolutroseos  and *"propitatory" -ἱλαστήριονhilasterion







hydrocarbon...hydrogen and carbon
Crude Oil is Natural.

Natural Petroleum seep
California has several hundred naturally occurring seeps, found in 28 counties across the state.

Much of the petroleum discovered in California during the 19th century was from observations of seeps.

 The world's largest natural oil seepage is Coal Oil Point in the Santa Barbara Channel, California.

Three of the better known tar seep locations in California are McKittrick Tar Pits, Carpinteria Tar Pits and the La Brea Tar Pits.

Offshore seeps
In the Gulf of Mexico, there are more than 600 natural oil seeps that leak between one and five million barrels of oil per year, equivalent to roughly 80,000 to 200,000 tonnes.[41] When a petroleum seep forms underwater it may form a peculiar type of volcano known as an asphalt volcano.

The California Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources published a map of offshore oil seeps from Point Aguello (north of Santa Barbara) to Mexico.[42] In addition, they published a report describing the seeps. The report also discusses the underground blowout at Platform A which caused the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill. It also describes accounts from divers, who describe seepage changes after the 1971 San Fernando earthquake.[43]

In Utah, there are natural oil seeps at Rozel Point on the Great Salt Lake.[44] The oil seeps at Rozel Point can be seen when the lake level drops below an elevation of approximately 4,198 feet (1,280 m); if the lake level is higher, the seeps are underwater. The seeps can be found by going to the Golden Spike historical site, and from there, following signs for the Spiral Jetty. Both fresh tar seeps and re-worked tar (tar caught by the waves and thrown up on the rocks) are visible at the site.

The petroleum seeping at Rozel Point is high in sulfur, but has no hydrogen sulfide.[45] This may be related to deposition in a hypersaline lacustrine environment.[46]

42. Oil in the Sea III: Inputs, Fates, and Effects. 2003







Weekly Torah Portion

Mar 6-7, 2020

"you shall command"

ONLINE: Parashah Tetzaveh - תְּצַוֶּה

 PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Tetzaveh.pdf

“make known unto them the form of the house”

 “write it in their sight”


1 Corinthians 3:16 "Are YOU not knowing absolutely that YOU are the sanctuary  [ναὸς – naos] of the God, and the spirit of God is dwelling [οἰκεῖ - oikei] in YOU?"







"It's for their own good" Department:

Another African Tragedy (daily wire)  Mar 6, 2020
“A primary reason this plague of locusts has overwhelmed East Africa — indeed, perhaps THE primary reason — is that the UN Food and Agricultural Organization, other UN agencies and multiple environmentalist NGOs have been extolling and imposing ‘agroecology’ on Africa. This highly politicized ‘movement’ rabidly opposes hybrid seeds, synthetic insecticides and fertilizers, biotechnology, and even mechanized equipment like tractors!








February 2020


AOC in the news:
Orphan monkeys forced to serve beers and play with kids in 'bar jobs'...




In the things seen decades ago department:

The Tax Poem
Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table, At which he's fed.
Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes Are the rule.
Tax his work, Tax his pay, He works for peanuts anyway!
Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat.
Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work, Tax his dirt.
Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he Tries to think.
Tax his cigars, Tax his beers, If he cries Tax his tears.
Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways To tax his ass.
Tax all he has Then let him know That you won't be done Till he has no dough.
When he screams and hollers; Then tax him some more, Tax him till He's good and sore.
Then tax his coffin, Tax his grave, Tax the sod in Which he's laid...
Put these words Upon his tomb, Taxes drove me to my doom...'
When he's gone, Do not relax, Its time to apply The inheritance tax.

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Excise Taxes
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax (currently 44.75 cents per gallon)
Gross Receipts Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Personal Property Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service Charge Tax
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Sales Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was the most prosperous in the world.
We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
What in the heck happened? Can you spell 'politicians?'
I hope this goes around THE USA at least 545 times!!! YOU can help it get there!!!

---Charley Reese


Differences Between Capitalism and Socialism
Excepts and [comments]:

"What is Capitalism?
Capitalism is an economic system where the means of production are owned by private individuals. "Means of production" refers to resources including money and other forms of capital.
[Check your currency to see if it says "Federal Reserve Note" or if it has your name on it.]
Under capitalism, companies live by the motivation for profit. They exist to make money. Under capitalism, it's the government's job to enforce laws and regulations to make sure there is a level playing field for privately-run companies.
[Hence the Colorado Contractor's Assn./Mafia. Hence building permits, etc. Rules, regs, taxes, all so often under the guise of "for our safety".]

What is Socialism?
Everyone works for their own good and for the good of everyone else. The government decides how wealth is distributed among public institutions.
["Everyone works". Interesting that it is the Capitalists that actually say that is how it should be. Yet those clamoring for socialism are not willing to work. Boy are they in for a surprise.]

Mixed Economies
Most countries have a blended economic system including elements of both capitalism and socialism. In many socialist countries, as in Sweden, there are also still private businesses. In the U.S., there are many government-run programs that are funded through taxes, including Social Security, Medicaid, banking bailouts, and public schools."
[Everyone loves them some free baby sitting. And bank bailouts prove the god to which all labor for in this age - the dollar - is a figment of crafty imaginations.]




Jewish Americans will vote for any Democrat over Trump, says new survey (jerusalem post)  Feb 29, 2020
A majority of respondents said they believe “President Trump at least is partially responsible for the targeted attacks on synagogues in recent years,” and 45% said they believed Trump was emboldening far-right extremists and white nationalists, up from 38% a year ago.
The survey found that a majority of respondents — 66% of whom identified as Democrats and 26% as Republicans — favored Trump’s positions on a handful of Israel issues, including his overall performance on “U.S.-Israel relations.” But while 91% of respondents said they are “generally pro-Israel,” only 32% indicated that Israel is one of their most important voting issues.



Blinded to The Light:
Passover Lamb could be Sacrificed on Temple Mount for first Time in 2,000 Years (breaking israel)  Feb 27, 2020
Thanks to Trump
As the result of the recent “Deal of the Century” Mideast peace plan, the Sanhedrin has petitioned the Israeli government, filing to receive permits that would allow priests to carry out the ritual of the Pesach (Passover) sacrifice that will be transported to the temple mount and removed immediately after the ceremony. This event would be the first time in 2000 years!
The Sanhedrin emphasized that the plan to bring the altar to the Temple Mount was entirely consistent with President Trump’s recently released Deal of the Century which recognized Israel’s full sovereignty over the site.
“People of every faith should be permitted to pray on the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, in a manner that is fully respectful to their religion, taking into account the times of each religion’s prayers and holidays, as well as other religious factors” the text of the deal reads.
“Just like King Cyrus, this declaration by Donald Trump opens the door for the Jews to build the Temple. It is now up to us to take the next step forward. This is a watershed point in history. Once we bring the altar to the Temple Mount, even for the sacrifice of one lamb, there is no turning back. The prophesied next step is inevitable.”
“This may have sounded drastic not so long ago but today, when faced with the coronavirus, climate change, and rogue nations, people of faith are certainly praying for the Temple service to begin immediately,” Rabbi Meir Halevi Hakaadded.




Donald Trump: Ash Wednesday a ‘Powerful and Sacred Tradition’ (breitbart)  Feb 26, 2020
“This powerful and sacred [false] tradition reminds us of our shared mortality, Christ’s saving love, and the need to repent and accept the Gospel more fully [reflects a true need],” Trump wrote.


Here's a recipe and some commentary on Hot Cross Buns (related to Ash Wednesday's pagan origins) from an apparently pagan site:


On Good Friday, it is the custom in Britain to eat round, fruit-filled buns with a cross decoration on top. The combination of cross and round bun recalls the pre-christian Celtic Cross, which represented the union of male and female. The phallic cross within the yonic circle would be appropriate for this time of fertility (Spring). Hot cross buns are descendants of the cakes offered by the Greeks to goddesses Artemis and Hecate. These cakes were round symbolizing the Full Moon, and were decorated with horns that formed a cross-shape and represented the four quarters of the lunar cycle.

Hot-cross buns are eaten throughout the spring season, but in ancient Babylon the Chaldeans used to offer them to the queen of heaven (Ishtar) on the day now known as Good Friday. The ancient Greeks made similar wheat cakes marked with a cross or "horns", called a "bous", in honor of Apollo, Diana, Hecate and the moon (the latter also being Diana's symbol).

The cross represents the four seasons, or the four phases of the moon, and are on the sacrificial bread of the lunar goddesses of many cultures. They are found from Egypt to the Aztecs of Mexico. A circle with a cross (the female symbol) was often set up on top of a pillar (representing the male)-the whole representing union or fertility. It is also interesting that the biological symbol for female remains a circle with a cross beneath (the symbol for Venus).

Hot cross buns were also believed to last twelve months without turning mouldy, which was of great use during Pagan times when the storage of food was imperative for survival. It was believed that they would protect against evil forces and fire if hung in the kitchen. Sailors believed that hot cross buns would protect against shipwreck if taken to sea. Farmers in certain parts of England (UK) also believed that they would protect the granary against rats.






Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew




Old News:

Viruses-lots of them-are falling from the sky (eastern NM News)  Feb 6 ,  2018
The study marks the first time scientists have quantified the viruses being swept up from the Earth’s surface into the free troposphere, that layer of atmosphere beyond Earth’s weather systems but below the stratosphere where jet airplanes fly. The viruses can be carried thousands of kilometres there before being deposited back onto the Earth’s surface.







Mishpatim מִּשְׁפָּטִים

ONLINE: Parashah Mishpatim
PDF: www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Mishpatim.pdf


The “decrees” of Yeshua

The Law of the New Covenant is The Holy Spirit.






New Updates to Vaccine Education Page:


The Colorado battle continues...HB20-163 School Entry Immunization

Text  (PDF): https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2020A/bills/2020a_163_01.pdf

Summary: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/sb20-163


Commentary on HB20-163 from Colene Elaine:


If health freedom concerns you, please be aware of what is going on that is going to rape you of your freedom and privacy.
SB20-163 - This bill is a very deceptive and manipulative way to force injections and mandate vaccinations. This is a forced vaccination bill.


Are You Ready To Meet the Babies In Your Next Vaccines? (wakingtimes)  Sept 14, 2019

NOTE: 67 abortions to produce rubella virus plus 32 abortions to produce the cell line for cultivation means there was a total of at least 99 elective abortions to create the rubella vaccine alone. (source)
Great links on this site, here's a sample: https://cogforlife.org/wp-content/uploads/AbortedFetalCellLines.pdf

Vaccine Guide

Very straightforward, easy to follow information. Super links,

example regarding polio vaccines: https://vaccine.guide/necessity-of-vaccination/the-case-of-polio/epidemiology-and-prevention-of-poliomyelitis/







ANALYSIS: Turkey now technically at war with Russia and Syria (israel national news)  Feb 20,  2020







Feb 14-15, 2020

Parashah Yitro - יִתְרו

Online Yitro

PDF- www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Yitro.pdf

"Missing" Haftarah portion.

A child is born, a son is given: When?

Ten Commandments. And then some.

The Law of the New Covenant.

Ones sitting in darkness.







Oh, we know.
Sickness to Socialism: Leftists Are More Likely to Have Mental Problems, Survey Shows 
(new american)  Feb 14,  2020

Democrats are more likely than Republicans to be depressed
(buzzfeed)  May 17, 2013

Republicans Report Much Better Mental Health Than Others
(gallup.com)  Nov 30, 2007


@Real Valentine's Day
WSJ: No Sex ‘Spectrum’ Beyond Male and Female
(breitbart)  Feb 14,  2020




Attorney General Barr Indicts 8 For Illegally Funneling Foreign Money To Adam Schiff And Multiple Dem Senators (jerusalem post)  Feb 10, 2020
Mr Whipple and a bunch of Muslims?
A federal grand jury in the District of Columbia indicted Ahmad Khawaja, 48, of Los Angeles, California, on Nov. 7, 2019, along with George Nader, Roy Boulos, Rudy Dekermenjian, Mohammad “Moe” Diab, Rani El-Saadi, Stevan Hill and Thayne Whipple.




Out of Control Beast

Wickard v. Filburn: The Supreme Court Case That Gave the Federal Government Nearly Unlimited Power (fee.org)  Feb 7, 2020







Online: Parashah Beshalach - בְּשַׁלַּח

"when he sent away"

 PDF:   www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Beshalach.pdf  about 55 pages

Bible study notes on:

The Law of the New Covenant is the Holy Spirit

One New Man In Messiah









The deeply set Jerusalem hook

Trump's freeze on Israel home building appears to be Straight faced anti-Zionism

US security chief: Aliyah surge could make two-state solution impossible (jerusalem post)  Feb 6, 2020
If the Palestinians accept the plan, “Palestine could become the Singapore of the Middle East,” O’Brien stated.
“The Israeli birthrate is strong, and sadly, because of antisemitism, Jews are returning to Israel,” O’Brien said in a threat assessment briefing on Wednesday to an audience of ambassadors and State Department officials. “If the [settlement] freeze doesn’t hold and peace process doesn’t work, it may be physically impossible to have a two-state solution for the Israelis and Palestinians in the not too distant future.”






January 2020


Jan 31, 2020 (sunset) - Feb1, 2020 (sunset)

Online: Bo  בֹּא


PDF: Parashah Bo - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Bo.pdf








Astronomy vs. Astrology

There’s a mention of God’s astronomy vs. Satan’s astrology in  

(a) Passover Haggadah 2022 (for Christians) @Digression 2 Part A, pp41:



Here’s an excerpt with links from page 46:

The three books are Mazzaroth: Or the Constellations by Frances Rolleston (London: Rivingtons, 1862), Gospel in the Stars by Joseph Seiss (Philadelphia, 1882), and Witness of the Stars by E.W. Bullinger (London, 1893). All are currently in print, the former having been reprinted recently by Weiser Books (2001) and the latter much earlier by Kregel (1972, 1967). Rolleston did most of the original work, but her book was almost totally ignored, partly because it is mostly a set of notes, which she expected readers to link together. The work was first popularized by Seiss, a Lutheran minister in America and then Bullinger in England. Each of them contributed something to the theory, and for many decades those two books were the only voices supporting the belief. Then in the last few decades, the cause has been espoused by many new adherents, but to the best of my knowledge, no one has contributed anything new in the last century. Thus a review of those three books covers most of what has been done on the subject.”

- by John P. Pratt http://www.johnpratt.com/items/docs/gis/gis_review.html

Pratt has a webpage titled “Answering Objections to Gospel in the Stars” located on the following link:




For more info on this subject refer to the following books:

The Witness of the Stars is available online here:



Mazzaroth is available online here:



Gospel in the Stars by Joseph Seiss




The Two Babylons, by Hislop, is also available online and is a great source of info on the pagan/Christian religious mix-up-mess.









Jan 24-24, 2020

וָאֵרָא Parashah Va'era

"and I appeared"

New PrintoutParashah Va'era PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Vaera.pdf









Red Flags Fly

Trump unveils Middle East peace plan with two-state solution  (fox news)  Jan 28, 2020
This plan will double Palestinian territory and set the capital of the Palestinian state in eastern Jerusalem
The plan also includes a map of a contiguous Palestinian state in the West Bank, with a proposed tunnel to connect the West Bank and Gaza Strip. There would also be land swaps south of Gaza to give the Palestinians more territory
As part of the plan,
Israel has agreed to halt settlement construction for four years
There is a plan that over time, Palestinians would be able to achieve some civil sovereignty in the Jordan Valley
The officials portrayed the plan as Israel agreeing to massive concessions without jeopardizing its security,
amounting to a serious good-faith effort that Israel has agreed to negotiate.


This was brought about by lies and trickery:

The officials said the plan is realistic and Israel is prepared to follow through with it.
They also argue that the Trump administration’s moves to relocate the embassy and recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan were important confidence-building measures that led to this plan.



Trump's "great" plan stops Jews from building in Israel
US Amb. Friedman: Before annexing settlements, committee approval needed (jerusalem post)  Jan 29, 2020
"The agreement that we have with the Prime Minister [Benjamin Netanyahu] is that in exchange for Israel agreeing to freeze the territory that is allocated to a [future] Palestinian state and accepting our plan, we will form a joint committee to convert the conceptual map into more details, and calibrated, so recognition could be immediately achieved,"




Trumps summary of his plan to create a Palestinian state for mideast peace:

“a good start.” (jewish press)  Jan 28, 2020

Trump believes his plan is good for the Palestinians, “even too good,” as he put it. He speculated that they would eventually support his deal, noting that many Arab countries already support it and call it “a good start.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu, for his part, said that the deal of the century was a “once in a century opportunity and we will not miss it.”

High End Sales:
Nikki Haley: This is the Palestinians' last chance (israel national news)  Jan 28, 2020




Video: Trump Doublespeak:

Donald Trump announces his Middle East peace plan (youtube)  Jan 28, 2020

17:20 "Jerusalem will remain Israel's undivided capital"
22:19 "this map will more than double the Palestinian territory and provide a Palestinian capital in Eastern Jerusalem where America will proudly open and an Embassy"





Beware of the forked-tongue.

It's primarily for advancing a Palestinian State,

If that doesn't happen, the "deal" is off:

Kushner: ‘Palestinians’ Will Likely Botch Chance for Statehood, But Israel Shouldn’t Start Annexing (jewish press)  Jan 30, 2020

Walking back his father-in-law’s invitation for Israel to impose its sovereignty on its share of Judea and Samaria, which was followed by an outright urging by US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman (Ambassador Friedman: Go Annex Those Settlements, What Are You Waiting For?), Kushner now talks about setting up a committee to decide exactly when Israel may legalize its communities in the 1967 liberated territories.

Kushner: Sovereignty should only be applied after Israeli election (israel national news)  Jan 30, 2020

“The hope is that they’ll wait till after the election, and we’ll work with them to try to come up with something,” - Kushner

“We’ve agreed with them on forming a technical team to
start studying taking the conceptual map. The Jordan Valley can mean a lot of different things,” he continued. “I want to make sure that we have all of the parameters defined and that we have also a situation where we know what the freeze is.”

So then, there is no plan FOR Israel after all.


Pompeo: Palestinians are welcome to present a counter offer (israel national news)  Jan 30, 2020
Israel gets no such option





Israel is the apple of God's eye.  That is, God is so close to Israel that Israel is the reflection seen in God's eye.




The deal of the century  (david's tent)  Jan 27, 2020

Dividing up the land, Hamas, Peace process, USA

sketchy details:

*Other Jewish settlements will be evacuated
*The Western Wall will remain under Jewish control, the Temple Mount under Jordanian/PA administration
*Parts of Jerusalem outside the security barrier (East Jerusalem Arab neighborhoods) will be incorporated into Palestinian Jerusalem
*A demilitarized Palestinian state will eventually be established on 70% of the West Bank

One of the clearest passages dealing with the return of Messiah Yeshua describes how He will judge all nations based on their actions regarding the Jewish integrity of Jerusalem:

“For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem – I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and they have divided up My land” (Joel 3:1-2)

President Trump has done more for the security and the protection of the Jewish people than any other U.S. President bar none. But it is important to remember that the Bible trumps the perspectives of even the best U.S. President. Daniel Pipes wryly notes, “So far, Trump has been ‘the most pro-Israel president ever,’ but as the Bible reminds us, ‘put not your trust in princes’” (Psalm 118:9).


Please read this good timeline of events.
The Middle East Crisis in Biblical Perspective
(christ in prophecy)  Jan 29, 2020
What are the spiritual roots of the Arab-Israeli conflict? Can the conflict be solved politically?
3) American Pressure — Because the United States is Israel’s only ally in the world, they are particularly responsive to pressure from us. We may be their only ally, but we have been unwilling to come down decisively on their side because of our interest in procuring Arab oil and our desire to build an Arab coalition against terrorism. We are the ones, in fact, who forced them to the negotiating table to trade land for peace. It all occurred in 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed and a flood of Jewish refugees began to return to Israel. For over a year, 2,000 to 3,000 refugees arrived each day! The Israeli government was swamped by the demands for food and housing and jobs. They appealed to the world bank for a $5 billion loan. The bank responded by saying they would provide the loan only if it were guaranteed by the United States. The Bush Administration dug in its heels and demanded that the Israelis start trading land for peace in order to get the loan guarantee. That is how the Israelis got started down the self-destructive road of appeasement.


Reservations about the Trump Peace Plan (daniel pipes)  Jan 29, 2020
That said, I am not delighted with the plan, and for two main reasons.

 First, who needs it?

Second, it won't work.


PA Spent $150 M. on Stipends for Terrorists in 2019, a 3% Increase (jewish press)  Jan 30, 2020


Note that LITERALLY at the same time that Trump and Netanyahu agree to part God's land,

that Trump impeachment trial in Senate looks to bring in witnesses (update: they didn't),

and Netanyahu gets indicted on three counts of fraud.

Indictments in 3 corruption cases issued against Netanyahu (israel national news)  Jan 28, 2020

Yesha Council chair:
'Shocked that PM agreed to Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria' (israel national news)  Jan 28, 2020
 We cannot agree to a plan that would include the establishment of a Palestinian state that would pose a threat to the State of Israel and a great danger to the future.”

The Sovereignty Movement/Women In Green Rejects to the “Deal of the Century” (jewish press)  Jan 28, 2020

So, if you were paying attention to Trump's release video speech, you caught that he was campaigning FOR Netanyahu's opposition while Netanyahu stood by his side. Apparently Trump is hoping that the settler Jews will vote politically left to vote against this "deal"??  Thus we see the Trump admin. changing parameters and now saying Israel/Netanyahu cannot claim any new sovereignty.

Very Odd.








Jan 27 2020

I well remember a girl...

"I well remember a girl, slim and with black hair, who, as she passed close to me, pointed to herself and said, '23'."


May God Richly Bless Miss Twenty Three.






Today's Islam in Congress:
Second Report Emerges Confirming Feds Reviewing Claims That Ilhan Omar Married Brother (dailywire)  Jan 26, 2020




Nigerian pastor who praised God in ransom video beheaded after refusing to deny Christ (christian post)  Jan 25, 2020




The Dead Sea will come to life someday.

It won't happen due to man's intervention in "climate change".

New River Exposed in Israel, Mired in Secrecy and Landmines (jewish press)  Jan 20, 2020




Some decommissioned cold war era missile sites in Colorado, Nebraska & Wyoming

 Apparently a lot of people missed this!

There are also some just to the east of Denver:

The photos are intentionally low res....have fun hunting!

One of these former missile sites is for sale

I posted this on a Facebook photography group, and some commenters said some of these were active.  But that's Facebook.

Last year GSA sold quite a few sites at auction, so I would think those are not active.


If you must know these deep secret locations....







As of 1/30, still being spread by international flight.


Fact checking?

Social Media Posts Spread Bogus Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory

factcheck.org instead reveals that CDC has patent for SARS virus. So that makes everyone believe their report.

One patent is for a genetic sequence of the virus that causes SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome, a disease that spread to dozens of countries in 2003, sickening more than 8,000 people and killing 774.
The sequencing was done at the CDC during the SARS outbreak and they were the ones that filed the patent,” Matthew Frieman, a coronavirus researcher at the University of Maryland, explained in an email.
The CDC told the Associated Press in 2003 that the agency was claiming ownership to ensure access, and to prevent others from controlling the technology.

As for a vaccine, the CDC says it is already working on one with the NIH,  but that it is still early in the process. Fauci explained in his Scientific American interview that the agency is partnering with Moderna, a biotech company, to create a messenger RNA-based vaccine. (in other words, the CDC & NIH are messing with the coronavirus)


factcheck.org also reveals that a drug company is indeed manipulating a similar virus to their desires.

The other supposedly related patent is for a mutated form of avian infectious bronchitis virus, or IBV, which infects poultry, but not people. The patent was filed by the Pirbright Institute, a research institute in the U.K. whose mission is to prevent and control “viral diseases of livestock.” The mutations were created to attenuate, or weaken, the virus, so that it could be used as a vaccine to protect chickens from the disease


national review peddles vaccines

but inadvertently admits they don't work as well as quarantines.

The CDC and its allied agencies in other countries have a lot of experience in dealing with potential pandemics. They were able to control both SARS and Ebola, and I have confidence in their assessment of the current threat. I’m not canceling any of my travel plans. But going forward, if our government wants to increase the health and economic security of its citizens, it will focus like a laser on improving our ability to develop and manufacture new vaccines and therapeutics in response to new pathogens.

When a new contagion appears, events move swiftly, and the situation is always fluid. I consider it a good sign that the Chinese are imposing quarantines in a number of cities and public places. They are trying to get ahead of the disease, and at this point international public-health authorities think they will succeed even without an effective vaccine.



The Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins periodically conducts tabletop exercises to educate policymakers and the public about the dangers of a pandemic. The latest exercise last October dealt with a virus that, in the space of 18 months, killed 65 million people, reduced global GDP by 11 percent, and caused stock markets around the world to lose 20 to 40 percent of their value.
As it happens, the hypothetical pathogen in the scenario was a coronavirus.


So then, the coronavirus event is a planned for event, if not a planned event.



It's been said:

"What doesn't kill me makes me stronger".

So anyway, China can stand to loose a big percentage of their population, and still be bigger than anyone else.








Torah portion for Shabbat, Jan 17-18, 2020

Online: Shemot  שְׁמֹו


PrintoutParashah Shemot PDF - www.cotopaxi-colorado.com/BIBLE/Parashat/Shemot.pdf







Scads of world leaders in Israel. Why?

Hopefully, in support of Israel.


However, this is also coming someday:

Ezekiel 38

38 And the word of Jehovah came unto me, saying, 2 Son of man, set thy face toward Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him, 3 and say, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal: 4 and I will turn thee about, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed in full armor, a great company with buckler and shield, all of them handling swords: 5 Persia, Cush, and Put with them, all of them with shield and helmet; 6 Gomer, and all his hordes; the house of Togarmah in the uttermost parts of the north, and all his hordes; even many peoples with thee.

7 Be thou prepared, yea, prepare thyself, thou, and all thy companies that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them. 8 After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, that is gathered out of many peoples, upon the mountains of Israel, which have been a continual waste; but it is brought forth out of the peoples, and they shall dwell securely, all of them. 9 And thou shalt ascend, thou shalt come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy hordes, and many peoples with thee.

10 Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: It shall come to pass in that day, that things shall come into thy mind, and thou shalt devise an evil device: 11 and thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell securely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates; 12 to take the spoil and to take the prey; to turn thy hand against the waste places that are now inhabited, and against the people that are gathered out of the nations, that have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the middle of the earth. 13 Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take the spoil? hast thou assembled thy company to take the prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take great spoil?

14 Therefore, son of man, prophesy, and say unto Gog, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: In that day when my people Israel dwelleth securely, shalt thou not know it? 15 And thou shalt come from thy place out of the uttermost parts of the north, thou, and many peoples with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company and a mighty army; 16 and thou shalt come up against my people Israel, as a cloud to cover the land: it shall come to pass in the latter days, that I will bring thee against my land, that the nations may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.

17 Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Art thou he of whom I spake in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, that prophesied in those days for many years that I would bring thee against them? 18 And it shall come to pass in that day, when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord Jehovah, that my wrath shall come up into my nostrils. 19 For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel; 20 so that the fishes of the sea, and the birds of the heavens, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the face of the earth, shall shake at my presence, and the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground. 21 And I will call for a sword against him unto all my mountains, saith the Lord Jehovah: every man’s sword shall be against his brother. 22 And with pestilence and with blood will I enter into judgment with him; and I will rain upon him, and upon his hordes, and upon the many peoples that are with him, an overflowing shower, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone. 23 And I will magnify myself, and sanctify myself, and I will make myself known in the eyes of many nations; and they shall know that I am Jehovah.


"Therefore, watch".

"They (plural) parted my land".

Joel 3:2 I will gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will execute judgment upon them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations: and they have parted my land,

France/Macron demands sovereign authority in Israel
(the guardian)  Jan 22, 2020
The Muslims "gave" part of God's land to France:
As a gift for his help in the Crimean war, the Ottoman Sultan Abdülmecid handed the basilica to the French emperor Napoleon III in 1856. Its grounds are still considered French territory.

Moron Macron Meets with Terrorist Abbas before Holocaust Memorial
(jewish press)  Jan 22, 2020
Thus proving that his attendance at the Holocaust Memorial is a farce.

Putin to Meet Holocaust Denier Abbas in Bethlehem following International Holocaust Forum in Jerusalem
(jewish press)  Jan 23, 2020
Abaas' henchman says "the visit confirms Russia’s firm stance toward the two-state solution and the establishment of the Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital on the June 4, 1967 borders." - and that is probably true.

Abbas dismissed as a “myth” and “fantastic lie” that six million Jews had died in the Holocaust, writing that the real figure of Jews killed by Germans was at most “890,000” or “a few hundred thousand.” He claimed the 6 million figure had been exaggerated for political purposes:

Netanyahu still Prime Minister, somehow. And for some reason, he invites opposition party to Trump Deal of Century

So with the backstory of scads of World leaders in Israel, some showing boldly showing their false pretenses:

Trump to Release ‘Deal of the Century’ Before Next Tuesday (jewish press)  Jan 24, 2020

"I love deals"

Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem (Jesus' presence)




Does the Sages’ interpretation (Drash) of the Jewish Scriptures try to conceal Jesus from you?
(one for israel)  Jan 22, 2020
Yes, it does!




Martin Luther King: The Celebration of a Myth (the new american)  Jan 20, 2020

Martin Luther King was an evil fraud? (dailymail)  May 26, 2019

Apparently, yes.

Web search results:


