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taken from "Orilee's hill" - from the north looking south...
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Cotopaxi History
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things First
The 2024 Passover begins at sunset on Monday, April 22.
this year, 2024, for our Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and all Jewish friends I am inserting at the beginning
of our Haggadah something old for them to read anew as they search out
Scriptural Gems hidden from them by Rabbinical Judaism: Isaiah 53, with Isaiah
6:5. There's been no physical Temple or Sanctuary since 70 A.D. Talmud @Yoma
tells us that for 40 years before the Temple's destruction, that little crimson
strap didn't turn white, showing that the period sacrifices were ineffectual.
Thus since 70 A.D. till today there is no more temple sacrifice, no thus more
forgiveness of sin via the Mosaic Covenant and Levitical priesthood as
prescribed by the Torah. So what happened around 30A.D. (70-40=30) at Passover?
The crucifixion of Yeshua! And over 500 witnesses in the New
Testament/Brit Chadashah writings (apparently all Jewish writers, by the way) still testify
that he stood again out of the dead. And the Messiah Yeshua is readily seen through the
Hebrew Scriptures if you are sincerely looking...may we all have clear vision!
Passover Haggadah 2024 (for Christians) Homepage
with some
(a) Passover Haggadah
2024 (for Christians)
friendly version (PDF - 7 mb)
last edits April 15, 2024
Hopefully this Haggadah does not encourage anyone
trusting in Jesus to attempt to go back under the Sinai covenant/law. A
lot of "Messianics" and/or Christians get confused, and worry about their "place". Isaiah 56
tells us that God brings foreigners to His Holy Mountain
ALSO (rephrased: YHVH - Jehovah brings Gentiles with Him. This
is hopeful! YHVH brings Gentiles with Him! God says he WILL set Israel above all
nations (Deut.28:1-2). So we see that the nations that call on YHVH have a future supporting
(*underneath) role towards Israel. This is also hopeful.
*We keep in mind "to the Jew first, and
to the Greek" and Jesus' explanations of the greatest and the least (Matt. 5:19;
Mark 9:34,35; Mark 10:42-25).
We have dropped the egg, and should perhaps drop the
shankbone, although the shankbone remains a good teaching witness to our
Jewish brothers. We are
keeping in mind that in Messiah Jesus charity/love has primacy, and
that one of the purposes of Gentile Christians is to witness to Jews about
their Messiah Yeshua.
some may wish to incorporate a few blessings from our
Shabbat Sidur. The discussion therein
regarding the Bread and Wine should provide helpful background to
understanding them in the Passover Seder...
Jesus broke bread, but he likely didn't light
ceremonial candles...
edits will continue..
Church History: How Passover became Easter (short version)
NEW LINK! Sept 29, 2020
Consistent Translation
By Ralph Holmes Mount
Introduction and Preface to A Consistent Translation
Introduction to The Teaching
(Sept 13)
Index of
available teachings by Ralph Holmes Mount
a bible notes page
Torah | Torah
(this page touches details of that which is the
background of all "news")
The overtone here: Hear! (Sh'ma) "Messianic
Hebrew Rooters"
portion/Parashat index page
There is nothing new under the sun.
Image from near the Purgatory River, southern Colorado; petroglyph or
hieroglyph that
is apparently related to a Semitic Aleph:

↑ This
redefines "Native American".
This redefines "Native Chinese"
Try These:
Pamela Geller does important work of tracking Islamic
Before the News Rants:
The Khazarian Lie Of the Nachbah Losers (my daily
Jan 9, 2016
So then those that claim the Jews are "Khazars",
and by this mean to imply they are thus not true Jews, and that the Nation State
of Israel is the "synagogue of Satan", these, that say this, then actually
define that the "true Jew" MUST then be truly ethnically Jewish, and in that,
they rule out the possibility of the scripture referring to a Gentile Christian
as the "true Jew". Get that?
One obvious lie is the line of thinking that
somehow the "Khazars", meaning the Jews that are labeled as such, have this
lineage that has survived, yet also thinks that Jews of another lineage from
the same period, from other areas of the Diaspora - say Persian Jews
for instance - could not survive into the today day.
The end result of their claim is that there are
really no ethnic Jews, and that the Jew's of today are not God's chosen people,
and therefore there is no justification for the State of Israel, and in these
things they say that God is a liar. This is blasphemy.
"The Kapo Caper"
Surreal George Soros Movie
What a Beast. Defining:
"Not all Israel are Israel".
It is not anti-Semitic to point out the George
Soros was a Capo Jew during the Holocaust.
Financial Times names George Soros 'Person of the Year,' (washington
times) Dec
20, 2018
This reflects the real anti-Semitism...
not only for his achievements but for
“the values he represents”
Here's a good idea:
ICE Should Deport George Soros as a Nazi Collaborator (frontpage)
Feb 24, 2020
Coronavirus Information Page
There's so much false vaccine hype that I'm
making a separate
Vaccine Education
last updated 2/23/2020
A timely reminder:
Doctors Are
the Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.
Cause 250,000 Deaths Every Year
Just sayin'.
Study Suggests Medical Errors Now Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.
(Johns Hopkins Medicine)
Mar 3, 2016
Just sayin'.
Sayin' it again in a reality check context:
According to the CDC, as of April 25, 2019,
"The last measles death in the United States occurred in
A study by Johns Hopkins Medicine, dated March 3, 2016. states
"Analyzing medical death rate data over an eight-year
period, Johns Hopkins patient safety experts have calculated that more than
250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error in the U.S".
So therefore the
FACTS OF THE MATTER are that, measles have CAUSED NO DEATHS in the last three
while in the same
time period Doctors and nurses have CAUSED MORE THAN 750,000 DEATHS.

As a matter of
* There are
only two genders. You are either born with a X and Y (male) or X and X (female).
You're biological make up, not opinions, defines gender.
Research Reveals that Men Are Men and Women Are Women
(cbn news)
May 13, 2017
Gender confusion is mental, not
physical or biological. God made male and female and no amount of
protestation will change the natural created order.
Source article:
* There are mutants.
Definition of Mutation: a relatively permanent change in hereditary material
that involves either a change in chromosome structure or number (as in
translocation, deletion, duplication, or polyploidy) or a change in the
nucleotide sequence of a gene's codons (as in frameshift or missense errors) and
that occurs either in germ cells or in somatic cells but with only those in germ
cells being capable of perpetuation by sexual reproduction
What is a gene mutation and how do mutations occur?
46,XX testicular disorder of sex development
Genesis 1: 27 And God created man in his own image, in the
image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Genesis 2:21 And Jehovah God caused a deep sleep to fall
upon the man, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh
instead thereof: 22 and the rib, which Jehovah God had taken from the man, made
he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 23 And the man said, This is now bone
of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was
taken out of Man.
The god of this world
Click on photo to open enlargement in new window

Psalm 96:5 LXX For all the
gods of the nations are demons [δαιμόνια daimonia, “little-demons”], but The
LORD made the heavens.
Work is progressing on a page with more information
related to these things...
for now:
So the USA has a statue of George Washington, a
copy of and early Zeus statue, which was initially placed in the U.S.
Capitol building’s rotunda, which rotunda design was based on Greek
Pantheon. The USA has the Zeus eagle as its national mascot. And names its
military missiles “Nike”, “Titan”, and moon lander “Apollo”. And has a huge
stature of the Roman goddess Liberty/Libertas, who, with the Zeus eagles,
also appears on the
American Gold Eagle
bullion coin.
The world continues to have Olympic Games. The mottos on US money are from
ancient pagan prayers to Jupiter and also direct quotes of the Delphic
Oracle. And on and on.
I think it is reasonable to
question if the USA (1776 & on) was ever a Christian nation.
No worries in this little understood Merciful Truth:
17:26b “So
in fact, the sons are free.”
But (as) they (were) having-come into Capernaum the-(ones) taking the
didrachmas came-near to-the Peter and said, Is YOUR teacher not paying
the didrachmas?
v25 He-is-saying, Yea. And when he-went-in into the house the Jesus
went-first-before him saying, What is-it-seeming to-you Simon? The kings
of-the earth, from whom are-they-taking taxes or poll-tax?
From their sons, or from the-(ones) belonging-to-another?
v26 The Peter is-saying to-him, From the-(ones) belonging-to-another.
The Jesus was-stating to-him, So-in-fact
the sons are free.
(taxation is theft)
v27 But in-order-that we-might not entrap them, having-proceeded into the
sea you-cast (a) fishhook, and the first fish having-ascended
you-lift-up, and having-opened its mouth you-will-find (a)
that you-give to-them instead-of me and you.
(Rendering unto Caesar the things of Caesar: The fish
represents the pagan god Dagon. In the world, Taxation is theft, having found the world's money, we
having-taken--- it, use it to satisfy the world's demands.
For all
things belong to YHWH, God of Abraham, Isaac,& Jacob/Israel.
* having-taken -this
likely isn't (or - is no longer due to today's hard-hearted "Christians")
speaking of theft or in similarity to a welfare case in the USA today. On the
other hand, it did happen...Jesus and Peter paid their tax from money "belonging
to another". Jesus of course would have had the ability to return lost or
stolen money. So that's a bit of an enigma. Our USA money says "Federal Reserve Note" and then they bore the
inscription and image of Caesar. Jesus told the "hypocrites" to "give back the
things of Caesar to Caesar" (Matt.22:16-21), indicating that money belonged to
Caesar. Jesus also told Caesar's agent Pilot that he had no authority that had not been given
him from above (Jn.19:11). In other words, all things belong to Jesus/YHVH, the
God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob/Israel. Indeed, the sons of the Kingdom of
Heaven are free.
It seems few are free in this age, but most are enslaved.
Not for the love of God, but rather for the
love of money.
Money is a strange thing:
Who Prints Money in the United States? (the
balance) Feb 22, 2020
An interesting read between the lines of blah!
....blah blah and blah....
The Fed buys Treasuries and other securities from banks
and replaces them with credit. All central banks have this unique ability to
create credit out of thin air. That’s just like printing money.
...blah blah blah....
What happens to the dollars? They vanish. In other words, they go back into thin
air where the Fed got them in the first place.
...blah blah blah....
The Fed decides how much money gets made.
...blah blah blah....
Article conclusion:
"Technically, the Treasury must pay the Fed back
one day. Until then, the Fed has given the federal government more money to
Be careful of what you hope on...
See also "Differences Between Capitalism and Socialism" on this page...
God said He would destroy all the nations where
Israel has been scattered.
Jeremiah 30:11 "For I
am with thee, saith Jehovah, to save thee: for I will make a
full end of all the nations whither
I have scattered thee, but I will not make a full end of thee; but I will
correct thee in measure, and will in no wise leave thee unpunished."
Does that include the USA?
Have Jews been dispersed throughout the USA?
Of course 5G is bad!
Bees, Butterflies and Wildlife: Research on Electromagnetic Fields and the
2020 News Links
Bottom lines:
A manufactured virus & resultant pandemic shuts down the
world in six weeks,
paving the way for more woes: eventual replacement digital
currency, mandatory vaccines, digital control/tracking.
We've graciously been given a time to reflect on God.
Instead, many are clamoring to get back to the false
money-god worship system.
Luke 8:14 But the-(one) having-fallen into the
thorn-plants, these-are the-(ones) having-heard and proceeding,
they-are-being-thoroughly-choked by anxieties and riches and pleasures
of-the means-of-living, and
they-are not bringing-to-a-finish.
Change my mind? Ha.
Trump Doublespeak:
Donald Trump announces his
Middle East peace plan
Jan 28, 2020
17:20 "Jerusalem will remain Israel's
undivided capital"
22:19 "this map will more than
double the Palestinian territory and provide a Palestinian capital in
Eastern Jerusalem where America will proudly open and an Embassy"
And the next thing you know
First Coronavirus Death USA
(komo news) Feb
29, 2020
KING COUNTY, Wash. -- A man in King County is the
first to die from the coronavirus in the U.S.
But a later report:
First US coronavirus
death was weeks earlier than previously thought — and in a different state
blaze) Apr 22, 2020
What do we know? The Santa Clara County medical
examiner's office announced that two people who had COVID-19 died at home,
one on Feb. 9 and one on Feb.
17. Previously, the earliest known coronavirus death was reported as Feb. 29
in Kirkland, Washington.
CDC and local data suggests coronavirus was
likely in the area back in December.
So about December 2019, I would imagine, Trump got this
idea to divide Jerusalem…and then the USA got coronavirus?
What God says about the
nations dividing the land of Israel:
Zechariah 2:1 Then I lifted up my eyes and saw a man with a measuring line in
his hand.
2 “Where are you going?” I asked. “To measure
Jerusalem,” he replied, “and to
determine its width and length.”
3 Then the angel who was speaking with me went out, and another angel came out
to meet him
4 and said to him, “Run and tell that young man: ‘Jerusalem will be a city
without walls because of the multitude of men and livestock within it.
5 For I will be a wall of fire around it, declares the LORD, and I will be the
glory within it.’ ”
6 “Get up! Get up! Flee from the land of the north,” declares the LORD, “for I
have scattered you like the four winds of heaven,” declares the LORD.
7 “Get up, O Zion! Escape, you who dwell with the Daughter of Babylon!”
8 For this is what the LORD of Hosts says: “After His Glory has sent Me against
the nations that have plundered you—for whoever touches you touches the apple
of His eye—
9 I will surely wave My hand over them, so that they will become plunder for
their own servants. Then you will know that the LORD of Hosts has sent Me.”
10 “Shout for joy and be glad, O Daughter of Zion, for I am coming to dwell
among you,” declares the LORD.
11“On that day many nations will join themselves
to the LORD, and they will become My people. I will dwell among you, and you
will know that the LORD of Hosts has sent Me to you.
12 And the LORD will take possession of Judah as His portion in the Holy Land,
and He will once again choose Jerusalem.
13 Be silent before the LORD, all
people, for He has roused Himself from His holy dwelling.”
Joel 3:2 I will gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat; and
I will execute judgment upon them there for my people and for
my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations:
they have
parted my land,
The key statement that we want to examine in Romans 13:1 is
“no authority except
from God, and those which exist are established by God.”
For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “FOR THIS VERY PURPOSE I RAISED YOU UP, TO
WHOLE EARTH.” Romans 9:16
Don't take this wrong, Trump has, in a
sense, been a
welcome reprieve.
But he's not the Messiah. And neither was Obama.
And Biden? That's elder abuse.
Elections 2020
In June, Trump said “The elections are Rigged,” then what?
(geller report) Dec 8, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 22, 2020
Question 1: why did Trump say that? What was his goal?
Question 2: what could he do to prevent this fraud from happening, or if he
couldn’t prevent it from happening?
Question 3: This is where I don’t want to go because it’s pure speculation, and
I am not in the speculation business, but you can: what did he do?
Will They Really Get Away With It? (gatestone) Oct 27, 2020
No, no one "gets away" with anything:
2 Corinthians
5:10 "For
it-is-essential the us all to-be-manifested in-front of-the rostrum of-the
Messiah, in-order-that each-one might-obtain-for-himself the-things through
the body toward what-things he-practised. whether good or worthless".
There are possibly other men/candidates of better
However, President Trump has enough good going for him to
deserve a second term.
Another example of a good reason to vote for Trump:
Trump endorses permanent daylight saving time ( Mar 12, 2019
Good idea for North America.
People get up early in the morning, ever running 5 minutes late, go to
work/school, don't spend a lot of time/energy heating & lighting their house.
Longer light in the evenings equates to less lighting/heating/energy use when
folks are home.
The best example: Trump's nomination of at least
potentially conservative/constitutionalist leaning judges.
Going against the grain, my dad voted for Perot in the
early '90s.

Now many of the same grain are pleased as punch that Trump
got rid of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that Perot famously
And most of them don't understand that Trump replaced it
with another NWO plan, called
the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)
So, a day after the House Democrats impeach Trump, they vote
for "his" USMCA! Yes, in a sense, it's one party...two-in-one...A.K.A.
bipartisan bī-pär′tĭ-zən, -sən ---adj. Of, consisting of, or supported by
members of two parties, especially two major political parties.
Anyway, dad's vote wasn't "lost" on Perot.
With clean conscience, a vote for either Donald Trump, Tom
Hoefling, or Don Blankenship could be made this year,
without "loss" of vote.
It's critically important that we can exercise free
will in our elections...
The thing is, we don't know the hearts of men. People can change as power
If the saying "power corrupts" is true, then all who come into power will be
Noteworthy, perhaps, no one has told me I must vote
for Tom Hoefling or Don Blankenship...
The mob that says "vote this way" has a certain
power...thus the mob is corrupt...
That's Laodicia - "people's opinions"
There was so much evidence, I had to make a separate page:
No Fraud Here:
That racist Trump:
Trump Won Highest Share of Non-White Vote of Any Republican Since 1960, Exit
Polls Show (national
review) Nov 4, 2020
Mexico’s President Still Refuses to Recognize Biden Win
(legal insurrection) Nov 26, 2020
President Obrador has held out so far despite mounting media criticism and
pressure from the U.S. Democrats. As the world congratulates Biden, “Mexico’s
president opts to wait,” the LA Times noted earlier this month. “Critics call it
a diplomatic blunder,” the daily commented.
haha. time will tell.
Kamala Harris Birther Conspiracy Theory Originates with NEWSWEEK.
Aug 12, 2020
Trump made a comment in August about a Newsweek
report about Harris potentially not being qualified to be VP due to her birth
place. So he didn't -start- the Harris/birther conversation. But perhaps he took
the bait. I think this is the source article - by Newsweek - in which they have
since added a long disclaimer, but the original content remains below that.
Remember when...
President Obama Full Speech on Donald Trump Win
Yeah, well...
Now we know that while Obama said nice things, he
and Biden were treasonously interfering with the incoming Trump administration.
They could all use some class...
Changing Demographics Aren’t Giving Democrats The Permanent Majority They
Assumed (daily
Nov 13, 2020
Prayers for President Trump’s Re-election at Tomb of Patriarchs Ahead of
Elections (geller
report) Nov 2, 2020
"People the world over are praying for the salvation of the free world – Trump."
Pamela Geller is Jewish, so she's got those prescribed "Jesus blinder" glasses
( review Romans ch.11)..
For his part, and to his credit, Trump is rightly not having it:
Trump on Not Being Most Famous Person in World: "They Said, 'Who’s More
Famous?' I Said, 'Jesus Christ!'"
(cns news) Oct 15, 2020
Trump apparently at least has read about Herod not giving the glory to God.
Democrats Say AT&T, Comcast and Disney Decide Presidential Elections (daily
Nov 15, 2020
When Democrats claim that CNN’s call of the
presidential election is somehow binding, what they’re really saying is that
AT&T should have the right to pick presidents favorable to it.
That’s not democracy. It’s oligarchy.
Paul Weston: This Coup D'Etat Could Lead to U.S. Civil War
Nov 11, 2020
Guess what?! am suing the “Fact-Checkers”
- (Candace
Nov 13, 2020
as of Nov 15th,
Gambling Sites Still Haven’t Called 2020 Election For Biden, Leaving $600
Million In Limbo (dailywire)
Nov 15, 2020
“We still have not graded a winner”
How the election impacted Colorado real estate taxes (cobiz
Nov 17, 2020
Taxes are going up 164% in Denver County
"At some point, the large property taxes will begin to impact property values as
borrowers will need even more income to qualify for a loan (taxes and insurance
are included in the mortgage payment calculation).
Income is not rising nearly as fast as real estate appreciation and taxes so
less will be able to afford the house.
Note, the tax increases will not only impact property owners, anyone who pays
rent will also see higher rents as the tax increases flow through to residential
as well."
*Saving Private Biden
The press standard for 2020: No tough questions for the former vice
(wall street journal) Oct 26, 2020
Biden 'is really struggling, not in politics, in life'
(Sky News Australia) Oct 27, 2020
I missed the debate. Fact check results indicates that
Biden's lips were moving.
Joe Biden Told 32 Lies In 96 Minutes Last Night. Here They Are.
(the hayride) Oct 23, 2020
Firmly standing on their knees, with some mighty threats:
GOP senators, led by Cruz, to object to Electoral College certification, demand
emergency audit
(foxnews) Jan 2, 2021
The lawmakers call for an electoral commission to be established to audit
A group of GOP senators led by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, will object to the Jan. 6
certification of the presidential election results next week unless there is an
emergency 10-day audit of the results by an electoral commission.
Here’s the List of GOP Senators Who Will Oppose Electoral College Results
(geller report) Jan 3, 2021
I get a
sense that they are not serious, but rather just huffing and puffing milk
bubbles for their constituency:
"By any measure, the ALLEGATIONS of fraud and
irregularities in the 2020 election exceed any in our lifetimes".
But perhaps enough of a fuss to make a deal with their democrat colleagues:
Related: Let's make a deal time:
Pelosi Says She Will Seat Republican Amid Contested Election
(conservative brief) Jan 2, 2021
RINO Sen. Kelly Loeffler reverses course, drops objection to Biden electors after
Capitol stormed by Antifa and misled Billy-Bobs.
(news) Jan 6, 2021
She was not alone, as was planned.
The Rural Way (news)
Nov 24, 2020
1 Corinthians 13:3 "And if I-might-morsel-out all my
goods, and if I-might-give-over my body in-order-that I-might-be-burned, but
I-might not be-having charity, I-am-being-profited not-one-thing."
APRIL 2021
UNBELIEVABLE! Rabbi spreads a malicious lie against Eitan,
Apr 6, 2021
Ashli Babbitt’s Manner of Death During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach Ruled a
Homicide by DC Medical Examiner’s Office
(epoch times) Apr 7, 2021
Truth aside, DOJ closes case without charging
officer that shot Babbit.
BLM HYPOCRISY: Analyzing The Ashli Babbitt Shooting
(Matt Walsh) Apr 15, 2021
Biden's Faults
Gestapo vaccine propaganda
unconstitutional and illegal.
Biden Targets “White Conservatives” and Evangelicals for COVID Shots
(new american) Apr 6, 2021
Inflation Scare: Producer Price Index Surges Much Higher Than Expected
(breitbart) Apr 9, 2021
Welcome to Biden’s America, Where the Poor Pay More
Apr 9, 2021
What I've been saying for years: Pollard was
betrayed by the Israeli government.
'The guard told me I have to leave the embassy'
(israel national news)
Apr 9, 2021
After he was discovered by the FBI,
Pollard sought asylum in the Israeli embassy, but was ultimately forced to leave
the premises.
“The guard told me: ‘I’m sorry, but they’re saying in Jerusalem that you need to
go out and come back in from the main gate.’ I told him: ‘I won’t make to the
main gate. There are 20 FBI agents waiting outside. Do you know what they’ll do
to me? He said back: ‘I’m sorry, but you have to leave.’”
Pollard blamed Rafi Eitan and his Israeli handlers for his capture
MARCH 2021
Bumbling Biden: Biden accidentally calls his VP 'President Harris'
(sky news) Mar 19, 2021
Biden has likely not mentally deteriorated much
since the 2020 presidential campaign began.
No, Biden is basically the same mentally unfit
man, suffering elder abuse from his wife, his running mate, and the Democrat
party. The election was stolen.
Democrats don't believe in God, they have no true morals:
UNHINGED Meyers: ‘Moral Necessity’ for Dems to Rig Elections
Mar 19,
Biden's Faults
Joe Biden is considering “executive action” on gun control, effectively
bypassing Congress to push an anti-gun rights agenda.
(daily wire) Mar 23, 2021
North Korea fires off short-range missiles after warning Biden administration
not to cause 'a stink' (the
blaze) Mar 23, 2021
Meanwhile Biden/Obama3 terror gun running continues
US pledges $15m. to Palestinians in first step to restoring pay for slay funding
(geller report) Mar 26, 2021
This aid (from American taxpayers) will finance the
Palestinian Authority “pay to slay” Jews policy. Absolutely horrible.
Oil prices SURGE under Biden
(geller report) Mar 9, 2021
Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO
(geller report) Mar 24, 2021
the Government Accountability Office is launching a
review to determine whether the new president broke the law by freezing the
money in violation of budget rules designed to keep Congress in control of the
cash flow
Biden's Border Disaster:
Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Climb Despite Reopening
(breitbart) Mar 18, 2021
Arizona Border Sheriff On Border Crisis: Biden ‘Owns This,’ ‘We Had It Under
Control’ Under Trump
(geller report) Mar 6, 2021
Without debate, Biden has decided on complete open borders
(nypost) Mar 8, 2021
It's a massive invasion:
Border Agents Catch 100K Illegals in February. Total by Year’s End Could Be 1M.
Biden Aide: He Caused It (new
american) Mar 11, 2021
Many of the illegals carry the China Virus, but the
Biden Regime is releasing them into communities across the border. From there,
they travel anywhere they wish.
Sociopath Joe Biden Imports the Coronavirus from Mexico
(breitbart) Mar 4, 2021
To begin with, the very idea that our own president
would brazenly break the law to flood our country with illegals is insane
enough. The idea that our own president would flood our country with
illegals during an economic recession when social services are already
strained, is even more insane. But what kind of sociopath allows illegals
(or anyone) into our country when they’re infected with a deadly virus
reportedly responsible for the deaths of more than a half-million Americans?
Biden admin IS sending covid positive
"migrants" throughout USA.
Press Sec Gets Absolutely SAVAGED By Reporter Over Border Being a “Super
(washington times) Mar 22, 2021
"Where else in the country would it be okay to have 400 people in a space
for 260 during the pandemic?"
So then, apparently the
pandemic is fake.
'Almost useless' COVID-19 tests on illegal migrants dropped in Texas town
find 25% infected
(washington times) Mar 7, 2021
“Even though they test positive, they’re going to leave the next day.
They’re going to get on the bus or the airplane, and they’re gone.”
The first group that came through had 25% positivity test rate, he said.
Those migrants are now likely spread out across the country, challenging the
Biden administration’s insistence that its border policies aren’t a new
vector for the disease.
Harlingen is one of several cities deep in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.
All of them are experiencing the new migrant surge.
Former police chief: Sorry, this isn’t a ‘crisis’. Because for the Biden
administration, it was all part of the plan.
(law enforcement today) Mar 22, 2021
"the current border “crisis” is not a crisis at all
to the Biden administration, mainly because this is exactly what they were
looking for".
"The goal is to overwhelm the welfare system to a level where it causes a
financial crisis".
So at some point enough "migrants" will have been admitted to overwhelm the
system, and then the Biden/Harris handlers will make a show of stopping the
Biden Acknowledges Screwing Up, Will Bring Back Trump Immigration Policy
(crowder) Mar 23, 2021
Can't blame Biden, he's incompetent. It's Obama's
third term.
Biden In ‘Regular’ Contact With Obama To ‘Consult And Talk About A Range Of
Issues’: WH Official
(daily wire) Mar 23, 2021
Obama hates Israel, so Biden seeks "palestinian"
Trump proved 2-state solution not the solution.
(israel national news) Mar 29, 2021
Oh yeah, the biden-harris presidency is definitely not
YouTube To Remove ‘Dislike’ Feature As Biden WH Content Continues To See
Likes Massively Trail Dislikes.
(national pulse) Mar 30, 2021
and so we live with
FASCISM. Democrats are Fascists.
FASCISM: Facebook REMOVES video of Trump interview
(pamela geller) Mar 31, 2021
Red lipstick on a pig.
AOC should be removed from Congress.
Police Called On Blogger For Milquetoast Criticism of AOC
(crowder) Apr 10, 2021
It's about Fascists crowd control, not gun control
US House passes bill to criminalize all unlicensed private firearm transfers
(the blaze) Mar 4, 2021
March 11, 2021
Calling it a 'universal background check bill' is a
New Colorado Senate Bill Establishes Government Ministry Of Truth
(the federalist) Mar 9, 2021
It's not at all about truth:
“The intent here is to limit what Sen. Donovan considers conservative
A New World Order
A Deleted Bill Gates Documentary Has Been Revived
@4min. please note that, like it or not, both
Reagan and Trump are "in on it".
1 John 2:15 YOU-be not
cherishing the world neither the (things) in the world. If someone
might-be-cherishing the world, the charity of-the Father is not in him;
v16 Because every the (thing) in the world, the desire of-the flesh and the
desire of-the eyes and the arrogance or-the means-of-living, is not
out-of the Father, BUT it-is out-of the world.
Philippians 3:20-4:1
For our community is-existing in heavens, out-of the-place-where we-are also
waiting-anxiously (a) savior Jehovah Jesus Messiah,
Who will-transfigure the body of our humbling conforming (it) to-the body of
his glory, according-to the operation of him being-able also to-subject to-him(self)
[the] all (things).
So-that my cherished and longed-for brothers, my joy and crown,
YOU-be-standing thus firm in Jehovah, cherished (ones).*
blackouts may ‘never have occurred’ had there been more coal fired electricity
(sky news) Mar 9, 2021
I pity the fuel...
TRISO stands for TRi-structural ISOtropic particle fuel.
Mar 5, 2021
Each TRISO particle is made up of a
uranium, carbon and oxygen fuel kernel. The kernel is encapsulated by three
layers of carbon- and ceramic-based materials that prevent the release of
radioactive fission products.
Punch drunk Pappa Frenchy off to lovingly embrace Islam:
(JPOST) Mar 5, 2021
He will say Mass at a Baghdad church, meet Iraq's top Shi'ite Muslim cleric in
the southern city of Najaf and travel north to Mosul
Revelation 17:6 And I-saw the woman being-drunk
out-of the blood of-the holy-ones and out-of the blood of-the witnesses
of-Jesus. And having-seen her I-marveled (with) great marvel.
v16 And the ten horns which you-saw and the
beast, these will-hate the prostitute, and they-will-make her
having-been-made-and-still-desolate and naked, and they-will-eat her fleshes,
and they-will-burn her down with fire;
v17 For the God gave into their hearts to-do his sentiment, and to-do one
sentiment and to-give their kingdom to-the beast, until the words of-the God
Mar 19-20
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Shabbat (begins Fri
19th at sunset):
Parashah Vayikra
Bible study topics
County Judge, Three Others Arrested On 150 Counts Of Voter Fraud In Texas
(conservative brief) Feb 2, 2021
Mar 12-13
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Shabbat (begins Fri
12th at sunset):
Double Portion Vayakhel - Pekudei
Parashah Vayakhel -
"and he assembled"
Bible study topics
The outermost covering was likely blue in color
The boards of
the Tabernacle were made standing up.
The full armor of God
Doing the Work of God and Keeping His
Parashah Pekudei -
Bible study topics
“He-is-carrying-off the first in-order-that
the second might-stand”
Our New Covenant "offering" is our prayer,
which scripture says is "incense before the Lord"
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Shabbat (begins Fri 5th at sunset):
Mar 5-6
Ki Tisa
כִּי תִשָּׂא
"when you take"
Bible study topics
The Sign of the Sabbath
2:15 -
Feb 26-27
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Shabbat (begins Fri 26th at sunset):
Parashah Tetzaveh -
"you shall command"
Bible study topics
Jesus wore the colors of the veil - Blue
white purple Scarlet Blue
“write it in their sight”
the New Covenant "cuts" both ways
Feb 19-20
Parashah Terumah -
Parashah Mishpatim -
the best part of the Royal Gorge was the incline railway:
video from 2012:
The Left's false "oil shortage" gambit to gain total crowd
control failed.
There is no oil shortage.
2020 net petroleum imports/exports turns positive for the first time in US
recorded history
(news) Feb 10, 2021
So now the left is using a false "man-made-climate-change"
gambit to gain total crowd control.
Lithium Batteries' Dirty Secret: Manufacturing Them Leaves Massive Carbon
(industry week) Oct
16, 2018
Previously, on Biden Tells Lies:
ABC News Confirms Peter Schweizer’s Biden Exposé on Family Corruption
Involving Son-in-Law Howard Krein
(breitbart) Feb 9, 2021
The Unspeakable Corruption of Joe Biden
(pjmedia) Oct 22 2020
Biden Family Corruption Does Matter
(real clear politics) Nov
2, 2020
[To people with morals, it matters. But not to
g5546 Χριστιανός
"But if as (a) Christian,
let-him not be-being-ashamed, but let-him-be-glorifying the God in this
1 Peter 4:16
Going as far back as the year 1100AD, the word “Christianity” was spelt “Xianity.”
The X came from the Greek letter Chi, which incidentally is the first letter
in the Greek word for Christ.
Does the USA give Israel 10
From answers:
The US doesn’t “give” Israel a penny. The defense aid it allocates to Israel
has strings: up until the last Memorandum of Understanding, a minimum of 75%
of the money allocated had to be spent on US-made defense products, with the
US having refusal rights on the remaining 25% if it was to be spent on
products made elsewhere. The latest MoU made that 100%, so Israel MUST buy
US-made defense products with the money, even if there are better and/or
cheaper competitive items. Israel may also not use any of this allocation
for its own development and manufacture… so this money provides jobs for US
defense industry workers.
Another “string” is that when such equipment becomes obsolete or obsolescent
and the Israeli government is interested in selling it, the US has refusal
rights over who can buy it. No other country receiving US aid for their
militaries has these strings attached.
While Israel received cash credit (the money never leaves the US), it’s far
from the largest recipient of US military aid in other ways. The only US
military personnel in Israel are the Marine guards at the US Embassy and
Consulates and a group of radar technicians at a US watching post somewhere
in the Negev. Compare this to the cost to the US taxpayer of maintaining
troops in the NATO countries, South Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. and
you’ll find that Israel is pretty far down on the list of beneficiaries.
You can read this article for more information:
Myth: Israel Is the Largest Beneficiary of US Military Aid
Don't see a connection to free health care or free schooling here either:
so the USA forces Israel to buy F35............
F35 Flaw makes jet problematic for Israel
Not even off the lot, the Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter jet is turning into
an even bigger lemon than first anticipated by Israeli politicians who
fought the deal forced on the Jewish State with a U.S. military aid package
by the White House.
.............i.e. USA forces Israel to fix F35....
Israeli F-35Is uniquely will have an overriding Israeli-built C4 program
that runs “on top” of Lockheed’s operating system.
I think, as per "aid" deal, Israel can only "sell" technology to US.
"Suggested for You"
Gates is not aging well.
Bill Gates says 'all rich nations should move to 100% synthetic beef' to
combat climate change
(the blaze) Feb 16, 2021
I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef. You can
get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they're going to make it
taste even better over time. Eventually, that green premium is modest enough
that you can sort of change the [behavior of] people or use regulation to
totally shift the demand.
At What Point Do We Realize Bill Gates Is Dangerously Insane?
(news) Feb 17, 2021
All Capitols
Why US Troops in Capitol?
White House: Biden considering using executive action to push gun control
(the blaze)Feb 16, 2021
Proof Trump Won The 2020 Election
(news) Nov 26, 2020
Worth a listen - Candace Owens
IMPORTANT: Everything you were told about the “Capitol Riot” is a lie.
(candace owens) Feb 11, 2021
The Insurrection Lie II: False Reports From January 6th Continue to Unravel.
(national pulse) Feb 14, 2021
Former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Says Intel Warned Antifa Might Be Among
Jan. 6th Attackers
(new american) Feb 23, 2021
Former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund testified before a U.S. Senate
committee that intelligence warned Antifa WOULD be among the threats on
January 6
Harris' 2020 campaign fail
In the twice stole election, Kamala Harris was not the choice of the people
of the Democrat Party
Gabbard Tells the Truth About Kamala Harris
(video) Oct 2020
Biden too far gone mentally to talk on phone.
Kamala Harris Taking Calls With Foreign Leaders On Behalf Of Biden: Report
(dailywidre) Feb 16, 2021
President Present BIDEN: "I'm happy to take questions if that's
what I'm supposed to do..."
("President" Joe Biden) Mar 3, 2021
...fades to black...silent sounds of Kamala
wheeling Biden to top of basement stairs...
Anti-American Biden/Harris/Democrats
Saving it for China:
Stephen Moore: Biden’s ‘Climate Change’ Policies Erase U.S. Energy
Independence, Lock Down Trillions in Natural Resources
(breitbar) Feb 21, 2021
Democrats' 'chilling' letter demands cable providers account for
'misinformation' and 'lies' from 'right-wing media outlets' they carry
(the blaze) Feb 23, 2021
Just how powerful is the
Roman Catholic Church?
The Vatican Empire
by Nino Lo Bello
Rebuilding Babylon:
Pope’s visit to Iraqi Ziggurat to unite several faiths, might hopefully
garner more visitors
(british herald) Feb 22, 2021
Texas windmills fail
Wall Street Journal fact checks PolitiFact and rips media who try to pin
Texas energy problems on fossil fuels
(washington examiner) Feb 18, 2021
Study warns solar farms could unleash unintended consequences on the
environment, including global warming
(the blaze) Feb 21, 2021
Large-scale solar and wind turbine farms could trigger negative affects on
the climate around the world
I tried to post this on Facebook:
Climate activists are 'cowards, crooks, or clowns' playing us for fools
(skynews) Feb 21, 2021
Facebook said no:
"This post can't be shared
In response to Australian government legislation, Facebook restricts the
posting of news links and all posts from news Pages in Australia. Globally,
the posting and sharing of news links from Australian publications is
Here's the Facebook workaround:
copy and paste the link into this website:
Then share the resultant link:
Click on S k y N e w s (top left) for wry commentary:
That's a Big 10-4!
#coronavirus #COVID-19 #chinavirus #wuhanvirus #wuhanflu #CCPVIRUS
Decorated Scientist Says Wuhan Lab Caused Pandemic, Contradicting WHO
(new american) Feb 19, 2021
Wiesendanger is not just anyone; he’s a widely respected member of the
scientific community. Since 1986, his work has been cited over 35,000 times.
He has reviewed proposals for over 30 national and international funding
agencies, has written two textbooks and written for 620 publications, and
either sits on or advises 130 international conferences.
Additionally, Wiesendanger is the recipient of more than 20 awards. For
example, he is an elected member of the European Academy of Sciences and has
won the Hamburg Science Prize of the Hamburg Academy of Sciences.
The World Health Organization (WHO), an outfit of the United Nations,
concluded last week that it is “extremely unlikely” that the virus leaked
from a lab in Wuhan, China.
Yet their research is shrouded in doubt due to the fact that one of the top
members on the WHO’s team investigating the origins of COVID-19, Peter
Daszak, was awarded a $3.7 million grant for bat coronavirus surveillance
and bat coronavirus gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of
Virology (WIV).
600 facts:
German scientist: I have 600 proofs, the virus was made in a laboratory
(b92) Feb 19, 2021
German nanoscientist Roland Wiesendanger claims there's evidence that
coronavirus did not pass from animals to humans, but that it originated in a
Ex-NatSec Official: Evidence For Theory That Pandemic Came From Lab ‘Far
Outweighs’ Natural Outbreak
(daily wire) Feb 21, 2021
one of the major things that hobbled America’s response to the pandemic was
China refusing to share data and the World Health Organization “parroting
misinformation about the virus.”
The World Health Organization made all sorts [of] untruthful or misinformed
claims about this virus,
(news) feb , 2021
Pottinger said. “That it doesn’t spread human to human, that it’s not
asymptomatic. They praised the Chinese government for shutting down domestic
travel in China while simultaneously criticizing the United States for
shutting down international travel, which is a morally and logically
indefensible position. So the WHO has a lot to answer for.”
Auctung! Sheeple Obey!
Israeli vaccine refuseniks fear exclusion as economy reopens
(ynet news) Feb 26, 2021
With over half of citizenry having received at least first vaccine, country
opens up 'green pass' holders who had both doses; several activities deemed
off-limits to unvaccinated,
Adjacent in my news feed:
The coronavirus miracle!
Report: Flu Has ‘Virtually Disappeared’ From U.S.
(dailywire) Feb 26, 2021
“This year has been incredibly different. Probably not seen before for 100
years....Normally, there’s literally thousands of people who get influenza.
On an average week in the winter, 10% of all people dying, are dying from
influenza. So, this year is very remarkable.”
What about those Episcopalians?
here we find:
Episcopal Diocese of Washington
Here we find:
Forms and resources for clergy
Here we find:
Here we find:
2020 Journal and Directory
There, finally, we find some "church" doctrine:
Part V: Constitution and Canons
Constitution of the Diocese of Washington [7]
Canons of the Diocese of Washington [21]
Rules of Order [100]
Order of Business [106]
Th e “Maryland Vestry Act” [108]
Charter of the Convention of the Diocese of Washington [113]
SEC. 601. Ecclesiastical Authority.
(a) BISHOP.— Th e Bishop shall be the Ecclesiastical Authority of the
The members of this Church shall instruct their families, as far as they are
able, in the
principles of the Christian Religion, and shall cause their children to
attend the catechistical
instructions of their Rector; and as soon as they are sufficiently informed
and impressed with
the importance and sacredness of their baptismal vow, they shall present
them to the Rector, as
candidates for confirmation; who shall examine them, and, if satisfied of
their fitness,
recommend them to the Bishop for Confirmation.
SEC. 6101. Admission to the Holy Communion.
No member of this Church, who has not previously communed, shall off er
himself or herself for the reception of the Lord’s Supper, nor shall any
Minister enroll any persons, as communicants of the Minister’s Congregation,
until the Minister shall have conversed with such person, or persons, on the
subject, or until the Minister shall be satisfi ed that they have been
regular communicants, in the Minister’s own, or some other Congregation.
So actually not much for doctrine - anywhere yet.
On this page:
Here we find:
Guidelines for Reception and Confirmation for Persons Joining the Episcopal
Church (pdf)
II. Reception and Confirmation
The Episcopal Church recognizes all baptized with water and in the
name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as members of the One,
Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Baptized persons who have been confirmed or received by
Bishops in communion with this church should be received, not
confirmed [Title I, Canon 17, Section 1(c)]. Bishops in communion
with this church include other Bishops of the Anglican Communion,
Bishops of churches resulting from the union of Anglicans with other
churches (the Church of Bangladesh, the Church of North India, the
Church of South India, and the Church of Pakistan), Bishops of the
Old Catholic Union of Utrecht, the Philippine Independent Church,
and the Mar Thoma Church of Malabar.
III. Transfer
"The Office of Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations has been asked how
parochial clergy should register persons from the ELCA seeking to
join the Episcopal Church. Title I, Canon 17, Section 4 details the
process by which communicants may be transferred into the
Episcopal Church. Section 4(d) of this Canon permits “any
communicant of any church in Communion with this church” be
entitled to the benefits of this Canon. Therefore members of the
ELCA, a church in communion with this church, may be transferred
into Episcopal congregations as detailed in Section 4(c) of that canon."
And I suppose that is how they go about allowing Muslims, that deny Christ
as Messiah and God, to be "transferred" into the Episcopal Church. There is
nothing good or Godly about them calling that which is evil, good.
Also on this page, this link:
Here we find:
FINALLY, "What We Believe" is found!
"We believe in following the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death,
and resurrection saved the world."
Wow, that sounds great! The next sentence proves this to be a false
"We have a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to tell and exemplify God’s love
for every human being; women and men serve as bishops, priests, and deacons
in our church."
Next item on this page we find:
"The Bible The 39 Articles, a 1536 foundational document of Anglican
theology, relates that “Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to
salvation.” The Scriptures, comprised of the Old and New Testament, as well
as some apocryphal texts, were written under the inspiration of the Holy
The bible says bishops are to be the husband of one wife:
1 Timothy 3:1-7 It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the
office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do. An overseer, then,
must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent,
respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine or pugnacious,
but gentle, peaceable, free from the love of money
Titus 1:5-9 For this reason I left you in Crete, that you would set in order
what remains and appoint elders in every city as I directed you, namely, if
any man is above reproach, the husband of one wife, having children who
believe, not accused of dissipation or rebellion. For the overseer must be
above reproach as God’s steward, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not
addicted to wine, not pugnacious, not fond of sordid gain
So the Bible, which the Episcopalians claim to acknowledge as inspired by
the Holy Spirit, proves the Episcopalians to be a liars and false "christians".
here we find:
Here we find:
Season of Creation Care Liturgies Word Document
Anglican Church of Southern Africa's pagan "prayer" in another Jesus' name:
"God our creator, you have made us one with this earth, to tend it and bring
forth fruit: may we so respect and cherish all that has life from you, that
we may share in the labour of all creation to give birth to your hidden
glory, through Jesus Christ. Amen."
Fake President News
Janet Yellen accepted $810,000 in speaking fees from Citadel, owner of
(twitter) Jan 28, 2021
Reporter: Are there any plans to recuse
herself from advising the President on GameStop and Robinhood situation?
Psaki: ‘No and she’s an expert and deserves that money.’
GameStop Short Sell Firm Citadel Paid Biden’s Treasury Secretary $MILLIONS.
(national pulse) Jan 28, 2021
CDC Investigation
(full measure) Jan 31, 2021
January 31, 2021
FACEBOOK INSIDER LEAKS: Hours of Video of Zuckerberg & Execs Admitting
They Have "Too Much Power"
(project veritas) Jan 31, 2021
… FB wants to “work ... with [Biden] on
some of their top priorities” … ‘Biden Issued a Number of Exec Orders…we as
a company really care quite deeply about’
Biden: "I don't know what I'm signing here"
Fundamental Change: 52 Executive Orders and Actions Already Put into Place by
Joe Biden
(breitbart) Feb 8, 2021
As of Feb 8...
Obama 3.0
Where is Valerie Jarrett?
Instructions - how to file a comment:
Submit a comment in favor here:
The Docket Number is FD_36471
Filing type: Comment
Cynthia Brown
Chief, Section of Administration
Surface Transportation Board Office of Proceedings
395 E St., SW
Washington, DC 20423
Re: FD 36471
Dear Ms. Brown,
[Place here your comment in support, e.g. rail transport is safer than truck
transport, less semi-trucks in the river, jobs, economy, potential handicap,
elderly, children access to previously unavailable areas via passenger
service, etc.]
/s/ Your Name
["Unless otherwise directed by the Board, e-filed documents may be signed
using a scanned handwritten signature image or an “/s/” followed by the
typed characters representing the name of the person signing."]
phone number
Pfizer Forecasts Roughly $15 Billion in Revenue for 2021 From COVID-19 Vaccine
(epoch times) Feb 2, 2021
Pfizer, one of the world’s largest
pharmaceutical companies, was the first to get U.S. emergency use authorization
for a vaccine it developed together with BioNTech in response to the CCP
(Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic, commonly referred to as the novel
coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19.
Pfizer forecast 2021 sales of between $44.4 billion to $46.4 billion. With
vaccine sales included, the sales are expected to amount to a total of between
$59.4 billion and $61.4 billion, with COVID-19 vaccine sales projected to
contribute nearly 25 percent.
Facebook used 'false' evidence in ad campaign against iOS 14 anti-tracking
(imore) Feb 4, 2021
"But that evidence turns out to be false,
as Facebook surely knows."
Israeli hospital claims may have found cure for COVID-19
(ynet) Feb 4, 2021
Preliminary testing shows that 29 out of 30
virus patients in serious condition that were administered the drug, dubbed
EXO-CD24, once a day made a full recovery within five days; similar
treatment announced by Hadassah Medical Center
The Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem also reported
on a possible cure.
The hospital administered to 21 patients in
critical condition who suffered from underlying conditions a drug called
Allocetra. According to the doctors, 19 patients recovered within six days
and were released from the hospital on average after eight days.
Alternate Site:
Trump Offered to Deploy 10,000 National Guard Troops in DC Ahead of Jan. 6: Mark
(epoch times) Feb 9, 2021
“Even in January, that was a given, as many as 10,000
National Guard troops were told to be on the ready by the Secretary of Defense”
Meadows said. “That was a direct order from President Trump and yet here is what
we see … all kinds of blame going around but yet not a whole lot of
“That accountability needs to rest where it ultimately should be and that’s on
Capitol Hill” Meadows added.
The Pentagon and the office of Washington D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser didn’t
immediately respond to requests for comment by The Epoch Times.
Democrats allege that the president incited the violence at the Capitol in a
speech he delivered near the White House on Jan 6. In his address, Trump used
the words “fight like hell” in reference to his team’s legal efforts around
election integrity. The Democrats allege that Trump used the words to incite
his followers to commit violence.
Once again, evidence shows that the Democrats are
Can't buy or sell:
In real news, in Israel, the covid-19 crowd-control
testing ground:
New law would allow employers to bar unvaccinated workers
(israel national news) Feb 10, 2021
Health Minister announces bill which will allow employers pressure workers to
vaccinate, by preventing unvaccinated from coming to work.
And worse:
plans 'Green Pass' to leisure for COVID-immune on Feb. 23
(ynet news) Feb 10, 2021
New app will allow users to access health
files to prove they have had the vaccine or recovered from the virus in order to
gain entry to leisure facilities; Edelstein: Israel seeing signs of outpacing
variants after almost 40% of population vaccinated
"We are talking about gyms, hotels, places like that, where using the Green Pass
would be both appropriate and practicable,"
Oh, and as EVER, the false save-the-children narrative:
Israel is considering whether to legally
compel members of the teaching profession to have the vaccine.
"No one has the right to endanger the children of Israel,"
Springtime. The end of flu season.
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Feb 5-6, 2021
Shabbat (begins Fri 5th at sunset):
Parashah Yitro -
Bible study topics
"missing" portion – Isa 7:7 – 9:4
Isaiah 9:1 - the people, AND those that dwelt
in Galilee
a Light to the Gentiles
seed of Abraham now
the Ten Commandments/words
old and new skin bags, old and new wine
a child is born, a son is given
Turkey seeks to cement Iran alliance - likely related to Ezekiel 38-39:
(news) Jan 20, 2021
Ankara has pivoted in the last several years to work with Russia and Iran,
fueled by the Trump administration which worked closely with Turkish President
Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
In a sign of its increasing desire to work closely with Tehran against US
interests in the Middle East, Turkey hosted Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif
in Ankara on Friday.
The meeting illustrated that Turkey’s recent push for Azerbaijan to fight
Armenians in the Caucasus will likely end with Ankara, Moscow and Tehran
cooperating in that region to carve it up into spheres of influence, like in
Syria and Libya.
Fueled by the Trump administration’s having worked closely with Turkish
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Ankara has pivoted in the last several years to
engage with Russia and Iran.
This appears counterintuitive, because Washington wanted to work with Turkey and
even gave it a greater role in Syria. But Ankara’s goal was to use the blank
check it had from the Trump administration to move away from NATO into the orbit
of Moscow and Tehran, in order to partition areas of the Middle East and remove
the US and the EU.
While the US [that's OBIDEN]and Italy [POPE/VATICAN] appear to be slowing down
arms sales to Saudi Arabia , Turkey has bought Russia’s S-400 air defense system
and is moving closer to Moscow and Tehran in key deals. Turkish media also
praised the “Iron Silk Road,” a new rail line to Baku and then Russia that will
carry goods. Turkey is also shipping goods via rail to China,
Feb 6
IDF responds to ICC: We will continue to defend the citizens of Israel
(israel national news) Feb 6, 2021
IDF responds to the decision of the International Criminal Court. 'The IDF fully
supports and will continue to support its soldiers.'
January 2021
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Jan 29-30, 2021
Shabbat (begins Fri 29th at sunset):
Parashah Beshalach
- בְּשַׁלַּח
Bible study topics
flash-frozen fish
The Law of the New Covenant is the Holy Spirit.
Sacrifice and Offering YOU willed not.
Darkness and Light
"redemption-back" - ἀπολυτρώσεως -apolutroseos-
and "propitatory" -ἱλαστήριον -hilasterion-
That Rock was the Messiah
Teaching Dictionary - δικαίωμα dikaiōma
Commentary of Rashi
"through one just-act"
the purpose of the law
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Jan 22-23, 2021
Shabbat (begins Fri 22nd at sunset):
Parashah Bo -
Bible study topics
νέος vs. καινός
Parashah Bo is all about
once a year at Passover. Important, and a warning against not discerning this
1Corinthians 11:20
Therefore of-YOU coming-together on the same (thing) it-is not to-eat (a) lordly
kuriakon – adjective.]
Yeshua/Jesus is the Arm of Jehovah.
This (1Cor.3:16, Jn.15:4) is the secret place of the Most High.
"This is the work of-the God,
in-order-that you-might-trust
with-reference-to whom that (one) dispatched."
There is a subtle, but huge difference in seeing John 14:15 as a commandment
vs. a statement of fact by Yeshua.
Yes, Jesus stopped the Levitical temple service (Mk.11:16). He initiated a
New Covenant (Lu.22:20), not according to the Sinai Covenant (Jer.31:32 -
Heb.8:13). This is in effect now (2Cor.3:2-6) but national Israel has been
blinded for a time (Ro.11:7-10,25,26), but Jer.31:31-34 will be fulfilled
for them also - in their heart also - and then "how much more their fulness"(Ro.11:12).
Yet today, Yeshua is our (believers) Sabbath rest (Heb.4:3).
obiden 3.0 and buffett and keystone pipeline
Biden Cost Montana Millions Over Keystone Ban As a Favor to His Billionaire
Railroad Donor
(montana daily gazette) Jan 23, 2021
obama 2.0
November 9, 2015
Warren Buffett and the Keystone Decision
(american thinker) Nov
9, 2015
Twitter Encourages Users to Snitch on Each Other with ‘Birdwatch’ Feature
(breitbart) Jan 20, 2021
running on empty, running scared:
Flashback: Before signing 37 executive actions Biden said, 'We need consensus,'
and dictators rule by executive orders
(the blaze) Jan 28, 2021
President Joe Biden has signed 24 executive orders and 37 presidential actions
in his first week in power. However, during his campaign run, Biden
contradictorily stated that democracy needs "consensus" of the people, and those
who govern by executive orders are "dictators."
Biden Continues Fossil Fuel Crackdown, Plans To Suspend New Oil Drilling Permits
On Federal Land
(dailywire) Jan 26, 2021
Joe Biden plans to implement a moratorium on new oil and gas leasing on federal
land on Wednesday as his administration continues to crack down on fossil fuel
Biden is prepared to suspend issuing new drilling permits to oil companies for
wells on federal land indefinitely while the Department of the Interior conducts
a review of oil development’s impact on climate change, according to The Wall
Street Journal.
Not a smart move. Without weapons...they were just making
a statement, you know, like ANTIFA in Portland.
‘Stop the Steal’ speaker and WalkAway founder charged in Capitol riot
(sara carter) Jan 26, 2021
Without weapons...
Straka: “Wow, so they’re going to basically storm and try to get into the
chamber so that they can demand that we get the investigation that we want.”
We will continue to see
censorship of truth:
Christian Locked out by Twitter for telling the truth
(christian post) Jan 26, 2021
In reality, Twitter is stifling public conversation and harassing people who
believe things as basic as this: in God’s sight, a biological male remains a
male, even when identifying as a female.
About the Fauci Funded Flu:
Steve Hilton investigates origins of COVID-19, links to US commissioned research
(fox news) Jan 25, 2021
Fauci is the highest-paid employee in the U.S. federal government
(sara carter) Jan 25, 2021
Anti-Trump Leader of Group Who Marched With BLM, Claims Group Helped Storm the
(geller report) Jan 25, 2021
Joe Biden: If I'm elected, we're going to cure cancer
(cnn) June
12, 2019
Proof Democrats are all mentally retarded:
'Biden's cognitive issues can no longer be ignored'
(sky news australia)
Mar 12, 2020
Joe Biden's gaffes and funniest moments of the 2020 campaign
(the sun) Nov
3, 2020
Joe Biden's Most Awkward Gaffes Of All Time (Part 2)
(on demand news) Sept
7, 2020
Saagar Enjeti: Biden's Disastrous TV Appearance Shows He's Unfit To Lead In A
(the hill) Mar
31, 2020
Tulsi Gabbard Tells the Truth About Kamala Harris
Oct 24, 2020
A beautiful moment from the 2020 Democrat primary debates. Tulsi talks about
Kamala's disturbing record on criminal justice reform.
The American people of the Democrat party
REJECTED presidential candidate Kamala Harris.
Kamala Harris drops out of presidential race after plummeting from top tier of
Democratic candidates
(cnbc) Dec
3, 2019
It seems Tulsi Gabbard would have had a good
chance beat Trump, and in a
Yet the Democrat party apparatus rejected Tulsi Gabbard.
The Party leader's "problem" with Tulsi GAbbard is that she would not have been
a puppet for them and Obama.
Jan 22
Does anybody really think Obama isn't running things now?
even admitted in a recent interview he wanted a puppet candidate so he could run
things behind the scenes.
The plan for a NWO has been in operation for quite some time:
THE NEW AMERICA: Agenda 21 and the U.N. One World Government plan
(news) Feb
19, 2013
Six Former US Presidents Warn About ‘Invisible’ Shadow Government
(news punch) Jan
3, 2016
WHAT… AND WHO… Is Really Behind Antifa
Groups Hijacking Protests Of George Floyd’s Death And Turning Them Into Riots?
(sky watch) Jun
2, 2020
Recall when former president Barack Obama in his final official speech as
president said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protesters taking to the streets
in communities around the country and on college campuses where fascist
vandalism, violence, riots, and fires were being set to protest Trump’s first
attempt at an immigration ban. The former “president” signaled the first of
several clear messages to his army of thirty-thousand-plus agitators.
two-term scheme (January 20, 2009–January 20, 2017) to engineer America away
from its Christian and traditional moorings was not over, and no Republican
successor was going to change that.
Since then, a lot has happened, and very quickly.
Obama immediately moved across town and set up bunkers just two miles from the
White House, where he and his Organizing for Action (OFA) associates and their
250 offices nationwide commenced efforts to effectively function as what some in
the Capital beltway have already called a “shadow government” third-term
Killing XL Pipeline Won’t Make U.S. Greener, but Will Force Reliance on Trucks
and Trains
(new american) Jan 25, 2021
Fauci brought out the fine China virus:
Steve Hilton reveals explosive evidence on COVID-19 origins and the Fauci
(sara carter) Jan 25, 2021
750 killed at Ethiopian Orthodox church said to contain Ark of the Covenant:
(christian post) Jan 18, 2021
Biden attacks Native Americans
‘Your Order Is A Direct Attack’: Native American Tribe Condemns Biden
Administration’s Secretarial Order
(news) Jan 24, 2021
President Obiden.
(news) Jan 22, 2021
Does anybody really think Obama isn't running things now? He even admitted in a
recent interview he wanted a puppet candidate so he could run things behind the
Jan 22
"There is nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the
next several months."
(washington examiner) Jan 22, 2021
So instead of crushing the virus he decided to
crush the economy, girls sports and immigration law instead.
And get into Syrian war.

FBI functions as henchmen for the Democrats
(sara carter) Jan 22, 2021
Obiden hates Israel
Biden Appoints Former Palestinian UNRWA Official as Director of NSC Intelligence
(jewish press) Jan 24, 2021
Sadly, most people, even Roman Catholics, are ignorant concerning Roman Catholicism.
Joe Biden Denied Holy Communion
(ewtn) Dec 11, 2020
Pappa Frenchy apparently "blesses" Biden.
(marketcap) Nov 8, 2020
Some kind of satanic gesture, I
The pope and Biden have met on several occasions:
(osvnews) Jan 20, 2021
Catholic News Service January 20, 2021
as vice president, Biden attended Pope Francis’ inauguration in 2013 and the two
met briefly afterward; when Pope Francis visited the United States in 2015,
Biden was present for several events, but he and his wife also had a private
meeting with the pope; and in 2016 the two met when Biden spoke at a Vatican
meeting on regenerative medicine.
IDF Intelligence warns of vaccine-resistant Israeli coronavirus mutation
(israel national news) Jan 23, 2021
Those arriving to Israel may bring in vaccine-resistant mutation, report says.
The IDF's Military Intelligence Directorate on Saturday evening published a
warning that combining mass vaccination with a spike in infections ----could----
lead to a strain of COVID-19 that will resist the vaccines currently in use.
Jan 21, Biden/Harris day one!
as Biden sleeps,
On Biden's first day, a Baghdad bombing gift to the world from the woketard
(jpost) Jan 21, 2021
The bombing was only four kilometers from the US embassy compound and occurred
in an area where there have been protests over the last year and a half.
"It is a reminder of the dark days in Iraq when suicide bombings like this were
routine. The rise of Islamic State led to numerous attacks like this. It is not
known if this attack was an ISIS attack, but it has the hallmarks of this type
of attack".
hmmm, what's different today? Oh, Day
1 of Biden/Harris.
Americans Last Policy:
Canadian Premier 'Deeply Disturbed' Biden Admin. Revoked Keystone XL Permit,
Calls for Sanctions: 'Not How You Treat a Friend and Ally'
(mrtctv) Jan 21, 2021
"Let’s be clear about what happened today," Kenney continued. "The leader of our
closest ally retroactively vetoed approval for a pipeline that already exists,
which is co-owned by a Canadian government, directly attacking - by far - the
largest Canada/U.S. trade relationship, which is our energy industry and
The premier also said that the move by the Biden administration - which was done
"without even giving [Alberta, Canada] a chance formally to communicate with the
new administration."
"That’s not good faith. In my books, that’s not how you treat a friend and an
ally," Kenney also said.
Biden Gets Blasted for His First Official Lie/Broken Promise, Georgians Slam Him
For His Betrayal (redstate) Jan
20, 2021
Mediaite is reporting that instead of the $2000 that people believed was
promised, Biden’s only cutting an additional $1400 according to his stimulus
In a Completely Unexpected Development, Biden Admits His Biggest Campaign
Promise Was a Lie
(redstate) Jan 22, 2021
Biden administration freezes Trump's directive to lower insulin prices
blaze) Jan 23, 2021
Trump signed off on the "Access to Affordable Life-Saving Medications" rule on
Dec. 23, 2020.
White House chief of staff Ron Klain sent out a memo on Wednesday (Jan 20, 2021)
that directed agencies to freeze all of Trump's last-minute or "midnight
Hardly a "last minute" or "midnight" regulation. The Biden admin is going to be
all big business favorable.
CBO Estimates Biden's Move to $15 Min. Wage Could Cost 3.7 Million American Jobs
( Jan 20, 2021
That means that the "1.3 million workers who would otherwise be employed" will
eventually be jobless with a move to a $15 minimum wage.
The low end being zero should scare people, because that means that the increase
in minimum wage wouldn't create many jobs, if any.
Babylon, Mystery Religion
The Whole World is Her Seat:
Vatican, Chicago Cardinal Push Back On Catholic Bishops’
Statement Warning Biden’s Agenda Would ‘Advance Moral Evils’
(dailywire) Jan 21, 2021
"the statement was spiked
after intervention from the Vatican
Secretariat of
State, hours before it was due to be released.”
Hail to the Thief
(frontpage) Jan 21, 2021
Democrats celebrate a “victory for democracy” with barbed wire, soldiers, and
political terror.
The head of DC National Guard, Major General William Walker is proud to assist
with a "peaceful transition to military power"?
(ugetube) Jan 22, 2021
What's really going on? DOD Law
of War Article XI? Belligerent government?
Just getting some exercise, I suppose.
Thousands Of National Guard Troops To Remain In D.C. Through Mid-March
(daily wire) Jan 23, 2021
Charged In Capitol Riot Barred From Commenting About ‘Matters Related To US Govt’ Online
(dailywire) Jan 23, 2021
A federal judge has ordered a Kentucky man who allegedly stormed the U.S.
Capitol earlier this month not to make any comments about the breach or the U.S.
government online.
The Lexington Herald-Leader reported that “Damon Michael Beckley, who was
arrested by the FBI in Cub Run last week, was released on a conditional bond,
which barred him from using the internet to post about the rally or ‘the matters
related to the U.S. government,’ according to court records.” The outlet also
reported Beckley “was also prohibited from attending any rallies, protests or
demonstration” and must be monitored by GPS.
All done with the photo op?
National Guard soldiers booted out of Capitol, forced to sleep in parking garage
(the blaze) Jan 20, 2021
'We feel incredibly betrayed'
Should we pray for Biden?
Romans 1:18 - For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven
against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in
Romans 2:5-6 - But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto
thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment
of God;Who will render to every man according to his deeds:
Jennifer Laird Wallace
As the President #DonaldTrump prepares to leave the White House, I am making
this post so it will show back up as a future memory on my timeline. This isn’t
a political dispute. I am genuinely curious what the next 4 years will bring:
Today is the day of the Biden/Harris Inauguration.
• Gas is currently $2.45 per gallon.
• Interest rates are 2.25 percent for a 30-year mortgage.
• The stock market closed at 30829.40 though we have been fighting COVID for 11
• Our GDP growth for the 3rd Qtr was 33.1 percent.
• We had the best economy ever until COVID and it is recovering well.
• We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years.
• North Korea has been under control and has not been testing any missiles.
• ISIS has not been heard from for over 3 years.
• The housing market is the strongest it has been in years.
• Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell well.
• And let’s not forget that peace deals in the Middle East were signed by 4
• Unemployment sits at 6.7% in spite of COVID.
#Biden takes over today, 1-20-21. Let's see how the next four years fair.
God bless America
May God Be with you all.
Microsoft's patent application for system where cryptocurrency distribution is
controlled by body sensor.
(patentscope) Jan 20, 2021
" A cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may
verify whether or not the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions
set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose
body activity data is verified".
Biden seen without a mask on federal property hours after signing executive
order requiring masks on federal property
(sara carter) Jan 21, 2021
Beijing Biden’s Disbanding of 1776 Commission Shows Left’s Hatred for America
(geller report) Jan 21, 2021
The Presidents Advisory 1776 Commission Final Report available here:
and here:
These Historians Challenge New York Times’ Dubious 1619 Project
(daily signal) Dec
18 2019
They begged them to storm the capital. Then they sat back and let them in like
it was a tour.
And now they need 30000 troops for protection? This is like a
twilight zone episode. It’s hard to believe this is reality
WATCH: Trump supporter pleads with police to call for backup during the Capitol
(geller report) Jan 20, 2021
“This is our Capitol… They’re out for blood,” the man screams
At the Capitol: What We Saw
(sentinel) Jan 18, 2021
False Flag Flies Over The Capitol
(sentinel) Jan 18, 2021
The recent attack on the Capitol—supposedly conducted by Trump supporters—was a
“false flag” event. No one can convince me, otherwise.
Zero cases of influenza, RSV in Israel
(jpost) Jan 21, 2021
Flu season in Israel usually starts in November.
JANUARY 21, 2021 20:58
“We have zero positive tests for influenza or RSV,”
“Since we are wearing masks and have social-distancing measures, and people are
staying in their homes now because of lockdown, so we have less interaction and
less ways to get infected.”
Nonetheless, coronavirus has continued to spread throughout the country.
According to a report published this month by Science, US clinical labs have
collected 925 positive influenza samples since the end of September 2020 until
January, versus 63,975 at this point in the 2019–20 flu season.
The lack of flu patients has left beds free in the country’s internal medicine
wards, which has allowed hospitals to decrease staff in those units and move
them to coronavirus units
he phenomenon has also potentially broken a paradigm within the medical
community that children are the first and primary transmitters of the flu and
“Most people who wear masks and social distance are adults, yet we still don’t
have the illness. Maybe adults start the transmission and not the children,”
Barkai suggested, explaining that children are always inoculated against the
virus first. “Maybe we were incorrect.”
No "Maybe" about it.
Along with the Biden insurrection, expect to see the Flu
count go up, Covid to go down.
Joe Biden - not my President
(america wake up) Jan 20, 2021
Day After Inauguration - National Guard troops continue arriving to DC
(freedom news) Jan 21, 2021
By all accounts, the Capitol is empty, save the National Guard
"photo-op" troops. And Joe Biden & Crew.
Meanwhile, back in Portland:
more riots
So: Troops at the Capitol, Antifa riots in Portland.
One Big Show.
so listen to this, and think on unarmed Ashli Babbit's murder by alleged Capitol
National Guard rules of engagement
(60 Minutes) Jan 17, 2021
60 minutes
1:10 - Well it depends, if a person climbs a fence, and the person does not
appear to be armed and does not pose a threat, then that person will be seized,
arrested, and removed. -
-I think I would trust the NG to be less trigger happy than the cops, as the NG
has better training.
Bernie Sanders more popular on Jan 21, 2021
than ever before
Yes, It Was a Stolen Election
(front page) Dec 23, 2020
You’d have to be blind not to see it.
This is why you should be furious with
the United States Supreme Court, that had
as its duty, as its sworn responsibility … to insist that the states comply with
the federal Constitution under Article II, Section 1, Clause 2, and that any
changes made outside that clause, by governors, secretaries of states, by
courts, federal or state, by election boards or other bureaucrats, will be
deemed unconstitutional. [The Supreme Court] had a case [in Pennsylvania] …
before a single vote was counted, they had a case [alleging unconstitutional
changes to election laws] and they didn’t take it up….
The majority of the Supreme Court Justices are Roman Catholic. ALL Roman
Catholics are subjects of the Pope.
The Pope doesn't like Trump:
The Papacy is the MAN of the lawlessness:
Revelation 17:
v1 And one out-of the seven angels namely-the (ones) having the seven pans
came, and he-spoke with me saying: come-hither, I-will-point to-you the sentence
of-the prostitute namely-the great (one), namely-the (one) sitting on many
v2 With whom the kings of-the earth committed-prostitution, and the (ones)
residing (on) the earth were-made-drunk out-of the wine of-her prostitution.
v3 And he-brought me off into (a) desolate
(place) in spirit. And I-saw (a) woman sitting on (a) scarlet beast,
being-loaded (with) names of-blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
v4 And the woman was
having-been-and-still-cast-around (with) purple and scarlet, and
having-been-and-still-gilded with-gold-objects and with-precious stone and
with-pearls, having (a) cup made-with-gold in her hand being-loaded
of-abominations and the unclean-things of-her prostitution,
v5 And on her forehead (a) name
having-been-and-still-written, mystery, Babylon the great, the mother
of-the prostitutes and of-the abominations of-the earth.
v6 And I-saw the woman
being-drunk out-of the blood of-the holy-ones and out-of the blood of-the
witnesses of-Jesus. And having-seen her I-marveled (with) great marvel.
January 20, 2021
Insurrection Day
Transliteration paraphroneo
Pronunciation pä-rä-fro-ne'-o (Key)
to misthink, i.e. be insane (silly):—as a fool.
to be beside one's self, out of one's senses, void of understanding, insane
Here's a fitting video for Insurrection
Day 2021.
These truths are indeed self evident.
@18:30 Good point.
Oh, Facebook took it down. Can't be making fun of
Chairman Biden.
It hasn't been scrubbed@youtube yet:
There's plenty more:
So anyway, I hear the "nuclear football" was transferred.
Biden/Harris, A.K.A. Already-Crooks-R-Us.
Advisor For Biden’s COVID Response Team Had Ties To Mask-Making Company
(dailywire) Jan 20, 2021
Deuteronomy 22:5 “A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on
a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord
your God".
An abomination
On day one, Biden plans to reinstate rule allowing transgender students to use
bathroom, locker room of choice (the
blaze) Jan 19, 2021
On day one of his presidency, President-elect Joe Biden plans to reinstate
Obama-era Title IX regulations ensuring that transgender students are allowed to
use the bathroom or locker room that aligns with their gender identity.
The Trump administration revoked the guidance early during President Trump's
tenure, arguing that Title IX prohibits discrimination based on sex, not gender
identity, and that the Obama administration, by changing the rule, was
attempting to rewrite the definition of "sex" in "sex-based discrimination."
Biden taps transvestite Rachel Levine as assistant Health Sec.
(jpost) Jan 19, 2021
1 Corinthians 6:9 Or are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that unjust (ones) will not
inherit (the) kingdom of-God?
YOU-be not being-led-astray; neither
male-prostitutes nor idolaters nor adulterers nor catamites nor homosexual-males
Transvestites/homosexuals can't think right:
Romans 1:16 For I-am not ashamed-of the good-news; for it-is (the) power of-God
with-reference-to salvation to-everyone trusting, both to-Jew first and
v17 For justice of-God is-being-uncovered from heaven in it out-of trust
with-reference-to trust, according-as it-has-been-and-still-is-written: But the
just (one) will-himself-live out-of trust.
v18 For wrath of-God is-being-uncovered on all impiety and unrighteousness
of-MEN, the (ones) holding-fast the truth in unrighteousness,
v19 For-the-reason-that the-thing known of-the God is manifest among them; for
the God manifested (it) to-them.
v20 For the invisible-things of-him from creation of (a) world being-understood
by-the things-made (are)-being-seen-clearly, both his constant power and
divinity, with-reference-to their being without-defense,
v21 For-the-reason-that having-come-to-know the God they-glorified (him) not as
God or gave-thanks, BUT they-were-aimless in their deliberations, and their
heart without-understanding was-made-dark.
v22 Alleging to-be wise (ones) they-were-made-stupid,
v23 And they-changed the glory of-the imperishable God with (a) similitude
of-(an)-image of-perishable MAN and of flying-things and of-four-footed-things
and of-reptiles;
v24 On-this-account the God gave them over with the desires of-their hearts
with-reference-to uncleanness, their bodies to-be-being-dishonored among them.
v25 They-who exchanged the truth of-the God with the lie, and they-venerated and
they-served the creation beside the (one) having-created, who is blessed
with-reference-to the ages; amen.
v26 Because-of this the God gave them over with-reference-to passions
of-dishonor; for both their females exchanged the natural use with-reference-to
the (one) beside nature,
v27 And-additionally likewise also the males having-let-go the natural use
of-the female were-burned-out in their relish with-reference-to one-another,
males with males working-out the indecency and taking-back in themselves the
recompense which was-essential of-their going-astray.
v28 And according-as they-proved not to-be-having the God in thorough-knowledge,
the God gave them over with-reference-to (an) unapproved mind, to-be-doing
the-things not being-appropriate,
v29 Having-been-and-still-filled with-all unrighteousness, evil, covetousness,
malice, replete of-envy, of-murder of-quarreling of-guile, of-malignity,
v30 Backbiters, God-abhorrent (ones), insulters, proud (ones), arrogant (ones),
inventors of-bad-things, disobedient to-parents,
v31 (Ones) without-understanding, covenant-breakers, (ones) unaffectionate,
(ones) unmerciful;
v32 They-who having-come-to-know-thoroughly the just-act of-the God, that
the(ones) practising the-things such-as-these are worthy of-death, not only
are-they-doing them, BUT they-are also concurring with-the (ones) practising.
First Trump declassified Russia document: Christopher Steele's 2017 confessional
to the FBI
(justthenews) Jan 20, 2021
Steele told FBI he leaked Russia collusion story to help Clinton and Great
Britain, and was connected to his primary dossier source by former NSC staffer
and impeachment witness Fiona Hill
Dossier author Christopher Steele admitted to the FBI that he leaked the Russia
collusion story during the height of the 2016 election to help Hillary Clinton
overcome her lingering email scandal and because he believed Donald Trump's
election would be bad for U.S. relations with his home country of Britain
FBI false flag op
State Capitol Protests ‘Failed To Materialize’ Over The Weekend, Despite FBI
(dailywire) Jan 18, 2021
despite repeated warnings from the FBI that President Donald Trump’s supporters
were looking to continue to demonstrate against certifying November’s
presidential election results...
..Nothing happened.
“The large presence of troops and police officers across the country came after
warnings from the F.B.I. that armed protests were planned in all 50 capitals and
following online chatter promising demonstrations or worse in the days leading
up to Wednesday’s inauguration of Joseph R. Biden Jr. as president,” the outlet
noted. “The nation’s militarized streets on Sunday were a remarkable spectacle
as police and National Guard officers faced off with promised right-wing
protests that, at least on Sunday, were reduced to a whimper. Protesters in some
states could be counted on one hand.”
Tucker Carlson: As troops swarm our capital, Democrats send clear message: We're
in charge now
(news) Jan 18, 2021
The Democratic Party is using the military of the United States as a political
Republicans have spent years ignoring the leftward drift of our officer corps,
but we can't ignore it now. The mask is off our military leadership. The very
same generals who howled at the idea of deploying American troops to stop an
invasion of our southern border sent tens of thousands of soldiers with rifles
to Washington purely as a show of force on behalf of the political party they
support. Once they did that, they allowed Democratic politicians to degrade and
politicize the military itself.
They dream of a genii
(ugetube) Jan 17, 2021
There are more troops in Washington DC than in all foreign war zones together to
protect a senile old man, chosen by the media and the radical left (not really
elected) to be president. It doesn't make sense. DC looks like a city under
siege and there's no war. There is total silence, the news are fake, opinion or
wishful thinking. Trump is still conducting foreign policy like nothing has
What's going on?
Could it be Trump is part of the coup?
Useful Info on
Hardening and Tempering
Ok, now check for associations with "radical" Islam.
‘No stone unturned’: Pentagon vows to vet National Guard for extremist ties
ahead of inauguration
(washinton post) Jan 18, 2021
“While we have no intelligence indicating an insider threat, we are leaving no
stone unturned in securing the capital,”
In other words, they are witch-hunting.
Democrats are awful.
Democrats are awful stupid:

Military support for Trump at recent Army-Navy game:
Oh yeah, genii watch:
A Deleted Bill Gates Documentary Has Been Revived
Not bot, not beast: Scientists create first ever living, programmable organism
( Jan 20, 2021
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Jan15-16, 2021
Shabbat (begins Fri 15th at sunset):
Parashah Va'era וָאֵרָא
Bible study topics
word on The Word on The Word
The Gospels - The good
news of the Messiah - are the Word/Saying of Yahweh.
we can trust Paul's
The Hidden Chapter
the opinion we are to
You in Christ. Christ
in You.
the prostitute of
Revelation ch17 kills both Jews and Christians
Charity Never Fails -
i.e. God's charity
There's no incitement by Trump in this Save America Rally speech Jan 6, 2021
"Biden is not just bad news for Israel, he's bad news full stop."
Israel goes back to the future
(israel hayom) Jan 13, 2021
Israel was able to withstand unrelenting pressure and hostility from Washington
during the Obama years. Will it be able to do the same after Biden takes office?
Is PBS an honest source of news?
BUSTED: Fired PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller Runs Away From James O'Keefe
In Washington DC
(project veritas) Jan 12, 2021
The legal counsel for PBS incited people to fire-bomb the Capitol and he is not
arrested. Trump makes a speech calling for peaceful action, and he gets
There's no evidence of voter fraud?
BREAKING: Raquel Rodriguez ARRESTED by Texas AG on FOUR felony charges relating
to voter fraud!
(project veritas) Jan 13, 2021
Jan 20 - Biden scrubs Trump's 1776 Commission report from White
House Website.
Here it is:
Orwell’s 1984 and Today
( Dec, 2020
December 2020 • Volume 49, Number 12
"The 1619 Project promotes the teaching that slavery, not freedom, is the
defining fact of American history. President Trump’s 1776 Commission aims to
restore truth and honesty to the teaching of American history. It is an
initiative we must work tirelessly to carry on, regardless of whether we have a
president in the White House who is on our side in the fight."
"The old word “science” comes from a Latin word meaning “to know.” The new word
“technology” comes from a Greek word meaning “to make.” The transition from
traditional to modern science means that we are not so much seeking to know when
we study nature as seeking to make things—and ultimately, to remake nature
itself. That spirit of remaking nature—including human nature—greatly emboldens
both human beings and governments. Imbued with that spirit, and employing the
tools of modern science, totalitarianism is a form of government that reaches
farther than tyranny and attempts to control the totality of things."
Trump receives Morocco's highest award for Middle East work
(jpost) Jan 15, 2021
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner and Middle East envoy Avi Berkowitz
received other awards for their work on the Israel-Morocco deal, which was
reached in December.
The time is now when they won't stand for the truth:
University professors push Biden to create ‘misinformation commission’ to
counter right-wing 'lies'
(news) Jan 13, 2021
In case you are interested-
Every House Member who testified that Donald Trump "incited" a riot is guilty of
violating 18 USC 1001(a)(2).
(KrisAnne Hall, JD) Jan 14, 2021
They knew or should have known it is a legal impossibility for Trump to have
incited a riot. Therefore their accusation on Congressional record at an
official Congressional proceeding violates federal statute subjecting them to
penalties up to 5 years in prison.
All their rhetoric about "Constitution" & "rule of law" and all the while they
were actively violating federal law.
To answer your questions-
1. They will continue to do it all as long as we allow them to get away with it
2. We make them accountable by getting control of our State and local
governments so we can strip them of power and funding.
Capitol rioters were reportedly a minute away from reaching Mike Pence
(the blaze) Jan 15, 2021
Rioters were reportedly less than 100 feet away from Mike Pence and his family
Secret Service spokesperson Justine Whelan responded to the report, and noted
that the vice president was not in danger.
"While the Secret Service does not speak specifically about the means and
methods of our protective operations, Vice President Pence was secure at all
times on Jan. 6," Whelan said in an email.
The Insurrection Lie.
(national pulse) Jan 13, 2021
The legacy media has spent the last week repeating the lie that Trump supporters
traveled to Washington D.C. last week in a coordinated attempt to overthrow the
government. It’s a lie.
Twitter mum on Pelosi's 'hijacked election' charges
(israel national news) Jan 13, 2021
The social media platform remains silent over Pelosi's charges of Russia's
'meddling' in '16 elections while Trump's has been banned.
Who Tweeted: ‘Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a
duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts’?
(jewish press) Jan 13, 2021
Remember when Obama won 100% of the votes in certain areas?
Yeah, also
President Trump’s list of accomplishments during his presidency
(trump-patriots) Jan 14, 2021
5th Nobel Peace Prize Nomination for President Trump
(express) Jan 10, 2021
Biden and Harris incite
riots in Portland
CRICKETS: Portland Antifa Attacks Local Police Precinct Before Vandalizing Local
(mrctv) Jan 8, 2021
A day after the riots at the Capitol, Antifa was trying to break into a police
precinct in Portland while vandalizing businesses, and
not a word was said about
it in the media.
Overnight, a mob of antifa from Portland descended on the suburb of Tigard,
where they tried to break inside the local police department. When that failed,
they proceeded to smash up nearby businesses. This is
the 4th antifa riot in
Portland-area since NYE.
The attacks occurred just after President-elect Joe Biden and Vice
President-elect Kamala Harris gave speeches defending violent groups like Black
Lives Matter as “peaceful protesters” who would have been treated differently
had they been the ones storming the U.S. Capitol Wednesday.
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Jan 8-9, 2021
Shabbat (begins Fri 8th at sunset):
Parashah Shemot -
Bible study topics
Testament Law:
No speaking in tongues without an interpreter
How "Yeshua" became
Jesus/Yeshua is HaShem (i.e. "the name") above all names.
Physical work -
tilling the soil is necessary.
Spiritual work
"women's intuition"
So did the Israelis find Mary's grave?
(express) Jan 8, 2021
Garbage article, except
that at the end they let slip that it was all planned.
"with what we knew was going to occur”
(dailywire) Jan 8, 2021
Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) went further, saying heads should roll.
“I think it’s pretty clear that there’s going to be a number of people who are
going to be without employment very, very soon because this is an embarrassment
both on behalf of the mob, and the president, and the insurrection, and the
attempted coup, but also the lack of professional planning and dealing
with what
we knew was going to occur,”
Youtube suspends Trump account
(israel national news) Jan 13, 2021
Following Twitter and Facebook, Youtube blocks president's account for at least
a week, citing concerns over violence.
President Trump's Youtube account has 2.8 million subscribers around the world.
Brandon Straka, 500K-strong 'Walk Away' page banned by Facebook: 'Every member
of my team!'
500,000-strong Facebook page with citizens who abandoned the Democratic Party
were purged from the site this week
'It needs to stop': Candace Owens suing Facebook fact-checker 'funded by arm of
Communist Party of China'
(@the blaze) Jan 10, 2021
'This is insanity. It's un-American. It's dangerous.'
In less than two weeks after announcing the lawsuit, one of Facebook's
third-party fact-checkers was forced to issue a correction.
Politifact, one of
Facebook's biggest fact-checkers, had to retract a "false" rating it labeled one
of Candace's posts about Joe Biden.
"Well, I'm suing a site called 'Lead Stories,"
"Who funds Lead Stories? According to their own masthead, Lead Stories is funded
by Facebook and Google, along with ByteDance," Owens explained. "And what is
ByteDance? It's a Beijing-based company that owns the TikTok spyware app. Our
own Justice Department says the company is a 'national security threat and
compromised by the Communist Party of China.'"
California’s Internet Censorship Office is Watching What You Say
(daniel greenfield) Jan 10, 2021
What sort of speech is a government office run by Democrats trying to censor?
One example of political speech successfully censored by the Office of Election
Cybersecurity is a tweet that “alleged thousands of 2020 ballots were tossed
There's nothing that reassures voters that their elections are safe like a
government office spying on anyone who says that they're not, and taking
immediate steps to silence the
This scared them?

Is that a classified folder on her desk?
"On any given day, Pelosi."
"Insurrection"? No. Whoever heard of an
unarmed insurrection? They waltz in without guns. A strong message.
Result? Solidification of the ONE Party, A.K.A.
The Swamp, through lies and censorship.
The Insurrection Lie.
(national pulse) Jan 13, 2021
The legacy media has spent the last week repeating the lie that Trump supporters
travelled to Washington D.C. last week in a coordinated attempt to overthrow the
government. It’s a lie.
- the photo ops were threatening?
Who else can we think of that disrespects an office with feet on the desk?
How can
Portland local cops keep ANTIFA at bay for months,
but Capitol cops can't keep out a handful of
yahoos for a few minutes?
Because there were three groups:
1. Most Trump supporters appear to support law
2. Some of these protesters appear to
violently oppose law enforcement. A.K.A. ANTIFA.
3. The beer swilling Billy-Bob fringe Trump
supporters with over-inflated sense of self worth that get deluded into
practicing evil.
They were never planning to take over the government.
An unarmed insurrection? That's where the President of the US is censored.
Happened Jan 2021.
who shot Ashli Babbitt?
One could guess that once Pelosi's office was breached, she
put out the order to shoot. Well, she IS crazy.
Or was it Chuck Schumer's private security detail?
Certainly, she got
herself shot.
Certainly, she was deluded by others.
She was lifted through window by others, probably ANTIFA
And, apparently, Babbitt is a victim of the
Dialectical materialism
- identify, contradict, eliminate the middle
Agitation propaganda
- to get people angry, agitated and turning against each other
Murder? Certainly that scared shitless cop/guard was
itching to pull the trigger.
Video of Girl Being Shot For No Reason Inside Capitol…
(populist press) Jan 6, 2021
Cop all out of pepper spray? No tazer?
The victim, Ashli Babbitt, was in the process of breaching the door though
the broken window. About 25% of one leg through the window.
The executioner had the option to do a run and shove which, of course, is the
correct option since her hands were visible (not a deadly threat) stabilizing
herself going thorough the window. Clearly, Ashli was unarmed.
The murderer cop chose to execute her instead.
Black cop shoots unarmed white woman. Best quality video settings.
Shooter will get away with murder.
Ashli Babbitt’s Manner of Death During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach Ruled a
Homicide by DC Medical Examiner’s Office
(epoch times) Apr 7, 2021
Truth aside, DOJ closes case without charging
officer that shot Babbit.
BLM HYPOCRISY: Analyzing The Ashli Babbitt Shooting
(Matt Walsh) Apr 15, 2021
Billy-Bobs follow Antifa
(@twits) Jan 6, 2021
UNARMED Woman (Ashli
Babbitt) gets shot in this video:
(national file) Jan 4, 2021
Wait a minute. 3-4 cops that were guarding the door were
evacuated seconds before the woman was shot. There were COPS with assault
weapons behind the woman that got shot. Who else was in the shooter's line of
fire? Other Cops! It appears she was shot by a panicking cop, which reflects
poor training. I'm not condoning breaking and entering, but if a year of Antifa
protests where buildings were burned and looted did not warrant deadly force,
then neither did this. All out of pepper spray? Seems like murder.
Set the speed at .25:
.05 - the ascending assault rifle cops are never seen to engage protesters with
their rifles. They obviously do not see that threat presented in the noisy
protesters. A couple of protesters that are filming events are seen descending
the stairs in apparent retreat.
.07 4 assault rifle cops at top of stairs
.08 grey helmet not a cop
.09 three cops on right. one with back to door, right at door, blocking access
to door. They don't seem particularly worried. Certainly not in a panic.
.12 -.13 note corner
.13 security grouped along wall. 3 cops, then closest man is security or SS or
other authority figure.
.14 engages conversation with entering assault rifle cop.
.14 at this time, there are 3 cops, 4 assault rifle cops, and 1
SS/security/authority figure all within a few feet of the door. Plus a number
(4?) of cops inside the door. The protesters are outnumbered, and certainly out
gunned. These cops on the outside were not in a panic.
Obviously, the protesters are not anticipating to be shot at.
.14 woman who was shot (seconds later @ .40) is seen. cop is present and is
blocking between her and window/door she later entered.
.14 on right wall cop in black cap and cop behind him (closer to door). man on
right (closest to camera) also likely security or SS (?).
.16 assault rifle cops within 6' of door
.20 SS/Security/authority figure's ID badge is seen.
.22 cops and assault team cops access what is occurring inside doors.
.22-.23 SS/Security/authority figure flinches upon seeing something occur on
inside of doors.
.27-.26 SS/Security/authority figure initiates evacuation. he steps aside for 3
cops to leave first, then follows
.27-.31 These 4 are evacuated by assault rifle cops.
.32 see badges of first 2 evacuated cops
.34 see badge of 3rd evacuated cop
.36 - .39 conversation between Security/SS man and lead assault rifle cop.
.40 Security/SS man (?) evacuated. With just enough time to make it around
corner (safety from line of fire) at stairwell?
Update: no,
other video shows they didn't even get as far as the corner
.41 woman climbs vacated window/door after cops leave. UPDATE:
She was lifted through window by others, probably ANTIFA
.42 woman (Ashli Babbitt) shot - apparently by cop on inside. He steps forward
to engage her...with a bullet.
25% of one leg through the window. The executioner had the option to do a run
and shove which, of course, is the correct option since her hands were visible
(not a deadly threat) stabilizing herself going thorough the window. Clearly,
Ashli was unarmed.
The shooter APPEARS not a well trained professional...he's
not being threatened with deadly force...shooting not justified...he
is jerking back and forth, moving as he shoots.
If he was a pro, and felt threatened by the crowd, he
would not have moved from cover to shoot. FACT. So who is the shooter???
She never expected to be shot, she was in a crowd and the police had left and
were behind her
and weren't stopping her from climbing through the window.
.46 Security/SS man (?) returns, first to contact shot woman. Assault rifle cop's
helmet seen in lower right frame.
.50 man in blue shirt and pants obviously sees cops all around him.
.57 assault rifle cop accessing and engaging threat (i.e. the shooter cop)
inside door. Second video confirms this.
1.00 assault rifle cop signals cops inside to hold fire.
1.06 Security/SS/authority figure appears to instruct assault rifle cop.
1.07 this cop subsequently taps second assault cop
1.08 Security/SS/Authority figure appears to instruct 2nd assault rifle cop.
1.09 Security/SS/Authority figure appears to instruct group of assault rifle
1.10 - 1:11 Security/SS/Authority figure makes eye contact with camera
1.12 Camera view swings to ground.
2nd video angle
shot at point blank range - footage
(real chief) Jan 6, 2021
.09 Cop (?) steps forward and shoots Ashli Babbit. From
his angle shooter previously saw cops evacuate other side of door.
.13 Babbit alive moving arms, legs
.15 Security/SS/Authority figure (see 1st video) returns and contacts Babbit.
.16 Babbit moves her right leg just before Security/SS/Authority figure picks
her up then sets her back down. This was not helpful to gunshot in chest/neck.
.21 now ? Security/SS/Authority figure gestures to clear space around her. ?
.24 Assault rifle cop engages something/one on other side of door with weapon.
.26 same Assault rifle cop motions/communicates to person/s on other side of
door, holds "stop" fist up.
.28 - .29 last assault rifle cop seen poking around corner
.31 Security/SS/Authority figure turns Babbit's head. She is bleeding from
.33 Security/SS/Authority figure appears to communicate something about woman to
assault rifle cops. this is 16 seconds after he contacted her.
.45 Babbit still moving.
shows where the COPS were at the shooting↑
This shows where the ANTIFA were at the shooting
Analysis of Ashli Babbit Video Suggests Coordinated Actions—Interview W. Masako
(crossroads) Jan 11, 2021
Divide and Conquer
To divide people:
Dialectical materialism - identify, contradict, eliminate the middle
Agitation propaganda - to get people angry, agitated and turning against
each other
Video shows
new angle of Ashli Babbitt shooting.
(MSN-NBC) Jan 9, 2021
Shooter a black man.
Shows obvious ANTIFA at front inciting the Billy-Bobs
Ashli Babbitt was lifted through window by others, probably ANTIFA
Here is a more complete video:
shows fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt in the Capitol
At one point John Sullivan, a controversial
self-described liberal activist who shoots video at a range of protests and who
filmed the footage on Wednesday, is heard warning an officer that additional
rioters may be on their way. “We want you to go home,” he said, according to the
video. “I’m recording. And there’s so many people. They’re gonna to push their
way up here. Bro, I’ve seen people out there get hurt. I don’t want to see you
get hurt.”
Sullivan provided the video to the The Post. On Jan. 14, after this story and
video were published, federal authorities charged Sullivan with obstructing
law enforcement, knowingly entering a restricted building and engaging in
disorderly or disruptive conduct on the Capitol grounds.
With help from
someone who hoisted her up, Babbitt began to
step through a portion of the door where the glass had been broken out. An
officer on the other side, who was wearing a suit and a surgical mask,
immediately shot Babbitt in the neck.
@00.34 note the front row black clad ANTIFA instigators.
Second row, still black clad but with red hats.
Sullivan "reporter"
On scene (shown
to be ANTIFA) "witness":
weren’t hurting anybody’ - Witness describes woman’s shooting at US Capitol (eyewitness
news) Jan 6, 2021
John/James Sullivan "reporter" turns out to be ANTIFA
affiliated riot instigator:
FBI arrests LEFT-wing Antifa Leader
John Sullivan for Inciting Riot in Capitol
(geller report) Jan 14, 2021
Capitol rioter arrested for encouraging violence is an anti-Trump agitator and a
Black Lives Matter supporter
(the blaze) Jan 14, 2021
James (John?) Earle Sullivan said he was there to document the protests
John Solomon
& Lou Dobbs talk about BLM Capitol terrorist John Earl Sullivan
dobbs) Jan 14, 2021
Obamagate Uncovered: John Solomon says that
sweeping declassification of Obamagate documents includes surveillance of
President Trump, his campaign and Christopher Steele’s debriefing reports
Joshua Phillip
Live Q&A: BLM Activist Charged for Storming Capitol; Trump Declassifies
Russia-gate Documents
(crossroads) Jan 14, 2021
John Sullivan
Ashli Babbitt
get shot, tried to play himself off as a reporter, he was an instigator, FBI
charges him
13:00 4 years of uncensored misinformation...
16:19 people were breaking into the Capitol building while Trump was still
giving his speech. So he didn't instigate that. That is the basis of Trump's
16:50 irregular group tour given Jan 5 at Capitol??
[false flag]
17:20 on report that Pelosi's laptop taken by military - so says Lt. Gen.[ ---no
proven credibility.]
18:30 CNN first to say there is a call for armed protests across country.
[FAKE NEWS false flag, no protests of note]
have to trust CNN and FBI as they say source is internal FBI alert and not
21:14 +20K (growing) NG to be deployed for Biden inaugeration. +FEMA & Dept.
Homeland Security deployment. [Why?]
25:18 Sen. Cotton says senate lacks authority to hold Trump impeachment trial
after Jan 20.
Censorship = anti-trust discussion
26:45 Pelosi rushing impeachment and trying to force Pence to invoke 25th
29:30 Lindsey Graham - Pelosi's rushed impeachment lacks due process
No hearings, no witness, no evidence.
30:50 Census workers ordered to stop complying with Trump 2019 EO
34:27 Project Veritas video
Justice is
Left-wing 'agitator'
John Sullivan arrested for US Capitol riot involvement released from jail
without bail
(the blaze) Jan 16, 2021
Here Are 10 TIMES Democrats Called For
VIOLENCE Against Trump and Republicans Since 2016 Election Day
January 07, 2021
Facebook to ban and remove photos and videos from Capitol protest; content
labeled as 'promotion of criminal activity'
(the blaze) Jan 7, 2021
Several Big Tech companies censored the president on social media
Horned guy:
Jake Angeli
(phoenix enigma) Jan
7, 2021
He's not Satanic, Antifa, BLM, Government plant, or a Pedophile.
Unless he's a liar. Then who knows? Safe to say he's crazy.
POSING As Trump Supporters in D.C
(victory channel) Jan
6, 2021
Facial recognition firm claims antifa infiltrated Trump protesters who stormed
(washington times) Jan 4, 2021
A retired military officer told The Washington Times that the firm XRVision used
its software to do facial recognition of protesters and matched two Philadelphia
antifa members to two men inside the Senate.
The source provided the photo match to The Times.
Capitol Police Take Selfies With Those “Dangerous” Patriots…
(populist press) Jan 6, 2021
Capitol police officer appeared to take a selfie with rioters inside the United
States Capitol building Wednesday.
Obviously ANTIFA:
Pipe bomb found at headquarters of the RNC; DNC evacuated; other suspicious
packages being investigated, including at US Capitol
(the blaze) Jan 6, 2021
VIDEO: ANTIFA Hoodlums Being Bussed-In against MAGA Rally - With POLICE ESCORTS!
( Jan 4, 2021
video from a MAGA rally in Minnesota last month. In it you will see a
number of small, white colored commuter-style busses, bringing in groups of
ANTIFA militants to attack the MAGA rally later this week. And what else does
the video show? Marked and unmarked MINNESOTA STATE POLICE VEHICLES ESCORTING
Facebook 'indefinitely' de-platforms President Donald Trump
(the blaze) Jan 7, 2021
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced that Facebook and Facebook-owned
Instagram have banned President Donald Trump from using their social media
platforms "indefinitely" — and certainly for at least the next two weeks.
(geller report) Jan 7, 2021
Arturo D’Elia, former head of the IT Department of Leonardo SpA, has been
charged by the public prosecutor of Naples, for technology data manipulation and
implantation of viruses in the main computers of Leonardo SpA in December, 2020.
D’Elia has been deposed by the presiding judge in Naples, and in sworn testimony
states on for November 2020 under instruction and direction of us
working from the US Embassy in Rome undertook the operation to switch data from
the US elections of three November 2020 from significant margin of victory for
Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the
vote totals.
4 dead, 52 arrested, 14 police officers injured after U.S. Capitol Siege
(sara carter) Jan 7, 2021
Most certainly the FBI knew Antifa's plans to infiltrate.
RINO Sen. Kelly Loeffler reverses course, drops objection to Biden electors after
Capitol stormed by Antifa and misled Billy-Bobs.
(news) Jan 6, 2021
She was not alone, as was apparently planned.
Something’s Odd About Group Who Broke Into Capitol Through Windows
(populist press) Jan 6, 2021
Capitol's top brass fired over Wednesday deadly siege
(washington examiner) Jan 7, 2021
A large group attempted to bust their way through locked doors into the
Speaker's Lobby, steps from the chamber,
when a plainclothes officer fired into the group, killing
Ashli Babbitt,
35, who
was an Air Force veteran. The officer has been suspended pending an
Videos show people easily streaming into a side door of the Capitol, chatting
with police. Some told the Washington Examiner that they encountered no
resistance on their way into the building, where they hoped to tell lawmakers
that they believed the election was stolen from President Trump.
WATCH: Capitol Police Open Doors For Protestors, They Stand Aside, Invite Them
(GELLER REPORT) Jan 4, 2021
A million peaceful Trump supporters rally in Washington to stand for election
integrity and a dozen people (some proven to be Antifa) manage to shut down any
talk of election fraud, silence GOP Congressional dissent and tag half the
country as 'insurrectionists.'
Big Tech’s crusade against conservatives continued furiously Friday night.
(newsbusters) Jan 8, 2021
Google removed the Parler app from its store and Apple threatened to do the
Free market advocates repeatedly told conservatives the solution to Big Tech
censorship was building their own platform. Now Google has removed a free speech
platform from its store, blocking millions from accessing the app.
Big tech giants Google, Microsoft and Qualcomm among top donors to Biden's
Inaugural Committee
(the blaze) Jan 10, 2021
Donors can be awarded a VIP package
Jan 6
Have yourself a very merry old Christmas day.
"Centuries ago, the Christmas celebration used to be held on the 6th of January.
The popular day of 25th December was not Christmas day before the Gregorian Calender was adopted."
"It was in the year 1545 that Pope Paul III was proposed to find a solution for
the calendar dilemma by The Council of Trent . However, it took the scholars 40
years to come to any solution. A jesuit Astronomer named Christopher Clavius
gave an acceptable plan to reform the calendar. In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII
introduced further changes to the calendar and gave birth to the Gregorian
Daniel 7:25 "And he shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out
the saints of the Most High; and he shall think to change the times and the law;
and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and half a time."
Don't forget, the whole world is her seat:
They bicker amongst themselves, but in reality, the whole world is her seat.
Archbishop Viganò Details “Deep Church” Involvement in the “Great Reset”
(new american) Jan 5, 2021
Years ago, those who spoke of the New World Order were called conspiracy
theorists. Today, all of the world’s leaders, including Bergoglio, speak with
impunity about the New World Order, describing it exactly in the terms that were
identified by the so-called conspiracy theorists. It is enough to read the
globalists’ declarations to understand that the conspiracy exists and that they
pride themselves on being its architects, to the point of admitting the need for
a pandemic in order to reach their objectives of social engineering.
Ponzi vs: Pyramid Scheme: What's the Difference?
How Does a Pump and Dump Scam Work?
What Is Racketeering?
Racketeering may also take the form of a protection racket. In a protection
racket, a criminal entity may threaten to cause harm to a business or an
individual's private property if the owner does not pay a fee for protection
This must classify as racketeering.
Pfizer: No guarantee vaccine will be effective without 2nd dose
(israel national news) Jan 4, 2021
Creator of COVID-19 vaccine warns nations not to delay providing second dose of
vaccine in order to provide more first doses.
Symptoms of Conspiracy Theory Disorder
(psych central) Apr
20, 2020
Symptoms of Conspiracy Theory Disorder:
A belief in paranormal explanations for scientific phenomenon
In other words,
according to the Demoncrats, if you
believe in God, you have a mental disorder.
Unless you just believe in other aliens...
Nonsense news published to build a "there are aliens" narrative:
A Harvard professor professes
that ALIENS visited in 2017 — and more are coming!
(NYPOST) Jan 2, 2021
COVID-19 bill includes 180-day deadline for a UFO report
(sara carter) Dec 30, 2020
3. A detailed analysis of data of the FBI, which was
derived from investigations of intrusions of
unidentified aerial phenomena data over restricted
United States airspace;
The FBI appears as a larger player in the construction of a New World Order.
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Jan 1-2, 2021
Shabbat (begins Fri 1st at sunset):
Parashah Vayechi -
"and he lived"
Bible study topics
God's definition of His "Two House" theology
Jesus saves, even me. And you.
December 2020
The Truth
About Social Distancing
(Dr. Sam Bailey)
April 14, 2020
How Lethal
Is Covid-19 (Coronavirus)?
(Dr. Sam Bailey)
Mar 17, 2020
What Is A Covid-19 Case?
(Dr. Sam Bailey) Dec 12, 2020
Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown
•Dec 22, 2020
Senate Investigation Finds Obama Admin Knowingly Funded al-Qaeda
(yahoo news) Dec 29, 2020
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Dec 25-26, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 25th at sunset):
Parashah Vayigash -
"and he drew near"
Bible study topics
Jesus was not an Essene.
Diverted upon the legends?
head coverings while praying
Romans ch. 11
a cultivated olive
The Temple of Ezekiel
Thoughts regarding
Paul's "Nazarite Vow"
On "lawlessness"
Asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 didn’t occur at all, study of 10 million
(lifesitenews) Dec 23, 2020
Only 300 asymptomatic cases in the study of
nearly 10 million were discovered, and none of those tested positive for
Oh look, Satan:
"See, sir, from this chamber I govern not only to
Paris, but to China, not only to China, but to all the world, without any one to
know how I do it"
Michaelangelo Tamburini
14th Jesuit General, 1706-1739
Noteworthy: Pappa Frenchy is a Jesuit.
Oh look, Satan:
If you want to travel next year, you may need a vaccine passport
(krdo) Dec 27, 2020
“We still don’t know if vaccinated people can transmit infection or not,” “Until
that is clarified, we won’t know whether ‘passports’ will be effective.”
the rollout and adoption of vaccine passports will happen rather quickly once
everything falls into place
Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, The President of the United States
(President Donald J. Trump) Dec 22, 2020
Who is the Star of Bethlehem?
The Biblical Holy Day of Sukkot
Israel on the move
The Assault on Israel’s Constitution
(tablet mag) Dec 9, 2020
More just talk from Barr
AG Barr Gives Update On Durham Probe: ‘Group of People’ Attempted To ‘Topple’
Trump Admin
(dailywire) Dec 21, 2020
The Roots of the COVID-19 Pandemic
(jewish press) Dec 17, 2020
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Dec 18-19, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 18th at sunset):
Parashah Miketz -
"at the end of"
Bible study topics
The Vow Of the Trust Will Save
Yeshua is the true Light of the naos/sanctuary
The Apostles of Jesus remain a sign to the Old
and New Covenant assemblies
Happy Hanukkah?\BIBLE\hanukkah_habakkuk_maccabees_faith.htm
Historic Cotopaxi Photos
I posted the following link on Facebook, and
was "fact-checked"
The AMA Quietly Admits They Lied About Hydroxychloroquine
(rush limbaugh) Dec 15, 2020
And of course, the fact is that the
American Medical Association of Quacks did in fact
American Medical Association Considers Resolution on Statement Against
Prescription of Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 Patients
(published reporter) Dec 11, 2020
Liars own words:
Subject: Handbook Addendum - Supplemental Business and Information
(ama) PUBLISHED Nov 10, 2020
Resolution: 509 (November 2020)
Page 3 of 6
Whereas, The COVID-19 pandemic is a serious medical issue, people are dying, and
1 physicians must be able to perform as sagacious prescribers; therefore be it 2
RESOLVED, That our American Medical Association rescind its statement calling
for physicians 4 to stop prescribing hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine until
sufficient evidence becomes 5 available to conclusively illustrate that the harm
associated with use outweighs benefit early in 6 the disease course. Implying
that such treatment is inappropriate contradicts AMA Policy 7 H-120.988,
“Patient Access to Treatments Prescribed by Their Physicians,” that addresses
off 8 label prescriptions as appropriate in the judgement of the prescribing
physician (Directive to 9 Take Action); and be it further 10
RESOLVED, That our AMA rescind its joint statement with the American Pharmacists
12 Association and American Society of Health System Pharmacists, and update it
with a joint 13 statement notifying patients that further studies are ongoing to
clarify any potential benefit of 14 hydroxychloroquine and combination therapies
for the treatment of COVID-19 (Directive to Take 15 Action); and be it further
RESOLVED, That our AMA reassure the patients whose physicians are prescribing 18
hydroxychloroquine and combination therapies for their early-stage COVID-19
diagnosis by 19 issuing an updated statement clarifying our support for a
physician’s ability to prescribe an FDA-20 approved medication for off label
use, if it is in her/his best clinical judgement, with specific 21 reference to
the use of hydroxychloroquine and combination therapies for the treatment of the
22 earliest stage of COVID-19 (Directive to Take Action); and be it further 23
RESOLVED, That our AMA take the actions necessary to require local pharmacies to
fill valid 25 prescriptions that are issued by physicians and consistent with
AMA principles articulated in 26 AMA Policy H-120.988, “Patient Access to
Treatments Prescribed by Their Physicians,” 27 including working with the
American Pharmacists Association and American Society of Health 28 System
Pharmacists. (Directive to Take Action)
Facebook Coronavirus ‘Fact Checker’ Worked with
Wuhan Virus Lab
Apr 4, 2020
China-Funded Facebook Fact-Checker Is Now Censoring Criticism Of Its Fake Fact
(the federalist) Dec 7, 2020
Yeah, that's the head Facebook Fact Checker
Report: Mark Zuckerberg’s $419 Million Non-Profit Contributions ‘Improperly
Influenced 2020 Presidential Election
(breitbart) Dec 11, 2020
Money From Facebook’s Zuckerberg Used to Undermine Election, Violate Law: Report
(the amistad journey) Dec 11, 2020
Guess what?! am suing the “Fact-Checkers”
- (Candace
Nov 13, 2020
Coronavirus: Deep State Assault on Economic Freedom
Apr 20, 2020
The majority of the Supreme Court Justices are Roman Catholic.
We've come a long way. From Puritan Protestant origin
downward to a state where the majority of the Supreme Court Justices are Roman
Catholic...individually part of the vast Vatican Empire...all under the dictates
of the pope. He seems not to like Trump. But there are currently three popes,
(anti-pope Ratslinger and the Jesuit Black Pope), so maybe their will be some
Time to review
the book:
The Vatican
More on the Roman Catholic
Church's teaching concerning sin:
Amid COVID-19, Pro-Lifers Push to Avoid Abortive Fetal Cells in Medicine
Oct 13, 2020
Despite the ethical challenges, most still concede to using old cell lines in
life-saving drugs.
"The Moderna and Pfizer candidates use no cells in the design or production
instead creating the vaccine with a genetic sequencing
on computers, though they
use fetal cell lines in lab testing".
[Pfizer goes only so far to say:
"Pfizer recognizes that human embryonic stem
cells may provide even greater potential due to their increased ability for
self-renewal and capacity to form a wide variety of cells and tissues.
Pfizer acknowledges the sensitive issues raised by this research, and we support
proper ethical safeguards that take into account both the moral issues and
public sensitivities."]
"As the Catholic church concluded for vaccines: Beneficiaries of the drug are
not culpable in the original sin of the abortion."
Ah, those good old Roman Catholic pagans grant the right to sin. Nice!
Both Moderna and Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccines made without fetal cells
Nov 18, 2020
If approved by the FDA, the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines would be the first
vaccines to use mRNA technology, which does not require any cells at all.
The vaccines were developed in test tubes using chemicals (RNA) and an enzyme.
According to the American Council on Science and Health,
this creates mRNA
molecules which can them be injected into the human body. The vaccine then
prompts the individual’s own cells to produce the protein that stimulates an
immune response.
So you get to pick between
injecting aborted baby parts or computer generated synthetic RNA into your body.
What Connection Does Moderna’s Vaccine Have to Aborted Fetal Tissue?
(ncregister) Nov 25, 2020
Moderna’s vaccine is not completely free of any connection to abortion, as there
is evidence that the vaccines have some connection with the use of aborted fetal
cells in the early stages of vaccine design.
“Neither the Pfizer nor the Moderna vaccine involved the use of cell lines that
originated in fetal tissue taken from the body of an aborted baby at any level
of design, development, or production,” the bishops wrote.
“They are not completely free from any connection to abortion, however, as both
Pfizer and Moderna made use of a tainted cell line for one of the confirmatory
lab tests of their products,” the bishops wrote, referring to the HEK-293T cell
“The association with aborted fetal cells and these RNA vaccines is so distant
that I don't think you would find a Catholic moral theologian that would say
there's a problem at all,”
“There is thus a connection [to fetal tissue], but it is relatively remote,” the
bishops concluded.
It's just a little sin. In this false religious system,
sin is cancelled by good works.
So they have to call murder a little sin in order to allow
a person to "work it out".
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Dec 11-12, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 11th at sunset):
Vayeshev -
"and he settled"
Bible study topics
The Mosaic law prophesied about Jesus.
Harlots cover their face!
Understanding “Salvation is out of the Jews” (John 4:22).
Be sure to
wear clown pants when you go to get vaccinated.
'You still need to wear a mask even after you get vaccinated'
(israel national news) Dec 11, 2020
Immunologist warns that new vaccines won't end threat of spreading coronavirus
to the vulnerable, says the vaccinated will still need masks.
"the vaccine’s ability to return life to normal may be limited"
the high efficacy rates reported by Pfizer and Moderna for their vaccines – both
rated at over 90% effectiveness – relate only to the ability of the vaccine to
prevent vaccinated individuals from developing symptomatic cases of the virus.
Vaccinated, asymptomatic people may still be able to spread the virus to others
So then, the vaccines don't work.
"Get your Covid-19 shot!" = "Bring out your dead!"
Pfizer COVID vaccine linked to life-threatening allergic reaction
(israel national news) Dec 14, 2020
UK bans Pfizer shot for people with
"significant" history of allergies.
Your Boss Can Fire You for Refusing the COVID-19 Vaccine
(newsmax) Dec 7, 2020
Don't forget: Islam Sucks!
Christian Armenians Burn Their Homes As Muslim Azerbaijan Takes Over
(geller report) Dec 11, 2020
An Exposition of The Prophet Zechariah
by Dr. David L. Cooper
Justice Department Launches Investigation into Another Biden Family Member
(geller report) Dec 10, 2020
another kink in the Biden crime family WH heist. Blame the enemedia, which
refused to report on this corrupt mob of seditious criminals.
I thought a pretty honest article. Good to see some thinking going on the Jewish
side of things. I don’t agree with all, because the Jewish perspective is still
largely blind to seeing Messiah, but at least they are now beginning to see past some of
the problems of Rabbinical Judaism’s traditions:
A guide to Hanukkah for Gentiles and secular Jews
Press) Dec
10, 2020
Dan 8:13 Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one said unto that certain
one who spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the continual
burnt-offering, and the transgression that maketh desolate, to give both the
sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?
Dan 9:26 And after the threescore and two weeks shall the anointed one be cut off, and
shall have nothing: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy
the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and even
unto the end shall be war; desolations are determined.
Dan 9:27 And he shall make a firm covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of
the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease; and upon the
wing of abominations shall come one that maketh desolate; and even unto the full
end, and that determined, shall wrath be poured out upon the desolate.
Dan 11:31 And forces shall stand on his part, and they shall profane the sanctuary, even
the fortress, and shall take away the continual burnt-offering, and they shall
set up the abomination that maketh desolate.
Dan 12:11 And from the time that the continual burnt-offering shall be taken
away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand
two hundred and ninety days
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Dec 4-5, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 4th at sunset):
Vayishlach -
"and he sent"
Bible study topics
The Gospel
Who is your neighbor?
“You’ll Own Nothing”: UN-backed “Great Reset” Is Feudalism
(new american) Dec 5, 2020
"Black Hole"

Sangre de Cristo mountains near Cotopaxi.
These coordinates should get you in the ballpark:
Latitude: 38°22'29.10"N 105°41'1.23"W
Longitude: 105°41'1.23"W
1 Peter 4:12
Cherished (ones), be not being-astounded with-the conflagration among YOU
coming-to-pass toward (a) trial to-YOU, as of (a) strange (thing) happening
v13 But
in-so-far-as YOU-are-participating in-the sufferings of-the Messiah
YOU-be-rejoicing, in-order-that YOU-might-be-rejoiced also in the uncovering
of his glory exulting.
About the deep state
Alleged Pro-Trump Lawyer Lin Wood, Cautioning GOP Voters In Georgia, Has
Donated, Voted For Democrats:
(dailywire) Dec 2, 2020
DOJ = Barr = the swamp?
Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud
DOJ Investigating Alleged Attempt To Bribe White House For ‘Presidential
Pardon,’ 50+ Devices Seized
(dailywire) Dec 1, 2020
content: “The heavily redacted documents revealed
Tuesday do not name the individuals involved or President Donald Trump,” NBC
News reported. “They also do not indicate if any White House officials had
knowledge of the scheme.”
Barr... just now...begins probe of obama/biden
Barr Appoints Special Counsel To Continue Criminal Investigation Into Obama-Era
FBI Trump-Russia Probe
(dailywire) Dec 1, 2020
Swamp Stink/thing?
Here’s Why GOP Abandoned Trump And it’s Worse Than You Imagined
(geller report) Dec 2, 2020
Well, it's layered:
REPORT: Lt Gen McInerney Reports US Special Forces Attacked CIA Server Farm In
Germany In Server Seizure Operation, 5 Soldiers Killed, Servers Secured
Nov 28, 2020
Don’t know about this, at least a good imagination:
Simon Parkes
Correction NOT the 503rd Battalion...
I meant the 305th Battalion.
Oh yeah, crazy.
So things are not always what they seem
Seems the omission of Covid19 leaves another layer, or a switch back...
Trump appears to still be supporting vaccination...
dec 5
President Donald Trump: Vaccines are on their way starting next week!
There's NEVER been a vaccine for a coronavirus,
and now, in a seven month period, we have
vaccines - PLURAL - available.
That's fake news right there.
How do the leading COVID-19 vaccines differ? Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca
and more
November 23, 2020
The world has finally received uplifting COVID-19 news — there are at least
three vaccines that appear to be at least 90 percent effective, and there are
plenty of other potential immunizations in the works, too.
Wait, the common cold is a coronavirus!
NOTE: the AstraZeneca vaccine
"uses a deactivated COLD VIRUS from a chimpanzee"
NOTE: the Johnson and Johnson vaccine utilizes
"a virus for the COMMON COLD that has already been 'disabled,'"
Wait, there has previously never
been a coronavirus vaccine developed!
Is it fake news that coronavirus vaccines have been made?
Is it fake news that coronavirus vaccines could not previously be made?
More than 144 coronavirus vaccines are currently
being developed as of 12/6/2020
Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker
Researchers are testing 58 vaccines in clinical trials on humans, and at least
86 preclinical vaccines are under active investigation in animals.
Get this: Even Cuba is developing a coronavirus vaccine
Cuba announces two Phase 1 trials
Oh, so then ALL the drug companies could have previously
made a vaccine for the common cold, but chose not to as they make tons of money
off cold remedy "medicines".
So then, the drug companies owe everyone -
reparations - for loss of life, liberty, and heath.
Of course we can expect these new coronavirus vaccines to work just as well as
past flu shots. That is to say, the vaccines are similar to the over the counter
cold remedy "medicines" will still get sick...
Health is not the issue...
This is all about crowd control.
We are Live:
Vaccination cards will be issued to everyone getting Covid-19 vaccine, health
officials say
(krdo news) Dec 3, 2020
Michael Flynn Tweets Petition Calling For Martial Law, National Re-Vote
(mrctv) Dec 3, 2020
“Limited Martial Law is clearly a better option than Civil War!”
So for some time I've felt that the only way "they" can
implement Martial Law is to have the backing of the nation's "conservatives".
And a lot of "liberals" would be onboard also, after getting a look at the fake
"office of the President-Elect, because
Joe Biden can't take a piss without a
helping hand. And Antifa, Covid-19, and the election fraud are the
consensus building stepping stones, perhaps.
Think that vaccine will still be voluntary during Martial
Mindless Zombies:
Joe Biden represents all who voted for him. He
speaks for them:
December 2, 2020
Joe Biden loses his mask.
UPDATE: Still the same April 29,
‘I’m in Trouble’ — Joe Biden Loses Mask After Outdoor Campaign Speech
Apr29, 2021
December 3, 2020
‘I Was Joking Running After Him to Grab His Tail’
Biden claimed that he was getting out of the
shower when his dog Major approached him with a ball.
"I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom and I grabbed
the ball like this and he ran and I was joking running after him to grab his
tail. And what happened was he slipped on a throw rug and I tripped on the rug
he slid on"
Of course it's ridiculous to think Joe Biden will be
actual President.
Biden readily admits this:
December 4, 2020
I'll develop some disease and say I have to resign.
And in all this clutter
many are being prepped - or rather numbed- to
accept a false messiah:
Former Head of Israel’s Space Program: The Aliens Asked Not To Be Revealed,
Humanity Not Yet Ready
(jewish press) Dec 5, 2020
The UFOs have asked not to publish that they
are here, humanity is not ready yet. Trump was on the verge of revealing, but
the aliens in the Galactic Federation are saying: Wait, let people calm down
first. They don’t want to start mass hysteria. They want to first make us sane
and understanding.
They have been waiting for humanity to evolve and reach a stage where we will
generally understand what space and spaceships are. There’s an agreement between
the US government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to do
experiments here. They, too, are researching and trying to understand the whole
fabric of the universe, and they want us as helpers. There’s an underground base
in the depths of Mars, where their representatives are, and also our American
Matthew 24:37
But as-altogether the days of-the Noah, thus will-be also
the presence of-the son of-the MAN.
Christians who have been paying attention know full well
that "aliens" are simply
the fallen angels and their demons/spirits.
Solomon said there was nothing new under the sun. So this
reflects "old news"
Satan will come
with all signs and wonders. He will do things that many unlearned
Christians will think only God can do.
And he will be so
subtle that they may be deluded.
1 Peter 4:12
Cherished (ones), be not being-astounded with-the conflagration among YOU
coming-to-pass toward (a) trial to-YOU, as of (a) strange (thing) happening
v13 But
in-so-far-as YOU-are-participating in-the sufferings of-the Messiah
YOU-be-rejoicing, in-order-that YOU-might-be-rejoiced also in the uncovering
of his glory exulting.
December 4, 2017
Who will read in the future?
(intellectual takeout) Dec
4, 2017
It is far easier to manipulate the emotions
through video than it is through the written word. Video conveys information
through something akin to osmosis, the recipient need only to open his eyes and
ears for the information transfer. Reading, on the other hand, requires an
active participant, it demands the recipient of information think through and
imagine the arguments or story, and to digest the meaning over time.
Related commentary by John Parsons
November 2020
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Nov 27-28, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 27th at sunset):
Vayetzei -
"and he went out"
Bible study topics
Translation vs. Transliteration
There is no lost Hebrew text
the Gospel according to the Shofar
old news
in North America -
an exercise in White Privilege (revolutionary
war journal)
Aug 8, 2018
None seek reparations.
'We won't force vaccine; but here's what we will do'
(israel national news) Nov 26, 2020
They've learned nothing. NOTHING.
So much thanks-giving for God sending the European Man.
First hand account: savages
Satan was very active in North America before European Man arrived.
Who invented scalping?
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Nov 20-21, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 20th at sunset):
- תּוֹלְדֹת
Bible study topics
"redemption-back" -
ἀπολυτρώσεως -apolutroseos- and "propitatory"
-ἱλαστήριον -hilasterion-
The Hidden Chapter
all ten virgins slumbered and slept.
Hosea 2:23 is a dual prophecy.
Who hath and who shall ascend and or descend?
‘One of the safest places’: CDC Director Does Not Support Closing Schools (sara
Nov 20, 2020
FACT CHECK: Mostly False. Schools are the National Disease Incubation Centers.
Paris Climate
Since America left the Paris Agreement, the US has cut our emissions, more than
any other country, while China has increased its own.
Nov 24, 2020
This success has been bc of innovation & tech with the
private sector like fracking.
“The United States saw the largest decline in
energy-related CO2 emissions in 2019 on a country basis – a fall of
140 Mt, or 2.9%, to 4.8 Gt,” The International Energy Agency (IEA)
reported on Tuesday. “US
emissions are now down almost 1 Gt from their peak in the year 2000, the largest
absolute decline by any country over that period.”
Biden wants US to rejoin Paris Climate Accord. Why? It puts America last.
Nov 24, 2020
The one country making substantial progress in reducing carbon emissions is the
U.S. under President Donald Trump
Oil is natural.
Why didn't crude oil petrify?
Does Oil Come From Dinosaurs? (thoughtco)
Aug 15, 2019
"oil reserves were actually produced by microscopic
bacteria, not house-sized dinosaurs"
Thomas Gold was a free-thinking physicist and astrophysicist who refused to bow
to consensus.
He claimed that oil is continuously made in the earth (Abiogenic Petroleum
Which explains why
Oil wells refill.
Do most people that voted for Biden/Harris believe that crude oil comes from
Jonathan Pollard
Pollard was finally arrested on November 21, 1985, at the gates of the Israeli
Embassy (news)
Nov 24, 2020
Israel wouldn't let him in.
"On November 21, 1985, he and his wife tried to gain asylum at the Israeli
Embassy in Washington, D.C., but were rebuffed by the Israeli guards. FBI agents
arrested him, swarming the perimeter as soon as Pollard set foot off embassy
The above quote from wikipedia has been altered, and now similarily says:
"On November 21, 1985, he and his wife tried to gain asylum at the Israeli
Embassy in Washington, D. C., but were ordered to leave by Israeli guards. FBI
agents arrested Pollard as soon as he left embassy property"
"His handler, Rafi Eitan, stated in a 2014 interview that he had arranged an
escape plan for Pollard. Eitan claimed that he gave Pollard a prearranged signal
to leave the United States, but instead, Pollard "wandered around for three days
with them following him. He had many opportunities to do what I told him and he
didn't do it." Eitan claimed that he had given the order to evict Pollard from
the embassy."
He'll have a place to stay in Israel, right?
*Handler Blames Pollard for Bungling '85 Escape Plan (haaretz)
Published on 01.12.2014
Former handler says an escape plan was in place for Pollard to flee to Israel -
but was aborted when he sought embassy asylum.
But instead of executing an agreed-upon escape plan, Eitan said, admitting for
the first time that such a plan was in place, Pollard “went home. He wandered
around for three days with them following him. He had many opportunities to do
what I told him and he didn’t do it.”
Instead, Eitan said, shaking his head, Pollard “thought he and his wife would go
into the embassy with two suitcases full of information and they would give him ambassador would have given Pollard diplomatic shelter. No one.”
That was when, Eitan said, he gave the order to turn Pollard away. “I
immediately said - throw him out,” he recounted, adding voluntarily: “I don’t
regret it.”
In that case, as in any others, he said “I made the right decision to do what is
best for the state of Israel. And anyone in that position who does otherwise
would be wrong I know if I had done otherwise it would have been far worse.”
Pollard, he said, sealed his own fate when he chose his path. “The moment that
this many decided to go to the embassy in the manner he chose to go there, he
decided on his own that he was going to prison.”
Eitan said he took full responsibility for the decision to abandon Pollard. As
for the decisions that led to his arrest, he said: “You can’t wage war without
making mistakes.”
While he refused to express any feelings of guilt, his wife said otherwise. She
said that when the couple built themselves a house in northern Israel years ago,
she said that if Pollard was ever released from jail, she would give him a house
to live in.
*Note the "*Handler" was Rafi Eitan.
"in 1978, the government of Menachem Begin, the then Prime Minister of Israel,
called him back to be his advisor on terrorism, as Eitan was regarded and
admired as one of the most respected experts in this field. In 1981, Eitan was
named head of the Defense Ministry's Lekem, the Bureau for Scientific Relations,
replacing legendary Israeli spy-master Benjamin Blumberg, where he continued
work on counter-terrorism. According to the British journalist, Gordon Thomas, Eitan then participated in a partnership between Israeli and U.S. intelligence
during the early 1980s in selling to foreign intelligence agencies in excess of
$500 million worth of licenses to a trojan horse version of the Washington,
D.C.-based, Inslaw Inc.'s people-tracking software called PROMIS, in order to
spy on them"
[There is another Rafael Eitan...]
Facemasks Greatly Reduced
Flu Infections in Israel (jewish
Nov 12, 2020
...and everywhere.
Facemasks work - or cold and flu is being reported as -
Noteworthy is that Big Pharma has put all their eggs in the vaccine basket,
sacrificing their annual $$$ blowout with the cold and flu season.
Israel may be looking at a Winter without
the flu. The major concern in the
health system about a double-pandemic this winter – the “normal” flu and the new
visitor coronavirus – is not materializing for the time being,
According to a Wednesday report by the Israeli Center for Disease Control (ICDC),
so far there have been zero cases of influenza reported, in contrast to previous
years in which the first signs and cases of influenza had already appeared by
The Ministry of Health is calling on the Israeli public to get vaccinated
despite this information, but one may wish to consult one’s physician first.
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Nov 13-14, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 13th at sunset):
Chayei Sarah
- חַיֵּי שָׂרָה
"life of Sarah"
Bible study topics
Who will-indict against chosen (ones) of-God?
The-(things) impossible beside MEN (are) possible beside the God.
death of Sarah
evidence that Keturah is not Hagar
how to download facebook archive
Family Income Rose Drastically Under Trump, Meaning His Economy Was Better Than
Obama’s (dailywire)
Nov 13, 2020
Karl W. Smith, former vice president at the Tax Foundation and an assistant
professor of economics at the University of North Carolina, used his Bloomberg
opinion column just before the November election to explain how the economy
improved under Trump. Of course, the column didn’t get mainstream traction prior
to the election, and the media has since called the election for Joe Biden, who
has promised to undo the Trump policies that made the economy so successful
after decades of stagnation.
Nov 13, 2020
Islamists behead more than 50 people on a football pitch in Mozambique then chop
the bodies to pieces after abducting female villagers (daily
Nov 10, 2020
Victims were killed and their bodies dismembered on an 'execution grounds'
Other villagers were caught and killed as they tried to escape the massacre
The massacre is the latest in growing wave of violence by ISIS-linked extremists
Rabbi insists: Trump will eventually win the elections (israel
national news)
Nov 11, 2020
@1:08 - The rabbi states "There are many times in our history when it looked
like the end was near, and then suddenly, Yeshuah (Salvation) Hashem (YHVH), the
Salvation of God appears out of nowhere."
AS when reciting Isaiah 12:2-3 @havdalah, the rabbi has -unwittingly?-
proclaimed the great confession that is required by the New Covenant - "Yeshua
is YHVH".
@4:27 "At the end of Daniel, The angel Michial informs him that at the time of
the end - which is now - many will be separated, cleansed, and purified. The
wicked will be exposed, the wicked will be clueless, only the wise will
Philippians 2:5 YOU-be-having this opinion in YOU which also (is)
in Messiah
v6 Who existing in form of-God considered not the being equal with-God (a thing
for) seizure,
v7 BUT he-emptied himself having-taken form of (a) slave, having-become in
similitude of-MEN;
v8 And having-been-found in-figure as MAN he-humbled himself having-become
obedient as-far-as death, but death of-(a)-cross.
v9 and on-this-account the God exceedingly-exalted him and bestowed-a-favor
to-him the name, namely-the-one above every name,
v10 In-order-that
in the name of-Jesus every knee might-bend
of-(those)-in-(the)-heavenly and of-(those)-earthly and of-(those)-subterranean,
v11 And every tongue might-acknowledge that
Jesus Messiah (is) Jehovah
with-reference-to glory of-God (the) Father,
v12 So-that, my cherished (ones), according-as YOU always obeyed, not as in my
presence only BUT now much more in my absence, YOU-be-working-out the salvation
of-yourselves with fear and trembling;
v13 For God is the (one) operating in YOU even to-be-willing and to-be-operating
in-behalf-of the well-thinking. (of God:)
In Hebrew, "HaShem" means "The Name".
WATCH: Vice President Pence Encourages Americans To Pray, Quotes Scripture
During Rally (dailywire)
Nov 2, 2020
“So, pray for America,” Pence continued. “Pray for all the American people. It
will make a difference.”
True, but then Pence misquotes scripture.
"If His people, who are called by His name, will humble themselves and pray, and
turn, that He'll do like He's always done, in the long and storied history of
this great nation: He'll hear from heaven, and heal this land. This one Nation,
under God…" — @VP @Mike_Pence
"His people" in scripture refers to Israel.
Of course, Pence is much closer to the mark than anything
the Demoncrats are projecting.
day for humanity': Pfizer says COVID-19 vaccine over 90% effective _nov9
The global race for a vaccine has
seen wealthier countries forge multibillion-dollar supply deals with drugmakers
such as Pfizer, AstraZeneca Plc and Johnson & Johnson,
raising questions over
when middle income and poorer nations will get
access to inoculations
whether the drug companies are just in it for the money.
Hey, here's an idea
Let's have all the politicians take the
vaccine first.
If they live, the vaccine is safe.
If they die, we are safe.
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Nov 6-7, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 6th at sunset):
Vayera -
"and He appeared"
Bible study topics
about that disjunctive mark
Abraham | Abraham
Samuel | Samuel
Jacob | Jacob
Moses | Moses
Torah | Torah
The Trinity seen in the Tanach, and as
taught in the Zohar
The Gospel was
preached to Abraham.
the "least" and the "great"
It’s ok to eat a cheeseburger.
the Mountain of YHVH – in the New Covenant – YHVH provides…HE appears...HE is
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In Colorado Wolves worth more
than babies
Man (mankind) was created in the image of God.
1:27 And
God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male
and female created he them.
Colorado, the civilized man (conservatives) now has yet another good excuse
to purchase a new tack-driver, as he will be called upon to offset damage to
elk and deer conservation caused by the barbaric liberal hive-mindset with
the reintroduction of wolves into the state (Proposition
Like this man in Montana, where the wolf problem is so bad that the state
allows 5 wolf tags per hunter:
The barbarians
also voted to kill babies by rejecting
Proposition 115.
barbarians worship the creature instead of the Creator.
This is explained
in the first chapter of the book to Romans:
Romans 1:16
For I-am not ashamed-of the good-news; for it-is (the) power
of-God with-reference-to salvation to-everyone trusting, both to-Jew first
and to-Greek.
v17 For justice of-God is-being-uncovered from heaven in it
out-of trust with-reference-to trust, according-as
it-has-been-and-still-is-written: But the just (one) will-himself-live
out-of trust.
v18 For wrath of-God is-being-uncovered on all impiety and
unrighteousness of-MEN, the (ones) holding-fast the truth in
understands that there is one true God:
v19 For-the-reason-that the-thing known of-the God is
manifest among them; for the God manifested (it) to-them.
v20 For the invisible-things of-him from creation of (a)
world being-understood by-the things-made (are)-being-seen-clearly, both his
constant power and divinity, with-reference-to their being without-defense,
But many choose to
give glory or thanks to God. They invent their own gods. They are
aimless, and have dark hearts.
v21 For-the-reason-that having-come-to-know the God
they-glorified (him) not as God or gave-thanks, BUT they-were-aimless in
their deliberations, and their heart
without-understanding was-made-dark.
They were made to
be stupid. God gave them over to their stupidity. Because they rejected
God, he made their hive-mind. They cannot think right.
v22 Alleging to-be wise (ones) they-were-made-stupid,
v23 And they-changed the glory of-the imperishable God with
(a) similitude of-(an)-image of-perishable MAN and of flying-things and
of-four-footed-things and of-reptiles;
v24 On-this-account the God gave them over with the
desires of-their hearts with-reference-to uncleanness, their bodies
to-be-being-dishonored among them.
They worship the creation instead of the Creator.
v25 They-who exchanged the truth of-the God with the lie,
and they-venerated and they-served the creation beside the (one)
having-created, who is blessed with-reference-to the ages; amen.
The liberal (left)
hive-mind “thinks” homosexuality and lesbianism is normal.
v26 Because-of this the God gave them over
with-reference-to passions of-dishonor; for both their females exchanged
the natural use with-reference-to the (one) beside nature,
v27 And-additionally likewise also the males having-let-go
the natural use of-the female were-burned-out in their relish
with-reference-to one-another, males with males working-out the indecency
and taking-back in themselves the recompense which was-essential of-their
v28 And according-as they-proved not to-be-having the God in
thorough-knowledge, the God gave them over with-reference-to (an) unapproved
mind, to-be-doing the-things not being-appropriate,
v29 Having-been-and-still-filled with-all unrighteousness,
evil, covetousness, malice, replete of-envy, of-murder of-quarreling
of-guile, of-malignity, whisperers,
v30 Backbiters, God-abhorrent (ones), insulters, proud
(ones), arrogant (ones), inventors of-bad-things, disobedient to-parents,
v31 (Ones) without-understanding, covenant-breakers,
(ones) unaffectionate, (ones) unmerciful;
v32 They-who having-come-to-know-thoroughly the just-act
of-the God, that the(ones) practising the-things such-as-these are worthy
of-death, not only are-they-doing them, BUT they-are also concurring
with-the (ones) practising.
October 2020
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Oct 30-31, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 30th at sunset):
Lekh Lekha לֶךְ־לְךָ
"Go forth, yourself"
Bible study topics
- Malkiy-Tsedeq or Melchi-zedek, Melchisedec. LXX:
King of Salem = King of Peace
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Oct 23-24, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 23rd at sunset):
Noach- נֹחַ
Bible study topics
"As in the days of Noah"
God’s promise – No drastic climate change
YHVH can speak any language.
In the future, Gentiles are with YHVH
"after its kind"
Will They Really Get Away With It? (gatestone) Oct 27, 2020
No, no one "gets away" with anything:
2 Corinthians
5:10 "For
it-is-essential the us all to-be-manifested in-front of-the rostrum of-the
Messiah, in-order-that each-one might-obtain-for-himself the-things through
the body toward what-things he-practised. whether good or worthless".
THESE Are the Most Telling Failures of Socialism
( April 24, 2019
"Christian theology with its idea of a fixed God-given nature infuriated
(news) Oct 27, 2020
"This is the truth about socialism: It is a pseudo-religion founded in
pseudo-science and enforced by political tyranny."
Venezuela is making a comeback...from socialism
(amazing facts) Apr 15, 2019
HUGE TRUMP 2020 CAR PARADE: Religious Jews In New York
Rally For Trump, Crowds To Converge In Marine Park [VIDEOS]
(geller report) Oct 25, 2020
What Makes Someone Jewish?
( Oct 23, 2020
Wolf Management in Idaho
Persecution Sep/Oct 2020
(Israel My
Glory magazine)
Femi Fani-Kayode, Nigeria’s former minister of culture and tourism, posted
on Facebook, “What Obama, John Kerry and Hilary [sic] Clinton did to Nigeria
by funding and supporting Buhari in the 2015 presidential election and
helping Boko Haram in 2014/2015 was sheer wickedness, and the blood of all
those killed by the Buhari administration, his Fulani herdsmen and Boko
Haram over the last 5 years are [sic] on their hands.”
'Muhammad illustrations threaten world peace' (israel
national news) Oct 17, 2020
Hamas warns against further damage to dignity of 'The
Prophet' that 'could lead to war between countries'.

Looks like
your average Caucasian:
An historical review
of Mohammed and Islam, as formerly taught in
Universities from the Library of Universal History,
by Israel Scott Clare, ©1897,
vol.4, p1362
Biden: Muslims Will Serve ‘At Every Level’ of His Administration
(pjmedia) Oct 17, 2020
Islam is a
Satanic religion.
Three dead as woman beheaded in France, gunman killed in second incident
(reuters) Oct 29, 2020
A knife-wielding Muslim attacker
shouting “Allahu Akbar” beheaded a woman and killed two other people in a
Muslim terrorist act at a church in the French city of Nice on Thursday,
while a man waving a gun was shot dead by police in a separate incident.
...similar to the beheading earlier this month near Paris of teacher Samuel
Paty, who had used cartoons of the false Prophet Mohammad in a civics class.
‘Nobody Should Be Thrown Out’: Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Civil Union
(news) Oct 21, 2020
“Homosexuals have a right to be a part of the family,” Francis said in
“Francesco,” a new film about his life and papacy, according to Catholic
News Agency. “They’re children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody
should be thrown out, or be made miserable because of it.”
“What we have to create is a civil union law,” the pope continued. “That way
they are legally covered. I stood up for that.”
Pope says Catholic Church has always been satanic:
Francis has raised eyebrows before for making comments many believed
departed from millennia-old teachings of the Catholic Church regarding
homosexuality, though Pope Francis was merely outlining dogma in a more
public way than his predecessors. A few months into his pontificate in 2013,
Francis noted that the Church makes a distinction between homosexual acts,
which he maintained are sinful, and homosexual orientation, which he said is
your (Chinese) Facebook censors
(nypost) Oct 20, 2020
their work is extremely complex, involving machine learning — teaching
“computers how to learn and act without being explicitly programmed,” as the
techy website puts it.
When it comes to censorship on social media, that means “teaching” the
Facebook code so certain content ends up at the top of your newsfeed, a feat
that earns the firm’s software wizards discretionary bonuses, per the
ex-insider. It also means making sure other content “shows up dead-last.”
It all makes for perhaps the most chillingly sophisticated censorship
mechanism in human history. “What they don’t do is ban a specific pro-Trump hashtag,” says the ex-insider. Instead, “content that is a little too
conservative, they will down-rank. You can’t tell it’s censored.”
What it takes to put out fires - actual firefighters:
Evil is washing over the world right now
(glenn beck) Oct 19, 2020
About time.
Jewish GOP congressional candidate calls George Soros a Nazi
(jpost) Oct 19, 2020
Eric Early, a Republican who is running for Congress in California, tweeted
Sunday, “Nazi sympathizer Soros is a danger to our nation.”
Google & ccp & the democrats & republicans
The Chinese Lockdown-and-Mask Model Failed. Now Its Proponents Need
(daniel greenfield) Oct 17, 2020
rule of the experts isn’t fighting the virus. It has become the virus.
#idaho #wolfhunt
Alpha Male Killed 5 Hounds
•Mar 2, 2020
Fuzzy and warm story:
Rev.14:9 And another angel (a) third followed them saying in (a) great
voice: If anyone is-worshipping the beast and its image, and he-is-taking
(a) mark on his forehead or on his hand,
v10 Even he himself-will-drink out-of the wine of-the anger of-the God
namely-the (wine) having-been-and-still-mingled undiluted in the cup of-his
wrath, and he-will-be-tormented in fire and sulphur in-sight of-holy angels
and in-sight of-the lamb.
v11 And the smoke of-their tormenting is-ascending into ages of-ages, and
they-are not having rest-again of-day and of-night, the (ones) worshipping
the beast and its image, and if anyone is-taking the mark of its name.
v12 Here is the perseverance of-the holy-ones, the (ones) keeping the
commandments of-the God and the trust of-Jesus.
"Jesus isn’t just a super nice guy who carries little lambs on his
shoulder." - Agree.
"He administers eternal punishment in hell." - Disagree with the idea that
Jesus eternally administers punishment. There's one final judgement,
@Rev.20:15 if you are not written in the book of life you are cast into the
lake of fire (λίμνην τοῦ πυρός - not "hell", "hades", "gehenna"). "Hell" (ᾅδης
hadēs) and death are cast into the lake of fire @Rev.20:13.
Rev. 21:8 But for the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and
murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars,
their part shall be in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone; which
is the second death.
Rev.21:4 And he-will-obliterate every tear out-of their eyes, and the death
will not be still, neither mourning nor clamor nor toil will not be still;
because the first-things went-away.
Death, cast into the lake of fire, is no more. This has a distinct finality
about it. It could logically follow that "hell" (hades) also "will not be
still" (existing) in the lake of fire. That is, the lake of fire totally
consumes hades and death. Aside from the fact that sinners cannot abide in
the presence of YHVH (Jesus), Jesus cannot eternally "in" hades/hell,
because hades/hell is consumed by the lake of fire.
Prayers for President Trump’s Re-election at Tomb of Patriarchs Ahead of
Elections (geller
report) Nov 2, 2020
"People the world over are praying for the salvation of the free world – Trump."
Pamela Geller is Jewish, so she's got those prescribed "Jesus blinder" glasses.
For his part, Trump's rightly not having it.
Trump apparently at least has read about Herod not giving the glory to God.
Trump on Not Being Most Famous Person in World: "They Said, 'Who’s More
Famous?' I Said, 'Jesus Christ!'"
(cns news) Oct 15, 2020
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Oct 16-17, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 16th at sunset):
Torah "cycle" begins -
Bereshit בְּרֵאשִׁית
"In The Beginning"
Bereshit PDF -
Bible study topics
The Days of Creation
lives began in Adam.
The zeal of YHVH of Hosts
Review: "redemption-back"
"the dead (ones) in Messiah" -
οἱ νεκροὶ ἐν Χριστῷ
"(ones) having fallen asleep through the Jesus" - τοὺς κοιμηθέντας διὰ τοῦ Ἰησοῦ
Oct 10, 2020
Yearly Torah cycle ends...
HaBerakhah וְזֹאת הַבְּרָכָה
"and this blessing"
This portion is read on
Simchat Torah.
Parashah V'Zot HaBerakha PDF -'Zot_HaBerakha.pdf
Pleads Guilty to Plotting to Blow Up Colorado Synagogue
(jewish press)
Oct 16, 2020
hydroxychloroquine and zinc
'Mortality dropped 8-fold with use of those two drugs'
(israel national news) Oct 12, 2020
Yesha Council
Chairman attacks Trump and Netanyahu
(israel national news)
Oct 15, 2020
Yesha Council head says US President Trump 'may have been misled, deceived;
I have no idea.'
Tags: David Lahiani Trump Yesha 2020 USA Elections
Trump admin. wants US troops near Canadian border, cites coronavirus
March 26, 2020
Over 70% of
coronavirus patients wore mask, followed guidelines - CDC study
Oct 14, 2020
It is impossible to evaluate exactly where someone contracted the virus.
Info that Twitter and Facebook banned (Yes, that's
election interference):
Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman
to VP dad
Oct 14, 2020
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top
executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden
pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was
investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.
The never-before-revealed meeting is mentioned in a message of appreciation
that Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, allegedly sent
Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015, about a year after Hunter joined the Burisma
board at a reported salary of up to $50,000 a month.
“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to
meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an
honor and pleasure,” the email reads.
In Israel
Reinfected with COVID-19, Two Strains Possible
(jewish press)
Oct 13, 2020
“These findings suggest that the patient was infected by SARS-CoV-2 on two
separate occasions by a genetically distinct virus. Thus, previous exposure
to SARS-CoV-2 might not guarantee total immunity in all cases.”
So then, a logical conclusion would be that a vaccine would not be
The Circle
Is Complete: Bank of Japan Joins Fed And ECB In Preparing Rollout Of Digital
(activist post)
Oct 9, 2020
TOPICS:blockchainCashless AgendaCBDCcentral banksTyler Durden
Columbus Day!"
Kabbalah and Exiled Jew Columbus
Columbus was a Jew named Salvador Fernando Zarco and was among those
expelled from Spain in 1492, a rare triangular Kabbalistic signet indicates.
Why ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’ Is Far Worse Than Columbus Day
(the federalist)
Oct 9, 2020
“Long before the white European knew a North American continent existed,
Indians of the Northern Plains were massacring entire villages,” says George
Franklin Feldman in the book “Cannibalism, Headhunting and Human Sacrifice
in North America: A History Forgotten.” “And not just killed, but mutilated.
Hands and feet were cut off, each body’s head was scalped, the remains were
left scattered around the village, which was burned.”
Less Pocahontas and More Blood Sacrifice
When thinking of pre-Columbian America, forget what you’ve seen in the
Disney movies. Think “slavery, cannibalism and mass human sacrifice.” From
the Aztecs to the Iroquois, that was life among the indigenous peoples
before Columbus arrived.
Happy Columbus Day!
Johnson & Johnson’s pauses study of COVID-19 vaccine
(israel national news)
Oct 13, 2020
Study of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine paused due to unexplained
illness in a study participant.
The Philly Statement
CDC stats on mask wearing effect on contacting Covid19
July 2020
Those who get
SICK with COVID19:
70.6% Wear a mask ALWAYS.
3.9% NEVER wear a mask.
This CDC report also available
TABLE. (Continued)
Characteristics of symptomatic adults ≥18 years who were outpatients in 11
academic health care facilities and who received positive and negative
SARS-CoV-2 test results (N = 314)*
— United
States, July 1–29, 2020
Characteristic No.
P-value Case-patients (n = 154)
Control participants (n = 160)
Previous close contact with a person with known COVID-19 (missing =
1) |
No |
89 (57.8) |
136 (85.5) |
<0.01 |
Yes |
65 (42.2) |
23 (14.5) |
Relationship to close contact with known COVID-19 (n = 88)
Family |
33 (50.8) |
5 (21.7) |
<0.01 |
Friend |
9 (13.8) |
4 (17.4) |
Work colleague |
11 (16.9) |
6 (26.1) |
Other** |
6 (9.2) |
8 (34.8) |
Multiple |
6 (9.2) |
0 (0.0) |
Reported use of cloth face covering or mask 14 days before illness
onset (missing = 2) |
Never |
6 (3.9)
5 (3.1) |
0.86 |
Rarely |
6 (3.9) |
6 (3.8) |
Sometimes |
11 (7.2) |
7 (4.4) |
Often |
22 (14.4) |
23 (14.5) |
Always |
108 (70.6)
118 (74.2) |
This mask might do some good
For the
Fauci Wauci's
positive public comments on Trump
(real clear politics)
Mar 23, 2020
Peaceful Patriot shot by
9news' Antifa goon in Denver
Oct 10, 2020
Patriot murdered by ANTIFA in Denver
(conservative brief)
Oct 10, 2020
"There were two guns recovered at the scene.”
Oct 10
"the shooter held his hands and gun (still in hands) up in the air. Police
rush in, arrest the shooter "
So it was premeditated...shooter is planning for legal help.
"It was a ‘private security guard’ who was in custody."
City Of Denver: Matthew Dolloff Not Licensed To Be A Security Guard
Oct 11, 2020
9News identified the suspect as a security guard contracted by them for the
The shooter was not a legal security guard. 9news organization
hired ANTIFA thug.
Photo shows bullet faster than mace:
Photo shows mace hadn't even hit his face and gun is ALREADY at full draw. The
person defending himself is the Patriot.
Photo shows there was no 9news presence:
Photo shows shooter's ANTIFA tattoos:
Security guard Matthew Dolloff shot Patriot Muster protester attended Occupy
Denver rallies
9News could face criminal action for shooting death of conservative activist
(colorado peak politics)
Oct 12, 2020
In Colorado
Vote NO on Amendment B
After Acquiring Noble Energy, Chevron Shuts Off the Gas to Israel, Demands
Higher Prices
(jewish press)
Oct 7, 2020
The Christian side of the Abraham Accords?
(israel national news)
Oct 7, 2020
Blog reveals 'long-promised route to Christian aliyah'.
Might have to wait on The LORD for this?
Isaiah 56:6 Also the foreigners that join themselves to Jehovah (יְהוָה), to
minister unto him, and to love the name (אֶת־שֵׁם) of Jehovah (יְהוָה), to
be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from profaning it, and
holdeth fast my covenant; 7 even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and
make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt-offerings and their
sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for my house shall be called a
house of prayer for all peoples. 8 The Lord Jehovah (אֲדֹנָי יְהוִה), who
gathereth the outcasts of Israel, saith, Yet will I gather others to him,
besides his own that are gathered.
WILLIAMS: The Fight For Free Speech
(daily wire)
Oct 10, 2020
Democrat vote fraud
Ohio’s Franklin County sees
nearly 50K voters getting wrong absentee ballots, elections officials say
(geller report)
Oct 9, 2020
DESTROYED: Tons of Trump mail-in ballot applications SHREDDED in back of
tractor trailer headed for Pennsylvania
(geller report)
Oct 6, 2020
New Jersey mailman arrested for allegedly dumping mail, including 99 election
(the blaze)
Oct 7, 2020
USPS Mail Carrier in NJ Charged With Dumping Mail, Including Ballots
(epoch times)
Oct 7, 2020
Stony Brook Professor: Trump Will Be Re-elected In Landslide
Sept 2, 2020
Helmut Norpoth, who's correctly predicted five of the past six elections,
gives President Trump a 91 percent chance of winning re-election.
President Donald Trump will defeat former Vice President Joe Biden in a
landslide in the Nov. 3 election, says Stony Brook University professor and
political scientist Helmut Norpoth.
Not only did Norpoth correctly predict Trump's win over Hillary Clinton in
2016, but he has correctly called five of the past six presidential
elections using his "primary model," a statistical representation of U.S.
presidential races based on data going back more than a century, according
to the university.
Obama's high crimes
Brennan briefed Obama on HRC’s alleged plan to ‘stir up’ trouble for Trump,
DNI reveals (sara
Oct 6, 2020
Well, duh. Read Genesis.
Earth grows fine gems in minutes
Oct 6, 2020
Stats Hold a Surprise: Lockdowns May Have Had Little Effect on COVID-19 Spread
(national review)
Oct 4, 2020
Data suggest mandatory lockdowns exacted a great cost,
with a questionable effect on transmission.
The ultimate lockdown goal being to prevent Trump from
being reelected.
I will dwell in the shadow of your wings, LORD.
Trump sees approval rating increase, majority expect him to beat Biden: poll
(geller report)
Oct 2, 2020
Trump, first lady experiencing 'mild symptoms' after testing positive for
(fox news)
Oct 2, 2020
So then, did Trump STOP taking Hydroxychloroquine?
What we know about Trump's experimental virus treatment
(israel national news)
Oct 3, 2020
After Pres. Trump was diagnosed with COVID-19,
he is reportedly received a single dose of a 'promising' experimental treatment.
According to an AP report, after contracting COVID-19, US President Trump is
receiving a promising experiminetal treatment by the name of REGN-COV2.
The drug was produced by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Regeneron said the President has received a single dose of the drug, which he is
receiving via IV.
The treatment is said to be in the last stages of testing. Trump is the first
virus patient to receive the medicine.
News 5 Investigates: State Health Dept. hides statistics and data during
COVID-19 pandemic
Sept 22, 2020
September 2020
EPA Announces the Creation of the Office of Mountains, Deserts, and Plains
(western caucus)
Sept 22, 2020
Florida doctors found a coronavirus cure that’s nearly 100% effective
Sept 26, 2020
a Consistent Translation
Colorado’s election chief sees dead people, tells them to vote
(colorado peak politics)
Sept 28, 2020
New Project Veritas video alleges ballot harvesting, cash-for-ballots operations
in Ilhan Omar's district
(glenn beck)
Sept 28, 2020
Minneapolis Police ‘Looking Into’ Explosive ‘Voter Fraud’ Allegations Following
Project Veritas Video Involving Ilhan Omar Campaign
(daily wire)
Sept 28, 2020
Affidavits Allege Texas Democrat Officials Involved In Mail-In Ballot Harvesting
Scheme; Democrats Deny
(daily wire)
Sept 29, 2020
Republicans allege massive fraud; Democrats dismiss as "dirty voter suppression
After Philadelphia sees voting machine controls stolen, reporter finds lax
security at warehouse
(fox news)
Oct 1, 2020
All eyes on Temple mount after UAE-Israel "deal"
Sept 27, 2020
Why a vaccine won't work:
CDC says COVID-19 mutating & becoming more contagious but not more lethal
(sara carter)
Sept 27, 2020
And this isn't news...from April, 2020:
Coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different strains new study finds (jerusalem
post) Apr
21, 2020
"More than 30 different mutations were detected, of
which 19 were previously undiscovered."
“Sars-CoV-2 has acquired mutations capable of substantially changing its
“Drug and vaccine development, while urgent, need to take the impact of these
accumulating mutations into account to avoid potential pitfalls,” the scientists
Biology 101: Mutations are usually bad for RNA viruses:
The distribution of fitness effects caused by single-nucleotide substitutions in
an RNA virus (
June 1, 2004
"Functional and structural analyses (41, 42)
have shown that RNA viruses have a very narrow tolerance to accumulate mutations
and still be functional"
begins Sept. 15 @sunset
Yom Kippur,
Yom Kippurim (
יֹום הַכִּפֻּרִים day the-atonements,
plural, @Lev.23:27)*
"Day of Atonements"
Yom Kippur Bible Study Topics:
"for these (women) are two covenants"
About that fast
the propitiatory
The High Holidays and The Gospel
Israel is on lockdown for Yom Kippur 2020
Health Ministry Official: 12% of Subjects Test Positive for COVID-19, Israel
Will Exit Lockdown at 7%
Sept 22, 2020
Some 12% of Israelis tested for Coronavirus (COVID-19)
returned positive, and Israel will exit the second nationwide lockdown when
those numbers drop below 7%, Prof. Itamar Grotto, Deputy Director-General of the
Ministry of Health, told the Knesset’s Corona Committee on Tuesday
668 patients
are hospitalized in critical condition, of whom 159 are on life support.
9,227,700 = Israel's population, July 2020.
0.007239% of Israel's population
So why the lockdown?
Late Sept, 2020, Israel on Coronavirus lockdown, just in
time for Yom Kippur.
Comes to mind Isaiah 26:20
my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide
thyself for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast."
Comes to mind Zechariah 12:10
"And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
the spirit of grace and of supplication; and they shall look unto [f]me whom
they have pierced; and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only
son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his
first-born. 11 In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the
mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon. 12 And the land shall
mourn, every family apart; the family of the house of David apart, and their
wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart; 13
the family of the house of Levi apart, and their wives apart; the family of the
Shimeites apart, and their wives apart; 14 all the families that remain, every
family apart, and their wives apart."
?Not this year?, perhaps as much yet to come to pass,
but perhaps a scene is set.
Abraham Accords EXPOSED
(jewish press)
Sept 27, 2020
by caving to Arab demands, Israel
delegitimized our moral God given rights and impeded the necessity and moral
obligation to annex ALL our liberated territories, independent of “permission”
from the US.
The Sabbath between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur is called Shabbat Shuvah,
Sabbath of Return.
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Sept 25-26, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 25th at sunset):
Parashat Ha'azinu - הַאֲזִינוּ
"Give ear"
Bible study topics
True fasts & Sabbaths
The Antikythera
Can you imagine what will happen when you
don't take the coming COVID19 vaccine?
Shocking moment woman is tased and arrested for not wearing a face mask at a
middle school football game in Ohio
(daily mail)
Sept 24, 2020
Idaho Police Arrest Three Christians Singing Hymns During Outdoor Worship
Sept 23, 2020
Three Christians were arrested in Moscow on Wednesday evening for participating
in an outdoor worship service. That’s Moscow, Idaho, by the way — not Russia.
About those “Abraham Accords”…
Biblical scenes are playing out before our eyes
Sept 20, 2020
It seems to me that a lot of times we put God in a box of our understanding
of His prophecy. The fulfillment of prophecy may not be as “neat and tidy”
as we imagine. Mostly the problems reflect a lack of reading/study/hearing
the Word.
Apparently there are true and false peacemakers:
Matthew 5:9
Happy the (ones) peacemakers; because they
themselves-will-be-called sons of-God.
Thessalonians 5:2 For YOU yourselves
are-knowing-absolutely, exactly, that day of-Jehovah thus is-coming as (a)
thief in night.
v3 At-the-time-that they-might-be-saying: peace and security, then sudden
ruination is-standing-by-for-itself for-them as-altogether the birth-pain
to-the (woman) having in womb, and they-might not flee-out.
v4 But, brothers, YOU yourselves are not in darkness, in-order-that the day
might-apprehend YOU as (a) thief;
v5 For YOU yourselves all are sons of-light and sons of-day. We-are-not
of-night nor of-darkness;
v6 So therefore let-us not be-sleeping as the others, BUT let-us-be-watching
and let-us-be-being-sober.
Jeremiah 6:14
They have healed also the hurt of my people
slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
Brenton Septuagint Translation: 14 And they
healed the breach of my people imperfectly, making light of it, and saying,
Peace, peace, and where is peace?
the linked article,
the midrash – the Jews – put the fact that God chose Isaac behind their
story/tale/lore (midrash aggadah) that Abraham didn’t love Isaac more than
Ishmael. Perhaps when the midrash was written, the Jews had more fear of
Arabs than of God, so perhaps the midrash is written as appeasement to the
Arabs, but also touches on future reality.
have a note on p12 of Discourse 6 that says the promises to the arabs have
been fulfilled. God doesn’t have to keep doing things over and over, but
sometimes prophecy does appear to be fulfilled more than once.
So the question is, is this “peace” real, that is, is it the final peace? I
would guess it is not the final real peace. However, the fulfillment of
“peace” prophecies may include true and false peace in different areas
and/or times, or they may overlap.
Discourse 7, p37, Ralph mentions the possibility of this prophecy being
yet future:
Zechariah 14:2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle;
and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished;
and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the
people shall not be cut off from the city.
A highway project
Isaiah 19: 23
In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the
Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria; and the
Egyptians shall worship with the Assyrians. 24 In that day shall Israel be
the third with Egypt and with Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth;
25 for that Jehovah of hosts hath blessed them, saying, Blessed be Egypt my
people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance.
Apologetics 43, p20, Ralph said this prophecy is about to be completed.
Perhaps the so called Abraham Accords will increase to lend to
this highway becoming a reality?
And there’s also quite possibly
prophecy playing out to the north of Israel:
Magog Alliance Forming? - Russia, Turkey & Iran
(prophecy news watch) Aug 22,
All eyes on Temple mount after UAE-Israel "deal"
Sept 27, 2020
Sept 18-19
Yom Teruah - Day of Sounding
Yom Ha-Zikkaron - Day of Remembrance
Bible study topics
Yom Teruah Became Rosh Hashanah
Yom T’ruah is not Rosh haShanah
AG William Barr calls coronavirus lockdowns nation's "greatest intrusion on
civil liberties" besides slavery
Sept 17, 2020
"You know, putting a national lockdown, stay
at home orders, is like house arrest. Other than slavery, which was a different
kind of restraint, this is the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American
history," Barr said.
Hebrew U Close to Harnessing DNA Molecules for Disease Detection, Electronics
(jewish press)
Sept 15, 2020
The signed Abraham Accords declaration
(israel national news)
Sept 16, 2020
The private diplomacy that laid groundwork for UAE/Bahrain agreements
Sept 13, 2020
so-called private diplomacy conducted by
several organizations, such as the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish
Organizations, the American Jewish Committee and the World Jewish
Congress has also played a large role in laying the groundwork for these
recent developments.
Weekly Portions (annual cycle) for week ending on Sept 11-12, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 11th at sunset):
Parashat Nitzavim - נִצָּבִים
Bible study topics
Missing Haftarah portion:
Isaiah 61:1-9
The Forbidden Chapter!
Isaiah 63:10-19
The Cloud of Jehovah's Presence
Parashat Vayeilech - וַיֵּלֶךְ
"and he went"
Bible study topics
Who is
Never forget. Remember: Muslims did it.
Joel 3:1
For, behold, in those days, and in that time,
when I shall bring back the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,
I will gather all
nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will
execute judgment upon them there for my people and for my heritage Israel,
whom they have scattered among the nations: and they have parted my land
Wake up! Wake up! A Palestinian state is on the way!
(israel national news)
Sept 10, 2020
Sovereignty movement founders warn against advance towards Palestinian state
under guise of normalization and rapprochement with Arab states
Report: President Trump will announce that Bahrain will normalize relations with
(israel national news) Sept 11, 2020
Bahrain will be the second country in the Gulf to
make relations with Israel official, after UAE
astrazenecea fail
US medical expert: Americans afraid to try out new vaccines
(israel national news)
Sept 6, 2020
Medical expert from John Hopkins U. says Americans more skeptical about vaccines
after latest prospective cure goes wrong.
Well, duh.
For these so called experts,
"ethicacy data" needs to become such that gaslights people into thinking vaccines are ethical.
Oxalic acid and honey supers:
Oxalic Acid Vaporization
Researchers at UCLA and Stanford Finds Coronavirus “Ten Times Less Fatal than
First Thought”
(gateway pundit)
Sept 7, 2020
A study by researchers at UCLA and Stanford shows that the chances of a healthy
50-64 year-old of dying from COVID-19 after a single random contact are one in
19.1 million. Based on this it is long past time to get back to normal.
FDA Nears Approval of Injectable Biochip Implants for COVID
Detection, Linked to Computers
(tapnewswire) Aug 30, 2020
A Military-Funded Biosensor Could Be the Future of Pandemic Detection
Sept 6, 2020
If it wins FDA approval next year, the two-part sensor
could help spot new
infections weeks before symptoms begin to show.
Legal group finds thousands of double voters in battleground states
(wasington times)
Sept 6, 2020
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Sept 4-5, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri4th at sunset):
Parashat Ki Tavo כִּֽי־תָבֹוא
"When you go in"
Bible study topics
not miss:
"When you enter the land"
YHVH Yeshua is the beginning and the finish. He is not the Hebrew alphabet.
writing that was inscribed: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN
August 2020
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Aug 28-29, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 28 st at sunset):
Parashat Ke Teitzei - כִּֽי־תֵצֵא
"When You Go Out"
Bible study topics
Standing in the gap
Benoni/Benjamin - Gemeni
Revelation Translation and Commentary
By Ralph Mount
New Report Suggests COVID Cases were Overblown by... 90 Percent!?
(louder with crowder)
Aug 31, 2020
Yes it's been fake news.
The coronavirus is used to take away your
freedom, and make you wear a mask, to set the precedent for a mandatory vaccine.
The riots have been allowed to make you wish for a police state.
The frog stays in the pot as the temperature
rises a degree at a time.
Here's the Shockingly Small Number of People Who Died From Only the Coronavirus
Aug 31, 2020
California is working to take out John Macarthur
The Pope And The Papacy
(john macarthur)
Jul 22, 2020
@20min somewhat off on "priest", but self corrects in
following comments. ??
The Hebrew Roots Disaster and Wretched - Part 7
* Free Christian Crowdfunding Raise money for Kyle Rittenhouse
Legal Defense
Jerusalem Post Health & Science
Acquired traits may be transmitted to future generations
Aug 27, 2020
"The worms changed the rules by showing us that inheritance outside the genetic
sequence does exist, via small RNA molecules, enabling parents to prepare their
offspring for the difficulties they have encountered in their lifetime.
Human 2.0"? A Wake-Up Call To The World
Carrie Madej)
Aug 17, 2020
video's sources:
Luciferase gene-loaded CS-Qdots as self-illuminating probes for
specific hepatoma imaging!divAbstract
Why “Operation Warp Speed” Could Be Deadly
Mandatory Vaccines is already law!
Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread
Bill Gates predicts 700,000 victims from corona vaccination
Moderna’s Mysterious Coronavirus Vaccine Delivery System
Gene Drive Files Expose Leading Role of US Military in Gene Drive Development.
‘Gene drive’ research to fight diseases can proceed cautiously, U.N. group
Bill Gates wants to WHAT??! Depopulation Through Vaccines and Healthcare??!
Bill Gates caught on video admitting vaccine will CHANGE our DNA FOREVER
INOVIO's COVID-19 DNA Vaccine INO-4800 Demonstrates Robust Neutralizing Antibody
and T Cell Immune Responses in Preclinical Models
What you always needed to know about electroporation based DNA vaccines
AstraZeneca to be exempt from coronavirus-vaccine liability claims in most
20 Things You Didn’t Know About... DNA't-know-about-dna
Gene-editing, Moderna, and transhumanism
With U.S. government funding at nearly $1 billion for
one company, Moderna may be too big to fail. However, this is perplexing for a
company that has never produced a single vaccine.
As gene-based mRNA vaccines from Moderna are being
designed and tested at warp speeds to fight Covid-19, this is also bringing the
debate over transhumanism into the forefront.
Transhumanism is a type of futurist philosophy aimed at transforming the human
species by means of biotechnologies. Transhumanists see disease, aging and death
as undesirable and unnecessary, and aim to transform human beings into
post-human species with greater capacities than those of present human beings.
The philosophy is based on secular humanism and sees human nature as an
evolutionary work-in-progress with room for improvement and enhancement.
However, it is more radical in that it promotes not only traditional means of
improving human nature such as education and cultural refinement, but also
direct application of medicine and technology to overcome basic biological
Transhumanists give special attention to genetic engineering, robotics,
molecular nanotechnology and artificial intelligence, and the Covid-19 pandemic
is providing gene-based vaccines a chance to break through into the global
health market.
Moderna and gene-editing
Currently there are various companies such as Inovio,
Moderna and CanSino Biologics that are testing mRNA and DNA vaccines to counter
SARS coronavirus-2 (SARS CoV-2) which causes Covid-19, but Moderna is the front
runner that recently nabbed $472 million from U.S. government’s Biomedical
Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) to develop the vaccine. This
is in addition to the $483 million it had already received back in April,
bringing its total funding to $955 million.
With U.S. government funding at nearly $1 billion for
one company, Moderna may be too big to fail. However, this is perplexing for a
company that has never produced a single vaccine. According to a CNN report,
Moderna was only established in 2010, has never brought a product to market, nor
gotten any of its nine or so vaccine candidates approved for use by the FDA.
However, it has been a long-term Pentagon contractor for biodefense, working
closely with Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) on gene-editing
and mRNA therapeutics.
So instead of injecting a piece of virus into a person to stimulate the immune
system, the synthesized genes would be shot into the body whereby the genes are
edited, deleted, added, to re-engineer human DNA to resist the disease.
A nanomaterial path forward for COVID-19 vaccine development
RNA virus vectors: Where are we and where do we need to go?
Glean: DNA vaccine can
corrupt chromosomal DNA, RNA vaccine may express heterologous (derived from a
different species) proteins to high levels for prolonged periods, so of course
that's always good.
Opinion: This potential coronavirus vaccine could be as easy as sticking on a
Of course, we never know how well a vaccine will work
until it’s tested in patients
Nanorobot Hardware Architecture for Medical Defense!po=0.446429
The use of nanobioelectronics as embedded systems is
the natural pathway towards manufacturing methodology to achieve nanorobot
applications out of laboratories sooner as possible
Quantum Dots Deliver Vaccines and Invisibly Encode Vaccination History in Skin
Researchers headed by a team at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) have created a microneedle platform using
fluorescent microparticles called quantum dots (QD), which can deliver vaccines
and at the same time invisibly encode vaccination history directly in the skin.
The quantum dots are composed of nanocrystals, which emit near-infrared (NIR)
light that can be detected by a specially equipped smartphone. Tests using the
platform showed that QDs delivered to samples of human skin were still
detectable after photobleaching that simulated five years of exposure sunlight,
Venomous snake fangs inspire new microneedle drug-delivery system
Scientists Propose ‘Tattoos’ To Solve Vaccination Issues
a group of MIT researchers funded by the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation says that invisible tattoos may be the best way to deal with
this tracking issue, although there are some ethical concerns with their
proposed solution.
Introduction to Transfection
Broadly defined, transfection is the process of
artificially introducing nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) into cells, utilizing means
other than viral infection. Such introductions of foreign nucleic acid using
various chemical, biological, or physical methods can result in a change of the
properties of the cell
n addition, transfection can be used in various forms of bioproduction depending
upon the transfection strategy. For example, delivery of reprogramming
transcription factors enables the generation of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC).
Stable transfection, on the other hand, provides the means for the bioproduction
of various therapeutic molecules.
Vector-based systems express miRNA precursors or short hairpin RNA (shRNA)
precursors that are processed by endogenous machinery to produce miRNAs or
shRNAs, respectively, which then act to inhibit gene expression. These systems
allow stable transfection of recombinant constructs, and can permit inducible
expression of precursor molecules.
Chemically synthesized short/small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) can also be
incorporated into a RISC and induce gene silencing by targeting complementary
mRNA for degradation. Modifications to siRNAs help to prevent off-target
effects, and also to ensure that the active strand of the dsRNA is loaded into
the RISC.
Yeah baby.
Injectable Body Sensors Take Personal Chemistry to a Cell Phone Closer to
The team at Profusa is developing a family of tiny
biosensors composed of a tissue-like hydrogel, similar to a soft contact lens,
that are painlessly placed under the skin with a single injection. Rather than
being isolated from the body, the biosensors work fully integrated within the
body’s tissue — without any metal device or electronics, thereby overcoming the
body’s attempts to reject it. To date, the injected biosensors have functioned
for as long as four years.
Smaller than a grain of rice, Profusa’s implantable biosensors can continuously
measure body chemistries
Transhumanism And The Future Of Humanity: 7 Ways The World Will Change By 2030
Both wearable and implantable brain-machine interfaces
(BMIs) are in development from organizations that include Elon Musk’s Neuralink,
Facebook, and DARPA.
The adoption of virtual reality can play an influential role in our ability to
understand perspectives other than our own at the current moment. For example,
VR could be used to understand the plight of refugees, giving us the opportunity
to step into their shoes, which may make us more likely to take action or donate
In other words, they (Facebook!)
are making a combined reality of the movies "Soylent Green" and "1984".
A nanomaterial path forward for COVID-19 vaccine development
From mRNA vaccines entering clinical trials, to
peptide-based vaccines and using molecular farming to scale vaccine production,
the COVID-19 pandemic is pushing new and emerging nanotechnologies into the
frontlines and the headlines.
Invisible Ink Could Reveal whether Kids Have Been Vaccinated
Keeping track of vaccinations remains a major challenge
in the developing world, and even in many developed countries, paperwork gets
lost, and parents forget whether their child is up to date. Now a group of
Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers has developed a novel way to
address this problem: embedding the record directly into the skin.
Biocompatible near-infrared quantum dots delivered to the skin by microneedle
patches record vaccination
DoD Funding Vaccine, Therapy Delivery Device
The U.S. Department of Defense is supporting creation
of a small, portable device that safely sends vaccines and therapies through the
skin. The device is being developed by Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc. in Plymouth
Meeting, Pennsylvania, and funded by an $8.14 million award from DoD’s Medical
CBRN Defense Consortium; CBRN stands for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and
Nuclear threats.
about operational creep.
Facebook says this info is not true,
Moderna's website seems to say DNA Vaccines are in the works and that they do alter
RNA Vaccines White Paper - Moderna (moderna) May, 2017
Magog Alliance Forming? - Russia, Turkey & Iran (prophecy
news watch)
Aug 22,
Exposé: Biden/Obama gave Iran $150 billion - $300 million for each US soldier
they killed (israel
national news)
Aug 24, 2020
Proof Biden knew Iran had killed 500 US soldiers 5 days before the Iran deal was
passed. He knowingly desecrated their memory.
The purpose of the mask mandate is to set the precedent
for a vaccine mandate.
Virginia's top health official will make it mandatory for everyone to get
COVID-19 vaccine (the
Aug 22, 2020
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Aug 21-22, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 21st at sunset):
Parashat Shoftim
Bible study topics
Z'roah Adonai - "The
Arm of the Lord".
Restore unto me the
joy of thy salvation
@ the altar
@ the cleaning of the heart
@ Out with the old, in with the new
@ Doing God's Work
@ the exacting Greek
Saudi price for ties with Israel is Palestinian state (jpost)
Aug 21, 2020
Saudi Arabia's price for normalizing relations with
Israel is the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Aug 14-15, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 14th at sunset):
Re'eh רְאֵה
Bible study topics
The Messiah is the King of Kings
"Missing" Haftarah portions
The Bidens
Tara Reade speaks out on Democratic convention, says party 'complicit' in
'gaslighting' survivors (fox
Aug 20, 2020
Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Exposes Joe’s Adulterous Affair, Lies, And Campaign
Bribery (geller
Aug 18, 2020
: I’m not working for you
This Jew Stands With John Kass Against Anti-Semitic Hit (real
clear politics)
Aug 16, 2020
Trump's New Deal
Obviously the Palestinians were not capable of even pretending at the peace
So Trump/Kushner moves the goalposts and brings in UAE. Now Israeli
sovereignty hinges on "legitimate" crack-pot Muslims.
Won't work. Although they may say "peace and security".
Kushner: US Won’t Approve Israeli Sovereignty ‘For Some Time’ (jewish
Aug 17, 2020
28 Av 5780 – August 17, 2020
Senior White House adviser and presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner said on
Monday that U.S. President Donald Trump would not approve of Israel applying
sovereignty to parts of Judea and Samaria in accordance with last week’s
U.S.-brokered historic peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab
In the deal to normalize relations between the two Middle Eastern countries,
Israel agreed to temporarily suspend its plans to apply sovereignty to parts
of Judea and Samaria.
“President Trump is committed to holding them [Israel] accountable to it,
and Israel has agreed with us that they will not move forward without our
consent,” Kushner told reporters during a briefing. “We do not plan to give
our consent for some time, as right now the focus has to be on getting this
new peace agreement implemented.”
Trump may face election
interference for interfering between Jews and the land of Israel.
Sure as hell isn't about peace.
Israel, UAE to boost vaccine collaboration as part of historic deal
Aug 14, 2020
As part of Thursday’s announcement of the historic peace deal between Israel
and the United Arab Emirates brokered by the Trump Administration, the two
nations will increase collaboration on a coronavirus vaccine
Apparently still a bad deal:
Shaked to Netanyahu: Show Us Your Map of Palestine (jewish
Aug 17, 2020
The Black History of Memorial Day (
May 15, 2020
Flu Deaths Five Times Higher Than COVID Deaths (geller
Aug 12, 2020
Gender Inequality
Male-Only Military Draft Is Constitutional, Federal Appeals Court Rules (national
Aug 13, 2020
Cannon Hinnant
(the blaze)
Aug 13, 2020
Say his name.
Lipstick on a pig:
Kamala Harris’ Wikipedia Page Scrubbed, Prosecutorial Record Wiped Out (geller
Aug 12, 2020
Kamala Harris: I 'believe' Biden accusers
blaze) Aug 12, 2020
Harris' comments followed a slew of allegations from several women, including
former Democratic Nevada state lawmaker Lucy Flores, who made the first
accusation in an essay in the New York Magazine.
North Carolina Hit With Biggest Earthquake In A Century (daily
Aug 9, 2020
Ilhan Omar must resign: New evidence from nearly three dozen Somalis reveals a
probable spree of felonies (the
Aug 10, 2020
The "open secret" is now simply open. Yet the media cowardice continues.
Take a look at those buns
Homemade Challah Pretzel Buns Recipe
Hot Cross Buns - Cakes to the Queen of Heaven?
Hot Cross
"So the 40 day observance of Lent is nothing more than a rebirth of the ancient
season of weeping for Tammuz. "
Hot Cross Buns:
This author is apparently unaware of the Gospel in the stars, which predated
pagan mythology wherein Satan creates a false system that mimics the truth.
Understand that Satan said "I will make myself like unto the Most High"
2 Corinthians 11:14 "And no marvel, for the Satan is-transfiguring-himself into
(an) angel of-light."
Thus the Cross predates Satan's false system.
The Pretzel: A Twisted History
July 31, 2020
"The Catholic Church played a leading role in the early history of the pretzel.
In the seventh century, the church dictated stricter rules governing fasting and
abstinence during Lent than it does today.
The first pretzels were baked as a soft, squishy bread, like the soft pretzels
of today. Some say they were originally called “bracellae,” the Latin term for
“little arms,” from which Germans later derived the word “bretzel.”"
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on Aug 7-8, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 7th at sunset):
Parashat Eikev
"because, on the heel of"
PDF - Parashah Eikev PDF -
Bible study topics
of weddings, brides and what-not
Eve was created a wife, and was never a
Big Mike "Michelle" Obama as Biden's VP?
I had a dream.
posted Aug 2, 2020
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on July 31-Aug 1, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 31st at sunset):
"And I Pleaded"
PDF - Parashah Vaetchanan PDF -
Bible study topics
The Gospel was preached to Abraham!
The Greatest AND The Least
The Tabernacle was a parable of Messiah's
Boards of Tabernacle made "standing up" -
represent N.T. believers
The Law of Messiah
July 2020
"religion of peace"
Taliban IED experts blown up by own bomb in a mosque in North of Afghanistan
Apparently the real God disapproves.
fall allah boom de day..
GOP Lawmaker Says DOJ Could Pursue Treason Charges Over Russia Probe Misconduct (conservative
July 30, 2020
“If it’s not clear to you now, it should be abundantly clear when these
indictments start coming out for individuals involved in this through the Durham
probe, that … this was a politicized, weaponized FBI at the highest level that
was solely trying to take down a presidential campaign and then an incumbent
president once he got sworn in—and that should scare every American,”
Despite Trump tweet, election won’t be delayed — but all-mail voting poses
grave dangers (fox
July 30 2020
Concerns that Trump has raised about mail-in voting are based on documented
Man's Election Interference:
Google Has Diminished Breitbart Search Results 99.7% — Big Tech Will
Do ‘Anything in Their Power’ to Get Biden Elected (breitbart)
July 29, 2020
Get ready for angelic fake news:
Miracles and Maxwell's demon
(jpost) july 23, 2020
Trump Admin pushes invisible vaccine for Covid. (jpost)
July 31, 2020
US to launch 'overwhelming' COVID-19 vaccine campaign by November
The official cautioned that there is still uncertainty around the timing of when
a vaccine will actually be available.
The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It |
Opinion (newsweek)
July 23, 2020
Harvey A. Risch, MD, PhD , Professor of Epidemiology, Yale School of Public
Survivors appeal to Facebook to remove Holocaust denial posts (jpost)
July 29, 2020
In digital campaign, message to Zuckerberg is “Holocaust denial posts on
Facebook are hate speech and must be removed!”
We Know Not What They Speak: Evangelical Wordplay Part II
(jewish press)
July 26, 2020
"This author finds this to be an egregious chillul Hashem. That a strong,
independent, Jewish nation tolerated the relative absence/dearth of such
lifesaving equipment and relied upon evangelical handouts for them is
disgraceful. It must be said that for all the wonderful charity institutions
in Israel, there are still many Jews in neglected areas who have no one to
turn to save the missionary organizations who are willing and able to help
"We need Torah leadership. The dearth of Torah leaders is tragic. Virtually
no prominent person today in the Torah world addresses these issues."
My response was:
Are you implying that the prominent rabbis are guilty of desecrating the
Name of God for keeping quiet (apathy?) or should their silence be seen as
the sanctification of God's name (i.e. they are trusting the outcome to
If you are worried that evangelical charity (their kiddush Hashem via
Bereshit 12:3) will change you, it seems you are guilty of chillel Hashem by
either being wrong about your beliefs or for not trusting in Him.
Seems evident that the 144,000 won't be connected to anything chillul
Election Interference: Google Purges Breitbart from Search Results (breitbart)
July 28, 2020
Cruz Says Democrats Seek to Hurt Trump Politically by Extending Lockdowns
July 27, 2020
Rep. Gaetz Files Criminal Referral Against Facebook’s Zuckerberg For False
Statements (sara
July 27, 2020
“Mr. Zuckerberg repeatedly and categorically
denied his company engaged in bias against conservative speech, persons,
policies, or politics and also denied that Facebook censored and suppressed
content supportive of President Donald Trump and other conservatives.”
Once flagged by Facebook’s AI, moderators reviewed the filtered content, and
adjudicated whether it qualified as removable. According to the Veritas report
and undercover footage, the adjudicators were outspoken about their political
bias against Republicans, and actively chose to eliminate otherwise-allowable
content from the platform and from public view simply due to its political
orientation. This arbitrary and capricious behavior is not done in good faith
and falls outside of the express intent of §230 of the Communications Decency
Act, which affords Facebook liability protection as long as the platform
moderates content in “good faith.”
United Nations Orders Trump To Stand Down In Portland (conservative
July 26, 2020
The United Nations delivered a formal stand down order to the Trump
administration this week, ordering the President to stop Federal officers from
using non-lethal force against "peaceful protesters" in Portland.
This is how the UN uses the taxd ollars we send them… Against us!
Will Antifa and BLM be given blue helmets?
Report: Russia-backed milita taking over Syrian Golan Heights (israel
July 24, 2020
Rwandan Refugee Says He Started Nantes Cathedral Fire (daily
July 27, 2020
Revelation 17:15
And he-is-saying to-me: The waters which
you-saw, the-place-where the prostitute is-sitting are peoples and crowds
and nations and languages.
v16 And the ten horns which you-saw and the beast, these will-hate the
prostitute, and they-will-make her having-been-made-and-still-desolate and
naked, and they-will-eat her fleshes, and they-will-burn her down with fire;
v17 For the God gave into their hearts to-do his sentiment, and to-do one
sentiment and to-give their kingdom to-the beast, until the words of-the God
v18 And the woman whom you-saw is the city namely-the great (one) namely-the
(one) having (a) kingdom over the kings of-the earth.
v1 After these-things I-saw another angel descending out-of the heaven,
having great authority, and the earth was enlightened out-of his glory.
v2 And he-cried with (a) strong voice saying: Babylon the great fell,
it-fell, and it-became (a) residence of-little-demons and (a) guard-house
of-every unclean spirit and (a) guard-house of-every unclean and
having-been-and-still-hated bird-of-prey,
v3 Because all the Gentiles have-drunk-and-still-drink out-of the wine
of-the anger of-her prostitution, and the kings of-the earth
committed-prostitution with her, and the merchants of-the earth became-rich
out-of the power of-her haughtiness.
v4 And I-heard another voice out-of the heaven saying: YOU-come-out, my
people, out-of her, in-order-that YOU-might not participate-with her sins,
and in-order-that YOU-might not take out-of her blows.
v5 Because her sins were-united unto the heaven, and the God had-in-memory
her unrighteous-acts.
v6 YOU-give-back to-her as she also gave-back, and YOU-double the (things)
double according-to her works; in the cup in-which she-mingled YOU-mingle
to-her double;
v7 As-much-as she-glorified her(self) and she-ran-riot, YOU-give to-her
this-much tormenting and mourning; because in her heart she-is-saying,
because I-am-sitting queen and I-am not (a) widow also by-no-means
might-I-see mourning;
v8 Because-of this in one day her blows will-be-present, death and mourning
and famine, and she-will-be-burned-down with fire; because strong (is)
Jehovah the God namely-the (one) having-judged her,
v9 And the kings of-the earth will-weep and will-bewail over her, namely-the
(ones) having-committed-prostitution and having-run-riot with her,
at-the-time-that they-might-be-looking-at the smoke of-her conflagration,
v10 Having-stood-and-still-standing from a-distance because-of the fear
of-her tormenting, saying: Woe, woe, the city namely-the great, Babylon the
city namely-the strong, because in-one hour your judgement came.
v11 And the merchants of-the earth are-weeping and they-are-mourning over
her, because not-one is-buying their cargo in-the-market any-more,
v12 Cargo of-gold and of-silver and of-precious stone and of-pearls and
of-fine-linen and of-purple and of-silk and of-scarlet, and all thyine wood
and every ivory article and every article out-of-very-precious wood and
of-brass and of-iron and of-marble,
v13 And cinnamon and amomum and incenses and perfume and frankincense and
wine and oil and finest-wheaten-flour and wheat and animals and sheep, and
of-horses and of-wagons and of-bodies, and souls of-MEN.
v14 And the fruit-time of-the desire of-your soul went-away from you, and
all the greasy-things and the brilliant-things perished from you, and
by-no-means will-they-find them any-more.
v15 The merchants of-these-things, namely-the (ones) having-been-rich from
her, will-stand from at-a-distance because-of the fear of-her tormenting
weeping and mourning,
v16 Saying: Woe, woe, the city namely-the great (one), the (one)
having-been-and still-cast-around (with) fine-linen and purple and scarlet,
and having-been-and-still-gilded with gold-(objects) and precious stone and
v17 Because in-one hour this-much riches was-made desolate. And every
steersman and every (one) sailing on (a) place and sailors and as-many-as
are working the sea stood from at-a-distance
v18 And cried looking-at the smoke of-her conflagration saying: Who (is)
like to-the city namely-to-the great (one)?
v19 And they-cast dirt on their heads and they-cried weeping and mourning,
saying: Woe, woe, the city namely-the great (one), in which all the (ones)
having the vessels in the sea became-rich out-of her preciousness, because
in-one hour she-was-made-desolate.
v20 You-be-being-merry-for-yourself over her, heaven and the holy-ones and
the apostles and the prophets, because the God judged YOUR sentence out-of
v21 And one strong angel lifted-up (a) stone as (a) great millstone, and he
cast into the sea saying: Thus with-a-rush will Babylon the great city
be-cast, and by-no-means might-it still be-found.
v22 And noise of-(ones)-who-play-the-kithara and of-musicians and
of-flute-players and of-trumpeters by-no-means might still be-heard in you,
and every craftsman of-every craft by-no-means might still be-found in you,
and noise of-a-millstone by-no-means might still be-heard in you,
v23 And light of-a-lamp by-no-means might still appear in you, and voice
of-bridegroom and of-bride by-no-means might still be-heard in you; because
your merchants were the magnates of-the earth, because in your use-of-drugs
all the Gentiles were-led-astray,
v24 And in her blood of-prophets and of-holy-ones was-found and of-all the
(ones) having-been-and-still-slain on the earth.
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on July 24-25, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 24th at sunset):
Devarim - דְּבָרִים
Bible study topics @Devarim:
*For The Love Of God
The Real Oral Torah
The Word of God
The Vow of The Trust (The Confession) Will Save
The Law of Messiah
Lawlessness [ανομιων-anomiōn]
Anthony Johnson (colonist) (noqreort)
July 19, 2020
Sometime after 1635, Antonio and Mary gained their freedom from indenture.
Antonio changed his name to Anthony Johnson.[7] He first entered the legal
record as a free man when he purchased a calf in 1647.[8]
When Anthony Johnson was released from servitude, he was legally recognized
as a "free Negro." He became a successful farmer. In 1651 he owned 250 acres
(100 ha), and the services of five indentured servants (four white and one
Johnson was granted a large plot of farmland by the colonial government
after he paid off his indentured contract by his labor.[9] On 24 July 1651,
he acquired 250 acres (100 ha) of land under the headright system by buying
the contracts of five indentured servants, one of whom was his son Richard
Johnson. The headright system worked in such a way that if a man were to
bring indentured servants over to America (in this particular case, Johnson
brought the five servants), he was owed 50 acres a "head", or servant.[10]
The land was located on the Great Naswattock Creek, which flowed into the
Pungoteague River in Northampton County, Virginia.[11]. With his own
indentured servants, Johnson ran his own tobacco farm. In fact, one of those
servants, John Casor, would later become the first African man to be
declared indentured for life.[12]
Biden Pushes For Islam to Be 'Taught More' In Public Schools (mrctv)
July 21, 2020
Biden:“[W]e all come from the same root here in terms of our fundamental
Yes, all those left of God have the same root - Satan.
Jesus "I am the root"
Islam: Jesus isn't God.
The Apostle Paul's instruction to Timothy:
"You-be-having (an) outline of-healthy words which you-heard of me in trust
and charity, the (charity) in Messiah Jesus" - 2 Timothy 1:13
Following that lead, here's my outline:
This month's top ten PDF downloads of 371 files:
Some of top webpages (of 78 different pages on website):
Kanye West: Israel should pay African women $1 million per child (kw
July 20, 2020
Rapper Kanye West holds presidential
campaign event, touts gun-touting Israeli women and suggests Israel could fund
African births.
Kayne West - silly.
George Soros’s Multi-Front War Against Israel (front
page mag)
July 17, 2020
How the globalist financier's desire to escape his Jewish identity fuels his
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on July 17-18, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 17th at sunset):
Double Portion
Parashah Mattot
Mattot PDF -
"Journeys of"
Paashah Masei
PDF: Parashah
Masie PDF -
The purpose of the riots
IT BEGINS: Feds In Camo Nab Suspects In Portland, Drive Off In Unmarked Cars (daily
July 17, 2020
This has been a test…?
Perhaps the foolish clamor/protests/riots are by design to lead even
conservatives to support martial law? To make future protest of actual tyranny
impossible? Right. Why didn’t local LE stop it? Dem. Governors/Mayors force
Trump to make the move, set the precedent on his watch.
DHS Chief: Democrat Leaders Told Us To Leave When We Offered To Secure Portland. (daily
July 17, 2020
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and Oregon Gov. Kate Brown — both Democrats —
refused federal help in securing Portland after violent anarchists have rioted
for 47 days straight.
Leftist Slavery Was Worse Than Southern Slavery (news)
July 51, 2020
Young mother shot in head for saying 'All Lives Matter'
July 12, 2020
'This killing was reported so quietly that barely anyone even noticed'
mike -
Jesus said, referring to his body, tear this sanctuary down and in 3 days I will
rebuild it. He died and rose on 3rd day.
We are members of his body.
Now Torah written on heart.
Sanctuary of God is in you.
There's no more sacrifice.
Sacrifice is thanksgiving with lips - lip service is real 3rd sanctuary priestly
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on July 10-11, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 10th at sunset):
Pinchas =
of brass"
ONLINE: Parashat
Pinchas -
Pinchas PDF -
Yeshua is our Propitiatory.
The zeal of YHVH of Hosts does this
non news?
Diaspora Ministry: Switching to a 'global Jewish Strategy'
national news) July 5, 2020
For the first time: The Israeli government has approved a strategic outline for
securing the future of the Jewish Diaspora.
The Israeli government declared today that the Jewish People are represented by
a 15-million global community—not just the seven million Jews living in Israel.
It expressed the willingness to accept responsibility for the entire Jewish
community, as required by Israel's Declaration of Independence and National Law.
The approved outline allows for the establishment of a stable long-term strategy
independent of this or any future government. "
American protestors chant 'Death to Israel' at US Day of Rage
July 5, 2020
Pro-Palestinian 'Day of Rage' events were held in New York, Miami, Los Angeles,
San Francisco and Toronto in early July.
Calls have been made to end Israel's existence at a series of rallies held
across America and Canada.
Pro-Palestinian group Al-Awda held a 'Day of Rage' in Brooklyn, Los Angeles, San
Francisco, Miami and Toronto between July 1 and 4, at which numerous calls were
made for a new intifada or uprising against the State of Israel. Speakers at the
events linked the Palestinian cause linked to others globally, including Black
Lives Matter.
Black terrorist group ( this is not a militia, they refer to selves as "Black
Nation") incite racism (INSTAGRAM)
July 3, 2020
@ about 1:10 Min. calls everyone the 12 tribes of Israel and the KKK.
They want Texas. LOL
Heavily Armed Black Terrorist Group Swarms Stone Mountain (todd
starnses) July 3, 2020
But let’s get real.
If this had been hundreds of armed white people marching through Stone Mountain
there would have been wall-to-wall network and cable news coverage. Democrats
would have accused the whites of trying to start a Civil War.
So far, there has been no national news coverage of what happened today. And the
reason why is because it doesn’t fit the media’s narrative.
Marching in sort of formation. Using gun as crutch, muzzle on ground. Muzzles
pointed a fellow terrorists.
March 10 feet, can't take the heat. Easy to defeat.
Brandishing firearms to stop white man driving car on public roadway.
@ about 30 sec "I'm your worst nightmare" @ again at 40 second mark:
"We're your worst nightmare"
So that's obviously rehearsed, coached.
@ about 40 second mark:
"We ain't no Black Lives Matter or none of that bullshit"
@ about the 1:10 min. mark, unable to engage in intelligent discourse, walk
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on July 3-4, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 3rd at sunset):
Double Portion
"decree of"
Parashat Chukat חֻקַּת
Parashah Chukat PDF -
Parashat Balak
Balak PDF -
Bubba isn't biting. So this:
RACIST ANIMALS: Leftist Mob Sets Statue of An Elk Aflame, Burns it Down (geller
report) July 2, 2020
June 2020
Shows Driver Shot By BLM Protester In Provo Utah (news
wars) June 30, 2020
All the protesters are accessory to the crime.
Protesters are anarchist thugs.
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on June 26-27, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 26th at sunset):
ONLINE: Parashat
Korach PDF -
The Big Kehunnah
control over the public
A good accounting of the Bill Gates of Hell (new
american) June 24, 2020
"tyranny is the preferred response" -Ties
ANTIFA anarchy to Coronavirus control
In October 2019, Gates and the WEF put on Event 201 at the “Bloomberg
School of Public Health” at Johns
Hopkins University.
The program simulated an “outbreak of a novel zoonotic
coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes
efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic.”
The pathogen and disease “are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more
transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.” Key
figures from Big Government (including China's), Big Business, and Big Pharma
all participated.
In the scenario the
nightmare only ends when a vaccine comes along. And
naturally, tyranny is the preferred response
— everything from censoring social media to autocratic
control over the public were celebrated as necessary.
Along with the Epstein stinkhole, this is one big reason for
the Coronavirus and Riots distractions:
Ted Cruz Blows Obamagate Wide Open: Biden and Obama ‘Personally Directed the
Political Persecution’ (federalist
papers) June 26, 2020
FDA Buying Human
Fetal Meat
Judicial Watch Obtains Records Showing FDA
Paid for ‘Fresh and Never Frozen’
Human Fetal Parts for Use In ‘Humanized Mice’ Creation (judicial
watch) June 23, 2020
Michigan House passes bill to make employee microchips voluntary (jpost) June 26, 2020
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on June 19-20, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 20th at sunset):
"send for yourself"
ONLINE: Shelach Lekha שְׁלַח־לְךָ
Shelach Lekha PDF -
Ex-FBI General Counsel: Hillary Wasn’t Indicted Because We Thought She’d Win
Presidency (conservative
brief) June
18, 2020
Twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was not indicted when she
mishandled classified information because the FBI believed she was going to win
the 2016 presidential election.
That’s a bombshell admission from former FBI General Counsel James Baker, who
revealed that the FBI had enough evidence to indict Clinton but decided not to
charge her.
Why do the Nations rage?
Boris Johnson: Israel’s Sovereignty Plan Breaches International Law
(jewish press) June
17, 2020
SCOTUS’s Transgender Ruling Firebombs The Constitution (the
federalist) June 16, 2020
The 6-3 majority included Chief Justice John Roberts, appointed by Republican
President George W. Bush, and Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch, appointed by
Republican President Donald Trump. These presidents promised voters their
justices would uphold the rule of law and the Constitution, and were elected in
significant part based on these now-broken promises.
Courts are not supposed to legislate because citizens cannot consent to
legislation imposed by courts, and have no direct means for altering Supreme
Court decisions like we can alter laws through our elected representatives. When
courts legislate, they disenfranchise the people. They invalidate our votes, our
God-given natural right to rule ourselves. By adding words to statute that
Congress did not put there, and has repeatedly and explicitly refused to add,
these judges are destroying our Constitution, our way of life, the people’s
sovereignty, and thus our human dignity.
Religious schools and homeschooling now offer the only potential safe haven to
parents who don’t want their children indoctrinated to believe it’s awesome to
amputate healthy penises and breasts.
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on June 12-13, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 12th at sunset):
"When you set up"
ONLINE: Parashah Beha'alotekha
Beha'alotekha PDF -
Police State
Seems obvious that if the Police are "defunded", then the
military police will be the only option for "Law and Order" left.
Black Officer Max Brewer recovers from being hit by Antifa on ATV ( June
5, 2020
Brewer was assisting with traffic
control at the intersection of Marietta and Spring streets when he was hit
around 10:30 p.m. Saturday during the second night of protests.
Patrick Underwood? David Dorn?
Anyway, this just showed up in my news feed, seems much
Shaun King makes stunning observation about Democratic Party, 'worst police
brutality' (the
blaze) June 6, 2020
Democratic activist Shaun King made a
shockingly honest observation about the Democratic Party
King observed, Democrats control the
cities that are guilty of the "worst police brutality."
"Democrats, from top to bottom, are
running the cities with the worst police brutality in America right now,"
King said. "We voted for them."
IMO: Of course anarchists are like agnostics, in
that they don't know (understand the outcome of) what they believe.
Lybya Slave trade,
courtesy of Obama and Clinton.
How Obama’s ‘Worst Mistake’ Led to the Libyan Slave Trade (the
root) Nov
30, 2017
Last year, in an interview on Fox News, Obama admitted that the overthrow of
the Libyan government was the “worst mistake” of his presidency. There is an
argument to be made that it’s at least in the top five. Libya has been in
chaos since the 2011 U.S.-led NATO bombing campaign overthrew Muammar
Qaddafi’s regime, opening the door for human rights abuses like refugee
Qaddafi may have been a nondemocratic dictator and a human rights abuser,
but he was also no direct threat to the United States and was a staunch
advocate for African unity and Pan-Africanism. He spoke out about anti-black
racism in the Arab community and was pushing for a single African currency.
Qaddafi loved black people so much, he was even working on some slow jams to
spit game at international crush Condoleezza Rice. (He literally wrote a
song called “Black Flower in the White House” about Rice.)
This Libyan open-market slave trade did not exist under Qaddafi, and likely
would not have, given his political might and advocacy of black and African
liberation. However, Qaddafi is dead, Obama is no longer in office and black
people are being sold for less than you pay for a new smartphone.
you need to know about Libya Slave Trade: (
Dec 1, 2017
Since Muammar Gaddafi, who ran the country for four decades, was ousted in
2011, the country has descended into civil war. A transitional government
failed to implement rule of law in the country, which has splintered into
several factions of militias, tribes, and gangs. In lawless Libya, many see
the slave trade and smuggling as a lucrative industry.
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on May 22-23, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 22nd at sunset):
Naso -
"take" or "lift up"
Naso PDF -
Colorado 2020 --- another round:
Colorado Governor Polis says stay at home, unless you are a protester.
peak politics) June 2, 2020
Yet Colorado Democrats control both State Senate and House, and are sneaking a
bill making vaccines mandatory in on a Sunday June 7 during a scheduled Capital
School Entry Immunization
Hear This Well:
FACT: Colorado's less than 95%
vaccination rate has NOT, past or present, resulted in higher disease rates.
"Herd immunity" is a lie.
There's More to the Story of the 'Elderly' Protester Knocked Down by Buffalo
Police Than You're Being Told
(pjmedia) June
8, 2020
They don't care who the dictator is.
Hillary Clinton Says Democrats Can't Be Civil Until They're Back in Power
(reason) Oct
11, 2018
ANTIFA is a foreign insurgency to overthrow the US Constitution (center
for security) June 4, 2020
Shutdowns Prevented Millions Of Coronavirus Cases, Study Says
(newsy) June
8, 2020
An estimated 60 million coronavirus infections were prevented in the U.S.
This Could Be The Week It Happens, AG Bill Barr, John Durham Announce
Indictments In Spygate Probe
brief) June 8, 2020
That evidence, Solomon adds, makes clear that Hillary Clinton’s campaign was
behind Spygate all along, and that the Russian involvement in the 2016 election
cycle was part of an effort to help her, not Trump — just the opposite of what
she and Democrats have been saying for four years. Sound like a familiar tactic?
De-Policing: The Handmaiden of Socialism
thinker) June 8, 2020
Seems obvious that if the Police are "defunded", then the
military police will be the only option for "Law and Order" left.
Black Officer Max Brewer recovers from being hit by Antifa on ATV ( June
5, 2020
Brewer was assisting with traffic
control at the intersection of Marietta and Spring streets when he was hit
around 10:30 p.m. Saturday during the second night of protests.
Patrick Underwood? David Dorn?
Anyway, this just showed up in my news feed, seems much
Shaun King makes stunning observation about Democratic Party, 'worst police
brutality' (the
blaze) June 6, 2020
Democratic activist Shaun King made a
shockingly honest observation about the Democratic Party
King observed, Democrats control the
cities that are guilty of the "worst police brutality."
"Democrats, from top to bottom, are
running the cities with the worst police brutality in America right now,"
King said. "We voted for them."
IMO: Of course anarchists are like agnostics, in
that they don't know (understand the outcome of) what they believe.
The Struggle Sessions Are Here, And They’re Not Going Away
federalist) June 4, 2020
The left’s multi-decade project to teach everyone that America is irredeemably
racist has led to the emergence of a new regime in American life.
The model at work here is the Chinese Cultural Revolution, with its mass
“struggle sessions” in which anyone deemed insufficiently sympathetic to the
proletariat, or thought to have an excessively bourgeois lifestyle, was
subjected to public humiliations, paraded through the streets, assaulted,
denounced, and put on display as objects of scorn. Often these struggle sessions
ended in false confessions and pleas for mercy.
White Lawyer shoots passing driver at Alamosa ANTIFA
All the protesters are accessory to the crime.
Protesters are anarchist thugs.
Just go to and type in "anarchist thugs".
Las Vegas cop shot by ANTIFA thugs
(fox8) June
2, 2020
Cops are kind of edgy, I suppose. Linked article provides some indicators as to
why. Snip: "Police in Buffalo, New York, said an SUV broke through a police
blockade at a protest and ran over a state trooper, breaking his leg and
shattering his pelvis. Another trooper and a Buffalo police officer were also
hit by the vehicle and treated for minor injuries."
Jesus said that lawlessness will increase,
Matthew 24:12 And
because-of the lawlessness to-be-multiplied, the charity of-the many
and it is happening.
Minneapolis council president confirms it: Police will be 'dismantled' and
replaced with a 'transformative new model of public safety' (the
June 5, 2020
Burgess Owens: Democrats Are ‘Frantic’ That The Black Vote Is Leaving Their
Party (sara carter)
June 5, 2020
Immunity Passports Are a Threat to Our Privacy and Information Security (
May 28, 2020
One of the reasons Democrats want riot/looting:
Economic destruction from riots and looting will hit minorities hardest (washington
June 2, 2020
PhD in Genetics and Molecular Biology from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem:
Covid = Bioweapon (h4c blog)
June, 2020
Black Lives Matter
Black Voices Matter
Conservative black icon Candace Owens’s uncompromising video critique of George
Floyd creates a firestorm (american thinker)
June 5, 2020
Everyone is pretending that this man lived a heroic lifestyle. We are
embarrassing in that regard. Nobody wants to tell the truth in black America.
Our biggest problem is us.
For whatever reason it has become fashionable over the last five or six years
for us to turn criminals into heroes overnight. It is something I find
George Floyd was not an amazing person.
Leftists social distancing (
June 3, 2020
Black Families
for Vaccine Choice
‘Institutional racism’ among police: Let’s look at the numbers
(geller report)
June 5, 2020
10 million police arrests in US
1004 fatal police shootings
41 were of unarmed persons
19 of these unarmed were white
9 were African American
13 other – Asian / Hispanic
Rioters Drag A Black Man From His Car And Start Beating Him
(right journalismt)
May 30, 2020
We are surrounded by idiots, and they all get to vote.
Black Lives don't
matter to Black Lives Matter
California Federal Protective Service Officer Killed By BLM Rioters Was Black
(geller report)
May 31, 2020
Yeah, it's staged.
Mysterious stashes of bricks are being found near protest sites and social media
users are asking where they came from (the
June 1, 2020
On Sunday, police confirmed the existence of such piles in Kansas City, urging
residents to notify police if they discover any new stashes.
Rioters questions who is leaving pallets of
bricks in the middle of riot zones
Arrest Records Show Minneapolis Mayor, Officials Wrong: Mostly Locals Arrested
For Rioting (daily wire)
May 31, 2020
May 31st, 2020
95% of the 400 individuals arrested in Santa Monica traveled to the city, police
say (fox la)
June 1, 2020
Poll: 58 Percent of Americans Support Calling in Military to Assist Police
(louder with crowder)
June 3, 2020
Protesters/rioters are just a tool to get the red, white and blue American to
support military and police state.
If this plan weren't so brilliantly evil we could take a minute and laugh at the
abject stupidity of the Antifa-Sympathizer-Group's participation.
Picture this.
At apparent odds is the "defund police" movement.
But it's really just part of the anarchist's plan.
But no worries, after a certain point of allowing the lawlessness to run amok
(can you imagine basement dwelling millennials conflicting with, say, the
military mafias in third world countries of South and Central America?),
the ASG will be supporting - increased powers for the police - with a
military/police state.
Will it be the U.N.? Hmmm, something "new"
I think.
Project Veritas Goes Undercover, Exposes ANTIFA as Violent, Ruthless Fascists (ny
June 4, 2020
"Old Yeller" was about a good dog, gone bad dog.
More on Mattis (mark
June 4, 2020
Rod Rosenstein’s admission exposed heinous plot against Trump (ny
June 3, 2020
And hence Democrat governors have allowed riots as a news cover.
Patrick Underwood
Black Federal Officer Patrick Underwood Shot And Killed in Oakland Riot
May 31, 2020
A black federal officer, Patrick Underwood, was shot
and killed in Oakland, California, Friday night as he attempted to keep the
peace amid the violent riots sweeping California and the rest of the U.S. in the
wake of George Floyd’s death in Minnesota.
David Dorn
Antifa pukes kill another black man. (the
June 2, 2020
Retired black police captain murdered by
St. Louis Police Release Images of 7 Looters who Murdered Retired Police Captain
David Dorn June 5
Seven Black men kill Black man.
Max Brewer
Black Cop Struck by Protesting ATV
Brewer was assisting with traffic
control at the intersection of Marietta and Spring streets when he was hit
around 10:30 p.m. Saturday during the second night of protests.
Rioters Deface ‘Glory’ Monument to Black Civil War Soldiers in Boston
June 2, 2020
The monument, which literally commemorates black lives dedicated (and
sacrificed) to the struggle against slavery, was defaced with profane
anti-police graffiti, as well as tributes to George Floyd, the African American
man killed by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, last week.
For virtue signaling Tuesday
Central Park Five prosecutor breaks silence, says it was mistake to vacate
convictions and pay off accused teens (ny
daily news) Jul 19, 2018
Jogger Trisha Meili Probably Won't Be Watching 'When They See Us' on Netflix (distractify)
May 2019
Central Park Five detective says Netflix series is full of ‘lies’ (nypost) July
29, 2019
The Media Are Lying To You About Everything, Including The Riots (the
June 3, 2020
Americans are being subjected to an orgy of disinformation (american
June 3, 2020
The Main Stream Media is the enemy.
In their own words:
"We outnumber them. We are legion."
Now we know.
Mark 5:1 And they-came into the other-side of-the
sea, into the country of-the Gadarenes.
v2 And on-his having-gone-out out-of the vessel, immediately (a) MAN out-of the
tombs with (an) unclean spirit met him,
v3 Who was-having the habitation in the tombs; and no-one was-being-able to-bind
him neither with-chains,
v4 Because (that) he to-have-been-bound often with-shackles and with-chains, and
the chains to-have-been-torn-asunder by him, and the shackles
to-have-been-shattered, and no-one was-being-strong-enough to-subdue him.
v5 And continually night and day in the mountains and in the tombs he-was crying
thoroughly-chopping himself with-stones.
v6 But having-seen the Jesus from a-distance, he-ran and he-worshipped him,
v7 And having-cried with-great noise he-said, What to-me and to-you, Jesus, son
of-the God, namely-the Most-High? I-adjure you the God, you-might not torment
v8 For he-was-saying to-him, You-come-out, the spirit namely-the unclean, out-of
the MAN.
v9 And he-was-questioning him, What name to-you? And he-answered, saying,
Legion, name to-me, because we-are many.
About 2000 @MSM
v10 And he-was-entreating him many-things,
in-order-that he-might not dispatch them without the country.
v11 But (a) great herd of-swine was there toward the mountains
v12 And all the demons entreated him, saying, You-send us into the swine,
in-order-that we-might-go-in into them.
v13 And the Jesus permitted them immediately. And the spirits namely-the unclean
having-come-out they-went-in into the swine; and the herd rushed down the
precipice into the sea; but they-were approximately two-thousand, and
they-were-being-choked in the sea.
The swine died, but not the demonic Legion, as it
wasn't "their time" yet (Matthew 8:29).
May 2020
In accordance with Leviticus chapter 23,
Sunday, May 31, 2020 is Shavuot/Pentecost.
How to
Avoid the Messiah
by Zola Levitt
"The only 'days of rest' between
the Feasts are the weekly Sabbaths/Saturdays."
The Mystery
of the Date of Pentecost
by Thomas S. McCall
Serious Looting in Colorado
Democrat State lawmakers give themselves a raise before fleeing violent protests (colorado
peak politics)
May 29, 2020
Too Many Laws: Why Police Encounters Escalate
( July 12, 2016
Most of Facebook Censorship Board Has Ties to Leftwing Billionaire George Soros
(judicial watch)
May 29, 2020
May 29
Former firefighter reduced to tears as his dream business is destroyed during
Minneapolis riots (the blaze)
May 29, 2020
So anyway, winter is over, and
Antifa is back at it.
Next day verification:
Minnesota leaders say arrested protesters are not local residents: 'We don't
know these folks' (the blaze)
May 30, 2020
'Every single person we arrested last night, I'm told,
was from out of state'
These Soros paid punks are very low IQ, apparently.
Rioters Attack Female Driver. She Drives Through Them, then Turns Back to Hit
Them Again (louder with crowder)
May 29, 2020
Don't be a victim. Fight fire with fire. Internal
combustion won this one.
Again? So Trendy.
Footage shows car plowing through protest crowds in Bakersfield, California
(the blaze)
May 29, 2020
Here's the pisser. This video is obviously staged.
The Cops are waiting for instructions.
CNN continues to not move back.
Cops do not stop CNN from filming the arrest. Come
Democrats run both CNN and cops here.
These riots all seem to be in cities that the Democrats
have controlled all government in for decades.
So, anyway, here's the deal,
The One Party
works in tandem:
The mess of decades of democrat controlled cities
"demands" military intervention.
May 30
and it unfolds:
MN Governor Points To ‘Organized Attempt To Destabilize Civil Society’; Trump:
‘We Have Our Military Ready’ (daily wire)
May 30, 2020
While Walz said the protests earlier in the week were
largely peaceful, the situation on Friday evening was a “mockery of pretending”
it was still about Floyd, with the governor noting that the subsequent riots
contained elements of domestic terrorism, ideological extremism, and
“international destabilization of how our works.”
“Whether it be New York, or Denver, or Louisville, or Las Vegas, there is no
mayor in America that has the resources to push back on an organized attempt to
destabilize civil society with no regard for life or property,” said the
As such, Walz announced that he was fully mobilizing the Minnesota National
Guard in addition to seeking “significant support” from the national guards of
adjacent states.
According to NBC News, President Trump told reporters on Saturday afternoon that
he’s prepared to provide military assistance in Minneapolis if asked.
“We have our military ready, willing, and able, if they ever want to call our
military. We can have troops on the ground very quickly,” said Trump. “They’re
using their National Guard right now, as you know.”
The National Guard is not the military that Trump is
referring to.
the Insurrection Act of 1807 would be the
basis for deploying any military units.
Jordan urges international community to stop sovereignty (israel
national news)
May 28, 2020
Jordanian Foreign Minister warns: An Israeli move to apply sovereignty over
Judea and Samaria would institutionalize apartheid.
Pay Attention:
A Women Gets Her Contact Tracer Certificates and Tells All
May 27
News May 26, 2020
Mail carrier charged with attempted election fraud for allegedly altering
mail-in ballots
Feds announced the alleged tampering on the same day President Trump warned of
mail-in ballot fraud
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America (
May 10, 2020
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on May 22-23, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 22nd at sunset):
Behar -
"in the desert"
Parashat Bamidbar
Parashah Bamidbar PDF -
Romans 9:1
I-am-saying truth in Messiah, I-am not lying
Habakkuk 2:4b
"but the righteous shall live by his
5/23 - Chewbacca for the 2020 win?

I hope not. It looks crazy.
On "aliens"
There's ---some--- truth to their existence...
Eve was so deluded that she thought Satan, or another
fallen angel, was God:
2 Corinthians 11:3 "But I-am-fearing lest by-any-means as
the serpent deluded Eve in his craftiness, thus YOUR thoughts might-be-corrupted
from the simplicity and the pureness (namely-that) with-reference-to Messiah".
Thus Eve stated:
Gen 4:1c "I have gotten a man, YHVH".
She apparently thought her son was the promised messiah of
Genesis 3:15.
Jesus later confirms such a lineage exists:
John 8:43-45 "Because-of-what are-YOU not coming-to-know
the speech namely-the mine? Because YOU-are not being-able to-be-hearing the
word namely-the mine. YOU yourselves-are out-of the father namely-the slanderer
[i.e. the devil/satan], and the desires of-YOUR father YOU-are-willing
to-be-doing. That (one) was MAN-killer from (the) beginning, and he-has not
stood-and-is-(not) standing in the truth, because truth is not in him.
At-the-time-that he-might-be-speaking the lie, he-is-speaking out-of (his)
own-(things); because he-is (a) liar and the father of-it. But because I
myself-am-saying the truth, YOU-are not trusting in-me".
Anyway, the idea of "aliens" copulating with humans is
nothing new:
Genesis 6:6 "And it came to pass, when men began to
multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born unto them, 2 that
the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them
wives of all that they chose. 3 And Jehovah said, My Spirit shall not strive
with man for ever, for that he also is flesh: yet shall his days be a hundred
and twenty years. 4 The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after
that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare
children to them: the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of
5 And Jehovah saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that
every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually".
I think this is potentially where dinosaurs originated:
1 Enoch 7:5 "And they began to sin against the birds and
beasts and creeping things and the fish"
Genesis 6:12 "And God saw the earth, and behold, it was
corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth. vs13-"And god
said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled
with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth."
And we should not be surprised by an alien appearance:
Matthew 24:37 "But as-altogether the days of-the Noah,
thus will-be also the presence of-the son of-the MAN".
Even if it brings fire from the sky:
2 Thessalonians 2:9 "Of-whom the presence is according-to
(an) operation of-the Satan in all power and signs and wonders of-a-lie"
Revelation 13:13-14 "And it-is-doing great signs,
in-order-that it-might even be-making fire to-be-descending out-of the heaven
into the earth in-sight of-the MEN. And it-is-leading-astray the (ones) residing
on the earth because-of the signs which it-was-given to-it to-do in-sight of-the
beast, saying to-the (ones) residing on the earth to-make (an) image to-the
beast, who is-having the blow of-the dagger and it-lived".
For more info on fallen angels, see the "Fallen Angels"
links on this page:
BTW, Christians are not of this world:
Ephesians 2:10 For of-him we-are (a) thing-made
having-been-created in Messiah Jesus on good works, to-which the God
prepared-before (us?) in-order-that we-might-walk-around in them.
2 Corinthians 5:17 "So that if anyone (is) in Messiah,
(he-is) (a) new-quality creation; the ancient-things went-past, behold the
all-things have-become-and-still-are new-quality."
John 17:16 "They-are not out-of the world, according-as I
myself-am not out-of the world".
John 18:36a "The Jesus answered, The Kingdom, namely-the
(one) mine, is not out-of this world"
The times they are a changin':
Zechariah 2:13 "Be silent, all flesh, before Jehovah; for
he is waked up out of his holy habitation".
In the end, Satan, hades & death lose:
Revelation 20:10 "And the slanderer, namely-the (one)
leading them astray, was-cast into the lake of-the fire and sulphur,
where-in-which (are) the beast and the false-prophet, and they-will-be-tormented
of-day and of-night with-reference-to the ages of-the ages".
Revelation 20:14 "And the death and the Hades were-cast
into the lake of-the fire. This is the death, namely-the second, the lake of-the
So, we should invest wisely, and choose life:
Deuteronomy 30:19 "I call heaven and earth to witness
against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and
curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live"
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his
only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life".
JOE BIDEN & UKRAINE: Leaked phone calls PROVE the forced FIRING of man
investigating Burisma, Hunter (glenn beck)
May 20, 2020
Joe Biden DID use his powers as Vice President to FORCE the firing of the
former Prosecutor General in Ukraine, Viktor Shokin, who was in the midst of
investigating the oil company where Hunter Biden sat on the board -- Burisma. We
know this now more than EVER because of leaked phone calls between Biden and the
former Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenko and we now have the audio to prove
it. Thus, Biden is now the center of a CRIMINAL investigation in Ukraine.
Ukraine Judge Orders Joe Biden To Be Listed As Alleged Perpetrator Of Crime
Prosecutor’s Firing (
May 21, 2020
Did you think the US considers Jerusalem the Capital of Israel? Think again (
May 20, 2020
The US Consulate Passport Service does not seem to realize that Trump recognized
Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
Jerusalem's newest firefighters: Sheep, goats, cattle and camels (jerusalem
post) May
19, 2020
The grazing done by the livestock noticeably lowers the risk of wildfires
spreading, allowing firefighters to gain control over fires more easily.
EU: We will not recognize any changes to '1967 borders' (israel
national news) May
18, 2020
EU foreign policy chief: congratulates new Israeli government but stresses EU
will not accept sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.
BREAKING: Declassified Susan Rice Email Confirms Michael Flynn Was Personally
Targeted In Oval Office Meeting (the federalist) May
19, 2020
Newly declassified portions of a key Susan Rice email confirm that Michael Flynn
was personally targeted during a January 5 Oval Office meeting with Obama.
May 19, 2020 By Sean Davis
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on May 15-16, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri 15th at sunset):
Double Portion
Behar - "on the mountain"
Parashat Behar - בְּהַר
Parashah Behar PDF -
A Look at Luke 4
"in my statutes"
Parashat Bechukotai - בְּחֻקֹּתַי
PDF - Parashah
Bechukotai PDF -
The Gospel stands by itself.
Pompeo: US will dissolve the International Criminal Court if it continues with
its illegitimate investigations and prosecutions of both the US and Israel (GELLER REPORT) May
16, 2020
The International Criminal Court is a political body,
not a judicial institution. This unfortunate reality has been confirmed yet
again by the ICC Prosecutor’s attempt to assert jurisdiction over Israel, which
like the United States, is not a party to the Rome Statute that created the
Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court
the treaty that established the International Criminal
Court (ICC).[5] It was adopted at a diplomatic conference in Rome, Italy on 17
July 1998[
On 11 April 2002, ten countries ratified the statute at the same time at a
special ceremony held at the United Nations headquarters in New York City,[14]
bringing the total number of signatories to sixty,
The Rome Statute is the result of multiple attempts for the creation of a
supranational and international tribunal.
Ratification status
As of November 2019, 123 states[20] are parties to the Statute of the Court,
including all the countries of South America, nearly all of Europe, most of
Oceania and roughly half of Africa.[2] Burundi and the Philippines were member
states, but later withdrew effective 27 October 2017 and 17 March 2019,
respectively.[21][2] A further 31 countries[20] have signed but not ratified the
Rome Statute.[2] The law of treaties obliges these states to refrain from "acts
which would defeat the object and purpose" of the treaty until they declare they
do not intend to become a party to the treaty.[22] Four signatory states—Israel,
Sudan, the United States and Russia[23]—have informed the UN Secretary General
that they no longer intend to become states parties and, as such, have no legal
obligations arising from their signature of the Statute.[2][24]
Forty-one additional states[20] have neither signed nor acceded to the Rome
Statute. Some of them, including China and India, are critical of the
Court.[25][26] Ukraine, a non-ratifying signatory, has accepted the Court's
jurisdiction for a period starting in 2013.[27]
TREASON: John Brennan Suppressed Intel Saying Russia Wanted Hillary Clinton to
Win (geller report)
May 15, 2020
John Brennan, who headed the Central Intelligence Agency under President Barack
Obama, “also had intel saying, actually, Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win
because she was a known quantity, she had been secretary of state, and Vladimir
Putin’s team thought she was more malleable, while candidate Donald Trump was
House Intelligence Committee staff told me that after an exhaustive
investigation reviewing intelligence and interviewing intelligence officers,
they found that Brennan suppressed high-quality intelligence suggesting that
Putin actually wanted the more predictable and malleable Clinton to win the 2016
Mussaed Ahmed al-Jarrah (the blaze) May
14, 2020
- the name of a Saudi official suspected of
directing "crucial support" to two al-Qaeda hijackers involved in the Sept. 11,
2001, terror attacks
President Obama ordered up phony Russia Gate scandal (nypost) May
11, 2020
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on May 8-9, 2020
(Shabbat begins Fri at sunset)
Acharei Mot -
"after the death"
Parashat Emor - אֱמֹר
Parashah Emor PDF -
To show the Eternal Hope of the "Old Covenant" Jew:
1 Thessalonians 4
Joel 2:32
- "For every (one) whosoever might-call-on
the name (hashem) of-Jehovah
- Romans 10:13
People In Hong Kong Are Becoming Ill With Rat Hepatitis For First Time Ever. No
One Knows How It's Happening. (daily
wire) May 9, 2020
A new report this week outlined an increasing virus problem in Hong Kong, which
is attached to mainland China, where rat hepatitis E is jumping from rats to
humans for the first time in history, and no one seems to know how it’s
Part of the Israeli problem:
Benjamin Netanyahu suggests microchipping kids, slammed by experts (jerusalem
post) May 8, 2020
Cargill, Bill Gates, and PETA Partner Up to End Livestock Production
mmmm good,
petri dish hamburgers
The crux of the matter is the battle for
PA organizations to fight Israeli sovereignty move
(israel national news) May 4, 2020
NGOs in the Palestinian Authority are coordinating positions on a joint move to
thwart "annexation of settlements".
Weekly Portion (annual cycle) for week ending on May 1-2, 2020
Shabbat (begins Fri the 1st
at sunset):
Double Portion
Acharei Mot -
"after the death"
Acharei Mot
אַחֲרֵי מֹות
Parashah Acharei Mot PDF -
Kedoshim -
"holy ones"
Kedoshim קְדֹשִׁים
PDF - Parashah
Kedoshim PDF -*
Stock Market Rebounds In April With Best Month Since 1987
(daily wire) May 1, 2020
This is weird:
Despite the coronavirus crisis that spurred lockdowns on business across the
United States, April was the best month for the stock market since January 1987
and the best April since 1938.
Christians Facing
Islamic Extremists
April 2020
The Myth that Americans Were Poorly Educated before Mass Government Schooling
( Apr 29, 2020
Early America had widespread literacy and a vibrant culture of learning.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
A seminarian was usually required to know Greek, Hebrew, Latin, French and
German just to begin his studies
April 30th, 2020
Native American Artist: My Father Drew The Land O Lakes Maiden And She Isn’t A
Land O Lakes dairy products company “retired” its iconic Native American maiden,
“Mia,” who appeared on its products for half a century, potentially over
concerns that the image was a “stereotype” and presented an unfair, racist
portrait of the Native American community.
The son of the artist who drew Land O Lakes’ maiden says that’s simply not true.
His father, a member of the Red Lake Ojibwe Nation, designed “Mia” to reflect
his Native American heritage and her attire has its roots in Ojibwe history.
“With the redesign, my father made Mia’s Native American connections more
specific,” his son, Robert DesJarlait, wrote in The Washington Post this week.
“He changed the beadwork designs on her dress by adding floral motifs that are
common in Ojibwe art. He added two points of wooded shoreline to the lake that
had often been depicted in the image’s background. It was a place any Red Lake
tribal citizen would recognize as the Narrows, where Lower Red Lake and Upper
Red Lake meet.”
Brooklyn Chassidic Rebbe Calls for Massive Aliyah Before It’s Too Late
(jewish press) Apr
29, 2020
Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Frankel from Brooklyn, known as the Rimenover Rebbe, earlier
this week issued an unequivocal order for Jews to leave their homes in the
diaspora and immigrate to Israel, before a civil war breaks out in the United
“Today,” the Rimanover Rebbe said, “Listen to me well, dear Jews, whoever can
afford to rise and ascend to the Holy Land should it as soon as possible, and
this includes large parts of South America and most of Europe. The US will also
become a dangerous place mired in war, and it is still too early to tell which
US state will survive, but many parts will be destroyed and poisoned, and a
civil war will break out within the US, and states will secede from the federal
government. The US will no longer be a place of refuge, but there will be a
Jewish remnant here. The Land of Israel will be the safest place to survive the
war, even though there will be terrible difficulties there as well.”
He's not going...
“If I could do it myself, I would get up and immigrate to Israel and pray on its
soil, but what can I do, I don’t have permission to do so – in Heaven they
holding me back for the time being, to stay here in the US,” the Rimanover Rebbe
This likely isn't the Holy Spirit talking to him, but as
with so many "God said to me" people, it's likely a demon.
Newly Declassified FISA Docs: John Kerry’s State Department Spread Russia
Collusion Narrative (geller report) Apr
27, 2020
The newly declassified sections underscore that the FBI under its disgraced
former chief, James Comey, relied heavily on the Christopher Steele dossier
alleging debunked Russian collision charges. The dossier was produced by
Fusion GPS, which was paid for its anti-Trump work by Hillary Clinton’s 2016
presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee.
'The food supply chain is breaking,' Tyson says as plants close
(cnn) Apr
26, 2020
Navy releases UFO documents (navair) Apr 2020
(armageddon news) Apr
25, 2020
Oh, this looks fun...
From the Gates of hell (Bill & Melinda)...
Microsoft ID2020 and Cryptocurrency…(h4c
blog) Apr
18, 2020
Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may
be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may
provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively
coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or
comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the
user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body
activity of the user. The
cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the
user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more
conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award
cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.
Redmond, Washington 98052-6399, US
Wednesday, 19 July 2017
Gates of Hell
Melinda Gates Commits $375 Million for Population Control, Abortion
(new american)
July 19, 2017
Mrs. Gates considers herself a practicing Catholic
Mrs. Gates said she felt “optimistic” that the Catholic Church would one day
change its position on contraception for the sake of women in developing
countries. “We work very extensively with the Catholic Church and I’ve had many
discussions with them because we have a shared mission around social justice and
Puppet masters, civil and religious.
Calling good evil:
Pastor given ankle bracelet for defying stay-at-home order continues to preach
anyway (the blaze) Apr
26, 2020
Louisiana pastor Tony Spell, who leads Life Tabernacle
Church in Baton Rouge, was placed on house arrest and fitted with an ankle
monitoring device last week for refusing to suspend church services amid the
coronavirus crisis.
Joseph Long, Spell's attorney, said his client will continue to litigate what he
characterized as an attempt by the state of Louisiana to force Spell to stop
"preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to his congregation."
"Obviously, we believe this is an illegal order in violation of the
Constitution, and will litigate the issue," Long said.
Calling evil good:
Satanic Muslim Call to Prayer Begins in Minneapolis (jerusalem
post) Apr
24, 2020
With the blessing of its Democrat mayor, residents
of Minneapolis, Minnesota — the terror-recruiting capital of the United
States — are hearing the Muslim call to prayer five times a day.
CAIR paid for the equipment to broadcast the noise, the newspaper reported,
which will begin at sunrise and end at sunset.
The newspaper did not divulge CAIR’s background. The national organization
has been linked to Islamic extremists and terrorists and suspected
terrorists, and was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation
terror case.
Minneapolis is the terror-recruiting capital of the
United States.
A mosque began broadcasting the unsettling noise in the city’s
Cedar-Riverside neighborhood yesterday for Ramadan, the Islamic holy month
that will last until May 23.
But the move to exploit the pandemic and give Islam an even stronger
foothold in a city built by German and Scandinavian Christians isn’t the
only one of its kind. New York City will provide free halal food to that
city’s Muslims for the month.
Apr 24-25, 2020Portion for week ending on Apr 24-25 Shabbat (begins Fri 24th
at sunset):
Double Portion
Tazria -
"she conceives"
Parashah Tazria PDF -
Metzora -
PDF - Parashah Metzora PDF -
Ah, photos! Missing is the earlier report's (down the
scroll ↓) structure
foundation, but this article has photo of -one- of the rock cairns that marked
the route. OF note, the cairns were NOT built on snow and ice, which proves this
route was once dry.
So then, if global warming is caused by man and cow farts, as today's global
warming alarmists project, what caused their warming in that period?
Ice melt reveals climate change bunk (news.artnet) Apr
21, 2020
see photo with caption:
"An archaeologist with one of the stone cairns marking the mountain pass at
Lendbreen. The light-colored rocks in the background were covered with snow and
ice until recently. Photo by James Barrett, University of Cambridge."
source article:
secrets of the ice (jerusalem
post) Apr
16, 2020
"The lost mountain pass at Lendbreen is an incredible
archaeological site. It has yielded hundreds of finds from ancient travelers,
including clothing, dead packhorses and remains of sleds from the period AD
300-1500. It also has preserved cairns marking the route, and even a stone-built
shelter in the pass area."
"The route crossing Lendbreen seems to have worked in an opposite way to
mountain passes in the Alps and in the Himalayas. In these mountains, passes
were often closed during climatic cold periods due to glacier advances. In
contrast, the route crossing Lendbreen would only have allowed horses to pass
during periods with snow covering the rough ground."
Comment: So given that the cairns "led" to the
ice pack trail, things were lost as they crossed the ice pack/snow field. Now it
melts, and things are found. There's still snow/ice, so we may see the mountain
now in similar view as the Viking travelers. So their world temps when they lost
items were similar to our world temps as we find them.
Were they worried about worried about the warm
climate, then relieved by increasing cold? Or Vice versa?
edit: This “source” article’s source article (near as I can tell):
Crossing the ice: an Iron Age to medieval mountain pass at Lendbreen, Norway ( Apr
16, 2020
The evening in basecamp was filled with excitement. It was an incredible
discovery, but we knew we had to act fast. Snow can arrive at any time in the
high mountains, burying all the artifacts beyond our reach.
Now, as in the
Viking age, there exists potential to lose things in the snow in this location.
I would guess that this snowfield will continue to melt away. But I don’t know,
that isn’t a prediction. Hopefully, global warming will continue long enough so
that we can get to the bottom of the story. Hopefully nothing gets covered up in
the process.
Elon Musk says Neuralink plans 2020 human test of brain-computer interface
( July 17, 2019
"A monkey has been able to control a computer with his brain," CEO Musk says of
his startup's brain-machine interface.
A Mushroom Extract Might Save Bees From a Killer Virus
( Oct 4, 2018
The mushrooms in question belong to the genera Fomes
and Ganoderma, better known to fungus fans as amadou and reishi.
BREAKING: North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un In ‘Grave Danger’ After Surgery,
Report Says (daily wire) Apr
20, 2020
Heart surgery or Coronavirus? Maybe he took too much
North Korea's Kim Jong Un getting treatment after heart surgery - report (jerusalem
post) Apr
21, 2020
US tries to flush out KJU
(dailywire) Apr
20, 2020
Yom Hashoah
John Parsons
The Holocaust Remembrance Day in 2020 is on Tuesday, the 21st of April
In the Jewish calander, a holiday begins on the sunset of the previous day.
Was Thomas Massie Right? Stimulus Failures Vindicate Maligned Lawmaker
(new american) Apr
17, 2020
Global warming is allowing Archeology to
prove global warming is just a cycle.
Archeology is showing this glacier to have began
ONLY about 1500 years ago.
Long-forgotten Viking mountain pass found in Norway following glacier melt
(jerusalem post) Apr
17, 2020
"Due to the warming global climate, high-elevation ice patches and glaciers have
recently yielded a myriad of historical finds for archaeologists to happen upon
as they finally gain access to these areas after the layers of ice once covering
them gradually melted away over time."
This article appears to make some (lame) attempt to merge facts on the ground
with facts in the ice. That is, the author appears unready to accept artifacts
on the ground (e.g. foundation) and wants to encapsulate it in ice (i.e. the
author references artifacts(1) that could have been in ice (knives) with artifacts
(2) that
could not have been in ice, but that were rather under the ice (shelter foundation).
(1)“Global warming is leading to the melting of mountain ice worldwide, and the
finds melting out of the ice are a result of this,”
(2)"The survey of the area surrounding the glacial highway located on the Lendbreen
ice patch uncovered over 800 artifacts, 150 sets of bones and antlers, over 100
cairns (man-made stone piles) and even the foundation of a shelter made of
So today, we are told that global warming is man made. What warmed the earth pre
ice age? Industrialization?? Cow farts???
Apr 17
Post Passover
Digression C The Holy Spirit is the Law of the New Covenant.
The Law (instruction/guide) of
Messiah (Rom 8:2) is the Holy Spirit.
Tech Giants Begin the Crackdown on Unapproved Sermons as Churches Are Forced
Online ( Apr
14, 2020
Pope's Queen of Heaven (Astarte/Easter) speach calls for universal income (marketwatch) Apr
13, 2020
‘This may be the time to consider a universal basic wage which would acknowledge
and dignify the noble, essential tasks you carry out. It would ensure and
concretely achieve the ideal, at once so human and so Christian, of no worker
without rights.’
Obviously crude oil is NOT FOSSIL FUEL
Massive Oil Discovery in Alaska to Provide More Supply as World Economy Recovers (the
new american) Apr
13, 2020
FBI Suspected Steele Dossier Claims Were Russian Disinformation (national
review) Apr
13, 2020
Four footnotes in the Inspector General report on the FBI’s Russia
investigation, which were partially declassified on Friday, indicate that the
FBI suspected that portions of the Steele dossier contained Russian
disinformation as early as 2017.
The Steele dossier eventually played a “central role” in the FBI’s application
to the FISA court to surveil Trump campaign aide Carter Page despite its dubious
Taiwan is not China
Nikki Haley calls for probe into WHO's handling of Taiwan’s coronavirus warning (taiwan
news) Apr
13, 2020
Former US ambassador to UN also warns of China’s growing influence on
multilateral organizations
“They need to be investigated. Why was it when the Taiwanese told the World
Health Organization on December 31 that they had evidence that this was human to
human transmission...Why does it take a whole month for the world health
organization to respond?” Haley said. “You want to know why that is? Because
China has kept Taiwan from being a member of the world health organization.”
Apr 17-18, 2020 Weekly Portion:
Parashat Shemini - שְּׁמִינִי
The Fed’s War on Savings (TENTH AMENDMENT CENTER) Apr
9, 2020
With the Fed slashing short-term rates to zero, the
US Federal Reserve Note has been further destroyed as a method of preserving
savings. (And negative nominal interest rates could be coming next.)
The Flintstones and the Jetsons intermarry:
Trump Signs Executive Order To Support Moon Mining, Tapping Asteroid
Resources (daily wire) Apr 8, 2020
But can't get ourselves to the ISS...
Apr 3-4, 2020 Weekly Portion:
Fake News:
Israeli Rabbi Says He's Already Holding Meetings With Messiah
(israel today) Apr 1, 2020
biggest rabbis are all afraid to leave the country lest they miss Messiah's
DEMOCRATS LIED TO SPY: House Republicans demand hearing on FBI FISA failures and
WIDESPREAD “inaccuracies" (geller report) Apr 1, 2020
Eclipsed by the
corona crisis, the Russia hoax has blown the lid off the illegal, falsified
warrants to spy on Americans. TIME FOR PROSECUTIONS.
March 2020
Ephesians Translation and
Commentary (About 76mb PDF)
By R.H. Mount
With Interlinear Translation
Note: Commentary begins @ page 1A
Insert for Apologetics 37 p15 regarding the consistent treatment of
(my comment)
New webpage - a work in
Ralph Mount's Teaching Dictionary
Mar 27-28, 2020 Weekly Portion:
"and he called"
Vayikra וַיִּקְרָא
John 6:28
They-said therefore to him, What might-we-be-doing, in-order-that
we-might-be-working the works of-the God?
John 6:29
Jesus answered and said
is the work of-the God,
with-reference-to whom that (one) dispatched.
You are getting very sleepy...
Hush little baby. Don't say a word.
Give Me Liberty Or . . . Oh Never Mind (the
washington standard) Mar
26, 2020
Papa's gonna buy you.
Trump and the rest of the Democrats get
all the Republicans to support Giant Pork Roll.
The one man with principles in Congress: Representative Thomas Massie (R-Ky.)
(the new american) Mar
27, 2020
That's one man against the One Party.
Pack of Lies:
H.R.5717 - Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020
January 30, 2020
Mr. Johnson of Georgia (for himself, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Quigley, Mr. Brown of
Maryland, Mr. Morelle, Ms. DeLauro, Mrs. Carolyn B. Maloney of New York, Mr.
Keating, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Moulton, Ms. Pressley, Mrs. Trahan, Mr. McGovern, Mr.
Danny K. Davis of Illinois, Mr. Neal, Ms. Clark of Massachusetts, and Mr.
Pascrell) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on
the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committees on Energy and Commerce, and
Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in
each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction
of the committee concerned
To end the epidemic of gun violence and build safer communities by strengthening
Federal firearms laws and supporting gun violence research, intervention, and
prevention initiatives.
Coronavirus curing Temple Mount plague??? (breaking
news Israel) Mar
21, 2020
On Sunday, the Waqf (Muslim authority) announced
that the buildings reserved for exclusive Muslim use on the Temple Mount
would be closed until further notice.
Jews can pray there now. And study the bible.
course, Jesus prayed in a garden, and he taught in the Temple. So maybe they
will hear him soon.
Weekly "portion" x2
"and he assembled"
Parashah Vayakhel - וַיַּקְהֵל
"accounting of"
Parashah Pekudei - פְקוּדֵי
The U.S. Dollar Surges Amid Coronavirus Crisis (daily wire) Mar
20, 2020
Weekly Torah Portion
Mar 13-14, 2020
"when you take"
Parashah Ki Tisa
כִּי תִשָּׂא
"redemption-back" -
–apolutroseos and
hydrocarbon...hydrogen and carbon
Crude Oil is Natural.
Petroleum seep
California has several hundred naturally occurring
seeps, found in 28 counties across the state.
Much of the petroleum discovered in
California during the 19th century was from observations of seeps.
The world's largest natural oil
seepage is Coal Oil Point in the Santa Barbara Channel, California.
Three of
the better known tar seep locations in California are McKittrick Tar Pits, Carpinteria
Tar Pits and the La Brea Tar Pits.
Offshore seeps
In the Gulf of Mexico, there are more than 600 natural oil seeps that leak
between one and five million barrels of oil per year, equivalent to roughly
80,000 to 200,000 tonnes.[41] When a petroleum seep forms underwater it may form
a peculiar type of volcano known as an asphalt volcano.
The California Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources published a map of
offshore oil seeps from Point Aguello (north of Santa Barbara) to Mexico.[42] In
addition, they published a report describing the seeps. The report also
discusses the underground blowout at Platform A which caused the 1969 Santa
Barbara oil spill. It also describes accounts from divers, who describe seepage
changes after the 1971 San Fernando earthquake.[43]
In Utah, there are natural oil seeps at Rozel Point on the Great Salt Lake.[44]
The oil seeps at Rozel Point can be seen when the lake level drops below an
elevation of approximately 4,198 feet (1,280 m); if the lake level is higher,
the seeps are underwater. The seeps can be found by going to the Golden Spike
historical site, and from there, following signs for the Spiral Jetty. Both
fresh tar seeps and re-worked tar (tar caught by the waves and thrown up on the
rocks) are visible at the site.
The petroleum seeping at Rozel Point is high in sulfur, but has no hydrogen
sulfide.[45] This may be related to deposition in a hypersaline lacustrine
Oil in the Sea III: Inputs, Fates, and Effects. 2003
Weekly Torah Portion
Mar 6-7, 2020
shall command"
Parashah Tetzaveh - תְּצַוֶּה
“make known unto them the form of the house”
“write it in their sight”
1 Corinthians 3:16
"Are YOU not knowing
absolutely that
YOU are the
– naos]
of the God,
and the spirit of God is dwelling
[οἰκεῖ - oikei]
in YOU?"
"It's for their own good" Department:
Another African Tragedy (daily wire) Mar 6, 2020
“A primary reason this plague of
locusts has overwhelmed East Africa — indeed, perhaps THE primary reason — is
that the UN Food and Agricultural Organization, other UN agencies and multiple
environmentalist NGOs have been extolling and imposing ‘agroecology’ on Africa.
This highly politicized ‘movement’ rabidly opposes hybrid seeds, synthetic
insecticides and fertilizers, biotechnology, and even mechanized equipment like
February 2020
AOC in the news:
Orphan monkeys forced to serve beers and play with kids in 'bar jobs'...
In the things seen decades ago department:
The Tax Poem
Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table,
At which he's fed.
Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes
Are the rule.
Tax his work, Tax his pay, He works for peanuts anyway!
Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants,
Tax his coat.
Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work,
Tax his dirt.
Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he
Tries to think.
Tax his cigars, Tax his beers, If he cries Tax his tears.
Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways
To tax his ass.
Tax all he has Then let him know
That you won't be done Till he has no dough.
When he screams and hollers; Then tax him some more, Tax him till He's good and
Then tax his coffin, Tax his grave, Tax the sod in Which he's laid...
Put these words Upon his tomb, Taxes drove me to my doom...'
When he's gone, Do not relax, Its time to apply The inheritance tax.
Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Excise Taxes
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax (currently 44.75 cents per gallon)
Gross Receipts Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Personal Property Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service Charge Tax
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Sales Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was the most
prosperous in the world.
We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world,
and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
What in the heck happened? Can you spell 'politicians?'
I hope this goes around THE USA at least 545 times!!! YOU can help it get
---Charley Reese
Differences Between Capitalism and Socialism
Excepts and [comments]:
"What is Capitalism?
Capitalism is an economic system where the means of production are owned by
private individuals. "Means of production" refers to resources including money
and other forms of capital. [Check your currency to see if it says "Federal
Reserve Note" or if it has your name on it.]
Under capitalism, companies live by the motivation for profit. They exist to
make money. Under capitalism, it's the government's job to enforce laws and
regulations to make sure there is a level playing field for privately-run
companies. [Hence the Colorado Contractor's Assn./Mafia. Hence building permits,
etc. Rules, regs, taxes, all so often under the guise of "for our safety".]
What is Socialism?
Everyone works for their own good and for the good of everyone else. The
government decides how wealth is distributed among public institutions.
["Everyone works". Interesting that it is the Capitalists that actually say that
is how it should be. Yet those clamoring for socialism are not willing to
work. Boy are they in for a surprise.]
Mixed Economies
Most countries have a blended economic system including elements
of both capitalism and socialism. In many socialist countries, as in Sweden,
there are also still private businesses. In the U.S., there are many
government-run programs that are funded through taxes, including Social
Security, Medicaid, banking bailouts, and public schools."
[Everyone loves them some free baby sitting. And
bank bailouts prove the god to which all labor for in this age - the dollar - is
a figment of crafty imaginations.]
Jewish Americans will vote for any Democrat over Trump, says new survey (jerusalem
post) Feb 29, 2020
A majority of respondents said they believe “President Trump at least is
partially responsible for the targeted attacks on synagogues in recent years,”
and 45% said they believed Trump was emboldening far-right extremists and white
nationalists, up from 38% a year ago.
The survey found that a majority of respondents — 66% of whom identified as
Democrats and 26% as Republicans — favored Trump’s positions on a handful of
Israel issues, including his overall performance on “U.S.-Israel relations.” But
while 91% of respondents said they are “generally pro-Israel,” only 32%
indicated that Israel is one of their most important voting issues.
Blinded to The Light:
Passover Lamb could be Sacrificed on Temple Mount for first Time in 2,000 Years (breaking
israel) Feb 27, 2020
Thanks to Trump
As the result of the recent “Deal of the Century” Mideast peace plan, the
Sanhedrin has petitioned the Israeli government, filing to receive permits that
would allow priests to carry out the ritual of the Pesach (Passover) sacrifice
that will be transported to the temple mount and removed immediately after the
ceremony. This event would be the first time in 2000 years!
The Sanhedrin emphasized that the plan to bring the altar to the Temple Mount
was entirely consistent with President Trump’s recently released Deal of the
Century which recognized Israel’s full sovereignty over the site.
“People of every faith should be permitted to pray on the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif,
in a manner that is fully respectful to their religion, taking into account the
times of each religion’s prayers and holidays, as well as other religious
factors” the text of the deal reads.
“Just like King Cyrus, this declaration by Donald Trump opens the door for the
Jews to build the Temple. It is now up to us to take the next step forward. This
is a watershed point in history. Once we bring the altar to the Temple Mount,
even for the sacrifice of one lamb, there is no turning back. The prophesied
next step is inevitable.”
“This may have sounded drastic not so long ago but today, when faced with the coronavirus, climate change, and rogue nations, people of faith are certainly
praying for the Temple service to begin immediately,” Rabbi Meir Halevi
Donald Trump: Ash Wednesday a ‘Powerful and Sacred Tradition’ (breitbart)
Feb 26, 2020
“This powerful and sacred
tradition reminds us of our shared mortality,
Christ’s saving love, and the need to repent and accept the Gospel more fully
[reflects a true need],” Trump wrote.
Here's a recipe and some commentary on Hot
Cross Buns (related to Ash Wednesday's pagan origins)
from an apparently pagan site:
On Good Friday, it is the custom in Britain to
eat round, fruit-filled buns with a cross decoration on top. The combination of
cross and round bun recalls the pre-christian Celtic Cross, which represented
the union of male and female. The phallic cross within the yonic circle would be
appropriate for this time of fertility (Spring). Hot cross buns are descendants
of the cakes offered by the Greeks to goddesses Artemis and Hecate. These cakes
were round symbolizing the Full Moon, and were decorated with horns that formed
a cross-shape and represented the four quarters of the lunar cycle.
Hot-cross buns are eaten throughout the spring season, but in ancient Babylon
the Chaldeans used to offer them to the queen of heaven (Ishtar) on the day now
known as Good Friday. The ancient Greeks made similar wheat cakes marked with a
cross or "horns", called a "bous", in honor of Apollo, Diana, Hecate and the
moon (the latter also being Diana's symbol).
The cross represents the four seasons, or the four phases of the moon, and are
on the sacrificial bread of the lunar goddesses of many cultures. They are found
from Egypt to the Aztecs of Mexico. A circle with a cross (the female symbol)
was often set up on top of a pillar (representing the male)-the whole
representing union or fertility. It is also interesting that the biological
symbol for female remains a circle with a cross beneath (the symbol for Venus).
Hot cross buns were also believed to last twelve months without turning mouldy,
which was of great use during Pagan times when the storage of food was
imperative for survival. It was believed that they would protect against evil
forces and fire if hung in the kitchen. Sailors believed that hot cross buns
would protect against shipwreck if taken to sea. Farmers in certain parts of
England (UK) also believed that they would protect the granary against rats.
Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew
Old News:
Viruses-lots of them-are falling from the sky (eastern
NM News) Feb 6 , 2018
The study marks the first time scientists have quantified the viruses being
swept up from the Earth’s surface into the free troposphere, that layer of
atmosphere beyond Earth’s weather systems but below the stratosphere where jet
airplanes fly. The viruses can be carried thousands of kilometres there before
being deposited back onto the Earth’s surface.
Parashah Mishpatim
The “decrees” of Yeshua
The Law of the New
Covenant is The Holy Spirit.
New Updates to
Vaccine Education
The Colorado battle
continues...HB20-163 School Entry Immunization
Text (PDF):
Commentary on
from Colene Elaine:
My personal thoughts an
If health freedom concerns you, please be aware of what is going on that is
going to rape you of your freedom and privacy.
SB20-163 - This bill is a very deceptive and manipulative way to
force injections and mandate vaccinations. This is a forced vaccination
Are You Ready To Meet the Babies In Your
Next Vaccines?
(wakingtimes) Sept 14, 2019
NOTE: 67 abortions to
produce rubella virus plus 32 abortions to produce the cell line for
cultivation means there was a total of at least 99 elective abortions to
create the rubella vaccine alone. (source)
Great links on this site, here's a sample:
Vaccine Guide
Very straightforward, easy
to follow information. Super links,
example regarding polio vaccines:
ANALYSIS: Turkey now
technically at war with Russia and Syria (israel
national news) Feb 20, 2020
Feb 14-15, 2020
Parashah Yitro - יִתְרו
"Missing" Haftarah portion.
A child is born, a son is given: When?
Ten Commandments. And then some.
The Law of the New Covenant.
Ones sitting in darkness.
Oh, we know.
Sickness to Socialism: Leftists Are More Likely to Have Mental Problems,
Survey Shows
(new american) Feb 14, 2020
Democrats are more likely than Republicans to be depressed
(buzzfeed) May 17, 2013
Republicans Report Much Better Mental Health Than Others
( Nov 30, 2007
@Real Valentine's Day
WSJ: No Sex ‘Spectrum’ Beyond Male and Female
(breitbart) Feb 14, 2020
Attorney General Barr Indicts 8 For Illegally Funneling Foreign Money To
Adam Schiff And Multiple Dem Senators (jerusalem
post) Feb 10, 2020
Mr Whipple and a bunch of Muslims?
A federal grand jury in the District of Columbia indicted Ahmad Khawaja, 48,
of Los Angeles, California, on Nov. 7, 2019, along with George Nader, Roy
Boulos, Rudy Dekermenjian, Mohammad “Moe” Diab, Rani El-Saadi, Stevan Hill
and Thayne Whipple.
Out of
Control Beast
Wickard v. Filburn: The Supreme Court Case That Gave the Federal Government
Nearly Unlimited Power ( Feb 7, 2020
Parashah Beshalach -
"when he sent away"
PDF: about 55
Bible study notes on:
The Law of the New Covenant is the Holy Spirit
One New Man In Messiah
The deeply set Jerusalem
Trump's freeze on Israel home building
appears to be Straight faced anti-Zionism
US security chief: Aliyah surge could make two-state solution impossible (jerusalem
post) Feb 6, 2020
If the Palestinians accept the plan, “Palestine
could become the Singapore of the Middle East,” O’Brien stated.
“The Israeli birthrate is strong, and sadly,
because of antisemitism, Jews are returning to Israel,” O’Brien said in a
threat assessment briefing on Wednesday to an audience of ambassadors and
State Department officials. “If the [settlement] freeze doesn’t hold and
peace process doesn’t work, it may be physically impossible to have a
two-state solution for the Israelis and Palestinians in the not too distant
January 2020
Jan 31, 2020 (sunset) - Feb1,
2020 (sunset)
Parashah Bo -
Astronomy vs.
There’s a mention of God’s astronomy vs. Satan’s astrology in
(a) Passover Haggadah
2022 (for Christians) @Digression
2 Part A, pp41:
Here’s an excerpt with links from page 46:
three books are Mazzaroth: Or the Constellations by Frances Rolleston
(London: Rivingtons, 1862), Gospel in the Stars by Joseph Seiss
(Philadelphia, 1882), and Witness of the Stars by E.W. Bullinger (London,
1893). All are currently in print, the former having been reprinted recently
by Weiser Books (2001) and the latter much earlier by Kregel (1972, 1967).
Rolleston did most of the original work, but her book was almost totally
ignored, partly because it is mostly a set of notes, which she expected
readers to link together. The work was first popularized by Seiss, a
Lutheran minister in America and then Bullinger in England. Each of them
contributed something to the theory, and for many decades those two books
were the only voices supporting the belief. Then in the last few decades,
the cause has been espoused by many new adherents,
but to the best of my knowledge, no one has contributed anything new in the
last century.
Thus a review of those three books covers most of what has been done on the
John P. Pratt
Pratt has a webpage titled “Answering Objections to
Gospel in the Stars”
located on the following link:
For more info on this subject refer to the following books:
The Witness of the Stars
is available online here:
is available online here:
Gospel in the Stars
by Joseph Seiss
The Two Babylons,
by Hislop, is also available online and is a great source of info on the
pagan/Christian religious mix-up-mess.
Jan 24-24, 2020
Parashah Va'era
"and I appeared"
New Printout:
Parashah Va'era PDF -
Red Flags Fly
Trump unveils Middle East peace plan with two-state solution
(fox news) Jan 28, 2020
This plan will double Palestinian territory and set the capital of the
Palestinian state in eastern Jerusalem
The plan also includes a map of a contiguous Palestinian state in the
West Bank, with a proposed tunnel to connect the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
There would also be land swaps south of Gaza to give the Palestinians more
As part of the plan, Israel has agreed
to halt settlement construction for four years
There is a plan that over time, Palestinians would be able to achieve some
civil sovereignty in the Jordan Valley
The officials portrayed the plan as Israel agreeing to massive concessions
without jeopardizing its security,
amounting to a serious good-faith effort
that Israel has agreed to negotiate.
This was brought about by lies and trickery:
The officials said the plan is realistic
and Israel is prepared to follow through with it.
They also argue that the Trump administration’s moves to relocate the embassy
and recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan were important
confidence-building measures that led to this plan.
Trump's "great" plan stops Jews from building in
US Amb. Friedman: Before annexing settlements, committee approval needed
(jerusalem post) Jan 29, 2020
"The agreement that we have with the Prime Minister [Benjamin Netanyahu] is that
in exchange for Israel agreeing to freeze the territory that is allocated to
a [future] Palestinian state and accepting our plan, we will form a joint
committee to convert the conceptual map into more details, and calibrated, so
recognition could be immediately achieved,"
Trumps summary of his plan to create a Palestinian state
for mideast peace:
“a good start.”
(jewish press) Jan 28, 2020
Trump believes his plan is good for the Palestinians,
“even too good,” as he put it. He speculated that they would eventually support
his deal, noting that many Arab countries already support it and call it “a good
Prime Minister Netanyahu, for his part, said that the deal of the century was a
“once in a century opportunity and we will not miss it.”
High End Sales:
Nikki Haley: This is the Palestinians' last chance
(israel national news) Jan 28, 2020
Trump Doublespeak:
Donald Trump announces his Middle East peace plan
(youtube) Jan 28, 2020
17:20 "Jerusalem will remain Israel's
undivided capital"
22:19 "this map will more than
double the Palestinian territory and provide a Palestinian capital in
Eastern Jerusalem where America will proudly open and an Embassy"
Beware of the forked-tongue.
It's primarily for advancing a Palestinian State,
If that doesn't happen, the "deal" is off:
Kushner: ‘Palestinians’ Will Likely Botch Chance for Statehood, But Israel
Shouldn’t Start Annexing
(jewish press) Jan 30, 2020
Walking back his father-in-law’s invitation for Israel
to impose its sovereignty on its share of Judea and Samaria, which was followed
by an outright urging by US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman (Ambassador
Friedman: Go Annex Those Settlements, What Are You Waiting For?), Kushner
now talks about
setting up a committee to decide exactly when
Israel may legalize its communities in the 1967 liberated territories.
Kushner: Sovereignty should only be applied after Israeli election (israel
national news) Jan 30, 2020
“The hope is that they’ll wait till after the
election, and we’ll work with them to
try to come up with something,” -
“We’ve agreed with them on forming a technical team to
studying taking the conceptual map.
The Jordan Valley can mean a lot of
different things,” he
continued. “I want to make sure that we
have all of the parameters defined
and that we have also a situation
where we know what the freeze is.”
So then, there is no plan
FOR Israel after all.
Pompeo: Palestinians are welcome to present a counter offer (israel
national news) Jan 30, 2020
Israel gets no such option
Israel is the apple of God's eye. That is, God is so close to Israel that
Israel is the reflection seen in God's eye.
deal of the century (david's tent) Jan 27, 2020
Dividing up the land, Hamas, Peace process,
sketchy details:
*Other Jewish settlements will be evacuated
*The Western Wall will remain under Jewish control, the Temple Mount under
Jordanian/PA administration
*Parts of Jerusalem outside the security barrier (East Jerusalem Arab
neighborhoods) will be incorporated into Palestinian Jerusalem
*A demilitarized Palestinian state will eventually be established on
70% of the West Bank
One of the clearest passages dealing with the return of Messiah Yeshua describes
how He will judge all nations based on their actions regarding the Jewish
integrity of Jerusalem:
“For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of
Judah and Jerusalem – I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the
valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf
of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the
nations, and they have divided up My land” (Joel 3:1-2)
President Trump has done more for the security and the protection of the Jewish
people than any other U.S. President bar none. But it is important to remember
that the Bible trumps the perspectives of even the best U.S. President. Daniel
Pipes wryly notes, “So far, Trump has been ‘the most pro-Israel president ever,’
but as the Bible reminds us, ‘put not your trust in princes’” (Psalm 118:9).
Please read this good timeline of
The Middle East Crisis in Biblical Perspective
(christ in prophecy) Jan 29, 2020
What are the spiritual roots of the Arab-Israeli conflict? Can the conflict be
solved politically?
3) American Pressure — Because the United States is Israel’s only ally in the
world, they are particularly responsive to pressure from us. We may be their
only ally, but we have been unwilling to come down decisively on their side
because of our interest in procuring Arab oil and our desire to build an Arab
coalition against terrorism. We are the ones, in fact, who forced them to the
negotiating table to trade land for peace. It all occurred in 1991 when the
Soviet Union collapsed and a flood of Jewish refugees began to return to Israel.
For over a year, 2,000 to 3,000 refugees arrived each day! The Israeli
government was swamped by the demands for food and housing and jobs. They
appealed to the world bank for a $5 billion loan. The bank responded by saying
they would provide the loan only if it were guaranteed by the United States.
The Bush Administration dug in its heels and demanded that the Israelis start
trading land for peace in order to get the loan guarantee. That is how the
Israelis got started down the self-destructive road of appeasement.
Reservations about the Trump Peace Plan
(daniel pipes) Jan 29, 2020
That said, I am not delighted with the plan, and for two main reasons.
First, who needs it?
Second, it won't work.
PA Spent $150 M. on Stipends for Terrorists in 2019, a 3% Increase
(jewish press) Jan 30, 2020
Note that LITERALLY at the same time that Trump
and Netanyahu agree to part God's land,
that Trump impeachment trial in Senate looks to
bring in witnesses (update: they didn't),
and Netanyahu gets indicted on three counts of
Indictments in 3 corruption cases issued against Netanyahu
(israel national news) Jan 28, 2020
Yesha Council chair:
'Shocked that PM agreed to Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria'
(israel national news) Jan 28, 2020
We cannot agree to a plan that would
include the establishment of a Palestinian state that would pose a threat to the
State of Israel and a great danger to the future.”
The Sovereignty Movement/Women In Green Rejects to the “Deal of the Century”
(jewish press) Jan 28, 2020
So, if you were paying attention to Trump's
release video speech, you caught that he was campaigning FOR Netanyahu's
opposition while Netanyahu stood by his side. Apparently Trump is hoping that
the settler Jews will vote politically left to vote against this "deal"?? Thus we
see the Trump admin. changing parameters and now saying Israel/Netanyahu cannot
claim any new sovereignty.
Very Odd.
Jan 27 2020
I well remember a girl...
"I well remember a girl, slim and
with black hair, who, as she passed close to me, pointed to herself and said,
May God Richly Bless
Miss Twenty Three.
Today's Islam in Congress:
Second Report Emerges Confirming Feds Reviewing Claims That Ilhan Omar Married
(dailywire) Jan 26, 2020
Nigerian pastor who praised God in ransom video beheaded after refusing to deny
(christian post) Jan 25, 2020
The Dead Sea will come to life someday.
It won't happen due to man's intervention in
"climate change".
New River Exposed in Israel, Mired in Secrecy and Landmines
(jewish press) Jan 20, 2020
Some decommissioned cold war era missile sites in Colorado, Nebraska &

Apparently a lot of people missed this!
There are also some just to the east of

The photos are intentionally low res....have
fun hunting!
One of these former missile sites is for sale
I posted this on a Facebook photography group, and some
commenters said some of these were active. But that's Facebook.
Last year GSA sold quite a few sites at auction, so I
would think those are not active.
If you must know these deep secret
As of 1/30, still being spread by international
Fact checking?
Social Media Posts Spread Bogus Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory instead reveals that CDC has patent for SARS
virus. So that makes everyone believe their report.
One patent is for a genetic sequence of
the virus that causes SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome, a disease
that spread to dozens of countries in 2003, sickening more than 8,000 people and
killing 774.
“The sequencing was done at the CDC during the SARS outbreak and they
were the ones that filed the patent,” Matthew Frieman, a coronavirus researcher
at the University of Maryland, explained in an email.
The CDC told the Associated Press in 2003 that the agency was claiming ownership
to ensure access, and to prevent others from controlling the technology.
As for a vaccine, the CDC says it is
already working on one with the NIH,
but that it is still early in the
process. Fauci explained in his Scientific American interview that the agency is
partnering with Moderna, a biotech company, to create a messenger RNA-based
vaccine. (in other words, the CDC
& NIH are messing with the coronavirus) also reveals that a drug company is indeed
manipulating a similar virus to their desires.
The other supposedly related patent is for a
mutated form of avian infectious bronchitis virus, or IBV, which infects
poultry, but not people. The patent was filed by the Pirbright Institute, a
research institute in the U.K. whose mission is to prevent and control “viral
diseases of livestock.” The mutations were created to attenuate, or weaken,
the virus, so that it could be used as a vaccine to protect chickens from the
national review peddles vaccines
but inadvertently admits they don't work as well as
The CDC and its allied agencies in
other countries have a lot of experience in dealing with potential pandemics.
They were able to control both SARS and Ebola, and I have confidence in their
assessment of the current threat. I’m not canceling any of my travel plans. But
going forward, if our government wants to increase the health and economic
security of its citizens, it will focus like a laser on improving our ability to
develop and manufacture new vaccines and therapeutics in response to new
When a new contagion appears, events move swiftly, and the situation is always
fluid. I consider it a good sign that the Chinese are imposing quarantines
in a number of cities and public places. They are trying to get ahead of the
disease, and at this point international public-health authorities think they
will succeed even without an effective vaccine.
The Center for Health Security at Johns
Hopkins periodically conducts tabletop exercises to educate policymakers and
the public about the dangers of a pandemic. The latest exercise last October
dealt with a virus that, in the space of 18 months, killed 65 million people,
reduced global GDP by 11 percent, and caused stock markets around the world to
lose 20 to 40 percent of their value.
As it happens, the hypothetical pathogen in the scenario was a coronavirus.
So then, the coronavirus event is a planned
for event, if not a planned event.
It's been said:
"What doesn't kill me makes me stronger".
So anyway, China can stand to loose a big
percentage of their population, and still be bigger than anyone else.
Torah portion for
Jan 17-18, 2020
Shemot שְׁמֹו
Shemot PDF -
of world leaders in Israel. Why?
Hopefully, in support of Israel.
this is also coming someday:
Ezekiel 38
38 And the word of Jehovah came unto me,
saying, 2 Son of man, set thy face toward Gog, of the land of Magog, the
prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him, 3 and say,
Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, prince of
Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal: 4 and I will turn thee about, and put hooks into
thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and
horsemen, all of them clothed in full armor, a great company with buckler
and shield, all of them handling swords: 5 Persia, Cush, and Put with them,
all of them with shield and helmet; 6 Gomer, and all his hordes; the house
of Togarmah in the uttermost parts of the north, and all his hordes; even
many peoples with thee.
7 Be thou prepared, yea, prepare thyself, thou, and all thy companies that
are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them. 8 After many days
thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the
land that is brought back from the sword, that is gathered out of many
peoples, upon the mountains of Israel, which have been a continual waste;
but it is brought forth out of the peoples, and they shall dwell securely,
all of them. 9 And thou shalt ascend, thou shalt come like a storm, thou
shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy hordes, and many
peoples with thee.
10 Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: It shall come to pass in that day, that
things shall come into thy mind, and thou shalt devise an evil device:
11 and thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will
go to them that are at rest, that dwell securely, all of them dwelling
without walls, and having neither bars nor gates; 12 to take the spoil and
to take the prey; to turn thy hand against the waste places that are now
inhabited, and against the people that are gathered out of the nations, that
have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the middle of the earth. 13
Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions
thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take the spoil? hast thou
assembled thy company to take the prey? to carry away silver and gold, to
take away cattle and goods, to take great spoil?
14 Therefore, son of man, prophesy, and say unto Gog, Thus saith the Lord
Jehovah: In that day when my people Israel dwelleth securely, shalt thou not
know it? 15 And thou shalt come from thy place out of the uttermost parts of
the north, thou, and many peoples with thee, all of them riding upon horses,
a great company and a mighty army; 16 and thou shalt come up against my
people Israel, as a cloud to cover the land: it shall come to pass in the
latter days, that I will bring thee against my land, that the nations may
know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.
17 Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Art thou he of whom I spake in old time by
my servants the prophets of Israel, that prophesied in those days for many
years that I would bring thee against them? 18 And it shall come to pass in
that day, when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord
Jehovah, that my wrath shall come up into my nostrils. 19 For in my jealousy
and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be
a great shaking in the land of Israel; 20 so that the fishes of the sea, and
the birds of the heavens, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping
things that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the face of
the earth, shall shake at my presence, and the mountains shall be thrown
down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the
ground. 21 And I will call for a sword against him unto all my mountains,
saith the Lord Jehovah: every man’s sword shall be against his brother. 22
And with pestilence and with blood will I enter into judgment with him; and
I will rain upon him, and upon his hordes, and upon the many peoples that
are with him, an overflowing shower, and great hailstones, fire, and
brimstone. 23 And I will magnify myself, and sanctify myself, and I will
make myself known in the eyes of many nations; and they shall know that I am
"Therefore, watch".
"They (plural) parted my land".
Joel 3:2
I will gather all nations, and will bring
them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will execute judgment upon
them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have
scattered among the nations: and they have parted my land,
France/Macron demands sovereign authority in Israel
(the guardian) Jan 22, 2020
The Muslims "gave" part of God's land to France:
As a gift for his help in the Crimean war, the
Ottoman Sultan Abdülmecid handed the basilica to the French emperor Napoleon
III in 1856. Its grounds are still considered French territory.
Moron Macron Meets with Terrorist Abbas before Holocaust Memorial
(jewish press) Jan 22, 2020
Thus proving that his attendance at the Holocaust
Memorial is a farce.
Putin to Meet Holocaust Denier Abbas in Bethlehem following International
Holocaust Forum in Jerusalem
(jewish press) Jan 23, 2020
Abaas' henchman says
"the visit confirms Russia’s firm stance toward the
two-state solution and the establishment of the Palestinian state with East
Jerusalem as its capital on the June 4, 1967 borders."
- and that is probably true.
Abbas dismissed as a “myth” and “fantastic lie”
that six million Jews had died in the Holocaust, writing that the real
figure of Jews killed by Germans was at most “890,000” or “a few hundred
thousand.” He claimed the 6 million figure had been exaggerated for
political purposes:
Netanyahu still Prime Minister, somehow. And
for some reason, he invites opposition party to Trump Deal of Century
with the backstory of scads of World leaders in Israel, some showing boldly
showing their false pretenses:
Trump to Release ‘Deal of the Century’ Before Next Tuesday
(jewish press) Jan 24, 2020
love deals"
Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem (Jesus' presence)
Does the Sages’
interpretation (Drash) of the Jewish Scriptures try to conceal Jesus from
(one for israel) Jan 22, 2020
Yes, it does!
Martin Luther King: The Celebration of a Myth
(the new american) Jan 20, 2020
Martin Luther King was an evil fraud?
(dailymail) May 26, 2019
Apparently, yes.
Web search results:
The young and the restless I-have-a-dreamers
Almost 40% of the world’s countries will witness civil unrest in 2020, research
(cnbc) Jan 16, 2020
Revelation 8:1 And at-the-time-that he-opened the seal namely-the seventh,
silence came-to-pass in the heaven as half-an-hour.
v2 And I-saw the seven angels the (ones) having-stood-and-still-standing
in-sight of-the God, and seven trumpets were-given to-them.
v10 And the third angel sounded-a-trumpet; and (a) great star being-burned as
(a) torch fell out-of the heaven, and it-fell on the third of-the rivers and on
the springs of-the waters.
v11 And the name of-the star is-being-said, the wormwood. And the third of-the
waters became (bitter) with-reference-to wormwood, and many of-the MEN died-off
out-of the waters because they-were-made-bitter.
Now, while the timeline of those scriptures does not fit
Small Pests, Big Problems: The Global Spread of Bark Beetles
(yale edu) Sept 21, 2017
By Cheryl Katz • September 21, 2017
With the beetles now moving into tree species that haven’t been attacked in the
past and lack natural defenses, the potential for wildlife consequences has
Beetle epidemics may also threaten water resources.
In forested mountain
watersheds such as in the Colorado River Basin, which is the main source of
water for Western states, the bulk of the annual precipitation falls as snow.
Without sheltering tree cover, the snowpack could melt earlier, sending much of
it down the river weeks before the peak agricultural demands of summer.
Scientists say that the loss of large swaths of conifers could also turn forests
from carbon sinks into carbon sources as infested stands of pine, spruce, and
fir stop absorbing CO2, die, and rot, releasing stored carbon.
Scientists say those trees may not come back as droughts kill seedlings and
changing climatic conditions drive the ecosystem beyond a tipping point. “I do
think we’ll see some conifer forests transition to oak woodlands,” says Fettig.
“Some will transition to shrublands or grasslands.” Large pines and spruce may
give way to smaller, scrubbier fir.
Once upon a time, this was common sense'
Now, not a lot of people know:
Deforestation Makes Droughts Worse
March 7, 2013
Contrary to conventional wisdom, an estimated 62 percent of precipitation occurs
over land as a result of evapotranspiration from lakes and wetlands and dense
vegetation, particularly forests, which pump ground water into the sky. The
moisture then condenses and falls as rain.
Only about 38 percent of the precipitation is generated over oceans and seas.
Trees actually do two processes. They drill water into the ground. They funnel
water into underground aquifers where it is stored to supply rivers during
They also hold soil. Where there are no trees, the soil is washed away into
“The loss of ground cover due to deforestation resulted in flash floods during
heavy rainfall, leading to soil erosion. That is the start of desertification."
The Family of Man
The Family of Man, however, was never an avant-garde or even particularly
innovative exhibition. Its general message – that all people are similar in
their joys, pain, and work – was not especially thought-provoking, unexpected,
or radical.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Environmentalists Want To Take Your Food, Your Home, And Your Children
(sultanknish) Jan 13, 2020
Pope “Hates the West, Aspires to Destroy It” and “Destroy the Christian
(geller report) Jan 12, 2020
By Robert Spencer
The papacy is the man of the lawlessness.
"Come out"
“Leave them; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both
will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14)
come out from Babylon (Roman Catholic Church, Rev.18:4; Prov.6:24, 2Cor.6:17)
Rev. 18:4 And I-heard another voice out-of the heaven saying: YOU-come-out,
my people, out-of her, in-order-that YOU-might not participate-with her sins,
and in-order-that YOU-might not take out-of her blows.
If you have studied history along with your New Testament scriptures, then you
are not surprised by the popes' actions. The crescent moons on the Ostensorium
and mosque spires reflect the same original moon god/goddess worship system.
The papacy is "the man of the lawlessness"
Jan 10-11, 2020
Parashah Vayechi (online) -
"and he lived"
New Printout:
Vayechi PDF -
Vote NO on 107
today's bad gasoline
Jihad Arson
Muslim Arsonist Accused of Starting Aussie Grass Fire Laughs As He Leaves Court
(geller report) Jan 11, 2020
Jerusalem Post Health & Science
FDA approves Israel's IceCure tumor-treating tech for liver, kidney cancer
(the blaze) Jan 9, 2020
IceCure uses probes to freeze tumors, killing the tissue. The tumor then
disperses naturally.
The Mark of the Beast?
or just
a mark of the Beast?
"Once in compliance, students may return to school."
(the blaze) Jan 9, 2020
Israeli tech company making water from air gets top honor in Las Vegas
(jerusalem post) Jan 9, 2020
Last year, the company's large-scale system was donated
to authorities in Brazil, Vietnam and India. It also assisted rescue and
recovery efforts during the 2018 California wildfires and provided clean water
to the residents of Texas and Florida in the aftermath of the devastation caused
by hurricanes Harvey and Irma.
The large-scale version, called Gen-L, can produce up to 5,000 liters of clean
water a day, requiring no infrastructure other than a standard electricity
the eighth of January
Iran is a terrorist state
(dailywire) Jan 8, 2020
Why We Are a Republic, Not a Democracy
(walter williams) Jan 19, 2018
Australia arrests 183 for setting bushfires that celebrities claim were caused
by climate change
(geller report) Jan 6, 2020
Jan 3-4, 2020
Parashah Vayigash (online) - וַיִּגַּשׁ
"and he drew near"
New Printout:
Vayigash PDF -
Evil Muslims:
Iraq Votes To Kick U.S. Out, Trump Drops The Hammer In Response
(daily wire) Jan 5, 2020
Iranian "leader" Trump took out previously hired the Mexican Cartel to
blow up a Washington restaurant
( Jan 4, 2020
Barack Obama welcomed leader of US embassy attack to the White House
(sara carter) Jan 2, 2020
Pappa Frenchy slaps cross-your-heart-bra-woman silly with
the old "pope-a-dope" move:
Pope apologizes after slapping woman's hand
(disrn) Jan 1, 2020
It's a new day, It's a new dawn video:
Did I hear the pope say "Happy New Year, wench!"
2020 News Links
2019 News Links
December 2019
Out with a bang:
Will they say goodbye or will they let it ride?
Obama, Comey, Clinton Collusion and High Crimes
( Dec 30, 2019
I suspect that they will let it ride.
Climate....change? or Seasonal weather?
What happened to the
blizzard of...
and older and newer dates, on and on. Almost like's just weather.
Iran, Turkey sign religious cooperation agreement
(middle east monitor) Dec 27, 2019
Daniel Pipes:
"It's ominous development
that the two Islamist powerhouses are cooperating. But it's a sign of
desperation when Sunnis and Shi`is make common cause"
Such a popular moniker.
Trump issues fewest government regulations in 44 years
( Dec
31, 2019
Mexican Government, Drug Cartels: Potayto, Potahto.
Mexican official with suspected cartel ties arrested in connection to Mormon
family Massacre
(sara carter) Dec
27, 2019
Beam me up Department:
Physicists Just Achieved The First-Ever Quantum Teleportation Between Computer
(science alert) Dec
26, 2019
Israeli Researchers Make
Breakthrough in the Fight Against Lupus
(jewish press) Dec
26, 2019
Dec 27-28, 2019
Parashah Miketz (online) מִקֵּץ
"at the end of"
New Printout:
Miketz PDF -
Bar-Ilan, Stanford, Researchers Find Treatment for Macular Degeneration
(jewish press) Dec
27, 2019
Judicial Watch Files House Ethics Complaint against Rep. Ilhan Omar over
Potential Immigration, Marriage, Tax, and Student Loan Fraud
(judicial watch) Dec
23, 2019
Bring Out Your Dead!
'Tis the Jolly
Christ Mass Season
Greeting Time

Say it like
you mean
20-21, 2019
Vayeshev (online)וַיֵּשֶׁב
"and he settled"
New Printout:
Vayeshev PDF -
Immigration Will Dramatically Shift The Electoral College
In Favor Of Democrats, Study Finds
(geller report) Dec
20, 2019
Five myths about Hanukkah
(washington post) Dec 2, 2015
But as rulers who subsequently established the Hasmonean dynasty, these rebels
quickly realized that their survival involved playing the game of regional
politics — and the way to do that was by none other than adopting Hellenism. “It
was a kind of necessity,” Baumgarten says. “The Seleucid dynasty to which
Antiochus and his successors belonged was split between two rival families that
were fighting each other over generations, and the Maccabees had to play one
branch off each other. If you backed the wrong horse in this ongoing civil war,
you could end up losing your status and your head. . . . So although the
Maccabees started as opponents of Hellenism, they soon become among its most
enthusiastic admirers and adopters.”
This meant, for instance, aping Greek models of government and negotiation, and
establishing an assembly to vote a ruler into power — a practice with no
precedent in Jewish tradition.
The miraculous-oil story seems to be a rabbinic invention transmitted hundreds
of years after it allegedly occurred. After the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70
A.D., the Jews were expelled, and religious authority was transferred from
Temple priests to diaspora rabbis, who came to codify the Babylonian Talmud as a
central text of Jewish law, ethics and customs. In the middle of the Talmudic
tractate discussing the proper way to light candles on the Sabbath, as a
footnote that seems almost an afterthought, the rabbis included a discussion of
Hanukkah candle-lighting along with a telling of the miracle of the oil. It’s
this written account that made the story last.
Why I don't celebrate Hanukkah\BIBLE\hanukkah_habakkuk_maccabees_faith.htm
The story about the oil IS A
Just Ask A Rabbi:
The Legend of Hanukkah
2 Timothy 4:3
For (a) season will-be when they-will not tolerate the healthy teaching,
BUT according-to their-own desires they-will-heap-on to-themselves teachers
having-themselves the hearing itching,
4 And on-the-one-hand they-will-turn-back the hearing from the truth,
on-the-other-hand they-will-be-diverted
upon the legends.
Winter solstice 2019: Why do pagans celebrate the shortest day of the year?*
Dec 18, 2019 House impeaches President Trump. (Not
So, Democrats against Trump, blah, blah, and blah.
Reality: Trump, Dems and Reps use impeachment as false
flag distraction as they subvert USA sovereignty to the United Nations:
Five Reasons to Oppose the Now-introduced USMCA Implementation Act (the
new american) Dec
17, 2019
there are many problems with the USMCA that
outweigh any potential economic benefits — mainly how it would erode America’s
national sovereignty in favor of regional integration.
Perhaps they are all the Deep State?
Behind the impeachment lullaby, as the United
States sleeps:
Trump & Pelosi arm in arm, Congressional
Democrats & Republicans united in push to incrementally create a one world
What's Really in the USMCA? (UPDATED Dec 19, 2019) (the
new american) Oct 7, 2019
On Thursday, December 19, 2019, the U.S. House of
Representatives is expected to vote on the United-States-Mexico-Canada Agreement
Implementation Act (H.R. 5430).
So, a day after the House impeaches Trump, they vote
for "his" USMCA!?
- Unsealed -
Ain't seen nothin' yet department:
Thousands of Huge Holes in the Ocean Floor, Massive Numbers of Fish & Birds
Dying Off, & Thousands of Earthquakes – What is Going on?
(true conservative) Dec
13, 2019

Iran admits: Regime working with Soros organization
(israel national news) Dec
16, 2019
Faith in the sacrifice of Christ is the substance.
Still, oddly, Ayn Rand seems to be quoted by Christians often enough.
Ayn Rand's Philosophy -- In a Nutshell
(paul nathan) Sept 17, 2012
Contradictions and Mysticism
Rand insisted that contradictions should not be allowed to exist in one’s
thinking. If a contradiction does exist, her philosophy suggests that you check
your premises, and correct it.
Let's face it, belief in such things as God, a soul, or heaven and hell, are
acts of faith. That’s why religions are called faiths. Objectivism says believe
whatever you want, it’s a free society, just don't claim such beliefs to be
Rand rejected all forms of mysticism which promote accepting various ideas
without proof or verification; something she would never allow herself to do.
Ayn refused to sacrifice reason to blind faith and fought vigorously against
anyone who advocated that individuals should or must do so.
In other words, Rand, an atheist, didn't
believe in God. Restated: Rand believed, or had faith that there was no
God. And therein she contradicted her own premise, as atheism is an unproven, or
blind faith in no faith. That is,
if you say faith can't be proven true, then neither can its opposite, lack of
faith. Certainly, she had
some sensible views. It seems unlikely she would have been an advocate
of mandatory vaccinations...
On the other hand,
everyone needs a personal sacrifice, and her strong views
contrary to that suggests she's just another false angel of light.
The Truth of the matter is that faith/trust in
Jesus is substance:
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of
things hoped for, the evidence of realities not seen.
Faith in Jesus is evidence that he exists.
Faith surpasses reason
Proverbs 1:7a "The fear of YHVH is the --- beginning - of knowledge..."
(understood alongside Galatians 3:25; 4:3-9)
Yale Prof Estimates Faculty Political Diversity at ‘0%’
(wall street journal) Dec
16, 2019
About that pressure to join the “herd
In the era of the "church" of Laodicia (people's opinions), so too many
self-named "conservatives" are imposters, and are liberals, or rather leftists.
Amongst these types simply question the efficacy of vaccines, or mention that
the etymology of the word "Christmas" reveals origins counter to the meaning of
Christianity, and you will get an earful of "my way or the highway".
Climate Worship Is Nothing More Than Rebranded Paganism
(the federalist) Dec
16, 2019
The Every So Often Table
Hebrew U Scientists: Get Ready for a New Periodic Table
(jewish press) Dec
16, 2019
They talk about deep fakes...
Dec 13-14, 2019
Parashah Vayishlach (Online) -
"and he sent"
New Printout: Parashah
Vayishlach PDF -
Dec 6-7, 2019
Parashah Vayetzei (online) -
"and he went out"
New Printout:
Vayetzei PDF -
Facebook Being Sued Over ONE FOR ISRAEL’s Evangelistic Videos by Orthodox Jews
(one for israel) Dec
13, 2019
thinking room
Yeshua’s Return – He’s Coming, Ready Or Not
Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not (the new
american) Dec
7, 2019
Read more here:
John's advice (which was a saying of God, Lu.
To the ones already in military service:
Luke 3:14 But
(ones)-serving-in-the-army were also questioning him, saying, And what shall-we
ourselves do? And he-said to-them, Might-YOU-intimidate no-one neither
might-YOU-calumniate, and YOU-be-being-sufficed with YOUR wages.
To the ones who have not sworn themselves into a
Government Issue:
Matthew 5:33 Again, YOU-heard that it-was-said
to-the ancients, you-will not perjure-yourself, but you-will-give-back to-the
Lord your oaths.
v34 But I myself-am-saying to-YOU to not swear totally, neither in the
heaven, because it-is (the) throne of-the God;
v35 Nor in the earth, because it-is (the) footstool of-his feet: nor
with-reference-to Jerusalem, because it-is (the) city of-the great King.
v36 Nor might-you-swear in your head, because you-are not being-able to-make one
hair white or black.
American People Have Constantly Been Lied To’ (national
review) Dec
9, 2019
Newly revealed government documents show that
senior U.S. officials painted an overly optimistic picture of U.S. involvement
in Afghanistan that some officials said amounts to lying to the American public.
...the U.S. government was consistently misleading the public on the situation,
even going so far as to skew data, in order to convince voters that the war
would be successful.
...the Obama White House pressured the Pentagon to produce statistics
that would back up their public claims of progress, and manipulated statistics
when they did not paint a sufficiently optimistic picture.
More than 775,000 U.S. troops have been sent to Afghanistan since 2001,
resulting in 2,300 deaths and and 20,589 soldiers wounded in action, according
to the Defense Department.
shot, Three dead at Saudi aviation student mass shooting at US base (bbc) Dec
6, 2019
6 More SAUDI JIHADIS Arrested Over Pensacola Naval Base SHOOTING INCLUDING 3 WHO
FILMED THE ATTACK (geller report) Dec
6, 2019
What are Saudi Jihadis doing on a USA
Naval Base???
Recall: Of the 19
men involved in the September 11 attacks, 15 were Saudi and some of them
attended flight school in Florida.
State Dept: Iran May Have Killed Some 1,000 Citizens in Anti-Government Protests
(jewish press) Dec 5, 2019
How many billions did the US Government give the Iranian
Israeli start-up to process blood test in 10 minutes cleared by US FDA
(jerusalem post) Dec 5, 2019
Descendants of Gog & Magog Join Russia, Iran in Joint Military Drill
(breaking israel news) Dec 5, 2019
Pentagon denies US mulling sending 14,000 troops to Mideast as Iran threat grows
(times of israel) Dec 5, 2019
Trump Denies Sending Thousands of Troops to the Middle East (jewish
press) Dec 6, 2019
Celebrating Turkey-Libya Agreement,
Of AKP Mouthpiece Pens Historical Blueprint For Return Of Ottoman Empire
( Dec 3, 2019
Through Territorial Expansion: 'Barbaros Is Back In The
Mediterranean After 473 Years – From Now On, We Are Everywhere From North Africa
To The East Mediterranean'
Omar Reads Islamic Prayer At Catholic Church Prayer Service (daily
wire) Dec 2, 2019
With Nancy Pelosi and other members of congress.
more Roman Catholic/Muslim alignment
Israeli scientists find way to treat deadly pancreatic cancer in 14 days (jerusalem
post) Dec 3, 2019
Genesis 22:18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of
the earth be blessed.
November 2019
Nov 29-30, 2019.
Parashah Toldot
Toldot PDF -
Nov 22-23, 2019
Chayei Sarah
(online) חַיֵּי שָׂרָה
"life of Sarah"
New Printout:
Chayei_Sarah PDF -
The man of the lawlessness up to no good again:
Pope Francis strongly considering adding “ecological sin” into Catholic
Cathechism (disrn.comt) Nov 16, 2019
Pope Francis has made environmentalism one of
the main focuses of his pontificate. He has repeatedly named climate change an
existential threat to life on the planet, called for a reduction in the use of
fossil fuels, and blamed the global market economy for destroying the earth.
Bible says:
Psalm 74:17 Thou hast set all the borders of the earth: Thou hast made summer
and winter. 18 Remember this, that the enemy hath reproached, O Jehovah, And
that a foolish people hath blasphemed thy name.
Genesis 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat,
and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
Philippians 4:6 YOU-be-being anxious (about) not-one
(thing), BUT in every (thing) in-the prayer and in-the petition let YOUR
requests be-made-known to the God with giving-of-thanks.
v7 And the peace of-the God namely the (peace)
holding-above every mind will-protectively-guard YOUR hearts and YOUR
thoughts in Messiah Jesus.
DYING FOR FREEDOM: Death Toll in Iran Hits 450 (geller report) Nov 27, 2019
The actual figure is higher.
Democrats stand with the murdering oppressors.
The Iranian people are being slaughtered for marching for freedom. They tried
this before. Obama/Dems supported the murdering mullahs in crushing the people.
And the Democrat-run enemedia isn’t even covering this.
President Trump Says Mexico’s Top Drug Cartels ‘Will Be Designated’ Foreign
Terrorist Organizations (sara carter) Nov 26, 2019
More about the Muslima traitor that married her brother:
Ilhan Omar 'Qatari asset,' Florida court hears (jerusalem
post) Nov 26, 2019
Ilhan Omar was recruited by a foreign
government, received funding from a foreign government, and passed sensitive
information through intermediates to Iran, a Florida court has been told
Omar has already been found by the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board to have
broken campaign finance rules, by improperly using campaign money for
out-of-state travel while a state representative. Conservative group Judicial
Watch has also called on the House Ethics Committee to investigate Omar for
alleged offenses, including immigration fraud. But these claims go much further.
Rabbinical Court Won’t Recognize as Jewish an Infant Born from Undisclosed
Jewish Egg Donor
(jewish press) Nov 20, 2019
The Haredi influence is strong:
The Be’er Sheva Regional Rabbinical Court held
that a minor born of a donated egg would not be recognized as a Jew, although
the egg donor is listed as Jewish in the Population Register,
There is an internal battle occurring here, with the
Justice Ministry perhaps opposing the Haredi influence:
The Jewish Law Unit in the Justice Ministry told
the rabbinical panel that it is sufficient that the egg donor is listed in the
Population Register as Jewish, since there is “an absolute chance that the donor
is Jewish.”
And perhaps because of that Rabbinical definition of "who's a Jew" nonsense,
Liberman Declares: Will Not Join Anyone’s Narrow Government
(jewish press) Nov 20, 2019
He insisted that he did not intend
to betray his principles, that is - a broad liberal unity government that will
pass a series of laws aimed to reduce the influence of the Haredi parties in
He called on the Zionist parties to sign a joint covenant that would define the
relationship between religion and the state in Israel.
Revelation 12:13 And
when the dragon saw that he-was-cast into the earth, he-pursued the woman
(i.e. Israel),
one-who brought-forth the male (i.e. Jesus
v14 And the two wings of-the eagle namely-the great (one) were-given to-the
woman, in-order-that she-might-be-flying into the wilderness into her place,
where-in-which she-is-being-nourished there (a) season and seasons and half
of-a-season from face of-the serpent.
v15 And the serpent cast out-of his mouth behind the woman water as (a) river,
in-order-that he-might-make her carried-off-by-the-river
(i.e. anti-semitism).
v16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed
the river which the dragon cast out-of his mouth.
v17 And the dragon was-made-wroth over the woman, and he-went-away to-make war
with the others of-her seed, the (ones) keeping the commandments of-the God
and having the witness of Jesus (i.e.
Christians, initially they were all Jewish, but also applies to Gentile
Christians. "Her seed" was Christ. the
woman (i.e. Israel),
one-who brought-forth the male (i.e.
Jesus Christ). So then, "the others of her seed" are "the others of Christ",
i.e. Christians).
With an understanding that Satan, as a minister
of false light, has likely corrupted both the "church" and "judaism", Liberman
is correct.
[on the other hand, Liberman is apparently
against Shaked's reform of the Justice Ministry???]
An analogy:
A strict adherence to Roman Catholicism does not
make a person a Christian.
A strict adherence to Rabbinical Judaism does not
make a person a Jew.
Israeli politics are a mystery, but one thing is
for sure:
God is going to save all Israel, not just
the ones in Rabbinical Judaism that deny the Father and the Son.
Interesting times indeed.
Just in time for Thanksgiving family
From the Public Disease Incubation Centers (Schools):
Every school in western Colorado district now closing for the week as UNKOWN
virus spreads (the denver channel) Nov 21, 2019
All 46 schools in a Grand Junction-area
school district will be shut down on Thursday and Friday as an unknown virus
continues to spread among students and district employees.
"In addition, it appears that there is now a
second, related virus that is affecting students, some of whom have already been
ill in recent weeks. The combination of the two has created an unprecedented
spread of illness."
"The animals were here first!"
Large elk herd spotted at Castle Pines golf course (denver
channel) Nov 21, 2019
So then, we must get the people off the I-25 corridor, as
that is original elk habitat.
Hey Gentile Christians,
Do you really support the Holy Ones in Israel?
Probably not.
The 3
Reasons Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus & Israel Evangelism Report (By Eitan
John 1:5 And the light is-appearing in the dark, and the
dark (did) not apprehend it.
Matthew 6:22 The lamp of-the body is the eye;
therefore if your eye might-be simple your total body will-be full-of-light.
v23 But if your eye might-be evil your total body will-be full-of darkness.
If therefore the light, namely-the (one) in you is darkness, how-much the
Romans 10:1 Brothers, on-the-one-hand the
well-thinking of my heart and the petition to the God in-behalf-of the Israeli
is with-reference-to salvation.
v2 For I-am-bearing-witness to-them that they-are-having (a) zeal of-God, BUT
not according-to thorough-knowledge;
v3 For being-ignorant-of the righteousness of-the God, and seeking to-make-stand
their-own righteousness, they-were not subjected to-the righteousness of-the
Romans 10:14 How therefore might-they-call-on (one)
with-reference-to whom they-trusted not? But how will-they-trust of-whom
they-heard not? But how will-they-hear separate-from (one) preaching?
v15 But how might-they-preach if they-might not be-dispatched? Even-as
it-has-been-and-is-still-written: As beautiful the feet of-the (ones)
bringing-good-news-(of) good-things.
Isaiah 52:7 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet
of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace, that bringeth good
tidings of good, [the Gospel] that publisheth salvation [יְשׁוּעָה -Yeshuah],
that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!
Hey Jewish Friends:
In the Hebrew Tanakh,
Isaiah 53
Psalm 2
Psalm 22
"Who do you think they are talking about?"
Nov 15-16, 2019
Parashah Vayera
"and He appeared"
Vayera PDF -
Trump Admin Kills Left's Main Line of Attack on Israel (front
page magazine) Nov 18, 2019
What Would You Do Jew?
Lekha לֶךְ־לְךָ
"Go forth, yourself"
New Printout:
Lekh Lekha PDF -
So, this deep fake thing.
To be "safe" from false accusation,
you'll need to be chipped.
Wait for it.
I hate this Evil:
FBI Nabs White Supremacist Who Planned to Bomb Pueblo, Colo. Synagogue
(jewish press) Nov 5, 2019
In the stretch to overcome evil with good,
perhaps related to the pressure anti-Semitism put on Jews to immigrate to
Israel, some things the Scriptures are saying:
Isaiah 43:6 Brenton Septuagint Translation
I will say to the north, Bring; and to the south, Keep not back; bring my sons
from the land afar off, and my daughters from the ends of the earth;
Isaiah 49:22 Young's Literal Translation
Thus said the Lord Jehovah: 'Lo, I lift up unto nations My hand, And unto
peoples I raise up Mine ensign, And they have brought thy sons in the bosom, And
thy daughters on the shoulder are carried.
Isaiah 56: 3 (ASV) Neither let the foreigner, that hath joined himself to
Jehovah, speak, saying, Jehovah will surely separate me from his people; neither
let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree.
4 For thus saith Jehovah of the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the
things that please me, and hold fast my covenant:
5 Unto them will I give in my house and within my walls a memorial and a name
better than of sons and of daughters; I will give them an everlasting name, that
shall not be cut off.
6 Also the foreigners that join themselves to Jehovah, to minister unto him, and
to love the name of Jehovah, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the
sabbath from profaning it, and holdeth fast my covenant;
7 even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house
of prayer: their burnt-offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon
mine altar; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.
8 The Lord Jehovah, who gathereth the outcasts of Israel, saith, Yet will I
gather [others] to him, besides his own that are gathered*.
-----John 10:16 And I-am-having other sheep*, which (are) not out-of this court;
those-also it-is-essential (for) me to-lead, and they-will-hear (sh’ma) my
voice; and it-will-come-to-be one flock**, one shepherd.
note the Gentiles (ἔθνη) also in
mentioned at Rev.21:24 and 22:2.
---- **
One New Man, Ephesians ch2.
Isaiah 60:4 American Standard Version
Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: they all gather themselves together,
they come to thee; thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be
carried in the arms.
Isaiah 60:9 American Standard Version
Surely the isles shall wait for me, and the ships of Tarshish first, to bring
thy sons from far, their silver and their gold with them, for the name of
Jehovah thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel, because he hath glorified thee.
Certainly, among good ways to "bring" Jews to Israel are to 1) Wait on the Lord
(let him do it), and 2) Provide monetary support to aliyah efforts.
It also seem likely that some Jews won't want to go to Israel for one reason or
another..that God keeps a remnant safe in Diaspora seems evident in that
Gentile, whom YHVH brings with him to Israel, will bear Jews in their arms.
Therefore a third thing is to make straight wheel tracks for others to follow...for
the blind don't well lead the blind...
Luke 6:39
And he-said a
parable to-them, Whether-at-all one-blind is-being-able
to-be-leading-the-way-of one-blind? Will NOT both fall into a
There are many anti-Christs...
Jews that deny Jesus are indeed anti-messiah/christ,
but they are not The Anti-Christ.
Isaiah 43:1 But now thus saith Jehovah that
created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel: Fear not, for I have
redeemed thee; I have called thee by thy name, thou art mine.
Isaiah 43:5 Fear not; for I am with thee: I
will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west;
6 I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep
not back; bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the end of the earth;
7 every one that is called by my name, and whom I have created for my glory,
whom I have formed, yea, whom I have made.
8 Bring out a people who have eyes but
are blind, and who have ears but are deaf.
So the Jews that God is brining to Israel are, as
we witness, blind to seeing Messiah Yeshua. A small percentage of these
are "religious", and in the religion of Judaism, they are against Messiah Yeshua
(anti-messiah). But for the large
part, the blind Jew assembly that YHVH is bringing to Israel is mostly secular.
In the past I've put those in Judaism on the pedestal of Romans ch.11's primacy,
but I've come to realize that while they maintain a mysterious primacy
(Romans 11:7-12)
over Gentile Christians, they, being
"anti-messiah" do not have a primacy over secular Jews in regards to
receiving the Gospel. That is, YHVH is saving all of Israel
(Romans 11:26),
and the larger secular Jewish population may actually be more open to receive
the Gospel/Good News of Yeshuah HaMashiach/Jesus the Christ. The secular Jew
doesn't read the scriptures, so they are ignorant of what is prophesied to
occur. The "religious" Jew only reads some of the scriptures, and supplants the
rest with commentary, and so they are more hard-hearted towards what the
scriptures say. Again, the secular Jew has the softer heart...and I now
--think-- that this is where the larger conversion to trust will occur.
Hebrews 12:13
And YOU-be-making straight wheel-tracks with YOUR feet, in-order-that the
(thing) lame might not be-diverted, but rather it-might-be-cured.
And that is spiritual work...and possibly
physical work...
Please see
for more detailed explanations.
At least 9 American Mormons, including 6 children, killed in cartel ambush in
Mexico ( Nov 5, 2019
Some of the victims are cousins of family friend Michal
LeBaron's husband Heber.
Fund for LeBaron and Langford families
Massacre in Mexico: American Women and Children Slain by Cartel Gunmen
(the new american) Nov 6, 2019
Britain’s Daily Mail published a history of the LeBaron
family, which the victims were part of. Though widely described in the press as
being “Mormon,” the group is actually part of an offshoot of The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) that broke away from the parent church after
it abandoned the practice of polygamy and adopted a policy of excommunicating
members who resisted this policy.
Nov 1-2, 2019
New Printout:
Noach PDF -
Only Noah was found to be
righteous by God.
But God mercifully allowed Noah to
take his wife & family with him into the ark.
October 2019
Was Hillary’s Attack on Tulsi Gabbard Part of a Plot to Destroy Trump?
( Oct 29, 2019
Oct 25-26, 2019
Bereshit בְּרֵאשִׁית
New Printout:
Bereshit PDF -
HaBerakhah וְזֹאת הַבְּרָכָה
New Printout:
V'Zot HaBerakha PDF -'Zot_HaBerakha.pdf
Israeli develops piston engine that runs on water, alcohol – no gas
(jerusalem post) Oct 31, 2019
Eitan predicts that their water and
ethanol-based fuel technology will eventually trickle down to passenger cars,
but that it will take time, due to the conservative nature of the auto industry,
which is currently embracing electric technology.
Tom Ogle, Charles Nelson Pogue and Stanley
Allen Meyer apparently also invented related good things...
Colorado state employee emails to vanish from public record
(durango herald) Oct 30, 2019
Russia Tells UNSC Israel Must Stop Judea, Samaria Construction
(jewishpress) Oct 29, 2019
The Truth about Google Images
(independent man / douglas murray @youtube) Oct 12, 2019
I use duckduckgo, which shields me from
however, the duckduckgo search is still performed
using Google.
So, in searching images @ for "American
inventors", you get almost all black inventors:

In searching "white American inventors", you get
almost all black inventors"

This is just one example that illustrates that
Google search results are not truthful.
There is obviously an algorithm that supplants
the truth with a false ideological result.
Once again, Google sucks.
Untold Story of Property Owners Who Let Us Build Wall On Their Land
() Oct 7, 2019
a reminder:
Supreme Court says 2nd Amendment applies to all bearable arms
( March 22, 2016
Referring to its landmark 2008 ruling on handguns in the home, the justices said
the Second Amendment applies “to all instruments that constitute bearable arms,”
even those not in existence at the time of the founding.
There is strong language in this opinion. If 200,000 stun guns in the U.S. are
“common”, it is hard to believe that 5 million AR-15s and millions of other
semi-automatic rifles are “unusual”.
If stun guns are common and protected by the Second Amendment, then so are
knives, clubs, and future weaponry.
The case lays to rest the idea that courts can simply say anything other than
handguns are “uncommon” or “unusual” and are therefore exempt from Second
Amendment protections.
This case will be cited far into the future.
Read more:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
3 of America's biggest adversaries Turkey - Syria - Russia -are now united
against the US in the Middle East
(businessinsider) Oct 18, 2019
Oct 11-12, 2019
New Printout:
Ha'azinu PDF -

Ethanol is worse than Gasoline
(john stossel) Sept 29, 2016
Oct 4-5, 2019
Printout: Parashah
Vayeilech PDF -
White House Announces Troop Withdrawl From Syrian Border To Allow Turkey to
attack Kurds
September 2019
Sept 27-28, 2019
New Printout:
Parashah Nitzavim PDF -
Sept. 20-21, 2019
Parashah Ki Tavo PDF -
Will There Be A Third Temple?
( Sept 17, 2019
Sept. 13-14, 2019
Parashah Ke Teitzei PDF -
Remembering Islam
American Airlines Muslim Mechanic Who Sabotaged Miami Plane Had ISIS Videos on
Phone, Ties to Islamic Terrorist Group
(gellerreport) Sept 18, 2019
By Town Hall:
The man arrested for sabotaging the navigation system on an American Airlines
plane that was scheduled to take off from Florida earlier this year had ISIS
propaganda videos on his cellphone. According to prosecutors, Abdul-Majeed
Marouf Ahmed Alani has ties to the Islamic terrorist group through his brother
in Iraq. The new revelations came during a bail hearing in Miami Wednesday.
Alani is a naturalized citizen from Iraq.
Psalm 74:17 Thou hast set all the borders of the earth: Thou hast made summer
and winter. 18 Remember this, that the enemy hath reproached, O Jehovah, And
that a foolish people hath blasphemed thy name.
Genesis 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat,
and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
Trump's "peace plan" probably not good for Israel
(israel national news) Sept 17, 2019
the Land will be divided
Joe 3:2 I will gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will execute judgment upon them there for my people and for
my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations: and they have
parted my land,
by the Firm Covenant man
Daniel 9:27 And he shall make a firm covenant with many for one week: and in the
midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease; and
upon the wing of abominations shall come one that maketh desolate; and even unto
the full end, and that determined, shall wrath be poured out upon the desolate.
The Anti-messiah of Dan 11:36-37.
Dan 11:36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt
himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things
against the God of gods; and he shall prosper till the indignation be
accomplished; for that which is determined shall be done.
Dan 11:37 Neither shall he regard the gods of his fathers, nor the desire of
women, nor regard any god; for he shall magnify himself above all.
"G_D will humble our enemies when we are first humbled" -Israeli Rabbi speaking
from Zach ch 1
Shoftim's Shabbat - Friday evening through Saturday
evening, Sept 6-7, 2019
New Printout:
Parashah Shoftim PDF -
Isaiah Chapter 53. Why do Rabbis hide it
from Jews?
A lot of repetition of scriptures
this week. ---Should be easy, right?
My bible teacher used to say "you
have to go over and over the scriptures"
- it's to let the love sink in-
The Amish
20 faith statements
With the typical missing of the mark a bit on
the bride.
They seem as good on that as any Christian
Then they add some peculiarities...
It's a brand to wear (i.e. vanity):
Men in hats mostly, without hats when praying, beards-no-mustache, no belts or
pockets, suspenders, women always in dresses and covered heads.
But other than that mild quirkiness, good
Christian folks.
Observations: Suspenders are
In Acts 21:10-13, Paul referenced his belt as a sign that he was
willing to be bound and even die for the name of the Lord Jesus. It wasn't
Mark 1:6
John was clothed with camel's hair and wore a
leather belt around his waist, and his diet was locusts and wild honey.
Isaiah 11:5
Also righteousness will be the belt about His loins, And faithfulness the belt
about His waist.
Ephesians 6:14
A True
Amish Story - A Inside Look At The Amish Lifestyle And The Clash Between God &
Rules shuned
Yet Another fire.
Yet more "let it burn rejuvenation" false
Smoke prompts advisory (mountain mail) Sept 10, 2019
Chaffee County Public Health and the
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment issued an air quality
health advisory for wildfire smoke at 5 p.m. today, effective until 9 a.m.
Decker fire started Sept, 8, 2019
Perhaps by lightning, however, the
USFS had/has started several "prescribed" fires all along the northern Sangre de
Cristo range at this time.
On Sept 28, the USFS lit at least
three more fires in the wilderness to the south east of the Decker Fire.
The USFS is far behind forest fire
Carbon Footprints and Forest Fires
(Oregon catalyst) Aug 15, 2007
Now don’t get lost in whether this
plant-a-tree-today foundation is a good idea or not.
[or even if there is such a thing as a "carbon
footprint"] That is not the point of
this column. The point of this column is that while every environmental
organization in America is wringing its collective hands about global warming,
the creation of carbon gases, and the deforestation of land by cutting, not a
one of them suggests that we should do something about the mitigation or
prevention of forest fires through proper management, including selective
grooming and cutting of trees, in our nation’s forests.
Wildfire science is catching up with right-minded
common sense. However, I don't expect the USFS to abandon its failed "do nothing
and let it burn" wilderness ideology/religion anytime soon.
#deckerfire #oxcartfire #haydenpassfire #duckettfire #springfire #wildfires #forestfires
#wildfirescience #firesmart #publiceducation #usfs #usgs
Fire, more than logging, drives Amazon forest degradation, study finds
"The study revealed that fire damage causes greater
losses than logging, and fire-damaged forests recovered more slowly than logged
The researchers found that degraded forest stands
contained an average of 45.1 percent of the amount of carbon stored in intact
forest stands. They compared the impacts of fire and logging, the two most
prominent drivers of loss of forest carbon stocks.
Fires not only resulted in higher loss of stored carbon than
logging, but fire-damaged forests also recovered more slowly than logged
Deforestation by fire is worse than deforestation by logging
"The dramatic photos of smoky fires sweeping through
the Brazilian Amazon that garnered worldwide attention in August do not
correspond to burning rainforest, but instead mostly correlate to land that was
deforested earlier in 2019 and was then set ablaze in August to complete the
land’s conversion for agricultural use"
"Experts promptly highlighted
the link between deforestation and the fires,
given the lack of severe drought this year. According to their analysis, the
forest-to-pasture conversion strategy of ranchers in the Brazilian Amazon
is to cut rainforest trees, allow the wood to dry, then set it ablaze to fully
clear the land and produce ashes to fertilize the soil to grow grass for grazing
— a process apparently given scientific weight by the MAAP findings."
Wildfires Affect Water Resources Long After the Smoke Clears
As the trees burn, those land cover changes affect the
hydrologic cycle.
snow accumulations increase, and evapotranspiration decreases regardless of
whether the fire is followed by a wet or dry year.
They've "discovered" that fires increase
flooding & erosion:
Whether there’s a lot of precipitation or a little, snowpack is larger after a
fire, which then means that runoff is larger...
That’s because as snow falls on an unburned tree canopy, the canopy intercepts
much of the snow, which is then lost to sublimation rather than falling to the
ground, melting, and recharging aquifers or running off into streams.
the extra water that comes downstream after a fire is not necessarily beneficial
for municipal water supplies because of water quality issues” such as higher
phosphorus levels and more sediment
In the other Hydrological Processes paper, Jingjing Chen of the Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University and colleagues looked specifically at
the issue of soil repellency and infiltration after fires. They compared soils
in burned and unburned areas in Virginia and North Carolina and confirmed that
water repellency is increased in soils after fires.
Some thoughts:
The smoke of the Decker fire (or any National Forest fire)
reflects the USFS flaunting the carbon footprint of their ritual sacrificing of
our natural resources to their false ideology/god (of self)…
....again.....and again....and
again....they sacrifice.
Restated: USFS mismanagement got the forest to this point. They think a forest
fire covers the evidence of that. They need wildfire: the wildfire has become their god.
A “wilderness” designation is a death sentence for a forest.
A “National Forest” designation is a death sentence for a forest.
Honeybees don’t escape forest fires. They are not “rejuvenated”.
IF "climate change" is caused by
man, and increased wildfires are caused by "climate change", then this isn't a
natural fire.
If man creates a wilderness, it
isn't a wilderness.
A forest is not "rejuvenated" by a
forest fire. This is especially true in a dry climate.
Forest fires greatly increase
floods and erosion.
The allowed smoke of a forest fire proves that any talk about a “carbon tax” is just
talk about a new “tax”. The EPA regulating wood stoves is just another
form of tax.
The Taxing Emperor has no clothes!
People that do not fight
fires should not be called or paid as firefighters. And certainly should not be
thanked for doing nothing.
It's a federal crime to light
forest fires.
The USFS has been lighting fires at
the Decker fire since at least Sept. 28.
County Sheriffs should arrest USFS
officials in their jurisdiction for the willful destruction
-via managerial arson- of
forests in USFS care.
The "wilderness" designation should
be removed from the Sangre de Cristo range.
All that is left after a fire is
the land. The BLM should assume management duties for all burned forest
The USFS needs to change their ideology to match current science.
I'm making a Fire Information Page
where these thoughts will be expanded.
Oh yeah, by the way
The American Airlines Mechanic who sabatoged Jet is a Muslim
(debbie schlussel ) Sept 6, 2019
...that only speaks Arabic...
Aug 30-31, 2019
New Printout:
Parashah Reeh PDF -
Kamala Harris: Government 'can and should' legislate your
meat consumption to combat climate change
(the blaze)
Sept 5, 2019
America’s Lying and Ignorance Crisis – Fueled by the Media
(ammoland) Sept
5, 2019
Islam sucks
(politico) Sept
5, 2019
I Don’t Care About Climate Change. It is a Religious Doctrine of Progressive
(the resurgent) Sept 6, 2019
NASA admits that climate change occurs because of changes in Earth’s solar
orbit, and NOT because of SUVs and fossil fuels
(geller report) Sept 6, 2019
The biggest factor influencing weather and climate patterns on earth is the sun,
period. Depending on the earth’s position to the sun at any given time, climate
conditions are going to vary dramatically, and even create drastic abnormalities
that defy everything that humans thought they knew about how the earth worked.
Once again, a shooting was allowed to happen. FBI
was tipped off before shooting.
Odessa Texas shooter called police and FBI, & ranted prior to shooting
(ap news) Sept 2, 2019
Already August 2019
There Is No ‘Gay Gene,’ Comprehensive Scientific Study Finds
(pjmedia) Aug 30, 2019
Facebook banning Epoch Times
(nbc news) Aug 26, 2019
The reason:
Since 2016, The Epoch Times' revenue more than doubled, and the reach of its
online content rocketed past that of every other news organization, attracting
billions of views across its many platforms. It also became a player on the
conservative media stage, securing interviews with Trump Cabinet members,
loyalists and family members, as well as members of Congress and Republican
media stars.
Parashah Eikev PDF -
The College Tuition Scam
(Truth Transcends Color) Aug 25, 2019
August 16-17, 2019
New Printout:
Parashah Vaetchanan PDF -
"And I Pleaded"
August 9-10, 2019
New Printout:
Parashah Devarim PDF -
Deuteronomy = "Second Law"
The Environmental Disaster of Solar Energy
(american experiment) Aug 15, 2019
Colo State Air Quality Control Commission implements Kalifornicate “zero
emission vehicle” program
(gazette) Aug 17, 2019
"commissioners questioned Friday
exactly how the program will operate and who will be subject to the regulations.
Commissioner Tom Gonzales, public health director in Larimer County, said after
the vote that he has no idea how the Air Pollution Control Division’s staff
will implement the program."
"Thursday’s testimony included
comments from a Glenwood Springs Ford dealer, who said he took a loss on
electric vehicles. Not one sold in 400 days, he said.
The Colorado Auto Dealers Association has noted that in 2019, 80% of vehicle
sales were light trucks and SUVs,
area in which electric power technology has not been made available by most
major manufacturers."
most of the State.
Commisioner Auden Schendler of Aspen says it
saves children from climate:
“This isn’t any other time. There’s a climate
crisis. This is a modest proposal in the face of a critical threat … in 20
years, our children will thank us.”
Dingbat Commisioner Commissioner
Elise Jones of Boulder views the program:
“through the lens of a climate crisis”
and that it “will get us there (to
a climate crisis?) faster,” and that
"Electric vehicles are in demand in Boulder."
Polis, Governor of Boulder,
“It’s only the beginning. Colorado must
continue to reduce smog and increase consumer choice,”
again sealing economic doom upon the State of Colorado via regulatory economic
Years ago when I lived and worked in the Metro
area we had a saying:
sucks................but Boulder REALLY sucks".
It's still true.
ISILs is building a new caliphate from inside a Syrian refugee camp, and the
West has no plan to combat it
(national post) Aug 16, 2019
What's real and what's fake?
(glenn beck) Aug 8, 2019
NY Governor Suggests Creating A Database Of People With Mental Illness
(dailywire) Aug 9, 2019
Orwellian Times
Facebook Offers News Outlets Millions of Dollars a Year to License Content
(wall street journal) Aug 8, 2019
Facebook wants to license headlines and article previews.
So this page would go away. This would be the end of
In other words, they
want to control what you know and discuss.
Biased Fake News:
Study: Google News Mass Shootings Results 70 Percent Liberal, 4 Percent
(pjmedia) Aug 8, 2019
Epstein case background
(daily beast) July 17, 2019
Epstein Bombshells
(daily beast) Aug 9, 2019
One of the biggest blows in the decade-plus case of Jeffrey Epstein came on
Friday when a federal court unsealed documents from a lawsuit by one of
Epstein’s accusers against his mysterious girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell.
Epstein Documents
Journalist makes bombshell claims about Bill Clinton's relationship with Jeffrey
(the blaze) July 10, 2019
"Many of those times Clinton had his Secret Service with him and many times he
did not. Almost every time that Clinton's name is on the pilot logs there are
underage girls,"
Aug 9: many named in Epstein pedophile case, including British royalty, Sen.
George Mitchell & ex-New Mexico governor & BILL CLINTON cabinet official Bill
Aug 10: Epstein, on 24/7 suicide watch, is murdered.
The Clinton Dead Pool
(red white blue news) Aug 10, 2019
August 2-3, 2019
A Double Portion:
New Printout:
Mattot PDF -
New Printout:
Masie PDF -
Orange County stabbing attacks that killed 4 began as robberies, police say
(latimes) Aug 7, 2019
“I’ve been a police officer for 30 years, and
this is the first time I’ve ever seen a suspect kill four people and stab
others,” ...“It’s pure evil.”
Yep, nailed it. The problem is Evil. Not
FBI: More People Killed with Hammers, Clubs than with Rifles of Every Kind
(breitbart) Sept 26, 2019
"Mass" Shootings in California, El Paso, Dayton, and
The Media Crossed a Line This Week and There’s No Going Back
(redstate) Aug 7, 2019
The Huge
Mass Murder Ignored by MSM
Environmental Terrorism
Dayton Attacker Was Hardcore Leftist, Pro-Warren, Pro-Socialism, Pro-Satan;
Promoted Bernie, Antifa, Gun Control.
(dailywire) Aug 4, 2019
Shooter @Ohio dressed in black. Was wearing protective earmuffs.
(dailymail) Aug 4, 2019
El Paso Shooter motivated by Leftist Environmental Ideology
(geller report) Aug 4, 2019
reporting of the two atrocities has painted Crusius as a white
supremacist. This does not seem to be accurate. In his manifesto, he is against
ethnic mingling and mass immigration, but his view that immigrants should be
killed is based not on racial superiority theory, but on his sense that too many
people pollute the environment of America.
El Paso shooting was Satanic/Leftist Environmental
El Paso Shooter Wanted to Kill People to Save Environment (front
page) Aug 3, 2019
FBI had "manifesto" before shooting? Shooter not harmed...
Shooter(s?) dressed in black, wearing earmuff
hearing protection...
in a similar case, FBI and ATF were "working on it"...i.e.
they had prior knowledge...but hadn't done anything preventative...
Until a Grandmother forced them to take action:
Lubbock Man Allegedly Plotting Mass Shooting Charged With Making False
Statements to Firearms Dealer ( Aug 3, 2019
If convicted, the defendant
faces up to five years in federal prison
Update: Sept.2, 2019
Odessa Texas shooter called police and FBI, & ranted prior to shooting
Witness says there were 4 shooters dressed in black
(youtube video) Aug 4, 2019
What happened to the Gilroy shooter's accomplice? (
July 29, 2019
Exclusive: FBI document warns conspiracy theories are a new domestic terrorism
(yahoo news ) Aug 1, 2019
You betcha.
Pentagon testing mass surveillance balloons across the US
(jewish press) Aug 2, 2019
It's too late for "border security" in regards to
illegal immigration in regards to terrorism. This isn't about watching illegal
immigration happen.
Google wants Trump to lose in 2020, former engineer for tech giant says: 'That's
their agenda'
(fox news) Aug 2, 2019
FBI Wants Tech to Track Social Media for Criminals and Terrorists Before They
( Jul 31, 2019
Tucker Carlson calls white supremacy 'a hoax': 'The whole thing is a lie'
(washington times) Aug 7, 2019
“I mean, seriously. This is a country where the average person is getting
poorer, where the suicide rate is spiking. ‘White supremacy, that’s the
problem.’ This is a hoax. Just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory
used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going
They are evil.
They call themselves "antifa".
Just like the ones that attack Mitch McConnel and Tucker Carlson.
(infowars) Aug 6, 2019
Also a handy false flag to attack the second Amendment.
And a false flag
to make the masses forget:
Epstien/Clinton/pedophilia crimes
Obama's 2016 Election crimes
The Disastrous Democrat's Debates
The American Economy
What do they know?
FBI warns of copycat attacks in wake of mass shootings
(the hill) Aug 5, 2019
What did they know?
Parents Catch FBI In Plot To Force Mentally Ill Son To Be A Right Wing Terrorist
(the last american vagabond) Feb 15, 2018
False Flag layers:
Biden pledges assault weapons ban and federal buyback program
(axios) Aug 5, 2019
The real reason Democrats want gun control - they want control:
Republicans fear 'extinction in the suburbs' over gun control
(bnnbloomberg) Aug 6, 2019
Two "mass" shootings = less shot than in a typical Chicago weekend.
Mass Shooting in Democrat Stronghold Chicago. 59 shot 7 dead. Typical Chicago
(abc7 chicago) Aug 5, 2019
Yes it is a
false flag to usurp the Constitution and get "red flag" laws (control)
"both" parties want it.
Senators ask for committee vote on 'red flag' bills after shootings
(the hill) Aug 6, 2019
And no, Trump is not a Constitutional conservative either.
If you liked post-9/11 loss of liberty, you’ll love Trump’s gun control plans
(strident conservative) Aug 6, 2019
Coming soon:
The TAPS Act: Sort of like red flag laws on steroids
(strident conservative) June 10, 2019
Govt will determine the likelihood you'll commit a crime, then deny your
Noting that Trump's previous EO banning bump stocks did nothing except set a
precedent of infringing on the right to bear arms.
Trump explores executive action on guns
(politico) Aug 5, 2019
Good for gun sales.
(washington examiner) Aug 8, 2019
What an Old Sears Roebuck Catalogue Teaches Us About Gun Control
(intellectual takeout) March 5 2019
the men and women of 1900 were not drenched in today’s artificial violence.
According to some studies, the average young person will see 200,000 acts of
violence in movies and on television by the age of 18. Furthermore, numerous
studies show that playing violent video games lead to aggressiveness, especially
in young men.
The breakdown of the family, accompanied by the erosion of religious faith and
moral teaching in schools and the public square, has surely contributed as well
to the increase in gun violence and the murder rate.
Spring 2001
We cannot say exactly what it is that inhibits human beings from killing one
another, but we can say some things about it. First, whatever it is, there is
less of it now than there was in 1900 or even 1960. Second, the evidence
suggests that it has little to do with guns, poverty, racism, war, "macho"
leaders, social programs, education, immigration, or most things within the
grasp of government.
FBI: More People Killed with Hammers, Clubs than with Rifles of Every Kind
(breitbart) Sept 26, 2019
Medical Marvels
It's gradually coming to light that cancer is viral related. The State and the Medical
Marvels aren't quite ready to admit that yet, as the implications don't bode
well for Big Pharma's spread of cancer and other disease via mandated
CDC admits 98 MILLION AMERICANS given cancer virus via Polio vaccination shot
( Aug 23, 2015
This CDC "Cancer, Simian Virus 40 (SV40), and Polio Vaccine Fact Sheet" is
archived at the Wayback Machine:
Defense sources say Turkey is aiding Islamic State resurgence after Trump
devastated caliphate
(jihad watch) Aug 5, 2019
Turkey strongly opposes an independent Kurdish entity in Syria
He is not misunderstanding the significance of a Kurdish state.
Google wants Trump to lose in 2020, former engineer for tech giant says: 'That's
their agenda'
(fox news) Aug 2, 2019
Fly By July 2019
Report: Israel Strikes Iranian Assets in Iraq with F-35 Stealth Fighter
(jewish press) July 30, 2019
New Printout:
Pinchas PDF -
Criminals in Congress:
Confirmed: Ilhan Omar DID marry her brother to cheat immigration system
( July 18, 2019
New analysis claims that Ilhan Omar committed multiple instances of fraud,
perjury and could face prison and deportation
(powerline) July 19, 2019
Omar Holding Secret Fundraisers With Islamic Groups Tied to Terror
(freebeacon) March 22, 2019
The Danger of the Attacks on the Electoral College
It's just you.
The Progressive Plot to Impose Genetic Enhancements
(american thinker) July 25, 2019
Netanyahu strategy to obstruct New Right
(israel national news) July 25, 2019
PM summons Jewish Home Chair Peretz,
pressing him to close deal with Otzma Yehudit in attempt to foil Shaked/Bennett
Interesting commentary by one named Shaul:
Otzma will join with New Right as will
That will take them from the 8 they have now to 10.
If United right joins with them they will have 12-15.
If they get 15
Likud will Remain at 30-33
Haredim at 15-16
That will put draw from Blue and White as well because of Zehut.
Which means a Unity government can't happen without Lieberman who genuinely
hates Bibi.
So we will have a Religious Right government and the foundation for a Right
wing party led by Shaked.
Because after Bibi
Shaked will draw many Likud Right wing voters and keeping the now
Greater Right intact would be easy.
Half of Likud would vote for her after Bibi
She would creat a right wing party of 30 seats right of Likud.
Likud would be 15 seats
Haredim after 4 years will draw 18 seats.
So you have
Shaked at 63 seats as PM
in a true Right Wing Religious government.
The Old Likud fear this.
Because they are left wing, but too nationalist to join with Blue and white.
Bibi sees this as his last term, but he wants more.
Can't blame him for trying.
But Shaked will be PM
After this election hurdle even Peretz will be happy to be a Minister in her
Because Shaked is going to be a much stronger PM than Bibi.
Bibi could deal with the leftists.
But Shaked will always have the Haredim, The Nationalists and the Hardal.
That is a block of 48 that every 4 years will grow by 2 due to the Haredim
birth rate.
After 3 terms The Haredim will be at 20 seats in the kenneset and Hardal at
That will put Shaked at a block of 50 seats since She will essentially keep
on encouraging legal transition to Halachic Jewish Pride State within the
That is one of her goals.
That strengthens Hardal and enables job and positive cashflow within the
Haredi sector.
Rav Kanievsky and Rav Yosef love her!
As do the majority of Hardal Rabbis.
You see people love Shaked because while she is not "religious" she carries
herself as a modest woman.
She is quiet, but strong.
She doesn't have loud kids or use her husband as a prop.
She is loyal to her friends and did not try to take over her friend Bennet,
but gave him a chance to shine.
She loves Israel and wants to incorporate Halacha into the Judicial system,
but step by step.
She is like the cool, but modest Mom everyone wants to have.
She will be PM and as she gets older she will actually get more votes as
women feel less threatened by her.
By the time she is 52 she will be attracting over 65 votes every term.
In one solid block not a Netanyahu bits and pieces, a block that is clear
and while varied unified.
From Nationalist Traditional to Haredi, Shaked's block will be the
transition between Netanyahu and the Theocratic State of Israel.
Because after Shaked is through the Haredim will all be Hardal.
You will see after 20 years of Shaked tge Hardal at 30 Mks. Dati Leumi at 20
Mks and what we call new right today at 15 Mks Shaked will get us there and
when we get there someone else will lead then. Israel will be Orthodox.
Birthrate remember.
And mark my words under Shaked Otzma is not going to be silenced,
because while she doesn't seem a Kahanist Shaked as a little girl was always Jewish Power. I will leave it at that.
And as all men know who have sisters and wives, how a girl thinks at 9 is
how she thinks at 45. Just more subtle.
But the same nontheless.
Shaul's Words marked.
Perhaps Netanyahu is better for the Jewish
believer in Christ?
God only knows.
New Printout:
Balak PDF -
“Separation of Church and
State” allows Christians to vote biblical values.
Psalm 139:13 For you formed my
inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
כִּֽי־אַתָּה קָנִיתָ כִלְיֹתָי תְּסֻכֵּנִי בְּבֶטֶן אִמִּֽי׃
ὅτι σὺ ἐκτήσω τοὺς νεφρούς μου κύριε ἀντελάβου μου ἐκ
γαστρὸς μητρός μου
γαστρὸς -
gastros = womb
One Day
The Number Of Global Earthquakes Is 3 Times Above Normal
Luke 21:11
Swedes are getting implants in their hands to replace cash, credit cards
(new york post) July 15, 2019
Revelation 13:17
Delivery of Russia's S-400 air defense system to Turkey continues
(jerusalem post) July 15, 2019
Ezekiel 38:2-11
U.S. Episcopal diocese votes to stop using masculine pronouns for God
(life site news) July 15, 2019
Delegates to the Episcopalian convention also
passed a resolution without debate or discussion to include "transgender people"
in all aspects of "congregational life ."
Genesis 1:27
Romans 1:28
THE SHAMING OF COLORADO: Democrats, Police, Turn Blind Eye to Lawless Liberals
(colorado peak politics) July 15, 2019
About a hundred protestors trespassed onto the
facility property while Aurora Police watched and did nothing as the American
flag was lowered, burned and spray painted with the message “Abolish ICE.”
Matthew 24:12
Laodicea = "people's opinions"
Do you (Jews) Distrust Christian Friends?
(jewish press) July 14, 2019
"That few Christians and almost none who are
active on behalf of Israel actually advocate for this sort of an eschatological
narrative means nothing to Jews who simply refuse to believe that conservative
Christians are sincere friends. It also bears repeating that it’s not clear why
Jews of all denominations and political opinions who don’t believe Jesus is
coming back would worry about what would happen if he did return."
True. For the most part, neither Jews nor Christians
really believe the bible, and for that matter neither really know what they
Mark 9:23 But the
Jesus said to-him, If you-are-being-able to-trust, all-things (are) possible
to-the (one) trusting.
v24 And immediately having-cried-out, the
father of-the (pre-teen)-child with tears was-saying, I-am-trusting, Lord,
you-be-helping of-me the unbelief.
July 12-13, 2019
New Printout:
Chukat PDF -
July 5-6, 2019
New Printout:
Korach PDF -
George Orwell warned us about TSA abuse and the loss of liberty
(the strident conservative) July 12, 2019
Wildfires are not the beginning of life.
As in the days of Noah:
'It just really ethically scares me': Caution urged as scientists look to create
human-monkey chimeras (national post) July 2, 2019
Genesis 6:6 And it
came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and
daughters were born unto them, 2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men
that they were fair; and they took them wives of all that they chose. 3 And
Jehovah said, My Spirit shall not strive with man for ever, for that he also is
flesh: yet shall his days be a hundred and twenty years. 4 The Nephilim were in
the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto
the daughters of men, and they bare children to them: the same were the mighty
men that were of old, the men of renown.
5 And Jehovah saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that
every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
1 Enoch 7:5 "And
began to sin against the birds and beasts and creeping
things and the fish"
Genesis 6:12
"And God saw the earth, and behold, it was
corrupt; for all flesh had
corrupted their way upon the earth. vs13-"And god said unto
Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled
with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the
Matthew 24:37 But as-altogether the days
of-the Noah, thus will-be also the presence of-the son of-the MAN.
Just June 2019
June 2019 temps lower in Alamosa, Pueblo, Colorado Springs
June 2019 in Colorado Springs: Average temperature was 64.4 degrees (0.7 degrees
below normal). Precipitation: 1.97 inches (0.53 inches below normal).
June 2019 in Pueblo: Average temperature was 69.1 degrees (0.9 degrees below
normal). Precipitation: 2.25 inches (0.89 inches above normal).
June 2019 in Alamosa: Average temperature was 59.3 degrees (0.3 degrees below
normal). Precipitation: 0.43 inches (0.06 inches below normal).
June 28-29
New Printout:
Shelach Lekha PDF -
“Virtually Wiped Out”: Muslims Slaughter 95 Christians in Mali Village
(geller report) June28, 2019
Google explains
their evil plans
project veritas) June 25, 2019
Pinterest insider leaks documents to Veritas (project veritas) June
11, 2019
so, Facebook has informed me that
they have "community standards".
And in the news:
Facebook insider speaks out
(project veritas) Feb 27, 2019
Facebook Removed from S&P List of ‘Ethical’ Companies
(project veritas) June 25, 2019
Facebook Reveals ‘Libra’ Cryptocurrency Will Be ‘Governed’ by Switzerland-Based
Coalition of Elites - (breitbart) June 18, 2019
Visa and Mastercard are reportedly quite invested in the currency while other
Silicon Valley firms such as PayPal, Uber, Stripe, and are fully
supporting the currency.
The Libra currency will be accessible through Facebook, Messenger, and a
standalone Libra app and users will need a government-issued ID in order to open
an account.
Something is amiss in the tribalist GOP
(washington examiner) June 20, 2019
US infecting monkeys and other animals with chemical weapons in british labs
(dailystar) May 6, 2019
The OTHER history of racism in America ( June
19, 2019
Arkansas River is up. Be sure to panic.
A vital message from Fremont Search and
The river is at 4530CFS@05:53 and expected to climb during the day. The
projection at the Cañon City gage is for river flows to increase to 5700 CFS by
Saturday. River flows vary during the day and tend to peak in the afternoon.
There is also rain forecast for Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
As levels rise there will continue to be debris flushes into the river, e.g.
logs, trees, branches, etc. all of which add additional dangers to those in the
river. Also, the river banks are wet and a significant slip hazard.
Do not approach the river unless you are properly equipped with a PFD/Lifevest
and have experience in self-rescue in swiftwater/whitewater conditions.
The River can and will rise up out of it's bed and attack you if you get
too close.
Adults watch the kids and keep them away from the river. THIS IS YOUR JOB
because kids don't understand the power of the water.
For those, out hiking in the Beaver Creek area it is at 20CFS and Grape Creek is
at 174CFS. These are small creeks so don't let the relatively lower numbers fool
#royalgorge #rafting #kayaking #canoncity #florence #fremont #cotopaxi #howard
Commentary: lol what a
bunch of losers.
Gasoline prices set to plunge at the pump
( June
11, 2019
So a way is sought to bump up prices?
Tankers burn in Gulf of Oman off Iran after 'reported attack'
(nbc news) June
12, 2019
June 21-22, 2019
New Printout:
Beha'alotekha PDF -
June 14-15, 2019
New Printout: Parashah
Naso PDF -
June 7-8, 2019
New Printout:
Parashah Bamidbar PDF -
10 U.S.-made Armored Vehicles Transferred to Palestinian Authority With Israel's
(haaretz) Mar 21, 2019
According to an Israeli security source, the vehicles were transferred to the
Palestinian Authority following a demand by the United States. Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu, former Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman and ex-Israel
Defense Forces Chief Gadi Eisenkot all gave their consent to the move.
See? Giving ht PA armored vehicles was insane:
IDF soldiers, PA security forces exchange fire in Shechem
(israel national news) June 11, 2019
24 cases of the mumps confirmed at the University of Florida
( June 4, 2019
As of Tuesday afternoon, University of Florida
spokesperson Steve Orlando confirmed there are 24 cases of the mumps on campus.
All 24 students were vaccinated.
On little women:
“The god of self leads you nowhere.”
(breitbart) June 7, 2019
What happened to the Tea Party?
When you real conservatives figure that out, you'll be lonely.
Obama interferes with Brazil
politics. Lies about US gun rights (american thinker) Jun
1, 2019
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is pro-Israel (dailywire) Oct
30, 2018
So Obama hates that.
Bolsonaro is a Roman Catholic.
The Media typically misreports the Brazilian Catholics as "Evangelicals".
An interesting story about Bolsonaro and
Mostly May 2019
May 31 - June 1
New Printout:
Parashah Bechukotai PDF -
Looks a lot like Global Cooling:
May Climate Review across Southern Colorado
(national weather service) May, 2019
Make Sodom Great Again?
Trump’s ‘Celebrate Pride Month’ Tweets Urge Nations to Join in Effort to
Legalize Homosexuality (christian news) May 31, 2019
World Health Organization removes transgender from mental health disorder list
(philly voice) May 31, 2019
This is all a good sign, as these
evil things
were prophesied by Jesus to occur before he returns.
Luke 17:28 And likewise as
it-came-to-pass in the days of-Lot; they-were-eating, they-were-drinking,
they-were-buying-in-the-market, they-were-offering-for-sale, they-were-planting,
v29 But the day Lot went-out from Sodom it-rained fire and sulphur from heaven
and it-destroyed quite-all.
v30 It-will-be according-to these-(things) in-which day the son of-the MAN
Homosexuality is sin.
Leviticus 18:22-25
Jude 7 As Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around
them, the like manner to-these having-given-over-to-prostitution and
having-gone-away behind (i.e. after) of-different flesh, they-are-lying-before
(us) (an) example of-eternal fire holding-under that-which-is-just.
v8 Likewise however also these dreaming (ones) on-the-one-hand are-polluting
flesh, on-the-other-hand they-are-disregarding lordship, but
they-are-blaspheming glories.
Will Yeshua find the trust in God when he returns?
Not really:
"Further, the son of-the MAN having-come will-he
find the trust
upon the earth?"
πλὴν ὁ υἱὸς τοῦ ἀνθρώπου ἐλθὼν
εὑρήσει τὴν πίστιν ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς
Lexican - ἆρα
i. e. marking an inferential question to which a negative answer is expected:
Luke 18:8
Therefore, it won't surprising to see a lot of so-called
"Christians" agreeing with Trump regarding Homosexuality.
1 Corinthians 6:9
Israel to Host Trilateral Security Meeting with US, Russia in June
(jewish press) May 31, 2019
“This is unprecedented,” Netanyahu added. “A meeting like this has never taken
place before in Israel. Never."
If Trump and Netanyahu want to align with Gog it must be good, right?
Germany remains proud of its anti-Semitism
German Court Rejects Suit to Remove Relief Showing Jews Drinking Pig’s Milk from
UNESCO Heritage Site
(jewish press) May 30, 2019
Surviving examples of the Judensau in European churches
It is confusion:
Indiana salmon hatchery to raise nation's first genetically modified animal
cleared for human consumption
(chicago tribune) May 20, 2019
Coming, as a matter of course, expect "vaccine food".
Big wow, boy beats girl:
Biological Male Wins NCAA Women’s Track Championship
(dailycaller) May 28, 2019
As a matter of
* There are
only two genders. You are either born with a X and Y (male) or X and X (female).
You're biological make up, not opinions, defines gender.
* There are mutants.
Definition of Mutation: a relatively permanent change in hereditary material
that involves either a change in chromosome structure or number (as in
translocation, deletion, duplication, or polyploidy) or a change in the
nucleotide sequence of a gene's codons (as in frameshift or missense errors) and
that occurs either in germ cells or in somatic cells but with only those in germ
cells being capable of perpetuation by sexual reproduction
What is a gene mutation and how do mutations occur?
46,XX testicular disorder of sex development
Lauren Southern
Martin Luther King was a fraud?
(dailymail) May 26, 2019
May 24-25
New Printout:
Parashah Behar PDF -
May 24
In Israel, Netanyahu still hasn't formed a government.
If Netanyhu doesn't form a government, and Israel has
another election,
then Trump's "peace plan" might get put on hold until
after the next US election.
Which is probably a beneficial scenario for Israel.
May 17-18
New Printout:
Parashah Emor PDF -
"a crowd control weapon" -?
Israeli study finds that human sweat ducts act as “antennas” for 5G radiation
(natural news) Nov 29, 2018
The U.S. military is also already well-versed
in 5G technology, having long utilized it as a non-lethal form of crowd control.
The same 5G wavelengths utilized in the military’s so-called Active Denial
System, or ADS, are described as “weapons,” seeing as how they penetrate the top
1/64th of an inch layer of skin when directed at human bodies.
Five G technology, which will ---require cell towers every couple hundred
feet ---- in order to work, is perhaps the greatest technological fraud to
date. It’s never been proven safe – and, in fact, has been shown to be
threatening to the health of plants, animals, and humans.
U.S., Russian, and even Chinese military forces all utilize 5G as a crowd
control weapon, which bodes ominous for its eventual release into local
communities all around the world.
The likely truth:
Church of Laodicea endorses Trump for President in 2020
(the strident conservative) May 16, 2019
FINALLY: White House launches tool to report censorship on Facebook, YouTube,
Instagram, and Twitter
(geller report) May 16, 2019
Docs Reveal FBI Allowed British Spy’s False Intel To Guide Bureau’s Operation
Against Trump
(sara carter) May 9, 2019
May 10-11, 2019
New Printout:
Parashah Kedoshim PDF -
There's hope for Liberals/Democrats!
(nypost) May 10, 2019
May 3-4, 2019
New Printout:
Parashah Acharei Mot PDF -
Demonic activity in Colorado
dead and 8 injured, 2 suspects in custody after shooting at STEM School in
Highlands Ranch
(canon city daily record) May 8, 2019
Red flags:
Authorities eventually towed a white Honda sedan from
the property. A pentagram with the numbers “666” could be seen on the hood of
the car, as well as the phrase “(expletive) society” on the passenger-side door.
the other murderer is a "transgender", which is in itself a reflection of
demonic activity, as red-flagged by the relationship between these murderers.
Satanic persecution of Christians:
Colorado School Shooter Posted About Hating 'All These Christians Who Hate Gays'
(pjmedia) May 8, 2019
This isn't the first time the media has hid Christian persecution:
EXCLUSIVE: The Columbine shooters killed my daughter for her Christian faith.
(pjmedia) OCT 5, 2016
According to friend, Richard Castaldo, who
witnessed her death, Rachel was shot three times and her killers had moved on
until they realized she was still alive.
Returning to where she lay Harris lifted her head by the hair and asked her, 'Do
you still believe in God?' She answered, 'You know I do.' 'Then go be with Him,'
he said and dispatched her with a bullet to the temple.
Chillingly, video tapes recovered from Eric Harris's basement in which the boys
filmed themselves plotting and delivering hate filled rants suggest that they
had already picked Rachel out as a victim, referring to her as a 'Godly whore'.
This is the USA Today: Kids indoctrinated into DEMONIC
Media IGNORES Philly Muslim Children Taught About Chopping Off Heads But They
Wrote THOUSANDS Of Articles On Covington Catholic Students Fake News Smirk
(pamela geller) May 5, 2019
Earlier this week GR published a
shocking news report showing young children in a Philadelphia Islamic center
being has indoctrinated into jihad. The video showed the children saying that
they would “chop off…heads” for Allah. This is in Philadelphia not Gaza.
Imagine these jihadi kids in say 10 years.
CNN covered the January nontroversy surrounding Nick Sandmann and his fellow
Covington Catholic School students 23 times, but NOTHING on the footage of
children at a Philadelphia Islamic center reading poetry about chopping off
heads. is it any wonder half the American people are completely in the dark to
the grave threat?
May 4, 2019
Hamas Muslims launch 492 missiles at Israel civilians (Jewish Press)
May 4, 2019
Without Bennett's pressure, Netanyahu is free to do
The IDF bombs some empty buildings for show.
Help supply bomb shelters to Israelis:
Update May 5
These are not "peaceful border protesters" - this is war:
Confirmed: Israeli Vehicle Hit by Anti-Tank Missile from Gaza
(Jewish Press) May 5, 2019
Bomb Shelters in Tel Aviv OPENED
About all April 2019
Unreliable Nature Of Solar And Wind Makes Electricity More Expensive, New
Study Finds
(forbes) Apr 22, 2019
Good Trump:
US to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization
(israel national news) Apr 22, 2019
The move to blacklist the Muslim Brotherhood comes after Trump officially
designated the Iranian Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization.
The New York Times is a Piece of Trash
(Jewish Press) Apr 28, 2019
Gilbert Kay’s horrific anti-Semitic murder, while she was praying in the
synagogue in San Diego, took place on the weekend when the New York Times
published an anti-Semitic caricature reminiscent of the (Nazi) Der Sturmer
cartoons. Where hatred is being printed, hate crimes will be committed".
12-13, 2019
New Printout:
Parashah Metzora PDF -
Electric Car-Owners Shocked: New Study Confirms EVs Considerably Worse For
Climate Than Diesel Cars
(zero hedge) Apr 21, 2019
ridiculous. Decedents of American slaves cannot purchase the priceless
blood shed for them in the Civil War.
Mueller Report
Apr 18, 2019
The Fall of Babylon The Great?
A dozen Catholic churches have been desecrated across France over the period
of one week in an egregious case of anti-Christian vandalism
Muslim terrorism.
Mar 20, 2019
The Catholic hierarchy has kept silent about the episodes, limited
themselves to highlighting that anti-Christian threat and expressing hope
that politicians and police will get to the bottom of the crimes.
Reports indicate that 80 percent of the desecration of places of worship in
France concerns Christian churches and in the year 2018 this meant the
profanation of an average of two Christian churches per day in France, even
though these actions rarely make the headlines.
The End Of Cathedral Culture
(daily wire bozell & graham)
April 21, 2019
Shortly after the tragic sight of Notre Dame Cathedral
going up in flames in Paris,
as crowds watched and sang "Ave Maria,"
Note the manifestation of the prophesied unity of
historian Victor Davis Hanson put our modern times in
And Got it all wrong.
The "war on the past" includes equating Christianity and Roman Catholicism.
Revelation 18:15
And he-is-saying to-me: The waters which you-saw, the-place-where the
prostitute is-sitting are peoples and crowds and nations and languages.
v16 And the ten horns which you-saw and the beast, these will-hate the
prostitute, and they-will-make her having-been-made-and-still-desolate and
naked, and they-will-eat her fleshes, and they-will-burn her down with fire;
v17 For the God gave into their hearts to-do his sentiment, and to-do one
sentiment and to-give their kingdom to-the beast, until the words of-the God
v18 And the woman whom you-saw is the city namely-the great (one) namely-the
(one) having (a) kingdom over the kings of-the earth.
v1 After these-things I-saw another angel descending out-of the heaven,
having great authority, and the earth was enlightened out-of his glory.
v2 And he-cried with (a) strong voice saying: Babylon the great fell,
it-fell, and it-became (a) residence of-little-demons and (a) guard-house
of-every unclean spirit and (a) guard-house of-every unclean and
having-been-and-still-hated bird-of-prey,
v3 Because all the Gentiles have-drunk-and-still-drink out-of the wine
of-the anger of-her prostitution, and the kings of-the earth
committed-prostitution with her, and the merchants of-the earth became-rich
out-of the power of-her haughtiness.
v4 And I-heard another voice out-of the heaven saying:
my people, out-of her, in-order-that YOU-might not participate-with her
sins, and in-order-that YOU-might not take out-of her blows.
v5 Because her sins were-united unto the heaven, and the God
had-in-memory her unrighteous-acts.
v6 YOU-give-back to-her as she also gave-back, and YOU-double the
(things) double according-to her works; in the cup in-which she-mingled
YOU-mingle to-her double;
v7 As-much-as she-glorified her(self) and she-ran-riot, YOU-give to-her
this-much tormenting and mourning; because in her heart she-is-saying,
because I-am-sitting queen and I-am not (a) widow also by-no-means
might-I-see mourning;
v8 Because-of this in one day her blows will-be-present, death and mourning
and famine, and she-will-be-burned-down with fire; because strong
(is) Jehovah the God namely-the (one) having-judged her,
v9 And the kings of-the earth will-weep and will-bewail over her,
namely-the (ones) having-committed-prostitution and having-run-riot with
her, at-the-time-that they-might-be-looking-at the smoke of-her
v10 Having-stood-and-still-standing from a-distance because-of the fear
of-her tormenting, saying: Woe, woe, the city namely-the great, Babylon the
city namely-the strong, because in-one hour your judgement came.
v11 And the merchants of-the earth are-weeping and they-are-mourning over
her, because not-one is-buying their cargo in-the-market any-more,
v12 Cargo of-gold and of-silver and of-precious stone and of-pearls and
of-fine-linen and of-purple and of-silk and of-scarlet, and all thyine wood
and every ivory article and every article out-of-very-precious wood and
of-brass and of-iron and of-marble,
v13 And cinnamon and amomum and incenses and perfume and frankincense and
wine and oil and finest-wheaten-flour and wheat and animals and sheep, and
of-horses and of-wagons and of-bodies, and souls of-MEN.
v14 And the fruit-time of-the desire of-your soul went-away from you, and
all the greasy-things and the brilliant-things perished from you, and
by-no-means will-they-find them any-more.
v15 The merchants of-these-things, namely-the (ones) having-been-rich
from her, will-stand from at-a-distance because-of the fear of-her
tormenting weeping and mourning,
v16 Saying: Woe, woe, the city namely-the great (one), the (one)
having-been-and still-cast-around (with) fine-linen and purple and scarlet,
and having-been-and-still-gilded with gold-(objects) and precious stone and
v17 Because in-one hour this-much riches was-made desolate. And every
steersman and every (one) sailing on (a) place and sailors and as-many-as
are working the sea stood from at-a-distance
v18 And cried looking-at the smoke of-her conflagration saying: Who (is)
like to-the city namely-to-the great (one)?
v19 And they-cast dirt on their heads and they-cried weeping and
mourning, saying: Woe, woe, the city namely-the great (one), in which all
the (ones) having the vessels in the sea became-rich out-of her
preciousness, because in-one hour she-was-made-desolate.
over her, heaven and the holy-ones and the apostles and the prophets,
because the God judged YOUR sentence out-of her.
v21 And one strong angel lifted-up (a) stone as (a) great millstone, and he
cast into the sea saying: Thus with-a-rush will Babylon the great city
be-cast, and by-no-means might-it still be-found.
v22 And noise of-(ones)-who-play-the-kithara and of-musicians and
of-flute-players and of-trumpeters by-no-means might still be-heard in you,
and every craftsman of-every craft by-no-means might still be-found in you,
and noise of-a-millstone by-no-means might still be-heard in you,
v23 And light of-a-lamp by-no-means might still appear in you, and voice
of-bridegroom and of-bride by-no-means might still be-heard in you; because
your merchants were the magnates of-the earth, because in your use-of-drugs
all the Gentiles were-led-astray,
v24 And in her blood of-prophets and of-holy-ones was-found and of-all the
(ones) having-been-and-still-slain on the earth.
and to again repeat,
this is not saying there are no Christians in
the Roman Catholic Church...or in her harlot daughter churches...
indeed, vs4 above commands believers to come
out of her...
And to clarify,
I love old barns. It's always sad to see fine
wooden architecture destroyed.
It is
disturbing to see the
MSM ignore the many
Christians that are being murdered by Muslims around the world.
It is disturbing to see
the Pope embrace the
Muslims that are killing the members of his church.
Islamic State claimed responsibility for the coordinated blasts that killed
321 people
Apr 22, 2019
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both address the dead and
wounded as "Easter worshippers".
Now Obama and Clinton aren't making a correct
theological statement, but rather are going to extremes not to mention anything
connected to "Christ" or "Christian".
5-6, 2019
New Printout:
Parashah Tazria PDF -
Benjamin Netanyahu wins in
Right party suppressed?
Bloc party includes Catholics???
Anticipating Trump "Deal of the Century" (daniel pipes)
Apr 10, 2019
I have a
sinking-gut-feeling that Trump wouldn't be able to make "the deal of the
century" without Netanyahu...
i.e. Trump needs a Netanyahu without Bennett...
On the other hand, Bennett does at times appear to favor
mandating a Rabbinical Judaism only Israel. (?)
Election scandal?
New Right passes threshold before soldier votes counted? (israel
national news)
Apr 11, 2019
then, they kicked out New Right observers...
they moved the threshold!
(jewish press)
Apr 11, 2019
Become Unhoodwinked:
Annual U.S. Mortality Rates of the Vaccinated Diseases (
Apr 2, 2019
Speaking of being hoodwinked:
USGS (yes, a bunch of map
makers) work towards implementing Agenda 21.
Their blabble @Facebook 4-7-2019:
"It's Day 6 of #NationalPublicHealthWeek, so let’s also
talk about USGS science that informs contaminant exposure through drinking
In our daily lives, we are exposed to numerous hazards including microbial and
chemical contaminants in food, air, recreational water, drinking water, and
through human contact that may or may not pose substantial health risks.
Approximately 80 percent of the U.S. population resides in areas where public
water and wastewater systems are monitored and made safe under state and federal
regulations. The remainder of the population depends on self-monitored and
maintained private-well and septic systems.
Aging infrastructure, unsafe legacy materials in water distribution systems
(such as lead water supply pipes), growing dependence on water reuse to meet
population-driven water demands, and other factors create a potential for human
exposures to increasingly complex chemical and microbiological contaminant
mixtures in drinking water.
Scientists with the environmental health programs at USGS (Toxic Substances
Hydrology and Contaminant Biology) collaborate with public utilities, private
landowners, academia, non-government organizations, as well as local and Federal
public health and regulatory agencies to study the entire pathway of
environmental contaminants and pathogens. Scientists follow the water from
sources of natural or untreated waters, through various pathways including
public treatment and conveyance infrastructure, to drinking water from the tap.
For the first time, this research has brought together the expertise of the USGS
in the transport, fate, and analysis of contaminants with the expertise of
public health agencies to help understand actual exposures.
Learn about the Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Science Team at
and the USGS combined environmental health programs at
#science #NPHW #USGS"
Examples of the 80 percentile:
The San Francisco Treat:
Denver Decriminalizes Public Defecation To Protect Illegal Aliens:
The Gross factor increases with population density:
Chicken Noodle News (CNN) linked to Qatar (the blaze)
Apr 2, 2019
Netanyahu: Soros behind Likud libel (geller
report) Apr 1, 2019
no Logic to the term "fossil fuels". (cnn)
Apr 1, 2019
Mostly March 2019
Mar 30
Newer addition:
Fallen Angels
Newest addition - Audio:
Lesson 1-1;
Lesson 1-2
Lesson 2-1;
Lesson 2-2
Lesson 3-1;
Lesson 3-2
Lesson 4-1;
Lesson 4-2
Mar 30
8: Bible Translation --- The Serpent's "Playground" pdf
my comment
Insert for Discourse 8, page 3 MS-Word doc
NEWEST ADDITIONS: Discourse 8 Audio (Ten one hour lessons
that complement the pdf booklet)
Lesson 1-1;
Lesson 1-2
Lesson 2-1;
Lesson 2-2
Lesson 3-1;
Lesson 3-2
Lesson 4-1;
Lesson 4-2
Lesson 5-1;
Lesson 5-2
Lesson 6-1;
Lesson 6-2
Lesson 7-1;
Lesson 7-2
Lesson 8-1;
Lesson 8-2
Lesson 9-1;
Lesson 9-2
Lesson 10-1;
Lesson 10-2
Mar 29
New Printout:
Parashah Shemini PDF -
Mar 22
New Printout:
Parashah Tzav PDF -
Colorado has a serious 'rat problem.
Sen. Kerry
Donovan is a liar.
Having been caught in an outright lie, she doubled down on
Donovan FB comment 3/27/19:
Kerry Donovan
22 hrs ·
"Working in government is a privilege that I don't take
lightly. I especially don't take lightly the responsibility I have to uphold and
defend the United States Constitution and the Colorado Constitution. I signed an
oath to do so. I signed that oath as both a gun owner and as someone who
believes that I also have a responsibility to my constituents to do what I can
to support legislation that keeps them safe.
I will be voting yes on HR19-1177, the Extreme Risk Protection Order bill. That
will make many of you very angry. That will make many of you very happy. That's
the work of politics. This is a commonsense and constitutional bill that will
save lives and is supported by 87% of Coloradans. As a rancher, a gun is a tool
of my profession to be able to put an injured animal down quickly. But, to many
others, a gun can be a deadly weapon. This bill will not solve everything about
gun violence. But, we cannot have the expectation that because of that, we
should not try to do what we can to help a loved one in crisis.
You all also likely know by now that I had a contentious town hall in Salida
last weekend. The Rocky Mountain Gun Owners organized opponents of this bill to
come to my town hall alongside constituents who support the bill and others who
oppose it on their own merits. Things got heated, at least by Front Range
standards. Welcome to Western Colorado. We do things different out here.
To those who say I'm lying about the Sheriff of Chaffee County's position on the
bill: he, with the county commissioners, sent me a letter of policy suggestions
on this year's legislation that did not contain a position and he supported last
year's bill. When I was more clearly told he had changed his mind and now
opposed the bill, the record was corrected. I'm happy to do that, and I invite
him to join me on the Senate floor tomorrow, when we are likely to hear the bill
on final passage, to meet with me and be my guest to hear from supporters and
opponents alike and to meet with stakeholders to voice his concerns.
One thing is for certain: I will not be bullied and I will not be threatened.
Some comments have been about my appearance, and some have said they would have,
"loved for her to raise her voice to me...I would have put her ass in her place
so fast her head would spin." We should not accept violence or threats in our
I appreciate the opponents of the bill who have been kind, respectful, and
willing to have a conversation on this bill online, on phone calls, in meetings,
and at town halls. Your feedback will help me to continue to advocate for
addressing the lack of mental health resources. Though we may disagree, I look
forward to getting back to my main priorities: lowering the cost of health care,
building a state-of-the-art retirement system for Colorado's hourly earners, and
protecting the environment we love so much."
"This bill will not solve everything about gun violence."
wait, what?
"You all also likely know by now that I had a contentious town hall in Salida
last weekend. "
Her Facebook background photo was from that meeting:
photo: Sen Kerry Donovan at Salida Town Hall meeting
The only contentious person there was Donovan. Watch the
video at about the 2:20 minute mark.
It seems that she wanted to start a fight.
Everyone else was chillin'.
According to the Demoncrat's playbook @doubling down on a
Alinsky's rule #11: "If you push a negative hard
and deep enough it will break through into its counterside."
Letter from Chaffee County Sheriff to County Commissioners
requesting they become a sanctuary county in regards to
HB 19-1177, The Red Flag Bill
Chaffee County Sheriff's press release dated March 4, 2019
(Posted Mar 5) stating opposition to
HB 19-1177, The Red Flag Bill
Here's some hard facts:
More than half of Colorado counties will not comply with HB 19-1177
There is not widespread support for Hb19-1177.
Mostly in Denver/Boulder 'rat holes.
Good to be on the side that has guns.
Black Privilege @Jussie Smollett
17 Felonies dropped.
Historic March 25, 2019
Trump signs document officially recognizing Israeli control over Golan (Jerusalem
Post) Mar 26, 2019
With reservation:
Good Trump.
This helps Netanyahu (elections in 2 weeks).
The Kushners probably like Netanyahu better than
Bennett, in regards to their apparent dovishness (false peace) bent.
Hopefully this recognition is not attached to
a (Kushner?) divided Jerusalem.
There is a possibility that Netanyahu and Bennett
work well together in all this.
At any rate, ultimately, God is in control.
Oh By The Way, There was NO Trump/Russia election
REMINDER: WaPo, NYT Won Pulitzers For Russia Collusion Reporting
(dailywire) Mar 26, 2019
what a bunch of #FakeNews donkeys
Colorado's Demoncrat Madness
Fact: There’s no such thing as
“settled science” regarding a connection between “greenhouse gasses” and
anything, including “climate change”.
Allegedly, "climate change" is global.
So it’s just a huge energy cost increase to the
consumer. It will hurt the rural agriculture areas the most.
Recall them all:
Becker and Jackson, Jaquez Lewis, Bird, Cutter, Duran, Froelich, Galindo, Hooton,
Kennedy, Kipp, Melton, Roberts, Singer, Sirota, Snyder, Sullivan, Tipper, Titone,
Valdez A.,
Winter and Williams A., Moreno
In this world fact: The only constant thing is change.
CLIMATE CHANGE FAIL: Melting Glacier is Growing Again (louder
with crowder) Mar 26, 2019
The Liberal's "climate change"
ideology is akin to the Liberal's "Trump/Russia
election collusion" ideology.
The Demoncrats couldn't find any Russians
around Trump.
Russians are invading Venezuela (daily star) Mar 23, 2019
Why Does The Mainstream Media Purposely Ignore Mass Killings Of Christians
Across The Globe?
(zero hedge) Mar 23, 2019
Report: "11 Christians Killed Every Day for Their Faith"
(gatestone institute) Mar 3, 2019
Google Influenced Midterm Elections, May Have Cost Republicans Seats: Study
(zero hedge) Mar 22, 2019
Mar 19
Major flooding in Nebraska weirdly not being
reported by MSM.
grapevine says up to 2/3 of state flooded?
March 15-16
New Printout:
Parashah Vayikra PDF
In all the
other news:
Christchurch crazy gets world-wide attention.
Crazy is a white supremacist, so as Jesus was a Jew, we
know this murderer is not a Christian.
So what else did the world new report on in the first
fifteen days of March?
Not this:
120 people killed, 140 homes destroyed by Nigeria Fulani Muslims since February
(15 days) (Christian post) Mar 15, 2019
A Christian Genocide by Muslims on the World's Most Christian Continent:
Searching for Truth Amid the Bloodshed (Christian post)
Aug 25, 2018
"Killing of Christians is everywhere. Over 500 churches
have been lost by Fulani jihadists since 2011 in Benue state alone. There
is no proportionality, there is no balance of terror, there is no balance in
violence," he continued.
"It is the case of a group hiding under cattle herding to unleash violence on
innocent Christian indigenous communities. They destroy the farmlands and
convert their churches to mosques."
He argued that the "cardinal intent of the Fulani jihadists and their patrons
is to drive out all Christians, not only from the Middle Belt of Nigeria, but
possibly from all parts of Nigeria's rain forest regions. The jihadists have in
memory what happened to the ancient Christians of Turkey and North Africa, and
they are bent on replicating the same in Nigeria."
Umeagbalasi said that such jihadist take-overs have happened in the past as
well, such as in the case of Boko Haram, the more infamous terror group known
for raiding towns, kidnapping schoolgirls, and bombing government buildings and
He explained that Boko Haram began as a "rag-tag street urchin group" back in
2002, but they were also "infiltrated by fundamentalist Islamists in northern
Nigeria's religious, political and security establishments."
One difference is that in their attacks on the government and anyone who stands
in their way, Boko Haram has gone on to attack mosques and kill scores of
Muslims, along with many Christians.
Umeagbalasi pointed out that the Fulani have so far been attacking Christians
exclusively, and said that there have been numerous instances where they have
renamed rural Christian lands with Arabic or Islamic names.
"The biggest thing is to pray. We are praying for the victims, and for
the victims' families in these most recent attacks, as well as the attacks that
have taken the lives of Christians in Nigeria's Middle Belt," he said.
"We are praying for God to intervene, that He would bring an end to the
violence, and even work in the heart of these militants" for change, he
"We are praying for peace and for Christians in Nigeria to have a supernatural
peace and be able to forgive."
Summers said that one important aspect is "letting yourself find out about these
things, and letting it break your heart a little bit."
"The Christians in Nigeria are part of the same family of God that you would go
to church with, they are worshiping the same God that we do. Whenever they are
under attack, or whenever they are in mourning, we are given the opportunity to
mourn with them."
It seems that worldwide, many Muslims and Christians claim
a global unity in their belief systems.
Of course Roman Catholics are in reality different than
Protestants. So there is no unity there.
The Roman Catholic Church's (RCC) pope (Pappa Frenchy) is
trying to unite all religions back into the unity of the town of Babel, but true
Christians won't fall for that lie.
At any rate, currently it seems that Muslims and
other pagans are doing about 99.9% or more of the killing, most of which is directed at
the RCC.
All people in all faiths (Jews,
Christians, etc.) need to study their religions' official dogma/doctrine and
Don't take some rabbi or priest or imam's word for anything.
This will lead to a study of the Bible, as even Mohammed originally was a
student of it.
The History of
Muhammed and Islam
A Dozen Christian Villages in Nigeria Wiped Out in Four-Day Killing Spree (
Jun 29, 2018
'Pure Genocide': Over 6,000 Nigerian Christians Slaughtered, Mostly Women and
Children (Christian post) Jul 3, 2018
It's a dirty religion for sure:

Mystery infections traced to Satanic-Muslim blood-shedding religious ritual
(apnews) Mar 13, 2019
Facebook wants to be the world's China
(apnews) Mar 13, 2019
Don't give me that very old time
satanic religion:
pope and mormans hug
it out (desereet
news) Mar 11, 2019
AOC is an actress? (mr.
reagan) Mar 11, 2019
I had guessed demonic...crazy...
Good Trump:
Trump endorses permanent daylight saving time ( Mar 12, 2019
Good idea for North America.
People get up early in the morning, ever running
5 minutes late, go to
work/school, don't spend a lot of time/energy heating & lighting house.
light in the evenings equates to less lighting/heating/energy use when folks are home.
This is settled science.
Mar 8-9, 2019
New Printout:
Parashah Pekudei PDF
Mar 1-2, 2019
New Printout:
Parashah Vayakhel PDF
Record Cold USA (mercury news) Mar 5, 2019
Search this page for "vaccine" - March links
There's a lot of bees, honey, honeycomb sweetness in the Bible!
Related: Bee (mythology)
Not the bee. That bugs. It's the bull.
"Apis" was an Egyptian bull god.
It appears that religious records help us understand why bees were named "Apis".
"to understand how bulls are related to Bees we must examine the Bee in
prehistory still further."
"This is intriguing, for ancient cultures the world over have maintained that
Bees are born of bulls, and here we have statues depicting bulls with wings."
and again:
The Orwellian Medicaid Scam
Making Poor Baby Boomers Pay for Medicaid
Genetic research: almost 25% of Latinos, Hispanics have
Jewish DNA (jerusalem post) Mar 1, 2019
Bump Stock Rule Puts Constitution In The Crosshairs (forbes)
Mar 1, 2019
February 2019
New addition:
(56 page PDF, 78mb)
The audio for this course was
originally on cassette tapes (1979!), and now is in .mp3 files.
"Lesson 1-1" = "Tape One, Side One"
New addition:
Lesson 1-1;
Lesson 1-2
Lesson 2-1;
Lesson 2-2
Lesson 3-1;
Lesson 3-2
Lesson 4-1;
Lesson 4-2
New addition:
The Law Prophesied
(Book, 107pp)
New addition:
Concerning The
Arrest, Trial, and Death of Jesus The Messiah
(65 pages, no audio yet)
New addition:
On the
Colors of Jesus robes in The Ridicule of the Lord Jesus Christ.
(2 page PDF)
Jesus wore the colors of the veil -
Colorado Counties Declared Gun Rights Sanctuaries As Red Flag Bill Looms ( Feb 26, 2019
County has been added to this list. (sangre de cristo
sentinel) Feb 28, 2019
Beast Flashes a Gang Sign (Tahv/mark) (cnbc) Feb 27, 2019
citing its ---potential--- for crime -
associates individual personal
property (cash) with global corruption.
"The Federal Reserve and Treasury make 99 dollars for
every $100 dollar bill they print and sell offshore," Colas said. "There's a
natural desire to keep printing these things — the U.S. government makes a lot
of money selling them."
glick vs trump audio (the land of Israel) Feb 27, 2019
Tommy Robinson
(youtube) Feb 27, 2019
Robinson banned, Kassam disabled: Facebook cracks down on the harder right (spectator) Feb 27, 2019
Amazon removes Tommy Robinson’s book on Islam from sale ( )
Mar 1, 2019
Facebook Insider Leaks Docs; Explains “Deboosting,” “Troll Report,” & Political
Targeting in Video Interview (project veritas) Feb 27, 2019
ISIS Surrenders ? (dailymail) Feb 22, 2019
Doubtful, because:
As the convoy passed, automatic machine gun
fire could be heard in the distance and coalition aircraft flew overhead
Also in the "news":
Greatest stupid idea ever?
And on the flip side of that stupid idea coin:
Make American Black people pay descendents of
Union soldiers for their sacrifice.
Pope forges ties with Islam (Vatican)
Feb 4, 2019
As the Muslims slaughter Catholics, the un-holy pappa
frenchy joins himself to them.
"To this end, by mutual cooperation, the Catholic Church and Al-Azhar announce
and pledge to convey this Document to authorities, influential leaders, persons
of religion all over the world, appropriate regional and international
organizations, organizations within civil society, religious institutions and
leading thinkers. They further pledge to make known the principles contained in
this Declaration at all regional and international levels, while requesting that
these principles be translated into policies, decisions, legislative texts,
courses of study and materials to be circulated. "
"be translated into...legislative texts" = BE MADE CIVIL
And this includes the eastern orthodox church:
"In the name of God and of everything stated thus far;
Al-Azhar al-Sharif and the Muslims of the East and West, together with the
Catholic Church and the Catholics of the East and West, declare the adoption of
a culture of dialogue as the path; mutual cooperation as the code of conduct;
reciprocal understanding as the method and standard."
Clear as mud (now we see darkly):
Revelation 17:11 "And the beast which was and it-is
not, even he himself-is eighth, and he-is out-of the seven and he-is-withdrawing
into destruction.
v12 And the ten horns which you-saw-they-are ten kings, they-who not-yet took
(a) kingdom, BUT they-are-taking authority as kings one hour with the beast.
v13 These are-having one sentiment, and they-are-giving their power and their
authority to-the beast.
v14 These will-war with the lamb and the lamb will-have-victory-over them
because he-is Jehovah of-lords and King of-kings, and the (ones) with him are
called (ones) and chosen (ones) and trustworthy (ones).
v15 And he-is-saying to-me: The waters which you-saw, the-place-where the
prostitute is-sitting are peoples and crowds and nations and languages.
v16 And the ten horns which you-saw and the beast, these will-hate the
prostitute, and they-will-make her having-been-made-and-still-desolate and
naked, and they-will-eat her fleshes, and they-will-burn her down with fire;
v17 For the God gave into their hearts to-do his sentiment, and to-do one
sentiment and to-give their kingdom to-the beast, until the words of-the God
v18 And the woman whom you-saw is the city namely-the great (one) namely-the
(one) having (a) kingdom over the kings of-the earth."
Revelation 18:4 " And I-heard another voice out-of
the heaven saying: YOU-come-out, my people, out-of her, in-order-that YOU-might
not participate-with her sins, and in-order-that YOU-might not take out-of her
A Short History of American Medical Insurance (imprimis)
Feb 20, 2019
EU countries back copyright reforms aimed at Google, Facebook (reuters)
Feb 20, 2019
EU wants to outlaw linking. That is all.
US Supreme Court currently consists of 6 mostly Roman
Catholics and 3 mostly not Jews.
So it's a very Liberal court.
Trump the Leftist
Trump Launches Effort To End Criminalization Of Homosexuality Worldwide (dailywire)
Feb 19, 2019
the Trump administration expects to join with the
United Nations, the European Union and the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe in the global effort
And watch all the "Christians" say "Amen"
Massive Loss Of Thousands Of Hives Afflicts Orchard Growers And Beekeepers
Feb 18, 2019
many beekeepers across the U.S. have lost half their hives
California almond orchards have grown so much over the past 10 years, the bloom
requires nearly every commercial hive available in the United States.
Almond bloom is just as important to the beekeepers. It's a chance to make
nearly half their yearly income, and a place for the bees to work and grow early
in the spring while healing up from winter.
unusually early and warm spring weather last year made the bees start rearing
baby bees early. That gave varroa mites a chance to breed and multiply too.
When the almond blooms fade, beekeepers will truck their hives across America —
from the Northwest and Dakotas to the South and Maine, chasing spring.
Recap: almost all commercial beekeepers send their
bees to California to pollinate almonds.
California weather gives varroa mite an early start.
After almond bloom, almost all commercial bees, many of
them sick with varroa, are sent nationwide.
Bees drifting from one hive to another spreads varroa to
local bees.
Many bee colonies die out over winter.
What to do with Varroa?
DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)?
DDT is non-toxic to bees
Both DDT and DDE are classified as being
relatively non-toxic to
honey bees, with a topical LD50 of 27 µg/bee
William Barr’s first duty as our new AG must be to charge McCabe and Co. with
treason (the national sentinel)
Feb 14, 2019
Poll: Trump approval SOARS to 23-month high with likely voters after SOTU speech
(conservative review)
Feb 11, 2019
The MSM continuously attacks Trump - +90% negative
Trump gives a national speech that they cannot edit. His
ratings soar.
After two years and 200 interviews
Senate has uncovered no direct evidence of conspiracy between Trump campaign and
Russia (nbc news)
Feb 12, 2019
House Republicans announced last year they had found no evidence of collusion,
but their report came under immediate criticism as a highly partisan product
that excluded Democrats. Now in power, House Democrats recently announced an
expanded probe that will go beyond the 2016 election to examine whether any
foreign government has undue financial influence on Trump or his family. And New
York federal prosecutors are pursuing their own criminal inquiry related to
hush-money payments to women. The investigations into Donald Trump, therefore,
are far from over...
‘Pure evil’: Southern Baptist leaders condemn decades of sexual abuse revealed
in investigation (washington post)
Feb 10, 2019
nearly 400 Southern Baptist church leaders and volunteers have faced sexual
misconduct allegations in the past two decades. As many as 700 victims — some as
young as 3 — were sexually abused, some raped and molested repeatedly, according
to the report.
The Southern Baptist Convention, a fellowship of more than 47,000 Baptist
churches and 15 million members across the United States and its territories, is
the country’s second-largest faith group after the Catholic Church.
Asia Bibi: Pakistani authorities barring her from leaving, friend says (the
Feb 12, 2019
Dingbat AOC'S Idiotic Green New Deal FAQ (ocasio-cortez)
Feb 10, 2019
Dingbat AOC liars (dailywire)
Feb 10, 2019
Dingbat Aoc Liars admit they are liars
The case for Russia collusion … against the Democrats (the
Feb 10, 2019
Massive Southern Baptist Abuse Scandal (american
Feb 10, 2019
This Demon revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad. Finally EXPOSED!
[video] (Don'tConvert2Islam)
Feb 9, 2019
State of The Union Address Feb 5, 2019
Amazingly, Trump even had the bunch of socialist Democrats
chanting "USA! USA! USA!"
Feb 22-23, 2019
Ki Tisa
כִּי תִשָּׂא
New Printout:
Parashah Ki Tisa PDF
Feb 15-16, 2019
New Printout:
Parashah Tetzaveh PDF
Feb 8-9, 2019
New Printout:
Parashah Terumah PDF
Feb 1-2, 2019
New Printout:
Parashah Mishpatim PDF
Tens of thousands pack stadium for
first papal mass on Arabian Peninsula (reuters)
Feb 5, 2019
Thousands of people cheering and waving Vatican flags lined the entrance to the
stadium [Vatican is a sovereign nation,
world wide civil power.]
Organizers said Catholics from about 100 nations were expected to attend the
Mass, along with about 4,000 Muslims, including government officials.
The congregation prayed for migrant workers and their families and for the
ending of wars.
A central part of the [false]
Christian faith, the Mass commemorates
[false] Jesus’ Last Supper with his
apostles on the night before he died.
Catholics believe the communion host and wine become the body and blood of
Christ when consecrated by a priest during the Mass. Catholics believe the pope
is the vicar [i.e. substitute]
of Christ on earth, so participating in a papal Mass is particularly special.
Roman Catholics and Muslims are
currently aligned in both Government [civil power] and religion [religious
Imam calls on Muslims in the Middle East to ’embrace’ Christians (citizen
tiv) Feb 5, 2019
during an inter-religious meeting with Pope Francis
the Grand Imam of Egypt’s Al-Azhar mosque and university, called on Muslims in
the Middle East to “embrace” local Christian communities.
Al-Azhar hosted Pope Francis in 2017 to improve
relations between Catholics and Muslims.
APOLOGETICS 30: Adam's "help" became a "goddess"
APOLOGETICS 31: The Serpent of the Garden of Eden - Becomes the Dragon of World
Understand that you cannot believe Roman Catholic dogma and be a Christian.
Understand that both Roman Catholicism and Islam are based on the ancient pagan
Babylon mother goddess religion.
APOLOGETICS 35: "Mother of God"
Have the great prostitute's daughters are already joined
to her via the Eucharist/communion/the Lord's supper? - Do you really know what
you are doing? see Discourse 8 "Bible Translation --- The serpent's playground"
Revelation 18:4 And I-heard another voice out-of the
heaven saying: YOU-come-out, my people, out-of her, in-order-that YOU-might not
participate-with her sins, and in-order-that YOU-might not take out-of her
So, this is what I believe is happening with the Roman
Catholic and Muslim love-hate relationship:
Revelation 17
v1 And one out-of the seven angels namely-the (ones)
having the seven pans came, and he-spoke with me saying: come-hither,
I-will-point to-you the sentence of-the prostitute namely-the great
(one), namely-the (one) sitting on many waters,
v2 With whom the kings of-the earth
committed-prostitution, and the (ones) residing (on) the earth
were-made-drunk out-of the wine of-her prostitution.
v3 And he-brought me off into (a) desolate (place) in
spirit. And I-saw (a) woman sitting on (a) scarlet beast,
being-loaded (with) names of-blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
v4 And the woman was
having-been-and-still-cast-around (with) purple and scarlet, and
having-been-and-still-gilded with-gold-objects and with-precious stone and
with-pearls, having (a) cup made-with-gold in her hand being-loaded
of-abominations and the unclean-things of-her prostitution,
v5 And on her forehead (a) name
having-been-and-still-written, mystery, Babylon the great, the mother
of-the prostitutes and of-the abominations of-the earth.
v6 And I-saw the woman being-drunk out-of the
blood of-the holy-ones and out-of the blood of-the witnesses
of-Jesus. And having-seen her I-marveled (with) great marvel.
v7 And the angel said to-me: Because-of what
did-you-marvel? I myself-will-say to-you the mystery of-the woman and of-the
beast namely-the (one) bearing her namely-the (one) having the seven heads
and the ten horns.
v8 The beast which you-saw was and it-is not, and
it-is-about to-be-ascending out-of the abyss and it-is-withdrawing into
destruction; and the (ones) residing on the earth will-marvel, of-whom the
name has not been-nor-is-written on the little-book of-the life from
casting-down of-(a)-world, looking-to the beast that it-was and it-is not
and it-will-be-alongside.
v9 Here (is) the mind namely-the (one) having wisdom.
The seven heads are seven mountains where-in-which the woman is-sitting
over them, and they-are seven kings;
v10 The five fell, the one is, the other (one)
not-yet came, and at-the-time-that he-might-come it-is-essential (for) him
to-remain a-little-bit.
v11 And the beast which was and it-is not, even he
himself-is eighth, and he-is out-of the seven and he-is-withdrawing into
v12 And the ten horns which you-saw-they-are ten
kings, they-who not-yet took (a) kingdom, BUT they-are-taking
authority as kings one hour with the beast.
v13 These are-having one sentiment, and
they-are-giving their power and their authority to-the beast.
v14 These will-war with the lamb and the lamb
will-have-victory-over them because he-is Jehovah of-lords and King
of-kings, and the (ones) with him are called (ones) and chosen (ones) and
trustworthy (ones).
v15 And he-is-saying to-me: The waters which
you-saw, the-place-where the prostitute is-sitting are peoples and crowds
and nations and languages.
v16 And the ten horns which you-saw and the beast,
these will-hate the prostitute, and they-will-make her
having-been-made-and-still-desolate and naked, and they-will-eat her
fleshes, and they-will-burn her down with fire;
v17 For the God gave into their hearts to-do his
sentiment, and to-do one sentiment and to-give their kingdom to-the beast,
until the words of-the God will-be-finished.
v18 And the woman whom you-saw is the city
namely-the great (one) namely-the (one) having (a) kingdom over the kings
of-the earth.
Revelation 13
v1 And I-was-stood on the sand of the sea; and I-saw
(a) beast ascending out-of the sea, having ten horns and seven
heads and on its horns ten diadems, and on its heads names
v2 And the beast which I-saw was like
to-(a)-leopard, and its feet as of-(a)-bear, and its mouth as (a) mouth
of-(a)-lion. And the dragon gave to it his power and his throne and
great authority.
v3 And one out-of its heads as
having-been-and-still-slain with-reference-to death, and the blow of its
death was-healed. And the total earth was-made-to-marvel behind the
v4 And they-worshipped the dragon, because
he-gave the authority to-the beast, and they-worshipped the beast
saying: Who (is) like to-the beast and who is-being-able to-war with it?
v5 And (a) mouth was-given to-it speaking
great-things and blasphemies, and authority was-given to-it to-do forty
two months.
v6 And it-opened its mouth with-reference-to
blasphemies toward the God, to-blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and the
(ones) tabernacling in the heaven.
v7 And it-was-given to-it to-make war with the
holy-ones and to-have-victory-over them, and authority was-given
to-it over every tribe and people and language and nation.
v8 And all the (ones) residing on the earth
will-worship him, of-whom his name has not been-and-is-still-written in the
little-book of-the life of-the lamb, namely-of-the (one)
having-been-and-still-slain from casting-down of-(a)-world.
v9 If someone is-having (an) ear let-him-hear.
v10 If someone is-leading-together (into) captivity,
he-is-withdrawing into captivity; if someone will-kill with (a) dagger,
it-is-essential he to-be-killed with (a) dagger. Here is the perseverance
and the trust of-the holy-ones.
v11 And I-saw another beast ascending out-of
the earth, and it-was-having two horns like to-(a)-lamb, and
it-was-speaking as (a) dragon.
v12 And it-is-doing all the authority of-the first
beast in-sight of-it. And it-is-making the earth and the (ones)
residing in it in-order-that they-will-worship the beast namely-the first,
of-which the blow of-its death was-healed.
v13 And it-is-doing great signs, in-order-that
it-might even be-making fire to-be-descending out-of the heaven into the
earth in-sight of-the MEN.
[ see
APOLOGETICS 33: Two Horns Like to a Lamb - SECTION 1]
v14 And it-is-leading-astray the (ones)
residing on the earth because-of the signs which it-was-given to-it
to-do in-sight of-the beast, saying to-the (ones) residing on the earth
to-make (an) image to-the beast, who is-having the blow of-the dagger
and it-lived.
v15 And it-was-given to-it, to-give spirit to-the
image of-the beast, in-order-that the image of-the beast might even speak,
and it-might-make as-many-as might not worship the image of-the beast
in-order-that they-might-be-killed.
v16 And it-is-making all, the little and the great,
and the rich and the destitute, and the free and the slaves, in-order-that
they-might-give to-them (a) mark on their hand, namely-the right, or
on their forehead,
v17 Even in-order-that not anyone might-be-being-able
to-buy-in-the-market or to-offer-for-sale unless the (one) having the mark
or the name of-the beast or the number of-its name.
v18 Here is the wisdom. The (one) having the mind
let-him-count-up the number of-the beast; for it-is (a) number of-(a)-MAN.
And its number (is) six hundreds sixty six. [Manuscripts show 666, 860,
646, 706, 616]
Revelation 18
v1 After these-things I-saw another angel descending
out-of the heaven, having great authority, and the earth was enlightened
out-of his glory.
v2 And he-cried with (a) strong voice saying: Babylon the great fell,
it-fell, and it-became (a) residence of-little-demons and (a)
guard-house of-every unclean spirit and (a) guard-house of-every unclean and
having-been-and-still-hated bird-of-prey,
v3 Because all the Gentiles have-drunk-and-still-drink out-of the wine
of-the anger of-her prostitution, and the kings of-the earth
committed-prostitution with her, and the merchants of-the earth
became-rich out-of the power of-her haughtiness.
v4 And I-heard another voice out-of the heaven saying:
YOU-come-out, my people, out-of her, in-order-that
YOU-might not participate-with her sins, and in-order-that YOU-might not
take out-of her blows.
v5 Because her sins were-united unto the heaven, and the God
had-in-memory her unrighteous-acts.
v6 YOU-give-back to-her as she also gave-back, and
YOU-double the (things) double according-to her works; in the cup in-which
she-mingled YOU-mingle to-her double;
v7 As-much-as she-glorified her(self) and she-ran-riot, YOU-give to-her
this-much tormenting and mourning; because in her heart
she-is-saying, because I-am-sitting queen and I-am not (a) widow also
by-no-means might-I-see mourning;
v8 Because-of this in one day her blows will-be-present, death
and mourning and famine, and she-will-be-burned-down with fire; because
strong (is) Jehovah the God namely-the (one) having-judged her,
v9 And the kings of-the earth will-weep and will-bewail over her, namely-the
(ones) having-committed-prostitution and having-run-riot with her,
at-the-time-that they-might-be-looking-at the smoke of-her conflagration,
v10 Having-stood-and-still-standing from a-distance because-of the fear
of-her tormenting, saying: Woe, woe, the city namely-the great, Babylon
the city namely-the strong, because in-one hour your judgement came.
v11 And the merchants of-the earth are-weeping and they-are-mourning over
her, because not-one is-buying their cargo in-the-market any-more,
v12 Cargo of-gold and of-silver and of-precious stone and of-pearls and
of-fine-linen and of-purple and of-silk and of-scarlet, and all thyine wood
and every ivory article and every article out-of-very-precious wood and
of-brass and of-iron and of-marble,
v13 And cinnamon and amomum and incenses and perfume and frankincense and
wine and oil and finest-wheaten-flour and wheat and animals and sheep, and
of-horses and of-wagons and of-bodies, and souls of-MEN.
v14 And the fruit-time of-the desire of-your soul went-away from you, and
all the greasy-things and the brilliant-things perished from you, and
by-no-means will-they-find them any-more.
v15 The merchants of-these-things, namely-the (ones) having-been-rich from
her, will-stand from at-a-distance because-of the fear of-her tormenting
weeping and mourning,
v16 Saying: Woe, woe, the city namely-the great (one), the (one)
having-been-and still-cast-around (with) fine-linen and purple and scarlet,
and having-been-and-still-gilded with gold-(objects) and precious stone and
v17 Because in-one hour this-much riches was-made desolate. And every
steersman and every (one) sailing on (a) place and sailors and as-many-as
are working the sea stood from at-a-distance
v18 And cried looking-at the smoke of-her conflagration saying: Who (is)
like to-the city namely-to-the great (one)?
v19 And they-cast dirt on their heads and they-cried weeping and mourning,
saying: Woe, woe, the city namely-the great (one), in which all the (ones)
having the vessels in the sea became-rich out-of her preciousness, because
in-one hour she-was-made-desolate.
v20 You-be-being-merry-for-yourself over her, heaven and the holy-ones
and the apostles and the prophets, because the God judged YOUR sentence
out-of her.
v21 And one strong angel lifted-up (a) stone as (a) great millstone, and he
cast into the sea saying: Thus with-a-rush will Babylon the great city
be-cast, and by-no-means might-it still be-found.
v22 And noise of-(ones)-who-play-the-kithara and of-musicians and
of-flute-players and of-trumpeters by-no-means might still be-heard in you,
and every craftsman of-every craft by-no-means might still be-found in you,
and noise of-a-millstone by-no-means might still be-heard in you,
v23 And light of-a-lamp by-no-means might still appear in you, and voice
of-bridegroom and of-bride by-no-means might still be-heard in you; because
your merchants were the magnates of-the earth, because in your use-of-drugs
all the Gentiles were-led-astray,
v24 And in her blood of-prophets and of-holy-ones was-found and of-all the
(ones) having-been-and-still-slain on the earth.
Additional supportive studies to help fill in the
APOLOGETICS 25: "A Season, and Seasons, and Half Of-a-Season"
APOLOGETICS 43: Jehovah is Gathering Israel for the Battle of Zion
Meanwhile, back home at the
Majority of Vatican priests are homosexual
sweeping exposé on homosexuals in the Vatican (life
site news) Jan 22, 2019
Roman Catholic priests rape boys
Database of Publicly Accused Priests in the United States (
Roman Catholic nuns rape nuns:
"The secret not yet told": Women describe alleged abuse by nuns (cbs
news) Jan 2, 2019
Roman Catholic priests also rape nuns:
Pope publicly acknowledges clergy sexual abuse of nuns (ap
Feb 5, 2019
Pappa Frenchy says oh, it's ongoing, we're gonna fix that someday (sg
Feb 5, 2019
What happens when a priest impregnates a nun?
Catholic Church Explains The Bodies Of Nearly 800 Children Found ‘In Septic
Tank’ Behind A Former ‘Mother And Baby Home’
June 4, 2014
and this is not an isolated thing:
Charlotte Keckler’s Testimony
Horrors of life in a Catholic monastery exposed by Charlotte Keckler
Dec 20, 2018
Listen to
her story in her words (youtube audio)
I’ll say this before I go any farther that
Popery is a masterpiece of Satan.
I said it’s a masterpiece of Satan with its lying wonders and its traditions and
its deception. It’s a terrible thing when you know about it.
She escaped the convent and came to know Jesus:
I’d rather have Jesus than anything you might have, because I’ve found Him to be
the best thing that I’ve ever known. I can tell Him anything I want to tell Him,
and he won’t call you up and tell you what I told Him. I can sit at His feet and
tell Him, every day of my life, “Jesus, I love you. Jesus, I love you.” And
every secret of my heart I can pour out to Him, and I don’t worry about Him
calling you up and telling you what I told Him.
He’s the best friend you ever had. He’s able to save you. He’s able to deliver
you. He’s able to loose you from the things of this world. Set you free to know
Him. Praise His name.
This is not an isolated event:
and this Satanic abuse in the Roman Catholic
Church has been documented for centuries...
FBI Gains Access to Popular Home DNA Kit Database (pcmag)
Feb 2, 2019
Leftist Liars Indigenous
Indian Movie
This video released by Covington Catholic High School student Nick
Sandmann’s attorneys will shock you. They are pursuing a lawsuit against
more than 20 prominent people who slandered, attacked, threatened, and
spread lies about the young Conservative. Nathan Phillips is in the
hook for much of the disinformation and is shown in this video repeatedly
telling lies about the kids that were verbally assaulted by racists and
subjected to drumming in Sandmann's face for as long as five minutes.
Thank God:
Asia Bibi is in Canada (world .wng)
Feb 2, 2019
UPDATE: No, she's not.
Asia Bibi: Pakistani authorities barring her from leaving, friend says (the
Feb 12, 2019
January 2019
Who is a Christian?
Democrats now pushing murder of new born babies (freebeacon)
Jan 30, 2019
The disabled and elderly are likely on their list.
Baby Boomers take notice.
a growing Republican mob mentality embracing the new
slavery as their god and shouting
"Work Makes You Free"...
"Arbeit macht frei" is a German phrase meaning
"work sets you free".
The slogan is known for appearing on the entrance of
Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps.
Coldest midwest weather in a lifetime
Jan 30, 2019
Trump calls for global warming to come back.
The Electoral College Still Makes Sense Because We’re Not A Democracy (the
Jan 30, 2019
Colorado PERA Good or Bad The Truth
Some good info on how PERA works.
Unfortunately, we live in a time where apparently many expect a public servant
to fund their own paycheck.
Colorado’s PERA calls $32 billion fix a “shared sacrifice,” but current and
future workers would shoulder $17.7 billion (denver
Nov 24, 2017
Current employees would actually contribute less of
each paycheck than under PERA’s proposal — a change Hickenlooper said was needed
to retain and recruit quality workers — but they would begin contributing a year
sooner. And they pay again later in life.
In other words, lie to the young new hire to suck them into taking the job and
then make them pay for it later.
A lot of people participate in this evil theft of promises made.
More on that PERA wage theft (colorado sun)
July 9, 2019
Just 20 years ago, Colorado’s public pension had more
than 100% of the money it needed to pay retirement benefits in perpetuity.
Today, it’s only 59.8% funded, with $31 billion in unfunded benefits owed.
That's the primary theft. And along with that, the goals
of eliminating PERA and reducing the independence of Baby Boomer employees.
Colorado’s government effectively spent the last 20
years promising retirement benefits without paying for them.
And now the workers are not going to be paid the promised
wage. That's the lie and the secondary theft.
This theft was initiated by Bill Owens:
In the early 2000s, the state legislature and then-Gov. Bill Owens, a
Republican, sweetened PERA’s benefit package without adjusting contributions to
cover the cost.
Jan 27 2019
I well remember a girl...
"I well remember a girl, slim and
with black hair, who, as she passed close to me, pointed to herself and said,
May God Richly Bless
Miss Twenty Three.
And YOU-will-be
being-hated by all because-of my name.
And (a) hair out-of YOUR head by-no-means might-perish.
- Luke 21:18-19
And thus
all Israel
will-be-saved - Romans 11:26a
The Holocaust Just Got More Shocking
(new york times)
March 1, 2013
Not 6 million murdered in the Holocaust,
but there were 15-20 million murdered.
At the least 6 million were Jews.
What they have found so far has shocked
even scholars steeped in the history of the Holocaust.
The researchers have cataloged some 42,500 Nazi ghettos and camps throughout
Europe, spanning German-controlled areas from France to Russia and Germany
itself, during Hitler’s reign of brutality from 1933 to 1945.
The documented camps include not only “killing centers” but also thousands of
forced labor camps, where prisoners manufactured war supplies; prisoner-of-war
camps; sites euphemistically named “care” centers, where pregnant women were
forced to have abortions or their babies were killed after birth; and brothels,
where women were coerced into having sex with German military personnel.
Auschwitz and a handful of other concentration camps have come to symbolize the
Nazi killing machine in the public consciousness. Likewise, the Nazi system for
imprisoning Jewish families in hometown ghettos has become associated with a
single site — the Warsaw Ghetto, famous for the 1943 uprising.
But these sites, infamous though they are, represent only a minuscule fraction
of the entire German network, the new research makes painfully clear.The lead
editors on the project, Geoffrey Megargee and Martin Dean, estimate that 15
million to 20 million people died or were imprisoned in the sites that they have
identified as part of a multivolume encyclopedia.
Holocaust documentary film by Alfred
Memory of the Camps
An accounting
Revelation 6:9
And when he-opened the fifth seal, I-saw
underneath of-the altar the souls of-the (ones) having-been-and-still-slain
because-of the word of-the God and because-of the witness which
v10 And they-cried with-(a)-great voice saying: Till at-what-time, the despot
namely-the holy and authentic, are-you not judging and avenging our blood out-of
the (ones) residing on the earth?
v11 And (a) white stolee was-given to-them each (one), and it was said to-them
in-order-that they-themselves-might-rest-again yet (a) little time, till also
their fellow-slaves and their brothers namely-the future (ones)
to-be-being-killed also as they, might fulfill (their lives?).
Christians do not cry for vengeance, so we
should understand that those -protectively- under the alter are the souls of
Romans 12:19
Not avenging yourselves, cherished (ones),
BUT YOU-give place to-the wrath;
for it-has-been-and still-is-written:
An-avenging (is) for me, I myself-shall-repay,
Jehovah is-saying.
Deuteronomy 32:35
Vengeance is mine, and recompense,
At the time when their foot shall slide:
For the day of their calamity is at hand,
And the things that are to come upon them shall make haste.
For Jehovah will judge his people,
And repent himself for his servants;
When he seeth that their power is gone,
And there is none remaining, shut up or left at large.
Deuteronomy 32:43
Rejoice, O ye nations, with his people:
For he will avenge the blood of his servants,
And will render vengeance to his adversaries,
And will make expiation for his land, for his people.
Romans 11:26
And thus all Israel will-be-saved,
according-as it-has-been-and-still-is-written:
The (one) delivering
will-be-present out-of Sion,
he-will-turn-back impiety from Jacob.
Isaiah 40:1-2 "Comfort
ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.
Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem; and cry unto her, that her warfare is
accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned, that she hath received of Jehovah's
hand double for all her sins."
Psalm 122:6
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
They shall prosper that love thee.
7 Peace be within thy
walls, And prosperity within thy palaces.
8 For my brethren and
companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.
9 For the sake of the
house of Jehovah our God I will seek thy good.
Revelation 22:20 The (one) witnessing these-things
is-saying: Yea I-am-coming speedily.
Amen, you-be-coming, Lord Jesus.
v21 The favor of-the Lord Jesus (be) with all.
58,000 illegal aliens voted in Texas (Texas
Sec. of State)
Jan 25, 2019
Deception and
the Coming Jewish Temple… (h4c blog)
Jan 15, 2019
Of course, none
of this is to suggest that God is not fulfilling his promises and prophecies
concerning the Jews with the State of Israel, or that the Jews are not God’s
chosen people…
Four Massive Media Hoaxes in First Three Weeks of 2019 (breitbart)
Jan 22, 2019
Jan 12, 2019
Parashah Bo
New Printout:
Parashah Bo PDF -
Jan 19, 2019
Parashah Beshalach בְּשַׁלַּח
New Printout:
Parashah Beshalach PDF -
Jan 26, 2019
Parashah Yitro יִתְרוֹ
New Printout:
Parashah Yitro PDF -
Report: World Council of Churches’ Flagship Project Trained 1,800
Anti-Israel Activists (jewish press) Jan 14, 2019
Dems Eye 33% Corporate Rate Hike (americans for tax reform) Jan
8, 2019
Let the Dopers Build the Wall (wnd) Jan 8, 2019
China makes it to 1969! (ap news) Jan 3, 2019
Dec 2018
for my Christian friends
Some thoughts on
for my Jewish friends:
thoughts onHanukkah
The real difference between Judaism and Christianity
Ben Shapiro and John MacArthur
Who is Jesus for you?
The Forbidden Chapter
You can learn...if you can hear.
You can hear...if you are told.
If you listen.
Sh'ma Israel.
Shocking case of Israeli believers targeted by efforts to revoke their
citizenship (kehilanews) July 25, 2018
In Israel
Hayemin Hehadash
Naftali Bennett & Ayelet Shaked form New Right party
Just like the Bible says!
Almost all species on Earth today came into being at about the same time,
scientific study declares (ap news) Dec 31, 2018
nine out of 10 species on Earth today, including humans, came into being at
roughly the same time
What they saw was a lack of variation in so-called "neutral" mutations, which
are the slight changes in DNA across generations that neither help nor hurt an
individual's chances of survival.
*In other words, they were irrelevant in terms of the natural and sexual drivers
of evolution.
another unexpected finding from the study — species have very clear genetic
boundaries, and there's nothing much in between
Timberland Boot sales set
to skyrocket
First Lady wears them to combat zone on Christmas
A Short History of American Medical Insurance (imprimis
Sept, 2018)
The problem with

The False Prophet Mohammed.
LIARS head to Congress
Muslim Rep. Rashida Tlaib to be sworn in on
Jefferson’s Qur’an (geller
report) Dec
28, 2018
swearing by the
False Prophet Mohammed
equates to FAKE Swearing-in.
And they know it. They know that
the false god Allah
is not the God of the Bible.
They know they are not swearing allegiance to
the U.S.A.
allows Muslims
to lie
at least 4 ways. It is called
or Kitman,
or Tawriya
or Muruna.
The Hadith makes it clear that Muslims are allowed
to lie to unbelievers in order to defeat them or protect themselves. There are
several forms:
Taqiyya - Saying something that isn't true as it relates to the Muslim
identity. This is a Shiite term: the Sunni counterpart is Muda'rat.
Kitman - Lying by omission. An example would be when Muslim apologists
quote only a fragment of verse
5:32 (that if
anyone kills "it shall be as if he had killed all mankind") while neglecting to
mention that the rest of the verse (and the next) mandate murder in undefined
cases of "corruption" and "mischief."
Tawriya - Intentionally creating a false impression.
Muruna - 'Blending in' by setting aside some practices of Islam or Sharia
in order to advance others.
were there at the beginning”
This is a lie.
No, neither
the Puritans nor the Pilgrims were
Muslims, and
Jefferson was not "pro-Islam", but rather went to war against the Muslims and
defeated them in the wars of 1805 & 1815.
I have a copy of the Koran, but I'm
certainly not pro-Islam. I'm informed.
The Barbary jihad piracy which confronted America soon
after our nation was established (i.e., between 1786-1815), was an enduring,
formidable enterprise.
During the 16th and 17th centuries,
as many Europeans were captured, sold, and enslaved by the Barbary corsairs
as were West Africans made captive and shipped for plantation labor in the
Americas by European slave traders.
Robert Davis’ methodical
enumeration indicates that between one, and one and one-quarter million white
European Christians were enslaved by the Barbary Muslims from 1530 through 1780.
Seems like the Muslims
owe reparations...
Hence the resounding declaration in the
Anthem of the United States Marines,
Marines’ Hymn, ‘From the Halls of
Montezuma / To the Shores of Tripoli’
as in Libya.
an aggressive jihad was already being waged against the United States almost 200
years prior to America becoming a dominant international power in the Middle
East. Moreover, these jihad depredations targeting America antedated the
earliest vestiges of the Zionist movement by a century, and the formal creation
of Israel by 162 years—exploding the ahistorical canard that American
support for the modern Jewish state is a prerequisite for jihadist attacks on
the United States.
The problem is
Google. It.
horror story
Crowd Funding "the Wall"
scares the Establishment
Mid-late Dec
The Trump Switch?
Good or Bad time will tell.
Bunch of Turkeys
Is Turkey Aiming To Head A Global Islamic Union Governed By Sharia? (zero
hedge) Dec
19, 2018
As demonstrated by the annual International Islamic
Union Congress, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan seems determined to bring
back the Ottoman Empire and a Sharia-governed caliphate.
Turkey appears to be accelerating its endeavor to establish an Ottoman-style
Islamic government encompassing several Muslim nations. One such effort was
apparent in early November at the second "International Islamic Union Congress,"
in Istanbul.
At the first ASSAM conference in November 2017, participants endorsed the aim of
"unity of Islam" through establishing the "Confederation of Islamic Countries."
Its declaration was approved by ASSAM and 109 NGOs – seventy of which were from
Turkey – from 29 countries.
The declaration reads, in part:
"Islamic countries have to unite under one common will and an 'Islamic Countries
Parliament' which will conduct permanent activities has to be established
urgently. [The confederation aims to include] sixty-one Islamic countries... in
the Unity of Islam provided they decide in free will and accept the unity terms
and conditions."
In addition, a model constitution was drafted, according to which the capital of
the Islamic confederation is Istanbul; sovereignty "belongs to Shariah [Islamic
law]"; and four of the member states -- mainly Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Kosovo and Macedonia -- are expected to be European Muslim-majority countries.
With the USA paving the way?
approves sale of Patriot missiles to Turkey (israel
national news ) Dec
18, 2018
How on earth is Turkey in NATO?
The art of the Trump makes a deal with
, Declares Victory
In Syria
As U.S. Moves To Withdraw All Troops 'As Quickly As
(daily wire) Dec
18, 2018
The U.S. has some 2,000 military members in Syria and
ISIS has been reduced to a single stronghold near the Iraq border. But in a
phone call with Trump last week, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
threatened to launch an assault on the U.S.'s Kurdish partners in Syria.
Damascus will be a ruinous heap. Not a
great place to be. Especially now for the Kurds.
Interesting battle of powers between Turkey
and -yes- the Kurds.
Probably more US military on the Mexican border.
Government Shutdown = Border Patrol not
paid? Need to replace with troops?
Syria Attacks Israel (jewish pres5) Dec
20, 2018
Israeli Warplanes Strike Pro-Iranian Targets Near Western Damascus (jewish
press) Dec
26, 2018
Turkey Amasses Troops, Tanks on Syrian Border as U.S. Preps Pullout (breitbart) Dec
26, 2018
Turkey ‘determined’ to drive out Syrian Kurdish forces (stars
and stripes) Dec
26, 2018
ISTANBUL — Turkey said Tuesday it is
working with the U.S. to
coordinate the withdrawal of American forces but remains “determined” to
clear U.S.-allied Kurdish
fighters from northeastern Syria.
What in the world? Turkey working
with the U.S. to clear U.S. allied Kurds from Syria?
It's a world power struggle between Turkey, Syria
& Kurdistan, perhaps more connected to geography than leadership. And Turkey
appears to be fighting ISIS for the claim to be the Islamic Caliphate.
There is some thinking that the blow that God put
on the Assyrians (2 Kings 19:35; Isaiah 37:36) becomes the recovered wound
(Revelation 13:3) in the area of Kurdistan dominance. Not likely, right? A
rebuilt Ottoman Empire might also fit the bill of occupying the leopard's (Rev.
13) former territory (Greek Empire -Daniel 7:6) . And it seems
Syria's Assad isn't dead. Some think Putin is Gog (leader) of Magog. Russia also
has recovered from a death blow. Interesting times if you have but a
smattering of secular and biblical histories.
Trump might be correct to get out of the way and
let the chips fall where they may. Might be wrong.
Will Israel help the Kurds?
Christians in Syria 'at Risk of Extinction': 'If Turkey Invades, Our Churches
and People Will be Gone' (pjmedia) Dec
28, 2018
Bad Trump
Trump administration officially bans bump stocks (cnn) Dec
18, 2018
And just like that, the Republican Party was toast.
Officials at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms
and Explosives had previously concluded bump stocks were merely a gun
accessory or firearm part, not subject to federal regulation, but President
Donald Trump called on the Justice Department to outlaw the devices soon after
the tragedy.
Those who possess the devices, which make it easier to
fire rounds from a semi-automatic weapon by harnessing the gun's recoil to
"bump" the trigger faster, will have 90 days to turn in or otherwise destroy
them from the date that the final rule is published in the federal register --
likely this Friday -- according to senior DOJ officials
This unconstitutional restriction of the Right to Bear
Arms applies to more than just bump stocks.
Sad irony:
Trump creates felons out of thin air the same day
Trump's Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card hits the press.
Texas Federal Judge Rules Obamacare Unconstitutional (nbc
news) Dec
14, 2018
The U.S. Supreme Court had upheld the law in 2012, by classifying the
legislation as a tax. But since Congress removed the individual mandate in 2017,
O’Connor ruled, there's no way the ACA can be allowed to stand.
"The Individual Mandate can no longer be fairly read as an exercise of
Congress's Tax Power and is still impermissible under the Interstate Commerce
Clause — meaning the Individual Mandate is unconstitutional," O'Connor wrote.
"The Individual Mandate is essential to and inseverable from the remainder of
the ACA."
In America's hidden war in Syria, troops face peril on many fronts (stars
and stripes) Dec
14, 2018
Turkey regards the main Kurdish militia, the YPG, which
is affiliated with the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party inside Turkey, as a
terrorist organization and fears the consequences for its own security if the
group consolidates power in Syria. ----"The main concern of the Arab
population is that one ethnicity, the Kurds, is going to build a state for Kurds
and impose their authority on the others," ------All the challenges and
complexities of northeastern Syria seemed to be concentrated in the small,
strategic town of Manbij. Located beside the Euphrates River, it was liberated
from the Islamic State by Kurdish forces over three years ago. Now, to the
north, lies territory controlled by Turkish troops and their Free Syrian Army
allies, and to the south by the Syrian government and its allies, Russia and
Iran.-------------------In the middle are the Americans.
Deportations under Trump are on the rise, but still lower than Obama's, ICE
report shows ( Dec
14, 2018
The sorry socialist state of the farm bill (conservative
review) Dec
12, 2018
Kavenaugh votes FOR Planned Parenthood (wnd) Dec
10, 2018
Said here in July:
"probably not better for USA than Amy Barrett."
Good Trump
Trump administration prepares major rollback of Obama-era water rules
(foxnews) Dec
9, 2018
“50 percent of farms in the lower 70
percent of the crop sales distribution received no subsidy or program payments.”
Yet every single Senate Democrat without exception voted for this boondoggle
that subsidizes wealthy corporations.
And all but 12 Republicans supported this.
South Africa: the Newest Black Apartheid State
‘Your Time Is Up, White People’: South African Officials Announce Start Date for
Controversial Land Grabs ( Dec
10, 2018
Farming is high-tech, and a lot of hard work.
If the white's success in farming reflects racial
inequality, then obviously the black farmers will be successful.
But they were not successful in Zimbabwe.
Wolf Camp Black Gold
USGS Announces Largest Continuous Oil Assessment in Texas and New Mexico ( Dec
6, 2018
On the New USGS Assessment of the Wolfcamp Shale ( Dec
7, 2018
The federal government had literally nothing
to do with discovering the Wolfcamp Shale. That work has been done by teams of
extremely smart geoscientists, engineers and other professionals at an array of
companies in the nation’s oil and gas industry over the last decade.
But.......the USGS does deserve credit for
doing some analysis and math and producing yesterday’s amazing assessment ....
46.3 Billion barrels of crude oil;
20 Billion barrels of natural gas liquids; and
281 Trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
This should cause a fair amount of panic amongst
the Global Climate doomsdayers.
So that's good too.
What the next step should be:

and for the
enlightened eco-conscious, the wind-powered beanie version:

The trick is to think of cobalt as a pretty
Cobalt: Child slave labor powers the Electric Car.
(dailymail) Aug 5, 2017
The Russian-Israeli Crisis over Syria Lacks an Exit Strategy
(besacenter) Dec 5, 2018
US-led coalition attacks in Syria (israel national
news) Dec 2, 2018
There were no reports of injuries or deaths,
with the report saying the attack caused only material damage.
148 nations disavow Jewish ties to Jerusalem, Temple Mount (jerusalem
post) Dec 2, 2018
The United States, Canada and Australia
voted against all six resolutions, which are the first batch of some 20
resolutions that the UNGA annually passes against Israel.
Iran’s Rouhani Demands Muslims Unite to Fight U.S. and ‘Cancerous Tumor’ Israel
(geller report) Dec 2, 2018
Archbishop warns Christians in Middle East facing ‘imminent extinction,’
‘horrendous prosecution’ (the blaze) Dec 2, 2018
“The number of Christians granted asylum by Britain has
slumped considerably since 2016, when 1.5 per cent were Christians. Last year
that percentage dropped to just 0.23 – amounting to 11 of the 4,832 Syrians who
were resettled in the UK.
The term "Christians" is used to misrepresent the (Eastern
and Western) Roman Catholic Church.
So then the percentage of true Christians is much less.
What the bible says regarding the Roman Catholic Church:
Revelation 17 being fulfilled
v15 And he-is-saying to-me: The waters which
you-saw, the-place-where the prostitute is-sitting are peoples and crowds and
nations and languages.
v16 And the ten horns which you-saw and the beast,
these will-hate the prostitute, and
they-will-make her having-been-made-and-still-desolate and naked, and
they-will-eat her fleshes, and they-will-burn her down with fire;
v17 For the God gave into their hearts to-do his sentiment, and to-do one
sentiment and to-give their kingdom to-the beast, until the words of-the
God will-be-finished.
v18 And the woman whom you-saw is the city namely-the great (one) namely-the
(one) having (a) kingdom over the kings of-the earth.
A hard word:
It appears then that God is punishing the Roman
Catholic Church at this time.
God is not in satan's false-bride/Roman Catholic
Revelation 18:4 And I-heard
another voice out-of the heaven saying: YOU-come-out, my people, out-of her,
in-order-that YOU-might not participate-with her sins, and in-order-that
YOU-might not take out-of her blows.
v5 Because her sins were-united unto the heaven,
and the God had-in-memory her unrighteous-acts.
v6 YOU-give-back to-her as she also gave-back, and YOU-double the
(things) double according-to her works; in the cup in-which she-mingled
YOU-mingle to-her double;
Note that as the RCC persecuted Jews during the
Inquisition and Holocaust - throughout all church history - so she shall undergo
things twice as difficult.
v7 As-much-as she-glorified her(self) and she-ran-riot, YOU-give to-her
this-much tormenting and mourning; because in her heart she-is-saying, because
I-am-sitting queen and I-am not (a) widow also by-no-means might-I-see mourning;
v8 Because-of this in one day her blows will-be-present, death and mourning and
famine, and she-will-be-burned-down with fire; because strong (is) Jehovah the
God namely-the (one) having-judged her,
Revelation 18:20 You-be-being-merry-for-yourself over her, heaven and the
holy-ones and the apostles and the prophets, because the God judged YOUR
sentence out-of her.
Revelation 19:3 And second they-have-said-and-still-are-saying: Hallelujah: and
her smoke is-ascending into the ages of-the ages.
Neither is God in the Laodician religious organization,
as Jesus said "I stand at the door and knock" (Rev.3:20).. He's OUTSIDE that
Yet again, as with the Roman Catholic, God also calls
the true Christian OUT of the Roman Catholic Church's harlot
Revelation 3:20
Behold I-have-stood-and-still-stand on the door
and I-am-knocking; if some-one might-hear my voice and he-might-open
the door, I-shall-come-in to him and I-shall-take-supper with him and
he with me.
It's a good offer. Take it. Don't look back.
I'm hopeful that as Catholics observe that their Pope is
against them, they will come out of the RCC.
Nov 2018
New Miracle Litmus Test screens out Democrats
at birth ( Nov 29, 2018
It's Mueller time:
By Rep. Louis Gohmert
also showing:
The Politicization of the FBI (imprimis)
-from Jan 25, 2018
New scientific discovery
supports Bible's Adam and Eve story
( Nov 27, 2018

Mohammed attacks Jews in LA
( Nov 27, 2018
Crackpot named Mohammed Mohammed tries to drive
over Orthodox Jews on Shabbat.
The driver also reportedly shouted anti-Semitic
epithets at them.
Police are investigating Friday night’s incident as a
possible hate crime.
Somali Muslim Immigrant Carried Out Synagogue Car Jihad in LA (
Nov 28, 2018
Mohamed reportedly
had a knife an a Koran
and the
authorities are still searching for that mysterious motive.
Proceedings suspended against LA ramming suspect (Israel
National News) Dec 2, 2018
because while he is just a "normal moderate muslim" he
momentarily became "mentally incompetent"
FACT: If you believe Islam is the true religion of the God
of Abraham, then you have either demonstrated mental incompetence in that you do
not understand the obvious evil in the Koran, or you have demonstrated that you
are evil in that you understand the evil in the Koran and embrace it.
Here are some of the
Koran's Satanic Verses:
And slay them wherever you come upon them, and
expel them from where they expelled you; persecution is more grievous than
slaying. But fight them not by the Holy Mosque until they should fight you
there; then, if they fight you, slay them — such is the recompense of
unbelievers, but if they give over, surely Allah is All-forgiving,
All-compassionate. Fight them, till there is no persecution and the religion is
Allah’s; then if they give over, there shall be no enmity save for evildoers. (Quran
Men are the managers of the affairs of women for that Allah has preferred in
bounty one of them over another, and for that they have expended of their
property. Righteous women are therefore obedient, guarding the secret for
Allah’s guarding. And those you fear may be rebellious admonish; banish them to
their couches, and beat them. (Quran 4:34)
They wish that you should disbelieve as they disbelieve, and then you would be
equal; therefore take not to yourselves friends of them, until they emigrate in
the way of Allah; then, if they turn their backs, take them, and slay them
wherever you find them; take not to yourselves any one of them as friend or
(Quran 4:89)
This is the recompense of those who fight against Allah and His Messenger, and
hasten about the earth, to do corruption there: they shall be slaughtered, or
crucified, or their hands and feet shall alternately be struck off; or they
shall be banished from the land. That is a degradation for them in this world;
and in the world to come awaits them a mighty chastisement. (Quran 5:33)
When thy Lord was revealing to the angels, ˜I am with you; so confirm the
believers. I shall cast into the unbelievers’ hearts terror; so smite above the
necks, and smite every finger of them!
(Quran 8:12)
Make ready for them whatever force and strings of horses you can, to strike
terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others besides them that you
know not; Allah knows them. And whatsoever you expend in the way of Allah shall
be repaid you in full; you will not be wronged. (Quran 8:60)
Then, when the sacred months are drawn away, slay the idolaters wherever you
find them, and take them, and confine them, and lie in wait for them at every
place of ambush. But if they repent, and perform the prayer, and pay the alms,
then let them go their way; Allah is All-forgiving, All-compassionate. (Quran
Fight those who believe not in Allah and the Last Day and do not forbid what
Allah and His Messenger have forbidden — such men as practise not the religion
of truth, being of those who have been given the Book — until they pay the
tribute out of hand and have been humbled.
(Quran 9:29)
Allah has bought from the believers their selves and their possessions against
the gift of Paradise; they fight in the way of Allah; they kill, and are killed;
that is a promise binding upon Allah in the Torah, and the Gospel, and the
Koran; and who fulfils his covenant truer than Allah? So rejoice in the bargain
you have made with Him; that is the mighty triumph. (Quran 9:111)
O believers, fight the unbelievers who are near to you; and let them find in you
a harshness; and know that Allah is with the godfearing.
(Quran 9:123)
When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks, then, when you have made wide
slaughter among them, tie fast the bonds; then set them free, either by grace or
ransom, till the war lays down its loads. So it shall be; and if Allah had
willed, He would have avenged Himself upon them; but that He may try some of you
by means of others. And those who are slain in the way of Allah, He will not
send their works astray.
(Quran 47:4)
Recall that this normal, run-of-the-mill Muslim
"nut-job" had a Koran and a knife in his attack vehicle, thus demonstrating
a certain competency in that he was operating a vehicle and following the
Koran's instructions.
So then, are the law enforcement and justice systems saying that this guy is
mentally incompetent because of the Koran's influence, or are they saying
that he is functional in society as long as there are no Jews in it?
this week's Jew hatred that the media ignored (geller
Nov 29, 2018
Moderate Muslims Liars
in Pittsburgh pocket cash raised for Jewish community in wake of mass shooting
(conservative review)
Nov 28, 2018
Prove it:
If witness John Chau is dead,
WHERE'S HIS BODY? (the sun)
Nov 28, 2018
North Sentinel Island - the Left's utopian
paradise where Cain-murder is a good thing.
The World: "Am I my brother's keeper?"
- so they embrace their murderous brothers..
OPINION: Obama Failed — Not Fixed — America’s Economy (dailycaller)
Nov 27, 2018
By Derrick Wilburn
Not blaming Obama for Trump's economy?
But the Democrat's midterm success won't be
already isn't help the economy.
Obama Used Tear Gas At Least 80 Times at Border (
Nov 27, 2018
and more:
Border Patrol Agents Used Tear Gas, Pepper Spray Under Obama
More Than 500 Times
(daily caller)
Nov 27, 2018
The Stealth Tax Increase Buried in Your Trump Tax Cut
Nov 27, 2018
Don't Tell Anyone, But We Just Had Two Years Of Record-Breaking Global Cooling (
May 16, 2018
Australia PM adviser says climate change is 'UN-led ruse to establish new world
Nov 28, 2018
Images of forest rakes
On the same day
Hillary Clinton and John Kerry bash Europe immigration policies.
The timing is not likely an accident.
A Good Start
U.S. Stops Funding to Palestinian Authority for Continuing Its “Pay for Slay”
Program to Reward Terror (
Nov 22, 2018
Chief Justice Roberts is wrong in two distinct ways in criticizing Trump
(american thinker)
Nov 22, 2018
For at least six decades, courts have been
legislating from the bench, and finally a president has taken this on. We can
expect the entire institutional weight of the establishment to come down hard on
him. The only thing Trump has going for his position is reality.
About that indictment against WikiLeaks founder
Julian Assange
IF he goes to court in the USA for having kept Hillary
from being President,
at this time he stands a better chance to
New in Israel:
The Bible Block Party
The founder of the party, Orthodox Jew Avi
Lipkin, has worked 15 years toward his vision of a coalition of Jews and
Christians standing together as a political alliance in the Jewish homeland.
on the on hand,
Liberals embrace demonic activity:
Number of Witches in U.S. on the Rise, May Surpass 1.5 Million (cnsnews)
Nov 16, 2018
where's the money, honey?
the "psychic services industry" grew
2% between 2011 and 2016, making it now a $2 billion industry in the United
Not surprisingly, the Los Angeles Times ran a commentary on May 23, 2017, in
which writer Diana Wagman described how she had joined with "thousands of
witches, believers and people like me all over the world" to cast a binding
spell on President Donald Trump "under the waning crescent moon" in April last
on the other hand,
Liberals say Trump is demonic:
George Soros’s son: Under Trump, ‘a genie was let out of the bottle, which may
take generations to put back in’ (market watch)
Oct 24, 2018
Analysis: Liberals are
at best very confused...
In first, US will vote 'no' on UN resolution condemning Israeli control of Golan (i24news)
Nov 16, 2018
Curbing Iran's ambitions in the Middle East (washington
Nov 1, 2018
Editorial by Colorado Congressman Doug Lamborn
Congress should work with the
president to formally recognize Israeli sovereignty in the Golan.
This is an urgent matter as Iran continues to increase its conventional threats
to Israel. Alliances in the Middle East are constantly changing, but right now a
new one has emerged. Iran’s rising power has driven a rare coalition of Arab
states in the Middle East to work with Israel, a country who decades ago they
fought wars against. It is time for the United States to recognize Israeli
sovereignty over the Golan Heights, both for Israel’s sake, but more importantly
for continued security of the free world.
Christians in USA under Attack (fox news)
Nov 13, 2018
A liberal Christian student senator at the
University of California, Berkeley,
the daughter of Malaysian-Cambodian immigrants
and former intern for Democrats
attacked by
Why? Because she abstained from a symbolic vote.
Just FYI, they call themselves "queer" (the "Queer Alliance Resource
Center" (QARC)).
So then, they must be queers? ?!?
November 11-12
Israel under attack
+500 missiles
400 (and counting) missiles fired at Israel from Gaza (israel
national news)
Nov 13, 2018
The result of "land for peace"
Lieberman resigns (jerusalelm post)
Nov 14, 2018
“I have tried to remain a faithful
member of the Cabinet and to make heard another view, even at a great
electoral and political price," Liberman said. However, Tuesday's ceasefire with
Hamas “cannot be interpreted in any way other than a surrender to terror," he
added. "This will severely harm our security in the long term.” “The response
that we gave to the 500 rockets shot from Gaza was not enough, to say the
least," Liberman continued. "The south should come first. Our weakness is being
broadcast to other fronts.”
Interesting political move.
Israel could of course wipe Hamas out in a day.
I've come to understand that Israel uses Hamas as a shield against greater
aggressions; one aggression is negative thoughts toward Israel and another is
negative actions. While the huge bottle rockets Hamas lobs into
Israel are deadly if they chance upon a target, this activity pacifies the
greater Muslim & Arab world. Israel politicians accept
responsibility for a certain amount of "collateral damage/death) for this
policy. Alongside or with this policy is a policy of trying to control how
the world views Israel. The sillier policy for sure. And the Left uses
this to weaken Israel from within. And Lieberman has been party to this
big-boy-pants-on game for a long time, yet now -says- he won't further
Seems like a plan, or opportunity taken, to
diminish the Jewish Home party. Looks like Naftali and Shaked didn't fall
for it.
California on FIRE
The president blamed the blazes on poor forest management (wall
street journal)
Nov 10, 2018
Trump is Spot On.
California's Wildfires are man-made (forbes)
July 30, 2018
more details:
California’s Mismanagement of Forests and Fire (geller report)
Nov 14, 2018
The "local" problem is a national problem.
Decades of a -nationwide- liberal policy complaining about
"global warming" yet never acting upon it, rather they have permitted the
forests to die.
They've know for decades that the beetle population was
exploding because it no longer gets cold enough to kill them over winter.
And all the while clamoring for more "wilderness", which
in reality is a death sentence to a forest.
& resultant erosion from Rain/floods to come is planned
for in order to restrict access.
Loggers support Trump's claim that wildfires caused by 'poor forest management'
(washington timesl)
Nov 16, 2018
“It’s time to rise above political
posturing and recognize that active forest management — including logging,
thinning, grazing and controlled burning — are tools that can and must be used
to reduce fire risks and help mitigate the impacts to landscapes,”
Correct, although it is past the optimum time
to begin, but better late than never.
beetles alone dictate the need of Block clear-cutting.
Well done, Weldon! - One MAN in Paradise
The man who battled the flames to save his corner of
Paradise (yahoo)
Nov 10, 2018
This is how we beat the USFS.
It's just fire.
"Scoop and run! We fought with garden hoses for six or
seven hours before we had to turn to the buckets -- maybe eight hours, I don't
know," he explained.
"Not bad for two boys!"
Granted, they had help: "God
helped us -- we had angels everywhere."
Just think if instead of running away (as they have been
brainwashed to do), people took a stand and fought the fire.
After publishing nationally that he has the only place not
burned or looted,
"local authorities have advised the family to leave,
and warned them that if they do, they might be not allowed back in."
He's made them look like fools.
Next step the "authorities" condemn the
area as uninhabitable. All part of a plan.
But playing along for now: What's the benefit of a fire
protection district if they can't even protect a municipality from a wildfire???
Let the cats figure out how to get out of the
trees on their own, and save a bunch of tax dollars.
As a matter of
* There are
only two genders. You are either born with a X and Y (male) or X and X (female).
You're biological make up, not opinions, defines gender.
* There are mutants.
Definition of Mutation: a relatively permanent change in hereditary material
that involves either a change in chromosome structure or number (as in
translocation, deletion, duplication, or polyploidy) or a change in the
nucleotide sequence of a gene's codons (as in frameshift or missense errors) and
that occurs either in germ cells or in somatic cells but with only those in germ
cells being capable of perpetuation by sexual reproduction
What is a gene mutation and how do mutations occur?
46,XX testicular disorder of sex development
Signs of the times:
"While professing to be wise, they appeared as fools."
Wow, an unelected DMV worker silences the Judicial Branch by deciding for the
state that a mutation from the definitive x-y count equates to more than one
( Nov 8, 2018
Officials with the Colorado Department of
Revenue tell The Denver Post the new policy was created after judges in two
cases ruled in favor of residents attempting to change their sex on government
identification. Colorado Revenue executive director Michael Hartman says the
Division of Motor Vehicles adopted the new policy to avoid the possibility of
being sued.
Who cares if some mutant freak of nature sues the
state? That's why we have the US Supreme Court, to decide such issues.
The DMV should not be allowed to set State policy.
The Reprieve
2016 - 2018
The ‘Hamas Caucus’: The Five Anti-Israel Women That Democrats elected to
Congress (
Nov 19, 2018
Colorado 2018 Mid-term Election Results

How very odd (Democrat):
Colorado elects a gay Jew Democrat as Governor.
(Schutz) Polis / Dianne Primavera
52.44% 1,183,654
REP REP Walker Stapleton / Lang Sias
43.91% 990,962
Total votes: 2,257,032
So Polis won by 192,692 votes, or 8.5% of the vote.
I'm guessing Polis got the Jewish vote.
Here's one way of
understanding today's neo-Judaism.
Who is Jesus for you?
You have no idea.
The Forbidden Chapter
You can learn...if you can hear.
You can hear...if you are told.
If you listen.
Sh'ma Israel.
The real difference between Judaism and Christianity
Discussion with Ben Shapiro and John MacArthur
How very Bizarre (Democrat)
America’s newly elected Congresswoman- Rashida Tlaib
of Michigan arrived at victory party dancing draped in the Palestinian Flag (breitbart)
Nov 7, 2018
Caution: Video contains shrieking barbarity
Tlaib explicitly supports the destruction of the Jewish
state of Israel and its replacement of a unitary Palestinian state.
How Very Disgusting (Democrat)
The other anti-Israel Muslim that won, Ilhan Omar, (Minnesota) was married to
her brother.
(pjmedia) Oct 23, 2018
The motivation for the marriage remains unclear.
However, the totality of the evidence points to possible
immigration fraud and student loan fraud.
And incest?
I cannot imagine that a judge would grant a
divorce without Elmi even being served if the paternity of a minor child was in
As this implicates Rep. Omar in multiple state and
federal felonies, I have contacted the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Minnesota to
submit all other information uncovered during our investigation.
Voter Fraud
Voter Fraud California
Voter Fraud in Florida
The final countdown:
Broward County Completes Recount Showing Republicans Gaining Votes, Then Fails
to Submit Them In Time, Nullifying Recount
(dailywire) Nov 16, 2018
They tried so hard.
Florida's Palm Beach County voting machines overheat as Democrats cook up votes
(fox news) Nov 14, 2018
No, really...
the machines already began showing signs of
problems Monday when the numbers did not match up with the early voting ballots
run Tuesday,
Nearly 200,000 Florida Voters May Not Be Citizens
(geller report) Nov 11, 2018
Boxes of Ballots falling from sky 4 days after election!
( Nov 10, 2018
Place extra ballots in car. Call cops. Declare bomb threat. Steal Elections.
(laura loomer) Nov 12, 2018
Another Florida county hit with lawsuit over election – from Fox, NBC and other
(the blaze) Nov 9, 2018
Election Fraud Expert: Brenda Snipes Allowed Illegal Aliens and Felons to Vote;
Illegally Destroyed Ballots
(breitbart) Nov 9, 2018
Blatant Vote Fraud in Florida
(sun-sentinel) Nov 8, 2018
“Florida law requires counties report early voting &
vote-by-mail within 30 minutes after polls close. 43 hours after polls closed 2
Democrat strongholds BrowardCounty & PalmBeachCounty are still counting &
refusing to disclose how many ballots they have left to count,” -Rubio
Again, Vote Fraud in Florida
(daily wire) Nov 8, 2018
Video Allegedly Showing Ballots Transported In Private Cars
Vote Fraud in Texas:
WATCH: Texas Poll Worker Tells Undercover Reporter They've Allowed 'Tons' Of
DACA Recipients To Vote
(daily wire) Nov 6, 2018
Nine Arrested in 2017 Voter Fraud Scheme in Texas Border Town
(breitbart) Nov 9, 2018
2nd Vote Fraud Ring
(the monitor) Nov 11, 2018
Have no fear,
"Q" says midterm results safe
fyi Seb sez q'z a snake
the gleanery
The USA is on its last leg. i.e. the judicial branch.
If the USA- a constitutional republic -somehow becomes a straight democracy,
then there's no hope for this country.
Because the Democrats control the
media, the education, and the election judges.
Trump is a reprieve, as his "core" work is
federal judicial appointments.
So Republicans won the Senate, thus they won
the mid-term elections.
Because the Senate confirms federal judicial
The Constitution will save us from the
If we lose the Constitution, the USA is done.
Appointments Clause
BUT, not all Republicans are Republicans.
Republicans cancel LONG LIST of judicial nominees – because Jeff Flake is voting
with DEMS (the right scoop)
Nov 28, 2018
Get this: RINO Flake wants to protect
Mueller...which is indicative of a Mueller crime.
Man with a Plan:
Man, 69, sues to lower age 20 years: ‘You can change your gender. Why not your
Aha! The Perfect Solution to Medicaid's
theft of Baby Boomer estates!
Medical Assistance Estate Recovery Program Assistance Estate
Recovery Program.pdf
Or, on the other hand, early retirement!
Oct 2018
ANALYSIS: What’s Up With The Washington Post And The Muslim Brotherhood? (
Oct 16, 2018
Khashoggi seems a likely Muslim Brotherhood operative.
Big Tech Is Meddling with Free Speech… and Elections
(jewishpress) Oct 23, 2018
Russians, UN, in First Joint Patrol of Israeli-Syrian Border
(jewishpress) Oct 26, 2018
IF there is no Syria, then the UN Security Council's bogus
Resolution 497 can't be used against Israel.
So Gog recreates Syria.
In other news:
Wiley E. Coyote sends fake bombs to Top Democrats
ATTENTION: - that's what it's all about.
Bad Trump:
Report: Trump willing to 'get tough' on Netanyah
(israel national news) Oct 22, 2018
“I can be as tough with Bibi as I have
been with the Palestinians"
Bennett to Trump: No Joint Capital in Jerusalem Even in a Thousand Years
(jewish press) Oct 23, 2018
"There are some things you don’t do, under no
circumstance, not even as a political maneuver, we will not say yes to the
division of Jerusalem.”
“We will also not agree to a territorial compromise, unless the Arabs want to
transfer territory to us,” Bennett said. “We’re ready to accept territory. We
are the smallest state in the region, we will not transfer one more inch [of
land] to the Arabs, that saga is over.”
Dr. Patrick Michaels on the truth about global warming
(fox news levin) Oct 22, 2018
CDOT is hunting the Unicorn:
While currently unfunded, CDOT
is proposing to provide funds for fiber and technology improvements to
highways across the state and provide support for the RoadX program to
prepare Colorado for new transportation technologies. To learn more, watch
the video or check out the project fact sheet —
This project is part of CDOT's 10-year development plan that can be
implemented as funding becomes available.
Much related
video -
whizz-bangs hatch unicorn
Douglas Bruce's 2018 voter guide -
Why the Media Couldn’t Care Less About Khashoggi
( Oct 20, 2018
Christine Blasey-Ford Friend In Delaware Was Career FBI Agent and Likely
Together During Accusation Letter Construct…
( Oct 3, 2018
The Unexpected FBI Background of Christine Ford’s Friend
( Oct 4, 2018
Oct 6, 2018: the honorable Judge
Kavenaugh confirmed to Supreme Court.
Sept 2018
Never forget. Remember: Muslims did it.
Regarding "anonymous" White House" storyteller...
(some sarcasm here,)
My guess: an inside coup - against Pence.
The Establishment can't get serious about getting
rid of Trump with Pence in the wing.
My better guess, Trump is the source. He's
thinking there's no such thing as bad press.
My best guess: it's the Russian sleeper cell,
So anyway, gotta be Kelly. Or maybe
Ivanka...after all, what kind of person has "IVAN" in their name? Pretty
(and here)
This tale, like Judge Kavanaugh's "hearing" and Mueller's
"investigation", is all about trying to help the Democrats in the mid-term
a little sad comedy
Fake News Section:

Facebook Hires
Aliens Invading New Mexico to Fact Check
The Babylon Bee
August 2018
The Left preps for elections:
Tech Giant Tyranny: List of purged Conservative Sites
( Aug18 , 2018
Medical Assistance Estate Recovery Program Assistance Estate
Recovery Program.pdf
Detailing how Baby Boomers are forced to fund "free"
healthcare via civil asset forfeiture.
I Was Robbed of 70% of the Land of Israel
(jewish press) Aug 27, 2018
Just to sum up, Jordan sits on 77% of British
Palestine and has a majority of over 75% of Arabs who call themselves
“Palestinians”. Why aren’t the Arabs, who so want to create a Palestinian State,
not fighting over 77% of the Land where they are a 75% majority? Why are they
fighting over a small sliver of 23% where they are the minority? The answer is
This has never been a struggle to build a new state called Palestine, it’s a
struggle to destroy the one called ISRAEL
Related- Good Trump:
US to end all funding to UNRWA
(ynet news) Aug 31, 2018
Regarding the original "Palestinian refugees",
remember that they left Israel because the invading Islamic Arab nations told
them to, as they were going to kill everyone in their path.
Obviously, God had other plans for their path.
HAPPENING NOW: Expect all out war against Trump from Leftist press and
Establishment (Dem & Rep).
email, and so forth
Majority of Clinton Related Emails on Weiner’s Laptop Never Examined
(sara carter) Aug 24, 2018
Only 3,077 of the 694,000 emails were directly
reviewed for classified or incriminating information.
Three FBI officials completed that work in a
single 12-hour spurt the day before Comey again cleared Clinton of criminal
Read the full (background) story here:
Almost September, try to remember:
IG Report confirms Obama lied about Hillary's emails
(washington times) June 15, 2018
Those unsecured emails were a felony.
and another crime scene:
Former AG Eric Holder's
FBI Admits it Leaks to Media, Then Uses Stories to Get Warrants (breitbart) Aug 28, 2018
Trump Announces U.S.-Mexico Breakthrough On NAFTA. Talks With Canada To Start
(dailywire) Aug 27, 2018
Ross Perot was correct about that giant sucking
Where the Democrat Party's brand of "Socialism" goes:
‘We are cutting the throat of whiteness!’: South Africa seizing land owned by
white farmers
(the blaze) Aug 22, 2018
Beck: “We don’t have land redistribution here
— yet. But the rise of democratic socialism (in the U.S) and Marxism in South
Africa should sound uncomfortably familiar."
Of course here in the USA, the Government owns a
big chunk of the land...
Christians Systematically Slaughtered by Muslims Continues Unabated in
Nigeria geller report) Aug 21, 2018
Peeling the onion:
Trump's comments about Israel no probably a reason
to get alarmed'
(israel national news) Aug 22, 2018
The "art" of the deal:
The president added that given his decision to
recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, the Palestinian Authority would have to
“get something very good next” for negotiations to succeed, “because it’s their
turn next,” without naming any specific steps. “Israel will have to pay a
higher price, because they won a very big thing.”
Bolton: No plans for US to recognize Golan as Israeli territory
(israel national news) Aug 22, 2018
The Reagan administration refused to
recognize the 1981 annexation, and subsequent administrations have
viewed the Golan as Syrian territory.
Trump the same old same old?
Hoping "plans" can change.
FDA approves Teva’s generic EpiPen
(fox business)
Aug 16, 2018
‘The president’s right’: Interior chief pushes thinning forests to cut fire risk
Large block clear cutting AND thinning is the only way to
preserve what is left of USA forests.
A "wilderness" designation is a death sentence to a
Islamic Jihad training camp in New Mexico
(Liz Wheeler)
Aug 10, 2018
Set Up A Compound In New Mexico Where They Trained School Shooters
(daily wire)
Aug 3, 2018
With further evidence of Satanic Islamic child sacrifice, judge releases School
Shooter suspects
(fox news)
Aug 14, 2018
drops charges for three in New Mexico compound case (the
Aug 29, 2018
FBI arrests five New Mexico compound suspects days after multiple charges were
dropped (the
Sept 1, 2018
Feinstein's Personal Driver Of 20 Years Was A Chinese Spy
(daily wire)
Aug 10, 2018
July 2018
In South Africa they had
by Lauren Southern
The Devil in the details of Roman Catholicism: Pedophile priests (the
american conservative)
July 28, 2018
the state Supreme Court has ordered the
release next month of a 900-page grand jury report that will discuss more than
300 “predator priests” in six of the state’s eight Catholic dioceses.
Haley straight talk (
July 27, 2018
Obama Administration Knowingly Funded a Designated al-Qaeda Affiliate (national
July 25, 2018
Obama channeled money through
(the London-based)"World
Vision Inc., an international evangelical charity" to Islamic Terrorists.
World Vison responds that they only work with Islamic Terrorists until they get
"There are several Islamic Relief
organisations operating around the world which are not blocked, and when we
searched the blocked parties lists for 'Islamic Relief' in 'Sudan,' the searches
produced no results,"
stated World Vision.
World Vision took its compliance obligations
seriously, but respectfully asked permission to pay IRA money owing for
legitimate humanitarian work (salaries, humanitarian aid and supplies for
beneficiaries, travel etc.)
True evangelical charity is to simply preach the Gospel of
Jesus Christ.
Double Jeopardy:
What's more likely; an EMP attack or a Russian hack? (jewish
July 24, 2018
Netanyahu bars Jewish Home minister from visiting Temple Mount
Hamas arson terror burning Israeli bees
WATCH-In Israel the Hamas incendiary kites
continue to cause huge damage to the environment.
Bee hives burning in the south and those whose
very raison d'être is to protect the environment can’t bring themselves to utter
a single word of condemnation.
The Jury is Out on Trey Gowdy.
Congress Presses State Department To Release Hidden Game-Changing Report About
Palestinian Refugees
the report estimates there are roughly 20,000
Palestinian refugees, astronomically fewer than the 5.3 million that UNRWA and
pro-Palestinian advocates routinely claim.
The question is why the Trump administration is trying to lock in the Obama
era policy of never letting this report see the light of day.
Trump goes with the Establishment type for Supreme Court
Kavanagh probably better than a Kagan (male?) or
Sotomayer (lesbian?).
But probably not better for USA than Amy Barrett. can someone so intelligent be deluded to
think that the RCC is an acceptable social club?
Kavanagh is young enough to last 40-45 years
Slovakia Moving Embassy to Jerusalem (jewish press)
July 6, 2018
joining the Czech Republic and Bulgaria
as European Unions states who are breaking with EU policy on Jerusalem.
Colorado Fires
Reminder: In USFS ideology, forest fires are a good thing.
On the one hand, the USFS thinks they wipe out evidence of
on the other hand, they think of it as an
sacrifice/offering to their mother-earth god. That is, they think of it as
a renewal - a beginning of life.
President Trump should drain the USFS swamp & make them
put fires out.
Where's the Colorado Springs based Global Super Tanker?
Just Another Exercise in Crowd Control:
Gardner put on "mandatory" evacuation.
Started by an illegal immigrant.
104 homes burned so far.
Understand that there is no such thing as a "fire
protection district". That is just another taxation theft.
It's 10 miles from the fire!!!
apparently the USFS wants homeowners out of the way so
they can push the fire.
Where to? Looks like the plan is to cross Hwy 69 to
the Wet Mountains or push it up the Sangre de Christo range. Or both.
But it doesn't look like they are attempting to put the
fire out, which is something the USFS certainly can do.
This poem by a local 16 year old eager kid says it all:
Wallow Fire
Let’s return the forest to its natural state,
trust me boys this will be great!
We’ll shut down the loggers and cut back the cows,
this will leave more room for wolves and spotted owls.
We will build little roads for ATV’s,
and big old camps for boats and RV’s.
We will lift all restrictions of fire laws,
let no loggers in with axes or saws.
Yup, we are goin green that’s what they said,
send your cattle our way, we’ve got wolves that need fed!
We will put riparian areas for the elk to eat,
then make them cowboys keep our fences neat.
We will measure the grass, mark all the trees,
we will count all their cattle and collect our fees.
Those loggers make our forest bare,
make it look like a mans head that ain’t got no hair.
That’s what they said many years ago,
and in takin action they wasn’t too slow.
So the grass grew tall, the forest got thick
and cowboys and loggers, it made them all sick.
Now we sit here in a smoke covered town,
Forest Service trucks runnin’ around.
This coulda been stopped, but it wouldn’t be heard.
Those greenies didn’t listen, guess they’d rather it burned.
As humans we’ve failed to protect our land,
so Mother Nature stepped in and gave us a hand.
But it coulda been stopped by fallin some trees,
and that, I think, now everyone sees.
So there you go, it’s in its natural state,
but don’t cry now, it’s already too late.
You wanted a green forest, you wanted it seen,
well take a good look cause black’s the new green!
- Carson Lee
Yes, having seen a couple of these fires close to home
over the past few years, I’m thinking that Colorado's fire economy is a planned
event that stems from the USFS false ideology that equates fire as the god of
life…forest fires are their sacrifice to that false god.
And as a bonus, perhaps some evidence of mismanagement gets destroyed. And the
fires consume a big chunk of budget/money (summer jobs!) which give the USFS an
opportunity to seek more money to sacrifice to their ideology. If they managed
the forests properly, then they show that the Bible (God) was correct all along
with the instruction to do just that…and they are not about to admit that God is
the source of life.
Again, I’m convinced that the USFS can put out any fire when they want to. The
Global Supertanker is parked in Colorado Springs. USFS won’t contract with them.
7-6-2018 rain
Custer Sheriff closes Hwy 69 mm 5 - 41
Fire is still 5 miles from Hwy 69!
Burning in mostly private land, USFS in charge, apparently
herding fire towards Sangre de Cristo Wilderness, with zero fire lines north
and south.
I'll note briefly here that when the USFS took "control"
of the 2016 Hayden Pass Fire, I asked them if they were going to put it out.
They answered that they would "turn it" (towards the
Sangre de Cristo "wilderness").
And that is what they did then, so I'm certain they have a
goal in mind at the Spring Fire also.
The "wilderness" designation is a death sentence for a forest.
Related: Rain thwarts Weston Pass Fire:
As of Monday, the 13,023-acre wildfire
was 93 percent contained.
“The only area we’re concerned with now
is the Buffalo Peak Wilderness area,”
Having worked for the State of Colorado, I can imagine how
frustrating work as a USFS firefighter must be if they are a USA citizen.
Illegal Immigrants, Palestinian Refugees, and Their Liberal Cheerleaders: The
Startling Similarities
July 4, 2018
June 2018
Fires in Colorado - back in the old days, the
USFS put fires out.
Now fires are Big Business for the USFS
But predominately exercising crowd control.
Unnecessary road closures have become "normal".
Now further emboldened:
bans on shooting
lol, you can smoke cigarettes in a 3' clearing, but can't shoot a
Because smokers gonna get crazy if you don't let
them smoke.
Ain't no Honey Sweeter than my Honey
Food and Drug Administration says that any product that’s been ultra-filtered
and no longer contains pollen isn’t honey.
Homeland Security Officials Urged To Remove Badges In Public, Lock Doors And
Under Obama, "Homeland" "Security" was kind of scary.
Interesting that the Left's violent protests against it
are giving HS a sense of legitimacy.
Justice Kennedy to Retire.
Democrat's go full anti-American.
US Supreme Court says Trump's Travel Ban OK
Democrats get kids reunited with criminal parents at the Border.
And a Trump Zero tolerance policy.
Hopeful News:
New Israeli-developed cancer vaccine to cure 90% of all cancers (daily
June 28, 2018
Article title: Viva le resistance:
How political bias infected FBI Trump, Clinton probes (washington
examiner )
June 15, 2018
So, Democrats read "no bias", and literate people read
The defenders also point to this from
Horowitz: "Our review did not find documentary or testimonial evidence directly
connecting the political views these employees expressed in their text messages
and instant messages to the specific investigative decisions we reviewed ..."
Could a sentence have more limiters in it? No documentary or testimonial
evidence that directly tied the political views to specific decisions. As the
Wall Street Journal's Kim Strassel points out, that basically means that no one
actually wrote down, "Let's start this Trump investigation so we can help
Hillary win."
The fact is, bias — political bias, anti-Trump bias — was pervasive in some
quarters of the Trump-Russia investigation. And that is just what the inspector
general found in his review of the Clinton investigation — not his main
examination of the Trump-Russia probe. That inspector general investigation is
going on now and will ultimately — no one knows when — result in a report that
will likely be at least as long and at least as newsy as the report released
Thursday. There could be a lot more to discover.
11 Quick Things To Know About The Inspector General’s Report (the
June 15, 2018
General's Cover-Up-Report (national review)
June 15, 2018
The question is not whether every Clinton-case
decision was defensible considered in isolation; it is whether the quality of
justice afforded to two sides of the same continuum by the same agents at the
same time was . . . the same.
It wasn’t.
The Obama Administration LIED To The American People. Repeatedly. Here's The
Proof. (daily wire)
June 6, 2018
In other words, the Obama administration
became the foreign ministry for the mullahs in Iran.
Russia's partition plan for the Euphrates River (israel
national news)
June 14, 2018
Would yield a Kurdish State?
find "Kurdish" on this page & get your gleans from the book "Babylon" by R.H. Mount
& perhaps note the area, not the state
Trump and Kim shake hands
I wonder: will this provide relief for persecuted
Christians in N.Korea?
S.Korean Perspective (close up view):
The Art of The Deal? (daily wire)
June 13, 2018
If I were the Babylon Bee:
Global Warmingists to place gigantic carbon tax on Guatemala (daily
June 7, 2018
Vatican Secretary of State attending elite Bilderberg meeting (
June 7, 2018
the first time high-ranking Vatican
official has taken part in the Bilderberg Conferences
Russia’s Putin says he values ‘trusting and constructive dialogue’ with
Aug23, 2017
Gog and the man of the lawlessness are the best
of friends.
Related: It's a Gog thing:
Russia agrees to keep Iran, Hezbollah forces away from Israeli border
(Jerusalem post)
Oct 18, 2017?
VRussia occupation of Syria bumping Iran back a bit from the North
of Israel...
Russia wants Iran out of their way. ?
Media support of Hamas explained
A little bit about Gaza
The antisemitism behind Mueller's "investigation":
Robert Mueller’s Israel problem
(conservative review)
June 5, 2018
Satan's ministers can't stand the fact that Trump
treats Israel with some respect.
Pretty good teaching articles:
Opposition to the Gospel in Israel:
Has the Church replaced Israel?
Temple Mount History part 1 & 2
Who is Jesus for you?
The Forbidden Chapter
Warm up:
Who's brainwashed?
Propitiation over atonement:
The New Testament is a Jewish story:
I toured with Bob Dylan:
What is God doing now?
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem (Jesus is the Peace of Jerusalem)
Gentiles can help this Jesus boat:
How to witness to a Jew?
Zvi Kalisher. Jewish. Holocaust survivor. Israeli. Fought in Israel’s battles
1948-1967-1973. Lived in Jerusalem for 67 years.
He was also
a Christian who was not ashamed to share the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ
(Yeshua Ha-Mashiach) with those lost in the spiritual darkness of today's
Rabbinical Judaism in Israel. His stories appear on the last page of the
magazine, Israel My Glory, and are the first thing I read with each issue.
of Gold
Choice articles:
You better watch out...
Feds Building Giant Surveillance Network on America’s Transportation System with
State and Local Help
June 3, 2018
As a matter of
There are
only two genders. You are either born with a X and Y (male) or X and X (female).
You're biological make up defines gender, not opinions.
Fantastic Trump calls Jesus "Lord"
"In God we trust"
or is it
"In god we trust"
Yes Indeed!
It’s Time to Abolish Law Enforcement Authority of Federal Public Land Agencies
(mike lee)
June 1, 2018
May 2018
Good Trump:
USA Jerusalem Embassy opens
Media Shills for Hamas
Fusion Center Troublemaker
and more from H4C Blog:
Trump exits Obama's Iran Deal
(jewish press)
May 8, 2018
(evolution news)
May 4, 2018
Showing God's intelligent design.
Science: Man and animals began at same time. There are no missing links.
May 28, 2018
A good start:
Baptist take down idol because it is of Roman Catholic origin May
31, 2018
Memorial day:
Remembering those the world and the churches have forgotten: Waldenses -
Albigenses - Huguenots
The Truth About Islam
Feb 2016
April 2018
Netanyahu: Iran (Obama) lied about nuke deal (weekly
Apr 30, 2018
So then Putin (Gog?) says it's a good deal.
Senate panel approves bill to shield Mueller from Trump firing
House panel’s Russia report finds 'no evidence' of collusion, Trump says probe
ISIS “is driving mass migration from Africa to send jihadists into Europe,”
“Syria was bad, but wait until a region with 500 million people is destabilized’
Matthew 12:36 "I-am-saying
to-YOU, that every idle saying whatsoever the MEN might-speak,
they-will-give-back (an) account concerning it in (a) day of-judgement."
Romans 14:12
therefore each (one) of-us will-give account concerning himself to-the God."
Israeli team discovers memories in genes (israelnationalnews)
Apr 27, 2018
North Korean Little Kim suddenly decides to play nice
China must have told him that Trump's button
really does work.
Too many murdered Otto Warmbiers to trust Lil Kim
North Korea no longer needs to test their bombs. They work. (forbes)
Apr 30, 2018
Why Passover and Easter are celebrated at different times
March 2018
Replacing what God has NOT!
PT.2 Replacing what God has not
(Romans 4:16). Because of this grace that came through the new covenant both the
seed of Abraham and of Jacob are saved.
The gospel to the Jews-to the Gentiles and then to the Jews
no joke:
A Rabbi, a Roman Catholic, and a Muslim walked into a bar...
Mar 29, 2018
The 32-year-old heir to the throne, currently on a
three-week tour of the U.S., met two Roman Catholic and three Jewish figures on
Wednesday, the Saudi embassy in Washington said in a statement. Saudi Arabia
enforces an austere interpretation of Sunni Islam, but Prince Mohammed has said
he wants to ease the country
toward “moderate Islam, open to the world and
all religions.”
Bad Trump
signs "omnibus" bill
Not why he was elected?
Bad Trump
redefines "machine gun" so as to fake-ban certain gun
When bump stocks are outlawed, only outlaws will have bump stocks.
And on the other hand, another tax increase for gun
owners...Class III Firearms stamp required now.
This action is unconstitutional, as are all firearms regulations.
Bad Trump
Stormy the harlot sex.
massive media coveage
Worse Obama
Gay sex.
no media coverage
Good Trump
Cans Mcmaster, appoints Bolten as National Security chief
Social Media all in for the Left
Cambridge Analytica gained access to the data of more than 50 million Facebook
users. (
Mar 21, 2018
Facebook also favored the Democrats.
Israeli Doctors Develop Revolutionary Eye Drops That Could Replace Glasses (
Mar 5, 2018
A Bush referred to him as "my little
Putin: New missile renders defenses useless (the hill)
Mar 1, 2018
Although Damascus is already a ruinous heap,
with Russia in Syria there's potential for another level
of leveling.
under radar:
EPA Considers Allowing Bee-Killing Pesticide to Be Sprayed on 165 Million Acres
of U.S. Farmland (
Dec 19, 2017
February 2018
Trump readies another piece of Israel plan
won't work.
BUT, interesting to consider:
Revelation 11:1 And (a) reed like to-(a)-rod
was-given to-me, saying: You-be-arising and you-measure the sanctuary
of-the God and the altar and the (ones) worshipping in it.
v2 And the court namely-the (one) outside of-the sanctuary you-cast-out outside
and you-might not measure it, because it-was-given
to-the Gentiles, and the city
namely-the holy (one) they-will-tread forty two months.
v3 And I-shall-give to-my two witnesses, and they-will-prophesy (a) thousand
two-hundred sixty days having-been-and-still-cast-around (with) sackcloths.
v4 These having-stood-and-still-standing are the two olive-trees and the two
lampstands namely-the (ones) in-sight of-the Lord of-the earth.
If 30 day months (lunar calendar?), 1260 days = 42 months.
First though, the Temple is re-built in order to measure
it? Or is the place (Jerusalem) the physical sanctuary of Israel
Keep in mind that for
Christians, the sanctuary of the God is
among us (1Cor.3:16).
New York’s Waldorf Astoria is now controlled by the Chinese government (
Feb 23, 2018
Why no USA real estate should be sold to foreign investors
The Russian Attack Against America You Didn’t Hear About (worlaffairsjournal)
Feb 22, 2018
Russia mounted an armed assault against American
soldiers and our allies in Syria, including Kurdish security forces affiliated
with the People’s Protection Units, or YPG, at a military base in the city of
Deir Ezzor, the largest in eastern Syria. Russian combatants fought alongside
Assad regime fighters and Shia militias armed, funded and directed by Iran.
Russian mercenaries in Syria are employed by the Wagner Group, which works for
the Russian government, and specifically for Russia’s Ministry of Defense, not
for the Syrian or Iranian governments.
Erdogan vows to recapture all lands once held by the Ottoman Empire — and more (jihadwatch)
Feb 22, 2018
“We say at every opportunity we have that
Syria, Iraq and other places in the geography [map] in our hearts are no
different from our own homeland. We are struggling so that a foreign flag will
not be waved anywhere where adhan [Islamic call to prayer in mosques] is
Sanhedrin Mints Coin With Images of Trump and Cyrus To Promote Rebuilding Temple
Feb 20, 2018
In gratitude to US President Donald Trump for
recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Jerusalem, the nascent Sanhedrin and the
Mikdash (Temple) Educational Center are minting a replica of the silver
half-shekel Biblically mandated to be donated by every Jewish male to the
The New Covenant Sanctuary is IN
believer/Christian/Body of Messiah:
Quite conversely,
Rabbinical Judaism
wants/needs a temple in order to have an appearance of validity:
Hebrews 7:11 If
on-the-one-hand therefore perfectness was through the Levitical priestly-office,
for upon it the people
has-been-given-and-still-is given-the-law,
what need still (a) different priest to-be-standing-up according-to the
arrangement of-Melchisedec and (he is) to-be-being-said not according-to the
arrangement of-Aaron?
v12 For (the arrangement) of-the priestly-office
being-transferred out-of necessity (a) transfer
is-coming-to-pass of-law.
Understand that ALL of the Mosaic law depended upon the existence of the
priestly office, which in turn depended upon a PLACE to offer the sacrifices of
that priesthood.
Christians understand that there is no more sacrifice
(Heb.10:26). (Also noteworthy, there IS a
of the New Covenant/Melchisedec priesthood)
Matthew 22:20 And
he-is-saying to-them, Of-whom (is) this-image and the inscription?
v21 They-are-saying to-him, Of-Caesar. Then he-is-saying to-them, Therefore
YOU-give-back the-(things) of-Caesar to-Caesar, and the-(things) of-the God
to-the God.
v22 And having-heard they-marvelled; and having-let him be they-went-away.
John 19:13 The Pilate therefore having-heard this word,
he-led the Jesus without, and he-seated (himself) upon the rostrum,
with-reference-to (a) place being-called Pavement, but in-Hebrew Gabbatha.
v14 But it-was (a) making-ready of-the passover, but about (the) sixth hour; and
he-is-saying to-the Jews, Note YOUR king.
v15 But the (ones) screamed, You-lift-up, you-lift-up, you-crucify him. The
Pilate is-saying to-them, Shall-I-crucify YOUR king? The chief-priests answered,
We-are not having (a) king unless Caesar.
On the one hand, if the Jews want to thank Trump for something, that is probably
a fine thing.
On the other hand, this could be seen as a continuation of
the Jewish clergy being in agreement with the world rather than God. Of course,
they don't have the clarity of mind to see that Yeshua/Jesus is God, which
inside-sight allows us this cautionary view.
The Jews will likely rebuild the Temple, and it seems MANY
"Christians" will get
sucked into that spiritual darkness.
Christians have no part in a man-made "3rd" Temple.
When Messiah Yeshua returns, and the Mount of Olives is split, these physical
side shows will get swept aside, and the New Jerusalem "4th" Temple will be
established by Messiah himself. That is what
should be seeking.
on mass shootings, bla, bla, bla.
Prepping Ivanka via implementation of Democrat policy?
Trump Turning
The type of problems encountered in having a Democrat for
Trump orders new regulations on bump stocks (israel national
Feb 20, 2018
Trump Tweets that he also wants to raise age of firearm
ownership to 21.
...and amazingly, a lot of bubbas will likely concur.
Will the age of military conscription also be raised?
Applying the same idiotic mindset, there would be no
need for a person to own a vehicle that can surpass the legal speed limit.
However, there's a slight hope that this a nothing burger
as is,
Bump stocks do not make semi-auto guns into full-auto
Strike Two.
And now, policy from Geraldo Rivera?
Trump considering new minimum age to buy guns (the hill)
Feb 20, 2018
21 to own a gun.
But of course when
you turn 18 you
MUST register
with the Selective Service.
Few mass shooters
are under 21.
Hypocrisy much?
Strike Three.
So indeed, Trump is a swinger. No worries, he's the
President, and gets 4 years at bat.
Why though, would he even be considering these things?
Probably sacrificing a few bubba votes to get some Demo
Because Hillary did not
win, the gun industry is in a major slump.
This policy flip by Trump could get
bubba to go buy a gun.
Meliana did not get that excorcist to remove demons from the White House after
Bad Trump
So weird. Has some kind of coup happened, bubba?
Now Trump says government should take guns away from people government says are
mentally ill (dailywire/Ben Shapiro
Feb 28, 2018
Trump bats away due process, the NRA, and concealed carry.
This is all disgraceful nonsense.
The Constitution guarantees due process. Trump can’t waive it, and to
suggest that we simply ignore due process in order to seize guns is both
fascistic and idiotic. If Obama had done the same, Republicans would have
started drawing up articles of impeachment. Nearly as stupid is Trump
handing Democrats a propaganda victory by tearing into fellow Republicans as
tools of the NRA. The NRA never should have allowed itself to become a
Trump-centric organization — and this shows just why. Trump cannot be
trusted to have their backs, since he’s too busy patting his own.
The only comfort here is that Trump has said similarly doltish things before
A valid
It seems likely that as Trump turns like this
on the Constitution, he might also turn against Israel.
Schools are already "gun free zones".
Gun laws/regulations don't stop evil. It is a heart
Obama Study Concluded Firearms Used for Self-Defense ‘Important Crime Deterrent’
(cns news )
Oct 6, 2017
and now, policy from teens?
It is a sad to see brainwashed young people
exploited to blather
about a need for increased regulations that limit their freedom.
youtube removed a video that showed CNN's star student being coached during an
interview on what to say.
(the blaze)
Feb 21, 2018
youtube claimed this video violated their harassment
Of course, the internet is forever, so the video is
readily available:
WEIRD – Florida School Shooting “Victim” Has Been A Media Darling Before. Watch
Him Being Scripted On What To Say & How To Say It
Feb 21, 2018
btw 16 year olds should not have the right to vote (theblaze)
Feb 21, 2018
The mainstream media exploits teens (theblaze)
Feb 21, 2018
Rightly, this school shooting survivor - he's actually
old enough to vote - should be listened to:
This Columbine survivor is now a state legislator fighting for the Second
Amendment (the blaze)
Feb 21, 2018
No, We Shouldn't Lower The Voting Age. We Should Raise It. Here's Why. (dailywire)
Feb 21, 2018
of course
CNN's "Townhall" was scripted. (foxnews)
Feb 22, 2018
Parkland’s Colton Haab: ‘Absolutely’ CNN Wrote the Question for (news
Feb 23, 2018
Dana Losech's account of CNN's "Townhall" ambush (the
Feb 23, 2018
Why would ANY right-minded person participate in that?
School shooting fix: Armed guards and or teachers.
Israel does it, and has NO school shootings
But it is hard to deter when
The FBI let it happen
Feb 15, 2018
This shooter also had posted Islamic stuff online.
He dressed up like an ISIS terrorist. (wall street
Feb 23, 2018
How many Islamic threats are being ignored by the FBI
as they endeavor to frame Trump?
The cops had been called to the shooter's home 39 times.
They let it happen.
The Sheriff had an armed deputy on duty at the school. He didn't go in.
CNN (yeah, reliable??) reports (finally) that four deputies waited outside as
event progressed. (dailywire)
Feb 23, 2018
So there were four armed officers outside the
school. And none of them did anything, according to CNN. They instead waited for
Coral Springs police to lead the charge inside.
What’s more, Coral Springs City Manager Mike Goodrum apparently chewed out
Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel over that malfeasance on February 15 — more
than a week ago. Which means that Israel knew full well that his own office had
botched everything dramatically when he stood on stage with CNN’s Jake Tapper
and a crowd of angry parents and community members and blamed the National Rifle
Association and Dana Loesch for his own horrible failure.
They let it happen.
Remember, a NRA member with an AR-15
just recently shot a mass-murderer in Texas.
The U.S Jewish Establishment’s War Against Israel (geller
Feb 17, 2018
Nail on head:
The 2016 Election and the Demise of Journalistic Standards
Feb 15, 2018
Everything Media Accuse Trump of Doing with Russia, Obama Actually Did (breitbart)
Feb 17, 2018
Obama's Presidential portrait for the Smithsonian
Disrespects the USA and shows his ever desperate plea for
View from the left:
So THIS is Bush's fault?

The Six Fingered Man!
The view from the right:
Turn out the lights, the Tea Party is over (strident
Feb 12, 2018
Trump Turning? (jewishpress)
Feb 11, 2018
Strike one.
Trump not sure if Palestinians or Israel want peace, (israel
national news)
Feb 11, 2018
But he thinks they need it now
And he thinks Israel's settlements are stopping "peace".
Who is leading his alleged bible study???
Melania Trump wasn't living in a crack house (cnsnews)
Feb 11, 2018
Such confusion...
Wants "spiritual cleansing" - good idea.
But submits to the Pope. - bad idea, back
to square one, Babylon Mystery Religion.
In March 2016 Carter Page Was an FBI Employee – In October 2016 FBI Told FISA
Court He’s a Spy… (
Feb 5, 2018
knock knock knockin' on America's door
Canadian PM Gobbledygook lies :
Sharia law is compatible with democracy (israel
national news)
Feb 5, 2018
Canada's National Anthem now "gender neutral" (washingtonpost)
Feb 1, 2018
Lutheran Church Goes Gender Neutral, Won’t Call God ‘He’ (dailywire)
Nov 24, 2017
Church of Christ makes God gender neutral (Indianapolisrecorder)
Aug 4, 2011
"Rejecting God as Father in an age of
fatherlessness is unthinkable," said David Runnion-Bareford of Biblical
Witness Fellowship (BWF), a group formed to battle "UCC's theological surrender
to the moral and spiritual confusion of contemporary culture."
In a statement prior to the delegates' vote for the change in language,
Runnion-Bareford pointed out that "God acted toward us in amazing grace when he
offered to be our Father through the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus Christ, who
offers us life in his name. This is not something we as humans made up in some
other time." He charged that rejecting God as Father "is an act of arrogant
rebellion in the name of cultural conformity that only further alienates
members, churches - but, more importantly, God himself."
1st #MemoDay !
Nunes Memo released READ IT (
Feb 2, 2018
Nunes Memo PDF:
here's a copy of a copied assessment of #ObamaGate #MemoDay
"If you put all the pieces together here's what you
get. The DNC rigs the Democratic Primary Election against Bernie Sanders so
Hilliary can win the nomination. Obama's administration starts to request
surveillance on Trump, his family, his transition team, and anyone
associated with him. Donna Brazil gives Hilliary the questions to a debate.
The DNC pays Christopher Steele to come up with a smear dossier about Trump.
The mainstream media releases a taped conversation about Trump talking about
grabbing women parts. After all this Trump still wins the General Election.
Obama orders an investigation into Russia meddling in our elections. Obama
changes Executive Order 12333 to allow more agencies to have access to
surveillance data. The Democratic Party comes up with a scandal that Trump
Colluded with Russia to win the election with no evidence or proof. This
wild claim is backed up by the mainstream media. Obama hold overs start
unmasking Trump's transition team and staff members then release the
classified information to the mainstream media. Why? Because the DNC and the
Obama administration colluded with the intelligence community to thwart
Trump's campaign efforts to get him elected president. All this Russia
collusion is an attempt to cover up the fact that the Obama administration,
the intelligence community, the DNC, along with the mainstream media used
our nations surveillance as a political tool to try to get Hilliary elected
President. This makes Watergate look like a kindergarten play. Let that sink
in.......copied from another deplorable.. bout sums it up"
Here’s what’s important about the Nunes memo (conservative
Feb 2, 2018
No spin.
More #MemoDays to come?
The IRS Campaign Against Israel—and Us (wall street journal)
Feb 1, 2018
President Trump delivers a good speech. Demoncrats
sat and sulked through it all, including topics that benefit their constituents,
such as lower unemployment for minorities.
And that was really weird to watch...I think the Dems
miscalculated big time. Better to put on a good face and enjoy the
limelight of INTERNATIONAL COVERAGE and then later disagree, than to irritate
your base. Actually funny to watch VP and Speaker behind the Pres. as they
laughed at the Dems falling into that trap.
Of course, for balance, the Dems got SIX "rebuttals"?
Apparently their main speaker was Goat Boy.
#IDidNotWatchThem #GreenEggsAndSpamByDem
Yoga Is A Pagan Ritual (dailywire)
Feb 1, 2018 LINK REPAIRED 5/20/2020
What's wrong with just using an elliptical machine?
January 2018
This is Satanic:
CREEPY: New Sponsor On Arizona Highway: The Satanic Temple
(dailywire) Jan 30, 2018
Oh, and here are some videos...
US Govt. Orwellian crowd control via "biometrics"
To amend the immigration laws and the homeland
security laws, and for other purposes.
Use your browser's "find" function to locate 51
occurrences of the word "biometrics" .
Govt. "shutdown" = Democrat/RINO Establishment smokescreen:
What a bunch of crooks.
Interestingly, this scandal apparently goes so far that
the Establishment, and perhaps even the Trump Admin. wants info on it shut down...
But now, apparently, Trump himself wants it released (the
hill) Jan 26, 2018
What really happened:
VP Pence's visit
to Israel historic? (israel national news) Jan
22, 2018
"This is an historical visit," ..."This is an
opportunity the likes of which have not been seen since the founding of the
State of Israel"
But really, Trump/Pence still peddling a Palestinian state (business
insider) Jan 22, 2018
Dems end shutdown (washington times) Jan 22, 2018
FORMER President Obama speaks out on Immigration! Yay!
Signs of the times:
Pope and ISLAM bonding (israel national news) Jan 16, 2018
Turkey = the Ottoman Empire's successor state
RCC = 7th "religious" world power
Islam = 8th "religious" world power
Recapping 2017's media blitz against Trump:
It got old.
Media Not working for Democrats? - Ha!
Extra Extra, read all about it: Fake News funded by George Soros
Of course, Soros is all about supporting Democrats:
Fallen Angels
Hanukkah Habakkuk Maccabees
Updated 12/9/2017
Why not Happy Hanukkah?
Because the chanukkia is not the Menorah.
And God said to put seven lamps on the Menorah, not nine.
What God says is more important than having something to
do other than Christmas.
And so forth.
2 Timothy 4:3
For (a) season will-be when
they-will not tolerate the healthy teaching,
BUT according-to their-own
desires they-will-heap-on to-themselves teachers having-themselves the hearing
4 And on-the-one-hand they-will-turn-back the hearing from the truth,
on-the-other-hand they-will-be-diverted
upon the legends.
Legend of Hanukkah
a Red Letter day
December 6, 2017
In the It's A Big Deal Department:
Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital
Trump to move US Embassy to Jerusalem
USA recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Begins Embassy move to
Jerusalem. (white house/youtube) December 6, 2017
this week's backstory:
While everyone/country is against Trump moving
the US Embassy to Jerusalem, and if anything, that might push him to make the
The thing is, God doesn't want Israel to be
dependent upon any confederacy with other nations, and it's possible that Trump
is also aware of this.
Zechariah 12:3 "And it
shall come to pass in that day, that I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone
for all the peoples; all that burden themselves with it shall be sore wounded;
and all the nations of the earth shall be gathered together against it."
So this isn't a lighthearted move to make.
On the other hand....we might hope that the USA
is an "other sheep" nation.
Matthew 25v31 But
at-the-time-that the son of-the MAN might-come in his glory, and all the
holy angels with him, then he-will-be-seated upon (a) throne of-his glory,
v32 And all the Gentiles will-be-led-together in-front
of-him, and he-will-sever them from one-another, as-altogether the shepherd
is-severing the sheep from the young-goats;
v33 And on-the-one-hand he-will-stand the sheep out-of
his rights, on-the-other-hand the young-goats out-of lefts.
v34 Then the king will-say to-the-(ones) out-of his
rights, Come-hither, the-(ones) having-been-and-still-blessed of-my Father,
YOU-inherit the kingdom having-been-and-still-prepared for-YOU from (a)
casting-down of-(a)-world.
v35 For I-hungered and YOU-gave to-me to-eat;
I-thirsted and YOU-gave me to-drink; I-was (a) stranger and YOU-gathered me
v36 Naked, and YOU-cast-around me; I-was-weak, and
YOU-visited me; I-was in (a) guard-house, and YOU-came to me.
v37 Then the just-(ones) will-answer to-him, saying,
Lord, at-what-time we-saw you hungering, and we-nourished (you)? Or
thirsting, and we-gave-to-drink?
v38 But at-what-time we-saw you (a) stranger, and
we-gathered-(you)-together? Or naked, and we-cast-around (you)?
v39 But at-what-time we-saw you weak, or in (a)
guard-house, and we-came to you?
v40 And having-answered the king will-say to-them,
Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, upon as-much-as YOU-did to-one of-these my
brothers, namely-the least, YOU-did to-me.
IF the move is made in favor of Israel, Good Trump.
If the move is made towards manipulating Israel, Bad
Dec. 3
Kushner Says No Decision Reached Yet on Moving US Embassy to Jerusalem
Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, Grand Mufti of "Palestine", says recognizing
Jerusalem as Israel's capital is an attack on Muslims.
Jordanian Foreign Minister warns United States against recognizing Jerusalem
as Israel’s capital.
Arab League Convening Emergency Session over Trump’s Planned Recognition of
China Signs Memorandum of Understanding With Palestinian Authority
Trump delays decision on embassy move
Embassy waiver lapses - is embassy move underway?
Turkey threatens to ax diplomatic ties with Israel if US recognizes
Jerusalem as capital
French President warns Trump against unilaterally recognizing Jerusalem as
the capital of Israel.
Saudi Ambassador to Washington warns Trump administration against
recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of the state of Israel.
Dec 6
Germany against embassy move
Egypt warns of regional violence over Jerusalem move
Pappa Frenchy protests
Britain 'disagrees' with Trump move, Prime Minister says Trump’s recognition
of Jerusalem is unhelpful for prospects of peace.
Wow, he might actually do it, awesome Trump!
Dec 6 early am
Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital,
forge ahead with moving US Embassy
Dec 6
Awesome Trump! Historic
USA recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Begins Embassy move to
Jerusalem. (white house/youtube) December 6, 2017
Czech Republic follows Trump, recognizes Jerusalem
Guatemala to move embassy to Jerusalem (12/24/2017)
spittles and bits
UN General Assembly votes 128 to 9 to adopt anti-Israel resolution
denouncing American recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
(israelnationalnews) December
21, 2017
Satanic solstice shenanigans.
The Truth of the matter:
Zechariah 12:3 "And it
shall come to pass in that day, that I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone
for all the peoples; all that burden themselves with it shall be sore wounded;
and all the nations of the earth shall be gathered together against it."
How Trump fooled everyone with his Jerusalem declaration ( December
7, 2017
Trump wants to avoid being attacked again
for signing the waiver to postpone the American embassy’s relocation every
six months, which essentially vetoes the implementation of a law passed by
Congress that recognized Israel as Jerusalem’s capital. After signing the
waiver for the first time in June, Trump was concerned that his rivals in
the Republican Party would keep attacking him every six months for violating
his election promise to move the embassy to Jerusalem once again.
So he started thinking of creative solution: How to sign the waiver on the
one hand, yet receive the Israeli government’s applause and keep the peace
process going on the other hand. The crafty solution was a simple one:
Recognizing Jerusalem without moving the embassy.
How Trump fooled everyone with his Jerusalem declaration
Analysis: The US president’s recognition of Israel’s capital can be seen as
a test for the Palestinians: If they respond with violence, Trump may say
the Israelis were right and there is apparently no partner; but if they
exercise maturity and accept Trump’s peace plan, Netanyahu will have a
Itamar Eichner |Published: 07.12.17 , 23:33
US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital is,
without a doubt, a historic declaration. It’s no wonder that in a region
which sanctifies symbols, Israel’s leaders went out of their way to embrace
Trump and bombarded Twitter and Facebook with personal pathos-filled posts.
Culture Minister Miri Regev even went as far as saying that Trump’s name
would forever be imprinted on the Western Wall stones, while Justice
Minister Ayelet Shaked compared Trump to Cyrus the Great.
It’s hard to shake the feeling that Trump fooled everyone and that this is
sort of fake news. His decision was first and foremost the result of
internal political considerations and pressure from the Republican Party and
Evangelical circles.
A senior White House official said in a press briefing, a day before Trump’s
announcement, that it would take three to four years to build the new
American embassy in Jerusalem. In other words, Trump would have to sign the
waiver eight more times, but won’t be condemned again thanks to his
declaration. He has simply bought time for himself.
Moreover, it’s quite possible that once that period is over, Trump will not
longer be in the White House and his promise to move the embassy to
Jerusalem won’t be implemented. Just like Trump reversed former President
Barack Obama’s legacy, the next president would be able to renounce Trump’s
Why is it fake news? Because had Trump really wanted to move the American
embassy, he could have announced its relocation to a temporary residence in
the capital the very next day and moved Ambassador David Friedman’s office
to the US consul-general’s office in the impressive Agron Street building in
west Jerusalem. Nothing prevented the president from making such a move,
which would have demonstrated the seriousness of his intentions more than a
thousand words.
The Deep State Department:
The State Department still won’t recognize Jerusalem as a place that exists
(the blaze) December 10, 2017
here's the gibberish from and unnamed
Department official"
“While we are affirming the current and historic
reality of Jerusalem’s role as Israel’s capital and seat of government, any
ultimate determination of sovereignty over Jerusalem will flow from the
results of negotiations between the parties”
Note this
Shadow Government
is all about changing Israel's future role in Jerusalem.
UN chief: Jerusalem recognition could harm peace efforts
(israel national news) December 11, 2017
Following Trump’s announcement, the UN chief
[lied and]
stressed that there is no alternative to the two-state solution for
Israel-PA peace...
I want to make it clear: there is no
alternative to the two-state solution. There is no Plan B
Dictating the outcome of any negotiation negates any
Texas-based Imam prays “Oh Allah, destroy the Zionists and their allies”
(pamela geller) December 10, 2017
I think that is against the law of the land.
Satmar group slams Trump's recognition of Jerusalem (israel
national news) December 10, 2017
Rabbi Aharon Teitelboim of Satmar slams Trump's declaration. 'The Zionist
state is not a Jewish state and is not recognized by Jews.'
Satmar, known as one of the most dogmatically anti-Zionist Hassidic sects,
refuses to recognize the State of Israel
Arab League : Trump's decision against international law (israel
national news) December 10, 2017
Calling for a UN Security Council action
against Trump's decision, al-Maliki added, "America is being an aggressor
against the Palestinian people and against international law."
Obama compares Trump to Hitler (
Dec 7, 2017
apparently for being the first world leader in 2000 years to recognizing
Jerusalem as the capital of sovereign Israel.
Putin 'deeply concerned' by Trump's Jerusalem move (israel
national news)
Dec 8, 2017
'US not demanding concessions from Israel for Jerusalem
recognition' (israel
national news)
Dec 7, 2017
The cautionary tale, concerns about "the art of the deal":
Haredim lukewarm on Trump announcement (israel national news)
Dec 6, 2017
Deputy Education Minister Meir Porush (United Torah
Judaism) argued that Trump’s declaration could lead to a diplomatic process
being forced on Israel.
"Trump's declaration of recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel will
cost us dearly and in the diplomatic plan that he will present, it will harm
us," said Porush.
“It is preferable to build in Judea and Samaria and in neighborhoods of
Jerusalem where they are crying for housing, rather than a declaration that has
no substance
An interesting take:
'Embassy would move without recognition of sovereignty' (israel
national news)
Dec 6, 2017
It is noteworthy that in his speech Trump referred to
Israel's sovereignty.
Trump signs embassy waiver (?) (israel
national news)
This article appeared on Dec 7, 2017, but was dated July 12, 2017
? Yet it references yesterday's events:
“While previous presidents have made this a major
campaign promise, they failed to deliver,” Trump said. “Today, I am delivering.”
So, "rah rah" Trump time takes a hit?
Likely: Quite realistically, you could have a business
address in Jerusalem with offices in Tel Aviv.
But not necessarily: Again, this is not a light
hearted matter. Trump could rightly recognize Jerusalem as Israel's
capital an along with that rightly NOT move the Embassy to Jerusalem. It does
appear that he is prepared - at this time - to eventually move the Embassy to
Jerusalem; however, that may change within six months.
Again, God doesn't want Israel in any dependent
confederacy with another nation. So while it is good to help Israel, it is
not so good if they think they need that help.
Noteworthy here: "the law
that allows them to postpone the move for reasons of 'national security'”.
No national security issues here, not that there ever
White House officials said Trump signed the waiver to
avoid a legally stipulated cut in State Department funding until the new embassy
is actually opened. They told the newspaper that previous presidents used the
waiver to avoid moving the embassy, whereas Trump instructed the start of
practical work on the mission.
OK, so this is what is happening:
Dec 6, 2017
Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Presidential Determination
No. 2018-02
SUBJECT: Suspension of Limitations under the Jerusalem Embassy Act
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of
the United States, including section 7(a) of the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995
(Public Law 104-45) (the "Act"), I hereby determine that it is necessary, in
order to protect the national security interests of the United States, to
suspend for a period of 6 months the limitations set forth in sections 3(b) and
7(b) of the Act.
You are authorized and directed to transmit this determination, accompanied by a
report in accordance with section 7(a) of the Act, to the Congress and to
publish this determination in the Federal Register.
The suspension set forth in this determination shall take effect after you
transmit this determination and the accompanying report to the Congress.
I'll postpone ordering a "MAGA" hat until the embassy is
There's a panic on the left over Trump's recognition of
Jerusalem as - sovereign - Israel's capitol.
Sanders: Trump Should Resign Over Sexual Assault Allegations (dailywire)
Dec 7, 2017
This has been the "goal" of all the sacrificial offerings
(A.K.A. "early retirements") of "sex offenders" (Franken,
etc.) of set up a precedent
towards pressure on Trump regarding accusations made against him. Sanders,
being crazy and yearning for attention, might be spilling the beans a little
early...likely "triggered" by USA recognition of Israel.
"it's pretty obvious that morality isn't his guiding
principle here -- political opportunism is."
also in
Dec 2017
Russia establishing a PERMANENT military presence in Syria that includes nuclear
warships… (the right scoop)
Dec 26, 2017,
Demoncrats cut HomeSchoolers out of Tax Bill (fox news)
Dec 20, 2017,
With a little help from their RepubliKan friends. The One
Party evil.
and so the battle goes.
Dante's Inferno depicts the day: most
people don't know art.
Art says: Mohammed is in Hell!
elementary school teaches kids 'A is for Allah' song
@Christmas (
Dec 19, 2017
some other parents questioned whether it
was appropriate since it praises Islam, rather than celebrate a holiday.
Again, most people don't know that Mohammed is in
European Court to Decide if Islamic Sharia Law Can Override a Nation's Civil Law
Dec 10, 2017,
via Daniel Pipes @Facebook:
"The case comes
from Greece but it will affect 820 million people in 47 countries."
Harry Reid and the Aliens (
Dec 16, 2017
Harry funds a donor
Harry Reid’s interest in UFOs was because of
friend and donor Bob Bigelow, who owns Bigelow Aerospace and has said before he
is “absolutely convinced” aliens exist and UFOs have visited Earth.
The New York Times said the program had a $22
million annual budget and “most of the money” went to Bigelow’s research
company, which hired subcontractors and solicited research for the program.
John Podesta, the former Obama White House
adviser and chairman of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, is also known to have an
“Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #disclosure of
the UFO files. #thetruthisstilloutthere,” Podesta tweeted in 2015 on his last
day in the White House.
~play Twilight Zone theme song here (in your head)~
A reality is that aliens would not need a
vehicle, but humans need that vehicle associated with "aliens" to better accept
that reality.
So the Pentagon releases video of that "reality"
happening...making it real for the common man.
So anyway, nothing new under the sun department:
There's the Book of Enoch. The Watchers are
aliens. Satan is an alien. Satan's angels are aliens. Genesis
chapter six details - ongoing - alien/human sexual relationships.
But few believe the Bible, so perhaps in order to
set the stage for the coming great signs and wonders
we now get "leaked" cool prerequisitly grainy
Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program (
Dec 16, 2017
The Defense Department has never before
acknowledged the existence of the program, which it says it shut down in 2012.
But its backers say that, while the Pentagon ended funding for the effort at
that time, the program remains in existence. For the past five years, they say,
officials with the program have continued to investigate episodes brought to
them by service members, while also carrying out their other Defense Department
Forget what they say — House Democrats are readying for impeachment (washingtonpost)
Dec 21, 2017
President Obama Protection of Iran’s Terror and Cocaine Rackets Tied to Muslim
Spymaster, Imran Awan (pamela geller)
Dec 20, 2017
President Barack Obama torpedoed a DEA-led effort
to stop Hezbollah from smuggling cocaine into the country so that his nuclear
pact with the terror state would not be undermined is worse than that. President
Obama’s Hezbollah operatives worked with the Muslim spy ring led by Imran and
Abid Awan who hacked and downloaded thousands of classified documents from
senior Democrat pols and intel committees.
91% Negative: Coverage Of Trump Past Three Months (dailywire)
Dec 13, 2017
It isn't journalism, as they admit he is keeping
his campaign promises.
Roy Moore loses election
Thanks to
McConnell and the
Establishment hit job
so did the vote rigging in favor of Democrats get fixed
since the last election?
Louder With Crowder: Dec 7, 2017
video begins @ about 16:40
Mohammed is in hell.
Just say NO: Ted Cruz explains net
Fake Democrat purity.
Persecution of Christians in the Middle East, ‘It’s so Horrific It’s Beyond Our
Imagination’ (
Dec 7, 2017
Aasiya Noreen, also known as Asia Bibi, is facing execution by hanging
Christian Mom Faces Execution For ‘Blasphemy’ In Pakistan (dailywire)
Dec 7, 2017
Supreme Court permits full enforcement of Trump travel ban (fox
Dec 4, 2017
The vote was 7-2, so the law was clear. So
the lower court judges appear as either incompetent or political activists.
Trump (team) knew the law...yet Trump lawyers
make weird tweets in his name regarding Flynn's "lies".
Good Trump:
Trump slashes Federal land grab in Utah
(the hill)
Dec 4, 2017
Apparently, this was so:
FBI reviewed Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador but found nothing illicit (washington
post) Jan 23 2017
Fire Mueller: The Flynn Plea Shows His Investigation is an Illegal Witch Hunt
(front page magazine)
Dec 1, 2017
Of course, Hillary lied to the FBI, and much worse:
both she and Obama lied to the American people.
So anyway, Flynn lied to the FBI, but otherwise committed
no crime.
But Flynn blabs that Jared Kushner instructed Flynn to ask the Russians to delay
a UN vote against Israel. (Jewish Press)
Dec 2, 2017
That this was the US President Elect's Transition
Administration logically exempts any application of the Logan Act toward
these actions.
the Logan Act, signed into law by President John Adams
on January 30, 1799:
“Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be,
who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or
carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any
officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of
any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any
disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of
the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than
three years, or both.”
In United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp., 299 U.S. 304 (1936), Justice
Sutherland, writing for the Court, observed: “[T]he President alone has the
power to speak or listen as a representative of the nation. He makes treaties
with the advice and consent of the Senate; but he alone negotiates. Into the
field of negotiation the Senate cannot intrude; and Congress itself is powerless
to invade it. As Marshall said in his great argument of March 7, 1800, in the
House of Representatives, ‘The President is the sole organ of the nation in its
external relations, and its sole representative with foreign nations.'”
ON THE OTHER HAND, Obama's blatant "shadow
Presidency" actions since President Trump was sworn in may well violate the
Logan Act:
Shadow President: Barack Obama To Meet With World Leaders On 'Asian Tour'
Nov 28, 2017
The trip is probably not a coincidence. Shortly after
Donald Trump made his first trip abroad as president, visiting Italy and France
as well as several other nations, Obama just happened to schedule follow up
trips where he visited many of the same nations and dined privately with leaders
who'd spoken to Trump just days before.
Now, after Trump's objectively successful trip to Asia, Obama has scheduled his
own, and will visit China, where Trump and his family were well received and
where the administration was able to smooth over several economic issues, and to
India, where Trump's daughter is making inroads with the populist government.
Although the former president promised to stay out of the limelight, he's been
deeply involved in policy issues designed to counter Donald Trump's White House
it’s always been an impeachment investigation (national
review/andrew mccarthy)
Dec 4, 2017
Trump's apparent support of Israel has him in hot
water with the Democrats and Republicans.
But it seems unlikely they seek to replace him
with Pence, who appears to even favor Israel to a greater degree than Trump, but
rather they seek to weaken the Trump Presidency.
But who knows? Interesting times.
In a better world, Mueller would turn his attention to
Barry & Hillary.
If that begins to happen, then I would expect Mueller to
get "forced" out.
UPDATE: the news is catching up:
Ugly as Mueller’s investigation may look, it’s on track to clear Trump
Dec 13, 2017
When the dust settles, we may learn
that the real “collusion” story of the 2016 election wasn’t Trump and Russia,
but the manner in which the Obama administration’s law-enforcement and
intelligence arms were put in the service of the Clinton political campaign.
Roger Stone: Trump not being told the truth about Russia investigation
Dec 13, 2017
Medicaid and The Estate Recovery Act (
The Estate Recovery Act can be the most
detrimental tax, because the people most likely to require Medicaid
assistance are people who probably have the least property.
Chances are that most of what they do have
is in their houses.
So guess what the government will go after
for reimbursement once a “targeted” person dies? You guessed it: the
family home.
By manipulating Real Estate, Government controls the
Nov 2017
Antifa is Democrat spawn.
The spawn of Antifa is:
The attack on Rand Paul
The Texas church shooting.
Bush makes best endorsement ever for President Trump (israel
national news)
Nov 4, 2017
The Old Man says he voted for Hillary (thus proving Trump is NOT the
establishment's man).
He also recently said that it just so happens that, indeed, he
sometimes inappropriately touches women that come within reach of his
Bonesmen till the end, those Bushes.
Ever since Trump was sworn in:
Now would be a good time for Executive appointments
to the Judicial Branch.
Trump is keeping this promise (national review)
May 10, 2017
Democrats are slowing down the process (cnn)
Oct 26, 2017
But of course:
Las Vegas shooter's laptop -is now- missing its harddrive
(abc newsl)
Oct 25, 2017
where is Hay-soos' hard drive?
Nov 2017
Russia Helps Iran Build New Atomic Reactors at Bushehr (jewish
Nov 1, 2017
Oct 2017
Islamic Jihad in NY
(apparently) Obama's DOJ Funneled 'Slush Fund' Money To Leftist Orgs (abc
Oct 25, 2017
A $1 billion settlement with the "big banks"
appeared to go directly to left-leaning activist organizations.
Russia and the DemoKrats
GOP investigates Russian granted US entry by Obama administration while under
FBI investigation for bribery
(the hill)
Oct 25, 2017
Fake Trump-Russia ‘Dossier’ Was Funded by Clinton Campaign and DNC
(louder with crowder)
Oct 24, 2017
The Obama Administration’s Uranium One Scandal
(natinal review)
Oct 24, 2017
By Andrew C. McCarthy
Firm behind Trump dossier goes to court to block House subpoena for bank records (fox
Oct 20, 2017
So anyway, with all this,
Wall Street Journal calls for Mueller to resign (pamela
geller) Oct 27, 2017
and so,
Reports Mueller Files First Charges (daily wire) Oct 27, 2017
i.e. Mueller leaks to CNN
then, finally on Mueller Monday:
NO CHARGES OF TRUMP COLLUSION (daily wire) Oct 30, 2017
The media are going to have a tough time
linking Manafort to Trump and Trump to Russia thereby, at least from the charges
in this indictment. There’s literally nothing about collusion; there’s literally
nothing about Trump. This is about Manafort, which could suggest that Mueller
wants to flip Manafort against Trump — or it could be that Manafort is going
to go down for his alleged nefarious activities over the period of the last
decade and a half. But the Russian collusion narrative has not been forwarded by
this indictment.
Ohio: Muslim dad honor murdered his daughter because she was dating a non-Muslim (pamela
Oct 18, 2017
This is OHIO Islam.
Trump Pulls the
U.S. Out of UNESCO (patriotpost)
Oct 16, 2017
The reason for Donald Trump’s decision? The fact that
UNESCO has for decades existed as little more than an anti-Israel organization.
A Brief Timeline of Iran-Sponsored Terrorism Since 1979 (breitbart)
Oct 14, 2017
Weinstein - demoncrat's (&RINOs) sacrificial scapegoat to forge public
opinion, set up to bring (new) allegations against President Trump?
Stated another
way, Trump's supporters gave him a bye on his past morals...but now denounce
Of course Dems
not ever going to accept a personal God change for the better...
Of course only
God knows the hearts of men.
and sure enough:
Next Target Of Sexual Misconduct Charges: President Trump
(dailywire) Oct 16, 2017
George Soros has dumped $18 billion of his fortune into his anti-American Open
Society Foundation
Oct 19, 2017
Obama in the news, coming back from the dead, saying the Constitution prevents
him from being President.
t(he hill) Oct 20, 2017
George Soros funds Antifa
is against the Constitution.
(conservative review) Oct 20, 2017
Noting Hillary Clinton coming back from the dead acting like she is shadow
President (which should really irritate Obama & the Democrats, lol).
Demonic Activity Dept.
Correctio filialis de haeresibus propagatis
A Filial Correction Concerning the
Propagation of Heresies.
This is the biggest thing to happen in the
Roman Catholic Church in the past 700 or so years:
RCC clergy calling the Pope a heretic.
For Roman Catholics, the question here might be whether or not the Pope or his
accusers are demonic. Is the Pope infallible or not? Why does the
RCC have three popes at this time (Frency, Ratslinger AND the Father General)?
Thankfully, for Christians outside of the RCC, those questions have likely been
sufficiently answered long ago. But people remaining within the RCC that
actually try to learn the truth through bible study may now have serious
concerns about the spiritual legitimacy of the RCC.
So, when the true believers in Yeshua/Jesus that
are within the RCC finally get fed up and answer YHVH's call
(Rev.18:4; Prov.6:24,
and exit the RCC, will they fall out of the fat
and into the fire of the Messianic/Hebrew Roots movement? The Messy-HR
group may appeal to Catholics-on-the-run as they (Messy-HR) generally condemn
both RCC and Protestant Christians. As MANY (but not all) in the Messy-HR
group appear set to "fall" under Rabbinical Judaism's replacement Mosaic Law,
this would allow for a lot more "falling away" into a third Temple worship
if/when that third Temple is built. Of course there are true believers in
YHVH Yeshua within the Messianic/Hebrew Roots movement, and there are true
believers in YHVH (Yet blind to seeing Yeshua as Messiah/YHVH) in the Rabbinical
system not all hope is lost...
Pagan Pope Francis says he sees Jesus in Muslims (
Oct 3, 2017
59 murdered, +500 wounded Las Vegas (
Oct 2, 2017
ISIS claims
- but -
Another Govt. gun runner gone amuck?
UN “Human Rights” Council Advances Plan to Publish International Companies Doing
Business in Judea, Samaria and the Golan Heights
Oct 3, 2017
Defense, State Department Documents Reveal Obama Administration Knew that al
Qaeda Terrorists Had Planned Benghazi Attack 10 Days in Advance
Oct 3, 2017
Exclusive: Trump quietly transfers $20M to Palestinian programs
Oct 1, 2017
Late September 2017
#UnderCoverAntifa: Louder with Crowder Exposes the Dangerous Truth of Antifa
Sept 28, 2017
So why didn't "drain the swamp Trump" support Roy Moore?
Trump rolls the NFL
Not in the news:
Black Sudanese immigrant shoots up church
media just yaks about poor widdle NFL protesters
As the world turns for the worse:
Pappa Frency huddles with muslim terrorist
On Tuesday, Al-Issa spoke at an international
conference in Rome on “Tolerance in Islam” along with Joseph Levi, the former
chief rabbi in Florence, and Bishop Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot, secretary of the
Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.
For his audience with the Pope, Al-Issa was accompanied by a delegation of seven
people. The Vatican released a series of photographs of the encounter, during
which the two men reportedly exchanged views on a number of “issues of common
interest” including peace and global harmony, and discussed cooperation on
issues of peaceful coexistence and the spread of love….
Mid September
Trump's flipping and flopping - still alive!
When the Republican candidate/President that the Democrats
wanted won't work with the RINOs, what do you have? An anti-RINO fake
Republican? Or just another RINO? Democrats perhaps slowly
catching/falling onto this - play - as drop in anti-Trump rhetoric
subsides for a moment. When he won't "work" with the Democrats either, is he
then an anti-RINO fake Democrat? By appearances, there's just one party.
Of course the MAGAs are still
hoping that Trump is playing both sides for them, and not playing them.
Who knows? Only God knows the hearts of men. Don't put
your hope in men...
Oh yeah, the rapture won't happen on Sept 23,
But here's a cool song to ease the worries some may have:
In Israel, ministers Shaked and Bennett appear to be
trying to weaken the anti-Israel forces within the State of Israel.
Trump Admin Rhetoric:
US intervening at UN in Israel's favor (israel
national news)
Sept 17, 2017
"The United States is stepping up moves within
the United Nations to change the anti-Israel bias that characterizes many of the
organization's member countries."
Trump Admin Reality:
Israel to Grant Benefits to the PA in Area C under US Pressure (jewish
Sept 17, 2017
"The purpose of the Israeli plan, which was
formulated under American pressure to offer economic benefits to the
Palestinians, is to help the Trump administration put pressure on Chairman
Mahmoud Abbas to moderate his speech at the UN General Assembly."
It's a big deal:
Iraq's Kurdish parliament backs Sept 25 independence referendum
(jerusalem post)
Sept 16, 2017
UPDATE Kurdistan:
Abandoned by US, Kurds Surrender to Brutal Mid-East Math, Give Up Secession
(jewish press) Oct 25, 2017
Brett McGurk, President Trump’s special envoy
for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIS, who held the same position in the
Obama administration.
at any rate
so then, this may be seen as kicking the can down
the road a bit
Late summer observations:
Moon blocks out sun.
Bannan and Gorka out of White House, and T.Admin builds
anti-Israel forces.
Some Democrats starting to think Trump is not what he was
Trumped up to be? Dems now backing off impeachment, but Republicans picking up
their slack?
Some starting to see there's a one party system already?
The strategic case for Kurdistan (caroline glick)
Aug 31, 2017
Since the US and Russia concluded their cease-fire deal
for Syria on July 7, Netanyahu has used every opportunity to warn that the
cease-fire is a disaster.
In the interest of keeping Mattis’s “laser focus” on fighting ISIS, the US
surrendered its far greater strategic interest of preventing Iran and its
proxies from taking over the areas that ISIS controlled – such as the
Syrian-Lebanese border and the tri-border area between Iraq, Syria and Jordan.
As Netanyahu warns at every opportunity, Iran and its proxies are moving into
all the areas being liberated from ISIS.
And Iran isn’t the only concern from either an Israeli or an American
perspective. Turkey is also a looming threat, which will only grow if it isn’t
Turkey’s rapidly accelerating anti-American trajectory is now unmistakable.
If the regime survives, and if world oil prices continue to drop and so weaken
Saudi economic power, Turkey’s decision to deploy its forces to Qatar could be
the first step toward realizing its neo-Ottoman ambitions.
In summary then, opponents of Kurdish independence are correct. An independent
Kurdistan will destabilize the region. But contrary to their claims, this is a
good thing. For the first time since 2009, destabilization will benefit the US
and Israel and weaken Iran and Turkey.
Regarding the importance of the Kurds, search this page
country today represents the old kingdom of Assyria. History says that the
Kurds in the northern part of Iraq are the descendants of the Assyrians"
Real science:
soft tissue in dinosaur bones (
Aug 11, 2017
“Soft tissue in dinosaur bones destroys deep time.
Dinosaur bones cannot be old if they’re full of soft tissue.”
This isn't new:
July 1 1993
A bunch of Charlatans / Charlotte pay-per-riot
Why Was This 'Crowd Hire' Company Recruiting $25 An Hour 'Political Activists'
In Charlotte Last Week?
Police: Charlottesville Was ‘Inside Job’ To Ignite Race War
Charlotsville “Unite the Right” Organizer Was Occupy Wall St. Activist & Obama
Ancient humans had sex with non humans (
25, 2017
Old Bible news @Genesis chapter 6.
The Fourth of July
Astronomy vs. astrology.
On the other
(right) hand: ---
Global Warming not so much
California's endless winter: 8 feet of snow still on the ground in June
June 7, 2017
As of June 6, the amount of snow on the ground
in the central Sierra region was twice as much as usual, marking its biggest
June snowpack in decades, the California Department of Water Resources said.
"ALL men are liars"
Trump refuses to move US Embassy to Jerusalem.
a mark of a beast
Selling propaganda bringing incitement
Walmart and Sears sell anti-Israel pro-terror (i.e. anti-God) merchandise
(ynet news)
June 7, 2017 selling similar items
The Rockefeller Brothers Fund and BDS (
May 25, 2017
How a storied philanthropy came to lend its legitimacy—and money—to groups that
push boycotting Israel
Trump in Saudi Arabia: Fight ‘Islamic Terror’ & ‘Drive them out’ (conservative
May 25, 2017
To clarify
"Wow." -
While the rhetoric sounds good to Bubba (MAGA hat wearers), an outcome is
Israeli isolation. Obama's Arab Spring brought the Saudis and Israel closer
together. Saudis won't need Israel so much now; next off to the Hotel
California/Vatican to see the two-hatted Pope (Rev.13:11,12) for more wheeling
and dealing. The Vatican is a sovereign nation, led by Pontifix Maximus (Chief
Bridge Builder). The battle on the ground is for Jerusalem. Pressure is on
Netanyahu...maybe now he's ready to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem (my
hesitant optimism - is Jerusalem then a burden?). Islam and Roman Catholicism
are two sides of the same coin that bears the image (Rev.13:14) of the
mother-goddess. I was vainly hoping against the hope of Christ that the USA
would/could be a good "sheep nation" (Matt.25:32). Probably not, perhaps that
will come out of Africa or India. It seems these things don't/won't happen in a
corner that good leaders are unaware of, and for that, I remain hopeful that
President Trump can crash a good way through the chess board. With that in
Melania Trump is apparently a "practicing" Roman Catholic.
She reportedly gave a rosary to the pope so he could "bless" it. So the
First Lady prays to Mary, and these motions are the practice of idolatry
(1Timothy 2:5). --There's a good chance that she doesn't know what she is doing
is in error. Nabab and Abihu also likely thought they were correctly worshipping
don't suppose POTUS paid a visit to the anti-pope Ratslinger, but that is a
funny thought.
Obama administration may have been complicit in the “tremendous pressures” that
led the former pope to resign (Breitbart)
March 8 2017
"...some Catholic groups “have asked President
Trump to open a commission of inquiry to investigate whether the administration
of Barack Obama exerted pressure on Benedict,...In a separate statement, the
head of the U.S. Bishops Conference, Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, issued an
indictment of the Clinton team, calling them out for interfering in the Church’s
self-governance for “short-term political gain.”
As a bone for Israel,
Trump put "Jerusalem, Israel" on a map. (Jewish
May 21, 2017
“If Trump didn’t tweet it, I don’t believe
it,” might become the official motto of the Trump presidency.
Of course Abbas rejects Trump Peace initiative.
Will Trump now say "I tried" and move the US Embassy to Jerusalem? That's
wishful thinking.
You can't Make America Great Again and embrace the PLO
(caroline glick/jerusalem post) May 16
May 2017
If Trump were a chess player, - he might appear -
to be continually trying to get back on the yacht...
Trump fires Comey, which probably really worries
the democrats.
Trump now saying no US Embassy move to
What is the bargaining chip that Netanyahu won't
go past?
Perhaps the Vatican will get involved and bargain with
Temple relics? (israel news online) May 15
Is moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem really the right thing to do?
(israel national news) May 15
("a burdensome stone to those that burden
themselves with her" - could be a warning)
First week of April Trump bombs Syria
Shakeup in Trump admin?
Daniel Greenfield: Obama's Third Term is Here (politichics) Mar
15, 2017
Noting that Valarie Jarrett has moved in with the
Obamas in D.C. home, apparently openly plotting to undermine Trump Presidency.
Wikileaks dump Mar 7, 2017
Tangled Web
Italian Archbishop Suggests Pope Benedict XVI Resigned Under Obama ‘Pressure’
(breitbart) Mar 9, 2017
The archbishop was making reference to a
letter written by a group of American Catholics to President Trump last January
requesting that the administration conduct an investigation into a possible
Soros-Obama-Clinton conspiracy behind the resignation of Pope Benedict.
The letter stated specifically that “we have reason to believe that a Vatican
‘regime change’ was engineered by the Obama administration.”
Approximately a year after an e-mail conversation released
by Wikileaks, the authors contended, “we find that Pope Benedict XVI abdicated
under highly unusual circumstances and was replaced by a pope whose apparent
mission is to provide a spiritual component to the radical ideological agenda of
the international left.”
There remains a inter-Roman Catholic prophecy to
be fulfilled....something about one Pope being killed in front of another
US Vice President Pence: ‘Israel’s Fight Is Our Fight, Her Cause Is Our Cause’
(algemeiner) Feb 24, 2017
It would be nice if we could correlate the
following scriptures, however, I have it is such a stretch.
But ----IF--- the Isaiah 54 prophecy speaks of the latter days, and IF the smith
and the waster are favorable to Israel, then if not the USA, what nation
has such potential strength? (India?)
Isaiah 54:15
Behold, they may gather
(i.e. nations)
together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather
together against thee (Israel)
shall fall because of thee.
Behold, I have created the smith
that bloweth the fire of coals, and bringeth forth a weapon for his work; and
I have created the waster to destroy.
so because God created the smith and the
waster - to defend Israel?:
Isaiah 54:17
No weapon that is formed against thee
(Israel) shall prosper; and every tongue
that shall rise against thee in judgment thou
shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of Jehovah, and their
righteousness which is of me, saith Jehovah.
Isaiah 55:5 "Behold, thou shalt call
a nation that thou knowest (present
tense) not; and a nation that knew not thee
shall (future tense)
run unto thee, because of
Jehovah thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel;
for he hath glorified thee. "
Psalm 18:43b
"...a people whom I have not known shall serve me"
Isaiah 56:1-12 ASV -
1 Thus saith Jehovah, Keep ye justice, and do righteousness; for my salvation is
near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed. 2 Blessed is the man
that doeth this, and the son of man that holdeth it fast; that keepeth the
sabbath from profaning it, and keepeth his hand from doing any evil. 3
Neither let the
(i.e. from the Gentile nations),
that hath joined himself to Jehovah,
speak, saying, Jehovah will surely separate me from his people;
neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree. 4 For thus saith Jehovah of
the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and
hold fast my covenant: 5 Unto them will I give in my house and within my walls a
memorial and a name better than of sons and of daughters; I will give them an
everlasting name, that shall not be cut off. 6 Also
the foreigners that join
themselves to Jehovah, to minister unto him, and to love the name of Jehovah, to
be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from profaning it, and
holdeth fast my covenant; 7
even them
will I bring to my holy mountain, and make
them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt-offerings and
their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for my house
shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples. 8 The Lord
Jehovah, who gathereth the outcasts of Israel, saith, Yet will I gather
others to him, besides his own that are gathered.
9 All ye beasts of the field, come to devour, yea, all ye beasts in the forest.
10 His watchmen are blind, they are all without knowledge; they are all dumb
dogs, they cannot bark; dreaming, lying down, loving to slumber. 11 Yea, the
dogs are greedy, they can never have enough; and these are shepherds that cannot
understand: they have all turned to their own way, each one to his gain, from
every quarter. 12 Come ye, say they, I will fetch wine, and we will fill
ourselves with strong drink; and to-morrow shall be as this day, a day great
beyond measure.
Note that the burnt-offerings and sacrifices in
Jehovah's house of prayer are logically prayers:
Isaiah 57:19 I create the fruit
of the lips: Peace, peace, to him that is far
(Gentiles) off and to him
that is near
(Jews), saith Jehovah; and I
will heal him. *
The Fourth Circuit Runs Roughshod over Heller and the Second Amendment
(national review) Feb 22, 2017
Trump and Netanyahu meet
Generally, good things were said.
However, some reported that Trump told Netanyahu
to back off settlements.
from Netanyahu's beckoning?
Right-minded links:
The Jewish Roots Movement: Flowers and Thorns
A Response to Hebrew Roots – Matthew 5:17-18
Israel: Replacing what God has not
Pappa Frency is still pushing for a one-world religious government
a thinking link:
Custom and Myth/Apollo and the Mouse
The surprising reason for the hatred against Donald Trump
The election of Donald Trump and a majority of Republicans
to the Senate, Congress, governorships and other positions, have left the One-Worlders
reeling. To them it has been like a giant earthquake upending their world and
their evil plans. They are enraged and hysterical that their expectations of a
dizzying final achievement of the total power of man as god has been smashed.
That is their ultimate goal - replacing God with man - the great sin of pride of
•Most astonishingly, the Vatican itself seems involved as
Pope Francis, the German bishops and others around him have openly developed
close relationships with many leading One-Worlders, inviting them to the Vatican
to give talks and advice (contrary to strong statements from Francis against
abortion, gay “marriage”, for large families, etc.). Reports suggest George
Soros favored Bergoglio during the Conclave that elected him pope. For the first
time ever, the New World Order movement has gained powerful public backing for
many of their agendas from the head of the Roman Catholic Church, who has
aggressively insisted that climate change, open borders, anti-capitalism and
more are now issues of moral and religious obligation for a new, worldly
Catholic Church. It also appears that some in the Vatican are laying the
groundwork for a moral and religious case in favor of population control, use of
contraception, small families and acceptance of homosexuality, again regardless
of many contrary statements by Francis.
See some of the evidence
and here
The Catholic Church and the Jewish People (archbishop of
baltimore) Oct 31, 2003
Mystery Babylon - A.K.A. the Roman
Catholic/universal/ecumenical Church - is always trying to go back to ecumenical
Babel, i.e. that one-world-government. Recall Babel is where God
separated the peoples.
This is a pretty good article. Recall that
Satan's messengers transfigure themselves into messengers of light.
The message sounds good to MAN, but it isn't God's plan.
Without proper explanation, the article rightly says that
Jews trusting in God's promises, even if they don't recognize Jesus as Messiah,
are "ok" for now. A proper explanation would at least mention that this is
possible through the blood of Jesus - i.e. the "redemption-back" quality of it.
Possibly the big lie of the article:
"Together we must be ambassadors of peace and bring
about Shalom" ..."We must see our relationships also in the context of the world
stage, in which differences of faith have too often been used as excuses for
violence. With respect to the Middle East, I speak in terms of personal
experience. In 1989 I was part of a committee acting on behalf of our Bishops’
Conference. We visited Syria, Jordan, Israel and Egypt, and met with
representatives of Jewish and Muslim groups in the United States, as well as
with representatives of Christian Churches with congregations in the Middle
Regarding the world's hypocrisy:
Norwegian government: We will abandon international law if Sweden collapses
( feb 2, 2017
They don't want Sweden's Muslims.
Trump tempting trouble?
Trump warns Israel: Stop announcing new settlements (Jerusalem
post) feb 2, 2017
The White House warned Israel on Thursday – in a
surprising statement – to cease settlement announcements that are “unilateral”
and “undermining” of President Donald Trump’s effort to forge Middle East peace,
a senior administration official told The Jerusalem Post.
For the first time, the administration confirmed that Trump is committed to a
comprehensive two-state solution to the Israeli- Palestinian conflict negotiated
between the parties.
Note that this is the Jerusalem Post saying that an
unnamed senior Trump official told them this...
You have to wonder at the Post's motivation...
It is not an official statement. But Israel should
quit announcing new settlements - just build them already.
A Reminder: What Trump said as President-elect:
calls for veto of UN resolution on Israeli settlements
(the hill) dec 22, 2016
President-elect Donald Trump Donald TrumpJudge
dismisses Melania Trump's lawsuit against Daily Mail: report Nordstrom to reduce
stock of Ivanka Trump merchandise: report 6 presidents Trump can look to as
economic role models MORE on Thursday called for a United Nations Security
Council resolution that would halt Israeli settlement activities to be vetoed.
"As the United States has long maintained, peace between the Israelis and the
Palestinians will only come through direct negotiations between the parties, and
not through the imposition of terms by the United Nations," Trump said in a
"This puts Israel in a very poor negotiating position and is extremely unfair to
all Israelis."
A Reminder: What Trump said as a candidate:
Donald Trump Insists Israeli Settlement Building on Occupied Land Must ‘Keep
Going’ ( may 4, 2016
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump
has come out in favor of Israel building new settlements in occupied territory.
Trump told the Daily Mail in an interview on Monday that the construction must
“keep going” and “keep moving forward.” There are “thousands of missiles being
launched into Israel,” he said Monday. “Who would put up with that? Who would
stand for it?” Trump had said last year he would like to initially remain
“neutral” in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But ahead of Tuesday’s Indiana
primary and his pitch for Jewish voters in what could be a close election in
November, Trump sang a different tune, clearly seeking more support from
conservative Jewish voters. When asked whether there should be a pause in
settlement construction in territory Israel captured in the Six-Day War but
where Palestinians seek to establish their own state, Trump replied: “No, I
don’t think it is, because I think Israel should have – they really have to keep
going. They have to keep moving forward.”
This begs the questions,
'Has Trump flipped on settlements, and if so, why?
1. There was this article:
Israel okays another 3,000 new settlement homes (jewish
news) Jan 25, 2017
With the evacuation of the Amona outpost
looming, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman
on Tuesday [Jan 24, 2017?]
approved the construction of around 3,000
new homes in the West Bank
The decision came a week after Israel approved the construction of 566 housing
units in East Jerusalem and 2,500 homes in the West Bank.
The announcement appeared to be an attempt by the government to calm settler
anger over the court-ordered removal of Amona.
Last week’s announcement came just days after Trump and Netanyahu had their
first phone call [Jan 22, 2017?]
since the president assumed power.
It also came after a Jerusalem planning committee approved 566 housing units in
East Jerusalem, a move that was delayed while former president Barack Obama
voiced strong objections, but came shortly before the Sunday
[Jan 22, 2017?]
phone conversation.
The administration has remained quiet since then
[Jan 22, 2017?]
. Asked [by
whom???] at a press briefing last Tuesday
[Jan 24, 2017?] for a response to
the building plans, White House press secretary Sean Spicer neither approved nor
condemned the decision, saying that the two countries’ leaders would discuss the
matter when Netanyahu visits Washington next month.
This gotcha question at the press briefing was
not answered to someone's satisfaction.
related story:
So possibly press pressure made someone in the Trump Admin
say something against settlements.
Then again, right after Israel made these announcements,
and Trump was apparently ok with them,
2. After that,
Trump talked to Putin on Saturday, Jan.29, 2017. (
Feb 2, 2017
We won't ever know exactly what was said, because -
it wasn't recorded. However, the White House says that one thing they
talked about was the Israel-Arab conflict. So, whether related to this call or not, but afterwards
[on Feb 2, 2017] Trump came out with a reversal of policy regarding Israeli
3. on the other hand, before Trump spoke with Putin, Trump
spoke with the master chess player politician, Netanyahu.
Netanyahu and Trump have also been playing a game of hot
potato with the Embassy move. (see links below)
Netanyahu seems to be moved at times by pressure from the
left, which includes the world (includes the Pope, Catholics, Muslims,
Methodists, etc), the Israeli Supreme Court & the rest of secular Israel, and at
times Netanyahu is moved by the right, which includes his own party, which
includes Jewish Home & the "settlers", whom are actually right minded.
I've not seen evidence that Netanyahu's actions are as far
to the right as most other people seem to think. I think Netanyahu is
4. On the other other hand, this "condemnation" from Trump might
just be part of the game...
4a. UPDATE: White House releases statement
(Thursday, Feb 2, 2017):
The American desire for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians has
remained unchanged for 50 years. While we don’t believe the existence of
settlements is an impediment to peace, the construction of new settlements or
the expansion of existing settlements beyond their current borders may not be
helpful in achieving that goal. As the President has expressed many times, he
hopes to achieve peace throughout the Middle East region. The Trump
administration has not taken an official position on settlement activity and
looks forward to continuing discussions, including with Prime Minister Netanyahu
when he visits with President Trump later this month.
4b. UPDATE: Trump and Netanyahu meet, and
some report that Trump told Netanyahu to back off on settlements.
More Fake News: Trump ‘Opposes’ Israeli Settlements (breitbart) Feb
3, 2017
As legal scholar Eugene Kontorovich explains:
The White House Press Secretary’s statement about settlement building is a
huge change of policy, in which the U.S. broadly accepts all building within
settlements, including those settlements outside of “blocs.” This is huge.
In the statement, the White House says the building of entirely “new
settlements” is not great (but not sharply criticized). On the other hand,
building “within existing settlement lines,” ie municipal boundaries, is totally
OK. Since all building for 20 years has been within existing lines, and all
planned building is within existing lines, this is as big an authorization as it
This is such a big deal, that the press is trying to spin it as a limitation on
settlement activity, whereas it is a broad and historic green light. It can no
longer be said that the US opposes settlement building.
Well, it looks like Trump is set to go one way or the
other. He's also "walking back" his talk of moving the Embassy to Jerusalem.
Let's hope for the best.
Israel to vote on Regulation Law (israel news online)
Jan 29, 2017
President Trump Executive Order regarding vetting refugees causes wailing and
gnashing of liberal teeth.
Trump’s Exclusion of Aliens from Specific Countries Is Legal (Andrew
C. McCarthy/national review) Jan 29, 2017
Trump’s Executive Order on Refugees — Separating Fact from Hysteria (national
review) Jan 29, 2017
8 Things You Need To Know About Trump's Executive Order On Refugees, Immigration
(Ben Shapiro/dailywire) Jan 28, 2017
Is this order as insane as the media have
portrayed it? Absolutely not. It’s a temporary stay, not a permanent one; it
doesn’t religiously discriminate, despite accusations to the contrary. But it
was incompetently rolled out, and apparently interpreted in amateur fashion by
Trump’s White House.
No, Muslim Refugees Are Not Jewish WWII Refugees. Here Are 5 Reasons Why
(daily wire) Nov 18, 2015
Trump supports Jerusalem embassy move but delayed decision, (world
israel news) Jan 26, 2017
says Rudy Giuliani:
Moving the embassy must “be worked out carefully with
the Israeli government, so that it is done in a way they are comfortable with,”
In other words, Trump would already have the embassy in
Jerusalem, but Netanyahu doesn't want it there.
Netanyahu now says he is all for the US Embassy in Jerusalem (times
of israel) Jan 29, 2017
The hot potato is tossed back to President Trump!
Someone is on first base...
Jan 26, 2017
Arcadi Sobol
Jan 24, 2017
Trump moves to open up Pipelines
Trump understands Second Amendment's importance, pushes for national concealed
carry reciprocation
Trump stops (probably temporarily) Obama's last second mega-million give away to
Palestinian terrorists
Trump stops Syrian "refugee" program - at least temporarily.
The Trump order will include an exception for minority-religion
refugees (Christians)
There's more, but you get the idea. President Trump is
rightly keeping the offensive momentum as long as he can.
Fascinating how he can say some silly thing and
get DAYS of press coverage over it. I bet he gets a good chuckle as he
does that.
Trump Sets Insane Pace in Just Five Days (daily
wire) Jan 26, 2017
Interesting that we haven't heard anything about
Russian aggression since the election. What is Putin up to?
Trump freezes EPA spending and propaganda (red state) Jan 24, 2017
Roman Catholic Church DEMANDS Jews get out of Israel.
(jewish press) Jan 24, 2017
The Roman Catholic Church is against Israel. So we
know this false-church/Mystery Babylon will fall. The harlot "Church" is
presently being punished, yet still won't repent.
Revelation 18:1 After
these-things I-saw another angel descending out-of the heaven, having great
authority, and the earth was enlightened out-of his glory.
v2 And he-cried with (a) strong voice saying: Babylon the great fell, it-fell,
and it-became (a) residence of-little-demons and (a) guard-house of-every
unclean spirit and (a) guard-house of-every unclean and
having-been-and-still-hated bird-of-prey,
This is saying:
If you are still in the Roman Catholic Church,
Revelation 17:1 And
one out-of the seven angels namely-the (ones) having the seven pans came,
and he-spoke with me saying: come-hither, I-will-point to-you the sentence
of-the prostitute namely-the great (one), namely-the (one) sitting on many
v2 With whom the kings of-the earth committed-prostitution, and the (ones)
residing (on) the earth were-made-drunk out-of the wine of-her prostitution.
v3 And he-brought me off into (a) desolate (place) in spirit. And I-saw (a)
woman sitting on (a) scarlet beast, being-loaded (with) names of-blasphemy,
having seven heads and ten horns.
v4 And the woman was having-been-and-still-cast-around (with) purple and
scarlet, and having-been-and-still-gilded with-gold-objects and
with-precious stone and with-pearls, having (a) cup made-with-gold in her
hand being-loaded of-abominations and the unclean-things of-her
v5 And on her forehead (a) name having-been-and-still-written, mystery,
Babylon the great, the mother of-the prostitutes and of-the abominations
of-the earth.
Revelation 17:15 And
he-is-saying to-me: The waters which you-saw, the-place-where the prostitute
is-sitting are peoples and crowds and nations and languages.
v16 And the ten horns which you-saw
and the beast, these
will-hate the prostitute,
and they-will-make her having-been-made-and-still-desolate and naked, and
they-will-eat her fleshes, and they-will-burn her down with fire;
v17 For the God gave into their hearts to-do his sentiment, and to-do one
sentiment and to-give their kingdom to-the beast, until the words of-the God
v18 And the woman whom you-saw is the city namely-the great (one) namely-the
(one) having (a) kingdom over the kings of-the earth.
Revelation 18:4
And I-heard another voice out-of the
heaven saying:
YOU-come-out, my people, out-of her, in-order-that YOU-might not
participate-with her sins, and in-order-that YOU-might not take out-of her
v5 Because her sins
were-united unto the heaven, and the God had-in-memory her unrighteous-acts.
v6 YOU-give-back to-her
as she also gave-back, and YOU-double the (things) double according-to her
works; in the cup in-which she-mingled YOU-mingle to-her double;
v7 As-much-as
she-glorified her(self) and she-ran-riot, YOU-give to-her this-much
tormenting and mourning; because in her heart she-is-saying, because
I-am-sitting queen and I-am not (a) widow also by-no-means might-I-see
v8 Because-of this in one
day her blows will-be-present, death and mourning and famine, and
she-will-be-burned-down with fire; because strong (is) Jehovah the God
namely-the (one) having-judged her,
Revelation 18:20
You-be-being-merry-for-yourself over her, heaven and the holy-ones and the
apostles and the prophets, because the God judged YOUR sentence out-of her.
Revelation 19:3 And second
they-have-said-and-still-are-saying: Hallelujah: and her smoke is-ascending
into the ages of-the ages.
'Netanyahu is ruining the chance of a lifetime' (israel
national news) Jan 23, 2017
Recently, the Trump Admin. voiced concerns that Netanyahu
was "passing them on the left"
Also reported to have given Israel/Netanyahu the green
light for annexation, yet on Jan22, the
Cabinet voted unanimously to delay discussion on the proposed annexation of
Maaleh Adumim
Sat, Jan 21, 2017
Today, President Donald Trump had a bunch
of overweight women out exercising.
Good for him!
Noting that one of the organizers of this "march"
has direct ties to Hamas
Noting that the "protestors" were not protesting
the lack of women's rights in Islamic countries
Noting that George Soros organized/ funded much
of this "protest"
Jan 21, 2017
Off to a bad start with a politically correct group prayer
There can be only One God, and he ain't "the highlander".
In the Washington Cathedral, Multifaith prayers
(the geller report) Jan 21, 2017
The Washington National Cathedral has hosted
presidential prayer services since 1933.
include Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu
invocations asking for aid for new president.
The imam chosen to represent the Muslim faith is Imam
Mohamed Magid, former head of the Muslim Brotherhood front group, Islamic
Society of North America with deep ties to “radicals.“
There are no Imams that have no ties to terror.
Imam Curses Christians and Jews at Trump Interfaith Event
(creeping sharia) Jan 24, 2017
Here's what the Muslims there prayed:
0:29 I seek refuge in allah from Satan.
0:37 Thanks be to allah the merciful one. Guide us on the right path
0:40 for those whom you blessed (muslims), not the path of the ones
0:43 you are angry at (Jews) and the ones who went astray (Christians).
Of course, they are not praying to
the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob -
YHVH Elohim,
so their prayers are of no account. But it still shows
their bad intensions/hatred.
Jan 20, 2017
Well Good, Obama is Over!
President Trump sworn in
Praying for him and his administration to have wisdom,
courage, faith.
Jan 21, 2017 homemade cookie celebration.

Israel should not take Trump or his son-in-law for granted (Jewish
Jan 16, 2017
Someplace, everywhere, many snowflakes just melted:
Trump wants bloggers in the press corps (pamela geller)
Jan 15, 2017
Al Gore, this may flood New York
Trump had a fun day of messing with the
press, that is all
A sign in these times?
2 stars colliding ignites excitement over Messiah's arrival (world
net daily)
Jan 15, 2017
Paired Stars in Cygnus En Route to Merger (sky and
Jan 16, 2017
There ARE interesting star names in this
constellation called "The Swan":
John Notter comments here:
A new star is about to appear in the
constellation, Cygnus, in the year 2022. Ironically, in the Mazzaroth (see Job
38:32-33, Psalm 19:1-6, eg.), Cygnus is related to the coming of Christ. This
constellation used to have the name Tesark in Dendarah which means, "coming from
far away." Cygnus, itself, means "to circle and return." Its brightest star is
still known by the name Deneb which translates as "The Judge" or "The LORD is
coming". In Hebrew this star's name translates to "He shall come down". Another
star in this constellation is still called Al Bireo on star charts. This Arabic
word translates to "swiftly flying". The star "Sadr" still bears a Hebrew name
which means, "who returns in a circle". The star Azel's name means "who leaves
yet returns." Finally, the star named Fafage means, "Gloriously shining forth."
David really did know what he was talking about when he wrote under inspiration:
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is
no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard." Psalm 19:1-3
Also noting Seiss' commentary on the visual, p79,
"The principal stars which mark its wings and length of body form a large and
beautiful cross, the most regular of all the crosses formed by the
constellations." Even better in the constellation crux, the cross, know as the
southern cross, we may see comfort in this
Gospel in the stars.
I mention this as some disown the image of the cross - I think due to confusion
between the cross and the Roman Catholic crucifix.
Zechariah 12:3 "And it
shall come to pass in that day, that I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone
for all the peoples; all that burden themselves with it shall be sore wounded;
and all the nations of the earth shall be gathered together against it."
Obama, panicking over Trump, still in a rush to
start WWIII so he can stay in office...
and at any rate do as much damage as he can in his last
"Obama's last days". So sweet sounding...
70 nations gather in Paris against Israel (jewish
Jan 15, 2017
links to full text of "peace" summit
Set stage for OBAMA last second recognition of Palestinian
More Trumpanicking...
The old Pope-a-dope routine:
Pappa Frency inaugurates PLO terrorist assembly at Vatican (jewish
Jan 14, 2017
Abbas & pope want Palestinian State
recognition now
Winter Is Coming
(red state)
Jan 12, 2017
Gary Kasparov writes... Putin is not your friend, noting that
Trump's Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson is friends with Putin...
Keep these things in mind...@there is nothing
new under the sun
Russian Nuke capable launchers in Syria (israel news
Jan 7, 2017
Terrorism by truck in Israel (friends of the IDF)
Jan 9, 2017
Zechariah 12:3 "And it
shall come to pass in that day, that I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone
for all the peoples; all that burden themselves with it shall be sore wounded;
and all the nations of the earth shall be gathered together against it."
So on Hanukah eve 2016, an Obama implemented UN
"security" council resolution against Israel passed.
Then a few days later, on Dec 28, Lurch/Kerry
presented his hate speech against Israel.
some related links & comments follow:
An Act of War:
Back-stabbing Obama colludes with Satanic forces in UN sham vote against Israel
Full Text of UN Security Council Condemnation of Israel, Resolution 2334
(Jewish Press)
Dec 14, 2016
Full text UN source:
The UN Resolution actually calls for "an end to the
Israeli occupation" !
9. Urges in this regard the intensification
and acceleration of international and regional diplomatic efforts and support
aimed at achieving, without delay a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the
Middle East on the basis of the relevant United Nations resolutions, the Madrid
terms of reference, including the principle of land for peace, the Arab
Peace Initiative and the Quartet Roadmap and
an end to the Israeli
occupation that began in 1967; and underscores in this regard the
importance of the ongoing efforts to advance the Arab Peace Initiative, the
initiative of France
for the convening of an international peace conference, the recent efforts of
the Quartet, as well as the efforts of Egypt and the Russian Federation
In other words, this resolution calls for the
dissolution of the Jewish state of Israel.
There is no "principle of land for peace".
Bennett: Apply Israeli law in Judea and Samaria (israel
national news)
Dec 24, 2016
"Thousands of terrorists the world over are
looking at the UN's decision. They see it as a call to arms."
Indeed, this
UN, or rather OBAMA owned resolution, is an act of war against Israel.
Obama is a likely anti-Semitic candidate to
replace the anti-Semitic UN Secretary Ban.
Sen. Cruz Statement on Obama Administration's Betrayal of Israel at the U.N.
Security Council
"I agree with the senior Israeli
government official who said today:
'President Obama and Secretary Kerry are behind this shameful move against
Israel at the UN....The U.S. administration secretly cooked up with the
Palestinians an extreme anti-Israeli resolution behind Israel’s back which would
be a tailwind for terror and boycotts.'
Israel’s right to build homes is settled … under international law (conservative
review) dec 27
The only binding resolution of international law, a
resolution which has never been countermanded to this very day, is the July 1922
Mandate for Palestine. Adopted by the League of Nations, that resolution
recognized the “historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to
the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.” It called
for the creation of a Jewish national homeland anywhere west of the Jordan
World: Obama’s war against America (caroline glick
@jerusalem post) dec 26
Caroline Glick also posted the following
commentary on Facebook:
Here is what I think is a reasonable assessment
of Obama's likely timeline for action against Israel.
Today, December 27, 2016: John Kerry is scheduled to address the UN Security
Council and lay out his blueprint for the establishment of a Palestinian state
in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and Gaza.
January 15, 2017: Kerry participates in French President Hollande's summit along
with other leaders of the so called Quartet. The Quartet produces a document
ratifying Kerry's speech as a unanimous position.
January 16, 2017: Obama makes a speech for Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday. In
his speech he merges Palestinian statehood with the civil rights movement and
announces it is time for Palestine to be formally recognized.
January 17, 2017: The Security Council convenes to ratify the Quartet's
blueprint for Palestine as a Security Council resolution. The resolution will
probably only speak of a process of bringing Palestine in as a full member in
order to prevent automatic US defunding of the UN in accordance with standing US
law requiring a funding cut-off in response to any UN recognition of Palestine.
January 20, 2017: Donald Trump is inaugurated and presented with Obama's fait
Obama has without a doubt been lobbying the incoming members of the Security
Council to support this program, just as he lobbied the current members to
support last Friday's resolution.
The only person who can derail this operation is Donald Trump.
Caroline Glick comments on the British White Paper
Blog Spot Obama and the Jews – I Told You So… (united
with israel) dec 27
I said prior to President Obama winning
his first election that when he doesn’t need us any longer, he will abandon us.
I used more colorful terms back then. I was called a racist, and a host of other
names by some in our community. So I am sad, very sad, to say:
Full Text: Speech by Secretary of State John Kerry at State Department
(jewish press) dec 28, 2016
Full Text: Reaction by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Secy Kerry’s
Speech (jewish press)
dec 28, 2016
Following UNSC resolution, PLO wants ICC to open full investigation into
settlements (jerusalem
post) dec 28, 2016
Deranged Destruction: Obama KICKS OUT 35 Russian Diplomats, Closes 2 Compounds
(gellar report) dec 29, 2016
"Is Obama trying to start a war before he leaves office?"
God said he would set a hook in the nation's jaws and drag
them to Jerusalem.
Could this be the "bait"?
Israel 's Answer To UN And Obama: We're Building 5,600 New Homes In Jerusalem
(daily wire) dec 29, 2016
From Facebook:
Ryan Campbell:
The Israeli/Palestinian conflict is perhaps
the most complex political issue of our time. Many have resorted to simply
blaming one side or the other. But if we take the time to understand the
history and correct our misconceptions a potential path forward for the
Palestinians begins to emerge.
So let's start by trying to get the story
straight - and clear up 10 of the
biggest misconceptions out there:
Misconception #1 - Israel illegally
stole land from the Palestinians - In 1947, the UN voted to give land to
both the Jews and the Palestinians. The Jews accepted their partition and
legally formed the state of
Israel. The Palestinians rejected their
partition and attacked. Even after losing the war, the Arabs still had most
of the land from the UN ruling. Which leads us to...
Misconception #2 - The surrounding
Arab nations actually want to create a Palestinian State - So after the war
the West Bank and Gaza were controlled by Jordan and Egypt...for 19 years!
During that span, those governments never established a Palestinian state.
Instead--they kept the land for their own use.
Misconception #3 The Arab nations want
to solve the refugee crisis - Palestinians have settled in Arab nations
throughout the Middle East. These nations could solve the crisis immediately
by granting refugees equal rights, but instead they refuse to let them vote,
own land, or even study in public schools. Ironically, The only country to
grant them full citizenship rights is Israel which absorbed 156,000 Arabs
after the 1948 war and even today Arabs hold seats in the Israeli government
and Supreme Court.
"Misconception #4 UN efforts are
helping to solve the refugee crisis - The UN did step in to provide
assistance to the Palestinian refugees. But instead of using their existing
agency that helps resettle refugee populations around the world the UN
created UNWRA which
labels every Palestinian as a refugee until a
Palestinian state is formed within the borders of Israel. This makes it more
difficult for Palestinians to thrive in their host countries
and locks them into perpetual refugee status
passing it on to their children, grand-children
and great-grandchildren swelling the refugee
population from 500,000 in 1949 to nearly 5 million today. As conditions
worsened-- the international aid started to pour in-- which incidentally
Misconception #5 - The solution is
more money - Really? Western nations have given the Palestinians a ton of
aid. Even taking inflation into account, they've been given 25x more money
per person
than Europe was given to rebuild after WWII.
Where's the stable economy? Where's the improved infrastructure? That money
sure could have helped, but it was given to some leaders who had a different
agenda... Which brings us headlong into...
Misconception #6 - Forming a State is
the primary goal of top Palestinian leaders - All of this international aid
did go to help ease one man's suffering - Yasser Arafat. After his death
accountants hired by Arafat's own family discovered secret investments worth
more than 1 billion dollars. That income stream would be threatened if a new
state was formed--
which gives leaders like Arafat-- or Mahmoud
Abbas for that matter-- a billion plus reasons to never actually sign a
peace treaty. Which leads us to...
Misconception #7 - Israel has a true
peace partner - in the year 2000 desparate for a
resolution, the Israelis elected Prime
Minister EHud Barak with a mandate to make peace with the Palestinians.
Barak offered Yasser Arafat 94% of the land he demanded, except Jerusalem.
Arafat flatly refused. President Clinton blamed the failure of the best
chance at peace in 60 years squarely on Yasser Arafat. Which brings up
perhaps the most common misconception
of all...
Misconception #8 - Israel just needs
to give up land for peace –The last time Israel tried this was in 2005. They
forced thousands of Jewish settlers out of Gaza and in exchange the
Palestinian leaders promised peace. But when the Israelis
moved out, the Palestinians voted Hamas in.
Yep- they elected a terrorist organization
who -- since taking power-- has fired more
than 10,000 rockets into Israel. Surprised?
Then you've probably bought into...
Misconception #9 –
Most Palestinians want a lasting peace with
Israel. Some Palestinians do, but they are a minority. For 60 years
Palestinian educational leaders have fed their children a steady diet of
hate. Idolizing
suicide bombers and celebrating death, right
in the classroom. And finally...
Misconception #10 - Giving the
Palestinians a state now is the only solution to their suffering. - This has
been the only approach tried for the last 60 years. But these are people
we're talking about, and waiting until they have a state to give them equal
has only made things worse. Currently, Israel
is the only nation to grant full rights to the Palestinians within their
borders, but by granting them equal rights in every nation where they live,
we could immediately increase the quality of life for every Palestinian.
Let's be honest. These Misconceptions have
concealed potential solutions. When we take time to clear up confusion and
face reality, we begin to uncover the truth and that's when real progress
towards justice can begin.
Glenn Perlman adds:
Another misconception: The UN did not
vote to give land to both the "Jews and the Palestinians" in 1947. It voted
to divide the land promised to the Jews between the Jews and the Arabs. "A
Palestinian People" were invented in 1964. For the following reason:
"The Palestinian people does not exist. The
creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle
against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no
difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for
political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a
Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the
existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. For tactical
reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot
raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa. While as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly
demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we
reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to
unite Palestine and Jordan."
(PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein,
March 31, 1977, interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw.)"
To clarify, I don't celebrate Christ-Mass or
Hannukah for similar reasons. However, if another wishes to celebrate, that's
their call.
However, in my opinion, Christians that think
their holiness makes Christ-mass holy are mistaken. And Christians that wish to
enforce mandatory "Merry Christmassing" are in error.
To each his own, not: to each his other's own.
I repeat:
Happy Hannukah!
'tis the
season for - Christ-Mass:
"a kind of ritual dance"
The True Meaning Of Christ-Mass
The World Book Encyclopedia defines "Christmas" as
follows: "The word Christmas comes from "Cristes Maesse", an early English
phrase that means "Mass of Christ."
of israel)
dec25 - repost
A.K.A. Merry Christmas
Pope concedes Roman Catholic Church forged date of Jesus' birth
Nov 21-repost
Pope concedes Christmas is pagan
(telegraph) Nov 20
- repost
Was Jesus really born on December 25th?
Interesting article by John Parsons
♪ ♫ ♪
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christ-Mass!
♪ ♫ ♪
Very Merry
of the Devil's Cup
YHVH's Cup
Noting how much world nations' commerce is tied to
observing the Roman Catholic Church's Mass of Christ.
She is indeed the mother of the harlots. IN that
aspect, Revelation 18 applies to the RCC, the City of Babylon. It
seems the Jonathon CON Job Harbinger has done much to falsely establish the USA
as Babylon by falsely applying Old Testament prophecy to the USA. Noting
that the Islamic State considers the battle for Rome the final one.
Perhaps they have not yet read the book "Harbinger"?
The headline reads:
The Real War On Christmas: Persecuted Christians Around the World Struggle to
Celebrate Amidst Islamist Threats
(the blaze)
Dec 24, 2015
and that headline is derived from:
“All events related to Christmas and New Year celebrations
are contrary to Islamic culture"
and with that, perhaps we should instead see the
Revelation 17 being fulfilled
v15 And he-is-saying to-me: The waters which
you-saw, the-place-where the prostitute is-sitting are peoples and crowds and
nations and languages.
v16 And the ten horns which you-saw and the beast,
these will-hate the prostitute, and
they-will-make her having-been-made-and-still-desolate and naked, and
they-will-eat her fleshes, and they-will-burn her down with fire;
v17 For the God gave into their hearts to-do his sentiment, and to-do one
sentiment and to-give their kingdom to-the beast, until the words of-the
God will-be-finished.
v18 And the woman whom you-saw is the city namely-the great (one) namely-the
(one) having (a) kingdom over the kings of-the earth.
A hard word:
It appears then that God is punishing the Roman
Catholic Church at this time.
God is not in satan's false-bride/Roman Catholic
Revelation 18:4 And I-heard
another voice out-of the heaven saying: YOU-come-out, my people, out-of her,
in-order-that YOU-might not participate-with her sins, and in-order-that
YOU-might not take out-of her blows.
God is not in the Laodician organization:
Revelation 3:20
Behold I-have-stood-and-still-stand on the door
and I-am-knocking; if some-one might-hear my voice and he-might-open
the door, I-shall-come-in to him and I-shall-take-supper with him and
he with me.
Some are refined.
Some come out.
Some open the door.
Winter solstice 2019: Why do pagans celebrate the shortest day of the year?*
Obama plans to rule outside the White House (daniel greenfield)
Dec 16, 2016
Turkey and Russia's Backing for Islamic Terror Hits Home as Ambassador is
Murdered (daniel greenfield)
Dec 19, 2016
UN Secretary Ban admits bias against Israel (israel
news online)
Dec 18, 2016
as his term ends.
Watch our for an OBAMA heading the UN
against Israel
Yet again, the Pope-a-Dope
reveals that he is an apostate.
Well, we knew that already.
Pope rules Big Bang and evolution are real (sunshine
coast daily)
Dec 18, 2016
Pappa Frenchy
should read the Bible.
Report: Whole Arab Villages in Judea and Samaria Stand Empty as Residents Flee
to US (jewishpress)
Dec 17, 2016
So the House of Saud, House of Bush thing.
Then the Obama's give special treatment to the
"Saudi national" boy that was at the Boston Marathon bombing.
The Saudis invested heavily in Hillary Clinton.
She lost.
Japanese Mogul Starts on Vow to Trump to Create 50,000 U.S. Jobs (nytimes)
Dec 12, 2016
So now this dude is in bed with the Saudis...
SoftBank and Saudi Arabia Partner to Form Giant Investment Fund
Dec 19, 2016
That swamp is not getting drained.
Some hope for Christians in Israel
Shaked praises Israeli Christians (jewish press)
Dec 11, 2016
America's Islamic Methodists
Local Texas United Methodist Church In Waco Now Embracing Islam
gellar) Dec 6, 2016
There's a Clinton connection too!
(gatestone institute) Dec 6, 2016
22 U.S. jihadist villages prepare for "Trump-ordered" raids
(israel national news) Nov
29, 2016
The jihadist organization, knownn as
Muslims of America (MOA), has been instructed by its spiritual leader in
Pakistan, Sheikh Jilani, to take measures against the expected raids on its some
22 compounds. These including having all unarmed members obtain firearms,
licenses and hunting permits in order to resist the expected Trump
Administration offensives.
This news was shared with the Christian Action Network and with the Clarion
Project by "multiple sources," Clarion reported. The sources also specifically
warned Martin Mawyer of the Christian Action Network and Ryan Mauro of the
Clarion Project to be "on alert," as MOA members believe they are responsible
for the forthcoming crackdown. Police have been informed of the threat as well.
So, is this fake news? Perhaps not:
Muslims of America terrorist training compounds (american
thinker) Nov
24, 2016
There is no doubt that MOA is a terror organization
operating on American soil. It is well documented by the FBI
whose records state that MOA has the infrastructure to plan
and carry out terror attacks (here, and overseas) and that
MOA leaders urge their members to commit jihad against
enemies of Islam.
“Act like you are his friend. Then kill him.”
an example:
Ohio Muslim Terrorist Complained Muslims Were Stereotyped as Terrorists
(frontpage) Nov
28, 2016
Progressives are all too eager to gulp down
stories of Muslims whining about how oppressed they are. The OSU Lantern ran a
piece by Abdul Razak Ali Artan in which he whined about how afraid he was to
pray at the college and how unfair it was that Muslims were being stereotyped as
terrorists. Then he ran down some students and stabbed others with a butcher
knife after ranting about the Muslim Ummah.
Allah, I am willing to kill a billion infidels” (pamela
gellar) Nov
29, 2016
The man who attacked and injured nine people at Ohio State
University Monday morning was a Somali national who had permanent residency
ISIS claims responsibility (red state) Nov
30, 2016
This terrorist brought to you by Catholic Charities! (pamela gellar) Nov
29, 2016
Pyro-terrorism in Israel (jewish press) Nov
24, 2016
This proves that there is no "two state"
"coexist" solution.
Kick the Muslims out.
Israel is Isra-el....
the real mother (israel national news) Nov
26, 2016
"Cast out the handmaid and her son"
Genesis 16:12 "And he shall be as a wild ass among
men; his hand' shall be against every man, and every man's hand against him;
and he shall dwell over against all his brethren."
Henry Commentary:
Genesis 16:7-16
Hagar was out of her place, and out of the way
of her duty, and going further astray, when the Angel found her. It is a
great mercy to be stopped in a sinful way, either by conscience or by
providence. Whence comest thou? Consider that thou art running from duty,
and the privileges thou wast blest with in Abram's tent. It is good to live
in a religious family, which those ought to consider who have this
advantage. Whither wilt thou go? Thou art running into sin; if Hagar return
to Egypt, she will return to idol gods, and into danger in the wilderness
through which she must travel. Recollecting who we are, would often teach us
our duty. Inquiring whence we came, would show us our sin and folly.
Considering whither we shall go, discovers our danger and misery. And those
who leave their space and duty, must hasten their return, how mortifying
soever it be. The declaration of the Angel, I will, shows this Angel was the
eternal Word and Son of God. Hagar could not but admire the Lord's mercy,
and feel, Have I, who am so unworthy, been favoured with a gracious visit
from the Lord? She was brought to a better temper, returned, and by her
behaviour softened Sarai, and received more gentle treatment. Would that we
were always suitably impressed with this thought, Thou God seest me!
Eze 20:38
And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and
them that transgress against me: I will bring them forth out of the country
where they sojourn, and they shall not enter into the land of Israel: and ye
shall know that I am the LORD.
Colorado Springs based 747 Supertanker mobilized to wildfires in Israel
( Nov
25, 2016
Mission; Israel.
The aircraft received
final approval from the FAA in September.
However, a contract with the U.S. Forest Service
has yet to be approved, so the SuperTanker currently cannot fight fires
burning on U.S. Forest Service land.
“This is the first actual fire that it will
participate in,” said Wheeler. “Now the fire crew and the system was on the
Mt. Carmel fire in 2010 in Israel, so we have experience over there.”
....and this is
pretty neat. They don't know how the plane got to Israel so fast:
* "....must have had a
tail wind as it flew..."
Trump Administration
Special Representative for International Negotiations:
attorney & Orthodox Jew, Jason Greenblatt
Energy Secretary: Rick Perry
Head of the White House National Economic Council:
Gary Cohn Goldman Sachs president and CEO
(Jerusalem Post) Dec 11, 2016
Cohn [who is
Jewish] is
the latest Goldman Sachs banker or alumnus Trump has named to his government. He
joins alumnus Steve Mnuchin, the designated Treasury secretary, and Bayo
Ogunlesi, a member of Trump’s Strategic and Policy Forum who is on the Wall
Street firm’s board. Cohn answers to Lloyd Blankfein, the bank’s CEO, who was
vilified in Trump’s final campaign ad, which echoed anti-Semitic
conspiracy theories by matching Jewish faces to themes of global control.
During the campaign, the Republican candidate accused the bank of being in
“total, total control” of his primaries rival, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and the
Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton. Trump has not directly addressed why he
is hiring people from a sector he disparaged, but has said he wants proven job
creators and money makers on his team.
It's almost admirable that Trump trolled so many
Trumpsters in the primaries.
Hopefully Trump is also trolling Putin...
Secretary of State:
Trump appearing partial to
Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson (the blaze) Dec 11, 2016
Tillerson’s relationship with Putin and
Russia comes from his time of living there as Exxon’s liaison with
Russian oil companies and the Kremlin. He even brokered a deal with Russia in
2011 that allowed Exxon to have access to oil reserves in the Arctic, according
to Politico.
Recall that Secretary of State is 3rd in line
to the Presidency.
Will Pro-Israel Community Support Tillerson Appointment? (jewish
insider) Dec 12, 2016
Gen. Betrayus made Trump's list for SOS
Is No Good Reason For David Petraeus To Be SecState And A Lot Of Good Reasons
Why He Shouldn’t
(red state) dec 6, 2016
Mitt Romney is on his SOS list...or hit list?
Hopefully he will chose John Bolton...
White House Counsel:
Donald McGahn
Secretary of Treasury: Stephen Mnuchin
worked at Soros Fund Management
worked for Goldman Sachs for 17 years
Secretary of Defense: Retired Marine General James Mattis
(unofficially announced as of Dec2)
has said he “paid a
military-security price every day as the commander of CENTCOM (US Central
Command) because the Americans were seen as biased in support of Israel.”
General James "Mad Dog" Mattis
Political views Israeli-Palestinian peace
process----Mattis supports a two-state solution model for Israel-Palestinian
peace. He says the current situation in Israel is “unsustainable” and argues
that the settlements harm prospects for peace and are leading to apartheid. In
particular, he believes the lack of a two-state solution is upsetting to the
Arab allies of America, which weakens US esteem amongst its Arab allies.
Mattis strongly supports John Kerry on the Middle East peace process,
praising Kerry for being wisely focused like a laser-beam towards a two-state
Ex-US general: We pay a price for backing Israel (times
of israel) July 25, 2013
There is no Two-State solution in
Israel any more:
Ezekiel 37:1 And say unto them, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Behold,
I will take the children of Israel from among the nations, whither they are
gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land:
22 and I will make them one nation in
the land, upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to
them all; and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided
into two kingdoms any more at all;
Homeland Security
Retired General John Kelly (Red State) Dec 12, 2016
The "hard right" leftists in Israel??
(jewish press) Nov
18, 2016
Sources inside the Liberman camp have suggested that
the reason for this defeatist statement from one of the biggest hawks in the
current cabinet has to do less with the incoming Trump people than with the
outgoing Obama people, who can still cause a lot of damage in the two months or
so left on their calendar. Once the evil teacher is gone, we’ll bring out the
balloons and cake for the substitute teacher, those sources are implying.
Mishpachtonim Israel's children are your children
Trump says same sex marriage is "settled law" (abcnews) Nov
14, 2016
As Jimmy Carter said, Trump is
Trump may flip again on this...
So anyway, what became of that Al-Qaeda election day threat?
( Nov 4, 2016
Every Presidential election, people get stupid
Demoncrats want to rig Electoral College vote (jewish
press) Nov 12, 2016
Trump electors are being targeted with death
threats by Hillary supporters.
Remember in the primaries when Trump supporters
targeted Colorado's delegates after the Party chose Ted Cruz? This is
borrowed from that playbook.
Here's a safe space to remember:
Trump's Virtual Lynch Mob: Publicizing Home
Addresses of Delegates Who Didn't Vote For Him (national review) April 13, 2016
Delegates Receive Death Threats From Trump Supporters (newsbusters) April 13,
this may be a smokescreen
demonKrats real strategy in "recounts" (american thinker) Nov
27, 2016
hopefully they will count fast enough
Soros funded Snowflakes threaten to assassinate Trump
(ny post) Nov 11, 2016
wasn't supposed to win!" -{amidst
gobs of sobs}
Trump was correct; of course it was rigged.
Rigged by God, or by the Democrats?
Wikileaks: DNC Strategy Was to Push Trump to Front of Republican Line
(jewishpress) Nov 9, 2016
"If you were wondering how come Donald Trump
received so much free media exposure for months and months, why every comic in
North America used him for fodder, and why he was consequently able to knock
off his rivals so effectively — part of it, of course, had to do with his
bombast personality and on-screen shenanigans, but part of it was supported
by the opposition.
The strategy worked, winning Clinton the
popular vote in 2016 – but not the election."
It makes you wonder how much of Trump's support
was influenced by the Democrat Party...I suspect the Republican/Democrat
establishment colluded on this, and that neither expected Trump to win. However, Wikileaks isn't publishing those emails...yet.
Assange, hoping for a pardon, is a walking
dead man
Complete list of Trump's campaign promises to Israel (jewishpress) Nov 9, 2016
Hoping the USA is an "other sheep" nation.
John 10:16
"And I-am-having
other sheep,
which (are) not out-of this court; those-also it-is-essential (for) me
to-lead, and they-will-hear my voice; and it-will-come-to-be one flock, one
Trump's first 100 day plan
(npr) Nov 9, 2016
That's a pretty amazing plan! Some good
stuff in there.
Trump wins November 8, 2016 Presidential
Hopefully, he will do some good. He ran a
wicked campaign early, see links below. He was aided by the Media
(mainstream and alt-right) and the Democrat/Republican establishment, none of
which (excepting perhaps some alt-right media) expected or wanted him to win.
God sets up rulers (Daniel 2:20-21), and some are claiming that we have evidence
of that here. That passage doesn't mean God sets up little demi-gods that
we are to worship. It just means that ultimately, God is in charge.
It was discouraging to watch family and friends support Trump early in the
primary season, when he was obviously not the better Christian choice. It is an
ugly reflection of the Christian "church" - the "Evangelicals" - that they
selected Trump over Cruz because Trump was more appealing to them -- because he was
more worldly, i.e. more sinful. Hopefully, Trump did recently accept Jesus as his
Savior and will grow in Christ. The scriptures say that God uses the weak
and foolish to accomplish His goals. Hopefully Trump will seek
and accept God's help as he grows into his new role. I prayed for
President Obama; I also pray for President-elect Trump. I
don't pray TO them, I pray FOR them.
That said...
If Trump was elected because he was the lesser of
two evils, then he's still evil.
God setting up men as rulers does not necessarily
equate them as being men of God.
IF Obama does not somehow remain as President (as
some claim might happen),
and Trump is inaugurated as President,
Then it should finally be obvious to everyone
that Trump is the Establishment pick!
Another funny thing going around the internet in
Nov 2016 is that Trump was elected because "fake news" reports influenced people
to vote for him. That is to say, people who would have been stupid enough
to vote for Hillary, were even more stupid than expected in that they were duped
by fake news reports, which led them to vote for Trump! So keep in
mind, this is talking about Democrat voters...
So, Jill Stein. In case you never heard of her, she
ran on the Green Party ticket. Now she wants Hillary wants
her to manipulate the electoral college vote.
Dems REAL Strategy In Recounts: Undermine Donald Trump
(the federalist papers) Nov 27, 2016
It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.
Keeping in mind
the possibility that because Obama meddled in the recent Israeli
elections...the outcome was not what he expected.
Tom Hoefling reminder:
"He who justifies the wicked, and he who
condemns the just, both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord."
-- Proverbs 17:15
Complete list of Trump's campaign promises to Israel (jewish
press) Nov 9, 2016
"I said in my haste, All men are liars" -
Psalm 116:11
Psalm 62:9
Watching for any Embassy move to Jerusalem to
have strings attached to Israel agreeing to a Palestinian State...
BUT - hope & pray @Psalm 52 that God creates a
clean heart in Donald Trump, no strings attached.
Newsweek recalls 125,000 copies of "Madam President" (geller
report) Nov 9, 2016
2 add networks tracking you...5 companies tracking not loading...
The Democrat/Republican Party would not allow my
choice of
Ted Cruz for President
So really? Trump was the best the
Republicans can do?
So really? Hillary was the best the
Democrats can do?
FBI reopens criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton.
Reminder: Hillary Clinton a key figure in FOUR different FBI investigations (red
state) Oct
30, 2016
John Podesta’s Best Friend At The DOJ Will Be In Charge Of The DOJ’s (pamela
geller) Nov 1, 2016
FBI: No link found between Trump and Russia............yet (red state) Nov 1, 2016
Ammon Bundy Trial Ends With Shocking Verdict AND a Taser (red
state) Oct
27, 2016
A federal jury on Thursday found Ammon Bundy,
his brother Ryan Bundy and five co-defendants not guilty
Bundy's lawyer requested that he be
The judge said there was a hold by Fed
Marshals on him...
Lawyer asked to see it...
Six US Marshals surrounded him, tased him, and
took him into custody...
What the heck is going on there?
Obama knew about Clinton's private email server (fox news) Oct
25, 2016
Trump shuts down fundraising
Islamic State (ISIS) CRUSH Hundreds of CHRISTIAN CHILDREN to Death in DOUGH
KNEADING MACHINE (Pamela Geller) Oct
23, 2016
Darrell Castle, Constitution Party Presidential Candidate
Clinton is not fit for office of President
Report: Up to 1,000 emails between Clinton, David Patraeus missing from records
sent to State Dept.
(the blaze) Oct
22, 2016
A weird view:
Trump as God's chosen? ( Oct
10, 2016
Here's another:
Was Donald Trump anointed by God to be the next president of America?
(the blaze) Oct
20, 2016
The quoted article differentiates between
"common" and "saving" grace...
Certainly, God is ultimately in control, regardless of
who is "elected".
Obama supports a state run media (frontpage
magazine) Oct
16, 2016
Oil prices to increase? (national review) Oct
8, 2016
or not?
Trump is vulgar. But not as bad as Hillary,
WikiLeaks ties Clinton Foundation with uranium firm sale to Russia
(debka) Oct 8, 2016
Missing Afghans Raise Terrorism Fears
(free beacon) Sept 27, 2016
“It is not unusual at times for some
foreign students to use the opportunity to not return to their country of
30 Israeli, Foreign Intelligence Officers Killed in Russia’s Caliber Missile
Attack in Aleppo
( Sept 22, 2016
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Russian warships
stationed in Syria’s coastal waters targeted and destroyed a foreign
military operations room, killing over two dozen Israeli and western
intelligence officers.
“The Russian warships fired three Caliber missiles at the foreign officers’
coordination operations room in Dar Ezza region in the Western part of
Aleppo near Sam’an mountain, killing 30 Israeli and western officers,” the
Arabic-language service of the Russian Sputnik news agency quoted
battlefield source in Aleppo as saying on Wednesday.
The operations room was located in the Western part of Aleppo province in
the middle of sky-high Sam’an Mountain and old caves. The region is deep
into a chain of mountains.
Several US, Turkish, Saudi, Qatari and British officers were also killed
along with the Israeli officers. The foreign officers who were killed in the
Aleppo operations room were directing the terrorists’ attacks in Aleppo and
Iran Claims Hezbollah – Not Iranian Troops – Preparing for Large-Scale
Operation on Golan Heights
(jewish press) Sept 6, 2016
Israel to Accommodate Thousands of Arabs on Holiday of Abraham’s Sacrifice
of Ishmael
(jewish press) Sept 6, 2016
The accommodations below have all been
approved by Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beiteinu), in the
spirit of facilitating a life of religion and worship. This is particularly
magnanimous, considering the fact that Eid al-Adha is a deceptive attempt to
replace the story of Abraham’s binding of Isaac, which follows the story of
the expulsion of the maidservant Hagar and her son Ishmael to the desert,
with a revision which places Ishmael, father of the Arabs, on that altar on
the Temple Mount.
REPORT: Paul Manafort Laid the Groundwork for Russia’s Invasion of Crimea
(redstate) Aug 16, 2016
Mr Yanukovych laid the groundwork for
Russia’s annexation of the peninsula, which Donald Trump has now suggested
he would recognise.
Putin's girlfriend dates Trump's daughter
Making America Great Again?
Muslim Prayer at RNC
(politistick) July 19, 2016!
Pat Robertson's blasphemy
( July 14, 2016
“God came to me in a dream last night and showed me
the future,” said Robertson. “He took me to heaven and I saw Donald Trump
seated at the right hand of our Lord.”
Turkey military coup
(jewish press) July 15, 2016
(pamela geller) July 9, 2016
of mice and men; wishful thinking:
Would a President Trump serve his full term?
(redstate) July 7, 2016
Wikileaks presents:
Hillary Clinton's emails
( July 4, 2016
Presbyterians pray to false god Allah
(Christian broadcasting network) June 29, 2016
"Thou shalt have no other gods before
me." Pretty clear instructions.
UN Official found dead was set to testify against Hillary Clinton same day.
( June 26, 2016
When in Rome...
New details of Turkey reconciliation agreement revealed
(ynet news) June 26, 2016
Israeli and Turkish negotiation teams were
set to meet Sunday in Rome, in order to finalize the two countries'
reconciliation deal
TOLD YOU SO: Trump’s ‘Total and Complete’ Reversal on Muslim Ban
(redstate) June 24, 2016
Bye Bye EU: UK Votes for Independence from European Union
(daniel greenfield) June 24, 2016
Londonistan lost. England won.
Obama Is DESTROYING Medicare As We Know It; Killing Seniors
(the federalist papers) June 24, 2016
Obama Admin. Takes Unilateral Gitmo Action While Media Focused on Democrats’
Gun Control Protest
(the blaze) June 24, 2016
Conservative Donor Launches Effort for 3rd Party Ballot Access
(weekly standard) June 14, 2016
The Orlando Shooter Was Employed By A Department Of Homeland Security
(redstate) June 13, 2016
Obama Taps Yet Another Muslim Brotherhood-Linked Official to Prominent WH
( June 2, 2016
Jews are not indigenous to Caanan: God gave them the land.
(jewish press) May 22, 2016
Beware the Echo Chamber, Fear the Media Savvy Left, Stick to the Truth
(jewish press) May 22, 2016
The Left’s war for the public’s
votes and opinions isn’t being fought based on issues or values. Its
operation is based on confusing the message and tricking the public,
overwhelming them with variations of the same message over and over,
simultaneously hitting them from different sources from every direction,
having them think that support for one side of the debate is overwhelming
larger than it is, trying to give credibility to radical ideas simply
through constant repetition — when in fact those who support it may be
minuscule in numbers and in some cases dangerously on the fringe.
Apparently, The False appeals to human
The Pope is a Fink
Pope blasphemes God by comparing Jesus and ISIS
(jewsnews) May 20, 2016
“Today, I don’t think that there is a
fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly
drawn from Islam,” he told French newspaper La Croix. “It is true that the
idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam, however, it is also
possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends
his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.”
The Pope also said he “dreaded” hearing about the “Christian roots of
Europe” because, to him, they take on “colonialist overtones” and he called
on European nations to “integrate” Muslim migrants into the continent.
“This integration is all the more necessary today since, as a result of a
selfish search for well-being, Europe is experiencing the grave problem of a
declining birth rate,” he stated. “A demographic emptiness is developing.”
His opinions are stunningly similar to those of top Iman Sheikh Muhammad
Ayed, who said Muslims should exploit the migrant crisis to breed with
Europeans and “conquer their countries.”
Revelation 16:12 And
the sixth poured-out his pan on the river namely-the great Euphrates; and
its water was-dried-up in-order-that the way of-the kings namely-the (ones)
from rising of (the) sun might-be-prepared.
v13 And I-saw out-of the mouth of-the dragon and out-of the mouth of-the
beast and out-of the mouth of-the false-prophet three unclean
spirits like to-frogs;
v14 For they-are spirits of-demons doing signs, to-be-proceeding-out over
the kings of-the total inhabited-earth to-gather them together
with-reference-to the war of-the day namely-the great (day) of-the God
namely-the Almighty.
v15 Behold I-am-coming as (a) thief: Happy the (one) watching and keeping
his garments, in-order-that he-might not be-walking-around naked and
they-might-be-looking-at his indecency.
v16 And he-gathered them together into the place namely-the (one)
being-called in-Hebrew Harmagedon.
v1 And one out-of the seven angels namely-the (ones) having the seven pans
came, and he-spoke with me saying: come-hither, I-will-point to-you the
sentence of-the prostitute namely-the great (one), namely-the (one)
sitting on many waters,
v2 With whom the kings of-the earth committed-prostitution, and the
(ones) residing (on) the earth were-made-drunk out-of the wine of-her
v3 And he-brought me off into (a) desolate (place) in spirit. And I-saw
(a) woman sitting on (a) scarlet beast, being-loaded (with) names
of-blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
v4 And the woman was having-been-and-still-cast-around (with) purple
and scarlet, and having-been-and-still-gilded with-gold-objects and
with-precious stone and with-pearls, having (a) cup made-with-gold in her
hand being-loaded of-abominations and the unclean-things of-her
v5 And on her forehead (a) name having-been-and-still-written, mystery,
Babylon the great, the mother of-the prostitutes and of-the abominations
of-the earth.
v6 And I-saw the woman being-drunk out-of the blood of-the holy-ones
and out-of the blood of-the
witnesses of-Jesus. And having-seen her I-marveled (with) great marvel.
v7 And the angel said to-me: Because-of what did-you-marvel? I
myself-will-say to-you the mystery of-the woman and of-the beast namely-the
(one) bearing her namely-the (one) having the seven heads and the ten horns.
v8 The beast which you-saw was and it-is not, and it-is-about
to-be-ascending out-of the abyss and it-is-withdrawing into destruction; and
the (ones) residing on the earth will-marvel, of-whom the name has not
been-nor-is-written on the little-book of-the life from casting-down
of-(a)-world, looking-to the beast that it-was and it-is not and
v9 Here (is) the mind namely-the (one) having wisdom. The seven heads are
seven mountains where-in-which the woman is-sitting over them, and
they-are seven kings;
v10 The five fell, the one is, the other (one) not-yet came, and
at-the-time-that he-might-come it-is-essential (for) him to-remain
v11 And the beast which was and it-is not, even he himself-is eighth,
and he-is out-of the seven and he-is-withdrawing into destruction.
v12 And the ten horns which you-saw-they-are ten kings, they-who not-yet
took (a) kingdom, BUT they-are-taking authority as kings one hour with the
v13 These are-having one sentiment, and they-are-giving their power and
their authority to-the beast.
v14 These will-war with the lamb and the lamb will-have-victory-over them
because he-is Jehovah of-lords and King of-kings, and the (ones) with him
are called (ones) and chosen (ones) and trustworthy (ones).
v15 And he-is-saying to-me: The waters which you-saw, the-place-where the
prostitute is-sitting are peoples and crowds and nations and languages.
v16 And the ten horns which you-saw and the beast, these will-hate the
prostitute, and they-will-make her having-been-made-and-still-desolate and
naked, and they-will-eat her fleshes, and they-will-burn her down with fire;
v17 For the God gave into their hearts to-do his sentiment, and to-do
one sentiment and to-give their kingdom to-the beast, until the words of-the
God will-be-finished.
v18 And the woman whom you-saw is the city namely-the great (one) namely-the
(one) having (a) kingdom over the kings of-the earth.
v1 After these-things I-saw another angel descending out-of the heaven,
having great authority, and the earth was enlightened out-of his glory.
v2 And he-cried with (a) strong voice saying: Babylon the great fell,
it-fell, and it-became (a) residence of-little-demons and (a) guard-house
of-every unclean spirit and (a) guard-house of-every unclean and
having-been-and-still-hated bird-of-prey,
v3 Because all the Gentiles have-drunk-and-still-drink out-of the wine
of-the anger of-her prostitution, and the kings of-the earth
committed-prostitution with her, and the merchants of-the earth became-rich
out-of the power of-her haughtiness.
v4 And I-heard another voice out-of the heaven saying: YOU-come-out, my
people, out-of her, in-order-that YOU-might not participate-with her sins,
and in-order-that YOU-might not take out-of her blows.
v5 Because her sins were-united unto the heaven, and the God had-in-memory
her unrighteous-acts.
v6 YOU-give-back to-her as she also gave-back, and YOU-double the
(things) double according-to her works; in the cup in-which she-mingled
YOU-mingle to-her double;
v7 As-much-as she-glorified her(self) and she-ran-riot, YOU-give to-her
this-much tormenting and mourning; because in her heart she-is-saying,
because I-am-sitting queen and I-am not (a) widow also by-no-means
might-I-see mourning;
v8 Because-of this in one day her blows will-be-present, death and
mourning and famine, and she-will-be-burned-down with fire; because
strong (is) Jehovah the God namely-the (one) having-judged her,
The day after Indiana - Hillary double digits ahead of
This should become the battle of the
VPs...they both need a superior running mate.
Tuesday May 3 Day
The Republic dies in Indiana
Cruz quits, proves he's not the establishment pick,
proud to have supported the right man.
k-sick's job is done ( May 4, 2016
A Flash of Light Occurs at Moment of Conception May
1, 2016
researchers from Northwestern University
have now demonstrated that when a human sperm first meets an egg a bright
zinc spark can be seen
is nothing new under the sun. Everything is Vanity.
Genesis 2:7 And
Jehovah God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils
the breath of life lives
[חַיִּים, CHAIM, plural]; and
man became a living soul.
All lives began in Adam.
Therefore life does NOT begin at conception.
"Life" is carried in the sperm; Levi was alive in the loin
of Abraham - his great-grandfather!
Hebrews 7:9 And as to-say (a) maxim, through Abraham even Levi, the (one) taking tithes
v10 For he-was still in the loin of-the father when Melchisedec met-together
Jesus is the source of all life:
John 8:12 Again therefore the Jesus spoke to-them,
saying, I myself-am the light of-the world; the (one) following me
will by-no-means walk-around in the darkness, BUT he-will-have the light
of-the life.
Colossians 1:17 And he is before all things, and by
him all things consist.
John 1:1 The Word was in (the) beginning, and the Word
was with the God, and the Word was God.
v2 This (one) was in (the) beginning with the God.
v3 All-(things) came-to-be through him, and separate-from him but-not
one-(thing) came-to-be which has-come-to-be-and-still-is.
v4 in him was life, and the life was the light of-the MEN.
v5 And the light is-appearing in the dark, and the dark (did) not apprehend
The silent war Israel is losing in north Jerusalem (israel
national news) May 1, 2016
Oil deposit discovered near Dead Sea (israel
national news) May 1, 2016
Beyond Politics, Shabbos with Mr. Cruz (jewish
press) April 20, 2016
Environmentalism Part I: The EPA, Silent Spring and DDT
(glenn beck) April 18, 2016
The Nations gather against Israel
(debka file) April 16, 2016
Russia and USA agree to give Israel's Golan
to Syria!
The mind of Trump:
Karl Rove Super PAC Ready To Help Trump
Ted Cruz the only candidate to accept Jewish Republican's invitation
(israel national news) April 12, 2016!
(Cruz) swore to move the U.S.
Embassy to Jerusalem
Setting the Record Straight about Colorado’s Republican Caucus
(ari armstrong) April 11, 2016
"All CO Republicans could vote in
precinct caucuses, which chose delegates to congress.& state conventions, who
voted for national delegates."
Trump is the Establishment's choice candidate for
the National GOP
Is Trump A McConnel-Rove Establishment Tool?
(American thinker) Jan 21, 2016
Karl Rove Super PAC Ready To Help Trump
( Apr 14, 2016
Now wondering if Drudge Report is trying to get
Obama a third term.
Here's a new alternative:
Social News Watch
handle the rigors
Krauthammer: How will he handle “nefarious Chinese?”
Cooper: Trump out-foxed
Limbaugh: Cruz isn’t cheating. He’s winning.
Erickson: Trump knew the rules since last August
Trump whines
Cruz responds
Trump (and Drudge) lie about Colorado
…Drudge pushes August story to mislead supporters
and here's another:
The Liberty Daily
And now, a word about Trump supporters:
Virtual Lynch Mob: Publicizing Home Addresses of Delegates Who Didn't Vote For
Him (national review) April 13, 2016
Delegates Receive Death Threats From Trump Supporters (newsbusters) April 13, 2016
Cruz Takes on Drudge, Says It Has ‘Become the Attack Site for the Trump
(the blaze) April 11, 2016
“Look, Drudge Report over the years has done a
good job highlighting the excesses of the left and the excesses of liberalism
and about the past month the Drudge Report has basically become the attack
site for the Donald Trump campaign,”
Cruz's father: America was founded on the Torah
(israel national news) April 6, 2016
He also countered replacement theology, by
which some Christians believe they are the new Jews and that God has abandoned
the Jewish people.
After calling replacement theology heresy, Cruz said his son "will not fund the
United Nations
"Israel is the only country in the world with a title deed from the Almighty!,"
emphasized Pastor Cruz, noting on the divine promise to the Jewish people.
And now a word from the
Not Main Stream Media about Trump:
About that quacking
sound around the Donald:
An Open Letter to Trump Voters from His Top
Donald Trump is a fraud: Report confirms the billionaire’s
presidential bid is a long and calculated con job
Trump is a hack who can’t fix
anything, but people make bad decisions when they’re anxious or angry, and Trump
is offering them an alternative to the status quo. This is what demagogues do,
and it usually works.
How Trump Did It
(politico) Mar 30, 2016
It looks improvisational, but he planned this run for
years, making a pipe dream look like a prophecy.
"I know how to work the media in a
way that they will never take the lights off of me.”
Trump behind National Enquirer story about Cruz
(the right scoop) Mar 29, 2016
Trump's "conservative" media flaks hedge their bets
(national review) Mar 29, 2016
As previously mentioned, Donald really isn't
Donald Trump: The Art of Self-Sabotage (national
review) April 1, 2016
Can Trump become so unpopular that Democrats take back the House?
(washingtonpost) Mar 31, 2016
Of the six most recent national polls, Trump
has trailed the likely Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, by 10 percentage
points or more in five of them.
What is interesting here is that the very
Pro-Trump site Drudge Report carried this story.
How and Why the Conservative Media Sold Its Soul To Facilitate Trump’s
Nomination ( Mar 15, 2016
Why Israelis Are Worried About Donald Trump
(middle east forum) Mar 25, 2016
Why They All Fear Ted Cruz ( Mar 23, 2016
If We Lived In A Truly Christian Nation, Donald Trump Would Not Be Winning
(matt walsh) Mar 24, 2016
The Trump Effect:
Why Mark Levin Is ‘Starting to Think’ GOP Is ‘Not Going to Win’ in 2016: ‘I Fear
We’re Going to Get Blown Out’ (theblaze) Mar
26, 2016
Mar 10, 2016
Now that he's quit,
Carson's true color come out as he endorses Trump Ben Carson has been
supporting Trump for quite some time, as Rubio does also in reality. Rubio doesn't
stand a chance but will continue through the Florida caucuses in order to
diminish Cruz's campaign. Neither Carson or Rubio are real conservatives, and both are
in effect supporting a Hillary presidency.
Cruz wins SUPERCRUZDAY Sat, Mar 5, 2016.
There is a small
subtle thing about the Cruz campaign that may unite the left and right (not
saying that is good or bad), or it may just be a coincidental thing of no
account, but unless someone else picks it up, is probably best left unsaid for
Donald Trump and his Brown Shirts (washington
times) Mar 6, 2016
Scary. On the other hand, we are presented with
the Communist Sanders.
So, with the beer swilling pseudo-conservative
and pseudo-"Christian" Trumplets, the Millennial kiddies and
aging hippies for Sanders, and the died in the wool over their eyes
never-going-to-change-Democrats for Hillary, there may be enough division in
the LEFT that the RIGHT Cruz will prevail.
How British and American aid subsidizes
Palestinian terrorism
Edwin Black
the more serious the act of terrorism, the longer the
prison sentence, and consequently, the higher the salary. Incarceration for up
to three years fetches a salary of almost $400 per month. Prisoners behind bars
for between three and five years will be paid about $560 monthly – a
compensation level already higher than that for many ordinary West Bank jobs.
Sentences of ten to 15 years fetch salaries of about $1,690 per month. Still
worse acts of terrorism against civilians, punished with sentences between 15
and 20 years, earn almost $2,000 per month.
These are the best salaries in the Palestinian territories.
Each PLO-affiliated prisoner [already] receives [a special allocation of] $238
per month, plus an extra $71 if they are married, and an extra $12 for each
child. The stipend is paid by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) each
About 6% of the Palestinian budget is diverted to prisoner salaries. All this
money comes from so-called "donor countries" such as the United States, Great
Britain, Norway, and Denmark.
Financial Crisis? PA Continues to Pay Jailed Terrorists
the more serious the crimes committed by the terrorist, the higher his salary
PA Deceiving Donor Countries
For years, Western donor countries have been demanding
that the PA stop paying salaries to convicted terrorist prisoners. The PA
finally claimed to have stopped paying the salaries in August 2014 when its
Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs, the body responsible for paying the salaries,
was changed to PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs. The PA stated repeatedly to
their own people that the change was merely a change in name amd that none of
the salaries or benefits to prisoners would be changed. They stressed that by
transferring responsibility for paying the prisoners’ salaries to the PLO, the
Europeans and the US would not stop funding the PA. This is a mere cosmetic
One of the key indicators exposed is that in March, when the PA was challenged
financially because Israel had withheld tax funds that it collects on behalf of
the PA, it cut the salaries of all civil servants by 60 percent. The next day,
the PA Ministry of Finance announced the same reduction in salaries to
prisoners. Had the PLO been paying prisoners’ salaries from non-PA money, then
salaries to prisoners should not have been affected by the PA shortage of
resources, PMW points out.
U.S. troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to
2011 (yahoo
news) Oct 14 2014
Photograph: "Moderate" wounds from "moderate" Islam
Kay Wilson survived a
terrorist stabbing attack by Arabs in Israel and has posted a photograph of
her wounds to document her "moderate wounds" - and to try to wake people up
the the reality of life for Jews in Israel. Kay was stabbed 13 times and
left for dead. Her Christian friend that was with her did not survive the
"I had
been stabbed 13 times," Key recounts. "But I somehow managed to get up -
with 13 punctures in my lungs and diaphragm, over 30 broken bones, a crushed
sternum, dislocated shoulder... I managed to walk over a mile bound and
gagged and barefoot through the forest."
Here's Kay's account:
What's it like to be stabbed 13 times? (israelly
Oct 8 2015
I read her
description (linked) of the attack.. Then I sent her a friend request. She's
trying to overcome evil with good; she has made Arab & Muslim friends since
the attack....that takes a lot of love...I'm fairly certain I couldn't do
it.------------ "30 broken bones, splinters in
my lungs and diaphragm, dislocated shoulder, broken shoulder blade, crushed
sternum and 13 “stabs” in lungs and diaphragm. This is terrorism."
recently instituted a requirement that goods imported from the areas of
Judea and Samaria of Israel be labeled as not from Israel. This is
anti-Semitism. It also enables the terrorists, as it provides them a
justification from Obama.
One thing
I'll do to counter Obama's BDS is to buy whatever I can that is labeled
"From Judea" or "From Samaria".
Another thing I'm doing
is supporting Ted Cruz.
though I pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.
Israel National News provides more details about Kay Wilson
Feb 18, 2016
Left for Dead in a Terror Attack, Now She's Running the Marathon (israel
national news) Mar 21, 2014
Matt Drudge Report often uses anti-Cruz clickbait to demonize Ted Cruz
Drudge Report is a widely read online celebrity
gossip site. Matt Drudge at times hangs out with the very racist
(and probably gay) Ann Coulter and with Alex Jones (conspiracy nut).
Drudge seems to be working overtime in order to
once again throw the presidential election to the democrats.
Here, Drudge & conservativeoutfitters suggest
Cruz is demonic:
So here, Drudge, conservativeoutfitters, and
Trump all call Cruz a vulgar name:
Here Drudge misquotes - lies- and says Cruz calls
himself God:
Here is an important article that explains this "conservative" media's
motivation; greed:
Donald Trump’s New Hampshire Win Means These Media Members Are Winners & Losers (
Feb 10, 2016
Trump says Trump is NOT a Conservative
Feb 13, 2016
Just as it becomes known that Clinton stole Iowa,
Jeb Bush, who was almost cut from debate line-up long ago but mysteriously was
not, now mysteriously is polling at 2nd place in New Hampshire.
Obama at Baltimore mosque quoted Muhammad from speech endorsing caliphate and
beheading (jihadwatch)
Feb 9, 2016
Super Bowl Cuts
"So teach us to number our
days, That we may get us a heart of wisdom. Return, O Jehovah; how
long?" -Psalm 90:12,13

Super Bowl 50: A Gladiatorial Legacy
When Jesus returns, he'll stop this foolish
nonsense. End of story.
Judge sides with Rep. Chaffetz, Orders 'Fast and Furious' documents released
The gun running doesn't stop there:
BREAKING: Fox News Comes Forward With PROOF Hillary Committed Treason in
Check it out; Obama is in this up to his huge ears:
Obama’s Growing Conflict of Interest in the Clinton E-Mail Scandal (national
Feb 3, 2016
Think about what this means. Not only
is it obvious that President Obama knew Mrs. Clinton was conducting government
business over her private e-mail account, the exchanges the president engaged in
with his secretary of state over this unsecured system clearly involved
sensitive issues of policy. Clinton was being asked for “advice and counsel” —
not about her recommendations for the best country clubs in Martha’s Vineyard,
but about matters that the White House judges too sensitive to reveal.
... Recall that the Obama Justice Department prosecuted Petraeus for mishandling
classified information. His offense involved conduct narrower in scope than Mrs.
Clinton’s systematic transmission and storage of classified information on her
private system.
What is the relevance of Petraeus’s case? Well.... In the main, it was
the classified contents of the general’s journals. Among the most significant of
this information, according to the prosecutors, were notes of “defendant DAVID
HOWELL PETRAEUS’s discussions with the President of the United States of
Feb 1, 2016
Ted Cruz wins Iowa despite DrudgeReport and Republican
Establishment attack
Mystery Greek
All the nations hate Israel because Israel verifies God's
Revealed: US, UK infiltrated Israeli intelligence (israel
national news)
Jan 29, 2016
A shocking revelation on Friday morning shows
that the US and Britain have infiltrated Israeli intelligence for the last 18
years, spying on imagery sent by drones on sensitive missions in the Middle East
back to their home bases in Israel.
The revelation comes from documents and images exposed by former National
Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden and published for the first time
on Friday by Yedioth Aharonoth.
The infiltration of Israeli intelligence has been going on for the past 18 years
from a fortified base in Cyprus, according to the documents.
Will the EPA Cause a Zika Pandemic? (national review)
Jan 31, 2016
Jan 29, 2016
Trump ducks debate because he's afraid of M.Kelly,
whom he called a "bimbo"
Even with the Drudge Report supporting Trump's
circus sideshow, Fox had more people tune in that the last debate.
Chinese President calls for creation of Palestinian state (israel
national news)
Jan 22, 2016
...and a state for Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc...?
Thomas Sowel on Donald Trump
Grow up! (
Jan 22, 2016
If you don’t understand the issues, but
want to do your patriotic duty, then stay home on election night, whether in the
primaries or in the national election in November.
I don't often agree with Beck, but this is the
stuff that people "rooting" for Trump don't know or care about.
Glenn beck on Donald Trump
The republican Establishment is hard at work.
Donald Trump is not a conservative.
and in his own words:
Trump: When I get to Washington, I’m Going to Become Part of the Establishment
Jan 22, 2016
Donald Trump right now is actively
taunting his supporters to see if there is literally anything he can say that
will make them stop supporting him. He really is. He’s trying to see if there’s
any 180 degree turn he can pull off that’s so completely different from what he
was saying even a couple days ago that you’ll turn around and say, “holy cow,
this guy is no different from the rest of them, and in fact maybe he’s a bit
You’ve all been had, and Trump is daring you to notice.
As if on cue,
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't
lose any voters, OK?" (conservative outfitters)
Jan 22, 2016
Of course Trump is all talk.
He doesn't mean what he says. OK? And that's the point here.
Is Matt Drudge a conservative?
Drudge accuses Cruz of "DIRTY TRICKS" in link to
Conservative Outfitters article that does not make that accusation
How can Matt Drudge be so stupid? How
can Hillary still have any support? How can socialist Sanders be considered by
Democrats a viable alternative? The world has gone crazy.
Is Ann Coulter a conservative?
Is Paul Ryan a conservative?
Is Sarah Palin a conservative?
Promoted by Drudge, a strange knee-jerk reaction
by daughter Palin to something a Cruz spokesman said.
No longer a Palin fan. This is superficial, yes.
Palin "ran" with John McCain...who didn't
campaign, and so lost. Was that without purpose? I used to blame McCain,
but not so sure about that now:
Sarah Palin's boobs endorse Donald Trump
Yay. Two more boobs for Trump. This is
great news for the Democrats. Palin posted this photo on Facebook just as she
endorsed Trump. The photo, most obviously, is a boob-shot. She's selling
her body, and within a few hours it had nearly 90K "likes".
On the other hand, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Rand Paul and Mike Huckabee - real conservatives -struggle to get a small percentage of
positive "exposure".
This Republican establishment (she's not
Party now) attack on Ted Cruz will also likely stop the influx of Democrat
voters for Trump. They - Democrats & Republicans don't care about that,
they just don't want Ted Cruz.
Lionel Jefferson Griffith @FaceBook:
"Let me get this straight.
Track Palin gets arrested for domestic violence last night, then Sarah Palin
gets Bristol Palin to flat-out LIE about Ted Cruz on her "Christian" blog (which
she maintains while having two children out of wedlock), and then Palin endorses
big-government Trump over Constitutional Conservatives Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.
What a disaster!"
Hopefully, Palin is "stealth" smart and is doing
this to undo Trump. At any rate, she and Trump make Clinton/Sanders/Biden
look better. IN this, Palin has likely stopped the crossover vote of
Democrats to Trump, and this is shown in a
DrudgeReport poll where Sander's support has henceforth skyrocketed.
That support may keep Biden out. (noting that in this "poll", Cruz votes stopped
early at 220K)
Certainly the Republican "little-Bubbas" that
support Bubba Trump don't comprehend that the Republican and Democrat
"Establishment" is the same thing. And neither they nor the Democrats will
see the similarity in themselves and in Obama supporters while he was
campaigning. And they won't see the wisdom of the few thinkers, i.e. what the
actual conservatives within the Republican Party say:
Against Trump
(national review)
Jan 21, 2016
Jordan's King supports ISIS (jewish press)
Jan19, 2016
Pope Francis Says All Major Religions Are Paths To Same God (prophecy
news watch)
Jan15, 2016
The Pope is a fink.
Nuclear Pakistan Threatens to ‘Wipe Iran the Map’ if it Attacks Saudi Arabia (unitedwithisrael)
Jan 9, 2016
Report: Saudi Arabia funded Pakistan's nuclear research and is
getting nuclear missiles.
The Khazarian Lie Of the Nachbah Losers (my daily
Jan 9, 2016
So then those that claim the Jews are "Khazars",
and by this mean to imply they are thus not true Jews, and that the Nation State
of Israel is the "synagogue of Satan", these, that say this, then actually
define that the "true Jew" MUST then be truly ethnically Jewish, and in that,
they rule out the possibility of the scripture referring to a Gentile Christian
as the "true Jew". Get that?
One obvious lie is the line of thinking that
somehow the "Khazars", meaning the Jews that are labeled as such, have this
lineage that has survived, yet also thinks that Jews of another lineage from
the same period, from other areas of the Diaspora - say Persian Jews
for instance - could not survive into the today day.
The end result of their claim is that there are
really no ethnic Jews, and that the Jew's of today are not God's chosen people,
and therefore there is no justification for the State of Israel, and in these
things they say that God is a liar. This is blasphemy.
Is the Diaspora Dying? (JERUSALEM POST)
Jan 9, 2016
If God be true, then the Diaspora will someday
end, as the Jews go or are taken to Israel.
Many American Jews do not appear to believe the
"and God said".
Cologne sex attacks: Women describe 'terrible' assaults (bbc)
Jan 10, 2016
Cologne attacks: New Year's Eve crime cases top 500 (bbc)
Jan 7, 2016
These "refugees" are reportedly mostly Muslims
fleeing ISIS, that is, it is the "good Muslims" that are raping and molesting
these women.
So, Obama sells Cuba Hellfire missile (the blaze)
Jan 9, 2016
Islam Set To Become The Second-Largest Religion In America By 2040 (daily
Jan 8, 2016
Report: Netanyahu to lead effort in thwarting Obama bid for UN chief position
Jan 9, 2016
Source: the Kuwaiti newspaper 'Al-Jarida,' as
reported by JP.
"Here's the full story"
The Militia action in Oregon for citizens Hammonds (
Jan 3, 2016
Fed overreach again.
Government "Gun control" is all about crowd
control; it's not about preventing crime, but rather about organizing it.
Regarding King Barack Hussein's Executive gun grabbing
Now the Government is dictating/certifying "Mental
It is
hard to imagine anyone, liberal/conservative/whatever would support this.
The New Mid East in One Photo (thomas
wictor) Jan 1, 2016
The Arab League has embedded special operators with the
Syrian Democratic Forces (QSD), the goal being to destroy ALL oppression in the
country and allow for a pluralistic, secular government to be created by Syrians
Obama is spying on Congress and American Citizens
Column one: Obama’s constitutional overreach… and Israel (caroline
glick/Jerusalem Post) Dec 31, 2015
After Obama’s latest dictatorial move, don’t be surprised if 2016 elections are
called off (allen
west) Dec 31, 2015
Remember the people that said "Vote for Obama"?

"heh heh heh"
December 19, 2015
♪ ♫ ♪
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christ-Mass!
♪ ♫ ♪
Very Merry
of the Devil's Cup
YHVH's Cup
Noting how much world nations' commerce is tied to
observing the Roman Catholic Church's Mass of Christ.
She is indeed the mother of the harlots. IN that
aspect, Revelation 18 applies to the RCC, the City of Babylon. It
seems the Jonathon CON Job Harbinger has done much to falsely establish the USA
as Babylon by falsely applying Old Testament prophecy to the USA. Noting
that the Islamic State considers the battle for Rome the final one.
Perhaps they have not yet read the book "Harbinger"?
The headline reads:
The Real War On Christmas: Persecuted Christians Around the World Struggle to
Celebrate Amidst Islamist Threats
(the blaze)
Dec 24, 2015
and that headline is derived from:
“All events related to Christmas and New Year celebrations
are contrary to Islamic culture"
and with that, perhaps we should instead see the
Revelation 17 being fulfilled
v15 And he-is-saying to-me: The waters which
you-saw, the-place-where the prostitute is-sitting are peoples and crowds and
nations and languages.
v16 And the ten horns which you-saw and the beast,
these will-hate the prostitute, and
they-will-make her having-been-made-and-still-desolate and naked, and
they-will-eat her fleshes, and they-will-burn her down with fire;
v17 For the God gave into their hearts to-do his sentiment, and to-do one
sentiment and to-give their kingdom to-the beast, until the words of-the
God will-be-finished.
v18 And the woman whom you-saw is the city namely-the great (one) namely-the
(one) having (a) kingdom over the kings of-the earth.
A hard word:
It appears then that God is punishing the Roman
Catholic Church at this time.
God is not in satan's false-bride/Roman Catholic
Revelation 18:4 And I-heard
another voice out-of the heaven saying: YOU-come-out, my people, out-of her,
in-order-that YOU-might not participate-with her sins, and in-order-that
YOU-might not take out-of her blows.
God is not in the Laodician organization:
Revelation 3:20
Behold I-have-stood-and-still-stand on the door
and I-am-knocking; if some-one might-hear my voice and he-might-open
the door, I-shall-come-in to him and I-shall-take-supper with him and
he with me.
Some are refined.
Some come out.
Some open the door.
last year's Christmas cheer
'tis the
season for - Christ-Mass:
"a kind of ritual dance"
The True Meaning Of Christ-Mass
The World Book Encyclopedia defines "Christmas" as
follows: "The word Christmas comes from "Cristes Maesse", an early English
phrase that means "Mass of Christ."
of israel)
dec25 - repost
A.K.A. Merry Christmas
Pope concedes Roman Catholic Church forged date of Jesus' birth
Nov 21-repost
Pope concedes Christmas is pagan
(telegraph) Nov 20
- repost
Was Jesus really born on December 25th?
Interesting article by John Parsons
The Bridge between Babel and the "church":
Is Mary the mother of God?
Joseph Farah rightly understands why she is not,
but he is not yet convicted (apparently) that
participating with the harlot is not good.
Here is how the Catholics explain away their
false sacrifice:
The Institution of the Mass
Here is the scripture that refutes the
Catholic doctrine of the wine being blood, i.e. transubstantiation:
Matthew 26:26
But (as) they (were) eating, the Jesus having-taken the bread, and
having-blessed, he-broke-in-pieces and he-was-giving to-the disciples, and
he-said, YOU-take, YOU-eat; this is my body.
v27 And having-taken the cup, and having-given-thanks, he-gave to-them,
saying, YOU all drink out-of it
v28 For this is my blood, namely-the (blood) of-the new-quality covenant,
namely-the (blood) being-poured-out concerning many with-reference-to
forgiveness of-sins.
v29 But I-am-saying to-YOU, that by-no-means might-I-drink from just-now out-of
this product of-the vine,
till that day at-the-time-that I-might-be-drinking it with YOU (a) new-quality
in the kingdom of-my Father.
So there you have it, Jesus said it was
still wine.
Washington Post depicts Obama as a Christian
Washington Post depicts Ted Cruz's children as monkeys.
Often enough, Obama has been
characterized with larger than life ears, and recently the Russian press has
depicted him as a monkey. Apparently the Washington Post's desperate
response to that and to Ted Cruz's increasing appeal to Americans, is to say
"No no!! Obama is not a monkey, Ted Cruz's kids are!".

Dec 18, 2015
Dreams are weird.
Obama's legacy: genocide
Because of his reprehensible religious intolerance, Barack Obama will go down in
history as the bloody handed Muslim president who perpetuated the most barbaric
genocide of the 21st century.
v15 And he-is-saying to-me: The waters which you-saw,
the-place-where the prostitute is-sitting are peoples and crowds and nations
and languages.
v16 And the ten horns which you-saw and the beast,
these will-hate the prostitute, and they-will-make her
having-been-made-and-still-desolate and naked, and they-will-eat her
fleshes, and they-will-burn her down with fire;
v17 For the God gave into their hearts to-do his
sentiment, and to-do one sentiment and to-give their kingdom to-the beast,
until the words of-the God will-be-finished.
v18 And the woman whom you-saw is the city namely-the
great (one) namely-the (one) having (a) kingdom over the kings of-the earth.
Greece: the first stop on Europe’s refugee trail
Dec 12, 2015
Of the nearly 1 million refugees and
migrants who have arrived in Europe by sea this year, 800,000 have come through
the Greek islands
A Video produced by ISIS encourages suckering all
nations into battle and a final battle over Rome.
In this, ISIS appears to - knowingly or
unknowingly - define "Babylon" as Rome, as per Revelation ch 18.
Experts Think Syrian Crisis Will End In Third World War As ISIS Publishes New
Apocalyptic Video About Final Battle In Rome
(western journalism)
Dec 10, 2015
The British news site The Mirror
reported on Saturday that experts fear a nuclear conflict will grow out the
chaos in Syria, where two coalitions with opposing goals and roughly 70 nations
are now combating Islamic State.
Putin Threatens to NUKE ISIS
Dec 9, 2015
Translated: Trigger ready.
Still a Skeptic?
"The burden of Damascus.
Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city,
and it shall be a ruinous heap."
Isaiah 17:1
An historical review
of Mohammed and Islam,
as formerly taught in
Universities from the Library of Universal History,
by Israel Scott Clare, ©1897,
vol.4, p1362
Muhammad, Satan, and Muhammad’s Prophetic Call
False Flags
Putin to outlaw anti-semitic Bible commentary.
(Israel national news)
Dec 10, 2015
"thou shalt devise an evil device" (Ezk.38:10)
Noting Israel is allowing Russia to fly war planes over
Interestingly, at the same time
Speaking with Forked Tongue (i.e. Beware of the
Talking Snake):
Vatican says Jews don't have to believe in JESUS
Wow, if this is a change in RCC doctrine.
BUT, this isn't RCC doctrine, it's a draft:
Drafted by the Vatican
Commission for Religious Relations With Jews...Entitled “The Gifts and Calling
of God are Irrevocable,” [and
the purpose] the
document calls on Jews and Christians to work together to make the world a
better place.
So they are not changing Roman Catholic Church
doctrine, but rather stating some truth mixed with some false statements.
* "The
Gifts and Calling of God are Irrevocable,”
False or mixed with false:
“While affirming salvation through an explicit
or even implicit faith in Christ, the Church does not question the continued
love of God for the chosen people of Israel,”
“That the Jews are participants in
God’s salvation (false, the Gentile
believers are the participants in the blessings to Israel)
is theologically unquestionable, but how that can
be possible without confessing Christ explicitly, is and remains an unfathomable
divine mystery.”
[It is explained clearly by
the "redemption-back" propitiation provided by the blood of Jesus/Yeshua the
Messiah. Consider Romans 3:24-25, and all of Romans ch11, especially the
mercy that Gentile Christians are to have towards Jews that do not accept Jesus
as Messiah and the fact that "all Israel shall be saved (future, Romans 11:26),
as you consider these passages:
Hebrews 9:15 And because-of
this he-is mediator of-a-new-quality covenant, in-which-case
a-death (is) having-come-to-pass with-reference-to
redemption-back of-the transgressions on the first covenant,
the (ones) having-been-and-still-being-called might take the promise of-the
eternal inheritance.
Note: some clarification added for "redemption-back" vs.
"redeemed", in that Gentile Christians were
never under the law, and thus would not be "redeemed" from transgressions on
the law. However, Gentile Christians are
also redeemed by the same Just Act of Jesus:
1Corinthians 1:30 But
out-of him YOU yourselves-are in Messiah Jesus, who became wisdom to-us from
God, both righteousness and holiness and redemption.]
The Church recommended that Jews and Catholics jointly combat all forms of
anti-Semitism, and condemned the Nazi slaughter of Jews in World War II.
“History teaches us where even the slightest
perceptible forms of anti-Semitism can lead: the human tragedy of the Shoah
(using the Hebrew term for the Holocaust) in which two-thirds of European Jewry
were annihilated.” [The Roman Catholic
Church was an official religion of Nazi Germany. Hitler was a Catholic.
( ]
“The Catholic Church neither conducts nor supports any specific institutional
mission work directed towards Jews,”
[A lie, see Catholic Charities]
The document cited the release 50 years
ago of the Nostra Aetate — ‘In Our Times’ — that repudiated Jewish guilt in
Jesus’ death. [So after persecuting
Jews for 1950 years, they changed their mind about that.]
“Judaism is not to be considered simply as another religion; the Jews are
instead our ‘elder brothers’ (Saint Pope John Paul II), our ‘fathers in faith’
(Benedict XVI),” the document states.
“Jesus was a Jew, was at home in the Jewish tradition of his time, and was
decisively shaped by this religious milieu (cf. ‘Ecclesia in Medio Oriente,’
20). His first disciples gathered around him had the same heritage and were
defined by the same Jewish tradition in their everyday life.”
[Truthful, BUT - The Vatican does not
recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. So who does the Vatican
consider to be a Jew today? Beware of their replacement theology.]
Especially understand that the Roman Catholic
Church is NOT Protestant Christianity. There may be a few
Christians in the RCC that have not yet learned enough to "come out"
of her as per Rev.18:4, but the
RCC is another Idolatrous worship system. For one example, compare the
crescent moon in the Ostensorium and elsewhere in the RCC to the crescent moon
on the Temple Mount on top of each Islamic structure...ultimately they are
harlots that serve the same false god. Note that the Pope says Muslims are
saved too, but that isn't RCC doctrine either, BUT that is closer to RCC
doctrine, as the Pope said their world it carries more weight.
Why do Muslims and Catholics wear collarless
shirts? What's up with that similarity?
Wow, IF possible, even the very
elect will be deceived:
Orthodox Rabbis Issue Groundbreaking Declaration Affirming ‘Partnership’ With
Christianity (breitbart)
Dec 19, 2015
These Rabbis error in calling the Roman Catholic Church
"Christian". They took the bait, hook, line, and sinker.
Harlots cover their face!
Genesis 38:15 "When
Judah saw her, he thought her to be a harlot; for she had covered her face."
Genesis 38:15 "When Judah saw her,
he thought her to be a harlot
(לזונה l'zonah)
for she had covered her face
paniym LXX:
What exactly does the Muslim
niqab, burqa, and chador represent?
Genesis 38:21 "Then he asked the men of her place, saying,
Where is the prostitute (הַקְּדֵשָׁה),
that was at Enaim by the wayside? And they said, There hath been no prostitute
H6945 קָדֵשׁ

niqab, burqa, and chador
The niqab did not originate with Islam. The niqab,
or face-coverings similar to it, were worn by Christian women in the Byzantine
Empire and in pre-Islamic Persia. Islam adopted the practice, which
was not, contrary to common perceptions, required by the Koran
Islam adopted the practice from “Christianity”,
but this refers not true Christianity, but rather to the Roman Catholic Church, AKA the Great Harlot and
even the Mother of the Harlots. See Rev.17
Muslims apparently consider all women to be prostitutes.
Or, perhaps they represent the prostitute that was drugged and "spoke" (via
demon possession and or drug use) the Delphic oracle?
The Roman Empire represents the two legs of the image of
Nebuchadnezzar's dream referenced in Daniel 2:3,40.
(1) The Roman Empire was the 6th world power.
Constantine built Constantinople, and moved the Roman Empire's capital there.
Previously known as Byzanium, this city
was apparently originally founded at the direction of the Delphic Oracle, i.e.
by Satan. "Its
situation, said to have been fixed by the Delphic oracle, was remarkable for
beauty and security." (2).
In response to a miracle of supposed divine intervention,
the early Byzantium inhabitants
"erected an alter to Torch-bearing Hecate, and stamped a crescent moon on their
coins, a device which is retained by the Turks to this day."
(3). The
Byzantine Empire, i.e. the Eastern Roman Empire became "Christian" by emperor
Theodosius I in 380A.D. Constantine made "Christianity", of
which he was the head (Pontifix Maximus) the defacto religion of the Roman
Empire in 325 A.D. (some people quibble over the dates and who did it first).
In other words, the pagan religion of the state became "Christianity" by royal
decree. History shows that they just changed the name, not the religion,
that is, all the pagan citizens "became Christian" citizens.
This is why the Roman Catholic Church (7th world
power) has so much paganism it it's rituals -
because they are pagan rituals!
Persia worshipped many gods. One was a moon goddess; the Romans also had a
moon-goddess: Luna. The Roman Catholic Church uses the crescent moon
symbol, for example the "Lunette" that holds the "host" in their Ostensorium.
The Byzantine Empire was conquered by the Ottoman Turks
(Muslims) in 1453 and after centuries, in 1930, they changed the name of
Constantinople to Istanbul. This city was originally founded as Byzantium.
Islam continues to use this same crescent moon symbol, for example, look at
their crescent moons on top of their buildings on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
(and elsewhere).
(1) Apologetics 22-25, R. H. Mount;
Bablylon, C1964-66, p41, R.H. Mount,
(2) The Encyclopaedia Britannica,
Handy Volume Issue, 11th edition, c1910, vol.4 p911, under "Byzantium"
(3) ibid.
to be continued!
Obama issues 'executive orders by another name'
(usa today)
Dec 14, 2014
President Obama has issued a form of
executive action known as the
presidential memorandum more often
than any other president in history - using it to take unilateral action even as
he has signed fewer executive orders.
Like executive orders, presidential memoranda don't require action by Congress.
They have the same force of law as executive orders and often have consequences
just as far-reaching.
And under Executive Order 11030, signed by President Kennedy in 1962, an
executive order must contain a "citation of authority," saying what law it's
based on. Memoranda have no such requirement.
The Office of Legal Counsel — which is responsible for advising the president on
executive orders and memoranda — says there's no difference between the two.
Explaining Obama's memoranda on immigration last month, Press Secretary Josh
Earnest said the president would happily "tear up his own executive order" if
Congress passes an immigration bill.
Obama had issued no such executive order. Earnest later corrected himself. "I
must have misspoke. I meant executive actions.
Obama’s ISIS Oil Scandal Deepens As Russia Produces Stunning Photographic
Dec 2, 2015
In a gun-free zone, in a state that banned "assault" rifles and
High-capacity magazines; state created victims cannot defend themselves.
Jihad Terror. "Mass shooting" in California.
This is Islam.
This is Islam, and Obama calls for control of
"gun violence".
So, obviously, to control this gun violence we kick the
Muslims out of the USA.
It's that simple.
Allegiance to ISIS (cnn)
Dec 4, 2015
[ BUT*]
Oh, and what happened to the third terrorist???
Certainly, Malik could pass for a man. So one got
away or was let go.
Who was that little Saudi National Boston Bomber
accomplice that the Obama's rescued?
Recall: House of Saud/Bush/Clinton/Obama
BUT - the survivors would have by now pointed this out if true?
Geller: The Third Man (breitbart) Dec 10, 2015
Where is the third man? Is he still at large? Are people
at risk? And why was the apartment opened up and the fingerprint evidence
destroyed? Why was evidence strewn about?
FBI Says Third Shooter in San Bernardino Jihad Slaughter
( Feb 20, 2016
Going with what we "know" for now:
Not a nice couple:
Syed Rizwan Farook, 28,- STATE EMPLOYEE
Tashfeen Malik, 27 Female
Left their baby with it's grandmother. Then went and
killed co-workers - friends?- that gave them a baby shower.
From Pamela Gellar and
the Daily News
Two years ago, Syed became more religious. “He
was very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s
Muslim,” his father, Syed Farook, told
the Daily News.
Last year, Farook attended the same training/Christmas event hosted by the
Health Dept. As a Muslim, Farook was forbidden from attending Christian events
of any kind.
I’m supposing Farook was angered by last years theme and prepared this attack
over the past year in case the event was again Christmas themed. When he found
the meeting was also a Christmas event, he became incensed, left the event in a
murderous state of mind, went home to Redlands, armed up with his wife, and
returned to the event where he killed 14 people, wounding 17 others.
This was a Islamic religious terror attack with no direct link to any
terrorist group other than Islam itself.
Complicating matters is that the family is not forthcoming or trustworthy.
UPDATE: It's all in the family of Islam
This is MODERATE Islam.
Now we are told that during the shooting, the
female pledged support to ISIS over her phone. She did this under another
name. Right. So the blame goes to ISIS, not the "moderate" muslim.
Never-the-less, there is no distinction, only different levels of devotion to
the Koran. Are there "good" muslims? Sure. And IF-WHEN they become
more devoted to the Koran, they will become "radical" muslims.
Here's an humanistic former muslim's view on
How To Tell A Moderate Muslim From A Radical Muslim
Here is a message sent to me by the ANTISEMITIC
"you will never sucsseed to make a country for jews , because you are criminals
and cowards ,you are juste using usa and europe to fight for you , soon you ll
get your ass kicked , you will die and never see israel as country believe me
never "
He ALSO assumes I'm a JEW - a great Compliment, I should keep him around for
that reason alone!
Anyway my new hobby appears to be BLOCKING PAGAN ANTISEMITIC TROGLODYTES so I'm
just passing this along to warn others.
Oh - and this ISNT the person I mentioned EARLIER. That was way WORSE.
There were worse comments/messages that he could not repost
was, clearly, a terrorist attack,"
Blessed be the memory of Nicholas Thalasinos! He loved
Yisrael and Jewish people. Muslim extremists had been sending him threatening
Facebook messages. He posted one of these messages around 12:00 PM yesterday,
one hour after the San Bernardino shooting started! Now we have lost him
forever. Nick was very courageous and spoke the truth. It is my honest belief
that Nicholas was murdered because of his alliance with Israel and Jewish
people. Here is what the Muslim extremest named Med Ali Zarouk wrote Nick around
9:00 PM on December 1, 2015: "you will never sucsseed to make a country for jews
, because you are criminals and cowards ,you are juste using usa and europe to
fight for you , soon you ll get your ass kicked , you will die and never see
israel as country believe me never ". This is a direct quote from Nicholas's
Facebook timeline that he posted yesterday around 12:00 PM. Nick started the
post by writing, "Here is a message sent to me by the ANTISEMITIC BRAIN SURGEON
Med Ali Zarouk:" This was, clearly, a terrorist attack, yet the authorities
still will not admit it. Holy G-D let the truth come out and justice be served!
These threat on Facebook to Nicholas Thalasinos are nearly the
same as the shooter made:
SB Jihadi warned Christian co-worker: “Islam will rule the world,
Christians and Jews deserve to die; and that [the co-worker] was going to die”
(pamela gellar)
Dec 5, 2015
Pastor Bruce
Dowell of the Shiloh Messianic Congregation in California told Sean Hannity on
Friday’s radio show, “[Thalasino’s] wife told my wife… [Farook] said to Nick
‘you will never see Israel.’ That’s according to his wife, Jennifer and that
comes straight from my wife. She was with her for the last two days.” The pastor
said Farook told that to his congregant “face-to-face” approximately two weeks
before the attack
In reading the comments left by Nicholas Thalasinos'
Christian friends on his Facebook page, the beautiful defeat of Satan and Islam
is seen and heard. Nicholas is alive and well with Yeshua now and forever.
Given time, this will be turned around and said that
Nick's comments were hate speech in order to justify the Jihad.
The Latest: Friend: Victim, shooter debated Islam at work
Dec 3, 2015
so Obama will call it workplace violence
Syed Rizwan Farook knew Nicholas Thalasinos. Thus OBAMA ENABLES THE
Farook likely knew all his victims, as it was an office Christmas party!
FAROOK'S immigrant WIFE DID NOT WORK THERE! So this was, clearly, a
terrorist attack, NOT WORKPLACE VIOLENCE. The problem irises out of Islam, not
the workplace.
They wore body amour and go-pro cameras, connected to other
terrorists, deleted email accounts, made bombs, left a bomb and planned to
detonate it remotely, family members in CAIR (Why
is CAIR helping the Terrorists?), pledged allegiance to ISIS, hated
Israel, made death threats... this was not workplace violence.
Not Obama's Workplace Violence, but a Network of
Islamic Terrorists
SB shooter in touch with people being investigated for jihad terror (jihad
Dec 3, 2015
Just an average, very devout modern male muslim
with terror contacts and
Their timer malfunctioned. Remember Ahmed, the Clock
Boy? He made a timer for a bomb and brought it to school, got arrested and
then invited to the White House, then to Qatar.
QUESTIONS; were Med Ali Zarouk (left death threat
on Nicholas Thalasinos' Facebook page) and Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik
acquaintances and/or accomplices? Or just another name used by Farrok?
other good leads:
Drudge Report headlines 12/3/2015
Thur. AM:
Dropped baby off at grandma's...
Suspicious Neighbor Didn't Report -- Fear Of Being Called RACIST!
Saw Half-Dozen Middle Eastern Men Leaving Apartment...
ISIS Celebrates Shootings With America Burning Hashtag...
Recall: Who was that little Saudi National Boston Bomber
accomplice that the Obama's rescued?
Recall: House of Saud/Bush/Clinton/Obama
Covering up the crime scene early (pamela gellar)
Dec 4, 2015
Never-the-less, OBAMA, the Islamic terrorist
Enabler in Chief, and his minions, will blame the victims:
Obama blames the victims: “We have to search ourselves as a society.”
(pamela gellar)
Dec 3, 2015
Translated: Obama blames the victims because the
terrorist had assault weapons with high-capacity clips and pipe bombs - all
of which are already banned in CA. The effect of saying it is the
victims fault is that the terrorist are enabled to do it again - Obama says
they are justified.
CNN's tripe:
San Bernardino Office Holiday Party ‘May Have Been Offensive’ to Muslim Gunman
OBAMA tried to keep FBI from calling it Terrorism (daily
Dec 10, 2015
CONTRAST: Compare, two news outlets, SAME STORY one left, one
California massacre victim ranted about Muslims on Facebook (the
putrid swill, the New York Post) Dec 3, 2015
Interestingly while the headline blames the victim and
enables the terrorists, the article itself defines that Islam is the problem.
Motive? Pro-Israel, Conservative Co-Worker Told Farook Islam Not a Peaceful
Religion (jewish press)
Dec 3, 2015
Another moderate muslim becomes "radicalized",
i.e "more devout". Understand this much: a "radical" muslim
is one that is more devout than a non-radical muslim. The "radical",
more devout muslim considers the less radical muslim to be at best a "bench
warmer". [Just like Christians that are more and less devout. The
distinction, super devout Christians follow more closely the Law of Messiah,
which is to love God and love your neighbor as yourself. They don't murder
unbelievers.]This couple was living the American dream, "moderate muslims",
"co-existing" for a time, yet obviously preparing many pipe bombs toward a
future destructive event. Perhaps the excuse/trigger was a simple conversation
Nicholas Thalasinos
stated that Islam was not a religion of peace. It isn't
workplace violence, because the trigger really isn't a simple conversation, but
rather the trigger is Islam. Islam does not co-exist. Syed Rizwan Farook and his
Pakistan Jihadi wife are akin to the Muslims in Israel that "co-existed" until
he/she suddenly decided to stab someone. They have the knife ready.
It happens everyday in Israel, and it is beginning to happen now in the USA.
Islam is the source of terror. The Koran is the common denominator to the
moderate muslim AND to the extreme muslim. Ask the victims of "moderate muslims"
and the vicitms of ISIS to tell you the difference between the two. Islam is
the motive. It is important to understand that there is no "moderate"
Islam. Islam is Islam.
Here's an humanistic former muslim's view on
How To Tell A Moderate Muslim From A Radical Muslim
The San Bernardino Terrorists Weren’t Radicals -- They Were Mainstream
Dec 15, 2015
The go-pro recordings probably would fill in some
details regarding motive.
Islam is always the significant factor in Islamic terror. Islamic Jihad is
in and of the Koran. It seems all Islamic terrorists graduate from once
being "moderate" to becoming more devout by reading more of the Koran.
So a possible solution would be sensitivity training for Muslims, i.e. require
them to participate in reading the Gospels.
Yes, this is the solution: Send Muslims to
Sunday School.
Jesus is the solution to Islamic terror.
Critical info for all Muslims
and everyone else!
AG Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim'
Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'...
She's enabling the terrorists.
This is a Shiria attack on the First Amendment.
The First Amendment bans Lynch from doing this.
These Islamic Terrorists had a neighbor that did
not report their suspicious activities because he didn't wasn't want to appear
"racist". So people died and he appears stupid. This action by Lynch
simply reinforces this fear of reprisals, as does her promise to persecute those
that arrested the Muslim Clock-boy.
Actually, she and Obama probably WANT violence
against Muslims so they can impose martial law before the 2016 elections.
Pamela Geller:
If Loretta Lynch Wants to Ban ‘Violent Talk,’ She Should Ban the Quran
(breitbart) Dec 5, 2015
Lynch should apply this to
and the Koran.
Here are some of the Satanic Verses:
And slay them wherever you come upon them, and
expel them from where they expelled you; persecution is more grievous than
slaying. But fight them not by the Holy Mosque until they should fight you
there; then, if they fight you, slay them — such is the recompense of
unbelievers, but if they give over, surely Allah is All-forgiving,
All-compassionate. Fight them, till there is no persecution and the religion is
Allah’s; then if they give over, there shall be no enmity save for evildoers. (Quran
Men are the managers of the affairs of women for that Allah has preferred in
bounty one of them over another, and for that they have expended of their
property. Righteous women are therefore obedient, guarding the secret for
Allah’s guarding. And those you fear may be rebellious admonish; banish them to
their couches, and beat them. (Quran 4:34)
They wish that you should disbelieve as they disbelieve, and then you would be
equal; therefore take not to yourselves friends of them, until they emigrate in
the way of Allah; then, if they turn their backs, take them, and slay them
wherever you find them; take not to yourselves any one of them as friend or
helper. (Quran 4:89)
This is the recompense of those who fight against Allah and His Messenger, and
hasten about the earth, to do corruption there: they shall be slaughtered, or
crucified, or their hands and feet shall alternately be struck off; or they
shall be banished from the land. That is a degradation for them in this world;
and in the world to come awaits them a mighty chastisement. (Quran 5:33)
When thy Lord was revealing to the angels, ˜I am with you; so confirm the
believers. I shall cast into the unbelievers’ hearts terror; so smite above the
necks, and smite every finger of them! (Quran 8:12)
Make ready for them whatever force and strings of horses you can, to strike
terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others besides them that you
know not; Allah knows them. And whatsoever you expend in the way of Allah shall
be repaid you in full; you will not be wronged. (Quran 8:60)
Then, when the sacred months are drawn away, slay the idolaters wherever you
find them, and take them, and confine them, and lie in wait for them at every
place of ambush. But if they repent, and perform the prayer, and pay the alms,
then let them go their way; Allah is All-forgiving, All-compassionate. (Quran
Fight those who believe not in Allah and the Last Day and do not forbid what
Allah and His Messenger have forbidden — such men as practise not the religion
of truth, being of those who have been given the Book — until they pay the
tribute out of hand and have been humbled. (Quran 9:29)
Allah has bought from the believers their selves and their possessions against
the gift of Paradise; they fight in the way of Allah; they kill, and are killed;
that is a promise binding upon Allah in the Torah, and the Gospel, and the
Koran; and who fulfils his covenant truer than Allah? So rejoice in the bargain
you have made with Him; that is the mighty triumph. (Quran 9:111)
O believers, fight the unbelievers who are near to you; and let them find in you
a harshness; and know that Allah is with the godfearing. (Quran 9:123)
When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks, then, when you have made wide
slaughter among them, tie fast the bonds; then set them free, either by grace or
ransom, till the war lays down its loads. So it shall be; and if Allah had
willed, He would have avenged Himself upon them; but that He may try some of you
by means of others. And those who are slain in the way of Allah, He will not
send their works astray. (Quran 47:4)
Lynch said that her “greatest fear” was the
“incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric” in America.
After jihad attacks in Garland, Chattanooga, Boston, Fort Hood, the University
of California Merced, and now San Bernardino, that’s the take-away. Jihad
slaughter is Obama’s clarion call to impose the blasphemy laws under the sharia
(Islamic law). Lynch said: “The fear that you have just mentioned is in fact my
greatest fear as a prosecutor, as someone who is sworn to the protection of all
of the American people, which is that the rhetoric will be accompanied by acts
of violence.” Lynch has also called on Muslim parents to contact her if their
children are bullied in school – that’s just grooming more Clockmeds.
Loretta Lynch said that the San Bernardino jihad attack gave her a “wonderful
Wow, what a sick, demented woman.
She said, “We’re at the point where these
issues have come together really like never before in law enforcement thought
and in our nation’s history and it gives us a wonderful opportunity and a
wonderful moment to really make significant change.”
“A wonderful opportunity?” To impose the sharia.
Islam is not a race. It is more like a
deadly viral disease of the heart and mind. People who have the disease of
Islam, may, like with the herpes virus, just be a carrier, or be latent, or have
an active (lytic) outbreak.
Here is a discussion on various states of
infection with a pathogen:
A carrier state occurs when someone has been
exposed to a pathogen (such as TB). A person may live as a carrier of a
pathogen (virus or bacteria) and would never know it, unless tested (the
immune system still produces antibodies against the pathogen, but the
pathogen's own response can evade the host's antibodies). When someone is a
carrier of a pathogen, that virus or bacteria basically gets a "free ride" -
it lives in the host's body and can be passed on to others, without ever
actually causing measurable harm to the host.
In a latent state, the virus is simply "at rest". The person infected with
the pathogen will show signs of the disease, at some time in the
individual's life. The latent stage is fairly common in many diseases, and
is complimented by the "lytic" or active state of the pathogen/ disease. It
is common for cycles of latent and lytic states of chronic
infections/disease to occur. You can think of the latent state as the time
in between "flair ups" of an infection. Just because the pathogen isn't
causing obvious symptoms in the host doesn't mean that the infection is
gone. In herpes, for example, the true virus lives in the portion of the
spinal cord that correlates to the area of the body where the symptoms of
the infection manifests. When the virus is latent, it just sits in the
spinal cord, evading the host immune response. In the lytic phase, it goes
on the offensive, and affects the nerves and tissues of the body.
substitute ISLAM for "pathogen":
A carrier state occurs when
someone has been exposed to ISLAM. A person may live as a carrier of
ISLAM(virus or bacteria) and would never know it, unless tested (the immune
system still produces antibodies against ISLAM, but ISLAM's own response can
evade the host's antibodies). When someone is a carrier of ISLAM, that virus
or bacteria basically gets a "free ride" - it lives in the host's body and
can be passed on to others, without ever actually causing measurable harm to
the host.
In a latent state, ISLAM is simply "at rest". The person infected with ISLAM
will show signs of the disease, at some time in the individual's life. The
latent stage is fairly common in many diseases, and is complimented by the "lytic"
or active state of ISLAM/ disease. It is common for cycles of latent and
lytic states of chronic infections/disease to occur. You can think of the
latent state as the time in between "flair ups" of an infection. Just
because ISLAM isn't causing obvious symptoms in the host doesn't mean that
the infection is gone. In herpes, for example, the true virus lives in the
portion of the spinal cord that correlates to the area of the body where the
symptoms of the infection manifests. When the virus is latent, it just sits
in the spinal cord, evading the host immune response. In the lytic phase, it
goes on the offensive, and affects the nerves and tissues of the body.
only antidote is Yeshua/Jesus the Messaih of Israel, YHVH. HE can cure muslims.
AS a critical matter of spiritual life
vs. death, All Muslims, and Loretta Lynch, and everyone else, need to confess
with their mouth and trust in their heart that
Jesus is Jehovah.
(See Philippians ch 2. and this link:
Thousands of Muslims In Northern Iraq Converting to Christianity
Oct 30, 2015
After Witnessing ISIS Horror, Ministry Reveals: 'They're
Just Sick of Islam'
'Is it true that the Bible has the power to change
lives?' I said, 'Yes, of course. It's been changing lives everywhere.
Until they do this, the good advice has always
been "Walk softly (Matt.5:37) and carry a big stick (Luke 22:36)."
Lynch attacks the First Amendment, Obama
attacks the Second Amendment.
Obama says to walk without a stick (gun). Ignore him. The
Second Amendment BANS any infringement on USA citizens' inalienable rights. We
don't have and Constitutional rights, the Constitution and Bill of Rights
PROHIBIT any violation of the rights we are born with...rights as human beings.
Any infringement is not Constitutional. Yes, Lynch and Obama and Islam are
all against the Constitution, as Islam is not compatible with the Constitution.
Obama and his masters and minions will create
more gun laws, more gun free zones, and thus create more places where this
terror will happen again.
and you can bet that Obama is HOPING there will
be reprisals against "Christians"...
Obama has done a good job of arming the American people!
He has been fantastic for gun and ammo sales.! Keep that in mind. He
is a race-baiter-hater, and he obviously wants civil disturbance.
It seems he often uses rhetoric about imposing more gun laws to divert attention
from something else he is doing.
Over 100 MILLION Guns Sold in US Since Obama Became President
(gateway pundit)
Dec 8, 2015
Obama has been good for the gun business.
In the end:
The San Bernardino Terrorists Weren’t Radicals -- They Were Mainstream
Dec 15, 2015
_____________________________BALANCE BEAM____________________________
Here I will place positive stories about Islam:
Thousands of Muslims In Northern Iraq Converting to Christianity
Oct 30, 2015
After Witnessing ISIS Horror, Ministry Reveals: 'They're
Just Sick of Islam'
'Is it true that the Bible has the power to change
lives?' I said, 'Yes, of course. It's been changing lives everywhere.
Iran Now Has One of Fastest Growing Christian Population As More Muslims Are
Having Dreams and Visions of Jesus (
Oct 30, 2015
Syrian Rebels Line Up Islamic State Prisoners, Force Them to Knees, Then Don't
kill them
(the blaze)
Dec 9, 2015
A fine showing.
Texas Imam Forced Out After He Issues Warning on Radical Islam, Expresses
Support for Trump’s Muslim Ban
(the blaze)
Dec 11, 2015
Ok, so there's another good one, and this one is in the
USA. He got fired by Islam for being a "good" Muslim. So in Islam,
he's considered a BAD Muslim.
So be sure to hug a Muslim!
(the blaze)
Dec 10, 2015
Why Evangelical Christians Should Not Support Donald Trump
Dec 2, 2015
Again, still, it appears that Trump's purpose is to get
Hillary elected.
Obama In Paris: Mass Shootings Don’t Happen In Other Countries
Dec 1, 2015
Choom Gang RELATED: High-potency
marijuana could damage connections in your brain (dailydot)
Nov 27, 2015
Remember all the ammo the US Govt. bought for
those petty agencies that don't need it and how it can't be accounted for?
ISIS is in US (
Nov 29, 2015
Chinese yuan likely to be added to IMF special basket of currencies (the
Nov 29, 2015
Israel Allowing Russia to Fly Over Israeli Skies
(jewish press)
Nov 28, 2015
more manipulation of Israel by the world
Netanyahu suspends negotiations with EU
(jewish press)
Nov 29, 2015
Greece to ignore EU's anti-Israel labeling
(jewish press)
Dec 1, 2015
Good, interesting.
Benghazi was not about a movie
Obama Wants to Defeat America, Not ISIS
(daniel greenfield)
Nov 18, 2015
Nov 19,
Keeping in mind:
Some are expecting something that will
give Obama excuse to impose martial law and cancel 2016 elections.
Some see Obama as fulfilling the Islamic
prophecy of the Son rising in the West.
There are now three popes (Frency,
Ratslinger, Black). A Catholic prophecy has one of more than one pope die
a bloody death.
Muslims plotted murder of Pope: “this will be the last Pope”
(pamela gellar)
Dec 1, 2015
Both Islam and the Roman Catholic Church
share a crescent moon.
A little Jewish Satire break:
France must give land for peace!
(jewish press)
Nov 18, 2015
This is just queer:
Obama becomes first U.S. president to pose for cover of LGBT magazine
Nov 13, 2015
Obama says "my
mom instilled in me" this
Where was the little bastard's father?
Oh, anyone named "Hussein" has a
So yeah , Obama frequently disappears for a few
days without his "wife". Got that too.
Obama Enables Islamic State
Obama Throws Total Victory to the Islamic State to Crucify the Levant’s Native
Christian “Crusaders”
Nov 17, 2015
Kerry understands "rationale" for Charles Hebdo Islalmic Terror Murders
(jewish press)
Nov 18, 2015
Obama can't make it to a moment of silence
for Parisians slain by Moslems, so at least they did have a moment of silence.
Kerry can't keep his mouth shut either, and you would likewise be better off if
he didn't show up.
Nov 17
Obama now frantic to get
Muslim "refugees" into USA...
The Building World Pressure on Israel
South Africa issues arrest warrants against IDF officers
(israel national news)
Nov 17, 2015
this is Ham, continually trying to usurp his
This reminds me of the Waters boys back in
Perkinsville. Boyd, the younger brother, decided to run out in the street and
lay down in front of an approaching car. Fortunately, the car stopped.
Boyd's older brother Chris then ran over and commenced viciously beating
the shit out of him. That's what it takes for some kids to learn a lesson.
That's brotherly love.
Colorado's Gov. Stinkinpooper
Enables Islamic Terror
Gov. Hickenlooper says Colorado will accept Syrian refugees (
Nov 17, 2015
Reading between the lines [within brackets] this report so as to
make it better understood:
A flood of
[almost ALL military aged]
men, [with very few]
women and children displaced by the civil war [that
has been going on for over 1000 years] and
Islamic State violence in Syria has entered European countries
[of which a direct result was the enabling of a Syrian terrorist (wearing the
"refugee" Trojan Horse Cloak) to perform the Paris attack].
"We will work with the federal government and Homeland Security to ensure the
national verification process for refugees are as stringent as possible,".
This is a lie, as these "refugees" are not US nationals. There
is no INTERNATIONAL verification process referenced. Syria has no database
of Who's Who in ISIS, let alone in the centuries old tribal warfare between
Sunni and Shiite Muslims. Apparently Obama and Hickenlooper are going to
take Assad's word on their status.]
As Americans, particularly as Christian
American students of biblical prophecy, we can see that there is no daylight
between these two sides of Islam, and we should not be manipulated by this
"good-cop-bad-cop" routine. Both Sunni and Shiite follow the Koran.
Islamic Jihad is in and from the Koran. History shows that they won't
stop fighting each other and the Koran shows that they won't stop fighting
everyone else. [Note that
already a Syrian "refugee" has gone missing in Louisiana]
Morally, both Obama and his lap dog Hickenlooper are wrong.
On the other hand,
I'm all for allowing Jewish and Christian
It seems that along the way they may come
up as bargaining chips. That is the difficult moral question for our
Congressional leaders.
would possibly then follow in refugee status.
So Far: Syrian Refugees in U.S. Include 2,098 Muslims, 53 Christians
Nov 17, 2015
The Bigger Picture:
In first six weeks of FY2016 we resettled 827 Somalis; all but
one are Muslim
(refugee resettlement watch)
Nov 17, 2015
while we are going crazy over Syrian Muslims coming
into the US, the beat goes on with the resettlement of Somalis which we have
been bringing for over two decades
State Department Says No to Iraqi Christians
May 14, 2015
Christians are trying to survive in unfinished
concrete buildings – such as shopping malls – in the Christian enclave of Ankawa
rather than in the UNHCR camp with the other refugees, because they are even
threatened by some of the Muslim refugees.
Eight ISIS Members Arrested Masquerading as Syrian Refugees; What Now Obama?
Nov 18, 2015
Since 9/11, about 2 million Muslims have been
allowed into the USA.
The Fort Hood Islamic
Terrorist was fully vetted.
The Boston Bomber Brothers
were Muslim refugees.
Here's The (LONG) List Of Foreign-Born Islamists Charged With Or
Convicted Of Terrorism
Nov 18, 2015
Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, Chairman of the
Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, has identified at least
26 instances in which foreign-born individuals inside the U.S. were charged with
or convicted of terrorism in the last year or so.
Here's a sampling of incidents from that list:...see
link for the list. Then add Obama in the White House.
Sura 9:29-31 (fight against Jews and
Christians until they are subdued, because God's curse is on them)
"Fight those who believe not in God nor the last day, nor hold that forbidden
which hath been forbidden by God and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion
of truth, (even if they are) of the people of the Book, until they pay the jizya
with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. [YA: "Jizya = the root
meaning is compensation. The derived meaning, which became the technical
meaning, was a poll tax levied from those who did not accept Islam, but were
willing to live under the protection of Islam, and were thus tacitly willing to
submit to its ideals being enforced in the Muslim State, saving only their
personal liberty of conscience as regarded themselves ... It was an
acknowledgment that those whose religion was tolerated would in their turn not
interfere with the preaching and progress of Islam ... there were exemptions for
the poor, for females and children, for slaves and for monks and hermits. Being
a tax on able-bodied males of military age, it was in a sense a commutation for
military service."] The Jews call Uzair [Ezra] a son of God, [YA: "I have quoted
passages from the Old Testament, showing how freely the expression "sons of God"
was used by the Jews. A sect of them called Uzair (Ezra) a son of God, according
to Baidhawi."] and the Christians call Christ the Son of God ... God's curse
be on them; how they are deluded away from the truth! They take their
priests and their anchorites to be their lords in derogation of God, and (they
take as their Lord) Christ the son of Mary. Yet they are commanded to worship
but One God ..." [YA: "The deification of the son of Mary is put here in a
special clause by itself, as it held (and still holds) in its thrall a large
portion of civilized humanity."]
and again:
Both "moderate" and "militant" Islamists read
and follow the Koran:
Islamic Jihad is in the Koran.
Just think, if not for
the Elephatrump
,we might have had a decent president.
"elephatrump" is said "ele-fa-Trump", but
understood as "ele-fat-rump"
*Islamic State takes war to Paris Nov. 13,
Muslims slaughter 118 Inside Paris Concert Hall, Multiple Coordinated Attacks,
Death Toll Climbs to 160
Nov 13, 2015
A taste of what the EU has invited by allowing an Islamic
"refugee" invasion.
Obviously, they aren't refugees...
OBAMA "I don't want to speculate on who did this" (the
right scoop)
Nov 13, 2015
It will take Obama a few minutes to figure out a way to
blame the Jews...
Here's a little help for Obama from his friends:
Suspect: "I'm from ISIS" (infowars)
Nov 14, 2015
Paris jihad mass murderer was a Syrian "refugee" who arrived in
Greece last month (pamela gellar) Nov 14,
Obama may be correct in labeling ISIS as the
"Junior Varsity" Islamic terror team. This begs the question: Who is the
varsity Islamic terror team?
There is a school of thought that thinks thus:
ISIS was created in order to wipe out Islam. I think that's crazy...but
note that there are many muslims now outnumbered in many countries.
So, anyway...suppose there is a new consensus
against ISIS, wherein the world unifies and defeats ISIS...and Israel is a part
of that unity alliance...
Back to the present: This Paris outcome was predicted...
When this happens in USA, along with the LEFT's
mass student "protests" and black "protests", will we see martial law in the
USA? IF so, no elections, Obama stays.
the other hand, Obama just fades away.
In the meantime the LEFT (CLINTON, OBAMA, BUSH) will keep trying to unarm
Obama: Going After Guns is “One Thing” I Still Want to Do (
Nov 9, 2015
Obama hopes gun control will be dominate issue...____
French Police: Gun Control Isn’t Working for Us
Jan 2015
Rep. Bennie Thompson, Demoncrat-Miss, Top Member of House Homeland Security
Committee Says Monitor US Citizens, not Muslim "Refugees"
(redflagnews)June 24, 2015
Not heard: ANY Muslims denouncing Islamic
Jihad. That's because it's in the Koran.
so, who nukes Damascus: Putin or Israel?
and at the same time:
enables Jihad in America
Timing – Report: First load of Anticipated “10,000
Syrian Refugees” Has Arrived in New Orleans (
Nov 13, 2015
This is very concerning. It would appear
most of the “refugees” are economic jihadist males between the age of 18-45
years old. They have recently arrived courtesy of President Obama, Secretary
Kerry and the State Department.
Hillary Clinton’s “Rebels” arrive in the U.S.
White house allows ISIS to come and go ( 2014
(If they know they are here, they allowed
Obama appoints Muslim Brotherhood-linked Muslim to head “Center for Strategic
Counterterrorism Communications”
Feb 26, 2015
Drudge Report Next Day;
SAME DAY: OBAMA Declares ISIS 'Contained'...
If ISIS is contained, then there are no longer any
FBI: 1,000 Active ISIS Probes Inside USA...
Muslims on track to exceed Jewish population in USA...
Obama moves to 'increase and accelerate' admission of Syrian
Canada's Obama is also simultaneously enabling North American Jihad (
Nov 13, 2015
enables global anti-semitism
Obama approves of EU labeling of Jewish products (israel
national news)
Nov 13, 2015
This is done irregardless of the 2012 Levy
Report which proved that Israel's presence is legal according to
international law.
This product labeling is the first stage of a planned boycott of all Israeli -
goods, people, land. (israel national news)
Nov 13, 2015
Israel is being isolated, which is interesting in
that they are God's "set-apart" chosen people:
Israel's Pres. Rivlin Cancesl State Visit to EU (jewish press)
Nov 13, 2015
☻bama enables global Jihad:
US to help IRAN build global nuke terror network (freebeacon)
Nov 10, 2015
Just calling a spade a spade.
Official: US won't recognize Israeli rule over Golan Heights (israel
national news)
Nov 12, 2015
Obama wants Netanyahu to play nice between now and the
elections, or at least between now and martial law. Sounds like Netanyahu
is jacking with Obama a bit. HA!
Maybe all the terrorist activity in and around Israel will
give excuse for a false "saviour" to rise for Israel. A lot of thinking is
that all the world is against Israel. Yes, true. BUT they may not appear
to be against Israel, thus if possible, even the very elect may be deceived.
UPDATE Nov 17:
Putin tells Western leaders: Let's bury our differences and jointly
strike at 'barbarian' ISIS
Nov 17, 2015
Licenses Iran To Ship Missiles to Hezbollah
The president’s Syria policy poses a direct threat to Israel (tabletmag)
Oct 30, 2015
NASA Shock Study: Antarctica Is Growing Not Shrinking (breitbart) Nov
2, 2015
instead of contributing to rising sea levels, the
still-very-much-frozen southern continent is actually reducing them by 0.23 mm
per year....Unlike previous studies – many largely based on guesswork because
the continent is so vast and inhospitable, meaning that data is extremely
limited – they use satellite altimeters to calculate changes in the surface
height of the ice. What they show is that the amount of ice lost by glaciers
collapsing into the sea has been exceeded by the gain in ice mass from
accumulated snow. ...According to the new analysis of satellite data, the
Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from
1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between
2003 and 2008.
ISIS claims it shot down a Russian plane ( Nov
8, 2015
so the stage is set for (a) Damascus bye-bye
PUTIN moving NUKES ( Nov 8, 2015
780 Muslim Attacks on Israelis in October (frontpage
magazine) Nov 3, 2015
enables global Jihad:
Oh look, Obama gave Yemen terrorists $500,000,000.00 in weaponry. (washington
MARCH, 2015
Isn't that special?
Enough small arms for and army in a country that
has many well armed arms.
Yemen is estimated to have the
second-highest gun ownership rate in the world, ranking behind only the United
States, and its bazaars are well stocked with heavy weaponry.
The article points out that $500 Million is
nothing compared to the $25 BILLION in arms ISIS has "received" in Iraq...
It gets better:
As part of that strategy, the U.S. military has
concentrated on building an elite Yemeni special-operations force within the
Republican Guard
Obama is training Iran AND Iranian backed
Isn't that special?
Where will that unarmed army of all male
"refugees" get their arms armed?
And wow, what kind of dirt did Hillary have on
enables global Jihad:
Obama's Halloween Bloodletting: Americans Are Inviting Jihad By Criticizing
Islam (dailycaller)
Oct 31, 2015
"He insisted the conflict between Muslim
and Western cultures is not caused by fundamentally different attitudes about
freedom and religious solidarity"
In other words, Obama is telling the Jihadists
that it is open season on Americans.
Now that Obama is really showing his dark side,
the question is who is the most satanic: Obama or Islam?
This is what
is purposefully enabling:
Months After Radical Islam Critic Is Hacked to Death, His Publisher Is Killed in
the Same Way in Bangladesh
Meanwhile, the invasion continues.
Oct 31, 2015
Five Million Muslim March
They are not refugees. No women or kids, just
military aged men. And they are "disappearing".
so this is coming to America.
Jihad in America: Muslim knife stabbing attack at UC Merced
Nov 5, 2015
"The FBI are now trying to figure out the
motives of the 18-year-old"
Hey, here's a clue:
"Faisal Mohammad" (get that Islamic connection?).
And he carried
a manifesto that contained reminders to praise for "Allah" alongside plans to
behead people (Fox News, Nov7, 2015), So, Sherlock,
the motive is Jihad.
Regarding the manifesto, Sheriff Vern's
quality checked (lying through his teeth) comment:
“There was nothing to indicate he was doing this
because of Allah" inconceivably followed
these statements:
“I remember seeing four or five times,
scribbled on the side of the two-page manifesto, where he wrote something like
‘praise Allah.’”
“There was a gruesome statement he made
about wanting to cut someone’s head off and kill two people with one bullet,
and he planned to shoot the police,” Warnke said. “He did not have a firearm
with him and didn’t seem to have a lot of experience with firearms because he
thought he could kill two people with one bullet. He reminded himself in the
list to raise the gun slowly. He scripted everything out in chronological
“He appeared to be a devout Muslim, on the strong side of the belief.”
- that's an understatement, but true.
Another Islamic death cult fanatic.
enforcement sources say UC Merced attacker was on TERROR watch list, college was
WARNED of threat (pamelagellar) Nov 9, 2015
UPDATE: Report:
UC Merced Stabber Had ISIS Flag (pamelagellar) Nov 10, 2015
UPDATE: more info - a cover up-
they knew he was ISIS ( Nov 10, 2015
Oregon Shooter Was An Isis Attack (media Black Out) ( Oct
5, 2015
Archeologists Discover A 4000 Year Old Archeological Find Linking Allah To
Lucifer And The “Harlot Religion” (shoebat)
Aug 21, 2015
This is the harlot religion system that is behind
the Roman Catholic Church.
Oct 2015
This week the World Health Org. says meat is bad for you,
but they don't mention Islam.
Hamas Muslim Cleric Vows: We Won’t Leave a Single Jew, Dead or Alive (pamela
Oct 23, 2015
Illegals from terror nations cross into TEXAS; this happens immediately
(allen west)
Oct 23, 2015
ISIS Just Miles Away From Texas (jewsnews)
Oct 30, 2015
maybe they will end up in the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.
FBI: No way to screen ‘refugees’ coming to U.S (pamela
Oct 24, 2015
Proverbs 7:20b "He will come home at
the full moon."
Recent (Oct 2015)
Canada goes into death spiral
Left-wing zealot Justin Trudeau elected as Canada’s next prime minister (pamela
Oct 19, 2015
May God Bless Prime Minister Stephen Harper for
his friendship to Israel.
One less place to go now
Perhaps Mr. Harper will be given the job of
running many cities during the millennial Kingdom.
vast oil discovery in Golan (jewish press)
Oct 7, 2015
Some have suggested that the oil well fires of the Gulf
wars had the effect of capping the oil and that it is has "moved" to Israel.
If you followed Thomas Gold's concepts on oil, you could
compare how this can happen to water springs. Locally, note the Iron and
Soda springs in Canon City, Colo.
Nations gathering against Israel. They will want that oil
Russia active in Syria, probably because of new oil find.
Proxy war while Arab Muslims kill Arab Muslims as prophesied in the Bible.
Russia blocks Israel from Lebanon airspace. (ynet)
Oct 17, 2015
No doubt the airborne Russian Yugo, A.K.A.
"Space trash", is a frightening sight to the IAF.
IF Gog, Gog may get a good spanking.
How Obama Created ISIS in Opposition to Syria’s Assad (the
conservative historian)
Sept 18, 2015
30 Islamic Terror Attacks on Israel (support Israel
Oct 19, 2015
Netanyahu tries to divide Jerusalem (Israel National News)
Oct 19, 2015
it appears that the security barrier is in
fact an old decision of the Cabinet which was authorized as a pilot program a
month ago.
The Cabinet meeting on Sunday night was supposed to deal with means of
countering Palestinian Arab incitement, but a considerable portion of it was
dedicated instead to fierce criticism against the placement of the concrete
barriers, which began just before the meeting.
A FLOOD of mostly young crappy Muslim men invades Europe.
(pamela gellar)
Oct 19, 2015
It is an invasion of all military aged men.
Merkel wants Turkey in the EU.
The Brass Kingdom will have total control
(authority) of the area of the ancient Greek empire.
The ancient Greek (& subsequent Roman) system
influences much - sports, sororities, fraternities...and in the Roman Catholic
Church, much Greek (& earlier Babylonian) paganism is carried into today.
When Jesus was tempted (in two series of three tempting) Satan 1st offered the
authority and glory of the OIKUMNENE, "inhabited-earth". In the
second series of tempting Satan offered Jesus the glory of the COSMOS,
"world". Jesus rejected the offers. Later,
accepted the offer of the glory of the world.
As always check out Pamela Gellar to learn about
Islamic terror.
Ted Cruz sounds good (
Oct 16, 2015
Actual headline:
Scientists at Large Hadron Collider hope to make contact with PARALLEL UNIVERSE
in days
If successful a completely new universe will
be revealed – rewriting not only the physics books but the philosophy books too.
The staggeringly complex LHC ‘atom smasher’ at
the CERN centre in Geneva, Switzerland, will be fired up to its highest energy
levels ever in a bid to detect - or even create - miniature black holes.
First scientists proved the existence of the elusive Higgs boson ‘God
particle’ - a key building block of the universe - and it is seemingly well on
the way to nailing ‘dark matter’ - a previously undetectable theoretical
possibility that is now thought to make up the majority of matter in
the universe.
But next week’s experiment is considered to be a game changer.
"Normally, when people think of the multiverse, they think of the
many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, where every possibility is
"This cannot be tested and so it is philosophy and not science.
“This is not what we mean by parallel universes. What we mean is real
universes in extra dimensions.
(really saying the same thing, as
"many-worlds" and "extra dimensions" may be interchanged here. They split
more hairs rather than atoms over whether these worlds can coexist)
“We have calculated the energy at which we expect to detect these
mini black holes in ‘gravity's rainbow’ [a new scientific theory].
“If we do detect mini black holes at this energy,
then we will know that both gravity's rainbow and extra dimensions are
I other words: While they DON'T
believe in GOD, never-the-less they are making something up in order to support
what they believe. They don't really know what to believe (agnostic), but
they are working on their doctrine anyway.
So IF they find a god, they will think "We
know we found a god". Many find themselves as their god.
Nothing new here in the buzzwords of vanity.
Hopefully they will find the way of the God...rather than Satan
appearing as an angel of light.
Students of -The Word of God- trust that
this "parallel universe" exists:
Enoch 5:24
and Enoch walked with God: and he was not;
for God took him.
2 Kings 6:17 And
Elisha prayed, and said, Jehovah, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see.
And Jehovah opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the
mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.
2 Corinthians 12:2 I-am-knowing-absolutely
(a) MAN in Messiah fourteen years before,--whether in body I-am not
knowing-absolutely, or outside the body I-am not knowing-absolutely, the God
is-knowing-absolutely, --the (one) such-as-this-having-been-seized till (the)
third heaven.
Colossians 1:16 Because in him [the]
all things were created in the heavens and on the earth, the (things) visible
and the (things) invisible, whether thrones or lordships or rulers or
authorities; [the] all-things have-been-and-still-are-created through him and
with-reference-to him;
v17 And he himself is before all (things) and in him [the] all-things
John 20:19 Therefore
(as it was) being evening on that day, namely-the day (one) of-the Sabbaths, and
(as) the doors (were) having-been-shut-and-still-shut where-in-which the
disciples were having-been-and-still-were-gathered-together, because-of the fear
of-the Jews, the Jesus came and stood into the midst, and he-is-saying
to-them: Peace to-YOU.
John 14:1 Let not YOUR heart
YOU-are-trusting with-reference-to the God, YOU-be also trusting
with-reference-to me.
v2 In the house of-my Father there-are many abodes; but if not I (likely)
said to-YOU; I-am-proceeding to-prepare place for-YOU.
v3 And if I-might-proceed and I-might-prepare place for-YOU, I-am-coming again
and I-shall-take YOU along to myself, in-order-that where-in-which I-myself-am
YOU yourselves also might-be.
v4 And where-in-which I myself-am-withdrawing YOU-are-knowing-absolutely and
the way YOU-are-knowing-absolutely.
v5 Thomas is-saying to-him, Lord, we-are not knowing-absolutely where
you-are-withdrawing, and how are-we-being-able to-have-known-absolutely the way?
v6 The Jesus is-saying to-him, I
myself-am the way and the truth and the life. No-one
is-coming to the Father unless through me.
John 3:16 For thus the God cherished
the world so-that he-gave his son, namely-the only-begotten, in-order-that
every-(one) the (one) trusting with-reference-to him might not perish,
BUT he-might-be-having life eternal.
The tower of Babel was not super tall.
Anti-Semitism was prophesied by Jesus:
Matthew 24:9
Then they-will-give YOU over into tribulation, and
they-will-kill YOU; and YOU-will-be being-hated by all the Gentiles because-of
my name.
Israel's soaring population: Promised Land running out of room? (reuters)
Sept 25, 2015
Of course the writers for Reuters, a Cohen and a
Sheer, likely do not believe the bible.
There is plenty of room in Israel. For
example, the Negev is barely inhabited. The anti-Jewish World was hoping the
Arab birthrate would overrun the Israelis, but as that didn't happen, now they
just say there are too many Jews. Just like Hitler.
US pressure on Israel NOT to build in THEIR land
has caused much grief in Israel.
Psalm 95:6 Septuagint translation
"For all the gods of the peoples are demons"
"demons" is from the Greek word δαιμόνια,
A HUGE statue of Zeus stands in the United
Nations lobby. These nations' idols are nothing but gold, silver, iron,
wood, stone, clay; but backing the idols are demons.
Psa 135:15 The idols of the nations are silver and gold,
The work of men's hands.
16 They have mouths, but they speak not; Eyes have they, but they see not;
17 They have ears, but they hear not; Neither is there any breath in their
18 They that make them shall be like unto them; Yea, every one that trusteth in
Pope arrives at UN, to give major speech
In this, the relationship between Roman
Catholicism and other pagan religions may be seen.
Eze 38:1-23 ASV - 1 And the word of
Jehovah came unto me, saying, 2 Son of man, set thy face toward
Gog, of the land of Magog, the
prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against
him, 3 and say, Thus saith the Lord
Jehovah: Behold, I am against thee, O Gog,
prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal: 4 and I will turn
thee about,
and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will
bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them
clothed in full armor, a great company with buckler and shield, all of them
handling swords; 5 Persia, Cush, and Put with them,
all of them with shield and helmet; 6 Gomer, and all his hordes; the house
of Togarmah in the uttermost parts of the north, and all his hordes; even
many peoples with thee. 7 Be thou
prepared, yea, prepare thyself, thou, and all thy companies that are
assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them. 8 After many days thou
shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is
brought back from the sword, that is gathered out of many peoples, upon the
mountains of Israel, which have been a continual waste; but it is brought
forth out of the peoples, and they shall dwell securely, all of them. 9 And
thou shalt ascend, thou shalt come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud
to cover the land, thou, and all thy hordes, and many peoples with thee. 10
Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: It shall come to pass in that day, that
things shall come into thy mind, and thou shalt devise an evil device:
11 and thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I
will go to them that are at rest, that dwell securely, all of them dwelling
without walls, and having neither bars nor gates; 12 to take the spoil and
to take the prey; to turn thy hand against the waste places that are now
inhabited, and against the people that are gathered out of the nations, that
have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the middle of the earth. 13
Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions
thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take the spoil? hast thou
assembled thy company to take the prey? to carry away silver and gold, to
take away cattle and goods, to take great spoil? 14 Therefore, son of man,
prophesy, and say unto Gog, Thus
saith the Lord Jehovah: In that day when my people Israel dwelleth securely,
shalt thou not know it? 15 And thou
shalt come from thy place out of the uttermost parts of the north,
thou, and many peoples with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great
company and a mighty army; 16 and thou shalt come up against my
people Israel, as a cloud to cover the land: it shall come to pass in the
latter days, that I will bring thee against my land, that the nations may
know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O
Gog, before their eyes. 17 Thus
saith the Lord Jehovah: Art thou he of whom I spake in old time by my
servants the prophets of Israel, that prophesied in those days for many
years that I would bring thee against them? 18 And it shall come to pass in
that day, when Gog shall come against the
land of Israel, saith the Lord Jehovah, that my wrath shall come up
into my nostrils. 19 For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I
spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land
of Israel; 20 so that the fishes of the sea, and the birds of the
heavens, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep
upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the face of the
earth, shall shake at my presence, and the mountains shall be thrown
down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the
ground. 21 And I will call for a sword against
him unto all my mountains, saith the
Lord Jehovah: every man's sword shall be against his brother. 22 And with
pestilence and with blood will I enter into judgment with
him; and I will rain upon
him, and upon
his hordes, and upon the many
peoples that are with him, an
overflowing shower, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone. 23
And I will magnify myself, and sanctify myself, and I will make myself known
in the eyes of many nations; and they shall know that I am Jehovah.
watching. Thinking about
Gog. Ezk.38 is not Armageddon.
Putin conducts Naval exercises in east Mediterranean (yahoo-news)
Sept 24, 2015
Lebanese Radio: Chinese Military May Get Involved in Syria Alongside Russia,
Sept 24, 2015
Israel and Russia Create Joint Military Working Group on Syria (Jewish
Sept 25, 2015
The Russians have arrived in Syria. Because
the United States has taken a pass....
Over the past few weeks Russia has begun moving personnel and weaponry into
Syria in an effort to prop up its ally, besieged Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Russia is amassing a military presence, ...
The result of that diplomatic effort by Netanyahu was the establishment of a
joint military working group to ensure there were “no misunderstandings
between [Russian and Israeli] forces.”
while many see this Gog as a Russian leader,
Syria/Assyria is in the "north" also. AND, Satan is in, or makes
himself appear in, the "north" also, i.e. one that looks
"like the Most High".
Pamela Gellar, (Sept 24, 2015):
Obama: “We are summoned to push back
against those who would distort OUR RELIGION for their nihilistic ends.”
Imam Obama say, “Islam is peace.”
Obama say, “the Islamic State is not Islamic.”
Obama say, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of
Obama say, the Islamic call to prayer is “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth
at sunset.”...
Obama say, “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which
has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own
Obama say, “As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.”
Obama say, “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”
Obama say, “Islam has always been part of America.”
Obama say, “We will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities.”
Obama say, “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common,
and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of
all human beings.”
Obama say, “America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition.
Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress,
tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”
Obama say, “I made it clear that America is not – and will never be – at war
with Islam.”
Obama say, “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it
is an important part of promoting peace.”
Obama say, “Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds
the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”
International brinksmanship dept.:
Putin conducts Naval exercises in east Mediterranean (yahoo-news)
Sept 24, 2015
Obama blocks teen from following him on Twitter (the
american mirror)
Sept 24, 2015
Over 700 crushed to death in Satanic Islamic idolatrous frenzy (telegraph)
Sept 24, 2015
The descriptive term used, "stampede", does not
relate to normal human activity. It was caused by a religious frenzy, and
could be demonic possession. Recall that Legion went into a herd of swine.
Today's America:
Firefighters that don't know that fire is a tool. (reuters)
Sept 24, 2015
(Smoke calms bees)
Pope's flag up at UN
UNITED NATIONS – A United Nations official
confirms that the flag of the Holy See will be raised for the first time
outside U.N headquarters the morning of Pope Francis' first visit.
* It is a turnaround for the Vatican, whose U.N. ambassador has said it had "no
intention" of raising the flag before the pope arrives Sept. 25.
* The General Assembly last week overwhelmingly approved a Palestinian
proposal to raise its flag and that of the Holy See as the U.N.'s two
non-member observer states.
* The Palestinians have announced a ceremony for their flag-raising Sept. 30
during the annual U.N. gathering of world leaders. But the Holy See flag is set
to be raised quietly.
POPE QUOTE (rephrasing Satan: "Yea, hath God
"The issue for those who do not believe in God is to obey their
“Sin, even for those who have no faith, exists when people disobey their
Not really conservative short list:
Ann Coulter
That's a big help for the Democrats.
Donald Trump
Drudge Report
Drudge Report bias - Sept.(as of Sept.20) headlines:
Trump 73x...Carson 4x...Cruz...5x....
Perhaps Trump will drop out soon.
Maybe he really doesn't want to be President.
Barry's World:
U.S. training helped mold top Islamic State military commander (mcclatchydc)
Sept 15, 2015
Obama and the Pope continue taking the world back to Babel (my
way news) Aug 29, 2015
Drone season just opened in North Dakota (the
daily beast) Aug 26 2015
Donald Trump makes Joe Biden look presidential.
That's not an accident.
They look like two brothers with different
mothers; one democrat mom, one republican mom.
Pappa Frenchy, the pagan Pontifex Maximus (chief
bridge builder),
the MAN of-the lawlessness,
is coming to the USA.
Which Roman Catholic candidate for President will
he endorse?
Candidates who are Catholic, : Martin
O’Malley, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum, George Pataki, Chris Christie
and Bobby Jindal.
Oh, and Joe:
Vice President Joe Biden, a Catholic,
said the pope's Sept. 23 visit will mark an
important moment not only for Catholics but for all Americans.
"Pope Francis has breathed new life into what I believe is the central mission
of our faith: Catholic social doctrine," Biden said in a statement to The
Associated Press. Invoking key elements of Obama's agenda, Biden added that
Francis "has become a moral rudder for the world on some of the most important
issues of our time, from inequality to climate change."
Jonathan Cahn (Harbinger flamer of fame) backtracks on set dates as
September arrives. (wnd) Aug 20 2015
Cahn implores those concerned about the
Shemitah not to focus on dates but on getting their own houses in order.
Always good advice.
He said he gave dates in his book, “The Mystery of the Shemitah” to show that
God often works, especially in economic matters, according to the seven-year
cycle given to Moses as Mount Sinai and recorded in Deuteronomy.
And dates helped the book sell.
“The first caution is, God doesn’t have to do
anything. He is sovereign. He doesn’t have to work according to our
understanding, He is beyond our understanding. Nothing has to happen in
September or the autumn. It could be very uneventful,” Cahn said. “And if
nothing happens, well then, what will we do? We will praise God, we will be bold
for the Lord, we will spread the gospel, we will stand as witnesses for God and
we will glorify His name.”
God hasn’t given him any secret knowledge as to what, if anything, will happen
on or near the date of Sept. 13 or Elul 29, the once-every-seven years biblical
day of reckoning when all debts and credits were wiped clean.
Please see
the Jonathan Cahn Con Job Department
IN sum: God will judge all the nations; repent
and know that Jesus saves. The USA (the Puritans were not the USA)
has NEVER been a Christian nation (start looking at the Zeus eagle and "in god
we trust" on a dollar bill). Satan has great authority on Earth, and an
economic collapse would seem to fall under his control. Satan states "I
will make myself like the most High", and so he will try to make an apparent
prophecy outcome to his benefit. Note that "as in the days of Noah", would
indicate buying and selling to the very end. Cahn may have good
intentions at heart. Cahn's application of Isaiah 9:10 to the USA is a
form of replacement theology, and in this particular area of study he is mislead
or misleading or both. His current backtracking on dates - even as
the china & USA markets crash - may lend some credibility to his heart
condition. However, don't for get to "call no man rabbi".
Environmental Protection (?) Agency pollutes Animas River (nytimes) Aug
11 2015
Perhaps now IF the EPA is held responsible, the
EPA will admit the truth: it's just muddy water.
Follow up: Within a week, EPA says Animas river is as good
ever. In other words, they admit it is just muddy water.
satanic muslim idolaters in action:
anti-muslim blogger hacked to death (yahoo news) Aug 7 2015
and Obama wants more gun control in USA. Go
Bizarre World
v'dRussia burns "contraband" food
Here's the scary part of Putin's goose-stepping
"a vigilante youth group has begun
conducting raids on Russian supermarkets searching for banned European and US
The concept of national segregation may be good,
as per Babel,
but a militarized youth is not a biblically
correct concept.
The Associated (with evil) Press glorifies
government attack on citizens.
Iran Deal Worth More than All U.S. Aid to Israel Since 1948 (breitbart)
July 24 2015
much of Israel’s aid is spent back in
the U.S.–at least 75 percent of military aid, by law. In that sense, a large
proportion of aid to Israel comes back as “our money” as well. Iran, of course,
is not obligated to spend any of its foreign currency in the United States
Study: 8 hour work day a thing of the past (fox)
July 24 2015
In the Bible, the Mosaic covenant/law (to the Jews) commands them
to work 6 days and rest the seventh day (Exodus 20:9,10,11).
Gentiles a not under the Mosaic Law.
"Work" (which by extension
also includes cheap imported or exported labor) should not become MAN's god.
Perot was right: NAFTA'a giant sucking sound
was jobs going "global". A result is more work for the worker - and that's
not saying "more benefit".
By Jewish law (Halakah) work is now
defined as simple as turning on a light switch on the Sabbath. So if a
Gentile so wishes, meeting the requirements to work six days is simple and easy
(which simplicity is corrupted by the likes of NAFTA/globalism, etc)., but more
often just simple vanity, which is simply a form of idolatry). But
can an you take a day off? More specifically, can you rest on the
seventh day of the week, which has always been Saturday?
Gentiles, of course, are not under the Mosaic Covenant,
and so it is OK if we work ourselves to death...however, it isn't required by
The Mormonism and British-Israelism deception continues:
Glenn Beck says the USA = the "lost" tribes of Israel (world net
daily) Aug 29, 2013
Radio and television host Glenn Beck is now going
public with his belief the United States is among the famous “Lost 10 Tribes of
Glenn Beck,
2Timothy 3:13 But evil MEN and wizards
will-progress on the worse,
leading-astray and being-led-astray.

That might be stating things incorrectly.
Beck may just be one led astray...however: The "goaytes" hear a god, i.e. a demon, talking
to them. Beck is one of many that say's
"God spoke to me". That is
a big red warning flag.
Those that are not Jews, but say they are, are really the
synagogue of Satan. Rev.2:9
Understand that in the New Testament Assembly,
true believers can be led astray and then lead others astray. Beware of
Glenn Beck. For all the good that Glenn Beck appears to do, with his
replacement theology he promotes another Jesus.
Patreaus (sound Roman?)
"After America comes North America" (the new american)
July 22 2015
Good info for both Christians, Muslims and
"Allah" is not The God of Abraham:
(Balaam's Ass)
July 20, 2015
Article rescued from extinction from the Web
After reading this paper you will clearly see
that Allah wasn't originally known as the God of Abraham and that Muhammad is a
self-proclaimed prophet. The Cuneiform text speaks for themselves in showing the
origin of IL in Allah to be from the god An. Peace be unto all.
The Donald Trumpet blast:
McCain a war hero?
Hanoi McCain’s Implausible Denial (Jonathan Henderson)
July 20, 2015
While America rightfully worried about Obama’s
Kenyan past and place of birth, the same was never applied to McCain as an
alleged Communist agent for the North Vietnamese and the Soviet Union. Such was
the case with Donald Trump again telling the truth regarding Sen. McCain, and
what in the following video are accounts of his implausible denial.
There is as pretty good field of Republican
Presidential candidates, and Trump's purpose is to detract from them. The
good guys (*and
post "debate" so is Fox news) are being marginalized by the Trump circus.
ElephaTrump slurs Megan on Fox News by saying, in a paraphrase, that she is
menstrating, and thus biased against him. So Fox won't give him the
circus coverage the American majority want, i.e. they won't learn better. In
this, Trump at once diminishes all the Republican candidates and the one
leading News source, all for the benefit of the Democrat Party.
An interesting analysis:
Iranian Missiles Aimed at the USA (John Mcternan's
July 14, 2015
Obama's Historic Mistake for the World (weekly
July 14, 2015
Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are: Traitors
(frontpage magazine)
July 14, 2015
the prophesied change:
Putin Cracks Down on ‘Foreign Agents’ and ‘Intellectuals’ (That’s Code for the J
Word) (jewish press)
July 10, 2015
A return to Soviet era persecution of Jews.
It is difficult to blame the Russians for not
liking Sorros...
Not all that are
Israel are Israel....
but the anti-Semitism runs deeper.
American squeeze play:
Drudge Report headlines 7/10/15:
REPORT: 20 million immigrants in USA struggle with English...
60 million speak foreign language at home...
Once upon a time, God forced a
world-wide segregation.
What happened
at Babel when the people could not communicate with one another? Babel was
Obama forces integration in USA
(the global dispatch)
July 10, 2015
that going to work out?
Now the poor
folk will have higher property taxes...
But here's
Obama's primary reason for this forced integration:
Seattle mayor offers plan to help followers of Sharia law buy houses
July 17, 2015
Exploding Muslim immigration overwhelms FBI
net daily)
July 18, 2015
Here's a hum, if you can hear this frequency:
Temple Mount Activist 'Survives' Dinner - With 1,000 Muslims
national news)
June 30, 2015
Temple Mount activist Yehuda Glick sat in on a post-Ramadan meal in Istanbul
attended by 1,000 Muslim clerics.
The Muslims in Turkey, said Glick, did not see
his activities to organize prayer for Jews on the Temple Mount as a problem.
“They respect that fact that I am observant, and they realize that we do not
have any designs on their prayers or worship. They see no reason why Muslims,
Christians and Jews cannot pray on the Temple Mount.”
On July 12, 2015, The Temple Mount Institute
says it will make an announcement that will change the world.
The "stage" is being set.
Keep in mind that satan said he would make
himself like the Most High.
Squeeze Plays
Obama Trying to Make US Leftist Jews “Mainstream’ (jewish
July 4, 2015
By: Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu
Top Israeli official: Nuke deal will set up Iran to take over Middle East (times
of Israel)
July 4, 2015
again, Obama's "J.V." "Islamic State" may
not be the Islamic State...
Iran may be Obama's "Varsity" team.
WHEN sanctions lift off IRAN, the oil price drop
will hurt the remaining Arab countries not under ISIS control...
and of course the longer range goals here include
shutting down USA oil & economy.
Haym Salomon (jewish press)
July 4, 2015
OBAMA blocks attempts by Arab allies to fly heavy weapons directly to Kurds to
fight Islamic State
June 30, 2015
. “There is a lack of coordination in selecting
targets, and there is no overall plan for defeating Isil.”
and this may be related:
Islamic State claims it fired rockets from Egypt's Sinai at Israel (TELEGRAPH)
June 30, 2015
Egyptian source: If ISIS nears Gaza, Sissi may 'invite' IDF to act against it
July3, 2015
Prophecy in action, all the nations hate Israel
Prophecy in action, the nations get gathered
against Israel (?)
IDF Appoints Special Team to Plan Strike on Iran
national news)
June 30, 2015
"As world powers and
Iran reach..."
Obama Threatens War on
Israel if it Attacks Iran
national news)
June 23, 2015
"US President Barack Obama threatened to take
military action against Israel not to let Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu strike Iran."
And when Israel acts, US and Nations will
condemn...and go to war against Israel?
Prime Minister condemns UN report alleging Israeli war crimes (Israel
national news)
June 23, 2015
But the Earth swallowed up the River, and offered
a place of refuge to the Jew (via Diaspora)
Then Satan moved his world power from the
Roman Empire into the Roman Catholic Church in order to pursue the Woman,
Satan's river of anti-Semitism continues:
Pope backs sainthood candidacy of 'anti-Semitic' priest. (yahoo)
June 5, 2015
From the June 05, 2015 20:28:46 GMT edition of the Drudge Report.
The god of the Pope is Zeus:
The Scientific Pantheist Who Advises Pope Francis (
June 22, 2015
With this age winding down, Satan is getting
frantic, and the pope's true color shows as he is expressing this:
June 15, 2015
in Italian? Leaked ---by the Vatican.
Pope demands climate change action(time)
June 15, 2015
Pappa Frenchy, in the name of Environment/Earth/Zeus, uses
his flock of 1 billion to force Agenda 21 on the world
This nutter's Crowd Control explained In a nutshell: septic tanks are
Pappa Frenchy wants the Russian Orthodox Church's property too?
June 30, 2015
Interesting connection between the Catholic
Church and Ukraine - - what's behind the past and current wars there
In the REAL world, it's all cool, MAN:
Britain faces FREEZING winters as slump in solar activity (express)
June 23, 2015
Pope says weapons manufacturers can't call themselves Christian
June 22, 2015
He's including weapon owners also.
And then, very stupidly, he asks why Auschwitz
wasn't bombed. . .
Auschwitz SHOULD have been bombed, and that is
a very good argument FOR weapons manufacturers and owners.
Auschwitz came about due to the evil force of
Satan in MAN; the people of Europe were predominately Roman Catholic, and were
used to being anti-Semitic due to the Roman Catholic Church's doctrine. The
US and Allies did not bomb Auschwitz due to their Satanic ant-Semitism, as most
of the protestant churches continued to use Roman Catholic Doctrine.
US Military sharing base with Iran in Iraq (bloomberg
June 22, 2015
US Military supporting Hezbollah (bloomberg view)
June 22, 2015
Friday, June 12, 2015
Glenn Beck recaps this week:
WOULDN'T SUBMIT TO I.S.…/isis-burns-80-year-old-christia…/
ERITREAN CHRISTIANS WERE KIDNAPPED BY ISIS IN LIBYA…/isis-captures-86-eritrean-christi…/
here's a video of the exiled Archbishop of this church:
THEY TOOK THE AIRPORT IN SIRTE, LIBYA…/ISIS-seizes-control-of-airpo…
17 YEAR OLD VIRGINIA KID PLEADS GUILTY TO RECRUITING FOR ISIS…/virginia-teen-pleads-guilty-to-hel…
SINGLE SOLDIER IN A MONTH AND A HALF…/marines-at-al-a…/71006738/
Please join us because
Never Again Is Now!
Worth reading:
Directive 11: Obama’s Secret Islamist Plan (front page
June 8, 2015
Obama lawyers asked secret court to ignore public court's decision on spying
(the guardian)
June 9, 2015
June 9, 2015
This week in Israel a bill is considered -
releasing the servant indentured by interest payments.
NIS 10-billion debt forgiveness for Israel’s poor in works!
Israel's Justice Minister
Shaked put forth a bill Sunday under
which the government’s debt-collection agency will forgive the debts of those
deemed to have “limited means.”
According to the bill, those of “limited means” are classified as debtors who
hold no assets other than their salaries, and for whom collection proceedings
are unlikely to churn up meaningful benefit to creditors.
Reminiscent of the biblical seven year and
Jubilee year releases...
(Noting that Shaked is reported to be "secular")
How hopeful. If passed, that should spark
This Battle is for control of Jerusalem:
Supreme Court Strikes Down 'Born In Israel' Passport Law (huff-po)
June 8, 2015
In the voting breakdown, the court's four
liberals, including the three Jewish
justices, joined Kennedy's opinion that sided with the administration and
against the Zivotofskys.
They are not recognizing that the State of Israel
is God's fulfilling of bible prophecy.
That is, they are not recognizing God.
The status of Jerusalem has for decades been
among the most vexing issues in Israeli-Palestinian relations.
The entire world is "vexed" by the Jew because
the Jew, and Israel, prove God's word to be true. Jesus said that the Jews
would be being-hated (a periphrastic future, ongoing) for his name's sake
forever, and this prophecy (Matt.24:9) is fulfilled in anti-Semitism.
The world hates the Jew, yes, but moreover, the world hates God.
Israel has controlled all of Jerusalem since the
Six-Day War in 1967 and has proclaimed a united Jerusalem as its eternal
The outcome would be scary if not for the fact that God sets up the nation's
"Recognition is a matter on which the
nation must speak with one voice. That voice is the president's," Kennedy wrote.
Home front war on America
Obama's EPA power grab - your driveway is a Federal waterway (washington
May 28, 2015
Obama and Hillary lied about Benghazi (daily caller)
May 21, 2015
God is drawing all the nations against Israel.
The god of the world is mammon/money, so it seems logical that this battle
begins with trumped up charges against Israel demanding financial settlement.
Certainly, the nations will come to "settle their debt", like a fish led by a in
their jaw.
A quick summary of how this stuff works
(the berean call)
May 19, 2015
Hook set, nations gather against Israel:
Israel Ordered to Pay $1.1 Billion to Iran Over Oil (jewish
May 20, 2015
A Swiss court has ordered Israel to pay Iran
$1.1 billion after a long legal battle over a joint venture prior to the 1979
Islamic Revolution, IRNA reports.
France seeks 18-month deadline for Israel-Palestinians peace
talks (ynet)
May 21, 2015
PA Diplomat: We'll Submit Two Lawsuits to ICC (ynet)
May 21, 2015
Why Pamela Geller Is Hated (real clear politics)
May 19, 2015
Those who don't fight evil hate those who do.
This is a defining characteristic of the American left.
Today, the world's greatest evil is Islamism (the movement to impose Islam and
its Sharia on society). Just as the left loathed anti-Communists, it loathes
anti-Islamists, chief among whom is Netanyahu, the prime minister of the country
that the Islamists most hate, the country that most confronts violent Islam --
and not coincidentally the country the international left most hates.
Pamela Geller does a fantastic job of reporting
the truth about Islam. She is receiving a lot of flak for hosting a
cartoon contest featuring Mohammed. Usually, Mohammed is portrayed as
faceless. In Christianity, Judaism and the Bible, God (YHVH the Father) is
Spirit, and thus invisible, and thus faceless. Apparently Islamists place
Mohammed on an equal level with their god, whom they call Allah.
Pamela Gellar targeted for beheading by ISIS terrorist shot dead
is here. Islamic terrorism is here. now."
Here's Mohammed as portrayed in The Library of Universal
History, by Israel Scott Clare, ©1897, vol.4, pp1353:

Mohammed looks confused.
Mohammed looks Caucasian! have the
true Ishmaelites been displaced???
Caricatures may or may not represent historical
fact. However,
Mohammed's history is
preserved well enough to discern that he was sexually immoral and a sincere crackpot. Mohammed was the son of a Jewish Christian woman.
His father was an idolater. Mohammed was a
nice preacher
until he started talking to a demonic being that he was deluded into mistaking for Gabriel.
This delusion continues in the Koran and Islam. Oddly,
Mohammed decreed that Muslims could have five wives, yet he thereafter had 15.
It is illogical to think Mohammed had 15 wives and wasn't stark raving
Things we all, including Muslims, need to know:
an historical review
of Mohammed and Islam, as formerly taught in
Universities from the Library of Universal History,
by Israel Scott Clare, ©1897,
vol.4, p1362
The Son Rising in The West

Is this Islamic prophecy depicted in Barack
Hussein Obama's symbol?
May, 2015
So the story is that some time ago Naftali
Bennett left Benjamin Netanyahu's camp because of disagreements with
B.Netanyahu's wife, Sarah. While this story is obviously ridiculous,
apparently, the left accepts it. Bennett formed his own political party,
Jewish Home.
Jewish Home was part of Netanyahu's last
government. So during this last Israeli election, Bennett (and
Shaked, also Jewish Home, who also previously worked for Netanyahu) helped
Netanyahu campaign in the USA and Israel, at considerable cost to their party.
Post election, the left was gleeful that Jewish Home had "lost" and would
be relegated to minor appointments. Making the long story short, in the
end Netanyahu "had" to negotiate with Bennett and was "forced" to concede the
Justice Ministry position to Aleyet Shaked.
So now the very left leaning Israeli Supreme
Court finally faces reform which will favor Zionism, Israel, settlers, - the
right minded Israel. Of course, Netanyahu was "forced" into this position,
as he would never have been able to instigate Justice reform from within his own
party, Likud. Likewise, Netanyahu would never be able to "appoint" a
successor from within his own party.
Apparently, Netanyahu, Bennett, and Shaked all
play chess well. The Israeli left, not so much.
ON the other hand,
Netanyahu might be hanging
Jewish Home out to dry.
It seems to be sort of do or die time for
Jewish Home, hopefully they will do well.
Vatican recognizes state of Palestine in new treaty (ap)
May 13, 2015
...makes explicit that the Holy See has switched its diplomatic recognition from
the Palestine Liberation Organization to the state of Palestine.
Once again the pope goes against God's will. Leviticus 26:23 (and
the rest of the Bible, as inspired by the Holy Spirit YHVH).
Pope Francis – – When You Call Evil Good – Wishful Thinking Can Be A Sin
(timesofisrael-Micha Danzig)
May 19, 2015
Leviticus 25:23 - The Land of Israel belongs
to God.
Genesis 13:15-17 This land was given to
Joshua 1:3-4 The land of Israel extends to the
Genesis 35:9-15 The promised land grant to
Abraham extend to Israel, NOT Ishmael
Leviticus 25:23 - The Land of Israel belongs
to God.
is non-negotiable.
The pope blasphemes against the Holy Spirit.
Not only is he not a Christian, he cannot be saved. Matt.12:31-32.
The French Liar Friar calls Mahmoud Abbas "angel of peace" (ap)
May 16, 2015
That might actually be true.
One of Jesus Christ names is Prince of
Peace (Isa.9:6). Satan has said "I will make myself like the most high"
(Isa.14:13-14). Satan appears as an angel
of light and his angels appear as ministers of righteousness
(2Cor.11:14-15). Of the many false messiahs come and gone and still
coming, it is not surprising that they will call themselves "angels of peace".
This "peace" however is not the Shalom of Jesus Christ.
Church officials are holding up the new saints
as a sign of hope and encouragement for Christians in the Middle East at a time
when violent persecution from Islamic extremists has driven many Christians from
the region of Christ's birth.
Note the Roman Church is not doing anything to
protect their congregants or fight the Islamists. This is because they
serve the same god, Zeus/Satan. Recall in "mythology" how the gods and the
Titans battled: both groups were and are Satanic in origin and action.
It's a punch line to a bad joke:
And then the Pope called him an "angel of peace"! (israeli
May 16, 2015
The reason the Pope is appeasing Islamists that
are killing Catholics? Because they both serve the same god. Look
for the crescent moon on Islam's building tops (for example: on the Temple mount
in Jerusalem) and on Roman Catholicism's ostensorium and under their Mary idols.
Is Assad (Syria) really fighting ISIS?
'Egypt is Preparing for War with Israel' (Israel
national news) Apr 6, 2015
Clockwork hype:
Blood Red
Again, a no show in Israel:
The "red blood moons" do not appear to be
biblically designated as signs of prophetic events; however there are biblical
prophetic events occurring, and it is a good thing if the blood moon hype
heightens trust in Jehovah God.
Heavy, MAN.
call for Independent Kurdistan at UN (English)
excerpt from "Babylon", ©1964 by the late R.H.Mount:
As Abraham stood overlooking the place where Sodom and
Gomorrah had stood the entire land went up in smoke. (Gen. 19:28) The
same will be true of Babylon. (Rev. 18:8,17,18) Much of the present
ruins of the city of Babylon have been used to build other buildings yet
when Babylon is finally destroyed this will not be done any
longer.(Jer.51:26) The Babylonian Empire will meet its destruction at
the hand of Israel.(Jer.51:1925)(Ps. 149:5-9) Certainly this is
sufficient Scripture to show that Babylon has not yet seen its final
destruction. Now if Babylon is not yet finally destroyed it must once
again become a great power.
Jeremiah 51
Thus saith Jehovah: Behold, I will raise up
against Babylon, and against them that dwell in Leb-kamai, a
destroying wind. 2 And I will send unto Babylon 'strangers, that shall
winnow her; and they shall empty her land: for in the day of trouble
they shall be against her round about. 3 Against him that bendeth let
the archer I bend his bow, and against him that lifteth himself up in
his coat of mail: and spare ye not her young men; 4 destroy ye utterly
all her host. 4 And they shall fall down slain in the land of the Chaldeans, and thrust through in her streets.
5 For Israel is not I forsaken, nor Judah, of his God,
of Jehovah of hosts; though their land is full of guilt against the Holy
One of Israel. 6 Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and save every man
his life; be not 'cut off in her iniquity : for it is the time of C
Jehovah's vengeance; he will d render unto her a recompense.
Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed: 'wail for her; take balm for her pain, if so
be she may be healed.
Sudden Fall
Bloody Victory
Fright of the Jews
20 Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war : and
with thee will I break in pieces the nations ; and with thee will I destroy kingdoms
Israel the Victor
26 And they shall not take of thee a stone_for a corner,
nor a stone for foundations; but thou shalt be desolate for ever, saith
No Stones Re-used
43 Her cities are become a desolation. a dry land, and a
desert, a land. wherein no man dwelle,th, neither cloth any son of man
pass thereby.
Cities Desolate
A Land Deserted
44 And I will "execute judgment upon Bel in Babylon, and I will
bring forth out of his mouth that which he hath swallowed up ; and the nations shall not flow any more unto him : yea, the 'wall of Babylon
shall fall.
45 Mv people go ye out of the midst of her, and "save
yourselves every man from the fierce anger of Jehovah.
Israel Called Out
As Babylon bath caused the slain of Israel to fall, so at Babylon shall Lands Slain at Babylon
fall the slain of all the land.
We see that there is a great deal of prophecy to be
fulfilled concerning Babylon. The ten horns will be placed on the active
head, as they have authority as kings, one hour with the beast. it is
interesting to note that only one head seemed to be smitten unto death.
Perhaps we may come to a better conclusion by a process of elimination.
Head number one represented Egypt and Egypt is present in modern
history. Head number two represents Assyria.
No country today
represents the old kingdom of Assyria. History says that the Kurds in
the northern part of Iraq are the descendants of the Assyrians.
three was Babylon, now the country of Iraq Head four was Medo-Persia
now called either Persia or Iran. Head five was Greece and we know it by the same name.
Head six
was the Roman Empire which is the modern Italy. Head seven the Papal
Kingdom is now known as the State of Vatican City. Six of the seven
kingdoms are presently represented among the world governments. The one
missing head today is the one representing Assyria. In 1963 the Kurds
began agitation to become an autonomous state.
In Isaiah 31:8, it says,"And the Assyrian shall fall by
the sword, NOT OF MAN; and the sword, NOT OF MEN, shall devour him; and
he shall flee from the sword, and his young men shall become subject to
taskwork'. In Isaiah 37:36-38, we read the account of the destruction of
185,000 of the Assyrian army by an angel of Jehovah. This defeat
hastened the end of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. A few more years and
Assyria disappeared from history. Could this be the head that received
the stroke of the sword? We read of Israel's future victory over the
Assyrian. (Mic. 5:6) There are many other prophecies concerning the
Assyrian which may perhaps be future but until history develops
further, I shall place the ten horns on the Assyrian lion's head, and
put the lions mouth in this same head. This eighth empire then will have
a leopard's body or a predominantly Greek appearance. This empire will
have as the other extremity bear's feet or Persia. The chief ruler will
in all probability be the Assyrian lion and the ten horns, kingdoms,
which will make up the Middle East.
Let us summarize our conclusions:
I. We will understand the word translated
"perdition" to mean "destruction", which is the usual meaning.
II. We will understand the word "abyss" to mean the
"deep" or the "sea" in this figurative passage. Often this word does
mean a specific place.
will understand the "sea" to be symbolic of the people of the nations.
IV. The beast in Rev. 17 and Rev. 13 are one and the same beast in
different phases.
V. The beast in Rev. 13 describes the beast in Rev. 17 as
he appears out of the abyss. This description depicts the eighth kingdom.
VI. When the beast re-appears, he has a leopard's body, bear's feet, and a
lion's mouth.
VII. The lion's mouth will go with the Assyrian or Babylonian
VIII. Babylon will be re-built.
IX. Babylon will be vanquished by Israel. This has never yet occurred.
X. Of the seven major kingdoms represented by the heads only one is
presently not existing.
XI. It would seem that this missing head is that of the
Assyrian lion. It is probably this head which will receive the lion's mouth
and the ten horns.
Later, as Ralph progressed in his bible studies, he
changed some of the above teaching, for instance, he no longer believed that the
physical city of Babylon would be rebuilt.
Arabs form Army to Fight Iran (daniel
pipes) Mar
28, 2015
Muslims fighting the Muslims that Obama allows to
have nukes
Obama's peace partner Iran?
Saudis Prepare to Deploy in Yemen for Iran
Showdown (israel
national news) Mar
25, 2015
Just last week Obama said
OBAMA: Iran can be a very successful regional power (weeklystandard) Mar
19, 2015
US Declassifies Report Detailing Israel's Nuclear Program (jewish
press) Mar
25, 2015
titled “Critical Technological Assessment in Israel
and NATO Nations.”
It was declassified by the Pentagon in early February – but oddly, the report
has been redacted so as to black out or withhold everything the Institute wrote
on America’s NATO allies – but to reveal all that American experts assembled
in Israel.
Zechariah 12:3 "And it
shall come to pass in that day, that I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone
for all the peoples; all that burden themselves with it shall be sore wounded;
and all the nations of the earth shall be gathered together against it."
Official: White House was part of bid to oust Netanyahu (timesofisrael) Mar
24, 2015
The United Nations is telling lies:
UN says Israel top violator of women's rights around the world (fox
news) Mar 19, 2015
Not Syria. Where in 2014 the Assad
regime starved, tortured and killed at least 24,000 civilians, and three million
people – mostly women and children – are refugees.
Not Saudi Arabia. Where women are physically punished if not wearing
compulsory clothing, are almost entirely excluded from political life, cannot
drive, cannot travel without a male relative, receive half the inheritance of
their brothers, and where their testimony counts for half that of a man’s.
Not Sudan. Where... The legal age of marriage for girls is ten. 88% of
women under 50 have undergone female genital mutilation. And women are denied
equal rights in marriage, inheritance and divorce.
Not Iran. Where every woman who registered as a presidential candidate in
the last election was disqualified. Women who fight back against rapists
and kill their attackers are executed. The constitution bars female judges. And
women must obtain the consent of their husbands to work outside the home.
Iran is an elected member of CSW.
Sudan is currently a CSW Vice-Chair.
Not Palestinian men. Not religious edicts and
traditions. Not a culture of violence. Not an educational system steeped in
rejection of peaceful coexistence and of tolerance.
But Israel?
New Israeli parliament has the highest number of women ever
(timesofisrael) Mar 19, 2015
State Dept. Investigated over Anti-Netanyahu Campaign
(cbn) Mar
19, 2015
Never-the-less, Obama lost the election, Netanyahu won.
Obama taking off his mask:
US President Obama Punishes Israel for Re-electing PM Netanyahu
(jewish press) Mar 19, 2015
US threatens sanctions against Israel, makes excuses for Iran
(weeklystandard) Mar
19, 2015
Obama removes Iran and Hezbollah from terrorist list (timesofisrael) Mar
19, 2015
According to one Israeli think tank, the
removal of Iran and its proxy Hezbollah from the list of terror threats, where
they featured in previous years, was directly linked to the campaign against the
Islamic State.
Iran, the
bear's feet of this beast, transports terrorism around the globe, as
Netanyahu outlined in his US Congress speech.
Transcript of PM Binyamin Netanyahu’s Historic Speech to Congress (Jewish
Press) Mar 3, 2015
Stated here earlier: "Again, ISIS may not be the
big player. They might be a pawn of a bigger player yet to surface."
And now we may see that ISIS is being used to set IRAN up.
OBAMA: Iran can be a very successful regional power (weeklystandard) Mar
19, 2015
Note Obama's gobbledygook regarding Iran...
Iran endorses nuclear EMP attack on United States (washington
examiner) Mar
19, 2015
Iranian military documents describe such a
scenario--including a recently translated Iranian military textbook that
endorses nuclear EMP attack against the United States.
Thus, Iran with a small number of nuclear missiles can by EMP attack threaten
the existence of modernity and be the death knell for Western principles of
international law, humanism and freedom. For the first time in history, a failed
state like Iran could destroy the most successful societies on Earth and convert
an evolving benign world order into world chaos.
Netanyahu: If I'm elected, there will be no Palestinian state (haaretz Mar
18, 2015
Of course that's just election talk, and Obama
knows it.
Netanyahu backs away from rejection of two-state solution (timesofisrael) Mar
19, 2015
Nice ploy by either Netanyahu or Bennett to get votes:
Likud gets Jewish Home votes, Netanyahu gets elected, and IF Netanyahu follows
through, Bennett could succeed him someday. Seems kind of a gamble on
Bennett's part (unless he was duped), and note that Netanyahu likely did not
need Jewish Home votes. Bennett scares the shit out of all the leftist
Israel haters. He might even scare Netanyahu...and this might be a ploy to
get Bennett on board "concessions" towards a Palestinian state. But Israel
politics I know not, they are anyone's guess.
Obama administration rejects Netanyahu backtrack on two-states (timesofisrael) Mar
19, 2015
file under the title "Culture":
ISIS has blown up the historic wall of Nineveh ( Mar
6, 2015
Interestingly, in his 1964 book "Babylon", R.H. Mount
stated that these were ruins that would never be rebuilt as per prophetic
scripture, that said they would never be rebuilt. Looks like his
interpretation of scripture is correct.
Transcript of PM Binyamin Netanyahu’s Historic Speech to Congress (Jewish
Press) Mar 3, 2015
God said He would destroy all the nations where
Israel has been scattered.
Jeremiah 30:11 "For I
am with thee, saith Jehovah, to save thee: for I will make a full end of all the
nations whither I have scattered thee, but I will not make a full end of thee;
but I will correct thee in measure, and will in no wise leave thee unpunished."
Does that include the USA?
Have Jews been dispersed throughout the USA?
The "full end" of the USA won't be Obama's fault,
or Bush's fault, or the San Andreas fault.
But rather "and God said" will be the reason.
Netanyahu's Speech to US Congress
Will the stone soon smash
the feet of the image? Mar 2,, 2015
ISIS Kidnaps At Least 220 Christians In Syria
(cbs washington) Feb
26, 2015
Other than news dept.:
Once again, reports should surface of
Sasquatch sightings near Aspen.
Wow, nice work, Obama voters! Thanks for the
national chaos.
Just this week (2/21/2015)
Obamacare mess continues
(national journal) Feb
20, 2015
Obama revises American History: Now founded on Islam (cns news)
Feb 20, 2015
The New York Times front page has picture of blindfolded Obama
not seeing Islamic terror.
Obama says ISIS just need jobs.
(fox news) Feb
17, 2015
DANG! Chris Matthews quotes the bible?
"you will always have the poor"!
On top of that:
Jihadi John had a good education and job (the
guardian) Mar 1, 2015
Mohammed Emwazi 'the best employee we ever had', says
former boss in Kuwait
So Obama brings them to USA
Muslim Immigration Poses Serious National Security Threat (
Feb 19, 2015
Judge blocks Obama amnesty
Obama defiantly continues unconstitutional activity (the hill)
Feb 20, 2015
Border Patrol ignores Federal Judge block. (national review)
Feb 20, 2015
Obama's Jew bashing continues... (ap) Feb 20, 2015
Obama Says Christians as Guilty as Muslims: ‘People Committed
Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ’ (christian news) Feb
6, 2015
Roman Catholicism is not Christianity
Obama is obviously putting a nice dress on
Islam. But it is still Islam; compare the Koran and the Bible to verify
that Christians have no call to kill non-believers, but rather to take a message
of hope in Messiah Jesus to them. Muslims on the other hand are indeed
told to kill the infidels.
'Homeland Security' Boss: Administration Must 'Give Voice To Plight Of Muslims' (real
clear politics) Feb 18, 2015
Obama gives Islam a free pass (cns news) Feb 18, 2015
Obama Tries to Split Religion from Terrorism at Summit (bloomberg) Feb 18, 2015
No Obama, THIS
Saudi Cleric insists sun revolves around Earth ( Feb
18, 2015
What do these people eat that
makes them think like this?
NO NO, this is an integral part of Islam.
Total recall (why Obama hates the internet)
Opening a mission to write a new chapter on Islam and the West
- from 2009
Next, search the internet for "Obama The
Son Rising in the West"
Obama's tyranny will likely get worse:
Obama’s DOJ Sharia Offensive: Seeks to Criminalize Free Speech on Social Media
posts that offend Muslims (pamela geller) May 2013
Obama Won't Back Egypt's Attacks on ISIS (the daily
beast) Feb 18, 2015
ISIS Burns 45 to Death
(daily mail)
Feb 17, 2015
5 miles from US military base
Obviously, we are
'Not at war with Islam' (breitbart) Feb 18, 2015
But Obama is at war with Israel:
Obama's Jew bashing continues... (ap) Feb 20, 2015
USA ISSUES TRAVEL WARNING TO ISRAEL (the right scoop) Feb 18, 2015
Obama threatened to shoot down Israeli planes
(Jewish Press) Mar 1, 2015
Here's another bat-shit-crazy Obama lie:
Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'
(cns news) Feb 20, 2015
"Here in America, Islam has been woven into the fabric
of our country since its founding. Generations -- (applause) -- Generations of
Muslim immigrants came here and went to work as farmers and merchants and
factory workers, helped to lay railroads and to build up America.
"The first Islamic center in New York City was founded in the 1890s. America's
first mosque, this was an interesting fact, was in North Dakota." (It was
established in 1929).
The article compares the actual facts:
"Both of those milestones happened well after America's
founding, however. In fact, the new nation's first dealings with Islam were
tense and unpleasant.
According to a
Heritage Foundation paper,
shortly after America's founding, the United States "was dragged into the
affairs of the Islamic world by an escalating series of unprovoked attacks on
Americans by Muslim pirates, the terrorists of the era," who looted American
ships and captured American sailors, holding them for ransom or selling them as
The paper notes that America's struggle with Muslim pirates from the Barbary
States (modern-day Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya) began soon after the 13
colonies declared their independence from Britain in 1776 and continued for
roughly four decades."
Obama noted that many Americans don't
personally know a single Muslim
And thus, most Americans still have their
Reality checks:
Muslim Immigration Poses Serious National Security Threat (
Feb 19, 2015
Fifty Shades of Islam
Islam's greatest contribution to the United States was slavery (conservative
Feb 22, 2015
"How about that, Obama?"
A Jew and a Catholic went to Congress (jewish
press) Feb 13, 2015
The Jew of course is Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu, the Catholic Pope Frances. Each was invited to speak under
the same circumstances, but the reaction to the invitations was totally
ISIS Beheads 21 Christians, Promises To ‘Conquer Rome (breitbart)
Feb 16, 2015
Libya has largely fallen into a state of civil
war and complete lawlessness following the
U.S.-led effort that ultimately deposed its late autocrat Muammar Gaddafi in
"We will conquer
What the Media Isn’t Reporting on ISIS’ Beheading of 21 Christian Men (jim
Feb 16, 2015
They all died on that
beach singing songs to Jesus
Revelation 17:12 And the ten horns which
you-saw-they-are ten kings, they-who not-yet took (a) kingdom, BUT
they-are-taking authority as kings one hour with the beast.
v13 These are-having one sentiment, and they-are-giving their power and their
authority to-the beast.
v14 These will-war (future tense)
with the lamb and the lamb will-have-victory-over them because he-is Jehovah
of-lords and King of-kings, and the (ones) with him are called (ones) and chosen
(ones) and trustworthy (ones).
Revelation 17:15
And he-is-saying to-me: The waters which you-saw,
the-place-where the prostitute is-sitting are peoples and crowds and nations
and languages.
v16 And the ten horns which
you-saw and the beast, these will-hate the prostitute, and
they-will-make her having-been-made-and-still-desolate and naked, and
they-will-eat her fleshes, and they-will-burn her down with fire;
v17 For the God gave into their
hearts to-do his sentiment, and to-do one sentiment and to-give their
kingdom to-the beast, until the words of-the God will-be-finished.
Come and Hear this Word:
They all died on that
beach singing songs to Jesus
Revelation 17:16 And
the ten horns which you-saw and the beast, these will-hate the prostitute, and
they-will-make her having-been-made-and-still-desolate and naked, and
they-will-eat her fleshes, and they-will-burn her down with fire;
v17 For the God gave into their hearts to-do his sentiment, and to-do one
sentiment and to-give their kingdom to-the beast, until the words of-the God
ISIS beheads 21 Christians

They would not deny Jesus. Singing Hymns to
Jesus in this photo. Satan loses again.
1 Peter 1:6
In which YOU-are-exulting, (a) little-bit just-now if
it-is-essential having-been-grieved in Various trials,
v7 In-order-that the means-of-proving YOUR trust much-more-price [than] gold
being-perished, but through fire being-proved, it (your trust) might-be-found
with-reference-to laudation and glory and honor (price) in uncovering of-Jesus
v8 Whom not having-seen YOU-are-cherishing, with-reference-to whom just-now not
seeing but trusting, YOU-are-exulting with-joy unspeakable and
v9 Obtaining-for-yourselves the finish of-the trust salvation of-souls.
1Peter5:10 But the God of-all
favor, the (one) having-called YOU with-reference-to his eternal glory in
Messiah Jesus, (you) having-suffered (a) little-bit, he himself-will-render
(you) thoroughly-fit (for-the-purpose-intended), he-will-fix (you) firmly,
he-will-make (you) steadfast, he-will-found (you).
Revelation 20:4
And I-saw thrones, and they-were-caused-to-be-seated on them; and sentence
was-given by-them, and (I-saw) the souls of-the (ones)
having-been-and-still-cut-off-with-an-axe because-of the witness of-Jesus and
because-of the word of-the God, and (I-saw all) they-who worshipped not the
beast nor its image and they-took not the mark on their forehead and on their
hand; and they-lived and they-became-king with the Messiah (a) thousand years.
Scientists store data inside DNA that could last MILLIONS of years
(daily mail) Feb 16, 2015
Romans 14:11 For
it-has-been-and-is-still-written: I my-self am-living, Jehovah is-saying, That
to-me every knee will-bend, and every tongue will-acknowledge to-the God.
v12 So therefore each (one) of-us will-give account concerning himself
to-the God.
2 Corinthians 5:10 For
it-is-essential the us all to-be-manifested in-front of-the rostrum of-the
Messiah, in-order-that each-one might-obtain-for-himself the-things through
the body toward what-things he-practised. whether good or worthless.
Team OBAMA seeks to stop bloggers from spreading the truth (washington
examiner) Feb 11, 2015
FCC Commissioner: 'Unprecedented Involvement Of Executive Branch In Our
(daily caller) Feb 10, 2015
The Internet Knowledge Boom to Bust?
12:1 "many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be
1 Corinthians
13:8 "whether [there be] knowledge, it shall vanish away"
The Islamic State burns a living man to death.
The Roman Catholic Church burned 1000s of living
men, women and children to death.
Same core religious system, Mystery Babylon,
mother of the harlots.
Except now the beast is getting rid of the
great harlot idol, i.e. the image to the beast - the mother goddess
and now the beast, as composite of the seven,
comes on stage as the eighth, and he wants to be directly worshipped.
The individual Islamic terrorist remains an idolater; it appears that they
are joining the beast's latter day hate of his harlot system (mother goddesses)
of worship, so that he will be directly worshipped.
The Jordanian pilot was not burned to death (thomas
wictor) Jan 30, 2015
Now this is interesting;
Yazidi militia makes public request for Israeli help
Yazidis revere an archangel, Malek Taus
(the Peacock Angel), whom they believe God entrusted to run the world after
he refused to bow down to Adam. Local Muslims, however,
call them devil worshipers, because according to the Islamic version of the
story, the angel who refused to bow down to Adam, Iblis, was cast down to
hell, where he became Satan.
Note especially:
Yazidis are monotheists
who follow an ancient syncretic Kurdish religion
influenced by Zoroastrianism, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.
On the one hand, a big hint of ecumenicalism.
On the other hand, Zoroastrianism goes back through the seat of authority
(through the kingdoms biblical prophecies such as Daniel ch.2 &7 and Revelation
ch.13 & 17 deals with) to at least Nebuchadnezzar's
Neo Babylonian Empire.
SO: ---Perhaps--- Israel is being
asked to align itself with the Beast??? It will be interesting to to see
Israel's response.
Also noting Japan's interesting response to this
week's beheading of a Japanese hostage by ISIS.
The source of this Islamic belief is apparently
the Koran:
Chapter (2) sūrat l-baqarah (The Cow):
[Muhammad Sarwar version]:
2:34 When We told the angels to prostrate
before Adam, they all obeyed except Iblis (Satan) who abstained out of
pride and so he became one of those who deny the truth.
2:35 We told Adam to stay with his spouse
(Eve) in the garden and enjoy the foods therein, but not to go near a
certain tree lest he become one of the transgressors.
2:36 Satan made Adam and his spouse err and caused them to abandon the state in
which they had been living. Then We said, "Descend, you are each other's
enemies! The earth will be a dwelling place for you and it will provide you with
sustenance for an appointed time.
The Koran borrowed heavily from the Hebrew
scriptures. Remember that the Muslim prophet Mohammed's mother was Jewish.
Mohammed didn't make his deal with Satan until 622 or 632 A.D. or there about.
From "The Book of Adam"
(sometimes called a
book, sometimes called an apocryphal book -?-
Read about:
The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha
"Fall of Satan"
the devil began to cry with forced tears and the devil told Adam, "O Adam,
all the greed and the anger and all the grief of my heart are directed
against you because it was through you that I fell from my dwellings, (it
was) by you that I was alienated from my own throne. My wings were more
numerous than those of the Cherubim, and I concealed myself under them.
Because of you, now my feet walk on the earth, which I would never have
12.2 Adam replied to the devil and told him,
12.3 "What is my fault, by which I have done all that to you?"
13.1 The devil replied to him and told him, "You did nothing to me,
but it is because of you that I have fallen upon the earth."
13.2 The very day when you were created, on that day, I fell from
before the face of God, because when God breathed a spirit onto your face,
you had the image and likeness of the divinity. And then Michael came; he
presented you and made you bend down before God. And God told Michael, "I
have created Adam according to (my) image and my divinity."
14.1 Then Michael came; he summoned all the troops of angels
and told them, "Bow down before the likeness and the image of the divinity."
14.2 And then, when Michael summoned them and all had bowed down to
you, he summoned me also.
14.3 And I told him, "Go away from me, for I shall not bow
down to him who is younger than me; indeed, I am master prior to him and
it is proper for him to bow down to me.
15.1 The six classes of other angels heard that and my speech
pleased them and they did not bow down to you.
16.1 Then God became angry
with us and commanded us, them and me, to be cast down from our dwellings to
the earth. As for you, he commanded you to dwell in paradise.
16.2 When I had realized that I had fallen before you,[B, "by your
power] that I was in distress and you were in rest,
16.3 then I aimed at hunting you so that I might alienate you from
the paradise of Delights, just as I had been alienated because of you.
17.1 When Adam heard that, he cried in a loud voice and said, "Lord,
my life is in your hands. Make this enemy distant from me, who desires to
lead me astray and seeks to destroy my race. It is by him that Eve has been
17.2 At that moment, Beliar became invisible.
And the biblical account:
Revelation 12:1 And (a) great sign
was-seen in the heaven, (a) woman having-been-and-still-cast-around (with)
the sun, and the moon underneath her feet and on her head (a) crown of-stars
[From Joseph's dream in Genesis 37:5 we may
understand that the woman is Israel and that the twelve stars represent the
twelve tribes of Israel]
v2 And having in (her) womb, and suffering-birth-pains
she-is-crying and being-tormented to-bring-forth.
v3 And another sign was-seen in the heaven, and behold,
(a) great dragon red-as-fire, having seven heads and ten horns and on his
heads seven diadems,

[The following stars are not the specific 12
stars of vs.1, but what may be understood as "Satan's angels", or
"little-demons", or "divine-inferior-beings". This is the "Fall of
v4 And his tall is-dragging the third of-the stars
of-the heaven, and he-cast them into the earth. And the dragon
has-stood-and-still-stands in-sight of-the woman
namely-the future (one)
to-bring-forth,in-order-that at-the-time-that she-might-bring-forth
he-might-devour her child.
v5 And she-brought-forth (a) son, (a) male
[this is The LORD Jesus Christ], who
is-about to-be-shepherding all the Gentiles with (an) iron rod; and
child was-seized to the God and to his throne.
[Jesus ascended to heaven and sits at the
right hand of the God.]
v6 And the woman
fled into the wilderness
[the Diaspora],
where-in-which she-is-having there (a) place having-been-and-still-prepared
from the God, in-order-that there they-might-be-nourishing her (a) thousand
two-hundred sixty days.
v7 And it-came-to-pass (a) war in the heaven,
Michael and his angels to-war with the dragon. And the dragon warred and his
v8 And he-was not strong-enough, neither was their
place still found in the heaven.
v9 And the dragon namely-the great (one) was-cast, the
serpent namely-the ancient, the (one) being-called Devil and the satan, the
(one) leading-astray the total inhabited-earth, he-was-cast into the earth,
and his angels were-cast with him.
Genesis 3:15
and I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her
seed: he shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
This verse is the prophecy of the Gospel in
the Garden, and as such, we understand that the woman that brings forth the
Messiah is not Eve. We also understand that salvation (Yeshuah) is of
the Jews. We understand this woman prophetically represents Israel.
Satan "bruised" Jesus, but Jesus was ultimately victorious over death and
defeated Satan. Satan was cast out of heaven...not to hell, but to
earth, where he walks to and fro seeking whom he may devour...
v10 And I-heard (a) great voice in the heaven saying:
Just-now came-to-pass the salvation and the power and the kingdom of-our God
and the authority of-his Messiah, because the accuser of-our brothers
was-cast-down, the (one) accusing them in-sight of-our God of-day and
v11 And they themselves-had-victory-over him because-of
the blood of-the lamb and because-of the word of-their witness, and
they-cherished not their soul unto death.
v12 Because-of this YOU-be-being-merry-for-yourselves,
heavens and the (ones) tabernacling in them; woe to-the (ones) residing (on)
the earth and the sea, because the devil descended to YOU having great
anger, knowing-absolutely that he-is-having (a) little-bit season.
v13 And
when the dragon saw that he-was-cast into the
earth, he-pursued the woman, one-who brought-forth the male.
[Satan now pursued Israel]
v14 And the two wings of-the eagle namely-the great
(one) were-given to-the woman, in-order-that she-might-be-flying into the
wilderness into her place, where-in-which she-is-being-nourished there (a)
season and seasons and half of-a-season from face of-the serpent.
v15 And the serpent cast out-of his mouth behind the
woman water as (a) river, in-order-that he-might-make her
("the river" is ant-Semitism.)
v16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth
opened its mouth and swallowed the river which the dragon cast out-of his
v17 And the dragon was-made-wroth over the woman, and
he-went-away to-make war with the others of-her seed, the (ones) keeping the
commandments of-the God and having the witness of Jesus.
Satan, still against Israel, now makes war on
earth with Jewish Christians (others of her- Israel's seed). Satan had to go
"underground" to do this. This is when he took his authority from the Roman
Empire into the Roman Ecumenical Assembly (Roman Catholic Church).
This is Satan's false body of Messiah, or "another Jesus". Gentile believers
are grafted into the Hebrew Christians as ONE new man in Messiah (Rom. ch11,
Eph. ch. 2 & 5), and were and are also persecuted by Satan via the RCC.
This is not to say that there are no true Christians within the Roman
Catholic Church. There are a few, and their testimony has recently
been seen to endure through trial by fire. These are the Christians we
see in world news reports that continue to profess that Jesus is the Christ
even as they are being murdered by Muslims.
In the news this week, ISIS (Islamic
State) burned a fellow Muslim to death with great fanfare.
The Drudge Report posted an image of the New York Post's front page photo
of this and the headline "Return of the Dark Ages":
The Headline is spot on. The
major difference is that the Roman Catholic Church burned thousands at the
stake during the Inquisition. Most of these were Protestant Christians.
There is a distinction between Catholics and Protestants. Read
Foxes' Book of Martyrs. The Roman Catholic Church and Islam
serve the same god, as many religious leaders attest.
They do not serve the God of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob, the God YHVH of Israel.
Again, ISIS may not be the big player.
They might be a pawn of a bigger player yet to surface. To date, Feb 12,
2015, Jordan has been kicking ISIS hard. Will that last? Obama
has used ISIS's murder of muslims as reason to ask Congress to support his
Obama is using Netanyahu's Congress speech to
try and stir up anti-Semitism.
At the same time, he is actively, and
illegally interfering with Israel's democratic elections:
Look Who is Behind the New US Democratic-Style Campaign in Israel
(jewish press) Jan 28, 2015
Chicago-style campaigning lands in Israel. And look
who and what is running this "non-partisan" campaign. PAGING LOIS LERNER!
Obama Campaign Team Arrives in Israel to Defeat Netanyahu in March Elections
(breitbart) Jan 26, 2015
Just days after the Obama White House accused House
Speaker John Boehner of “breaking protocol” by inviting Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress, a team
of up to five Obama campaign operatives has reportedly arrived in Israel to
lead a campaign to defeat the Israeli Prime Minister in upcoming national
elections scheduled for March 17.
As Jerusalem Post columnist and putative Knesset
candidate Caroline Glick reported on her Facebook page, “Obama won’t meet
Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington when he addresses the Joint Houses of
Congress in March because of Netanyahu’s visit’s proximity to the Israeli
elections. And Obama, of course believes in protocol and propriety which is
why he won’t get involved.” And yet, Glick adds, “He’s just sending his 2012
field campaign manager to Israel to run a campaign to defeat Netanyahu.”
Inside HQ of 'Obama army' opposing Netanyahu (world
net daily) Jan 28, 2015
Dweck’s group, which calls itself V15, short for
Victory 2015, attracted U.S. media attention after it hired 270 Strategies,
a consulting firm whose senior leadership is comprised mostly of former top
staffers for President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign
"I well remember a
girl, slim and with black hair, who, as she passed close to me, pointed to
herself and said, '23'."
January 27 is
International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
7th World Power
Pappa Frenchy says it's not nice to make fun of other religions. (yahoo
news) Jan15, 2015
And then he put on his fold-out Burger
King Dagon fish god
hat....the papal hat symbolizing religious authority.

Left & Center: Dagon (public domain). Right; Pope Francis leaving
after La Messa del Crisma 17 April 2014. (CC
BY-SA 3.0)
The Pope carries a crooked
scepter/crucifix - i.e. a septic
cross - which depicts a dead
Jesus. The bend in the top of the scepter identifies it as the cross
of Mithra. This illustrates that the Pope serves another (heteros,
different) Jesus, a dead Jesus, and not The Jesus, The Living God.
Many Protestants follow this blasphemy.
Frank is the anti-pope to Ratslinger, A.K.A.
Pope Benedict (the deposed "infallible" pope). It would seem
likely that these two popes are both
aware of the in-church prophecies outlined in the book "Petraus Romanus".
When will the Pope again claim the authority with the
triple crown tiara? and which pope? or will they both wear different hats?
Do not be deceived by the Babylonian ecumenical movement or the appeals to
go to “Mary” or “the Eucharist.”
(church of God
news) Nov 7, 2014
The popes have
a Mitre and a Tiara.
These may be seen as a dimension of "Two
horns like to a ram/lamb", where the Mitre represents religious authority
and the Tiara represents civil authority.
Who's authority? The Dragon's authority:
Revelation 13:11 And I-saw another
beast ascending out-of the earth, and it-was-having two horns like
to-(a)-lamb, and it-was-speaking as (a) dragon.
v12 And it-is-doing all the authority of-the first beast in-sight
of-it. And it-is-making the earth and the (ones) residing in it
in-order-that they-will-worship the beast namely-the first, of-which the
blow of-its death was-healed.
v13 And it-is-doing great signs, in-order-that it-might even be-making fire
to-be-descending out-of the heaven into the earth in-sight of-the MEN.
v14 And it-is-leading-astray the (ones) residing on the earth because-of the
signs which it-was-given to-it to-do in-sight of-the beast, saying to-the
(ones) residing on the earth
to-make (an) image to-the beast,
who is-having the blow of-the dagger and it-lived.
v15 And it-was-given to-it, to-give spirit to-the image of-the beast,
in-order-that the image of-the beast might even speak, and it-might-make
as-many-as might not worship the image of-the beast in-order-that
v16 And it-is-making all, the little and the great, and the rich and the
destitute, and the free and the slaves, in-order-that they-might-give
to-them (a) mark on their hand, namely-the right, or on their forehead,
v17 Even in-order-that not anyone might-be-being-able to-buy-in-the-market
or to-offer-for-sale unless the (one) having the mark or the name of-the
beast or the number of-its name.
v18 Here is the wisdom. The (one) having the mind let-him-count-up the
number of-the beast; for it-is (a) number of-(a)-MAN. And its number (is)
six hundreds sixty six. [Manuscripts show 666, 860,
v646, 706, 616]
Much of this may be understood as past history...
The other pope (Benedict/Ratslinger) has a tiara ready to wear.

Tiara_Benedict_XVI (Public
Domain image)
The last pope to publicly wear a tiara was
Pope Paul VI
Tiara given to the United States
Pope Paul wore his tiara a number of times in 1963, before, in a dramatic
act in November 1963, laying it on the altar of St. Peter's Basilica in a
gesture of humility to symbolise the papacy's surrender of any claim to
temporal power.
Pope Paul, while choosing not to wear his
tiara, nevertheless never abolished the use of papal tiaras, explicitly
requiring in his 1975 Apostolic Constitution Romano Pontifici Eligendo that
his successor be crowned
are in fact over twenty surviving tiaras in existence
Origins of the Papal tiara
Regarding the 2nd crown...."it
may have been symbolic of growing
papal claims to both temporal and spiritual power, the two tiers
in the papal crown contrasting with the single tier of standard monarchical
Ok, so what about that third crown?
The Papal Tiara
originates with Nimrod:

Public domain image from the
The civil authority of the tiara goes back to
Nimrod. The Papacy/Roman Catholic Church is Babylon, Mystery
Note the Maltese cross
earrings and compare with Pappa Frenchy's red Maltese crosses. These
represent the star of Bacchus.
Each papal tiara since early mediæval times contained
two lappets. Their origins remain a mystery, though they are
obviously an imitation of the lappets on
the bishop's
else does the Mitre represent?
The mitres
worn by Bishops and Abbots of Western liturgical
denominations, such as the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England
also have lappets attached to them, in the same manner as the papal tiara.
The lappets are probably a vestige of the ancient Greek headband called a
mitra (μἱτρα)
from which the mitre itself descends.
Mitra is the reconstructed Proto-Indo-Iranian name of an
important Indo-Iranian deity, the predecessor of
Mitrá, an āditya in Rigvedic tradition and of
Mithra, a yazata in Avestan
Avestan Mithra (Miθra-) gave
rise Mithras, the principal figure of the Greco-Roman religion of Mithraism.
Old Persian Mitra or Miθra - both only attested in a handful
of 4th-century BCE inscriptions of Artaxerxes II and III - "is generally
admitted [to be] a borrowing from the
Avesta,"[6] the genuine Old Persian form being reconstructed
as *Miça.
Greek/Latin "Mithras," the
focal deity of the Greco-Roman cult of Mithraism is the nominative form of
vocative Mithra..... Greco-Roman
Mithraists probably thought the name meant "mediator." In Plutarch's
1st-century discussion of dualistic theologies,
Isis and Osiris (46.7) the Greek
historiographer provides the following explanation of the name in his
summary of the Zoroastrian religion: Mithra is a meson ("in the middle")
between "the good Horomazdes and the evil Aremanius [...] and this is why
the Pérsai call the Mediator Mithra". Zaehner[8] attributes this false
etymology to a role that Mithra (and the sun!) played in the now extinct
branch of Zoroastrianism known as Zurvanism.
Iranian Mithra
In Zoroastrianism, Mithra is
a member of the trinity of ahuras, protectors
of asha/arta, "truth" or "[that which is] right".
...As also in Indo-Iranian
tradition, Mithra is associated with (the divinity of) the sun but
originally distinct from it. Mithra is closely associated with the feminine
yazata Aredvi Sura Anahita, the hypostasis of knowledge
Graeco-Roman Mithras
The name Mithra was adopted
by the Greeks and Romans as Mithras, chief figure in the mystery religion of
Mithraism. At first identified with the Sun-god Helios by the Greeks,
the syncretic
Mithra-Helios was
transformed into the figure Mithras during the 2nd century BC, probably at
Pergamon. This new
cult was taken to
Rome around the 1st century BC and was dispersed throughout the Roman
Empire. Popular among the Roman military, Mithraism was spread as far
north as Hadrian's Wall and the Germanic Limes.
Great Photo
stories on this site, here's one:
Dragon on a large papal crest in the Vatican

= diviner, can = serpent.
Vatican = The Divining Serpent.
From sun and serpent worship 2000 B.C., to Sunday worship in the Church.
Satan has infiltrated the Christian Church and most do not understand what
has happened or the relevance. Sunday or “dies solis”, the day of the sun
came from Satan worship and is his day. The Babylonian mystery religion went
straight into the Church of Rome and God calls her mystery Babylon
I don't agree with all their conclusions, but
this page well illustrates proof for the preceding statement.
Revelation 12:9 And the dragon
namely-the great (one) was-cast, the serpent namely-the ancient, the
(one) being-called Devil and the satan, the (one) leading-astray the
total inhabited-earth, he-was-cast into the earth, and his angels were-cast
with him.
8th World Power Dept.
Islam active in France in the first week of 2015.
Before attack, French began ceding control of neighborhoods
to Islamists... (washington times) Jan 7, 2015
Yes, the 8th world power --in a sense--


Military hardware still flowing to local police after Ferguson
(washington times) Dec 30, 2014
Ferguson riots drew attention and criticism to the massive firepower state
and local police are now able to bring to bear on their citizens, and earned
scrutiny for the Pentagon project, known as the 1033 program, that helps arm
many of those agencies by making surplus military equipment available to
President Obama called for a review of the
program, civil rights advocates said the local police had become
indistinguishable from the military, and even some police departments
questioned their own policies.
federal government shipped nearly 4,000 more assault rifles to local law
enforcement agencies in the three months following the Ferguson riots,
marking a huge surge in the amount of lethal firearms being doled out to
police and sheriff’s offices.
extra extra
The 3,879 rifles the Pentagon shipped
was an astronomical increase over the dozen rifles shipped during the same
three-month period in 2013, with several police agencies taking delivery of
hundreds of rifles soon after the Ferguson riots.
That’s not to say that there haven’t been any
changes. Some districts, buckling under public pressure, have refused some
of the weapons they’ve previously requested. The Los Angeles School
Police Department decided it didn’t need grenade launchers, but did
figure it should keep the M-16 rifles and the armored vehicle it had
previously received.
But the joint order creates a problem for civil liberties groups,
reporters and other watchdogs trying to track who got what from the
Pope Francis’s edict on climate change will anger deniers and US churches
(the guardian) Dec 27, 2014
Satan, and his messenger the pope are getting frantic
as their time draws nearer to the end of the age.
The reason for such frenetic activity, says
Bishop Marcelo Sorondo, chancellor of the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of
Sciences, is the pope’s wish to directly influence next year’s crucial UN
climate meeting in Paris, when countries will try to conclude 20 years of
fraught negotiations with a universal commitment to reduce emissions.
“Our academics supported the pope’s initiative to influence next year’s
crucial decisions,” Sorondo told Cafod, the Catholic development agency, at
a meeting in London. “The idea is
to convene a meeting with leaders of the main religions to make all
people aware of the state of our climate and the tragedy of social
Plainly, the pope's goal is a one world
Pappa Frenchy "argues" that no man should be
poor, and that man can effect his outcome by his works:
In recent months, the pope has argued for a
radical new financial and economic system to avoid human inequality and
ecological devastation.
God says we will always have the
poor and that the seasons will not change (i.e. there's no climate
Deuteronomy 15:11
For the poor
will never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee,
saying, Thou shalt surely open thy hand unto thy brother, to thy needy, and
to thy poor, in thy land.
No matter how much charity, there will still
be poor:
New Testament confirmation:
Matthew 26:11
For always
YOU-are-having the destitute with yourselves, but me YOU-are not always
God says we will always have the
Genesis 8:21
(ASV) And Jehovah smelled
the sweet savor; and Jehovah said in his heart, I will not again curse the
ground any more for man's sake, for that the imagination of man's heart is
evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more everything living,
as I have done.
While the earth
remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter,
and day and night shall not cease.
Mankind had a one world religious government
at Babel. This was the ancient Babylonian kingdom of Nimrod.
God created language barriers to separate people into different nations.
The pope does not believe God's word nor
serve the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, the God of Israel. The pope
heads the Roman Ecumenical Assembly, A.K.A. the Roman Catholic Church
and he heads the Vatican, a sovereign state. His goal
is a one world government/religion. This is representative of "two
horns like to a lamb, speaking as a dragon" of Revelation 13:11.
In the article, the papacy correctly
labels "environmentalism" as a religion, with "“The
idea is to convene a meeting with leaders of the main religions".
The "environment religion" angle facilitates Agenda 21 methodology.
People will be really in awe of Pappa Frenchy,
the man of the lawlessness, when he unites an ecumenical "Christianity" with
Islam. It is really not such a stretch as both the RCC and Islam
worship the image to the beast: in the RCC this is represented by Mary and
in Islam the crescent moon represents the moon goddess or Venus. Both
represent the Queen of Heaven.
And so very related, in the son rising in
The West department:
Obama finds an ally on political controversies at the Vatican
(washingon times) Dec 30, 2014
with Pappa Frenchy
related: In the son rising in The
West department:
Obama's made "peace" with Cuba; next North
Obama Imposed 75,000 Pages of New Regulations in 2014
(the new american) Dec 30, 2014
While Republican lawmakers have become
adept at loudly complaining about the administration’s non-stop executive
power grabs and regulations on the campaign trail, so far, they have done
virtually nothing to stop it. In fact, despite all of the promises to rein
in the Obama administration’s “imperial” presidency if elected to Congress,
victorious Republicans, who already dominated the House of Representatives,
recently passed a massive spending bill fully funding virtually every decree
the White House has spewed since coming to power through next September.
In other words, GOP lawmakers, sent to Washington by outraged voters in
November to stop Obama, gave up their most powerful tool to restrain the
administration for almost a full year — before the new members could be
seated, and for no good reason. The solution to the growing regulatory
lawlessness, though, remains simple: Congress can and should defund the
decrees and the unconstitutional agencies behind them before Obama's
"fundamental transformation" of America is complete.
Investing in the ObamaFund (wall street
journal) Dec 29, 2014
Treasury rolls out a new savings plan
without a Congressional vote.
The Great
Did The Saudis And The US Collude In Dropping Oil Prices?
( Dec 23, 2014
That the
price is lowered "at will" shows that the typically high oil price is theft.
Russian Financial Crisis Spells Devastating Losses for Israeli Farmers
(JEWISH PRESS) Dec 25, 2014
Russia Expresses Support for PA's UN Resolution (israel
national news) Dec 26, 2014
away land won't help Israeli farmers...
In Israel:
A Chanukiah, a Christmas tree, a Cresent moon.
(times of israel) Dec 22, 2014
Reflecting the growing ecumenicalism.
potentially a real slow news day...
Ibuprofen adds 12 years to life! (express)
Dec 19, 2014
In laboratory tests, ibuprofen was found to extend
the lives of worms and flies by the equivalent of about 12 years in human
So there you go. Yeast/humans same/same.
The Nations
gather against Israel
Palestinian draft resolution submitted to UNSC: Israeli withdrawal from West
Bank by 2017 (jpost) Dec 18, 2014
Linked at Drudge Report
So, while Obama tends to human rights
champion Cuba,
ISIS Slaughters 150 Females in Iraq for Refusing to Marry, Have Sex with
Them (breitbart) Dec 17, 2014
The tribe is Sunni, which
holds the same belief of Islam as the Islamic State, but
now, they view the tribe as a threat.
Interesting that Islam killing Christians
doesn't make the news,
but Islam killing Islam does.
Obama’s Bailout for Communist Dictators (frontpage
magazine) Dec 18, 2014
Carter couldn’t save Castro, but Obama did.
This was not a prisoner exchange. This was a Communist bailout.
USA-Cuba relatiing (yahoo news) Dec 17, 2014
Cuba USA Canada
Vatican City
Vatican working toward ecumenical assembly.
Whole World is Her Seat"
Cubans should profit on old car sales to US
marketing of old car parts in the USA probably won't off-set the loss
related to the collapsing Russian economy.
Tame tornadoes: Quietest 3 years for twisters on record
(usatoday) Dec 14, 2014
The U.S. experienced fewer tornadoes in
the past three years than any similar span since accurate records began in
the 1950s. Yet meteorologists aren't sure exactly why.
Explanations for the decrease in twisters the
past three years range from unusual cold to unusual heat, or just
That is quite the range...
the "rabbi"
Jonathan Cahn ~con-Job Dept:
Using the premise Cahn and other self
proclaimed "watchmen" which
often pontificates the doom destruction by "acts of God" upon America
due to her ungodliness, we must then, now conclude that America has, for
the first time ever, become a Godly nation. And of course the United
States never was and has not become such, and of course these "good fellas"
are just capitalizing on "Christian" ignorance of history, science, and
A somewhat aside: "in God we trust" refers to
Zeus. See Discourse 6, p10, R.H.
Here is a good
critique of Jonathon Cahn by Ken Silva:
( Jul 19, 2012
In his classic commentary The Book of
Isaiah the great scholar Edward J. Young lists these verses 8-17 of Isaiah 9
as “The approaching destruction”. It was specific to Israel.
As I see it, Jonathan Cahn clearly implies
America is on the same pattern for judgment as ancient Israel.
For Cahn to do so is to draw a parallel with God’s covenant nation Israel.
So, while he claims he is not saying this, the logical conclusion is: If
Israel as a covenant nation with God was warned thusly, then for God to warn
America in the very same way, Cahn has implied the United States is also
in some kind of covenant with God.
And of course,
the USA is NOT
in a Covenant with God.
(but note those Roman sandals!)
-- Cahn is a bookseller.--
Another good critique of Jonathon Cahn
by Erin Benzinger:
of The Harbinger
(christian research network) June 28, 2012
In listening to Cahn, it doesn’t take long to
hear his genuine concern for the state of America, and his passion to relay
what he believes to be a prophetic message to the nation. Yet, this
passion and concern means nothing when Scripture is mishandled in order to
communicate it.
It is difficult to argue the impending
judgment of this nation. In fact, this may be taken one step further to say
that America already is under judgment. To make this statement, one need not
look to a prophetic passage designed for Israel, and one need not even
declare America to be or to have ever been “dedicated,” “committed” or in
covenant with God. One need only look to Romans 1. If ever there was a
pattern for the judgment of a nation, this opening chapter of Paul’s great
epistle is it.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For
what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to
[This article]
...was written out of concern for those
whose focus may be lifted off of Christ, and instead placed upon
And another look at "Harbinger" (Cahn's book)
by David James:
The Harbinger: Fact or Fiction?
April 26, 2012
David James graciously allows that Cahn is
simply misled and or misleading, and that might be the case:
The overall purpose of The Harbinger is to
call America to repent for turning her back on God and moving away from the
foundations upon which the country was built. It is also to warn of the
danger of God’s judgment that this represents. Not only is this a valid
message, but one that needs to be proclaimed. Jonathan Cahn is to be
commended for his passion and commitment to sharing this message with as
wide an audience as possible.
However, because of serious flaws throughout the book, the potential dangers
may well outweigh the benefits. Many of the author’s views and ideas as
presented in The Harbinger are misguided, having both significant exegetical
and theological problems. Additionally, the book could well leave its
readers with serious misunderstandings about how to appropriately interpret
and apply the Word of God.
...the author has stated that he does
not believe that America is the “New Israel” or has replaced Israel in God’s
program. However, a number of exchanges between The Prophet and Nouriel
Kaplan could easily leave The Harbinger’s readers with a different
impression. The Prophet builds the case for the connection by referencing
the thinking and intentions of America’s founders:
Cahn's replacement theology:
[The Prophet] But there was one other—a civilization also conceived and
dedicated to the will of God from its conception . . . America. In fact,
those who laid its foundations . . .”
[Kaplan] “The Founding Fathers.”
[The Prophet] “No, long before the Founding Fathers. Those who laid
America’s foundations saw it as the new Israel, an Israel of the New World.
And as it was with ancient Israel, they saw it as in covenant with God.”19
Although the author denies this, the argument of the book seems to
specifically depend on the idea that America’s founders and early leaders
had indeed established the nation to be in a covenant relationship with God
similar to that of ancient Israel. If it were not for this belief there
would be no book. However, God established a covenant relationship with only
one nation through His covenant with Abraham. Abraham entered into the
covenant by faith, forever establishing Israel as a unique nation in a
unique relationship with God that would be enjoyed by no other nation.
While The Harbinger does not state that God
has completely rejected national Israel, there is no reference to either
modern-day or future Israel at all. This is a significant omission because
the sense one gets from the book is that Israel had failed to heed the
warnings of the prophet and was subsequently permanently annihilated. This
impression is compounded by the fact that there is no mention of Isaiah
The bottom line is this:
If a theological idea cannot be supported by the Bible, then someone simply
made it up. Unfortunately,
this is precisely the nature of the Isaiah 9:10 Effect—it is made up.
Putin Warns Obama – You’ve Turned USA & West Into Godless
Sewer, Declares His Christian Faith
(christian political party) Dec.10, 2014
Yeah buddy.
Putin is building support by appealing to
(and by being appealing to) the church's anti-Semitism. You can pick
any church that claims they are the
Bride of Christ.
For a time, Islam might have appealed to the "church's" sense of right and
wrong. Then they butcher "Christians". So meanwhile all the
assemblies (churches) are being gathered into one ecumenical assembly and
Putin may be trying to capitalize (and/or facilitate) on that.
Russia wants Israeli explanation for 'aggressive actions' in
Syria (jerusalem post) Dec.10, 2014
"The Kremlin is seeking clarifications from
Israel regarding the air strikes that hit Syria on Sunday reportedly
destroying Russian-made arms bound for Hezbollah"
How could it possibly be made more clear?
As I
understand it, this is the problem:
The Russian government sent a letter to
the United Nations protesting Israel’s “aggressive action.”
So no,
Putin does not serve the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
He is
not a
true Christian.
of course though, he says some things
that are true.
Remembering that Obama told Putin he could
work with him after his re-election.
Obama is taking care of the Islamic
Both working toward the battle for Jerusalem.
Both work against Israel.
The nations are against Israel:
Kerry Summons Netanyahu To Rome
For Urgent Meeting Before Pa Bid To Un
(jewish press) Dec.10, 2014
Whole World is Her Seat"
The Papacy is again more active
(ny times) Dec.19, 2014
Scientists Discover An Invisible Shield Surrounding Earth, Baffled At How It
Formed ( Nov 29, 2014
Ferguson violence broke the mold in three ways — one of which is just
unfolding now (jewish
press) Nov 26, 2014
A gobbledegook read: Media driven pre-planned
riots are the power! Or something
Obama Lectures America About the Justified Anger Towards Law Enforcement in
Minority Communities (breitbart) Nov 26, 2014
Always the angry black man President. Always
obvious that he hates this country.
We're here to talk about immigration, but part of
what makes America this remarkable place is, being American doesn't mean you
have to look a certain way or have a certain last name or come from a
certain place, it has to do with a commitment to ideals, a belief in certain
values, and if any part of the american community doesn't feel welcomed or
treated fairly, that's something that puts all of us at risk.
Read: "In other words, you don't have to be a citizen
to be President of the USA. Just look at me!"
A grand jury made a decision yesterday that
upset a lot of people. And as I said last night, the frustrations that we
have seen, are not just about a particular incident. They have deep roots in
many communities of color, who have a sense that our laws are not always
being enforced uniformly or fairly. That may not be true everywhere. And
it's certainly not true for the vast majority of law enforcement officials,
but that's an impression that folks have and it's not just made up. It's
rooted in reality.
Separate and apart from the particular circumstances in Ferguson, of which I
am careful not to speak to, because it's not my job as president
I have instructed attorney general Eric Holder not just to investigate what
happened in Ferguson
Read: "It is likely true that the Black
Man in Ferguson should be frustrated and angry. I'll do what I can to stop
"the man" and so should you (you angry black people)."
Obama's Ferguson and Obama's Amnesty are just
two recent things that show he is "nation building"; i.e. a new nation.
The Republican Party silence shows their acquiescence, which really is not
surprising when we recall the Bush call for a "New World Order".
Apparently a mix of power hunger and greed lust drive this, blown along this
path by ---prophecy. All of God's prophecy is self-fulfilling, so we
should at least be aware in some degree of what we are seeing. There's
hope in this; Obama will get old and die and be forgotten, as will all evil
men. Time to watch the movie "Defiance" again...
The rabble in Ferguson and on our borders are
not the "defiant".
Obama's amnesty is, among other things, an
attack on the Second Amendment.
Israeli Jews making fun of American Jews?
Yes. After three years of running
to bomb shelters and so forth participating as victims - also known as
sensitivity training - they will be better prepared psychologically to
"handle" a gun. And DO NOT watch that Defiance movie.
5 DEAD IN Palestinian attack on Jerusalem Synagogue (via
pamela gellar) Nov 18, 2014
The death toll rises while Muslims dance in
the streets in Gaza, and the world doesn’t just stand by, but votes to give
these savages a state in which to wage their jihad.
Three American citizens were among the victims in the attack — Rabbi Moshe
Twersky, 59, formerly of Boston, Rabbi Kalman Levine, 55, and Rabbi Aryeh
Kupinsky, 43, Israeli officials said. The fourth dead victim, Rabbi Avraham
Shmuel Goldberg, was a British national.
The Islamic State Has an Army of 200,000 and Growing (pamela
gellar) Nov 18, 2014
"Commander in Chief" fires up his troops
Obama Met With Ferguson Activists – Said He’s Concerned They “Stay on
Course” (pamela gellar) Nov 18, 2014
Obama is a real rabble rouser.
IRS steals citizen's money (nytimes) Oct.26, 2014
Elections by
President Obama lets slip his scheme for a permanent majority (washington
times) Oct.22, 2014
As previously suggested here [Bush
knew Obama would be President?], Obama
was picked out to perform certain chores that the Republicans didn't want
ownership of. So the Republicans have got their health care and cheap
workforce. Of course the Democrats have known about the backwash of
future elections, and so they are betting on a voting surge from their
illegal aliens (that the Republicans wanted to provide cheap labor for big
business). Gun control has not advanced as far as "they" ("the powers
that be" - we may not understand this, but here's an older reference:
). Bill and Hillary's kid married a Jewish man, so Hilary might
get the American Jewish vote to swing back to the Democrats.
Unfortunately, American Jews are not much tuned into the reality of Israel
(i.e. they are not much help to Israel at election time, which is a strange
UPDATE: oh look,
GOP Plans to Ignore Executive Amnesty
(breitbart) Nov.23, 2014
This is Islam
in the USA:
New York City: Muslim genitally mutilates wife after raping her (pamela
gellar) Oct.12, 2014
"Christian" Clerics to Europe: Recognize 'Palestine'
(israel national news) Oct.12, 2014
Arab Catholic, Greek Orthodox and Lutheran prelates in
Israel tell Europe to force through Arab state with Jerusalem as capital.
Former Latin patriarch of Jerusalem, Michel
Sabbah, the Greek Orthodox archbishop of Sebastia, Atallah (Theodosios)
and Lutheran World Federation president Bishop Munib Younan were signatories
on the letter. The current Latin patriarch, Fouad Twal, was not among those
"Europe has a moral, legal and political duty to hold Israel accountable and
support Palestinian non-violent initiatives to end the Israeli occupation,
including the recognition of the State of Palestine on the 1967 border with
east Jerusalem as its capital."
Despite its complete lack of any historical presence, and the full legality
of Israel's presence in Judea and Samaria, the Biblical heartland of Israel,
several EU countries have already recognized "Palestine," including
Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Malta, Poland and Romania.
These are not true Christians.
There are true Christians in
these assemblies, or at least there is one:
Greek Orthodox priest Father Gabriel Nadaf,
a leader of the Aramaean Christian minority in Israel, spoke before the
Human Rights Council last month, saying "Israel is the only place where
Christians in the Middle East are safe."
Nadaf's support of Israel had led the Greek Orthodox patriarchate in Israel
to ban him from entering Nazareth's Basilica of the Annunciation, and
repeatedly threatening
Greek Orthodox priest says “‘Israel the Only Place in Middle East Where
Xtians are Safe’
(jews news)
Sept 23, 2014
US Complains It Was Not Notified Of Sukkah-Building Frenzy
(jewish press) Oct.11, 2014
Sadly, it is
believable. Still funny though.
Klayman files for deportation of Barack Obama (world
net daily) Oct 4, 2014
First-Ever Case of Ebola Diagnosed in U.S. (the
blaze) Sept 30, 2014
"the patient returned from Liberia on September 20,
and didn’t show symptoms until around September 24."
"Ebola does not spread from someone who’s not infectious"
Ok, so the guy is infection for four days in
Dallas. So they are saying there are slim chances of him infecting
anyone in Dallas, because apparently living in Dallas is like living in a
Oh yeah, throwing up all over the place, knew he had ebola
(breitbart) Oct 3, 2014
Time for a new hat
New federal study confirms that climate change is caused by nature, not by
(tpnn) Sept 28, 2014
Sept 26, 2014, Oklahoma; This is Islam:
FBI "looking into" BEHEADING after suspect tried to convert others to Islam
( Sept 26, 2014
The FBI is now looking into Nolen’s
background after his former co-workers said he tried to convert them to
Islam after recently converting himself.
At this time, it is not known if the suspect’s beliefs played a role in
the attack.
course, it is certainly apparent.
Second Oklahoma Beheader Arrested, Said He Represents the Islamic State
(pamela gellar) Sept 28, 2014
related: Obama roots for Islam:
Obama UN Speech Praises Muslim Cleric Who Backed Fatwa on Killing of U.S.
Soldiers (freebeacon) Sept 24, 2014
Sept 22, 2014
Obama bombs
someone in Syria.
Assad is not dead yet, but who is the USA
fighting, and helping?
the Khorasan group.(the blaze) Sept 22, 2014
The terrorist organization, the terror
cell, which is working in conjunction with Syria’s main Al Qaeda affiliate, Jabhat al-Nusra.
And not
everyone buys into the jibber-jabber:
the Khorasan group
does not exist
(national review) Sept 27, 2014
You see, there is a purpose behind this
dizzying proliferation of names assigned to what, in reality, is a global
network with multiple tentacles and occasional internecine rivalries.
As these columns have long contended, Obama has not quelled our enemies; he
has miniaturized them. The jihad and the sharia supremacism that fuels it
form the glue that unites the parts into a whole — a worldwide,
ideologically connected movement rooted in Islamic scripture that can
project power on the scale of a nation-state and that seeks to conquer the
West. The president does not want us to see the threat this way.
For a product of the radical Left like Obama, terrorism is a regrettable but
understandable consequence of American arrogance. That it happens to involve
Muslims is just the coincidental fallout of Western imperialism in the
Middle East, not the doctrinal command of a belief system that perceives
itself as engaged in an inter-civilizational conflict. For the Left, America
has to be the culprit. Despite its inbred pathologies, which we had no role
in cultivating, Islam must be the victim, not the cause. As you’ll hear from
Obama’s Islamist allies, who often double as Democrat activists, the problem
is “Islamophobia,” not Muslim terrorism.
Obama sends 3000 troops into airborne ebola (the
common sense show) Sept 21, 2014
Is this lunacy, or cold, calculated murder?
Certainly, Obama does not like the
Ebola has killed 2400 in West Africa. Obama
How many has Boko Haram Killed? Where's
Obama? Our military could actually fight Boko Haram.
Obama is ok with infringing on the American
citizen's right to keep and bear arms
And he is OK with giving ISIS related "Syrian rebels" 600 tons of weapons
(the daily sheeple) Sept 20, 2014
and is going to give them more.
Having done so well in preventing the Scots
from having their own state,
British MPs to vote on motion calling for Palestinian state (jerusalem
post) Sept 21, 2014
having forgotten the British Mandate...and
their partition of the land that gave the Arabs their state, which they
rejected, and which land Jordan annexed.
Playing Jeopardy:
Answer: So, ISIS in USA, sooner or later if
not now through Obama's open border. No surprise.
The Question is: How do you get around the
2nd amendment to control the people?
And play
double jeopardy with ebola.
That's what we are supposed to think? Yes?
It seems with ISIS on the Mexican border, (judicial
watch) Sept 4, 2014
and with
ISIS in the USA,
(freebeacon) Sept 19, 2014
Russia flying bombers at us,
(freebeacon) Sept 19, 2014
that it is a no-brainer that Norad would be a
likely target of ISLAM, hoping to open US up to attack with attack.
ISIS is, after all,
cowardly satanic little pricks with guns.
(the blaze) Sept 21, 2014
Being about 85 air miles from Cheyenne
Mountain, I'm probably
just being paranoid in hoping for west winds.
Attorney General Eric Holder is mostly
concerned about
renaming hunters (Americans with guns) as domestic terrorists.
(wnd) Sept 21, 2014
Well, that's what we are supposed to think?
Keeping Papa Frenchy in mind:
Pope Francis On Frantic Quest To Unite All Religions Under Rome
(now the end begins) aug 3 2014
Everyone else calls them “ISIS.” Obama calls them “ISIL.” Is there a reason?
Yep! (three percenter
nation) Sept 13
ISIS is an acronym for the Islamic State of
Iraq and Syria, which includes only territory within the clear borders of
those two sovereign countries. ISIL is an acronym for the Islamic State of
Iraq and the Levant.
The “Levant” includes Israel.
Ostensibly, anyone referring to this nest of rats as ISIL, and only as ISIL,
while the rest of the civilized world refers to them as ISIS, is denying the
existence of Israel,
another take:
ISIS vs. ISIL: Why Obama stands alone
(world net daily) Sept 11
As they
apparently follow Rabbi "Con", it is difficult to make sense of what they
are saying...
Israel tells US it will act if IS reaches Jordan
(times of israel) Sept 12
Israel is not buying Obama's "I got this"
key Middle Eastern governments, including Jordan, agreed to back
President Barack Obama’s newly announced campaign against the Islamic State
The signatories of the document, which is known as the Jeddah
Communique, also include Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab
Emirates (UAE),.... Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Sunni states in the
Persian Gulf
Obama set to arm ISIS...possibly
‘Vetted Moderate’ Free Syrian Army Commander Admits Alliance with ISIS
(pj media) Sept 11
Syrian rebels said to control most of the border with Israel
(times of Israel) Sept 13
So we
have on Israel's border with Syria, "rebels" affiliated with ISIS, armed by
Obama, all in preparation to attack Israel.
Is ISIS' caliphate a harbinger of the Antichrist? (world
net daily) Sept 7
Again, quite possibly. And/or
ISIS is a tool to bring the nations in unity. That is, Islam, the
West, the Roman Catholic Church, the European community - may all "unite" to
fight ISIS. Keeping in mind that the very elect will be deceived,
if possible.
Joel Richardson correctly concludes:
now it the time for the Church to wake
up and diligently study the Scriptures to discern if all of these events
indeed provide us with a genuine harbinger of the coming Antichrist and the
soon coming return of Jesus.
“It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he
comes.” (Luke 12:37)
so, much
Have Plans For The Antichrist Confederacy Just Been Announced In Turkey?
news watch) Sept 4
The Sunni and Shiite sects of Islam both want
their Caliphate.
The Shoebats state:
"What we see here is the beginning embryo
and birth of a grand idea set by between Erdogan and the spiritual head of
the Sunni Muslim world in which its declared that such confederacy for
the Caliphate will be established in Istanbul, Turkey as the center for
all these different states."
Elsewhere in the article, Shoebat is
incorrect on some theology, as Satan has long been kicked out of heaven,
going to and fro on the earth, seeking whom
he may devour
Shoebat continues:
the new emerging Mediterranean confederacy
will be the “bruised head,” the arising “sick man of Europe,” the “wounded
beast” that is coming back to life under the Turkish Neo-Ottoman revival. It
constitutes the Revival of the Roman Empire as well as the Grecian,
Babylonian, Medo-Persian and Egyptian, altogether.
Shoebat is well to look, but misses seeing
much, including the Donation of Constantine, and Satan's seat moving from
the Roman Empire to the Roman Catholic Church.
Shoebat has an interesting conclusion:
Let us be all be wrong and Christ alone be right when He said that Pergamum
(Turkey) and not Rome, by this Christ was telling Turkey: “thou art the seat
of Satan (Antichrist)”:
“To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: These are the words of him
who has the sharp, double-edged sword. I know where you live—where Satan has
his throne.(Revelation 2:12-13)”
I would caution that Prophecy Watch is
watching what the Farmer's Almanac has always called a "strawberry" or
"pink" new moon...therein losing some credibility.
And also
Middle East Time Bomb: The Real Aim of ISIS Is to Replace the Saud Family as
the New Emirs of Arabia
(huffington post) Sept 6
Christians in Lebanon Prepare for Invasion by the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) (pamela
gellar) Sept 7
As Obama sends US Army to fight Ebola (read "bring it
Israeli company ready to produce cure for Ebola Prof (jews
news) Sept 7
Filipino force defied UN commander in Golan to surrender to jihadists (pamela
gellar) Sept 1
The UN, yet again, shows they are the arm of
the jihad force
Imminent Terrorist Attack Warning By Feds on US Border (Judicial
Watch) Aug 30
Iran becomes first country to arm Kurds (times of
Israel) Aug 26
UN Palestinian Refugee Body Under Complete Control of Hamas, Islamic Jihad
(brietbart) Aug 26
Following Israel’s 1948 war of independence
against Arab aggression, UNRWA was formed to provide relief and public works
programs for displaced Arabs who lived in the former British mandate of
history: God made a covenant with Abraham; God blessed Ishmael (Genesis
17:20-21, and see the Genesis Apocrathon regarding Abram's walk for an
outline of the land's borders.). God's covenant to Abraham was
extended through Isaac to Jacob (Genesis 28:4,13), who became Israel
(Genesis 35:10). God gave the Holy Land to Israel (Genesis
35:12). The blessing God gave Ishmael will extend (future,
Isaiah 19:23,24) to all Arabs that do not follow the idolatry of Islam.
Note the Arab demeanor described in Genesis 16:11-12 - a
"wild ass among men: his hand shall be against every
man". Note that "Arab" does NOT equate to
"Islamist", although most Arabs are Islamists. The blessing is
NOT to the Islamists...
bible says that God will make a full end of all the nations where
Israel has been scattered.
disobeyed God. God "put Israel away" for a time and punished her
(dispersion, galut, holocaust, diaspora), but remembered his covenant with
her, and took Israel back. During this punishment, the 6th world power,
Rome, conquered Jerusalem and plowed it under, banished Jews and renamed the
land after the Jew's enemy (Philistines) to Philistia (Or some similar
English spelling, which became "Palestine") in order to add insult to the
Jews. So history shows that the very mis-named name of "Palestine"
came about directly because of the Jews possession of the Holy Land, the
land of Israel. After about 2000 years of the land lying desolate,
in May of 1948, God brought Israel back. The British Mandate had parted
God's land. The Arabs rejected this partition, and went to war against
Israel. Jordan annexed (took away) the land that had been partitioned
for the "Palestinians".
scripture references to the above forthcoming]
What is UNRWA Doing in Gaza? (israel national
news) Aug 26
How can the “Palestinians” of “Palestine” be
deemed to be “refugees” if they live in their claimed homeland?
...between 1947 and 1950, approximately
750,000 Jewish refugees were driven from Arab countries in the Middle East.
There was no United Nations agency to serve their health, educational, and
social needs.
Hamas Admits: we kidnapped and murdered the three teens (jerusalem
online) Aug 20
For the first time since the identification of the
bodies of three abducted teens, Gil-Ad Shaer, Eyal Yifrah and Naftali
Fraenkel, a senior Hamas official admitted that the members of the
organisation's military wing are responsible for the kidnapping and murder.
So there you have it. Ham-ass started it.
Yazidis Commit Mass-Suicide After Rape by Islamic State Fighters
(israel national news) Aug 17
US offers to act as guarantor in Gaza cease-fire talks (jerusalem
post) Aug 16
The United States has also become involved in the
talks, agreeing to serve as a guarantor that Israel will uphold what has
been agreed to thus far in Egypt,
In other words, Obama is working against
Evil Talking Plants Use DNA Communication
(nature world news) Aug 16
Obama's Dept. of Justice forces Michigan school to teach in Arabic.
(usa today) Aug 16
Islamic State Slaughters, the World is Silent
(Israel national news) Aug 16
Eikev: A Miracle in Our Times?
(Simon Jacobson) Aug 7
A fair assessment. The author might be missing seven
periods of "church" history by lumping all Christians together with the
Roman Ecumenical Assembly (the Roman Catholic Church). Some are escaping
(Sardis, beginning during the Reformation, named "protestant", coming out of
Thyatira), and others (Philadelphia) were (and as now are) never in the RCC).
It's a subject that has been well confused by Satan.
It should be noted that many of the "Christians" around the world that are
being persecuted right now are Roman Catholics. The RCC exists as Satan's
false "body/assembly of Christ" (A.K.A. "church" which is Mystery Babylon
within the Thyatira assembly period. The suffering of Catholic Christians
might be seen as fulfillment of Revelation. 2:21-23 - and yes, I believe
that there are true Christians in all the assemblies. I just wonder about
these things...
Mosul is the area of Ninevah. Baghdad is the area of Babylon (ancient
physical city).
Both Assyria/Syria and Babylon are represented historically by a winged
ISIS, or the Islamic State seems a likely candidate to be the Anti-Christ's
empire, although the re-established Kurdish kingdom is also viable. Islam
now controls the area of the Greek empire. The lawless-one (a pope), and the
RCC are not technically anti-christ(s), as they do not deny the Father and
the Son. They add the Queen of Heaven, which aligns with Islam's moon gods.
Both the RCC and Islam hate Israel, as Israel is fulfilling biblical
prophecy (Isaiah.66:8). (Contrast - Israel denies Jesus is the Son of God -
they were blinded to this (Romans 11), but they do not deny the Father and
the Son - Psalm 2.) In a sense both the RCC and Islam represent the beast
that "was and is not and is to come" (Rev. 17:11) - Mystery Babylon,
Nimrod's ancient kingdom. The RCC is the seventh power and Islam is the
Or something like yes, these are interesting times. Keep watching
& praying Luke 21:36. I've read that "fear not" is one of the most often
repeated commandments in the bible...
edit; and of
course those Turkeys are in the mix:
The Demonic Turkish Iranian Alliance Just Begun in the Land of Antichrist
( Aug 20
"The Iranian delegates were careful and remained
silent on the Sunni-Shiite divide focusing solely on the support of Gaza and
Palestine which was the main focus of the event billed as an attempt to
reduce sectarian tensions and to focus on liberating Jerusalem.
Sufism is also the ecumenical force
in which it is the best uniting factor between Shiite and Sunni
Muslims. Sunni Sufis adore Shiite icons and like Shiites are mystical and
charismatic and even provides a link between Islam and shamanism.
Erdogan ... intends to use his Sufi brand of Islam to unite the entire
Muslim world.
Sufis are not simply a sect of Islam, but rather heirs of an ancient
mystical tradition within both the Sunni and Shia branches of the faith
combining their inward quest with war and expansion worldwide while uniting
the two sects of Shiite and Sunni brands of Islam. The event definitely
advances an a Turkish-Iranian alliance.
But this is not only done to infuse strange spirits into the souls of men,
the Sufis are the most demonically possessed fighters. Sufism is what
makes Chechen fighters fierce. Christians need to understand what process is
used in mystic Islam to comprehend the biblical warnings of the type of
warriors whom the system of Antichrist produces in which the demonic
bark-like sounds are clearly heard even in group sessions"
Obama Blocks Israel Missile Shipment
(Israel national news) Aug 15
request was [initially] approved by the military, without Obama or US
Secretary of State John Kerry being approached for approval, given that
their approval was not required for such a transfer.
A US defense official added that the standard review process in such
requests was properly followed.
In other
words, Obama went out of his way to stop the shipment.
Miami Rabbi Shot and KIlled on His Way to Synagogue
(pamela gellar) Aug 9
This is a result of CAIR promoting Islamic
Jihad in the USA.
The Rabbi of a Miami Beach synagogue was
murdered earlier today on his way to synagogue. The Rabbi was shot dead in
cold blood only two blocks away from the synagogue that was defaced with
Hamas, swastikas and Jew-hatred last week after a Hamas-CAIR hate demo.
Catholic pawns (and ISIS?) used to align Iran, USA, and
Roman Catholic Church.
- A hard saying,
some understanding of the prostitute, 7th & 8th heads/powers in Revelation
13 & 17);
Obama: 'America Is Coming to Help'
(weekly standard) Aug 8
So many have been slaughtered, and finally,
not "already":
Already, American aircraft have begun
conducting humanitarian airdrops of food and water to help these desperate
men, women and children survive.
ISIS has Catholics surrounded on a mountain
in Iraq (note the possible parallel to Jesus' commandment to Jews in
Matt.24:16, "flee to the mountains". Is this part of Satan's mimicry?
- "I will make myself like the Most High", [Isa.14:13-14]
). The USA is helping
"I’ve, therefore, authorized targeted airstrikes, if
necessary, to help forces in
Iraq as they fight to break the siege of Mount Sinjar and
protect the civilians trapped there.
Note the plural "forces"; Iraq, Iran, Kurds
are currently opposing ISIS.
Twisted sisters: Iran has been
supportive, if not instrumental, in founding ISIS. So, like the
Catholics (papacy - "kill them all, god will find his own"),
ISIS may be
pawns that are used to align the West - political and religious powers -
with Islam, or, ISIS may overtake Iran and even be the anti-Christ's empire
(reappearing winged-lion that historically represents the area of both
Assyria and Babylon). What about the Kurds? ISIS may overtake
the Kurd's territory also? Will the USA strengthen the Kurds? (Are the
Kurds are a good candidate for becoming the anti-christ's empire?
Maybe not, as the Kurds are not Arabs...)
At any rate, the USA is now aligned with
Islamic forces in the area of the winged lion in "helping" Roman Catholics.
These are interesting times.
Read Pamela Gellar's website for updates on
Islamic atrocities.
Wall Street Journal Confirms That Obama is Arming Hamas Terrorists
(conservative tribune) Aug 4
Senior infantry officer describes divine protection in Gaza
(times of israel) Aug 1
got to hate:
UN Condemns Israel's Latest War Crime: Not Sharing Iron Dome
with Hamas (breitbart)
Aug 1
Reminder: Most Gaza UNRWA Staff are Hamas Supporters
(frontpage) July 31
IMF urges higher energy taxes to fight climate change
(yahoo news) Aug 1
taxes, save children, bla bla bla = using global climate spoof to gain
physical control via monetary control
article was linked on the Drudge Report; on that same report:
low temps outpacing record highs 2-1 in USA...
Lake Superior 20 degrees colder than in '12...
Montgomery, AL shatters record low set in 1889...
Coldest July ever in Indianapolis...
3,151 days and counting without FL hurricane...
Now that
it is glaringly obvious to all that there is no climate change, it is
amazing to watch the near panic of the puppet masters as they rush in greed
to steal money via taxes. The emperor has no clothes.
USA, such a problem for
thought control with the 2nd Amendment.
How do you control such a
1. It takes time to tenderize
a degree at a time.
2. Intervene to save the
Global Ebola? (cbs
charlotte) July 31
Obama says African Show must go on
(daily caller) July 31
UNRWA Finds Another Rocket Stockpile in Gaza School
(israel national news) July
United Nations Relief and
Works Agency
relief and works for Hamas
finds another rocket stockpile at one of its schools in Gaza, the third time
since the beginning of Operation Protective
Safe from Hamas, Italian Reporter Reveals Truth About Gaza
(jewishpress) July 30
Hamas Executes Dozens of Palestinians in Gaza
(jewishpress) July 30
This is Obama:
Obama: Muslims Built 'The Very Fabric of Our Nation'
(breitbart) July 28
Obama demands an immediate, unconditional ceasefire in Gaza
(ynet news) July 28
trying to save Hamas. Obama at risk for serious expose of his
administration's involvment in Hamas terror?
better fits the "new world order" than Israel:
Obama's one world vision in his own words:
(washington post) July 23
"...we’re trying to see if we can put together a government that actually
can function, to ongoing terrorist threats - to what’s happening in Israel
and Gaza. Part of peoples' concern is just the sense that around the
world the old order isn’t holding and we’re not quite yet to where we need
to be in terms of a new order that’s based on a different set of principles,
that’s based on a sense of common humanity, that’s based on economies that
work for all people."
In other
words, he is additionally, and applying
"we’re trying to see if we can put together a government that actually can
function" to
Israel, that is, he is trying to put together a government different from
the Israeli government. The Washington Post writer may not hear the
punctuation here, but that is what he said. Obama
acts like he may or may not understand what he is saying; that is he acts
like a dolt by playing a lot of golf and having parties at the White House.
But most certainly he is not a stupid vain man, acting without purpose.
He's a smart, vain, purposeful man. Satan's promise appeals to human
vanity; "you will be as God" Gen.3:4). That rappers are getting high
in the White House reflect Obama's vanity primacy, and is very indicative
that Obama does not care about the children his policy brings to the USA's
southern border. So he is also quite spiritually ill.
The Sate
of Israel does fulfill biblical prophecy, irregardless of whether or not
this government is secular. And so satan and his government ministers
(possibly sometimes even in Israel) are against that. Satan said "I
will make myself like the most high" [Isa.14:13-`4], and God said satan
transfigures himself as an angel of light (2 Cor.11:14,15), so a lot of
folks that are not -at all! - "religious" will become "converted" in the
near future (Rev.13:3,4).
Obama to Netanyahu: I demand that Israel agree to a unilateral ceasefire and
stop all offensive actions — especially air strikes.
(jihad watch) July 29
important article by Caroline Glick:
Our world: Israel, Hamas and Obama’s foreign policy
(jerusalem post) July 29
Americans are the ones who need to be most alarmed by what Obama’s actions
on behalf of Hamas reveal about the general direction of American Middle
East policy under his leadership.
For the past five years, Americans from all quarters have concluded that the
manifold failures of Obama’s Middle East policies – from Iraq to Iran,
Libya, Afghanistan, Egypt, Syria, Israel, the Palestinian Authority and
beyond – owe to a combination of Obama’s personal disinterest in foreign
affairs and his presumed preference for withdrawal and isolationism over
Obama himself has often encouraged this perception with his endless golf
games and his talk about fighting “the war at home.”
Obama’s open, public engagement in Hamas’s war against Israel shows that the
popular assessment is wrong.
Obama is as involved in the Middle East as all of his immediate predecessors
were. He is personally leading US policy on every front. Kerry is not an
independent actor.
The problem is that in every war, in every conflict and in every contest of
wills that has occurred in the Middle East since Obama took office, he has
sided with Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood, against America’s allies.
Under Obama, America has switched sides.
more of
this Obama:
Smidgens and smidgens.
(caintv) July 30
This is Islam:
Jihadists in Iraq Order Women Undergo Genital Mutilation
(breitbart) July 25
Report: Hamas Morale Collapsing, Terrorists Flee IDF
(breitbart) July 25
This should cause Obama and the UN great
Pictures of Palestinian Kids
(freedom outpost) July 24
The UN
is involved in this child abuse, housing Hamas missiles in UNRAW schools.
Drought drains critical US water supply (financial
times) July 25
FT buys
into the Agenda 21 concept of controlling rural areas by regulation.
On the
one hand, blaming the water loss on unregulated ground water use.
than 75 per cent of the loss was due to the rapid depletion of groundwater
from underground aquifers that many farmers depend on for irrigation,
In COLORADO, as in Colorado River, water has been very regulated since the
researchers found the rate of decline of groundwater, much of which is
non-renewable and poorly managed, was roughly six times greater than the
losses in Lake Mead and Lake Powell, another large reservoir further
upstream on the Colorado River.
upstream" - In other words, California and Las Vegas have always mismanaged
Authorities are spending more than $800m to tunnel under Lake Mead to
maintain access to water because the stunted flow of the Colorado River
means the lake has shrunk so much that two higher tunnels may no longer be
able to channel water to Las Vegas and other cities.
So the
cities, not the farmers are using the surface water.
The rapid rates of groundwater depletion are likely to lead to further falls
in Colorado River stream flows.
So the
article contradicts itself here.
The study’s authors say declines in the snowpack that feeds the river, and
population growth, could threaten the long-term ability of the Colorado
River Basin to meet water allocation commitments to the seven basin
states, which includes California, and to Mexico.
Apparently nothing feeds the aquifers.
They are
saying groundwater use is diminishing the flow of water into the Colorado
River dam, and also saying that the groundwater use is occurring below dam,
while calling for more restrictive use regulations above the dam.
This is
a hit on rural - independent - lifestyles, and nothing more.
border fiasco
Perry deploys National Guard
So Obama
to completely circumvents border
new meaning to "border tax"
U.S. Considering Refugee Status for Hondurans
(new york times) July 25
redefining "refugee" as those fleeing street gangs,
Obama funds Hamas, PUG and Islamic State street gangs.
Israel singles out Qatar as key Hamas terror sponsor
(times of israel) July 23
Obama Sells $11 Billion Worth of Arms to Hamas’s Sponsor, Qatar
(pamela gellar) July 24
Hamasnik scumbags surrender to the IDF"
(jews news) July 24
They are
assuming they will get released later.
For second time, rockets found at UN school in Gaza
(times of Israel) July 22
the UN gives them to Hamas.
US defends aid to UNRWA despite rocket caches
(times of Israel) July 22
So the
US gives money to UNRAW, which hides rockets for Hamas.
FAA tells US airlines not to fly to Tel Aviv (ap) July
An obvious attempt to get Israel to accept US
ceasefire demands.
Timed as US Sec. of State Kerry is flying in and out
of Ben Gurion in yet another attempt to save Hamas.
The reality, in
other words, is that Israel must retake complete control of Gaza in
order to keep the airport open.
Israel MUST fill the
void left by removing Hamas...
ban should be good for El-Al?
Finally, Obama leads from the front: The Hamas-FAA move against Ben Gurion
( July 23
FAA lifts ban after Sen. Cruz threatens to retaliate
(cbs news) July 24
It is
ridiculous and offensive
to think the ban was motivated by anything other than anti-Israel bias
UN Vehicles being used to transport Hamas Terrorists
(lev haolam @youtube) July 22
Iraq Catholic leader says Islamic State worse than Genghis Khan
(pamela gellar) July 21
jihadists have decimated the ancient Christian community in Iraq — and
Barack Obama is upset with…Israel.
After 2,000 Years, the Last Christian is Forced to Leave Mosul
(breitbart) July 20
Mosul is
the area of Ninevah. Baghdad is the area of Babylon (ancient physical
Assyria/Syria and Babylon are represented by a winged lion.
ISIS, or
the Islamic State seems a likely candidate to be the Anti-Christ's empire,
although the Kurdish kingdom is also viable.
Islam now controls the area of the Greek empire.
Four Front War: First time in History Israel attacked from Lebanon, Syria,
Gaza, Sinai
(pamela gellar) July 14
in America
VIDEO: Violent Muslims beat Jews with sticks at large pro-Israel rally in
Los Angeles, DHS fires at wespon at attackers
(pamela gellar) July 14
Hatefest Depicts Jews Eating Christian Babies and Drinking Their Blood
(pamela gellar) July 14
is the poison fruit of the cultural and political sanction of Islamic
Jew-hatred and Islamic supremacism in Seattle
The old blood libel continues
(mike report) July 14
signs being waved and the chants hollered constituted a shocking public
display of shameless Jew hatred right in the heart of Seattle.
For some strange reason Israel
agrees to an Egyptian backed "truce" with Hamas, a terrorist organization.
Hamas didn't stop firing rockest, so Israel says they resume Op
(ynetnews) July 15
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that Hamas' rejection of the cease
fire "gives Israel full legitimacy to expand the operation to protect our
"We agreed to the Egyptian proposal in order to give an opportunity for the
demilitarization of the (Gaza) Strip - from missiles, from rockets and from
tunnels - through diplomatic means," he told reporters during an earlier
press conference with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier.
"But if Hamas does not accept the ceasefire proposal, as would now seem to
be the case, Israel would have all international legitimacy to
broaden the military operation to achieve the required quiet."
Historically, this kind of nonsense only yields the lie of "international legitimacy"
to Islamic terrorism and anti-Semitism (which in the islamic reality, means
anyone Jewish).
course, the Obama backed "truce" is designed to give Hamas time to reload.
Iran rearms Hamas
(pamela gellar) July 15
Iran arming Hamas proves yet again that
Islamic Jew-hatred trumps Shia (Iran) hatred for Sunnis (Hamas).
Obama's Border Sideline
UN wants to get control of US via border mess by calling illegals "refugees"
(wnd) July 15
Officials privy to the U.N. discussions have explained to WND it’s “a tricky
situation,” because the Central American immigrants are not part of any
group the U.N. has designated as victims of political or religious
other words they are liars.
IAF Chief: No need for ground op, let Air Force continue attacks
(ynetnews) July 12
He's got
a point:
Israel Air Force smashing Hamas to pieces
(jewishpress) July 12
Previously: Fatah (yes, Abbas' party) has joined Hamas in Gaza to shoot
rockets at Israel.
that working out?
Two major Palestinian West Bank cities hit by rockets fired from Gaza
(ynetnews) July 12
Muslim Brotherhood Org that Met with Obama WH Calls for Islamic War Against
(breitbart) July 1
so, with
this, we may understand Obama's Open Border another facet tactic (besides
economic and racist divides) towards the destruction of the USA:
Islamic State to Hamas: Before We Support Your Fight Against Israel, We Must
Attack America
(pamela gellar) July 12
Obama is
letting them in.
The Obama Regime is funding and training al-Qaeda affiliated al-Nusra Front
terrorists ( July 11
israel) July 10
Islamic State(ISIS) also in Gaza shooting missiles at Israel
(Israel national news) July
They say they have a SCUD
In the
third day of Operation Protective Edge, Israel hasn't even gotten started
with their chastisement of Hamas, and Obama comes to Hamas' rescue:
President Barack Obama is telling Israel's leader that the United States is
willing to negotiate a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.
(ap) July 10
hypocrisy, as usual from Obama. Where was his "peace" imitative before
Israel began to retaliate for Hamas' constant rocket fire?
Fatah (yes, Abbas' party) has joined Hamas in Gaza to shoot rockets at
Israel. This is the PUG that Obama still endorses and by that, we
Americans fund their actions against Israel. And when Israel finally
decides enough is enough, Obama "is willing" to "negotiate" a cease fire
between Israel and the terrorists he is funding??? It is against the
law for any US citizen to have anything to do with Hamas (terrorist
Hamas’s (and Iran’s) fail-safe strategy (caroline
glick) July 10
Glick explains how Obama strengthens a weak Hamas.
Op-Ed: Land Invasion: Beware the Trap Laid by Hamas
(israel national news) July
Israel goes into Gaza, they should "possess" the land.
also means to "dispossess" the inhabitants.
Fight to win this time.
(israel national news) July
In this
ever stranger world Putin says:
support the struggle of Israel'
(israel national news) July
On the surface, he appears to mean that he supports Israel, not that he
supports Israel having to struggle.
reality, Putin is saying the same thing to Netanyahu:
called for an end to the conflict in Gaza."
Punch line:
And so, the rabbi blessed Putin.
Pope Stirs Controversy Amongst Evangelicals
( July 3
"...a mouth that spake great
things..." - Dan.7:20.
pope, A.K.A. "Pontifex Maximus" is
the MAN of-the lawlessness
speaks great things against the Most High God:
In his
weekly address from St. Peter's Square, the Pope said, "No one
becomes Christian on his or her own! Is that clear? No one becomes Christian
by him- or herself."
follows Roman Catholic Church Doctrine. ( The RCC is Mystery Babylon)
This is
not new, but interesting in light of Pappa Frenchy's earlier comments:
Repost: Pappa Frenchy:
You don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven (independent
) 9-11
targeting the Roman Catholic Church's alignment with Islam
should be noted that many of the "christians" around the world that are
being persecuted right now are Roman Catholics.
exists as Satan's false "body/assembly of Christ" (A.K.A. "church" which is
Mystery Babylon - see Apologetics 22-25 by R.Mount) within/alongsidethe Thyatira
assembly period.
Revelation 2:21
And I-gave to-her time in-order-that she-might-repent, and she-is not
willing to-repent out-of her prostitution.
v22 Behold I-am-casting her into a bed
and the (ones) committing-adultery with her into great tribulation, if
they-will not repent out-of her works;
v23 And her children I-shall-kill in death;
and all the assemblies will-come-to-know that I myself-am the (one)
searching kidneys and hearts, and I-shall-give to-YOU to-each (one)
according-to YOUR works.
Eikev: A Miracle in Our Times?
Hamas rockets reach Jerusalem and Tel Aviv (jerusalem
post) July 8
Islamists prove Jerusalem is not their holy site.
4 Million Israelis -- Half of Country's Population -- In Bomb Shelters
Israel Bomb Shelters
many, many rockets over many years, and after a long delay with the recent
increase in rocket attacks, Israel decides to go after Hamas in Gaza.
ISIS is in Gaza and the west bank areas of Israel already - and ISIS is in
Syria, and on the border of Jordan.
It seems
Hamas has been allowed to be sort of a "straw-man" terrorist organization in
Gaza. That is, Israel has let them blather away and shoot missiles
into fields and in return Hamas sort of keeps other Islamic terror groups
from getting too close. So with the approach of ISIS, Hamas has a
choice, fight them or join them. There is no money in making peace
with Israel (obviously Hamas' best short and long term option) so they would
likely join ISIS. And ISIS presence recently documented among Hamas
shows this to be the case. So Israel has to "go through" Hamas in
order to help Jordan. (But of course Hezbollah (better trained than
Hamas, may jump in, and Israel's intervention may be timed to stop that) So
it seems likely that ISIS will also attack from the north border of Israel.
They will use Israel's policing of Hamas as fodder to call in help from
Muslims around the world - a rallying cry from the new caliphate.
Beyond that, ISIS may still be a pawn of Iran and or Turkey...waiting for a
war weakened Israel.
they say "peace and safety"
It is
continually being called for, but it cannot yet be said to be
in effect.
1 Thessalonians 5:3
"At-the-time-that they-might-be-saying:
peace and security, then sudden ruination is-standing-by-for-itself
for-them as-altogether the birth-pain to-the (woman) having in womb, and
they-might not flee-out."
Peace is the only path to true security for Israel and the Palestinians
(haaretz) July 8
by Barak
Hussein Obama
United States has also demonstrated our commitment to Israel’s security
through our enduring commitment to a lasting peace in the Middle East.....
the United States will never give up on the hope of a lasting peace, which
is the only path to true security for Israel.
distinguishes Hezbollah’s and Hamas’s rockets, and finally laments the
"tragic" deaths of Naftali Fraenkel, Gilad Shaar and Eyal Yifrach. Then he
laments the "senseless" death of Mohammed HUSSEIN Abu Khdeir (perhaps noting
a familiar connection). Then he equates the actions of the IDF with Hamas
and Hezbollah terrorists in saying ", ALL PARTIES must protect the innocent
and act with reasonableness and restraint, not vengeance and retribution".
Among the other lies, such as "peace and security" (see UN Charter's
Preamble), at least part of one Obama statement here is true:
"Just as the Israeli people have the right to live
in the historic homeland of the Jewish people, the Palestinian people
deserve the right to self-determination".
In other words, Jews have historic rights to
the land of Israel and the "Palestinians" have the right to
imagine/determine that they do. While it is not beneficial (Exd.
20:16) for the Palestinians to "think whatever they want" (i.e. make things
up), but that is their prerogative. Unfortunately Obama considers that the
figment of their fervent and fanatical imagination should be realized with a
"final solution" of an Islamic state within the Jewish homeland.
It is a blessing to have trust that God has great plans
for ethnic Israel's greater fullness (Rom.11:12) in HIS land (Lev.25:23;
Matt.6:10) even if we Christians cannot always fully comprehend how
(Rom.11:33-36; 1Cor.13:12).
At the
same time, Netanyahu is also calling for peace and security
(Facebook post) July 8
The State of Israel is in the midst of a campaign
for the restoration of peace and security to our citizens.
Will not tolerate rocket fire on towns and iishobino, so I ordered a
significant expansion of the IDF operation against Hamas and terrorists
against the terrorists of other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip.
I did it only after all attempts to restore the peace, Hamas refused and
opted for escalation. We battle, but confidence our citizens and our
children first. Do whatever is necessary so that peace is prevailing here in
recent years will continue.
The IDF operation aimed against the terrorists of Hamas and against innocent
civilians. While Hamas deliberately hiding behind civilians, and thus is
liable when they get hurt accidentally.
Citizens of Israel, I ask you to abide by provisions of the home front
command, they save lives. I call you to learn patience, because this
operation can take a while.
In terms of terrorist organizations around the State of Israel are one
front, and all citizens of the State of Israel are one thing. We must
therefore stand together as one man – a cohesive, unified and safe in
We act decisively and firmly to restore peace in place and continue to
operate until peace returns to our citizens and our children can live
safely. (Translated by Bing)
will be war until the presence of the Messiah...with a short time where they
say they have "peace and safety".
Israel Bomb Shelters
Israel's Moloch Syndrome
(daniel greenfield) July 7
ISIS Is About to Destroy Biblical History in Iraq
(thedailybeast) July 7
Islam is idolatry. This
idolatrous worship system mimics God's theocracy even in the inclusion of
idolatry. In the eyes of the Islamist, the Christian is an idolater.
To say Satan controls Islam is similar to saying that Satan controls the
Roman Catholic Church.
Here's what God says Satan says:
Isaiah 14:12
How art thou fallen*
from heaven, O day-star (KJV has
"Lucifer"), son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, that
didst lay low the nations!
13 And thou saidst in thy heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my
throne above the stars of God; and I will sit upon the mount of
congregation, in the uttermost parts of the north;
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like
the Most High.
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to Sheol, to the uttermost parts of the
* Revelation
12:9 And the dragon namely-the great (one)
was-cast, the serpent namely-the ancient, the (one) being-called Devil and
the satan, the (one) leading-astray the total inhabited-earth, he-was-cast
into the earth, and his angels were-cast with him.
14 further details current events.
are interesting times...
Hezbollah and Mexican Gangs form Partnership
( July 7
Oh, now
there's a news flash.
Those beheadings in Mexico are not a part of any Mexican or
South American Culture.
anyway, at least some remote fringe (remnant?) has the scoop:
"Yeah...Hezbollah is far better than Al-Qaeda. They're far better trained.
Far more deadly. They are the "A" team of terrorist organizations."
this was known long before Obama opened the southern border.
"there was a congressional report done and that report stated that Hezbollah
and the drug cartels of Mexico have kinda joined forces"
Obama "kinda"
knows what he is doing.
Chicago much more violent than Israel
(abc news) July 6
Government Data Show U.S. in Decade-Long Cooling
(forbes) July 6
The Light Rail Destruction is More than Meets the Eye
(Israel National News) July 6
getting your mind off Benghazi, etc:
Below, a
list on the Drudge
Report on July 4, 2014 (INDEPENDENCE
wonder: How many Americans would there be without abortion? Without
birth control?
course, Obama isn't making a god play of correcting past abortion
Rome will be conquered next, says leader of ‘Islamic State’
(pamela gellar) July 3
The New Russian Anti-Semitism
(the moscow times) July 3
The Peace Process is a Game Israel Can't Win
(Danilel Greenfield) July 3, 2014
Gaza (Hamas) Rocket Hits Jewish Nursery School
(Jewish Press) July 3, 2014
God is
"filled with young children, escaped injury and death by the grace of a bomb
shelter door."
No, they
are saved by the grace of God.
calls on Muslims worldwide to join its holy war
(debka) July 2
ISIS Parades SCUD Missile Heading Towards Israel
(Israel national news) July 1, 2014
The bodies of the three Israeli boys have been found.
(Times of Israel) June 30, 2014
The spiritual reality - the reality - is that not a
hair on their heads has been lost.
Arabs Throw Stones at Ambulance Carrying Bodies of Murdered Boys
( June 30, 2014
Muslims turn suspected "honor" murder into excuse to riot in Israel
(breitbart) July 2, 2014
Jewish Murderers Not “Right Wing Settlers
(jewishpress) July 6, 2014
Police are not being very forthcoming in allowing
information to be released regarding the suspects in
murder of Mohammed Abu-Khder, but Walla has made a point
of saying they are not part of any “right-wing”
ideological group, and they are part of a completely
different extremist organization.
They aren’t “settlers” either.
Originally 6 people were arrested, 3 adults and 3
minors. Some have already been released as definitely
not having any connection to the murder.
US State Department rebukes Israel for arrest of
(national review) July 6
That's much more severe than their
reaction to Hamas killing an American.
"the high school student was in
Israel “attending a demonstration following the death of
his cousin, Mohammed Abu Khdeir,” a 16-year-old"
Translation from Paliwoodese to
English: "Trained from birth that 'jihad' is good,
he was performing acts of terrorism in the riots in
Muslim Who Attacked, Stoned Police During Riots Alleges
He Was Beaten in Israeli Custody; Obama Springs into
( July 6
The malevolent lopsided treatment of the jihad
onslaught in Israel by the Obama administration (and the enemedia) is at a fever
The kidnapping and murder of three Jewish kids was a passing news story. But the
subsequent murder of a Muslim teen in Jerusalem and today’s story of a US
Palestinian’s arrest has lit up the administration and the worldwide media
“The Israeli police say the youth resisted
arrest and attacked police officers. He was detained with a slingshot in his
possession used to hurl stones at police, along with six other protesters,
including some armed with knives, police said, adding that several officers were
hurt in that specific protest.”
“The suspect himself was one of six masked
Palestinians that were arrested by undercover police officers. Three of them
were armed at the time.”
Conversely, where's the rioting by Israelis???
Police leaning toward nationalistic motive after Hussein Halifa, a taxi driver,
confesses to killing Afula resident
(timesofisrael) July 6, 2014
Facebook Messing with
We are the product that Facebook has been testing (financial
times) July 2, 2014
all users agree to a catch-all list that does not provide a clear, specific
description of a study fails the 1979 consent test for US academic
You Messing with
Making Facebook the product of
the test:
1. close Facebook in your browser
2. go to
[Here is the file:]
(this older version works fine)
3. download, unzip/install and run Temp File Cleaner v3
4. open Facebook in your browser.
After a half hour or so of your typical Facebook
usage, run Temporary File Cleaner again.
5. repeat often
What good reason could Facebook have for writing that
much to your personal computer?
There is
no good reason.
Fungus Fights Superbugs
(wall street journal) July 1, 2014
Scientists at McMaster University in Ontario discovered
that the compound almost instantly turned off a gene in several harmful bacteria
that makes them highly resistant to treatment with a class of antibiotics used
to fight so-called superbug infections. The compound, called aspergillomarasmine
A, or AMA, was extracted from a common fungus found in soil and mold.
...researchers found that AMA, extracted from a strain of Aspergillus versicolor
and combined with a carbapenem antibiotic, inactivated the NDM-1 gene in three
drug-resistant superbugs—Enterobacteriaceae, a group of bacteria that includes
E. coli; Acenitobacter, which can cause pneumonia and blood infections; and
Pseudomonas, which often infect patients in hospitals and nursing homes.
Emotional Experiment Linked To Pentagon Research On Civil Unrest
(infowars) July 1, 2014
President Obama admits he uses "crack"
Oh ha ha. Obama is happy and gay.
Michelle Obama states that the crack is NOT in the pies.
Is it Turkey Time?
Big "non-news" news:
Netanyahu calls for Independent Kurdish state
(jewish press) June 29, 2014
Over the weekend, Israel received it first shipment of
crude oil from the fledgling independent Kurdish state, after nearly
every other country in the world was afraid to take it due to threatened
repercussions from Iraq. The Kurdish oil is piped to Turkey, where it is
then shipped by oil tanker overseas.
Tangled web: At the same time...
Hamas Asks Turkey to Stop Israel from Responding to Terror Attacks
(jewish press) June 30, 2014
(Hamas asked Turkey) to
find a way to block Israel from attacking Gaza terrorists.
The request came on the same morning that Gaza terrorists had launched a barrage
of 15 rockets at southern Israel.
Scroll down for "Another view on Turkey"
Strategic Coalition Forming: Russia Supplying Iraq
(jewish press) June 29, 2014
Soviet fighter jets arrive in Iraq. Someone has to
fly and maintain them.
So it's been said that ISIS is a pawn.
The US did train some ISIS. Could anyone have
long-range plans to draw Russia back into that quagmire?
ISIS in Gaza and Sinai
(jewish press) June 29, 2014
Pamela Gellar's report is more accurately detailed
(pamela gellar) June 29, 2014
As already noted, ISIS puts pressure on Hamas.
Jordanian Bedouin hoist Al Qaeda flag in Ma’an
(debka) June 29, 2014
- 104 km from
Eilat. US, Israeli forces on the ready
Islamic Caliphate declared
(reuters) June 29, 2014
ISIS/ISIL changes their name to "Islamic State"
Gaza rocket hits Sderot factory, setting it ablaze
(ynetnews) June 29, 2014
Another view on Turkey
Leaked Document Reveals Who Is Behind Jihadists ISIS Recruitment
(freedom outpost) June 27, 2014
Here's a Hint: Obama Just Released 5 Taliban Leaders to
A secret document was revealed (see References) which was
issued by the Qatari Embassy in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, revealed that Qatar
was able to equip some 1,800 volunteers from North Africa to fight in Iraq’s
notorious ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant).
and yet another view on Turkey from Caroline Glick
Turkey’s high-risk power play
(caroline glick) June 25, 2014
"While Turkey and Iran are rivals in undermining the
international system, their goals are the same, and their strategies for
achieving their goals are also similar. But while their chaos strategy is
brilliant in its way, it is also high risk. By its very nature, chaos is hard,
if not impossible to control. Situations often get out of hand. Plans backfire.
What we are seeing today in Syria and Iraq and the wider region demonstrates the
chaos strategy’s drawbacks.
As Pinchas Inbari detailed in a recent report for the Jerusalem Center for
Public Affairs, the Syrian civil war is causing millions of Syrians to leave the
country and their migrations are changing the face of many countries.
For instance, their arrival in Lebanon has transformed the multi-ethnic state
into one with a preponderant Sunni majority, thus watering down Hezbollah’s
support base.
The Kurds in Iraq may feel they need Turkey today, but there is no reason to
assume that this will remain the case for long."
Noting again that ISIS/ISIL is not a big military
operation. Ragtag, yes. Fanatics, yes. Rich gang-banger, yes.
Isis might not last forever. (shoebat) June
19, 2014
Note: This guy, a Christian, says that Turkey is the
Leopard of scripture prophecy. That is the kind of things that Christians
do. Christians say things.
Compare with the Muslims around the world. Muslims behead
people. Muslims behead other Muslims.
See the difference?
June 29
So, some acts in this play: ISIS is on the border of
Bahgdad, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan and northern ISRAEL. Oh, and the
USA's southern border is open to them, thanks to Obama, as the little kids there
are just a cover. And when they grow up, they will vote for a Democrat,
but their parents can vote for Democrats now (see
Nancy Pelosi on the border). And of course, also into play is Obama's
anti-gun policy; with the riff-raff of Mexico and Central-South America as new
"citizens", real Americans will be more likely to agree with the line that the
Second Amendment Rights should be infringed upon. Also, the Republican
machine is happy too, as cheap labor (really, enslavement of all) arrives.
And Obama's racial dividing continues. However, IF this season never ends,
the current Hispanic vote will soon go all Republican, as they will be loosing
their jobs to lower wage workers. So the Republicans are playing (acting)
a fine line on whether they want a new slave labor force or not.
Understand by looking at "third world countries" where we are heading...we can
subsist on very little.....with very the open border allows disease to
spread. Not talking common colds here. We don't take care of our own
homeless so of course the s. border fiasco is a sideshow. A purposeful sideshow.
There are more things simultaneously connected here, but
this is sufficient to show that Obama is not acting in ignorance.
US: Jordan may ask Israel to go to war against ISIL
(timesofisrael) June 28, 2014
If Hamas were normal minded, they too would take note of
ISIS mass murder of other muslims and get aligned with Israel instead of
kidnapping Jewish boys. Of course Hamas might think that
Isis might not last forever.
also noting: "On Friday, a
senior Israeli military commander announced that almost the entire Syrian side
of the Golan Heights is now under the control of rebel forces, including radical
Islamist groups."
Israel Goes to War Over a Muslim Teenager
(breitbart) June 23, 2014
A "Palestinian" Israeli.
Poll: Most Palestinians want to wipe Israel off the map
(times of israel) June 25, 2014
The reality is that Israel has no peace partner.
Pray for the Peace of
(the "Peace of Jerusalem" is the Messiah)
Concerning physical Babylon:
Amazing. ISIS is a just big bunch of gang bangers.
Yet look at the power they wield.
How? This power is given to them...(by Turkey?, by
Iran?, by USA? By hasatan.)
Note Obama is letting other (?) gang bangers in via the
US/Mexico border...
Obama's power is also given to him...
These things don't really "fit" on the
Torah | Torah page...perhaps a
general "Living Torah", A.K.A. "Living Word" or "Future Prophecy Now"
study/note page would help set some things in order.
Intel Official: Americans Have Joined Militant Group ISIS
(cbs washington) June 25, 2014
Amazing. Muslims killing Muslims because they are
not "crazy Muslim" enough. Just as when the Roman Catholic Church killed
Protestants (Inquisition), this too is Satanic activity.
Their (ISIS and RCC) hope is the same as American's
hope to defend against them or any other intruder:
the love of Jesus Christ. John 3:16
Without that love, no one has any hope. The world is
testifying to this truth...
Jordan Air Force bombs invading al Qaeda (ISIS)
(debka) June 24, 2014
ISIS threatens nuke attack on Israel
(wnd) June 23, 2014
ISIS (islamic terrorist) call for destruction of Israel.
It is getting difficult to separate "world news" from
"Bible views".
Don't be surprised if Israel wipes Iraq
or ISIS off the map:
Pentagon Defends Jordan Valley Pullout: No Worries When ISIS Invades Jordan
(jewish press) June 25, 2014
Jeremiah 51:1 Thus saith Jehovah: Behold, I will
raise up against Babylon, and against them that dwell in Leb-kamai, a destroying
2 And I will send unto Babylon strangers, that shall winnow her; and they shall
empty her land: for in the day of trouble they shall be against her round about.
3 Against him that bendeth let the archer bend his bow, and against him that
lifteth himself up in his coat of mail: and spare ye not her young men;
destroy ye utterly all her host.
4 And they shall fall down slain in the land of the Chaldeans, and thrust
through in her streets.
[All her host have not been slain. No
total bloody victory yet.]
5 For Israel is not forsaken, nor Judah, of his God, of Jehovah of hosts;
though their land is full of guilt against the Holy One of Israel.
6 Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and save every man his life; be not
cut off in her iniquity: for it is the time of Jehovah's vengeance; he will
render unto her a recompense.
[The flight of Jews out of Babylon may have
occurred recently (within the past few years).]
Jer 51:8 Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed: wail
for her; take balm for her pain, if so be she may be healed.
[There has not yet been a sudden fall of
physical Babylon.]
Jer 51:19 The portion of
Jacob is not like these; for he is the former of all things; and Israel is the
tribe of his inheritance: Jehovah of hosts is his name.
20 Thou art my battle-axe and weapons of war: and with
thee will I break in pieces the nations; and with thee will I destroy kingdoms;
[Israel is God's "battle axe" / maul.
Israel is the victor. Israel has not yet destroyed physical Babylon/Iraq.]
Jer 51:26 And they shall not
take of thee a stone for a corner, nor a stone for foundations; but thou shalt
be desolate for ever, saith Jehovah.
[Stones from ruins have been and still are
used in Babylon in structures. This will be stopped.]
Jer 51:43 Her cities are become a desolation, a dry land,
and a desert, a land wherein no man dwelleth, neither doth any son of man pass
[Babylon has not been desolate. Men
dwell there. Men pass through. This will be stopped.]
Jer 51:44 And I will execute judgment upon Bel in Babylon,
and I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he hath swallowed up; and the
nations shall not flow any more unto him: yea, the wall of Babylon shall fall.
45 My people, go ye out of the midst of her, and
save yourselves every man from the fierce anger of Jehovah.
[again as vs6, this appears to have recently
All Jews out of Iraq now?]
Jer 51:49 As Babylon hath caused the slain of Israel to
fall, so at Babylon shall fall the slain of all the land.
[All the land has not fallen slain at
[Note the Greek word for city, '"polis" can
represent a city, or an empire. A caliphate is an empire...]
Anyway, this is what the bible prophecies. A few
people are aware of this, some of those people believe it, some do not, most
people are "unaware-don't care". It seems of the few that are aware, even those
in this group that don't like what it says never-the-less believes it will come
to pass.
Pray for the Peace of
Kurdish Soldiers: ISIS Close to Surrounding Baghdad
Kurdish military leaders say ISIS surrounding Baghdad
Amazing statements:
Kurdish peshmerga forces reportedly are the biggest force standing between
ISIS and a complete control of Iraq
While the Kurds continue to fight ISIS and remain the most organized and
feared military in Iraq, the United States government is urging
Kurdish leaders to abandon dreams of sovereignty.
Concerning spiritual Babylon:
Precursor to the Roman Catholic Inquisition;
Fourth Lateran Council.
excerpt from chapter three:
"We excommunicate and anathematize every heresy that
raises against the holy, orthodox and Catholic faith which we have above
explained; condemning all heretics under whatever names they may be known, for
while they have different faces they are nevertheless bound to each other by
their tails, since in all of them vanity is a common element. Those
condemned, being handed over to the secular rulers of their bailiffs, let them
be abandoned, to be punished with due justice, clerics being first degraded
from their orders. As to the property of the condemned, if they are laymen, let
it be confiscated; if clerics, let it be applied to the churches from which they
received revenues. But those who are only suspected, due consideration being
given to the nature of the suspicion and the character of the person, unless
they prove their innocence by a proper defense, let them be anathematized and
avoided by all 1-intil they have made suitable satisfaction; but if they have
been under excommunication for one year, then let them be condemned as heretics.
Secular authorities, whatever office they may hold, shall be admonished and
induced and if necessary compelled by ecclesiastical censure, that as they
wish to be esteemed and numbered among the faithful, so for
the defense of the faith they ought publicly to take an oath that they will
strive in good faith and to the best of their ability to
exterminate in the territories subject to their jurisdiction all heretics
pointed out by the Church;
so that whenever anyone shall have assumed authority, whether spiritual or
temporal, let him be bound to confirm this decree by oath. But if a temporal
ruler, after having been requested and admonished by the Church, should neglect
to cleanse his territory of this heretical foulness, let him be excommunicated
by the metropolitan and the other bishops of the province. If he refuses to make
satisfaction within a year, let the matter be made known to the supreme pontiff,
that he may declare the ruler's vassals absolved from their allegiance and may
offer the territory to be ruled lay Catholics, who on the extermination of the
heretics may possess it without hindrance and preserve it in the purity of
faith; the right, however, of the chief ruler is to be respected as long as he
offers no obstacle in this matter and permits freedom of action. The same law is
to be observed in regard to those who have no chief rulers (that is, are
independent). Catholics who have girded themselves with the cross for
extermination of the heretics, shall enjoy the indulgences
and privileges granted to those who go in defense of the Holy Land."
Apparently, this law/canon of exterminating
those outside the Roman Church has never been rescinded.
Come out from Mystery
Babylon, the Roman Catholic Church, (Rev.18:4; Prov.6:24)
Revelation 18:v1 After
these-things I-saw another angel descending out-of the heaven, having great
authority, and the earth was enlightened out-of his glory.
v2 And he-cried with (a) strong voice saying: Babylon the great fell, it-fell,
and it-became (a) residence of-little-demons and (a) guard-house of-every
unclean spirit and (a) guard-house of-every unclean and
having-been-and-still-hated bird-of-prey,
v3 Because all the Gentiles have-drunk-and-still-drink out-of the wine of-the
anger of-her prostitution, and the kings of-the earth committed-prostitution
with her, and the merchants of-the earth became-rich out-of the power of-her
v4 And I-heard another voice out-of
the heaven saying: YOU-come-out, my people, out-of her, in-order-that YOU-might
not participate-with her sins, and in-order-that YOU-might not take out-of her
v5 Because her sins were-united unto the heaven,
and the God had-in-memory her unrighteous-acts.
v6 YOU-give-back to-her as she also gave-back,
and YOU-double the (things) double according-to her works; in the cup
in-which she-mingled YOU-mingle to-her double;
v7 As-much-as she-glorified her(self) and she-ran-riot, YOU-give to-her
this-much tormenting and mourning; because in her heart she-is-saying, because
I-am-sitting queen and I-am not (a) widow also by-no-means might-I-see
v8 Because-of this in one day her blows will-be-present, death and mourning and
famine, and she-will-be-burned-down with fire; because strong (is) Jehovah the
God namely-the (one) having-judged her,
This beast hates idolatry, and so the beast
hates the Roman Catholic Church. (Note this "idolatry"
is not the same as the idolatry of scripture, but rather, this beast of islam
just consider anything non-crazy-islam as idolatry. In reality, ISLAM IS
IDOLATRY.) A lot of Catholics are being killed by
the muslims now. Note the RCC has "mingled" the cup of satan (communion)
with the cup of Jehovah (passover).
1 Corinthians 10:11 But all these-things, (as) patterns,
were happening to-those, but it-was-written toward admonition of-us,
with-reference-to whom the finishes of-the ages has-arrived.
v12 So-that let the (one) seeming to-have-stood-and-still-be-standing be-looking
(that) he-might not fall.
v13 Trial has not taken-and-is-still not taking YOU if not (a) human (one); but
the God (is) trustworthy, who will not allow YOU to-be-tried above what
YOU-are-being-able, BUT he-will-make with the trial also the outcome (for) YOU
to-be-being-able to undergo (it).
v14 For-which-very-reason, my cherished (ones), YOU-be-fleeing from the
1 Corinthians 10:21
YOU-are not being-able to-be-drinking (a) cup of-Jehovah and (a) cup of-demons;
YOU-are not being-able to-be-sharing of-a-table of-Jehovah and of-a-table
Pray for the Peace of
Weather or Not
The scandal of fiddled global warming data
(telegraph) June 23, 2014
The US has actually been cooling since the Thirties,
the hottest decade on record
Summers used to be hotter in the US
(steven goddard) June 23, 2014
Using Thermometer Data Is Now Considering Data Tampering
Iraq loses control of Syrian, Jordanian borders
(yahoo news) June 23, 2014
Tribal leaders were negotiating to hand the post to
Sunni Islamists from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) who took
two main crossings with Syria in recent days and have pushed the Shi'ite-led
government's forces back toward Baghdad.
Ethnic Kurdish forces control a third border post with Syria in the north,
leaving government troops with no presence along the entire 800-km (500-mile)
western frontier which includes some of the most important trade routes in the
Middle East.
For the insurgents, capturing the frontier is a dramatic step towards the
goal of erasing the modern border altogether and building a caliphate across
swathes of Syria and Iraq
USA and Iran "on the same side".
ISIS finds Saddam Hussein's Weapons of Mass Destruction
(wnd) June 19, 2014
members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham – may
have access to a secret sarin poison gas production facility in northeast Iraq
as a result of a new alliance with a top military commander who previously was
an aide to executed Sunni Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, WND has learned.
And they also may be working with a man who’s known for his expertise in making
A WND request to the State Department for a response to
the revelation that ISIS may already have access to a working sarin poison gas
production facility as a result of the Douri alliance with ISIS went unanswered.
Similarly, the State Department did not respond to a WND inquiry as to why
old chemical weapons stockpiles at the Al-Muthana chemical complex were never
destroyed before U.S. troops left Iraq in December 2011
Like all the military hardware, the chemical weapons were
left for a reason; which reason is becoming apparent.
Demographic Upheaval: How the Syrian War is Reshaping the Region (
June 17, 2014
A week after the terror attack, while calling for
Whitehouse spokeswoman "Psaki" can't name kidnapped American boy
(jewish press) June
18, 2014
He's Jewish.
Remember last week while Obama let 5 Islamic terrorist out
of Gitmo to rescue a deserter that converted to Islam, he was saying we don't
leave Americans behind.
Except if they are Jewish American.
or a Marine in Mexico.
or a Christian in Korea.
Draw your own conclusions:
Michelle Obama Wants Students to Monitor
Family Members for Racial Insensitivity
(toprightnews) May 19, 2014

Chewbacca will probably need a stunt double ( June 17, 2014
Creative Commons)
Obama Funds Kidnappers of American Citizen Naftali Franke (breitbart) June 17, 2014
The sad truth is that the United States is funding the
kidnappers of these boys, including an American citizen. It is currently illegal
to fund any organization connected with Hamas. Nonetheless, the Obama
administration is doing it after the formation of a unity government between the
Palestinian Authority and Hamas; $400 million American taxpayer dollars will go
to that entity in violation of law. 18 US Code Section 2339B demands:
Whoever knowingly provides material support or resources to a
foreign terrorist organization, or attempts or conspires to do so, shall be
fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 15 years, or both, and, if
the death of any person results, shall be imprisoned for any term of years or
for life. To violate this paragraph, a person must have knowledge that the
organization is a designated terrorist organization (as defined in subsection
(g)(6)), that the organization has engaged or engages in terrorist activity (as
defined in section 212(a)(3)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act), or that
the organization has engaged or engages in terrorism (as defined in section
140(d)(2) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1988 and
IRS Getting Rich Quick Schemes
Do you have money outside the U.S.? You may owe the IRS $10,000 (marketwatch) June 16, 2014
Comment section: "Perhaps one could claim their
financial records were lost because of a computer crash. The IRS seems to think
that is a valid legal argument now"
No. That won't work. The Govt. will take your money
for the welfare of the masses from the south.
The Great Satan is who??? Axis of
Evil becoming seen.
Iraq crisis prompts reconciliation between Iran and the West (independent) June 16, 2014
- from Great Satan to the great rapprochement
IRAN frequently calls for the destruction of Israel.
Epic US-Iran military cooperation in Iraq coincides with
Israel’s war on Tehran’s Palestinian ally, Hamas (debka) June 17, 2014
Of course, the USA should NOT be involved AT ALL in the
Mid-east. But they are:
Blowback! U.S. trained ISIS at secret Jordan base (wnd) June 17, 2014
The stage is being set for World War III ( June 16, 2014
It seems like the BBQ use will increase out of
Has the Dept. of Homeland Security become America’s standing army? (your
houston news) June 16, 2014
Ambassador Oren: the U.S. should rescind its hasty recognition of the
Fatah-Hamas PUG (jewish
press) June 15, 2014
Hamas is behind the kidnapping of the three Israeli
boys from Gush Etzion on Thursday night.
Hamas publicly praised the kidnapping, and has ordered Palestinian Arabs in the
territories to obstruct Israel’s rescue efforts.
Sure gas price will rise.
But not because of anything happening in Iraq.
U.S. Imports from Iraq of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products ( June
14, 2014
Comparative import chart
The IRS cannot lose Lois' emails (the
blaze) June 14, 2014
Leading Rabbi: Evangelists More Exalted than Persia's Cyrus (herald
sun) June 12, 2014
Australian Banksters stealing citizens money (herald
sun) June 12, 2014
likes their gun confiscation. He probably really likes this.
Eric Cantor voted out.
Wall Street Journal slanders Dave Brat (breitbart) June
12, 2014
US admits Hamas "unity" government can launch rockets and still get US funds
(jewish press) June
11, 2014
.... even though Hamas is a member of the Palestinian
Unity Government, the US admits that Hamas independently controls Gaza, and
admits that Hamas launches rockets at Israel, and admits that the US will ignore
all that continue to work with and fund the Palestinian Unity Government of
which Hamas is a full member and consequently, a recipient of those US funds.
Read the amazing interview. Incredibly cruel.
At the end, Psaki answers that the rocket launches really aren’t large
enough of an attack to get the US to change its position.
Note "Psaki" is not a slur. That is the name
of Obama's spokeswoman.
Obama lied about Benghazi (the
blaze) June
11, 2014
Right after they left the consulate in Benghazi and
went to the [CIA] safehouse, they were getting reports that cellphones,
consulate cellphones, were being used to make calls to the attackers’ higher
The new report, which cites multiple sources, raises fresh questions regarding
why the White House made the claim about the video even though it appears
senior administration officials knew during the attack that terrorists were
Q. "What difference does it make?"
A. Now we know it's murder
by proxy.
The Evil Google All-seeing Eye (wired) June
11, 2014
June 11, 2014
The Kurds are back on the history page. Perhaps the
Assyrian Lion's head of the beast of Revelation 13.
Iraq is "falling apart". This
(replacement?) kingdom will probably
have the ten horns and extra lion's mouth. (?)
Also note Babylon has never been destroyed as
prophesied in scripture. It (Iraq) will be (has been) rebuilt and Israel will destroy
This week, Iraq's 2nd largest city fell to "ISIS"
The siege of Mosul: What's happening? Why is it significant? (cnn) June
11, 2014
They're part of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria,
or ISIS, an al Qaeda splinter group. Here's how extreme the militant group
is: Even al Qaeda has disowned it.
The Mosul siege has made ISIS the single most dangerous, destabilizing
radical group in the region.
Remember, according to Obama, al Qaeda is "on the run".
Iraq asked for help, Obama said no.
They are driving pick-up trucks and winning battles.
Iraq is USA trained?
ISIS is al Qaeda. Now they have hundreds of millions of dollars AND
helicopters. (zerohedge) June
12, 2014
Blackhawk helicopters: with the power to sting as a scorpion in their tails?
June 13 - note name change of ISIS to ISIL Islamic State of Iraq and the
Levant ?
Iran against terrorists? (reuters) June
12, 2014
What a ploy.
Sunni vs. Shia Explained (pamela
gellar) June
12, 2014
Obama comes from the Sunni sect. The Muslim Brotherhood is
Valerie Jarrett is MB?
Team Obama: ‘Too Politically Sensitive’ to Evacuate US Personnel in Iraq (jewish
press) June
15, 2014
In this situation, there is no possible explanation for
not evacuating at least the non-essential personnel from the U.S. embassy and
consulates in Iraq.
Iran sending troops to defend islamic holy sites June15-16
Obama sends 250-275 troops to defend Embassy June 16
Axis of Evil becoming seen.
Perhaps Obama is sending troops to destroy the Embassy??? (glenn
beck) June
17, 2014
Beck: "I
don’t know if it’s an NSA listening post or what it is. But that’s not a normal
run-of-the-mill embassy. Period."
Reuven Rivlin is Israel's new
An interesting analysis on Israeli politics:
How Rivlin nearly lost the presidency, and why it matters (times
of israel) June
11, 2014
in other words, things change overnight in Israeli
Fearing jihadi attack on Israeli planes, Egypt sends troops to border (times
of israel) June
11, 2014
Cover story? But keeping in mind prophesied
Border Brat Swarm
. (washington times) June
10, 2014
Hussein Obama continues his attack on the USA.
Maybe he will probably get the UN on US border?
Noting reports that the border is open, could Obama's ploy be primarily to allow
terrorists in among the flow of children? Of course it is.
Our Southern Border Is Crumbling: ( June
10, 2014
Crisis Leaves ‘Vast Swaths’ of Border Unprotected, Cartels
‘in Control’
It appears that Obama’s policies on the border have
affected huge increases in trafficking and those crossing the border. His
administration say’s that violence in Central America is causing the regugee
crises? So why are we not hearing of this daily in the news? Now he has called
Fema to take over the housing of these youths? They are building facilities
inside military bases, like Fema Camps? Does this not worry anyone? Where is
the accountability? Where is the truth? Why has this become a crises? And
why is the Federal Government taking over thousands of Children? ... The
Border Patrol is a federal agency which comes under the Commander in Chief.
So why has he cut the hours and manpower for them during a crises?
Could it be the Cloward Piven strategy of the 60′s ? You know the one where they
said to flood the welfare system to bring down the economy? Well that’s not
just conspiracy talk anymore.
They don’t even try to hide it anymore. They have laid out the last phase of
their plan to bring down the dollar and the economic system of America. The last
phase to crumble our once great nation. David Rockefeller said “All we need is
the right Great crises and the nations will accept the new world order.”
Nelson (not Rockefeller): "All we need is a Great fence to
restore some order."
35,000 illegal immigrants per month in Texas alone
Whatever happened to the "militia" that was patrolling the
Record Numbers from Terror Hot Beds Illegally Crossing Texas-Mexico Border (breitbart) June
17, 2014
the Islamic infiltration - thanks to Hussein Obama
"radical" Jews protest Catholic "Christian" reverence of post A.D. 70 building. (ynet
news) June
10, 2014
Both way off the mark.
Jerusalem was PLOWED under by Rome (Roman Empire Rome, as
the Roman Catholic Church Rome did not exist yet.)
Likud MK Feiglin leads some 30 religious Jews to
Cenacle, or Upper Room, on Mount Zion where they cause furor.
at best, MK Feiglin does well to assert the State of
Israel's sovereign rights. At worst, MK Feiglin
does harm in equating Israel with Rabbinical Judaism.
Hamas calls on armed wing to kill soldiers and settlers (times
of israel) June
10, 2014
PUG Partners. (PUG = Palestinian
Vatican to host islamic prayers for first time in history
(jews news) June
8, 2014
Noting that outgoing Israel President Peres, in his last
days in office, is at the Vatican praying with Abbas (PUG) and the Pope.
The Evil Banksters
Americans are being prepared for a political and financial shakedown
(the blaze) June
5, 2014
the redistribution of power is not due to Obama’s
incompetence, or his lack of knowledge of where the Crimea is, or the fact that
he doesn’t know that the Taliban mean business. He knows all that. He wants
American power to shrink so that the power of China, India, Brazil, and Russia
can rise. The latest exchange of the American soldier for the Taliban guys, with
Obama, you know grinning and giggling, while people who have been shooting at
Americans chat on the phone is just a small window into this man’s psyche.
Here's a ploy and a half:
Central Bank imposes negative interest rate
(the blaze) June
5, 2014
Even though some of the measures, like the move
to negative rates on deposits were expected, European shares moved
higher on the ECB announcement.
so...the banks pay less for money...
...and charge you more for yours:
Then of course bank shares will go up. Their profit is guaranteed.
The math is simple: 1/2 of nothing is still nothing.
If the interest rate on a loan is 1% you pay extra. Therefore if the
interest rate is negative - you get paid. The banks just pass the
buck; they WILL charge interest on their loans to you.
But liars figure. They simply
plan to steal our money. They have developed a system that
requires credit card purchases - and thus a bank account to fund the credit
card. Now they feel the time is ripe to harvest the fruit of their evil
Because, really, the little people (the lower and so
called "middle" class) don't count. On cue:
Economist: U.S. Banks Preparing to Charge Customers For Deposits
(infowars) June 6, 2014
Armstrong, who is noted for calling the 1987 economic
crash to the very day, warns that U.S. banks are preparing a raft of new account
fees that will serve as a de facto negative interest rate.
“In the USA, we are more-likely-than-not going to get the negative rates
directly passed to consumers by the banks who will claim it is the Fed who will
do so at the requests of the banks. Larry Summers has set the stage. This is
just how it works. He flew the balloon to get everyone ready. This is likely
to be bullish for the stock market,” writes Armstrong, noting that, “The
talk behind the curtain is to
impose negative interest rates on the consumer.”
This will help the rich get richer:
Bill Gates can afford to buy every home in Boston and still have a billion
dollars left! (WA post) June
6, 2014
In other words, he could take care of all the illegal
immigrants and the unemployed. The US Government is much richer than
Bill. Of course Bill pays more taxes - it is NOT about taxes, or
really even about money. it is about control.
And as a part of this "wealth" redistribution by Obama,
add the influx of illegal aliens that do not pay property taxes. This
cannot be sustained by the current taxpayer base, therefore the current taxpayer
base will lose their property also.
BTW, What curtain?
Did you hear about the
Trilateral Commission in the news? No.
(infowars) May 27, 2014
A media blackout on the weekend’s elite Bilderberg
Group meeting in Copenhagen Denmark is in full force. Not one single major news
article has been published about the meeting despite the fact that 140
political, financial and business leaders from 22 countries around the world
will gather in one hotel for four days.
Beware the
Trilateral Commission's
Committee on Wildlife and Ecosystem Conservation and Management
On the local level we see the Trilateral Commission's
Agenda 21 plans affected on us by means of increased County regulations (septic,
well, building, land use, fire bans, etc). Of course big brother forges
ahead with the EPA and "homeland" security...
(Also note the depth of the Trilateral Commission - in
this year's annual secret meetings,
Sec. of State John Kerry falsely labeled Israel as an apartheid state (Jewish Press) May 7.
In Truth, these banksters and regulators don't really
thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and
justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth: and there
be higher than they."
Ecclesiastes 5:8
is watching.
Hebrews 10:34 For YOU also suffered-together with-the prisoners, and
YOU-welcomed the
seizing of YOUR goods with joy, coming-to-know yourselves to-be-having (a)
better and remaining existence.
Temple Mount closes to muslims. War does not break out.
(Jewish Press) June 3, 2014
"This is the first time Israel has ever almost
completely closed the Temple Mount to Muslims. Only some Waqf officials, and
elderly were allowed to stay on the Jewish holy site. And despite the
constant threats from the police and the left that the Arabs would riot and war
could break out if Israel were to do that – nothing happened.
In an unusual move, the police instead opened the Temple Mount to 400
Jewish visitors, and did not cause the religious Jewish visitors any
delays or problems like they normally do.
There have been proposals to create a
time-sharing arrangement on the Temple Mount, so Jews can pray there
without being harassed by Hamas inciters. If today works out smoothly, perhaps
this will become a more permanent arrangement."
Setting the stage for a future "agreement" or covenant,
which Israel does not need, as they just proved by kicking the muslims off the
Temple Mount for a day.
Hussein Obama gets 6 muslim terrorists out of jail
(dailymail) June 3, 2014
5 from Gitmo
1 AWOL collaborating with the enemy?
ALLEN WEST: It is time for Articles of Impeachment (tpnn)
June 3, 2014
(the hill) June 3, 2014
why wait?
Obama supports Hamas-Abbas terror unity against Israel
(yahoo news) June 3, 2014
This is Islam:
mutilate and murder Christian father in front of his son
(pamela gellar) May 31, 2014
“The people who do this are ordinary Muslims,
not militant extremists, as our politically correct leaders and news
media would have us believe. They would do this to me, an apostate (ex-Muslim),
if they could find me. I know these people well; I was one of them."
Turkey cuts off Euphrates flow
(wnd) May 31, 2014
Revelation 16:12 "And the sixth poured-out his pan on the
river namely-the great Euphrates; and its water was-dried-up in-order-that the
way of-the kings namely-the (ones) from rising of (the) sun might-be-prepared."
Outflow update:
As Iraq runs dry, a plague of snakes is unleashed
(jews news)
June 28, 2014
Pappa Frenchy heads to the Holy Land
(yahoo news) May 22, 2014
Noting that there is another pope (the
Nazi) waiting in the background in case things don't work out well for Frenchy.
He seems to make things tough for his security detail, and I would bet Netanyahu
is well aware of certain inter-church prophecies and will take great measure to
ensure his security so as not to be blamed for any bad thing.
"the pope will on Monday hold a mass at the Upper Room
where Jesus held the Last Supper."
2 Thessalonians ch2: v1 But
we-are-interrogating YOU, brothers, in-behalf-of the presence of-our Lord
Jesus Messiah and leading-together-completely of-us upon him,
v2 With-reference-to YOU not to-be quickly stirred from the mind nor
to-be-being-alarmed, neither through spirit nor through word nor through epistle
as through us, as that the day of-the Lord
v3 Might not anyone delude YOU according-to not-one manner; because (that day
will not come) if not the apostasy might-come firstly and the MAN of-the
lawlessness might-be-uncovered, the son of-the destruction,
v4 The (one) opposing and being-exceedingly-lifted-up over every-thing
being-called God or venerated-object, so-that he to-seat
with-reference-to the sanctuary of-the God, pointing-out himself that
he-is god.
v5 Do YOU not have-in-memory that still being with YOU I-was-saying these-things
v6 And now YOU-are-knowing-absolutely the-thing holding-fast, with-reference-to
him to-be-uncovered in his season.
v7 For the mystery of-the lawlessness is already operating for itself;
only the (one) holding-fast
just-now till he-might-become out-of (the)
v8 And then the (one) lawless
whom the Lord Jesus
will-carry-off by-the spirit of-his mouth and will-render-inactive by-the
clear-appearing of-his presence,
v9 Of-whom
the presence is according-to (an) operation of-the Satan in all power and signs
and wonders of-a-lie
See "Pope Note":
DHS Emails Reveal Obama May Have Terrorist “Hands Off” List
(judicial watch) May 12, 2014
The disturbing details of this secret initiative were
made public this week by Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley, who has obtained DHS
electronic mail discussing what could be a terrorist “hands off” list.
Issa Subpoenas Kerry To Testify On Benghazi
(breitbart) May 2, 2014
Are the Republicans covering for Hillary or Obama by
calling for Kerry to testify?
Obama lied to congress. What are they (all) waiting
Men That Actually Do Physical Work Earn Less Than They Did 40 Years Ago
( Apr 29, 2014
James 5:4 "Behold the hire of-the workers
having-mowed YOUR cultivated-fields, the (hire) having-been-and-still-deprived
from YOU is-crying, and the shouts of-the (ones) having-harvested
have-come-in-and-still-come-in into the ears of-Jehovah of-hosts."
US Financial Showdown With Russia Is Far More Dangerous Than It Looks
(prophecy news watch) Apr 22, 2014
and so the Fed will race even faster to create more
Counties won't receive Pilt funds.
Already, you have to pay a yearly tax to - walk - on
Colorado State Land, which is the State is removing from local property tax
rolls via purchase from landowners. This is going in the wrong direction.
solution: equitable sales of public land to Americans.
Hence the race to make illegals citizens, as "equitable" is misunderstood.
Jews ordered to register in Ukraine “face deportation, citizenship revoked and
see their assets confiscated”
(Pamela Geller) Apr 17, 2014
The hatred of Jews is always real.
World Council of Churches: In solidarity with unrepentant murderers
(Jewish press) Apr 17, 2014
World Council of Churches Stands By As Christians Perish, Churches Wither
(gatestone institute) Apr 17,
Revelation 13v4 And they-worshipped
the dragon, because he-gave the authority to-the beast, and
they-worshipped the beast saying: Who (is) like to-the beast and who
is-being-able to-war with it?
v5 And (a) mouth was-given to-it speaking great-things and blasphemies, and
authority was-given to-it to-do forty two months.
v6 And it-opened its mouth with-reference-to blasphemies toward the God,
to-blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and the (ones) tabernacling in the
v7 And it-was-given to-it to-make war with the holy-ones and
to-have-victory-over them, and authority was-given to-it over every tribe
and people and language and nation.
v8 And all the (ones) residing on the earth will-worship him, of-whom his
name has not been-and-is-still-written in the little-book of-the life of-the
lamb, namely-of-the (one) having-been-and-still-slain from casting-down
v9 If someone is-having (an) ear let-him-hear.
Matthew 24v9 Then
they-will-give YOU over into tribulation, and they-will-kill YOU; and
YOU-will-be being-hated by all the Gentiles because-of my name.
2 Corinthians
11v13 For the (ones) such-as-these (are)
false-apostles, treacherous workmen, transfiguring-themselves into apostles
v14 And no marvel, for the Satan is-transfiguring-himself into (an) angel
v15 Therefore (it-is) not (a) great-thing if his ministers also
are-transfiguring-themselves as ministers of-righteousness; of-whom the
finish will-be according-to their works.
The World Council of Churches worship the dragon and
the beast and are opposed to true Christians that do not reside (in spirit)
on earth:
Philippians 3v20
For our community is-existing in
heavens, out-of the-place-where we-are also waiting-anxiously (a) savior
Jehovah Jesus Messiah,
The Myth of Palestinian Christianity
(gatestone institute) Apr 19, 2011
New type of Inheritance Tax
(cbs news) Apr 13, 2014
Suddenly, children must pay for their parents'
Government's incompetence of past years.
Israeli Institute Prepares Priests for Jerusalem's Third Temple
(us news & world report) Apr 10
An amazing article. Fantastic photograph.
Mark 11:16 "And he-was not letting-be
in-order-that any-one might-bring-through (an) article through the temple."
Jesus stopped the Levitical priesthood. If not here, at the cross
(Matt.27:52, Heb.10:19-20).
The article's first sentence says they are training towards a Passover
sacrifice. This is the same Israel that rejected Yeshua as Messiah; they were
petrified, given a spirit of compunction, and their Passover seder was made to
be always a snare, by YHVH (Rom.11:7-10). "How much more their fulness"(vs12),
YES, but not until they accept Yeshua (Zech.12:10; Phil.2:9-11). We look forward
to the third temple being built, but not as participants, for as believers,
"the sanctuary of the God is in you"
(1Cor.3:16). Of course at the return of Messiah, believers are made imperishable
and really, if you are trusting, no worries. I wonder if the third
temple is destroyed by Messiah at Zech.14:4...
A fascinating quote: "The third temple will mostly
look like the Second Temple, and there’s an organized plan for the Chamber of
Hewn Stone, the seat of the Sanhedrin"
Isaiah 9:10a
"The bricks are fallen, but we will build with hewn
stone". Note vs. 8 -"Jacob", indicating the 12
tribes, and vs. 9 "The people" - indicating the congregation of Israel.
Other interesting statements from the article:
“The Second Temple didn’t have an ark, either,”
“The location of the altar where sacrifices are allowed on
the Temple Mount is not within the bounds of Al-Aqsa,” he says, “so at least
they should let us sacrifice on the Temple Mount.”
This allows for a "covenant", or agreement between Islam
(8th world power) and Israel.
"The third temple will have cameras that will
transmit what’s happening there to the whole world. The simulated sacrifice
this Thursday can also be viewed online on the Temple Institute website.
This shows how the two witnesses can be seen.
South African tourist’s organs save 5 Israeli lives
(times of israel) Apr 8
Lydia Labuschagne. Wow.
200 BLM cops steal cattle from last rancher in S. Nevada
(bizpacreveview) Apr 8
In a way, it is encouraging to know they are that
Feds back down after infowars expose on Harry Reid & China solar deal
(infowars) Apr 12
Meanwhile, in Utah, BLM overgrazes public land with wild horses.
(yahoo) Apr 12
Has The Bill
of Rights has been Revoked?
( Apr 8
"The Antikythera Mechanism"
Absolutely amazing!
Media blesses Government theft of private citizen's art collection
(indystar) Apr 3
note - 91 year old owner not charged or arrested.
Has a Ham radio tower showing his pre-internet age. A hobbyist.
It appears the FBI is "in
it for the thrill of discovery."
The Obamacare Nightmare
Regarding Obamacare Medicaid:
Colorado Estate Recovery Program
it really isn't welfare for those over 55
Is this justifiable, or is it government theft of the
right of the firstborn?
The Colorado Deal
The poor are not offered lower premiums or lower out of
pocket costs
but rather forced into Medicaid, where those over 55 lose
property rights.
Connect for Health Colorado cannot provide advance premium tax credits to
Coloradans who are eligible for Medicaid.
Medicaid Estate Recovery
So, try and get out if you can:
the Colo. Marketplace:
Several groups of people are exempt from the requirement
to obtain coverage, including:
•People who would have to pay more than 8 percent of their income for health
•People with incomes below the threshold required for filing taxes (in 2012,
$9,750 for a single person and $27,100
for a married couple with two children) note
IRS says $20K
•People who qualify for religious exemptions
•Undocumented immigrants
•People who are incarcerated
•Members of Federally-recognized Tribes and certain American Indians
But from
Exemptions (14) from the evil Obama care
Exemptions from the payment
Under certain circumstances, you won’t have to make the individual
responsibility payment. This is called an “exemption.”
You may qualify for an exemption if:
•You’re uninsured for less than 3 months of the year
•The lowest-priced coverage available to you would cost more than 8% of your
household income
Note the IRS says this can ONLY be claimed on tax return
•You don’t have to file a tax return
because your income is too low (Learn about the filing limit.)
•You’re a member of a federally recognized tribe or eligible for services
through an Indian Health Services provider
•You’re a member of a recognized health care sharing ministry
•You’re a member of a recognized religious sect with religious objections to
insurance, including Social Security and Medicare
•You’re incarcerated, and not awaiting the disposition of charges against you
•You’re not lawfully present in the U.S
But from the
IRS, somewhat different exemption qualifiers
Application for Exemption from the "Liberty Tax" for members of a Health Sharing
IRS says you can do this on your tax return also.
Application for Exemption from the "Liberty Tax" for the Colorado Poor
"Instructions" (ten page form)
Use this application to ask for an exemption for months in
the future. If you want this exemption for a whole calendar year, you need to
request it before the year starts (note
deadline for sign up now April 31!). You can also
(!) claim an exemption on your federal income tax
return if you’re unable to afford coverage.
So, if anyone answered “No” to question 12 above—meaning
that they aren’t offered health coverage through a job—we need
you to submit an application for health insurance to your state’s Marketplace,
complete the process, and send us 2 things:
1. A copy of the eligibility notice from your state’s Marketplace that shows
your maximum premium tax credit.
2. A copy of the screen from your Marketplace’s plan comparison tool that shows
the premium of the lowest-cost bronze plan
available to everyone who is requesting this exemption. If there isn’t a single
bronze plan that covers everyone in your tax
household who is requesting an exemption, send us the screens showing the
lowest-cost bronze plans that add together to
have the lowest cost for everyone.
If you need help locating this information, you can call your state’s
Marketplace.←sweet. "No help here."
Obama loves chicken
List Lesser Prairie Chicken as Threatened
(abc news) Mar
"the birds are not crucial to the ecosystem"
"federal agencies are colluding with like-minded
special interest groups and using "sue and settle" tactics that encourage
lawsuits that can be settled on terms favorable to the groups that filed them."
Can an artificial protein defeat infection by supercharging immunity?
(la times) Mar
A genetically reengineered version of an immune system
protein called properdin appears to activate a robust immune response against
invading pathogens
"vaccine refusal" - a form of civil disobedience, leads to
miracle microbe discovery?
Nice, mutant microbes up your nose...
This is Islam
Hamas Lawmaker: Koran Says We Must Massacre Jews
(israel national news) Mar
some call it asslam
West turning blind eye to genocide of Christians
(israel national news) Mar
Abbas and Kerry in Cahoots to Throw the Peace Talks Bomb at Israel
(Jewish Press) Mar
By: Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu
Yes, the USA is pressuring Israel to concede Land and
on the other hand, the USA's meddling sort of keeps
kept USSR
at bay...for a minute.
New Big Bang evidence supports Biblical creation, says Orthodox physicist
(times of israel) Mar
The Real Reason Obamacare Must GO
(derick wilburn/Freedom Journal) Mar
On Putin's Popularity
As Putin’s Popularity Soars, Voices of Opposition Are Being Drowned Out
(nytimes) Mar 16
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Old enough to know what a "refusnik" is.
Would not want to be a Jew living in Russia in the days to
come, just in case that "bear" refers to her.
UPDATE, July 3, 2014:
The New Russian Anti-Semitism
(the moscow times) July 3
Interesting that in past time God has given more authority
to individuals than they have exercised. This can be a "not as bad" thing,
for certain people in certain areas. On the other hand, the captivity can
also be more severe.
Time to review World History...
Much related, the push-pull of the gathering of the
On the one hand, the Greek Orthodox church:
Vladimir Putin Vows to Defend Christianity Worldwide
(christian post) Mar 24
Interesting. Someone for the very elect to rally behind?
Yet I recall "refusnik".
Note, simultaneously from the Roman Catholic church:
Vatican Chief Justice: Obama’s Policies ‘Have Become Progressively More Hostile
Toward Christian Civilization’
(cbs st louis) Mar 24
Al Qaeda calls for car bombs in America
(breitbart) Mar 16
Al Qaeda has a magazine?
Wouldn't the US have the capability to nuke a magazine?
At least "stop the presses"?
USA gives up control of internet
(daily caller) Mar 15
internet tax coming
“U.S. management of the internet has been exemplary and
there is no reason to give this away — especially in return for nothing,” former
Bush administration State Department senior advisor Christian Whiton told The
Daily Caller. “This is the Obama equivalent of Carter’s decision to give away
the Panama Canal — only with possibly much worse
"knowledge, it-will-be-rendered-inactive"
GOOGLE wants info about their email scanning blocked
(bloomberg) Mar 15
After the switch to scanning unopened e-mails, Google
began creating profiles of people “from which they could extrapolate additional
Air Force Academy take down cadet's bible verse
Ahmad & Abdul, along with Iranians with stolen passports,
Malaysian Jet disappearance: First look a week later at the pilots names. Duh.
(the guardian) Mar 15
pilot - Zaharie Ahmad Shah
co-pilot - Fariq Abdul Hamid
A Good Muslim Boy.
(daily mail) Mar 16
Profiling satan:
a key to what is happening?:
The hunt for the plane will therefore require military and diplomatic
Hmmm - did China really screw up with their satellite
um, Indian Ocean? (jews news) Mar
Gazans bombard southern Israel in massive rocket attack
(times of israel) Mar 12
Over 60 rockets rain down; no casualties reported
Well, that miraculous. Of course the bible says the
Israelis can expect these attacks - and miracles.
Uncovered in Jerusalem, 9 tiny unopened Dead Sea Scrolls
(times of israel) Mar 12
Explosion rocks Manhattan building
(times of israel) Mar 12
16 injuries reported; two buildings collapse; gas leak suspected
China boom bust?
(telegraph) Mar 11
900,000 "enrollees" have not paid yet
the secret Mandate exemption
(wall street journal) Mar 11
again, Obamacare was just to get things rolling....
Life is good Dept:
Country living hope:
the bindweed mite
A super nifty little bug that lives only on bindweed!
Kills bindweed!
Mar 6
Jonathon Pollard hospitalized.
EPA Not Blowing Smoke – Decrees Nationwide Woodstove Ban
( Feb 20
Can we burn millionaires?
Eighth World Power Dept. (This is Islam):
Under threat of death, Syria's Christians sign accord with Islamists
(haaretz) Mar 4
While Christians opt for a medieval-style 'protection
agreement' and tax over conversion or death, Assad bolsters standing as the
preferred option in Syria
House Armed Services Chairman Rejects Defense Review for First Time in History
(the blaze) Mar 4
War hype continues. Bible says it is going
to happen.
Keeping in mind that America may be a daughter of Babylon.
And that is distinct from being Babylon. Sinful, yes, but perhaps
not liable for the sins of her mom.
Team Obama wins fight to have Christian home-school family deported
(fox news) Mar 3
Now they can stay! (the
blaze) Mar 4
This is an amazing turnaround in 24 hours. Praise the
Proverbs 21: 1 “The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord,
He guides it wherever He pleases.”
About last week
Obama curses Netanyahu and Israel
(breaking israel news) Mar 3
You really have to trust God to accept Romans ch.14!!!
Understand that God is ultimately in control. Not
easy for a man to comprehend.
But with God, all things are possible.
Then Putin makes not nice.
So About this week:
Obama goes easy on Netanyahu
(times of Israel) Mar 4
Interesting that Obama's saber rattling has thrown a cog
in Kerry's wheel of fortune...
So the "who is on first?" question is "Did he do it with
that purpose in mind?"
The Eighth World Power Department:
Muslim terrorist attack with knives in China
(the guardian) Mar 3
calls it "China's 9/11"; don't lose what they are saying - not belittling
3000+ killed in USA but pointing out that this is Islamic terrorism.
Ukraine's Lesson for Israel: 'US Guarantee Worthless'
(Israel national news) Mar 2
Interim Ukrainian Prime Minister: Actions by Russian Military Is ‘Declaration of
(the blaze) Mar 2
The Costs of
the Environmentalism Cult
( Feb 11
Bruce S. Thornton / Frontpage Magazine
Economic death from
"suicidal stupidity".
The central mistake of the romantic
environmentalist is to gloss over the profound differences between human beings
and the natural world. We are not “natural” creatures. What makes us human is
everything that exists nowhere else in the natural world: the mind, language,
consciousness, memory, higher emotions, and culture. None of these exist even in
the highest primates. Apes do not craft tools, marry, name their offspring, bury
their dead, live by laws or customs, or respect inalienable rights. This radical
uniqueness of human identity means that we do not have a “harmonious”
relationship with nature, but an adversarial and conflicted one. The natural
world is the alien, inhuman realm of blind force, indifferent to suffering,
death, and beauty. It is meaningless, for only humans bestow meaning on the
world. And that meaning reflects our knowledge that each of us is unique, a
creature that appears only once, and that each of us must die.
Obama says his supporters are doing "God's work"
(weekly standard) Feb 26
IRS threatens: Obamacare Tax Must Be Paid with Tax Return
( Feb 26
IRS doing Obama's work
This is Islam:
THIS IS SYRIA: Muslims Strangle A Young, Innocent Girl To Death..And The World
Remains Silent
(jews news) Feb 22
A graphic video shows a girl being strangled to death
in Syria for refusing to conform to extremist Islam beliefs.
This is Islamic Jihad training in the USA
(pamela geller) Feb 22
(virtual jerusalem) Feb 19
Do you think God does not work in your life?
lets the drug cartel operate free in exchange for cash
(myfoxdetroit) Feb 21
Denver: A Mile High and then some.
Banks won't touch the money because it's dirty. But the
State takes tax in cash.
Rifle woes
(washington times) Feb 20
scrap metal
"poodle shooter" - the late Col. Jeff Cooper
Pigs in Space
FCC says they will back off for now
(the blaze) Feb 22
Obama Crackdown on Press Freedom Escalates
(brietbart) Feb 20
Obama admin wants State run media
(wall street journal) Feb 20
Israel Built a Massive City in The Middle of the Desert That No One Lives in
(israel video network) Feb 20
+106%: Obama Has More Than Doubled Marketable U.S. Debt
(cns news) Feb 18
$5,749,916,000,000.00 - just under six thousand
billion dollars...or...something.
The gaze of the glassy eyed runner, starved for O2,
panting: "We are creating wealth because interest rates are lower
now...that's why it's called "marketable". AND by the way, you ain't smart
enough to vote!"
Statistically speaking of the majority of the majority that voted to re-elect
Obama; Them there 71%ers -regret it.
(washington examiner) Feb 18
Yet 79% would vote to re-elect him again
So then, was it the71%ers initial inability to do the
math, or is it the 78% continued inability to add that should morally prevent their
Obama takes time out from "golfing without his wife, again"
to condemn Uganda's
ant-gay law (yahoo) Feb 16
♪ ♪ ♫ If I were a gambler, ♪♪♪ I'd say he can't say that
with a straight face ♫ ♪. (wrong song?)
How long until the 70-something-percenters figure out that
it really isn't about golf?
"Homeland" "Security to buy yet another 704,000,000 rounds of ammo
(cns news) Feb 19
By anyone's arithmetic, this adds up to potentially
tons of lead introduced into the environment. oh, the horror.
plus all the following:
"Homeland" "Security" to buy another 75,000,000 rounds of ammo
(daily caller) Feb 12
For the DHS Army of 70,000.
Note the dishonest reporting, as this repost shows 1,600,000,000 rounds
"budgeted" for in 2013:
1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security? It's Time For A National
(forbes) Mar 1, 2013
Denver Post:
Homeland Security aims to buy 1.6 billion rounds of ammo
Feb. 15, 2013
previous media and Fed explanation:
"Federal solicitations to buy the ammo are known as
"strategic sourcing contracts," which help the government get a low price for a
big purchase, says Peggy Dixon, spokeswoman for the Federal Law Enforcement
Training Center in Glynco, Ga. The training center and others like it run by the
Homeland Security Department use as many as 15 million rounds every year,
mostly on shooting ranges and in training exercises."
Lasers used to create nuclear fusion
(independent) Feb 12
Light energy
Trending: John Kerry’s framework, fantasies & fairy dust
(times of Israel) Feb 9
by Leslie Ann Stoffel
National Guard training to fight Second Amendment supporters.
(mediatrackers) Feb 11
i.e. American citizens are already being targeted by
National Guard
Just Amazing No Amazing Grace Dept.
For Some Believers Trying To Connect With Jesus, the Answer Is To Live Like a
Jew (tablet) Feb 4
Oy. The Messianic 's State of the Union.
constitutes a replacement theology? Key quotes:
"These are non-Jews who have no
intention of converting to Judaism yet follow laws, customs, beliefs, and
practices commonly associated with Judaism."
"Many.... , wear tzitzit.
Many keep kosher and observe the Sabbath and Jewish holidays. Some of the
men have beards and peyos. Some have even undergone adult circumcision
and/or have circumcised their children."
many are fulfilling mitzvot that aren’t explicitly stated or detailed in the
Torah, such as praying the rabbinic liturgy and observing Hanukkah."
And so they too add to the law - which
God forbids (Deut.4:2)- which they claim to follow, just as the Jews did and
do. The Jews have an excuse; God blinded them - Romans 11:8.
"how much more their fullness"
(future, Ro.11:12).
These folks say they are NOT "Christians" (apparently because
they don't celebrate Christmas or Easter) and not "Jews"?
least they
have apparently figured out that "Messianic" means the same thing as
while they do believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and the
messiah—though in these
circles he goes exclusively by his Hebrew name, Yeshua—they are emphatically
not Christian."
I suppose that is why the term
"Hebrew-roots" is used. "Messianic" of course is Hebrew for the English
"Christian", which is a transliteration of the New Testament Greek word "Χριστιανούς".
See Acts 11:26.
...and they (Hebrew-rooters) are
not Christians! -
Roots, then, is arguably the first non-Jewish movement to approach Torah the
way contemporary Jews do"
In fact, they are striving to be Jews.
"Followers of Hebrew Roots believe
that Christian practice has been, over the last two millennia, corrupted by
pagan influences and like to say that they’re aiming for a pure,
first-century version of their religion."
They should read the book of Jude to
get an idea of what the 1st Assembly was like. And "Oh foolish Galatians"
also comes
to mind quickly.
"In other words, they want to
understand and observe the Torah the way they believe
their messiah Yeshua did."
That is likely an accurate statement.
Their mind is made up...
There is quite a bit of humor here
"In another
room about 50 people were practicing Israeli folk dance, though
here it was called Davidic Dance, and it was regarded as a form of prayer."
A very telling
observation - they are making things up, i.e.
"they want to understand and
observe the Torah the way they believe"
What the Jew sees (the author is
"I asked Camero, as I asked everyone
else I met, why he doesn’t simply convert to Judaism."
"There aren’t usually shofars at an
Orthodox service, and very rarely is there a microphone. That aside, the
service was, to a remarkable degree, Orthodox."
Jewish, it seemed, was something to brag about, a mark of authenticity of
something that, at least overtly, wasn’t supposed to matter."
everyone I spoke to at Revive had similar stories about how they originally
got involved with Hebrew Roots. They had been raised Baptist, Evangelical,
Seventh Day Adventist—one or another Christian denomination that takes the
Bible very seriously."
Many -not all- have
lost their first love, "Jesus".
Note that just as there are different
definitions of what constitutes a "Christian", so too with "Messianic" even
if you call that "Hebrew-roots".
Begs this question:
How many times does the word "Christian" appear in the Bible?
- Christianos
Recent demon activity in Israel:
Thousands flock to 'weeping' Mary statue (yahoo) Feb
in Tarshiha, a small town in northern Israel
Osama Khoury said Tuesday that his wife Amira
found the statue "covered with oil" recently.
Amira said the statue "spoke to her"
and told her not to be afraid.
Demonic activity was common 2014 years ago in Israel. Read all about it in the
Police: Naked Man ‘On Some Kind Of Narcotics’ Was ‘Trying To Eat’ Teen’s Face
Off (cbs tampa) Feb 5, 2014
The similar "event" in 2012 the article mentions did not
involve any drugs. Pot was found in that person, but pot traces remain in
the body after the effect wears off. Pot is a mind altering drug,
and the Bible forbids the use of such drugs.
70 Million Americans on mind altering drugs (wnd) Feb
Messianics & Marijuana ( Feb
Written to "Messianics" and thus applies to
Smoking Pot lowers teen IQ (livescience)
Aug 27, 2012
Those who smoked marijuana at least four times a week and
used marijuana throughout their life saw their IQ drop an average of 8 points,
the equivalent of going from an A to a B student.
The smart gene (telegraph) Feb
It is thought the NPTN gene indirectly affects how the
brain cells communicate and may control the formation of the cerebral cortex,
the outermost layer of the human brain, also known as ‘grey matter.’
Previously it has been shown that grey matter plays a key role in memory,
attention, perceptual awareness, thought and language.
Studies have also proved that the thickness of the cerebral cortex correlates
with intellectual ability. However, until now no genes had been identified.
the nations against God and Israel
Muslim Brotherhood Leader Meets Obama in White House (free
beacon) Feb 5
Rabbis threaten to put a spell on Lurch (israel
national news) Feb 5
Papal BDS (israel
national news) Feb 5
pope's "visit" may also be timed for him to receive "seat"
in Jerusalem
This too shall fail, but in this interim, looking for some
great appeasement that allows the third temple to be built,
which will lead those that don't need it astray (Messianics
come to mind). This will somehow unite the pope, islam, and Orthodox
Israel (& secular Israel).
Israel Officially Calling For Third Temple to Replace al-Aqsa Mosque! (israel
video network) Feb 2
It was never God's will to have "sacrifice and offering".
These things are finished, but some still have to work these things out, and
that may well require a sacrificial worship system for those remaining under
Levitical law as opposed to those that are in the order of Malchi-zedek.
More on this at the Torah | Torah page.
Demoncrats at "work" on work:
Sheila Jackson Lee: Racist and Moron (frontpage
magazine) July 27, 2011
so, what's she up to?
Sheila Jackson Lee is writng executive orders for Obama to sign (daily
caller) Feb4
-‘our number one agenda’
The Full Employment Caucus, a new job-oriented working
group, was created by Democrats including Rep. John Conyers Jr., Rep. Maxine
Waters, Rep. Charles Rangel, Rep. Frederica Wilson, Rep. Barbara Lee, Rep. Jose
Serrano, Rep. Mike Quigley, and Jackson Lee.
Another country comes (national
review) Jan 31
the legislated citizen swap
Now You Can Panic: Economist Withdraws All of His Money from Bank of America (john
galt) Feb 1
The "Guardian" destroys Snowden files (the
guardian) Jan 31
sure thing
Pentagon says
USA has no defense for Chinese hypersonic weapon (washington
free beacon) Jan 31
Trying to
scare us (caroline glick) Jan 31
The only threat to Israel’s demographic stability is
the two-state formula.
post) Jan 30
-NOT John Kerry
The Government's Shit List (tell
me now) Jan 30
you are a website owner with a brisk readership and a conservative bent, you’re
on that list.
Iran can now build and deliver nukes, US intel reports
(true news) Jan 30
Israeli Court Recognizes Messianic Jewish Congregation
(rosh pina project) Jan 30
Mark Zuckerberb makes
3 BILLION DOLLARS in a day (cnbc) Jan
and facebook sucks.
Getting to the heart of the matter:
1 Corinthians 3:16
"Are YOU not knowing absolutely that
YOU are the sanctuary (ναὸς
- naos) of the God, and the spirit of God is dwelling ( οἰκεῖ
- oikei) in YOU?
The Prime Minister of Canada is Preparing to Rebuild The Holy Temple of
Jerusalem! (israel vidoe network) Jan
If possible, even the very elect will be deceived...
Russia says USA is Godless under Obama (washington times) Jan
Of course, Russia does not have a Christian loving history
at all...but what they say now may ring true.
Interesting concept of a "lawless one"...
Do not be misled by poor understandings of
2Thessalonians 2:v8 "And then the (one) lawless
whom the Lord Jesus
will-carry-off by-the spirit of-his mouth and will-render-inactive by-the
clear-appearing of-his presence,
v9 Of-whom
the presence is according-to (an) operation of-the Satan in all power and signs
and wonders of-a-lie"
The "(one) lawless" is the Papacy.
'Zombie' bees identified in Vt., 1st in Eastern US (ap) Jan
"It is seemingly kind of Biblical here," - "We're getting
every conceivable kind of plague."
Commercial shipping of bees across the country (world) is
not beneficial.
Iran officially says, yes, we were/are building nuclear weapons (daily
caller) Jan
Iran's supreme leader (and an islamic leader) heads the
Iran's Revolutionary Guard are international drug runners.
And Islamic drug runners.
All headed by the "supreme" leader, Ayatollah so and so.
“The nuclear scientists would approach Ayatollah
Khoshvaght and at times would state that they were facing a problem. [Khoshvaght]
would tell them something to go and do certain things, telling them that they
would have no problems. Ayatollah Khoshvaght had the special attention of the
12th Imam.”
That is satanic activity.
And Obama makes secret deals with Iran.
UN to debate Washington Redskins name (cbs) Jan
"redskins" being so "racially insensitive"
Not talking about muslims hacking Christians to
Man vs. World: Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Unwavering Support for
Israel, Western Democracy and Values (leslie-ann
Likud-Beytenu jumps 15 seats in new poll (times of israel) Jan
Pentagon Eases Rules on Religious Garb in Uniform (abc news) Jan
Jews can wear a skullcap.
Muslims can wear beards.
Moreover, atheists are just all right.
Obama's anti-Semitism:
Report: Obama Admin. Worries Israel Is Riling Up the Jews (weekly
standard) Jan
Obama retelling the story that Jews control the world.
What aging scientists say (telegraph) Jan
EPA Decree Shrinks Size of Wyoming by a Million Acres (cns
news) Jan
a house divided will not stand
I've been to
La Junta, Colorado.
The Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes are newcomers.
55 million abortions since 1973 in the "United" States
(life news) Jan
a house divided will not stand
On the one hand:
If a person or nation is divided, it will not stand.
This doesn't look good for folks in the USA.
Luke 11v16 But different-(ones) trying, were-seeking (a)
sign from him out-of heaven.
v17 But he knowing-absolutely their diverse-thoughts he-said to-them, Every
kingdom having-been-divided upon itself is-being-made-desolate; and (a) home
upon (a) home is-falling.
On the other hand:
If a satanic person or nation is divided, it will not
stand. This doesn't look good for folks in the USA.
v18 But if the Satan also was-divided upon himself, how will his kingdom
be-made-stand? Because YOU-are-saying with Beelzebul me to-be-casting-out the
Prince Charles in charge (independent) Jan
Court: Bloggers have First Amendment protections
(ap) Jan
In Israel, the enemy within:
Defense Ministry Moshe Ya'alon destroys 600 six-year old trees (vinyards)
(israel national news) Jan
-just before Tu Bishvat, the Jewish "birthday of the trees," at the
Samaria community of Esh Kodesh.
What possibly could be his motivation?
This makes not investing in Israel Govt. bonds look
like a wise decision.
"You be holy, because I AM holy": and so, they
replanted - "trees were donated by the
organization Zo Artzenu (This is Our Land); MK Moshe Feiglin (Likud-Beytenu),
co-founder of the group, took part in the planting."
Watching the Deeds, not so much the words:
This does, however, explain that
Ya'alon's negative statements about US Sec. of State John Kerry, while
mostly true, were only words used to cover Ya'aon's deeds.
Granted, Doing and Saying are both important....but sticks
and stones break bones. Words don't.
i.e., Ya'alon harmed Israel, but did no harm to Kerry.
Q. Can you say Islam is satanic?
Demoncrats want "hate speech" regulatory power over internet
(the hill) Jan
Thirteen House Democrats have proposed legislation
that would require the government to study hate speech on the Internet,
mobile phones and television and radio.
A. Yes, if you understand that Jesus withstood the temptations of satan, and
Mohammed didn't.
Alignment: Obama & Pappa Frenchy (political tickler
cnn) Jan
NSA devises radio pathway into computers not connected to 'net
(ny times) Jan
NSA Spooks. Who ya gonna call?
Jan 11 2014
Ariel Sharon dead.
Alfred Hitchcock's Holocaust documentary (tent of abraham) Jan
The Eighth of January
Was there a COLORADO
Radiation alert? Jan5
Has Fukushima’s Radioactive Wave Already Hit California? (infowars) Jan
6, 2014
Old enough to know "Landshark" was. That's getting
pretty old.
(mother jones)
It's printer friendly.
My kids are playing Monopoly, learning about greedy love of money as
dictated by chance.
Such sad games. There is nothing new under the sun.
"And the anxieties of-this age and the deceit of-the
riches and the desires around the other-things proceeding-in
they-are-thoroughly-choking the word, and it-is-becoming without-fruit."
-Mark 4:19
For a tasty treat; frozen
pomegranate fruit/seeds.
Lawless in the Land (center for israel & Jewish
affairs) Jan 2, 2014
by Leslie-Ann Stoffel
Abbas’ mandate as leader of the PA ran out in 2009 and
he has not held an election since. Would that not mean that anything he
negotiates has no legal basis?
Ariel Sharon Near Death! Will The Messianic Rabbi Kaduri Prophecy Come True? (vine
life news) Jan 2, 2014
Note this is saying, correctly, that Rabbi Kaduri
talked to the angel of light, Lucifer, if anyone, and not Jesus...
Interesting. It seems to me that this will be
someone whom the Orthodox Jews, Christians, and Messianics accept. But
maybe not...
Folks talking
up a dead Rabbi, who said the Messiah was already in Israel back in 2005.
"Then if
someone might-say to-YOU; Behold, the Messiah (is) here, or here, might-YOU not
trust. For false-messiahs and false-prophets will be-raised, and they-will-give
great signs and wonders, so-as to-lead-astray, if possible, even the chosen."
Same old
story (Yea, hath God said?), although a few details are changing or being
omitted now...
here is the original WND story:
" In 1990,
the late Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Schneerson told Kaduri that he would live to
see the coming of the Messiah."
"Also in
September 2005, Kaduri said: 'The Messiah is already in Israel. Whatever people
are sure will not happen is liable to happen, and whatever we are certain will
happen may disappoint us. But in the end, there will be peace throughout the
world.' "
Recall that
Eve, even as smart as she was (tree of knowledge) was SO deluded that she said
"I have gotten a man YHVH." (1 Tim.2:14, Gen.4:1). Eve was wrong.
These rabbis are wrong.
1 John 3:2
(ones), we are now children of-God, and it-was not-yet manifested what
we-shall-be. We-are-knowing-absolutely that if he-might-be-manifested
we-shall-be like him, because we-shall-see him according-as he-is".
There's not going to be any question: "Is this the
Messiah?", because we will KNOW. If He knows us, so WATCH OUT!
(Matt.25:12,13). Many are called, few are chosen (Matt.25
Of course the book of Zechariah has
for millennia foretold the name of the Messiah of Israel as Yeshua in Hebrew
and Yaysoo in Greek (LXX). Not that difficult for satan to pick up on
that... -obviously-
Obama's Jewish Half Brother, Mark.
(the blaze) Jan 2, 2014


The Sun Dept.
Sun's polarity has flipped. Nothing bad happened.
(independent) dec30
but MAN
causes "global warming"
Nothing New Under The Sun
DNA from Neanderthal toe reveals interbreeding among ancient species (la
times) dec18
This is
pretty cool - considering the bible's account of the sons of God cohabiting
with women. Science is backing the biblical claims, whether that is
the intention or not.
Ancient DNA from early human creates new mystery (la
times) dec6
Fossil teeth study takes bite out of Neanderthal-European link (la
times) Oct 21
A study published last week in the journal Science
similarly shook the common view of the evolutionary tree, suggesting that
several species dating to about 2 million years ago are instead one.
2013 least extreme tornado year ever (climate depot) dec27
also had the fewest U.S. forest fires since 1984
Whether you’re talking about tornadoes, wildfires,
extreme heat or hurricanes, the good news is that weather-related disasters
in the US are all way down this year compared to recent years and, in some
cases, down to historically low levels.’
Likud submitting bill in Knesset to annex Jordan Valley (israel
and stuff) dec27
legislature becomes law, Netanyahu would be unable to accept White House
offer to place Jordan Valley, border crossing under Abbas’ Palestinian
Authority control
'tis the
season for - Christ-Mass:
"a kind of ritual dance"
The True Meaning Of Christ-Mass
The World Book Encyclopedia defines "Christmas" as
follows: "The word Christmas comes from "Cristes Maesse", an early English
phrase that means "Mass of Christ."
of israel)
dec25 - repost
A.K.A. Merry Christmas
Pope concedes Roman Catholic Church forged date of Jesus' birth
Nov 21-repost
Pope concedes Christmas is pagan
(telegraph) Nov 20
- repost
This is Islam,
right now, today:
Muslims Force People Into Furnaces, Throw Children From Windows (jewsnews)
Dec 22
3 US military aircraft hit in S. Sudan, 4 wounded (AP)
Dec 22
Total Recall:
Muslim North Sudan declares war on Christian South
(jihad watch)
Apr 19, 2012
Central African Republic: Muslims murder nearly 1,000 Christians over
two-day period
(jihad watch)
Dec 22
these Christians to "COEXIST"? or "Merry Christmas"?
A Fat Boy, and a call to regulate nature (ny times)
Dec 22
(vitamins are bad)
Working to make H5N1 bird-flu virus MORE dangerous to humans (independent)
Dec 22
Ron Fouchier and colleagues at the Erasmus Medical
Centre in Rotterdam. STOP
The Dutch government claimed that the work to study
the mutations needed to make H5N1 airborne transmissible between ferrets or
people has a possible dual civil-military function and could be misused by
bioterrorists. STOP
North America to Drown in Oil as Mexico Ends Monopoly (bloomberg)
Dec 16
Analyst: Kerry's Plan 'Fraud' (Israel national news)
Dec 13
15 inches of
snow reported in Jerusalem Dec 13
Papa Frenchy is Time
Magazine's "Man of the Year" Dec 13
Mystery Religion is not dead yet.
2Th 2:7 For the mystery of lawlessness (ἀνομίας
anomias) doth already work: only there is one that
restraineth now, until he be taken out of the way.
2Th 2:8 And then shall be revealed the lawless (ἄνομος
anomos)one, whom the Lord Jesus shall slay with the breath of his
mouth, and bring to nought by the manifestation of his coming;
See the
A Pope Note on the
| Torah page
Scientists find second, 'hidden' language in human genetic code (breitbart)
Dec 13
"Parts of the genetic code have two meanings, one related to protein
sequence, and one related to gene control, the researchers said, and
both apparently evolved in concert with each
That last phrase evokes some kind of Monty Python
For 40
years mutations have proven evolution impossible, and it just got over twice
as difficult.
just a flesh wound!" say the evolutionists.
Mandela Memorial sign language interpreter (usatoday)
Dec 11
have interpreted many big events."
Hallucinating. claims schizophrenic episode
Jantjie said that while he was on stage at the FNB Stadium he saw visions of
angels. He told the AP he has been violent and was hospitalized in a mental
health facility for more than a year.
- company
that hired him has "vanished into
thin air."
Jantjie stood approximately 3 feet from President Obama and other world
security questions ?
Funny at
a glance, yes it's a show, but apparently more going on here, which appears
to be demonic possession.
So to
whom was he signing?
Facebook joins NYU in artificial intelligence lab (google
Dec 10
"artificial intelligence research using all of the knowledge that people
have shared on Facebook."
Rocket with secret payload launches off California (ap)
Dec 7
Into the Fray: Empowering Islam: ‘Taqiyya’ in the White House? (jerusalem
post) Dec 5
make a deal.
Netanyahu to meet with Pope (yahoo news) Nov
isolation forces a turn for the worse
Now the Twelfth Imam Can Come (daniel greenfield)
Nov 26
Coming soon to a theater near
Homeland Security?
+ newest body armor
Banks want to charge for deposits (financial times) Nov
FED wants regs that will control
bank runs (cnbc) Nov 25
internet power crazies, the real zombies (telegraph) Nov
who you gonna call?
of war games
ain't to shabby
Police get leftover armor-protected military fighting vehicles with gun
turrets (ap) Nov
disproportionate share of the $4.2 billion worth of property distributed
since 1990 - everything from blankets to bayonets and Humvees - has been
obtained by police and sheriff's departments in rural areas with few
officers and little crime.
bubba may not know
NOAA: 2013 least number of hurricanes in 30 years ( Nov
Obama Administration Betrays American Pastor in Iranian Deal that Leaves
U.S. Citizen Imprisoned Because of his Faith
( Nov
Moreover, US betrays Israel, leaving them only the
Force Option
Abject Surrender by the United States (weekly standard)
In a sense, it is a
"gathering" of the major world powers against Israel, i.e. prophecy is being
Netanyahu is on his own now (the independent) Nov 25
Even Preppers are Unprepared for the Real Hunger Games ( Nov 22
a good article on "prepping"
this level of prepping likely won’t be enough for what is coming"
Yes, that may be true, and I agree that spiritual prep
is key. And it is needful to understand that spiritual prep is not physical
(Sarah/Hagar, New/Old Covenants -Gal.4:21-31). It seems to me we are at
2Tim.4:3-4. The "bunker" is the Word of God -2Tim.2:15-16: "v15
You-be-diligent yourself to-stand-along-side approved to-the God, (a)
workman unashamed, cutting-straight the word of-the truth.
v16 But you-be-standing-around-for-yourself-away-from the profane
empty-chatters; for they-will-progress upon much-more of-impiety"
And in The Good News bunker: that veil was his flesh, the sanctuary of God
is in you, rest (Shabbat Shalom) in Him (Heb.10:19-20, 1Cor.3:16, Heb.4:3).
China Announces That It Is Going To Stop Stockpiling U.S. Dollars (the
economic collapse blog) Nov 22
More heavenly mysteries scientists don't understand (csmonitor) Nov 22
Nov 22
Odd, that by chance, I find myself learning about
C.S. Lewis,
who died on this day in 1963.
Today, Lewis will be honoured with a memorial in Poets' Corner,
Westminster Abbey.
Lewis converted to Christianity in 1931.
Wikipedia astutely notes: "After his conversion to
Christianity, his interests gravitated towards Christian spirituality and away
from pagan Celtic mysticism".
And -
Lewis later married
Joy Davidman Gresham, a Jewish American writer.
Due to Lewis's approach to religious belief as a skeptic, and his following
conversion, he has been called "The Apostle to the Skeptics."
In a much-cited passage from Mere Christianity, Lewis challenged the view
that Jesus, although a great moral teacher, was not God. He argued that Jesus
made several implicit claims to divinity, which would logically exclude this:
"I am trying here to prevent anyone saying
the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: 'I'm ready to accept
Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept his claim to be God.' That is
the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of
things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a
lunatic – on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg – or else he
would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and
is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for
a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet
and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronising nonsense
about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did
not intend to."
Although widely repeated in Christian apologetic literature, it has been
largely ignored by professional theologians and biblical scholars.
Lewis on "Natural Law", which he also termed "Moral law":
"These then are the two points that I wanted to make.
First, that human beings, all over the earth, have this curious idea that they
ought to behave in a certain way, and cannot really get rid of it. Secondly,
that they do not in fact behave in that way. They know the Law of Nature;
they break it. These two facts are the foundation of all clear thinking
about ourselves and the universe we live in."
Lewis wrote what we now call "The Chronicles of Narnia".
"Readers of his fiction are often unaware of
what Lewis considered the Christian themes of his works."
I'm not sold on the Chronicles of Narnia. But, as I
recall, The Apostle Paul wrote something along the lines of "whatever it takes,
I'll do."
Obama's War against Christianity
FEMA says NO to Ocean Grove (weeklystandard) Nov 21
4 Christians Imprisoned, Tortured in Mexico ( Nov 15
Are the " local officials responsible for the unjust
imprisonment and torture of four Protestant Christians" of the Roman Catholic
Obamacare is a flop designed to make the New and Improved
Plan look good.
and so now
McCAIN flipflops and calls for repeal (the blaze) Nov 13
The show must go on:
Obama trying to "fix" Obamacare (CAIN tv) Nov 14
Republican Rescue:
"Had enough of Obamacare ? Check out what common sense
patient centered reform looks like:"
The American Healthcare Reform Act (CAIN tv) Nov 14
Suspect Key words, "Reform" and "Act"
"Simply repealing the
President's health care law is not enough—it must be replaced"
and if this fails, Obamacare remains the "safety net" in
which we are caught.
'G. W. Bush to Raise Funds for 'Messianic Jews'(israel national
news) Nov 10
A guess: this (eventually) leads to Israel accepting
Messianic Jews' aliyah requests - with the stipulation that they are subject to
the Law of Moses.
(i.e. spiritual adultery as per Romans 7:1-6)
2013 2nd quietest tornado year in 23 years (usatoday) Nov 9
Lower than 2012, which is now 3rd quietest tornado year in
23 years
"It's been a near-record quiet year, especially with
respect to strong to violent tornadoes,"
On average, tornadoes kill about 60 Americans each
Tornadoes typically affect the U.S. more than any other nation. Each year, "the
U.S. experiences about 80% to 90% of all of the tornadoes that occur across the
It really only takes one bad day; it doesn't matter if the year is above or
below normal.
"places, everyone."
the nations gather against Israel:
Obama’s Secret Iran Détente
(daily beast) Nov 8
Crispr technique heralds genetic revolution (the independent)
Nov 7
changing DNA
overheard elsewhere:
"SETI is monitoring space for signals, because
they know if they get a coded signal from outerspace, it would be proof of
intelligent extraterrestrial life. And yet, the expertly coded information in
DNA is supposedly completely random and self creating?"
Cuccinelli Campaign Says National GOP Abandoned Them (brietbart)
Nov 6
it is a
grand ole party, this unification of Dem & Rep...
Nov 5
Noting that
there was no civil unrest due to last Friday's cut in food stamps.
Noting FEMA
is setting up shop locally...some nonsense about "flood" aid
DHS to hire top secret security force (ajones) Nov 5
Alex Jones
is crazy and Obama says you can keep your plan.
US Rents Rise To New All-Time High; Homeownership Rate Stuck At 18 Year Low
(zerohedge) Nov 5
Does scorpion venom kill cancer? (
Nov 5
Obama Executive Order - Prepare for Global Warming! (washington
times) Nov 3
that's all
about crowd control because no GW since '98
Brotherhood Operatives in the U.S. (raymond brahim)
Oct 31
= 4 companies tracking here]
Big Picture
Jewish Prayer Time on Temple Mount. Maybe. (israel national
news) Nov 1
regarding the Temple Mount needs to receive an official stamp of approval from
both Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.
Kerry headed to mideast and Europe to talk "final status" of Israel nonsense
(times of israel) Nov 1
Obama leaks more Israel intel (the blaze) Nov 1
and look
what happens:
China Moves Spy Ship to Hawaiian Waters in “Retaliation” Against U.S. (infowars)
Nov 1
China: Nuclear submarines capable of widespread attack on U.S
(washington times) Oct 31
Google’s Secret "Revealed": Barge (cbs san fran)
Oct 31
New Marriage Law in Israel (jewish press)
Oct 29
Obama purging Military (the blaze) Oct 23
intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing us as a
superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being
has fired
nine commanders this year
Saudi Arabia severs diplomatic ties with US (dailymail) Oct
"over Syria"
Pope Rejects Meeting with Bibi in Rome (israel natonal news)
Oct 20
So there you go: pig-Latin.
Folks talking
up a dead Rabbi, who said the Messiah was already in Israel back in 2005.
"Then if
someone might-say to-YOU; Behold, the Messiah (is) here, or here, might-YOU not
trust. For false-messiahs and false-prophets will be-raised, and they-will-give
great signs and wonders, so-as to-lead-astray, if possible, even the chosen."
Same old
story (Yea, hath God said?), although a few details are changing or being
omitted now...
here is the original WND story:
" In 1990,
the late Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Schneerson told Kaduri that he would live to
see the coming of the Messiah."
"Also in
September 2005, Kaduri said: 'The Messiah is already in Israel. Whatever people
are sure will not happen is liable to happen, and whatever we are certain will
happen may disappoint us. But in the end, there will be peace throughout the
world.' "
Recall that
Eve, even as smart as she was (tree of knowledge) was SO deluded that she said
"I have gotten a man YHVH." (1 Tim.2:14, Gen.4:1). Eve was wrong.
These rabbis are wrong.
1 John 3:2 "Cherished
(ones), we are now children of-God, and it-was not-yet manifested what
we-shall-be. We-are-knowing-absolutely that if he-might-be-manifested
we-shall-be like him, because we-shall-see him according-as he-is".
Oct 18
Now, concerning "redskins":
", yellow, black and white, they are precious to His
oh my, trouble in paradise...
So what to do? Just cut out "red"? If I were a
mis-named "American-Indian" (it was not, after all, any part of India), would
"redskins" offend me? Maybe. With the right propaganda programming,
How about "yellow"? Racist? Seems likely.
Does "black" offend an "African-American"? Surely
Would it be better if Jesus just loved the white
children only?...
So, the Republican "Party" has long wanted national health
care tax money, but have been wary of the blame for such. Hence one of the
reasons Obama was elected. Now under the guise of pressure of some fake
financial deadline, Obamacare is funded. So, again, at whatever cost, it
is in the door.
Media silent on Kenya mall Islamic terrorist torture (atlas
shrugs) Sept 27
Jihad in Kenya: Eyes gouged out, bodies hanging from
hooks, and fingers removed with pliers': Horrific claims of torture emerge as
soldiers reveal gory Kenyan Muslim mall massacre
Sen. Ted Cruz all night on the Senate floor fighting
against Obamacare () Sept 24-25
The rabbi, the lost ark and the future of Temple Mount
(telegraph) Sept 12
Apart from the Ark of the Covenant, every artifact on
display has been painstakingly created in accordance with Biblical instructions
and is intended for actual service in a “third Jewish temple", which will be
built as soon as possible.
All have been designed in consultation with 20
full-time Talmudic scholars
There are many anti-christs. The Talmud is anti-christ
in it's beliefs/statements.
In the future, many will fall from The Way.
Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life.
"Are YOU not knowing absolutely that
YOU are the sanctuary (ναὸς - naos)
of the God,
and the spirit of God is dwelling ( οἰκεῖ - oikei) in YOU?" -1Corinthians 3:16
Navy Yard shooter demon possessed (ap) Sept 16
Him and Buddha.
Media Silent as Muslims Ethnically Cleanse 60,000 Christians in Philippines
(frontpage magazine) Sept 15
Colorado flood stats from KOAA TV Sept 14
- 200 miles
of affected area, including 15 counties
- 17,494 homes damaged, 1,502 destroyed
- 5 people confirmed dead, 1,253 reported missing
- 11,700 people evacuated
- 1,872 people staying in shelters
A Time to Die

Nana (my mother-in-law) passed away
this morning, 9/14/2013.
That which is not seen.
*Nana: "I think it will go fast."
her son: "What Mom? What will go fast?"
Nana: "me...this thing" (reoccurring cancer)
her son: "Why do you say that Mom? How would you know that?"
Nana: "Because I've been asking."
her son: "asking who, Mom?"
Nana: (looks and points up)
"Now faith (trust) is the substance of things hoped
for, the evidence of things not seen." - Hebrews
This Yom Kippur - Day of Atonements -was not a "lite" day, and it is good to see
the stars are shining tonight. I saw more than three.
And I'm joyful in this Light: "For Messiah (is)
finish of-law with-reference-to righteousness to-every (one) trusting."
-Romans 10:4
Evidently Nana saw this Light too.
May you rest in peace.
A Time to Live

Pappa Frenchy:
You don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven (independent
) 9-11
targeting the Roman Catholic Church's alignment with Islam
This week America lost its superpower status (glenn beck)
Sept 10
Anyway, Syria: We know Obama and Putin
whisper sweet nothings to each other off the microphone. So with this
"crisis", they are strengthening Assad
and Iran (via Russian missiles, Chinese
"rebels" to Syrian Christians:
'Either You Convert to Islam, Or You Will Be Beheaded' (breitbart)
Sept 9
Rebels Admit Responsibility for Chemical Weapons Attack (infowars)
Sept 9
The "rebels" apparently do not want the USA to
attack Assad
Haftarah portion includes Joel 2:15-27
Joel 2:19 "And Jehovah answered and said unto his
people, Behold, I will send you grain, and new wine, and
oil, and ye shall be satisfied therewith; and I will no more make you
a reproach among the nations:
vs20 But I will remove far off from you the northern
army, and will drive it into a land barren and desolate, its forepart
into the eastern sea, and its hinder part into the western sea: and its
stench shall come up, and its ill savor shall come up, because it hath done
great things."
vs 20 - Might this speak of an outcome of a Syrian war?
China & Russia have sent troops/navy to Syria
News UpdateA
Chinese landing craft with 1,000 marines for Syria (debka
file) Sept 6
Tamu Massif
The Largest volcano in the solar system - in the Pacific Ocean
(international business times) Sept 6
It covers an area roughly the size of the state of New
Mexico and is nearly as big as the giant volcanoes of Mars, meaning it is one of
the largest in the solar system.
Drudge Reports
Thurs. Sept 5
Russia claims 100-page report blaming Syrian REBELS for chemical weapons
EXECUTING MEN ON KNEES... 'We swear to Lord of Throne, we will take revenge'...
Fri. Sept 6 :
O LOSES G20...
Sat. Sept 7:
International support for strike growing...
EU Backs 'Clear and Strong' Response...
and yet -
Direct link between regime and gas attack elusive for US...
The Truth Behind the War in Syria: The Qatari Natural Gas Pipeline – Obama’s
War for Oil (shariaunveiled) Sept 6
Would you like to send your own son or your own
daughter to fight in Syria just so that a natural gas pipeline can be built?
Syria intervention plan fueled by oil interests, not chemical weapon concern
(the guardian) Sept 6
According to retired NATO Secretary General Wesley
Clark, a memo from the Office of the US Secretary of Defense just a few weeks
after 9/11 revealed plans to "attack and destroy the governments in 7 countries
in five years", starting with Iraq and moving on to "Syria, Lebanon, Libya,
Somalia, Sudan and Iran." In a subsequent interview, Clark argues that this
strategy is fundamentally about control of the region's vast oil and gas
Syria War Bible Code (govtslaves) Sept 5
So does all of this mean something?
Maybe yes, maybe no.
But it is definitely interesting.
Evidence: Syrian Rebels used Chemical Weapons (not Assad)
( Aug 27
Obama using Syria to raise taxes, fund Obamacare? (the hill)
Aug 31
The Writing is removed from the Wall
As Rosh Hashanah draws nigh, Western Wall gets traditional cleaning (jerusalem
post) Aug 25
The prayer notes are treated as trash; piled on the
ground, swept into the trash can. Are the prayer notes "dirty"?
Are they dead? Were they ever "clean" or "holy" notes/prayers? Or only
vanity? This cleaning activity shows the show.
Consider Jer.31:31, 1Cor.3:16: God is
looking/reading the heart.
2Cor.3:v3 (Ones)-being-manifested that
You;-are (an) epistle of-Messiah
ministered by us,
not with-black-ink BUT with (the) Spirit of-(the)-living God, not in
flat-tablets of-stone BUT in flat-tablets (of) fleshy hearts.
Slowest Start To A Hurricane Season On Record (steven
goddard) Aug 24
Least Extreme Summer, Fewest tornados in 2013
This is a time for Teshuvah/Repentance.
Assad used Sarin gas (debkafile) Aug 24
The sarin shells fired on Damascus - by Syrian 4th
Division’s 155th Brigade - were followed by rockets on Israel and car bombings
in Lebanon
US, Russia "playacting".
Somebody used a type of gas.
War Looms: Hundreds of American Troops and CIA Operatives Have Entered Syria (
Aug 23
Thus, one can only conclude that the Russians were
talking about a nuclear engagement between them… and us.
U.S. preps for possible cruise missile attack on Syrian gov't forces
(cbs news) Aug 23
The UN "experts" in Damascus have not been allowed to investigate
never-the-less, But with pictures providing graphic
Launching cruise missiles from the sea would not risk
any American lives. It would be a punitive strike designed not to topple
Syrian dictator Bashir Assad but to convince him he cannot get away with
using chemical weapons
Oh wait, the CIA had advance intel:
"U.S. intelligence detected activity at known Syrian
chemical weapons sites in the days before the attack."
However, officials stress President Obama, who until now has steadfastly
resisted calls for military intervention, has not made a decision.
Update, verified:
U.S. Had Intel on Chemical Strike Before It Was Launched
(foreign policy)
Aug 30
The burden of Damascus.
Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city,
and it shall be a ruinous heap.
Isaiah 17:1
Abbas stuns Israel, drops "right of return" demand (jewish
press) Aug 21
interesting times. Will the Pope jump in and "help"?
end of the world is starting in Damascus
(haaretz) Aug 21
Many in the West and Israel despise Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. But
what’s happening in Syria proves the validity of Netanyahu’s warning that the
greatest danger to world peace in the 21st century is the combination of
unconventional weapons and unconventional regimes. Lunatics really are insane.
Barbarians are really barbaric. Huns will be Huns.
Egypt court orders Mubarak release
(jerusalem post) Aug 20
Egyptian Military Orders Christian Churches Rebuilt
(breitbart) Aug 20
Syrian Rebels: '1,300 Killed In Gas Attack'
(sky news) Aug 20
BUT: Professor Fawaz
Gerges, director of the Middle East Centre at the London School of Economics,
examined the motive behind a chemical weapons attack.
He told Sky News: "Why would the Assad government use poison while you have a
very strong UN team in Damascus?... and his army has the upper hand in the
Ghouta area? He has done everything in his power to prevent western
Experts: Syria Chemical Weapons Attack “Suspicious”
(infowars) Aug 20
Egyptian Military Government is against Muslim Brotherhood
(israel national news) Aug 19
Egypt's Christians Attack Western Media Coverage
(israel national news) Aug 19
Reuters muses with apparent hope that MB will make a
comeback in headline:
"Egypt crackdown may not crush Brotherhood"
Obama is supporting the Muslim Brotherhood by stopping aid to Egypt
Israel stays clear of Egyptian crisis, fearing Russian military’s return to a
second border after Syria
(debkafile) Aug 19
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Republics – not Israel
- are lobbying the West for support of the Egyptian military. Their campaign is
orchestrated by Saudi Director of Intelligence Prince Bandar Bin Sultan - not an
anonymous senior Israeli official as claimed by the New York Times,
NY Times Blames Israel and AIPAC for Prolonging Egypt's Agony
(american thinker) Aug 19
Sources: Mubarak Set to be Released This Week
(israel national news) Aug 19
Ban Ki-moon Admits: UN is Biased Against Israel
(israel national news) Aug 18
The head of the United Nations admitted this past week
that the organization he heads has had a bias against Israel.
Beilin: The Egyptian Army Rigged the Election for Morsi
(israel national news) Aug 18
Did Obama knowingly back a fraud, Morsi?
Pain Increasing for American Pastor Saeed Abedini (american
center for law and justice) Aug 12
Muslims killing Muslims
(bigstory) Aug 11
This is Islam:
now that the "moderate" muslims are all dead,
"We can now comfortably confront the United States of
US Order To Shutdown Millions Of Christian Websites Shocks World
(pakalert press) Aug 10
HUD to manipulate voting demographics
(usnews) Aug 9
& facilitate Islamic spread
Another Secure Email Service, Silent Circle, Is Shutting Down
(gizmodo) Aug 9
similarities seen between the Pope's "eyes" (the
confessional) and all the "I"-spy stuff we pay our government to perform on us
B.C. 1093 (Shavuot? 1Sam:13:17, 14:1)
- Aug 8, 2013 A.D.
Nothing New Under the Sun Department @Gun "Control"
1Samuel 13:19 Now
there was no smith found throughout all the land of Israel; for the Philistines
said, Lest the Hebrews make them swords or spears:
vs20 but all the Israelites went down to the
Philistines, to sharpen every man his share, and his coulter, and his axe, and
his mattock;
vs21 yet they had a file for the mattocks, and for
the coulters, and for the forks, and for the axes, and to set the goads.
vs22 So it came to pass in the day of battle, that
there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people that
were with Saul and Jonathan: but with Saul and with Jonathan his son was there
vs23 And the garrison of the Philistines went out
unto the pass of Michmash.
Nothing New Under the Sun Department
(biblical creation @facebook) July 31
Scientist Robert Gentry made a remarkable discovery
many years ago. When examining granite rocks, a makeup of the Earth's crust, he
found that they contained Radiohalos which are a remnant of the element
Polonium. Evolutionists believe the Earth was once hot magma and the magma
cooled and became the Earth's crust over billions of years. The magma would have
burned up the Polonium, so therefore the Earth did not form this way. A half
life of the element Polonium-218 is 3 minutes..Meaning the Earth itself was
formed in less than 3 minutes! Next to DNA, this was one of the most
groundbreaking discoveries for creation to date.
J.N.comments @facebook:
This short article also fails to mention that radio
halos of Polonium 214 with a half life of 164.3(20) µs (164 MICRO seconds) were
also found repeatedly. That means that the granite crystals they were found in
would have needed to form in less than 164 microseconds. That is pretty
quick! 0.164 of a second is really fast--like the twinkling of an eye fast.
The Special Significance Of The Iftar Meal In The Peace Process
(hebrew nation online) July 31
July 26
World leaders should unite to end anti-Christian persecution, Vladimir Putin
says (lifesitenews)
Aug 1
Snowden goes to ...Russia...for
Watch that space...
We do not trust in men...
John 6:29 " The
Jesus answered and said to-them,
This is the work of-the God,
in-order-that you-might-trust with-reference-to
whom that (one) dispatched."
understand this
also as that the trust is from God....our trust is the manifestation of God
working in us....we don't even get "credit" for our trust, which is our
work....and this is the Love of God - that He loved us first.
We ourselves-are-cherishing, because he himself
first cherished us.
The work of God is that He loved us first so that we might love and so it is
only in HIS love to us that our trust is allowed. And yes, the context of
the passage shows that this trust is also the work that we are to do..
Russia Finally Admits Terrorists Probably Shot Rabbi (jewish
press) Aug 3
The shooting of a Chabad rabbi in the Russian republic
of Dagestan was likely a terrorist attack by Muslim extremists
Unexplained, conflicting US global terror warnings now extend to American
homeland (debka)
Aug 3
Obama securing the "Homeland" for...?
The NSA creating a situation where the US public believes
the NSA is a good thing?
Hawaii official now
swears: No Obama birth certificate (wnd)
old news reminder
Barack Obama: Really "made in the USA"?
Obama Was the Original Birther (american thinker) Sept
18, 2018
Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attack
(cnn) Aug 1
CIA spokesman Dean Boyd asserted in a statement that
the agency has been open with Congress.
As in the days of Lot and Noah
Claim: ☻bama hid 'gay life' to become president
(WND) Sept 11, 2012
How qweird is that?
Suppose NSA~Snowden has some info on this?
Feiglin Declares 'It's Time to Flood the Temple Mount'
(israel national news) Aug 1
Shameless Anathemas
(amos37) July 30
Rome's Crusade against Grace
Doctrinal error (works) similarities with the
"Messy-Antic" community....which is surreal in light of Luther's
Roman Catholicism is idolatry. And just like Eve,
even if you are deluded, it is still sin.
Leader: 'Open Season' on Nigerian Christians by Islamists
(israel national news) July 30
4 African Girls Have Created A Generator That Produces Electricity For 6 Hours
Using A Single Liter Of Urine As Fuel
(jewsnews) July 29
(a) Moon Chart

Your Papers DNA Please
(reagan coalition) July 18
data for the base in Utah
Whistle Blower says Obama not made in USA (red flag news)
July 28
a whistle-blower from Higher Education Services
Corporation in Albany New York came forward and advised Attorney Orly Taitz that
she personally reviewed Barack Obama’s financial aid information, which stated
that financial aid was given to Obama as foreign student and as a citizen of
now hear this
Snowden has NSA files - on Obama's birth?
This is crazy.
Israel to free more terrorists:
Following is the text of an open letter to the citizens of
Israel from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ahead of the proposal to resume
the diplomatic process, that will be submitted to the Cabinet tomorrow (Sunday,
28 July 2013):
"From time to time, prime ministers are called on to make decisions that go
against public opinion – when the matter is important for the country.
In order to make decisions that are
supported by the public, there is no need for prime ministers.
[say what?]
At the present time, it seems to me that it is very important for the State of
Israel to enter into a diplomatic process. This is important both in order to
exhaust the chance of ending the conflict with the Palestinians and in order to
establish Israel's position in the complex international reality around us.
The major changes in our region – in Egypt, Syria and in Iran – not only place
challenges before the State of Israel but they also create considerable
opportunities for us.
For these reasons, I believe that it is important for the State of Israel to
enter a diplomatic process that will continue for at least nine months – in
order to check if it is possible to reach an agreement with the Palestinians
during this time.
But even with all of the importance that I ascribe to the diplomatic process, I
was not prepared to accept the Palestinians' demands for withdrawals and freezes
as preconditions for entering negotiations.
Neither was I prepared to accept their demand to release Palestinian prisoners
before the start of negotiations. I did agree to release 104 Palestinians in
stages after the start of the negotiations and in accordance with the
circumstances of their progress.
This is an incomparably difficult decision, it is painful for the bereaved
families and it is painful for the entire nation and it is also very painful for
It collides with the incomparably
important value of justice. [Exactly,
and yet he proceeds to do injustice!]
It is a clear injustice when
depraved people, even if most of them have sat in prison for over 20 years as in
this case, are released before they have finished serving their sentences.
The decision is difficult for me seven-fold because my family and I personally
know the price of bereavement stemming from terrorism. I know the pain very
well. I have lived with it every day for the past 37 years.
The fact that previous Israeli governments have released over 10,000 terrorists
does not make it easier for me today, and did not make it easier when I decided
to bring back Gilad Shalit.
Gilad Shalit's return home entailed an incomparably difficult decision for me –
releasing terrorists. But I believed that the value of bringing children back
home needed to overcome this difficulty.
People in positions of leadership need to choose between complex choices and
sometimes the necessary decision is especially difficult when most of the public
opposes it.
Thus I decided to end Operation Pillar of Defense after the elimination of
arch-terrorist Ahmed Jabari and after the severe blows the IDF dealt to Hamas
and the other terrorist organizations.
I made the decision to end the operation even though most of the public
supported continued action, which would have required entering the Gaza Strip on
the ground. As Prime minister, I thought that the goal of deterrence had been
mostly achieved by the determined actions that we carried out.
Today, almost one year after the end of Operation Pillar of Defense, we are
witness to the quietest situation in the south in over a decade. Of course, this
quiet can fray at any minute but my policy is clear on all fronts: We will, as
much as possible, foil threats against us in a timely manner. We will react
strongly to any attempt to harm our people.
In the next nine months, we will consider whether there is a Palestinian element
opposite us that, like us, truly wants to end the conflict between us.
Such a conclusion will be possible only under conditions that will ensure
security for Israel's citizens and ensure our vital national interests.
If we succeed in achieving such a peace agreement, I will submit it to a
Such a fateful decision cannot be made by a close vote in the Knesset.
Every citizen must be allowed to directly influence our future and our fate on
such a crucial issue.
The best answer we can give to those same base murderers that sought to defeat
us through terrorism is that in the decades that they sat in prison, we built a
glorious country and turned it into one of the most prosperous, advanced and
strongest countries in the world.
I promise that we will continue thus.
Benjamin Netanyahu."
It seems that as a pre-condition for the Palestinians
(who do not accept any border with Israel) to "negotiate peace" with
Israel, Israel is freeing Palestinian Terrorists.
This is crazy.
On the Right Hand:
The Woman Cries: Justice. Justice. Justice.
Bayit Yehudi: PM Elected to Make Right, Not Difficult Decisions
(israel national news) July 27
Shaked told reporters, “The prime minister wasn’t elected to make difficult
decisions; he was elected to make the right decisions.”
“The government forgot why we are here and how to stay
here. It started with giving in to terror in the Shalit deal and continues with
surrendering to the Americans. For what?” She added that although Israeli agent
Jonathan Pollard killed no one, and shed no blood, he is still sitting in a
prison, decades later, despite appeals even from the prime minister himself.
Here's the reality:
July 29
by Adi Moses
US bomb victims relive the horror (jewish press) July
I'm the one who will establish peace between 2
(jerusalem post)
sept 24, 2011
Netanyahu is not an apparent
liar, he is not stupid, and he is not crazy.
So apparently he has confidential information...
or, on the other hand, he is a
Into the Fray: Resign, just resign!
(jerusalem post) Aug 1
4 in 5 in US face near-poverty, no work (
July 27
More than 19 million whites fall below the poverty line
of $23,021 for a family of four, accounting for more than 41 percent of the
nation's destitute, nearly double the number of poor blacks.
"the invisible poor" -
whites -with more than 76 percent enduring
periods of joblessness, life on welfare or near-poverty.
Nothing New Under the Sun Dept.:
Dark Days ( July 26
on this day in 1264
One of the greatest comets ever recorded. When the head
of the comet was about to rise the tail extended past the zenith.
The deliberate destruction of the Temple Mount by Muslims
(jewishpress) July 26
Muhammad is on the
US supreme court building (wnd)
Feb 2006

What does the text pictured say?
The artwork, which is high above the justice’s mahogany
bench, was designed by sculptor Adolph A. Weinman for the building, which opened
in the 1930s. Muhammad is between Charlemagne and Justinian. ... The stone
sculptures of 18 lawgivers, from Hammurabi to John Marshall, are meant to
signify the law’s foundation in a stable society. Included is Moses with the Ten
This is the law of the land...
Rehnquist wrote. “Additionally, it is unlawful (under
the U. S. Code) to remove or in any way injure an architectural feature in
the Supreme Court"
God is "gathering" all the nations - to be against Israel
- so that He will be manifest by Israel to the nations. (Ro.9:17)
How to respond to EU sanctions (caroline glick) July 26
Europe is using economic sanctions to expand its
political power over Israeli decision-makers. So Israel should act to diminish
Europe's political power in Israel.
Texas Holder'em (ap) July 25
How to cheat at ballot box cards
Tablet turns the world of historical research upside down; sites "Judah
Maccabee" (israel national news) July 25
Report: Assad Approached Israel for Alawite Safe Haven
(israel national news) July 24
Millions of girls have genital mutilation because of Islam
(cnn) July 23
Report: Anti-Semitic incidents up across New York
( July 23
Again, Asaad not dead yet ( July 18
"Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, ..... told a Senate hearing that under current conditions, he
believed President Bashar Assad would still be in power in a year’s time."
Check out Scott Dyer's commentary on Asaad...
Jumbo viruses hint at ‘fourth domain’ of life (
July 18
Commentary: Zimmerman verdict
(possibly) opens up Mexican
border/immigration and incites race hate.
Anti-Jewish Riots in Jerusalem (israel national news)
July 17
the nations gather against Israel
Bennett: EU Boycott is 'Economic Terrorism' (israel national
news) July 16
the "Obama works" symbol
Alt-2 (keypad 2)
and then, Ctrl-Alt-down arrow (in arrow cluster)
Christians tortured in Sinai ( July 11
From the West Coast of Africa to the deserts of Sinai,
Bedouin tribes are conducting a human trafficking trade on a massive scale.
Are they "Christians" or Catholics? They
could be the same...
is coming to the USA...
RAPE Jihad against children (gatestone institute)
July 11
Bernanke Supports Continuing Stimulus Amid Debate Over QE (bloomberg)
July 11
still wiping out Americans' savings (wealth) via
interest rates
Pope widens child abuse crackdown in Vatican (france24)
July 11
What a headline defining the sad State of the Vatican.
US to go ahead and send F-16 to Egypt despite Morsi's overthrow
(israel national news) July 10
The White House has been cautious about calling the
Egyptian military’s ouster of Morsi a “coup,” noting that it will need to
“review what has taken place.”
U.S. Delays Delivery of F-16s to Egypt (israel
national news) July 25
The Obama administration is reviewing whether Morsi’s
ouster requires suspending U.S. aid. A U.S. law requires denying
assistance to a country “whose duly elected head of government is deposed by a
military coup d’etat.”
What if Obama is doing the best he can?
Little Saudi Arabian Troll shows up at White House Independence Day celebration
(glenn beck) July 10
this is freaky
"Abdul Rahman Alharbi, once a person of interest in the
Boston Marathon bombing, turned up at the White House for July 4th festivities.
He was at one time placed on a watch list and was at one point labeled a
threat to national security by the State Department.
What in the world was he doing there?"
Gun-rights activist Adam Kokesh arrested in Herndon
(washington post) July 10
charged with possession of schedule I and II drugs
while in possession of a firearm,
ok, so what are "schedule I and II drugs?
The DEA definitions:
I drugs:
"Substances in this schedule have no currently accepted
medical use in the United States (non FDA
approved supplements?), a lack of accepted safety
for use under medical supervision, and a high potential for abuse."
PLANTS: Marihuana,
common Psilocybin Mushroom ("magic" mushrooms?), Opium, Khat, Coca.
These are not common household medicines.
Schedule II drugs: "Substances in
this schedule have a high potential for abuse which may lead to severe
psychological or physical dependence."
includes Codeine, Hydrocodone, OxyContin/Percocet, Dexedrine, Ritalin
These are fairly common household medicines.
Speaking of the USA, Drugs, and when Pigs fly (natural news)
July 8
Russian Military To Conduct Observation Flights Over US
(govtslaves) July 8
Strange Planes Landing At US Air Force Bases ( July
Silent Night Media
Two Coptic Christians beheaded by Muslim in New Jersey (
April 6/July 8
Adherents of Islam burn 30 schoolchildren alive
(ap) July 6
number of murders by Muslims unknown
as Snowden melts
Republicans want to talk to Col. George Bristol about Benghazi
(cbs news) July 6
hopefully he's just retired and not "has been retired"
oh yeah, Snowden. An NSA spy "trapped" in Russia.
What a predicament.
Merging Torah and current events:
Shilo Tabernacle site found (israel national news)
July 2
Israel's history in the Land proven by archeology once again.
And in their history God’s
witness Israel verifies that scripture is true...that YHVH is truth.
Praise Yah!
China & Russia in War "Games" (nowtheendbegins) July 2
end times alignments
Brotherhood ouster in Egypt may clear way for stricter Islamists
(la times) July 5
July 3 Morsi out
Egyptian military places politicians on notice June30
Morsi, who says "Jews and Christians are the descendants
of apes and pigs", is apparently too much of an Islamic moderate...(for
Obama? Yes, Obama is "backing" Morsi...)
Please God Help Us
I cannot watch
Westcliffe Gun Show Parade @Local
As in the days of Noah and Lot:
DOMA, or rather the institution of marriage, attacked by Supreme Court.
Scalia: 'High-Handed' Kennedy Has Declared Us 'Enemies of the Human Race'
June 26
the majority calls good - evil, and calls evil - good.
As an aside, apparently, the use of the word "faggot" can
have a pejorative sense.
“Waiting for the Other Shoe” —i.e. Polygamy (albertmohler)
June 26
DOMA was apparently set up to fail.
This is paving the way
for the Islamic polygamy in the USA, and that child molesting
atrocity is evil, as even the National Geographic has documented:
Too Young To Wed (nationaljournal) June 2011
This is not saying only Islam is evil:
"Child marriage spans continents, language, religion,
caste. In India the girls will typically be attached to boys four or five years
older; in Yemen, Afghanistan, and other countries with high early marriage
rates, the husbands may be young men or middle-aged widowers or abductors who
rape first and claim their victims as wives afterward, as is the practice in
certain regions of Ethiopia."
Up to now, in the USA,
Mormon polygamist child molesters were prosecuted
That may soon change.
a few words drafted on polygamy
July 1
Our future is so bright, we have to wear shades.
(now we see darkly)
There is a bright message within the polygamy of Abraham,
Sarah, Hagar & Keturah. If you have eyes to see it.
Polygamy brought us the twelve sons of Jacob, i.e. Israel.
And that's a good thing!
Now Obama Using Troops To Prop Up Cairo's
Islamofascists (
June 25
Israeli Scientist: Virus Causing Bees to Disappear (israel
national news)
June 16
US High School Recites Pledge In Arabic: “One Nation Under Allah" (
June 17
It is a proper name for their false deity, much like
the God of the Bible’s is Yahweh. In other words, this is not a generic
rendering of the word “God.” It is specific.
the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) are
the ones
demanding that Muslims get special treatment in public
schools, even granting that their students be
allowed to pray and be excused from class for it.
Obama's Syria Policy a Mess (weekly standard)
June 15
President Obama OKs Shipment of Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria (the
new american
June 14
Obama-backed Syrian jihadists massacre Christian village population
(jihad watch)
June 15
Syrian "rebels" behead Christian and feed him to the dogs
(daily mail)
Dec 2012‘
The free and democratic world is supporting
extremists,’ Sister Agnes-Miriam said from her sanctuary in Lebanon. ‘They want
to impose Sharia Law and create an Islamic state in Syria.’
Commander in SS-led unit living in US (my way news)
June 14
The Nations Gather
USA again aiding muslims in syria and on the other hand Russia.
IRAN votes for new president (reuters)
June 14
maybe: "Of five conservative
candidates professing unwavering obedience to Khamenei, only three are thought
to stand any chance of winning the vote, or making it through to a second round
run-off in a week's time."
buying nuke time "none is seen as challenging the
Islamic Republic's 34-year-old system of clerical rule"
Colorado Fires
A little clear cutting and/or a few slash fires would save
a lot of wildfire grief.
Perpetual fire bans stop property clean-up and increase
The fact that there is no fire "fighting" (i.e. "let it
burn" policy) creates risk for the homeowner
Fire requires fuel to burn: the homeowner is on his
own, and knows that a "mandatory evacuation" means if an ember lands on his roof
no one will snuff it out if he leaves.
"fire protection" districts are a farce.
Fie is a tool. Once upon a time, everyone ran to
fight a fire, now everyone runs away. Fire is a tool.
Also ran:
You can't take it with you, but looters can.
NSA Secret Leaker Vanishes (reuters)
June 10
if anyone could know this game, it would seem to be Edward
Noting though that the Washington Post turned him in to
the government. (their bosses)
the whole thing might be a snow job
June 24 - So Snowden walks out of NSA with a jump drive
full of secrets. Right. And he's heading towards that old CIA
stronghold, Ecuador. Ok.
Moscow sets up Russian Golan brigade, warns Israel Sunnis plus al Qaeda are
bigger threat than Assad (debkafile)
June 10
Once a shul, now a church that celebrates Judaism
June 10
Obama's UN nominee advocated invasion of Israel (ynet news)
June 5
"Samantha Power, a former White House aide and Harvard
professor, asserted in a 2002 interview in Berkley University that the US might
in the future be forced to deploy a large military force in Israel in order to
impose a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and establish a
Palestinian state."
Syrian rebels lose strategic town in boost for Assad (reuters)
June 5
Two weeks of heavy fighting reduced much of the
town to piles of concrete, whole blocks flattened by shelling, with glass and
rubble littering the roads as tired, delighted Syrian soldiers gathered at the
bullet-riddled clock tower.
Damascus shall be a ruinous heap.
Assad seems set to surprise many
Why Turkey Matters (american thinker)
June 5
How much cocaine does Obama use? May29
Sweden's "perfect society" ruined by islam (telegrapht) May 25
Muslims murder again. (dailymailt) May 22
This is Islam. Islam is satanic.
Researchers Stumble Upon The Heart’s Self-Healing Ability (no
May 13
Muhammad Al-Dura:
The boy who wasn't really killed (jerusalem post)
May 12
Obama's Benghazi fiasco continues. It's kind of like
Watergate, except no one died in Watergate.
Rear Admiral states that Christianity is under attack in the US Military (cain
May 8
Secret to longer life may be in the brain: study (france24)
May 2
Jordan: Israel Agreed to Allow UN to 'Investigate' in Old City (israel
national news Apr
Does DNA Emit Light?
by Dan Eden
Jihad, or rater Islam, in
America (Apr 20)
This is Islam, Boston (israel national news) Apr
is predominantly Muslim. Most of the Chechens belong to the Shafi'i school of
thought of Sunni Islam, while a minority belong to the Hanafi"
from bombing day, Glenn Beck says something is amiss
Beck exposes -
Exclusive Information on Saudi National (the blaze) Apr
happened to N.Korea?
Jihad by
whom? Noting the fringe reports of Navy Seals on scene prior to blast,
Saudi "national" being "deported"....
The First
Lady visits "person of interest" ???
Hamza is Osama bin Laden's son
(shutking.blogspot) Apr
The Tsarnaev brothers were double agents who decoyed US into terror trap
(debka file) Apr
The Saudi connection linking the Boston Marathon to September 11
(haaretz) Apr
Texas Explosion
not ANFO?
gold crash =
a Saudi Arabian national = islamic terrorist (nypost) Apr
here on a student visa (weeklystandard Apr
begins registering "assault weapons" (breitbart) Apr
Kerry says Foreign Students are Scared of Guns in USA... (weeklystandard) Apr
sheik's social media empire grows from behind bars... (washington
guardian) Apr
Ants can predict earthquakes (times of india) Apr
N. Korea may be able to deliver nuke, Pentagon intel says (cnn) Apr
Colo. Rep. Lamborn bringing out
the truth in House Armed Services Committee hearing Thursday
that's the
rhyme, the reason may be to beef up US in the Pacific?
The Defense
Intelligence Agency report would have been released by the DIA, presumably
towards defense intelligence benefit.
That is,
Lamborn likely only reads what he is "given" to read, - if - "DIA"
actually translates to "Defense Intelligence Agency"....
Yes, N.K. is
starving, with nothing to lose, out-bluffing Obama into a bailout, one way or
another. But + as per DIA? - or another of the umpteen (17)
bodies that make up the U.S. intelligence
noting that
South Koreans are not concerned about N.Korea. hence the fear hype is for US
citizens - so now -"they CAN nuke us!!!"
on the other
hand...maybe crazy L'il Kim has nukes. That there are 17 intelligence
agencies implies they may not all be working together or for the same purposes.
So with this thinking it would be apparent that N.Korea has the reported Nuke
Again, Rep.
Lamborn is just reading the DIA report. He is being truthful. Gen.
Dempsey, "testifying", lies and says the report is classified, and refuses to
comment because it isn't "public", therein verifying - testifying - the report
is valid.
MyJihad in Egypt: Muslim mob screaming "Allahu akbar" rapes Christian woman in
broad daylight
(jihadwatch.orgt) Apr 10
"Dark Lightning" discovered (washingtonpost) Apr
Yom Hashoah - Holocaust Remembrance Day (
Begins Sunday, April 7th at sunset
don't close your eyes.
The Devil's Logic (
by John Parsons
America’s Foes Call Obama’s Bluff (frontpage/daniel
greenfield) Apr 8
Li'l Kim hosts Dennis Rodman, yet toys with Obama.
S Korea hunts for North's missing subs (abc news) Apr 4
at least four N.Korean subs on the prowl, or sunk.
Water is
Threat from Rebel Syria Becomes Clear and What Really Happened in the Benghazi
(rubin reports) Apr 4
possibly Stephens was NOT working with Obama.
And he's dead.
The Watchman's Cry
#6 from
Nathan Leal (watchmanscry) Apr 4
only noting
the recent seeming increase in objects falling from the sky
fear of the
message of the heavens is different from awe of such
'Gate to hell' discovered in Antichrist's neighborhood (wnd) Apr
Ten Toes
does not equal Ten Horns.
Ten Little Countries...And Then There Were
None (Satire)
By Barry Rubin
Ten little
countries standing in a line,
Iran had a revolution, then there were nine.
Nine little entities dangled just like bait,
Hamas took over Gaza and then there were eight.
Eight little countries that are praying for heaven,
Turkey chose some Islamists and then there were seven.
Seven little countries, in the geopolitical mix,
Lebanon elected Hizballah and then there were six.
Six little countries trying to stay alive,
The Brotherhood took Tunisia and then there were five.
Five little countries leaning on the door,
There goes Egypt and now there are four.
Four little countries redefining what is free,
Syria had a civil war and soon there will be three.
Three little countries doing something they will rue,
Afghanistan when Americans leave will probably make it two.
Who will be next? It’s not all that hard to say,
Some think Saudi Arabia already is that way.
Bahrain’s on the verge; Qatar’s on their team,
Things may be far worse than what they seem.
Obama, Brennan, Hagel, Kerry think this is good,
Do you really believe they should?
Perhaps all 10 are on the head of one?
Palestinians kick off Jerusalem bid by ceding Holy Sites Custodianship to
Jordan’s king (debka file) Apr 1
Obama Administration Seeks to Change International Food Aid (new
york times) Apr 4
Obama inciting civil unrest in Colorado (the
right scoop) Apr 3
mocking gun owners as drunks in
Denver April 3, 2013
- strangely childish,
un-presidential behavior -
he wants an excuse to utilize his 1.6 billion hollowpoints...any excuse....
so he lets
Iran go, lets N.Korea sideshow go, lets the muslims go,
lets the
economy go
lets the
border with Mexico go
Understand that Obama has in this speech affirmed his plans...
anyway, here's the scoop:
What the Washington Post says
Obama says (washingtonpost) Apr 3
Obama states therein that none of the
democrat's anti-gun laws or proposals, whether on a state or national level, are
against the 2nd Amendment.
His lips
were moved, so we know he lied.
of common-sense gun laws have ginned up fears among responsible
gun owners that have nothing to do with what’s being proposed, not a thing to do
with facts,” he said. “It feeds into suspicions of government, that you need a
gun to protect yourself from government: ‘We can’t do background checks because
the government will come take my guns away.’ The government is us. These
officials were elected by you.”
The president pleaded with the public that “if you hear that kind of talk, say,
‘Hold on a second.’ If any folks out there are gun owners and you’re hearing
someone talking about the government taking your guns away, get the facts.”
The president’s motorcade passed a group of protesters
holding signs reading, “Stop Taking Our Rights” and “Support Our Second
Amendment.” One person held a blue Obama 2012 campaign sign with the word
“TREASON” written across it.
No report of the President stopping and giving the "facts"
to those folks.
What Obama Said:(
Apr 4
4 More Ways Obama's Gun Control Speech Sows Mistrust
He falsely equates "assault
weapons" with military guns.
He conflates a failed background
check with stopping a criminal from obtaining a gun.
He says there is no logical
connection between "universal background checks" and gun registration.
He pooh-poohs the idea that there
could ever be anything adversarial about the relationship between Americans and
their government:
there is this thing called the Second
Amendment, and it is hardly frivolous to argue than an arbitrary and capricious
piece of legislation like the "assault weapon" ban Obama supports would violate
the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
The Washington Times states that the Second Amendment is "Crumbling" (washington
Apr 4
in other words, these gun
control laws are unconstitutional
On the same
day, Colorado Sheriffs Protest (fox
Apr 4
a group of Colorado Sheriffs
assembled nearby to protest the Obama/Demoncraut gun control.
The Sheriffs
dismissed Obama's visit as "a slap in the face to all Coloradans."
The County
Sheriffs of Colorado, a Littleton-based advocacy organization, released a
position paper on the day of the president's visit, arguing that gun control
does not result in lower crime rates.
"[We] urge our state elected officials not to make decisions during this
grieving period because it would likely lead to policies that are unenforceable
and possible unconstitutional, while punishing law abiding citizens and doing
nothing to reduce violent crime," the paper read.
I note
that the Sheriffs are all elected officials.
More Facts:
Vice President Joe Biden: "If you don't
register your guns, the government will confiscate them"
Dec 22, 2012
Biden says this in his capacity as head of
Obama's task force on gun control. He is NOT misspeaking.
New York Gov. Cuomo
says gun confiscation is an option
Dec 22, 2012
"Cuomo said he will propose
gun control legislation in the 2013 session, and everything will be on the table
— up to and including outright confiscation of
Dem Rep. Jan Schakowsky: Assault Weapons Ban "Just The Beginning"
(real clear
Mar 11, 2013
handguns is also on the agenda.
The tide
changed awhile back:
Supreme Court Justices Breyer-Sotomayor-Ruth Bader Ginsburg (& by assumption,
Kagen): Dissenting to Targeting Guns
(washington times)
June 29, 2010
“In sum, the
Framers did not write the Second Amendment in order to protect a private right
of armed self defense.”
Interestingly, the state of the States is worse now than post-Sandy Hook,
because of the division Obama's gun control policies have (already) caused.
Those opposed are not a "fringe", but rather even over 1/2 of Colorado's 62
elected sheriffs:
Sheriffs Plan Lawsuit against
Gun Control Laws (foxnews)
Apr 10
Obama admin pushes banks to make home loans to people with weak credit (washingtonpost)
Apr 2
Here we go
again. Again, it is the Democrats setting the USA up for failure.
This is a
continuation of the redistribution of wealth - and in particular, the mechanism
to take property rights away from citizens. (via real estate theft and
"bailout" theft). A good example of "The Devil's Logic" in action?
Outpost Residents: Are We the Enemy? (israel national news)
Apr 2
Police State Action included arresting a soldier
Israel, the enemy of the State is often the State (Not all Israel are Israel).
This too, is coming to Amerika.
reason the Palestinians/Arabs get away with murdering Israelis is that the
Israeli Government allows them to.
the USA the Democrats (or Republicans) call the good the evil, and the evil the
good, so too in Israel is seen the support of satan's lies.
MK Strook: Soldiers Ran from Esh Kodesh
Military Action
"It is an extremely grave matter, that the soldiers ran
away and abandoned the agricultural plots and the residents
Note that
Obama wants a "force" in the mainland USA to control civilians that is at least
as strong as the military.
"constabulary force coming" below
Hawaii, Washington DC, Los Angeles and Austin, Texas in North Korea
Crosshairs... (red flag news) Mar
28 year old
crazy. So what hope do senior (starving) military have, but to go to war
and hope for a chance to defect.
If one crazy with nukes causes
so much trouble, why aren't we (USA) going all out to stop Iran's nuke
Special Forces Commander: Obama following Castro’s plan...
(red flag news) Mar
Obama is
all about gun control:
Photo Of 8-Year-Old Syrian Rebel 'Ahmed' Smoking A Cigarette With His Rifle (huff-po) Mar
What a
shame, the poor boy only has an AK-47...
Obama now sending Syrian jihadists our most advanced sniper rifle AS-50
(barenakedislam) Mar
With targeted media leaks, the US takes aim at Israel - (israel
hayom) Mar 30

Global jihad on Jerusalem
(israel hayom) Mar 30
Bennett: Obama Visit was Like Oslo Revisited (israel nationl
news) Mar 30
From Israel:
Surgery without scalpels and scars ( Mar 29
State of Colorado Demonkrauts grant Secret Service vast new powers to Circumvent
County Sheriffs (wnd) Mar 29
Israel's Natural Gas to Flow by end of Pesach (israel and
stuff) Mar 28
Why Texas wants its Gold back (wnd) Mar 28
But even
using the 2 percent figure, over the next few years the buying power of American
depositors’ bank accounts will be just as diminished as that of Cyprus
bank-account holders.
In Egypt: Christians tortured in mosques (fox
news) Mar 27
try telling them their tribulation is not great.
Righteousness of Israel's cause
(ynet news) Mar 26
Temple Groups Practice Passover Sacrifice
(israel natinal news) Mar 26
late &
outside the gate
Jesus was
sacrificed outside the gate.
reading, Hebrews ch 9 & 10.
Syria's Assad shot by Iranian bodyguard
(israel news agency) Mar 25
Another Report:
Assad on TV: Erdogan Destroying Syria by Reconciling with Israel
(israel national news) Apr 5
Saturday Night Live in Israel
Kerry Commends Abbas on His Tie (whitehousedossier) Mar 21
Ok, haha, that's funny.
Nice to see
Obama take his family to Israel.
Valerie Jarrett. ( Mar 20
But why take the circus to Israel?
The carney wants your soul:
A Tale for Our Time: President Obama and the Passover Sacrifice
(israel national
news) Mar 21
you can't make up a headline like that!

disturbing graphic appears with the Israel National News article.
Note the
"Obama" symbol on the alter above the word "Pesach".

above: crop of alter.

Left: Obama's symbol.
Right: Obama's symbol rotated.
the Obama symbol, the creator of it says:
"We were
looking at the "o" of his name and had the idea of a rising sun
and a new day,”
to Sender. “The sun rising over the horizon evoked a new sense of hope."
course, the power of the logo had a lot to do with 'the power of the candidate’s
The meaning of Obama's Symbol (
an islamic prophecy:
hour (the last days) will not come until the sun rises from the west..."
commentary states that one interpretation of the above prediction is that the
sun or the light of Islam, the truth of Islam according to them, will shine in
the western nations and be received well …
Another interpretation from Islamic commentary is that the sun is a
messenger, a person, a leader, who will come out of the western nations and
not only be positive toward Islam, but help promote Islam and protect and defend
Islam and eventually many will be converted to it.
Louis Farrakhan made this statement while speaking to a
group of young people prior to the election of Obama and he was talking about
his friend Obama, he said “you are the instrument that God is going to use to
bring about universal change and that is why Barack has captured the youth and
he has involved young people in the political process that they didn’t care
anything about … that’s a sign, when the messiah speaks the youth will hear and
the messiah is absolutely speaking.”
Not that
anyone should believe Louis Farrakhan, but this IS what he, and others in Islam,
All very
weird by any view.
Obama Speaks Under Arafat Banner (weeklystandard) Mar
Rockets hit Sederot as Obama visits Israel (ynet news) Mar
Nice to
see Obama take his family to Israel.
Obama softer on settlements? (telegraph) Mar 21
Obama's new approach was a stark contrast to early in his first term, when he
declared Israeli settlement building to be illegitimate and promised to dedicate
himself to peace.
Nice to see Obama take his family to Israel.
March 21 - Spring has Sprung:
President Shimon Peres will award President Obama with the Presidential Medal
of Distinction for his unique contribution to the security of the State of
All very
weird by any view
New Israel Defense Minister (israel national
news) Mar 17
he chairs:
Beit Morasha of
Jerusalem, The Center
for Jewish
Identity and
which is inclusive of:
The Harry O
Triguboff Israel Institute for Conversion Policy
which speaks on
note the
haredi are not playing a
big part in Netanyahu's new government
Coalition Deal Seen as Great Achievement for Religious Zionism (israel national
news) Mar 13
Netanyahu: We have a New Government (israel national
news) Mar 15
Yeshua was
"sent" to Egypt as a baby/boy so that he could fulfill "out of Egypt have I
called my son" (Hos.11:1Mt.2:15) and "This is what YHVH did for
me"(Ex.13:8) if Obama rides in from Egypt on a donkey......
...The Jews
will likely just see an ass headed their way.
Your Brain Scans Show Who You're Thinking About (BUSINESS
( May
Pappa Frency washes & kisses female muslim inmate's feet. (ap) Mar
from a life really long time of celibacy,
the Pope's
actions will likely cause the muslim woman to be flogged for having relations
with a man who is not a blood relative, as according to Sharia law.
The rite re-enacts Jesus' washing of the feet of his
12 apostles
Breaking Roman Catholic law is not a concern, for that law is of no account.
It is blasphemy against Jesus
in every aspect.
He's a "good catholic".
And he's a "good Jesuit".
The French Friar is a Liar
(cnn) Mar 16
pope meets the press
acknowledged that not all those present were Catholic, saying he gave them his
blessing "knowing that you are of different religions, because all of you are
children of God."
Two lies: 1. papa Frenchy does not know men's hearts. Only God knows
men's hearts.
2: Not all are children of God,
and certainly not all religions are of The God, YHVH Yehsua.
He seems nice enough...a nice liar. A.K.A. "card
he has some
things up his sleeve.
he can dance
says he is all about peace, saving the environment...but maybe not:
Argentina Debates Pope's Political Past (wall street
journal) Mar 16
Pope Francis already groping Jews (ap) Mar 15
A.K.A. "reaching out", or "blowing smoke"
also has "an inclination to
expand interfaith outreach to Islam and Judaism"
The Jesuits are the Vatican's
military for enforcing church laws and increasing its wealth.
Some call
him.......Tim? Mar10
that might be
Nope, Jorgi Porgi wins (ap) Mar 13
He say,
call me Papa Frankie
Perhaps -
The French Friar?
or Frenchy.
Pappa Frenchy. That should work.
The First
Jesuit Pope! (ap) Mar 13
The Jesuits have two Popes!
Is Papa Francis now over or under
the Black Pope?
Benedict XVI resignation: The two-pope problem
(bbc) Feb 28
By Michael Walsh Papal
so, along with the Black Pope
There's the
Coptic Pope
Official title
Pope Theodoros II
His Most Blessed Beatitude and His Holiness
Your Holiness
Pope and Patriarch
The leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria is known as Pope of
Alexandria and Patriarch of all Africa on the Holy See of St. Mark the Apostle.
The Successor of St. Mark the Evangelist, Holy Apostle and Martyr, on the Holy
Apostolic Throne of the Great City of Alexandria.
His full title is:
Pope and Lord Archbishop of the Great City of Alexandria
and Patriarch of All Africa on the Holy Orthodox and Apostolic Throne of Saint
Mark the Evangelist and Holy Apostle that is, in Egypt, Pentapolis, Libya, Nubia,
Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and all Africa.
That is:
Pope and Lord Archbishop of the Great and Holy
Metropolitan Archdiocese of Alexandria (Rhakotis), being:
The Metropolitan of the Holy, Great and Ancient Metropolitan Archdiocese of
Alexandria (Rhakotis), comprising:
The Great and Ancient Metropolis of Alexandria, which includes:
The Suffragan Holy Diocese of Canopus (Aboukir)
The Suffragan Holy Diocese of Menelaus
The Suffragan Holy Diocese of Schedia
The Metropolitan of the Metropolitan Province of Greater Cairo comprising:
The Holy Archdiocese of Cairo (Arcadia Ægypti), which includes:
The Suffragan Holy Diocese of East of the Railroad District in Cairo
The Suffragan Holy Diocese of Meit Ghamr District in Cairo
The Suffragan Holy Diocese of Dar El Salam (Irinipolis) in Cairo
The Suffragan Holy Diocese of Heliopolis in Cairo
The Suffragan Holy Diocese of Old Cairo (Babylon), Manial and Fum El Kahlig in
The Suffragan Holy Diocese of El Mataria, Ain Shams, Ezbet El Nakhl in the Holy
Archdiocese of Cairo (Arcadia Ægypti)
The Metropolitan of the Archdiocese of North America, which includes:
The Suffragan Holy Diocese of Alexandria and all Virginia, USA
Elder and Chief Metropolitan Archbishop of all the Egyptian Provinces
Primate of all Egypt, Pentapolis, Libya, Nubia and the Sudan
Patriarch of All Africa on the Holy Throne of St. Mark the Evangelist, the Holy
Apostle and Martyr.
In being so, he is considered to be:
Father of Fathers.
Shepherd of Shepherds.
Hierarch of all Hierarchs
Honorary titles attributed to the Hierarch of the Alexandrine Throne are:
The Pillar and Defender of the Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church and of the
Orthodox Faith.
The Dean of the Great Catechetical School of Theology of Alexandria.
The Ecumenical (Universal) Judge (Arbitrator) of the Holy Apostolic and Catholic
(Universal) Church.
The Thirteenth among the Holy Apostles.
Some call
him ......Ted.
Pope Out, March Conclave (telegraph)
Feb 17
Benedict to remain under Vatican house arrest?
update, wow, quick confirmation:
Pope Benedict resigned to avoid arrest, seizure of Roman Catholic Church wealth
by March (
Feb 17
our Office concluded an agreement with representatives
of a European nation and its courts to secure an arrest warrant against
Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict, for crimes against humanity and ordering a
criminal conspiracy
allowed the nation in question to detain Ratzinger as a
suspect in a crime if he entered its sovereign territory
so yes,
Ratzinger will be, or is under Vatican house arrest.
It is our further decision to proceed as well
with the indictment and arrest of Joseph Ratzinger's successor as Pope on the
same charges; and to enforce the commercial lien and "Easter Reclamation
Campaign" against the Roman Catholic church, as planned.
Is this a death blow to the head?
Pretty much, Ratzinger is a dead man walking...will he
"come back to life"?
Pope resigns.
(bbc) Feb 11, 2013 (ADAR 1)
Under the Catholic Church's governing code,
Canon Law, the only conditions for the
validity of such a resignation are that it
be made freely and be properly published.
But resignation is extremely rare: the last
Pope to step aside was Pope Gregory XII, who
resigned in 1415 amid a schism within the
The Pope is not
expected to take part in the conclave
that will choose his successor
A lot of reading room between the lines.
NUTSHELL: looks like he wants his life and is
being forced out.
Now might be a good time to read
Petrus Romanus
Watch for the unholy alliance involving "Chrislam" to grow
the suggestion arises;
The first Black Pope in 1500 years?
There already
is a
Black Pope,
The Father General of the Jesuits.
Adolfo Nicolás doesn't appear to be
black. However, he wears black robes.
the Johnny Cash of Popes!
since Dec. 10, 1512, with the 4th session of the 5th Lateran council, beginning
with Pope Julius II,
The Papacy IS "the MAN of-the lawlessness", "the son of-the
noting that the ark, tabernacle, etc. in/from Ethiopia is
a copy made by either Solomon or his son (?Sheba's son at any rate)
but a good copy, especially if Solomon made it to trick
Son of Sheba, who (if?) also made a copy to trick Solomon. It would
seem likely that Solomon, wisest man ever, would have maintained the upper hand
in this game.
The Papacy IS NOT the antichrist.
Antichrists deny the Father AND the Son; the Papacy does not do that. (Islam
Satan, however, is very antichrist. Zeus (satan) who's throne is in the Assembly
of Pergamum, whom satan dwells among (Rev.2 12-13 is the god of Mystery Babylon,
the Roman Catholic Church.
Also of note, we see the eagle of Zeus, holding his thunderbolts and the olive
branch of peace along with the latin phrase E Pluribus Unum - Out of Many,
One. Zeus/satan fully understands the "echad"
of the Shema.
Satan, who is named Zeus, is the
see "The Battle For Zion, APOLOGETICS 42", Mount
2 Thessalonians ch2: v1 But
we-are-interrogating YOU, brothers, in-behalf-of the presence of-our Lord
Jesus Messiah and leading-together-completely of-us upon him,
v2 With-reference-to YOU not to-be quickly stirred from the mind nor
to-be-being-alarmed, neither through spirit nor through word nor through epistle
as through us, as that the day of-the Lord
v3 Might not anyone delude YOU according-to not-one manner; because (that day
will not come) if not the apostasy might-come firstly and the MAN of-the
lawlessness might-be-uncovered, the son of-the destruction,
v4 The (one) opposing and being-exceedingly-lifted-up over every-thing
being-called God or venerated-object, so-that he to-seat
with-reference-to the sanctuary of-the God, pointing-out himself that
he-is god.
v5 Do YOU not have-in-memory that still being with YOU I-was-saying these-things
v6 And now YOU-are-knowing-absolutely the-thing holding-fast, with-reference-to
him to-be-uncovered in his season.
v7 For the mystery of-the lawlessness is already operating for itself;
only the (one) holding-fast
just-now till he-might-become out-of (the)
v8 And then the (one) lawless
whom the Lord Jesus
will-carry-off by-the spirit of-his mouth and will-render-inactive by-the
clear-appearing of-his presence,
v9 Of-whom
the presence is according-to (an) operation of-the Satan in all power and signs
and wonders of-a-lie
vs 1 concerning the "2nd" coming of Jesus. "the presence"
vs 2 concerning Judgment day, "the day of the Lord"
vs3 the apostasy is Jewish apostasy, and was forcibly brought on by the Papacy
via forced "conversions" to Mystery Babylon Religion".
vs 3 This MAN was uncovered at the 5th Lateran Council. Below from
Romanism as It Is, p125:
“Both the
name and the works of God have been appropriated to the pope,"
Rev. Dr. Edgar, "by
theologians, canonists, popes, and councils."
In the 4th session of the 5th Lateran
council, — December 10,
1512, and with the approbation of the council, Christopher Marcellus
thus publicly addressed the pope in the name of the church : "Thou art
pastor, thou physician, thou governor, thou supporter, thou
in fine another God on the earth." According to Innocent III.,
pope holds the place of the true God."
The canon law, in the
gloss, denominates the pope "our Lord
God " ; and the canonists say that "the
pope is the one God, who has all power in heaven and in earth."
The canon law also declares that "the
pope has the plenitude of power and is above right;" "he
changes the substantial nature of things, for example. by transforming
the, unlawful into lawful."
vs 8,9 whom = the (one) lawless (get that vain Torah observance religion
out of your head for a second...instead THINK: "of course Satan is lawless",
even pre-Law/Sinai. So too, his agents are lawless. As a Satan, the
Serpent, the Dragon, appears as a minister of light. Therefore he appears
to keep the law, i.e. he would even be seen as a "doer" the law/works.
The slo called "Messy-Antic" assembly should stop calling other members lawless because
the MessyAntics don't think they keep the law. NO ONE KEEPS OR CAN KEEP
some 240 of the 613 commandments. Thus the self professed "Torah Observant" is actually truly LAWLESS.,
in that they are have not the Law they say they keep and in reality they LACK the ability to
keep the law.... BUT, as this shows -
Praise Yah! We are not under the law!
vs 7 the one holding fast is the Roman Empire. the
one that came out of the midst was the Papacy, when, with Constantine, the Roman
Empire became the Roman Catholic Church/Assembly...that is, when the pagan roman
state religion became "christianity", headed by Pontifex Maximus, a title the
Pope still holds today....
vs 9 the line of Popes will continue until Jesus returns.
Pope to get seat over the Tomb of King David (jewish
israel) Jan 31
The Pope's seat in Israel?
Will Obama go to this room during his visit prior to
A Hebrew Roots Study in Israel
Meanwhile, idolatry remains prevalent in Israel:
To find a mate, blow 1,000 shofars and look to mystics(jta) Feb
"They had come to harness the power of a dead rabbi,
Yonatan ben Uziel, a man they believed would intercede on their behalf in
That is idolatry.
Hear, O Israel: "For
(there-is) one God, one mediator also of-God and of-MEN, (the) MAN Messiah
Jesus" 1Tim.2:5
"...granting any Jew a match within the year -- as long
as they prayed at his tomb or paid a fee."
That is just stupid.
They had
come for a special ceremony: They would blow 1,000 shofars,
encircle the building seven times and recite penitential prayers
led by a master of Jewish mysticism. They would scream and they
would sing.
That is amazing, that many "Messianics" mimic this song and dance (pony
show) routine.
Hear, O
Israel: "For (there-is) one God, one mediator
also of-God and of-MEN, (the) MAN Messiah Jesus" 1Tim.2:5
Rabbinical Judaism (the false foundation of much Messy-antic Hebrew roots) is of
course (also) anti-Christ, in rejecting that Jesus is YHVH. Jehovah's
Witnesses are (also) antiChrist. Muslims are (also) antichrist. Many in
the Messianic assembly are (also) antiChrist. Many in the Christian
assembly are (also) antiChrist, although probably by definition, not as many.
All of these deny the Father YHVH AND the Son YHVH are one/echad. Most of
these are also liars that deny Yeshua/Jesus the Messiah/Christ
1 John 2: v18
Children it-is last hour, and according-as YOU-heard that antichrist
is-coming, even now many antichrists have-come-to-pass-and-still-are;
whence we-are-coming-to-know that it is (the) last hour.
v19 They-went-out out-of us, BUT they-were
not out-of us; for if they-were out-of us, they-would-have-been-remaining with
us; BUT in-order-that they-might-be-manifested that all are not out-of us.
1 John2vs 22 Who is the liar
if not the (one) denying that Jesus is the Messiah?
The antichrist is this (one),
the (one) denying the Father and the son.
was finally arrested on November 21, 1985, at the gates of the Israeli Embassy
wouldn't let him in
On November 21, 1985, he and his wife tried to gain
asylum at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., but were rebuffed by the
Israeli guards. FBI agents arrested him, swarming the perimeter as soon as
Pollard set foot off embassy property
Jeremiah 6:4
"Prepare ye war against her; arise, and let us go up at noon. Woe
unto us! for the day declineth, for the shadows of the evening are stretched
Jeremiah 15:8
"Their widows are increased to me above the sand of the
seas; I have brought upon them against the mother of the young men a
destroyer at noonday: I have caused anguish and terrors to fall upon
her suddenly.
and I heard;
(mar 10)
Obama to arrive in Jerusalem
March 20,2013 at about noon.
"I will
make myself like the most high" Isaiah 14:14
Equinox (the darkness) -
- a meeting between-
only year and the only day within a span of nearly two centuries when such a
confluence of the Vernal Equinox and Triumphal Entry would be possible.
Triumphal Entry Jesus into Jerusalem AND Joshua into Israel (Nisan 10)
-(the Light)
Netanyahu and Obama to meet on Nisan
New Pope Pappa
Frenchy may be there.
Note the lightning (Zeus, god of thunder etc, again
mimicking God at Mt. Sinai) strike on the top of
St. Peter's Basilica right after Rat-zinger resigned. All signs and
wonders.... coming soon...
+Ariel Sharon is waking up?
Prince and King of Peace
Obama -
Nobel Peace Prize recipient
not saying
OBAMA IS SATAN! But, it IS likely he does know what he is doing.
What will the most "benevolent"
one do FOR Israel's benefit? A Miracle?
1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security? It's Time For A National
(forbes) Mar 11
Imagine being 150 years old. (dailymail) Mar 10
NASA: SOMETHING is going on with the Sun (dailymail) Mar 8
Biblical Wine Tithe Performed in Jerusalem (israelnationalnews) Mar
H.R.748 - Universal National Service Act
obligation of every citizen of the United States, AND EVERY OTHER PERSON
RESIDING in the United States, who is between the ages of 18 and 25 to
perform a period of national service"
-that would allow for foreigners to occupy this "service".
Also, I
think during his 2008 campaign Obama spoke of a need for some type of service
separate from the military, police, & national guard.
Theology of "Emotion" is gripping the world,
especially those who call themselves a part of the "church".
Life does
NOT begin at conception.
All "lives"
began in Adam.
"Life" is
transmitted through the sperm.
"Souls" are
carried forward through the sperm.
The "soul"
is "programmed" into the blood.
No type of
contraceptive should be prohibited.
sets no value on an infant under one month of age.
image to read PDF

the Gospel - (εὐαγγέλιον euaggelion
"LEON" is in the Good-news.
attack Australian War Graves ( Mar 3
old, pertinent news
Netanyahu Jr. wins National Bible Quiz (jerusalem post)
Mar 17, 2010
that note, any good Bible Study group needs a consistent translation of
Magpul is awesome. (wnd) Mar 2
High-capacity gun magazines airlifted to 'freedom-loving' Americans
The Holocaust Just Got More Shocking (sunday new york times)
Mar 2
Not 6 million Jews murdered in
the Holocaust.
20 million
Jews murdered.
Netanyahu gets two more weeks to form Israel coalition (france24)
Mar 2
read that
Obama says he won't go to Israel if Netanyahu has not formed Govt.
is some incentive for Netanyahu not to form a Government.
"Homeland Security" built domestic surveillance tech into Predator drones (cnet)
Mar 2
Security's specifications say drones must be able to detect whether a civilian
is armed.
What's up with depicting Jesus
as dead on a cross?
Wed. Night Bible Study
Feb 27
We see in
Daniel 4:30 that satanic pride brought Nebuchadnezzar down.
Much talk
about how well prepared we are compared to others.
now baby don't you cry
highlight of the night was the Rabbi's deadpan comment
after the
2nd act of the Opera
"The fat
lady can't sing."
paraphrase. If the Jewish New Testament's paraphrasing of God is
OK, certainly it is OK to paraphrase a Rabbi.)
It was
ALMOST realized that everything prior to the Cross is Old Testament.
apparently without that realization, the assistant once again dutifully
pointed out that
passage in
Matthew 5:17 "Might-YOU not suppose that I-came
to-overthrow the law or the prophets: I-came not to-overthrow, BUT to-ful-fill."
statement was spoken by Jesus before the cross to Jews: therefore of course
there was not yet a New Covenant/testament, as a will/testament does not take
effect until the death of the testator. So of course Jesus instructed Jews
to continue following the Law and the prophets.
Also note
that OF COURSE, Jesus then did fulfill the Law and Prophets, hence "It is
finished", and the Old gives way to the New Covenant as per the rest of the
story. The book To the Hebrews details this wonderfully.
I suspect
that most in this assembly do not believe that Jesus did what he said he would
do in Mt.5:17, that is, fulfill the Law.
My wife
had a super succinct analogy to depict this ongoing error in many so called
"Messianic" assemblies that seek to follow the Sinai Law:
Suppose you owe Mr. G $1000.
Mr. J comes along and says "I've
paid that in full for you. You don't owe anything now."
Would you keep making payments to
Mr. G????
Update: Mar 3
5:17-19 came up on a Facebook page!
so again:
This is a
fantastic passage. For one, in showing so much the lovingkindness of the Father,
in that even "whosoever therefore might break one of these commandants, namely
the least and he might teach the men thus", this one WILL BE in the kingdom of
heaven, and will there be called the least....
Also moreover, showing that this is possible in the fact that Jesus/Yeshua came
and DID fulfill the Law. (Romans 10:4, Galatians)
This of course aligns with "What therefore the advantage of the Jew" of Romans
3:1-2, "BOTH to Jew first, AND to Greek" in Romans 1:16, and "in how much MORE
their fullness" seen in Romans 11:12.
Keeping in mind that Matthew 5 was before the cross, hence of course there was
as yet not a New Testament/Covenant - there was not yet the death of the
testator - so the Old Covenant is still in effect, and thus Yeshua teaches.
Until the cross, there was not yet a "better covenant". The book of Hebrews well
distinguishes the Old and New Covenants (i.e. Heb 10:9), and again, 2
Corinthians 3 explains (as Romans. 11) that some get it, some don't. To those
that "get" the Good News, i.e. that trust in Yeshua/Jesus, He is the end of the
Law (Rom 10:4)....we shouldn't "shrink" back (Heb 10:38). For those that don't
"get" Jesus, the Law is still remaining a "disciplining tutor" (Gal.3:23-25). In
either case, to ALL these that fear Him, YHVH's lovingkindness is manifest to us
in Matthew 5:17-19! Praise Yah!
And so too we also keep the commandment to in mind not to think of any brother
as "numbskulls", or "stupid" (Matt.5:22). Thank you for your consideration.
May we all have a good week of getting it.
John 3:16: Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17,
Heb 10:38.
Egypt confiscates missiles smuggled from Libya (ap)
Feb 27
the origin
of the missiles?
the Horrible confirmed as Secretary of State (israel
national news)
a slap in the face to Israel
there appears to be two sides to this person

hates sin.
Psa 5:5 The arrogant shall not stand in thy sight: Thou hatest all workers
of iniquity.
hates sinners.
Psa 11:5 Jehovah trieth the righteous; But the wicked and him that loveth
violence his soul hateth.
God IS love.
"For thus the God cherished the world
so-that he-gave his son,
namely-the only-begotten,
in-order-that every-(one) the (one) trusting
with-reference-to him might not perish,
BUT he-might-be-having life eternal."
-John 3:16
Much to the
dismay of the "randomness" theorist,
the letters
of the chemical alphabet of DNA
cannot be
combined at random.
internet. Not that great.
internet. Cheap.
equally frustrating, but dial-up yields a cheaper "low".
So what's up with that?
AT&T's $14 Billion Dollar 'Bribe' to Get Rid of Telecom Regulations Is a
Multi-Layered Hoax (huff-po)
Nov 9 2012
CenturyLink Receives $35 Million From FCC, Will Provide High-Speed Rural
Internet To 45,000 Customers
not one of
the 45,000 here.
Why Are Telecom Companies Blocking Rural America From Getting High-Speed
Apr 17 2012
CenturyLink claim:
Regulation Would Hurt, Not Help, Broadband Investment (centyrlink
You can read
more of CenturyLink's stories here
Oh, but wait, some liar's pants are on
CenturyLink Concedes Publicly-Owned Broadband Networks Offer Better Service Than
They Do (
Jan 15, 2013
You can read what
other people think about CenturyLink here - kinda bloody though
another TOP Cardinal out of the Roman Catholic Church
amid allegations of homosexual and or child molesting
Rabbi Judah ben Samuel’s Jubilee Prophecy gives the Year of the Messiah
this year/date seems to agree with the date on and a date 119 Ministries is looking at...
speaking of Passover,
thinking this Passover Haggadah should reflect whom Jesus
is, in order to understand which Temple to worship in
COLORADO: Secret energy lab spawns million dollar govt employee
their failure = bush's tea party's fault
Imprisoned American says Iranian captors 'waiting for me to deny Christ'
(foxnews) Feb23
Muslim Beheads Christians In NJ, Mainstream Media Silent
(western journalism)
Feb 19
Vernon Hugh Bowman
will take on Monsanto in Supreme Court case
(denver post)
Feb 19
Insulin Pill developed by Israel for Type 2 diabetes
Feb 12
Jerusalem’s Oramed Pharmaceuticals is one step closer to putting a
groundbreaking oral insulin capsule on the market for people with Type 2
Regarding the Elusive White Space
this is your brain.
(A.K.A. don't let MS-Word drive you nuts)
this is your brain on rats
Brain Implants give Rats a Sixth Sense! (telegraph)
Feb 18
Science has found a way to put rats on par with women. That is amazing.
actually, Eve proved that "sixth sense" thing is
nonsense. She thought she had given birth to a man YHVH
She was that deluded..
anyway, the interest seems to be in thought
" implant which could allow on animal's brain to
interact directly with another"
I was born in the year of the rat. According to some
Chinese something or other.
In Chinese-ese, Rats are good things.
The meteorite in Russia, and the following flashes around the globe and
lightning striking the Vatican may not be coincidental. But they may be
just that.
Ball of light flashes over Miami... (miami herald)
Feb 18
so Great Balls of Fire and various other such reports this week...
SoCal's "Green Fireball" (nbc la)
Feb 23
man's hearts failing...
NASA scrambles for better asteroid detection (france24)
Feb 18
related, note that fire & brimstone from YHVH in Heaven destroyed Sodom
and also note that satan trys to imitate God with all
signs and wonders.
expect to see great things.
Greek Mythology was based on REAL beings...
hopefully, that sounds kind of "out there"!!!
ON President's Day, 2013, our President takes a
secret separate vacation
from his wife and family.
In Colorado, meanwhile, Democrats infringe on the right to bear arms.(cbs
Feb 18
and Saturday Night Live mocks Jesus Christ (caintv)
Feb 18
other areas of interest
Obama recess appointments unconstitutional (washington times)
Jan 24
Following is an important illustration
that will help believers in
Jesus/Yeshua to understand
the where and what of the
relationship between
the Church/Assembly/Body of
Messiah and the Tabernacle of God.

The Law Prophesied,
by R.H. Mount
read related info
It seems non-GMO would be preferred over organic
food...but two in one?
Is there such a thing as an organic, Non GMO bulk foods
Yes, for one,
Regulators Discover a Hidden Viral Gene in Commercial GMO Crops
(independent science news)
jan 21
Fire and Brimstone over Ural Mountains in Russia
Feb 15
"My great fear is that you have two countries on the
brink of war and something like this happens … and someone reacts to it,”
Meteorite Explodes over Russia after Earthquake.
(wall street journal)
Feb 15
Atomic "sized" blast
700-1000 hurt

Ezekeil 38?

Russia, Iran sign agreements to form “strategic partnership”
(joel rosenberg)
Feb 14
Riots over "hunger" striking Palestinian terrorist
Absolute Proof that Palestinian Prisoners Trust their Wives Completely
Feb 15
“We don’t intervene and ask how they smuggled sperm from
prison and get it to Shchem. There are many failed attempts because the sperm
die and so prisoners have to keep trying until it works,”
(Doctor) Abu Khaizaran said.
"Prison is Hell"
Wed. Night Bible Study
Tonight, we pray facing a little girl that is
sick. Not towards the east....
YHVH Left the man-made Temple/Sanctuary long ago,
see Ezk 10:4
Ezk. 10:15
Ezk 11:22 - where is the "mountain on the
east side of the city"?
prophetic Mountains are always kingdoms
"let your kingdom come"
Syrian Christians running out of places to hide (wnd)
Feb 11
“In Syria, again in the name of democracy, the U.S. is
supporting jihadis who are eradicating the nation’s Christians
This now also is the year of the snake, according to the
Chinese astrologers.
Pope resigns.
(bbc) Feb 11, 2013 (ADAR 1)
Under the Catholic Church's governing code,
Canon Law, the only conditions for the
validity of such a resignation are that it
be made freely and be properly published.
But resignation is extremely rare: the last
Pope to step aside was Pope Gregory XII, who
resigned in 1415 amid a schism within the
The Pope is not
expected to take part in the conclave
that will choose his successor
A lot of reading room between the lines.
NUTSHELL: looks like he wants his life and is
being forced out.
Now might be a good time to read
Petrus Romanus
Watch for the unholy alliance involving "Chrislam" to grow
the suggestion arises;
The first Black Pope in 1500 years?
There already
is a
Black Pope,
The Father General of the Jesuits.
Adolfo Nicolás doesn't appear to be
black. However, he wears black robes.
the Johnny Cash of Popes!
since Dec. 10, 1512, with the 4th session of the 5th Lateran council, beginning
with Pope Julius II,
The Papacy IS "the MAN of-the lawlessness", "the son of-the
noting that the ark, tabernacle, etc. in/from Ethiopia is
a copy made by either Solomon or his son (?Sheba's son at any rate)
but a good copy, especially if Solomon made it to trick
Son of Sheba, who (if?) also made a copy to trick Solomon. It would
seem likely that Solomon, wisest man ever, would have maintained the upper hand
in this game.
The Papacy IS NOT the antichrist.
Antichrists deny the Father AND the Son; the Papacy does not do that. (Islam
Satan, however, is very antichrist. Zeus (satan) who's throne is in the Assembly
of Pergamum, whom satan dwells among (Rev.2 12-13 is the god of Mystery Babylon,
the Roman Catholic Church.
Also of note, we see the eagle of Zeus, holding his thunderbolts and the olive
branch of peace along with the latin phrase E Pluribus Unum - Out of Many,
One. Zeus/satan fully understands the "echad"
of the Shema.
Satan, who is named Zeus, is the
see "The Battle For Zion, APOLOGETICS 42", Mount
2 Thessalonians ch2: v1 But
we-are-interrogating YOU, brothers, in-behalf-of the presence of-our Lord
Jesus Messiah and leading-together-completely of-us upon him,
v2 With-reference-to YOU not to-be quickly stirred from the mind nor
to-be-being-alarmed, neither through spirit nor through word nor through epistle
as through us, as that the day of-the Lord
v3 Might not anyone delude YOU according-to not-one manner; because (that day
will not come) if not the apostasy might-come firstly and the MAN of-the
lawlessness might-be-uncovered, the son of-the destruction,
v4 The (one) opposing and being-exceedingly-lifted-up over every-thing
being-called God or venerated-object, so-that he to-seat
with-reference-to the sanctuary of-the God, pointing-out himself that
he-is god.
v5 Do YOU not have-in-memory that still being with YOU I-was-saying these-things
v6 And now YOU-are-knowing-absolutely the-thing holding-fast, with-reference-to
him to-be-uncovered in his season.
v7 For the mystery of-the lawlessness is already operating for itself;
only the (one) holding-fast
just-now till he-might-become out-of (the)
v8 And then the (one) lawless
whom the Lord Jesus
will-carry-off by-the spirit of-his mouth and will-render-inactive by-the
clear-appearing of-his presence,
v9 Of-whom
the presence is according-to (an) operation of-the Satan in all power and signs
and wonders of-a-lie
vs 1 concerning the "2nd" coming of Jesus. "the presence"
vs 2 concerning Judgment day, "the day of the Lord"
vs3 the apostasy is Jewish apostasy, and was forcibly brought on by the Papacy
via forced "conversions" to Mystery Babylon Religion".
vs 3 This MAN was uncovered at the 5th Lateran Council. Below from
Romanism as It Is, p125:
“Both the
name and the works of God have been appropriated to the pope,"
Rev. Dr. Edgar, "by
theologians, canonists, popes, and councils."
In the 4th session of the 5th Lateran
council, — December 10,
1512, and with the approbation of the council, Christopher Marcellus
thus publicly addressed the pope in the name of the church : "Thou art
pastor, thou physician, thou governor, thou supporter, thou
in fine another God on the earth." According to Innocent III.,
pope holds the place of the true God."
The canon law, in the
gloss, denominates the pope "our Lord
God " ; and the canonists say that "the
pope is the one God, who has all power in heaven and in earth."
The canon law also declares that "the
pope has the plenitude of power and is above right;" "he
changes the substantial nature of things, for example. by transforming
the, unlawful into lawful."
vs 8,9 whom = the (one) lawless (get that vain Torah observance religion
out of your head for a second...instead THINK: "of course Satan is lawless",
even pre-Law/Sinai. So too, his agents are lawless. As a Satan, the
Serpent, the Dragon, appears as a minister of light. Therefore he appears
to keep the law, i.e. he would even be seen as a "doer" the law/works.
The so called "Messy-Antic" assembly should stop calling other members lawless because
the MessyAntics don't think they keep the law. NO ONE KEEPS OR CAN KEEP
some 240 of the 613 commandments. Thus the self professed "Torah Observant" is actually truly LAWLESS.,
in that they are have not the Law they say they keep and in reality they LACK the ability to
keep the law.... BUT, as this shows -
Praise Yah! We are not under the law!
vs 7 the one holding fast is the Roman Empire. the
one that came out of the midst was the Papacy, when, with Constantine, the Roman
Empire became the Roman Catholic Church/Assembly...that is, when the pagan roman
state religion became "christianity", headed by Pontifex Maximus, a title the
Pope still holds today....
vs 9 the line of Popes will continue until Jesus returns.
Pope to get seat over the Tomb of King David (jewish
israel) Jan 31
The Pope's seat in Israel?
Will Obama go to this room during his visit prior to
A Hebrew Roots Study in Israel
Meanwhile, idolatry remains prevalent in Israel:
To find a mate, blow 1,000 shofars and look to mystics(jta) Feb
"They had come to harness the power of a dead rabbi,
Yonatan ben Uziel, a man they believed would intercede on their behalf in
That is idolatry.
Hear, O Israel: "For
(there-is) one God, one mediator also of-God and of-MEN, (the) MAN Messiah
Jesus" 1Tim.2:5
"...granting any Jew a match within the year -- as long
as they prayed at his tomb or paid a fee."
Buying favor from God? Is this blasphemy?
They had
come for a special ceremony: They would blow 1,000 shofars,
encircle the building seven times and recite penitential prayers
led by a master of Jewish mysticism. They would scream and they
would sing.
That is amazing, that many "Messianics" mimic this song and dance (pony
show) routine.
Hear, O
Israel: "For (there-is) one God, one mediator
also of-God and of-MEN, (the) MAN Messiah Jesus" 1Tim.2:5
Rabbinical Judaism (the false foundation of much Messy-antic Hebrew roots) is of
course (also) anti-Christ, in rejecting that Jesus is YHVH. Jehovah's
Witnesses are (also) antiChrist. Muslims are (also) antichrist. Many in
the Messianic assembly are (also) antiChrist. Many in the Christian
assembly are (also) antiChrist, although probably by definition, not as many.
All of these deny the Father YHVH AND the Son YHVH are one/echad. Most of
these are also liars that deny Yeshua/Jesus the Messiah/Christ
1 John 2: v18
Children it-is last hour, and according-as YOU-heard that antichrist
is-coming, even now many antichrists have-come-to-pass-and-still-are;
whence we-are-coming-to-know that it is (the) last hour.
v19 They-went-out out-of us, BUT they-were
not out-of us; for if they-were out-of us, they-would-have-been-remaining with
us; BUT in-order-that they-might-be-manifested that all are not out-of us.
1 John2vs 22 Who is the liar
if not the (one) denying that Jesus is the Messiah?
The antichrist is this (one),
the (one) denying the Father and the son.
Obama Pleads for a More Prayerful Washington (Christianity
today) Feb 8
"As Christians, we place our faith in the nail-scarred
hands of Jesus Christ. But so many other Americans also know the close embrace
of faith—Muslims Muslims and Jews, Hindus and Sikhs. And all Americans—whether
religious or secular—have a deep and abiding faith in this nation."
Once Again, Obama says that he is a Christian.
Actually, he says "as Christians".
Certainly, God knows the heart of man, we do not, save words and deeds. let's
have a transcript of the prayer meeting.
Q. Who will be Obama's next "head of the White House
Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships"?
noting that there is a false prophet
Remembering that many professed Christians claim the
"church" is the bride of Christ.
Remembering that many professed Messianics claim there is
no "new" covenant, only "renewed" and/or that the veil of the sanctuary was not
Confusion abounds.
Egypt bans youtube (washington post) Feb 10
An Egyptian court ordered a one-month ban on YouTube on
Saturday, after it said the video-sharing Web site had failed to remove an
American-made anti-Islam video.
Obama gives them F-16s and tanks. (For the coming war
against Israel.)
Mosquito-Fighting Plan Allows Access To Private Property With No Warrant (cbs
local dallas ft worth) Feb 11
of note, this invasion and erosion of property right is in
the "free" republic of Texas
To spray what?
seems Netanyahu would also have in mind early elections, that is, not forming a
Government & thus making a "recount" of the vote.
In other words, he might say "wake up, Israel".
Will Obama shed his skin in 2013?
Wed. Night Bible Study Feb 07
Tonight we notice that the "Hellenizing" of Judaism began
at the Babylonian conquest.
Probably more truth to that than most think.
Noting that Babylonian Hebrew parallels the period
wherein YHVH left the physical sanctuary.
Noting that as the Babylonian Hebrew text was sanctioned
by YHVH, so too the Greek text has like divine support.
Syria uprising leaves 5,000 dead in January (ynet news) Feb 4
The Trinity
another good article by John Parsons
Amazingly, gracefully, I have found the much *desired
hidden Gospel. Feb.4, 2013
*"desired" - at least is the claim in the Shabbat Shaker's
Weekly Lip Service
(oh and by
the way, I found the Ark of the Covenant/Mercy Seat also)
Yes, they
are in Jerusalem.
are interesting times.
I'll get
that posted in a day or so....
update Feb
25, 2013: here it is
What about Purim? site updates for February 2013
Wed. night bible study
Anti-Christ The Pope is not "anti" Christ. The
Catholics do not deny Father AND Son so much as does ISLAM.
ISLAM is anti-christ, if not THE antichrist.
Mohammed is a, if not THE false prophet.
Satan HAS the authority and power on the Earth and total
inhabited earth to offer it to Jesus - - -and later Mohammed.
Islam was severely wounded when the Ottoman Empire was
Babylon, still Mystery religion. Still seen in Roman
Catholic Church/Vatican Empire.
UN: Israel Must Withdraw From Judea, Samaria (Israel
national news) Jan
UN is headquartered in the obamanation
syria/iran at the north
egypt, africa & palis on the south
jordan changing on the east
nations of "total inhabited earth" gathered
the rest of the bunch to enforce UN res?
watch the coveting of Israel's wealth.
Israeli forces have attacked a target on the Syrian-Lebanese border overnight (YNETNEWS) Jan
the target was a weapons convoy traveling near Syria’s
border with Lebanon. The report has not been corroborated
The Murderer's Honor (sultan knish) Jan
Daniel Greenfield is dead-on.
Encouragement In A Time Of Grave Fear (cnsnews) Jan
Amen, Charlie Daniels!
Egypt's army chief warns of state's collapse (ynetnews) Jan
Three things seen: Muslim Brotherhood, the Military, the
madness of the ever amassing crowd.
Kissinger: US on Brink of Nuclear Crisis with Iran (newsmax) Jan
The Tribulation, namely the great (one), continues
American Pastor Sentenced to 8 Years in Iranian Prison (freebeacon) Jan
Lightning may affect headache, migraines (breitbart) Jan
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
January 27, 2013

A young mother and her two children sit
among a large group of Jews from Lubny who have been assembled for mass
execution on October 16, 1941.
Photo credit: Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, courtesy of USHMM Photo
Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida
thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and
justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth: and there
be higher than they." -
Ecclesiastes 5:8
is watching.)
North Dakota is really cold. Really. (financial times) Jan
Also, group set to ban volcanoes on the next slow
news day.
Key Iranian nuclear facility hit? (wnd) Jan
shifts a focus to Damascus
If ‘Assault Weapons’ Are Bad…Why Does DHS Want to Buy 7,000 of Them for
‘Personal Defense’? (bthe blaze) Jan
These are actual Assault Weapons, Class III weapons that are selective fire
(capable of automatic fire)
Withdrawn: $114 Billion From Big U.S. Banks (business weekt) Jan
Ariel Sharon status (jerusalem
post) Jan
Into the Fray: Be afraid, very afraid (jerusalem
post) Jan
keeping in mind early elections
and what if the "opposition" was far right?
Obama recess appointments unconstitutional, court
(washington times) Jan
Feinstein gun confiscation to exempt govt. employees & retirees (weekly
standard) Jan
Right minded sheriffs should swear in a large posse, with
retirement benefit. If a right minded sheriff is not re-elected, his posse
Star Trek style 'tractor beam' created by scientists
(bbc) Jan
Storing Digital Data in DNA (wall street journal) Jan
Using DNA as a storage device for data, as with a hard drive.
interesting note that DNA is not living, not life.
the CHAIM -plural-(lives) is in the blood
ALSO note the potential for a "witness" on Judgement Day, as per the Bible
in that, the trees also offer witness
BUT - propitiation in and by the Blood of the Lamb has
removed (erased) the believer's sin
By the appointment of Hussein Obama:
Muslim Brotherhood group to 'connect all U.S. schools'
(wnd) Jan
Will Netanyahu form a new government or force another
He may have a "right" majority now:
Jewish Home wins 12th spot as vote count draws to a close (times
of israel ) Jan
Bennett & Gimpel get the late "incoming" -- military vote
The extra seat gives the so-called right-wing bloc 61
seats, above the center-left bloc’s 59.
so true colors time for Netanyahu
He can form a conservative government
Noting that Netanyahu may appear aloof to Jewish Home.
Bible Study Wed. Night Jan.24
To night we look at Sept 1, 2016. Watched a video
from 119 Ministries
Required apparel: Law goggles.
aside from that
Also, heard:
"Christians bad, Messianics good"
"While you don't HAVE to be Jewish to be saved, you must
have a Jewish heart"
From that I deduce that Ciaphas was a Messianic. And
all the Sadducees. And all the Pharisees. And the Sanhedrin...
Wearing the "under-the-law goggles" really blurs the
Fortunately, the discussion was not all silly.
In reality, we hear this assembly testify that Christians
are as little children.
In like manner, in reality, this assembly's testimony
reveals that it very weak and childish.
May God have mercy on us all.
Thankfully, I'm a Christian child of God.
May God have mercy upon me.
2Chonicles details that YHVH said he would hear
prayers @ the place of the temple in Jerusalem, that his heart would be there
and his eyes would be upon it forever.
This prayer is the sacrifice that Jews offer now, the offering now
accepted. This reflects a Jewish heart. This leans to the physical.
The believer in Messiah Jesus, true Christians, true
Messianics, also offer sacrifice in prayer. However in Jesus, we have
access to the throne of grace.
Heb 13v12 On-this-account
Jesus also, in-order-that he-might-make-holy the people through his-own blood,
he-suffered without the gate.
v13 Furthermore-now let-us-be-going-out to him without the encampment, bringing
his reproach.
v14 For we are not having here (a) remaining city, BUT we-are-seeking-after the
(one) future.
Notice that the (we) had no physical city, sanctuary, or temple at this time,
Hebrews 13:15 "
Through him therefore let-us-be-bringing-up (a) sacrifice of-acclaim through all
(time) to-the God, this is fruit of-lips confessing to his name."
This reflects the heart of Messiah.(Heb 10:22) Your prayer
does not need be offered in Jerusalem because the Word became flesh and
Tabernacled with us. Yeshua, or propitiatory (Rom3:25) is where God
resides. That veil was rent and "That veil is His flesh", thus we have
access directly to YHVH without a physical temple.
Watching to see if/when the Jewish heart sacrifice is cut off.
On the way home, the connection between God's Home, the
Mercy Seat, Propitiation, Jesus, the Holy of Holies and the veil became
I'll try to post a link to an explanation later.
This child saw that "That veil is His Flesh" reveals in
rending that we have access to YHVH who resides in his sanctuary, which is
Jesus, on his mercy seat/Propitiatory, which is Jesus.
The key: YHVH resides in Jesus; his rent flesh gave us
access to YHVH.
This was foreshadowed in the Tabernacle veil and Holy
of Holies (sanctuary/naos)
Jewish Home Celebrates ‘Historic Achievement’ (israel
national news) Jan
Final results may be influenced by IDF soldiers’ votes,
he noted. Soldiers’ votes traditionally tend toward the political right.
Already Griping about Gimpel (times of israel) Jan
there's no such thing as "bad" press
Germany audits Fort Knox (bullion vault) Jan
Not so much getting out of the dollar by taking their Fort
Knox gold
700 Tons of Cold War Gold Bars Finds Its Way Home (businessweek) Jan
The Bundesbank will repatriate 674 metric tons of gold
from vaults in Paris and New York by 2020 to restore public confidence in the
safety of Germany’s reserves.
Is Chuck Hagel a George Soros Plant? We Look At the Evidence (glen
beck) Jan
of course.
Is Glen Beck?
China poised to play debt card – for U.S. land
(wnd) Jan
it seems the Federal Govt. cannot legally hold land - if
so, why the BLM, National Forest, misc Fed. lands? Collateral?
In this the so called tree-bunny-hugger works for
child-slave-trading China, in keeping the resource available for China.
Jeremy Gimpel almost
convinces me to become a Jew
listen carefully
"to conversion"
I am, of course, standing firm on the promises of God.
Hebrews 6:13-20
Shabbat Shalom Jan 18, 2013
beyond the pale: all about control or POWER/Authority on earth
and George Soros put Bushmasters into WalMart to devise
gun control
and Hussein Obama used gun control to control the stupid
liberal vote AND rearm the American Patriot to defer China aggression
(not saying these things were the intent, saying this is
what it is)
thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and
justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth: and there
be higher than they." -
Ecclesiastes 5:8
is watching.)
The Life is in The Blood (John Parsons/Hebrew for
Christians) Jan
Wow! Great article by John/H4C, rightly fitting together
(Eph 2:21)!
So already back then at the first Passover, they had a taste of the
"already-not-yet" state of God's home/naos/sanctuary - the body of Messiah.
(Rev. 21:22, 1Cor.3:16,17)
So then, also fitting: "the blood of Abel that cries out for Justice" is like to
the souls (with no bodies yet) under the alter that cry for vengeance
(Rev.6:9-11) and this group are also those "dead ones in Messiah" (1Thes.4:16);
whereas that "the blood of Yeshua cries out for mercy" aligns with those with
souls and bodies before the throne now (Rev.7:9-15), which group also aligns
with those that "the ones having-fallen-asleep through the Jesus"(1Thes.4:14).
noting drops of superglue (for fitting- one drop holds a ton): Rev.7:9 John
states: "After these (things) I SAW" (eiden; to know what you see-- not blepeis;
to look) along with the superglue in vs 15 "they ARE in sight of the throne" and
"they ARE serving him" i.e. ALREADY in John's day the Tribulation, namely the
great one (vs14), was in "operation".
Calm Under Fire for Dome of the Rock Comments (israel
national news) Jan
The Left, as well as Likud, have
been attacking Bayit Yehudi furiously and venomously in the last two months.
Judging by polls, the attacks have caused the list to rise in popularity rather
than decline.
How much does an idiot with cell phone cost?
US Mint Out Of Silver Coins (zerochange) Jan
Holder Begs Court to Stop Document Release on Fast and Furious
(breitbart) Jan
Holder was, and still is, in both
civil and criminal contempt of Congress.
There are two types of presidential executive
privilege: the presidential communications privilege and the deliberative
process privilege. Use of the presidential communications privilege would
require that the president himself or his senior-most advisers were involved in
the discussions.
Obama & Holder say they didn't know, so
–Obama says he’s using the less powerful deliberative
process privilege.
the Supreme Court has held that such a privilege assertion is invalidated by
even the suspicion of government wrongdoing. Obama, Holder, the Department of
Justice, the ATF
and virtually everyone else involved in this scandal have
admitted that government wrongdoing actually took place in Operation Fast and
In Fast and Furious, the ATF “walked” about 2,000 firearms into the hands of the
Mexican drug cartels. That means through straw purchasers they allowed sales to
happen and didn’t stop the guns from being trafficked even though they had the
legal authority to do so and were fully capable of doing so.
Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and hundreds of Mexican citizens–estimates put
it around at least 300–were killed with these firearms.
Obama's Benghazi OP to release blind sheik terrorist failed.
now again:
Algeria hostage crisis 'ongoing' (guardian) Jan
"the group's leader, is
offering to release the American hostages in exchange for the release of
Egyptian Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman and Pakistani Aafia Siddiqui, who are in
jail in America on terrorism charges."
All Hostages dead (ap) Jan
Immediately after the assault, French President
Francois Hollande gave his backing to Algeria's tough tactics, saying they were
"the most adapted response to the crisis."
"There could be no negotiations" with terrorists, the French media quoted
him as saying in the central French city of Tulle.
13 Banned Foods Still Allowed in the U.S.
( Jan
Coloring agents (blue 1, blue 2, yellow 5, and yellow 6)
Olestra (aka Olean)
Brominated vegetable oil (aka BVO)
Potassium bromate (aka brominated flour)
Synthetic hormones (rBGH and rBST)
Court convicts Jewish terrorist who bombed Messianic youth
(israel today) Jan
2013 tax witholding schedules
2013 Colordo Tax
Wed Night Bible Study Jan 16
Daniel's 70th Week review
Noting additionally, that sefer Ha-Yasher details,
coincidently with this week's Torah portion, how the tribe of Ephraim was
unsuccessful in breaking out of God's timeline before the appointed time.
Also noting that "That Rock was Christ",
that followed Israel in the wilderness for 40 years and
that Moses was denied entry to the promised land because he struck that Rock
instead of speaking to it as God commanded.
Thinking: there is the Way that allows Israel to meander
off it's (The Way's) straightness and still be ok. This is seen in the
"Redemption-back" of Romans 3:24. Meanwhile, those IN Messiah (the
assembly called out (N.T. believers) of the assembly called out (Israel under
the Law) are to put on the Mind of the Messiah, that is. The Messiah
is the Head of this the Body. So then we in Messiah are already "echad", or one
in Messiah, spiritually. Israel is not that YET - not yet married, but
betrothed. They are enemies for the Good-News/Jesus' sake, but beloved for the
sake of the election of the fathers.
So we watch them meander around.
Who is the good Shepard? Yeshua. He followed Israel for 40
years in the wilderness. We are to be like him, and put on the mind of Messiah.
I think He said to feed his sheep.
So, Israel is given the oracles of God. Equated to a
sword. We are stones laid upon the Cornerstone AND Foundation stone,
If you strike a rock with a sword, you will damage the
blade. However, a stone, if used properly, will sharpen the sword.
We are to be lively stones, ever sharpening the Word of
the LORD.
Noting too, that apparently Messiah didn't follow the
Ephraimites (above).
Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are decreed upon thy
people and upon thy holy city, to finish transgression, and to make an end of
sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting
righteousness, and to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy.
(thus, they say that there are 70 years from some
beginning point "God's rest")
Daniel 9:25 Know therefore and understand, [that]
from the going forth of the commandment
to restore and
to build Jerusalem unto
the Messiah the Prince [shall be] seven weeks, and threescore and two
weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous
(that is: at 69 years from this commandment to restore
& build Jerusalem, Messiah will return)
"From the going forth of the commandment" this was fullfilled
AT the commandment - UN Resolution 181 on Nov. 29,1947
(thus, 1947 + 69 = 2016)
Daniel 9:26 And after the threescore and two weeks
shall the anointed one be cut off, and shall have nothing: and the people of the
prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end
thereof shall be with a flood, and even unto the end shall be war; desolations
are determined.
(thus their reckoning: after 62 years, Messiah is
cut off. "but not for himself"
? This is seven years before the above return of Messiah.
I wonder where in their timeline Messiah returns before
the cut off date of 62 weeks/years - - 2009?)

Note that Daniel does not call this period "tribulation".
That is something this ministry is adding in.
Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with
many for one week: and in the midst of the week he
shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and
for the overspreading
of abominations he shall make [it] desolate, even
until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
*The Temple DOES NOT have to be completely
rebuilt to fulfill Dan 9:27 prophecy. If a corner stone is set, the
court can be measured to establish the location of the altar. Then, with the
altar up and operating, this prophecy is satisfied. This was the same procedure
used to rebuild the Temple in ancient times too. The walls were restored AFTER
the altar was operating.
IF you follow the website link, the video further details
that the ALTER is reinstated in Feb 2013, the abomination that maketh
desolate of Daniel 12:11 is set up on March 22 (Nissan 11)
2013, and that Messiah returns on Oct 17 of 2016 - Shavuot
Of interest, Israel just as of Jan. 3013 has completed building the alter for
the "3rd Temple". This is primarily my reason for posting so much of the
above info from
so, JUST as a little something to keep in mind, Israel now
has completed the construction of the ALTER.
Last week, they moved the LAVER.
Note in Dan 9:27, below from ASV 1901
And he shall make a firm covenant with many for one week:
and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to
cease; and upon the wing
of abominations [shall come] one that maketh desolate; and even unto the full
end, and that determined, shall [wrath] be poured out upon the desolate.
Note the difference "upon the wing" and "for the overspreading"
Wing & Overspreading are from כְּנַף kanaph -
strongs 3671 1) wing, extremity, edge, winged, border, corner, shirt
a) wing
b) extremity
1) skirt, corner (of garment)
"the skirt (of a mantle) of a man who is a Jew"
I read that and think "tzitzit"and "tallit"!
Noting that even the very elect will be
deceived if possible.
BUT note also "the extremities of the earth, ...just as the
inhabited earth is often compared to a cloak spread out"
"the highest summit of the Temple" (Dome of the
SEE His Presence and the End of the Age, by
Ralph H. Mount
Marines Today: Court Martial for peeing on dead enemy (ap) Jan
killing muslims is ok, mocking them is not
This nonsense reflects the lack of definition that
Islam is the enemy.
Lucky prospector finds huge gold nugget (abc news) Jan
photo indicates this large, smooth nugget possibly not
sourced from hardrock.
How deep is the brimstone at Sodom?
Malicious virus shuttered U.S. power plant (reuters) Jan
Last Wed. nights bible study was great!
A movie "The Sons of God" by Passion for Truth Ministries"
& Jim Staley hit the mark on Nephilim then and now.
However, looking at Passion for Truth Ministries online
articles I see a lot of error in their thinking.
But so it goes.
A lot of recent bible study pushes towards
understanding the great mystery in Eph. 5, "Echad" and the Home of God.
What happened to this?
Israel has oil! (washington times)
July 12 2012
Got Guns? Get ready for the Great Obama Gun Grab
Full List of 23 Executive Actions in Gun Violence Reduction Measures
(fox news) Jan
The big push for mental health - can't have a gun
if you are not certified mentally healthy, and of course the mentally
healthy don't like guns.
Obama to announce most expansive gun-control agenda in generations (washingtonpost) Jan
Near civil war status in the USA. Jan. 15
reasons for impeachment Alex Jones may be crazy, AND he may be right.(crazy
like a fox, generating web traffic)
This is crazy:
On the one hand, taking guns from law abiding American
On the other hand, giving guns to Mexican drug runners.
(fast & furious)
The Great Obama Gun Grab has been in the
making for years. At this time it is convenient to implement to turn
attention away from his Benghazi fiasco and economy fiasco (to name two).
all that said better here:
Disarming Americans, Arming Terrorists (daniel
greenfield) Jan
Oregon Sheriff: Exec. Orders that Offend Constitution Will Not Be Enforced (breitbar) Jan
Ok, that was fun. All fun aside, this is a
Got Benghazi?
Got Fast & Furious?
Got Economy?
Got Israel?
Got Romney's Mali yet? (buzzfeed) Jan
Hey, what happened to Romney?
of course; watching to see if Romney recovers
Got Any News?
Israel doesn't Know What's Good for It' (israel
national news) Jan
Meddling in the Israeli election
"Delight is not seemly for a fool: Much less for a
servant to have rule over princes." - Proverbs 19:10
Chuck Hagel - It's the anti-Americanism, stupid (Caroline
Glick) Jan
Colorado Swastika Defacements Continue; Police Have No Leads (israel
national news) Jan
Nations to force Israel to dispossess land (ynet news) Jan
US Pastor Saeed Abedini Faces Notorious 'Hanging Judge' in Iran (christian
post) Jan
(note: lots of tracking from this website)
Snow in Israel along with national superstorm. No
one seems to be saying this is the hand of God just like hurricane Sandy.
Netanyahu Quietly Delays E1 Project (israel national news) Jan
Binyamin Netanyahu fights surge from rightwing opponent before poll
(guardian) Jan 5
Islamic TV USA (media decoder) Jan 2
sold and serviced by Al Gore
Jazeera, which is financed by the government of Qatar
Of course
Al Jazeera is a terrorist network.
Live feed
in the White House.
Did Glenn try to buy Current TV? (glenn beck) Jan 2
Glenn Beck
and TheBlaze TV tried to purchase the network and were rejected.
they agreed to sell to Al Jazeera in part because “Al
Jazeera was founded with the same goals we had for Current
So, if YOU wanted to implement martial law in the USA, how
would you go about getting people-liberal and conservative to call for such a
thing? In other words, wouldn't schools be a handy place to initiate
martial law?
"We must SAVE the children."
Citing Biblical precedent, Netanyahu cautions against ‘rushed’ peace agreement (times
of israel) Jan 1
Netanyahu, speaking at his
weekly Bible-study session, compared political changes in the region to the
weekly portion
Just maybe a Jewish Home Rabbi might fit into this man's government.(bibireport)
dec 27, 2012
IDF and Syrian rebel officers meet clandestinely in Jordan (debka
file) Jan 1
Altogether, the goings-on on
the Israeli and Jordanian borders with Syria are in deep hush. But...
Police: Indict Feiglin Over Temple Mount Bowing (israel
national news) Jan 1
Report: Police to recommend that Moshe Feiglin be prosecuted over his bowing
down during a visit to the Temple Mount.

has done quite a job of getting millions of so-called "Christians" to
blaspheme. What a deceiver he is."
less than 24 years passed from the death of the Miami businessman until his
pardon by President George Bush for crimes committed in 1948. Winters violated
an arms embargo, helping to send three B-17 bombers to Israel in its
caused the abandonment of the Sabbath, and pagan sun worship influenced the
adoption of Sunday."
adoption of the 25th of December for the celebration of Christmas is perhaps the
most explicit example of sun worship's influence on the Christian liturgical
calendar," Bacchiocchi wrote. "It is a known fact that the pagan feast
of the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti – the birthday of the Invincible Sun, was
held on that date."
Thursday November 6, 2008.
power corrupts absolutely....
people are going to vote, even being adamant about their political views, yet
have never heard of any of the other political parties!
plans to seek additional authority rather than creating a new entity. The
plan involves buying up hundreds of billions of dollars in bad mortgages to take
them off the books of financial institutions that otherwise might fail."
explains vegetarians.
Prophet Muhammad is the model we follow. He took 'Aisha to be his wife when she
was 6, but he had sex with her only when she was 9."
well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the
right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
the way for Obama? Now it's a non-issue for him.
Afghanistan, had a chance to take out Osama bin Laden (but the) Secretary of
Defense put a stop on it during Bill Clinton administration"
encourage their continued terror against Israel.
oil seeps in the Santa Barbara Channel introduce substantial volumes of hydrocarbons
into the marine environment.
among those churchgoers who believe they're "full of the spirit,"
truth be told, many are just emotionally high on religious excitement,"
excitement isn't faith. Sorry – it's just not."
Pam & Paul Sadler lived at the Sautiel/Vic Miller place 1980s. Their daughter is
Gabrielle Louise:
A couple of newspaper bins reside.
The Canon City Shopper is a somewhat useful list of local things for sale.
The Ute County News serves as tinder for winter fires.
The Day of the Dead is the same thing as the Roman Catholic Church's All Saints
taps to the chest.
Dead. Downtown Westcliffe.
Betsy Young's dog ran out and spooked his horse.
Otis was a first responder to the scene.
Howard went home and monitored achy side.
week and a half later Duke Boller reports in that Howard has about 3 cracked
think Howard is about 78.
"They both received employment on a cattle ranch, arranged by their cousin, Bob
Lee, near Sand Gulch, Colorado"
Passover 2008 we took a look at the relationship between the dinosaurs and the
@ 1Cor. 10:1-6
Regarding the oft mistranslated vs. 5 above,
I'll touch on the dead in Messiah vs. those asleep
in Yeshua soon, but first:
a tract produced by Ralph H. Mount in 1961.
YHVH (we think of Jesus, but that "body" was not yet created) was seen on the
mercy seat: The Cloud of His Presence was - - also? seen there? Note
the people "saw the thunderings" of the Glory cloud.
Note more clouds - 1Thess. 4:17 caught up in the clouds
more later on this here. For now, note that Jesus referred
to his body as the sanctuary.
(Josephus, The Wars of the Jews, Book 5, ch 5 A Description of the Temple, vs5)
"But the innermost part of the temple of all was twenty cubits. This was
also separated from the outer part by a veil. In this there was nothing at
This is why is is wrong to say "you should face the east to pray".
This is why it is wrong to say "you should not face the east to pray".
If you are still drinking milk and playing games with the Word and the Veil,
this won't make sense to you. That's probably ok. Be anxious for no thing.
Talkin' 'bout Hanukkah. An interesting story about
Hanukkah tonight. Unfortunately Jesus was mostly missing from the dialog..
Chanukah ties to Shabbat, the Cross, etc. etc.
an interesting view, but let's keep in mind the use of the masculine pronouns
The original Catholic (universal) assembly was the true assembly. The
Roman Catholic Church is not the true assembly, although it is an assembly - and
is referred to in Revelation.
The 6th world power was the Roman empire, with which satan persecuted Jews,
mainly. The Jews were dispersed (as God said they would be) into all
nations. Satan changed his power source so that he could "chase" Jews.
The Roman empire became the Roman Catholic Church - the 7th world power -
(Constantine combining pagan Rome with "Christianity".
The eight world power is Islam.
18 The
beginning, ending, and midst of the times: the alterations of the turning of the
sun, and the change of seasons:
has done quite a job of getting millions of so-called "Christians" to
blaspheme. What a deceiver he is."
is a shot from on top of "Orilee's Hill" looking west. Feb 2,